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File: 61 KB, 715x678, The serotonin theory of depression a systematic umbrella review of the evidence - Molecular Psychiatry.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14838718 No.14838718 [Reply] [Original]

So, where do we go from there? There is no definit biological proof whatsoever for any of the DSM-5 mental illnesses. ADHD has resulted in a 40 billion dollar industry and, if we also include services provided by third parties, may be worth as much as 80 billion.

There's also other issues such as these:

>> No.14838879

The same place we were going? No one in the field actually believed depression was an imbalance of a single chemical. It's a simplified popsci thing.

>> No.14838891
File: 966 KB, 1391x1492, B1111F23-BFC5-4B24-8F7F-1C12968EE77B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you get vindicated years after your suicide

>> No.14838899

This. Nothing new here, the exact mechanism behind depression remains unknown. Also, anti-depressants still work.

>> No.14838900

Literally tell that to every undergrad psych curriculum

>> No.14838962

There is correlation with an underdeveloped limbic system and abnormal executive functions, which leads to inhibited ability to determine a useful outcome for the individual. Obvious answers arent obvious to these people.

>> No.14839019

>No one in the field actually believed depression was an imbalance of a single chemical.
Moving the goalposts. No, psychiatry was very much in love with the chemical imbalance theory as the cause of depression in the '80s and '90s so let's stop denying things.
>>14838900 rightly points out that the chemical imbalance theory of depression is still being taught, meaning that psychiatry does endorse that theory.

Chemical imbalances are also blamed for ADHD. Are we also going to claim in twenty years that psychiatry never claimed chemical imbalances were responsible for ADHD despite all the evidence to the contrary?

>> No.14839031

I have a radical theory

What if certain behaviours or repeated experiences cause longterm changes in the structure of the brain that become pathological and mostly permanent with time? Where do I get my complimentary Nobel prize?

>> No.14839035

Goypills don't work, only paychedelics and beta-carbolines such as harmine or tetrahydroharmine

>> No.14839049

It's literally all demons.

extradimensional entities that prey on human energy

>> No.14839050

Evidence that evidence-based treatment with stimulants doesn't improve ADHD.

>> No.14839754

They are actually slightly more effective than a placebo. If you have some kind of mental health condition where you believe they're trying to poison you with these pills they're less effective than a placebo, thanks to the nocebo effect.

>> No.14839888

>ADHD has resulted in a 40 billion dollar industry and, if we also include services provided by third parties, may be worth as much as 80 billion.
Its weird how you start off by disparaging the DSM but finish on big pharma profiteering

try talking to your government representatives in your country if you want more pharmaceutical regulations, the existence of crooks and shitty doctors is entirely beside a reference book of common disorders and their distinguishing symptoms

>> No.14839890

So, why this (((paper))) is ok but (((others))) not?

4retards keep bashing on bs personal biases.

>> No.14839905

>There is no definit biological proof whatsoever for any of the DSM-5 mental illnesses
There is plenty of definite biological proof for depression.

>> No.14839920

>you start off by disparaging the DSM but finish on big pharma profiteering
They are one and the same.
>the existence of crooks and shitty doctors is entirely beside a reference book of common disorders and their distinguishing symptoms
The reference book doesn't even describe real disorders. It essentially functions as a billing documents that is used by insurance companies and federal agencies.

>> No.14839971 [DELETED] 

>The reference book doesn't even describe real disorders. It essentially functions as a billing documents that is used by insurance companies and federal agencies.
what a strange reality you believe we live in

insurance companies couldnt care less about the DSM and my insurance specifically doesnt give a fuck about having a diagnosis to cover treatment.

so again you might have an issue from bad people in this world that is legitimate, but lmao the dsm is a tool. guns are tools too, but the kid behind them pulling the trigger is the cause of the mass shooting

>> No.14839975

>The reference book doesn't even describe real disorders. It essentially functions as a billing documents that is used by insurance companies and federal agencies.
what a strange reality you believe we live in

federal agencies couldnt care less about the DSM and my insurance specifically doesnt give a fuck about having a diagnosis to cover treatment.

so again you might have an issue from bad people in this world that is legitimate, but lmao the dsm is a tool. guns are tools too, but the kid behind them pulling the trigger is the cause of the mass shooting

>> No.14840006

>federal agencies couldnt care less about the DSM
You do know that the allocation of federal/governmental money for psychiatric research is specifically guided along DSM categories in the USA and the IDC in Europe?
>my insurance specifically doesnt give a fuck about having a diagnosis to cover treatment.
Sounds pretty stupid to me. If you need insulin, they're not inquiring about a diagnosis of diabetes? It wouldn't matter since I'm sure that 1. it varies by country, 2. you're probably just ignorant of the medical files the doctors have of you.

Ye, I'm not sure. If we're honest, it all boils down people who just game the system or scam you. Sure, the DSM is just a tool but ultimately it's their tool. It really also has nothing to do with my main point which is the lack of scientific evidence behind DSM diagnoses. You sound pretty stupid to me, actually. Like somebody that tries to whataboutism his way through a discussion he can't comprehend.

>> No.14840051

>federal agencies couldnt care less about the DSM and my insurance specifically doesnt give a fuck about having a diagnosis to cover treatment.
>what is Medicare/Medicaid/Tricare, etc
>what is every private insurance company
The diagnosis codes are used as a part of superbilling. When insurance payers decide what they want to pay, they go by these codes to justify the payments. It's part of the regulatory process to keep fraud from happening. There are teams, companies, so on that are dedicated to examining the validity and worth of using certain procedures under each diagnosis.

>> No.14840055

ICD codes. Nevermind. Brain glitch.

>> No.14840261

>There are teams, companies, so on that are dedicated to examining the validity and worth of using certain procedures under each diagnosis.
Which is where most of the corruption eventually ends up happening.

>> No.14842322 [DELETED] 

I don't know about the other disorders but psychopathy is definitely genetic. My father and 2 of my older brothers are very clearly low-functioning ones and I used to display problematic behavior as a child (abuse to people -not animals-, no empathy, manipulation, pragmatism, the usual stuff).
However my family caught on the trend and raised me well so I managed to avoid institutionalization.
Today I'm high-functioning and aside from the occasional impulsive sexual act or drug use I have my shit together and I avoid causing unecessary damage even when I'm in manipulation mode.

>> No.14842928 [DELETED] 

old fashion clinical shorthand for "depressed activity level"
its a symptom, not a medical condition
were it a medical condition, it could be easily treated

>> No.14842961

lol. what is depression a anyway?

>> No.14842982
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>> No.14842994
File: 28 KB, 591x708, Doctor_chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doctor I have disease
>I have no idea what causes that disease or how it works, but I will prescribe pharmacol
>Will that help?

>> No.14843065

If the pills don't work then why do people say they do and have positive results with them? What do the pills do when taken?

>> No.14843069 [DELETED] 
File: 40 KB, 500x434, 1620046867122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the pills are addictive.

once addicted, the victim of the scam will do or say anything to get more

>> No.14843103

Ok but even meth releases dopamine when taken. When you put the pill in your body what chemical is released?

>> No.14843227


>> No.14843267

long but interesting doc

>> No.14844042
File: 364 KB, 1162x850, merchant1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>40 billion dollar industry
Mmmmm shekels!

>> No.14844260

Maybe we should try that on an entire generation of people.

I propose we take boys born 1990-2000 ish, then we raise them haphazardly in families that are workaholics, then at around age 6-8 when these boys start having some independence we let them raise themselves on computers. During their teen years we bully them into submission so that the only comfort and safe space they can find is the computer once again.

This builds the relation that computers are good and friendly, and other people hostile, then during their most developmental years, their teens, we let go of the pressure, but now they voluntarily choose the computer over human socialization because of the prior conditioning. Then once they reach adulthood, at around 20, we test them for autism and adhd.

I think the results will be fascinating to say the least.

>> No.14844266

What if we removed fluoride from the water supply?

>> No.14844410

Do you think socialization and a stay-at-home parent is the fix towards ADHD and autism?

>> No.14845454

For the people caught in this >>14843069 it can be a good starting point, whatever the diagnosis may be. Not for everyone tho, but a sick mind doesn't pop out of a vacuum or a simgle source.

>> No.14845476

serotonin depression theory is a psyop to ruin your 5HT2A activity with SSRI's n' shit, it's really meant to decrease the psychedelicity of your mind, to make non-NPCs NPCs, and to make NPCs even more NPCer

>> No.14846400

Most DSM-5 illnesses can be characterized by altered functional connectivity. Of course they're not as neatly categorized this way because psychologists didn't take the true pathology into account. What exactly causes that altered functional connectivity and how to change it is a big unknown.

>> No.14848507
File: 240 KB, 1463x755, E-Zya8qWEAAPPat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You basically summarised my development years, and now I am almost sure that I have ADD/ADHD. What can I do to fix myself without drugs?

>> No.14848539

>why are people making retarded claims?
>why are people biased?
>why are people delusional?

>> No.14848634

Pathetic revisionism

>> No.14848642

You would have to...
-prove first that any such 'mental disorder' actually correlates with abnormal functional connectivity which is very unlikely given the fact that we have no proof of that for practically all DSM-5 categories with the exception of some dementias.
-show regardless of presence or absence of biological abnormality why DSM-5 mental disorders are 'pathological', 'diseased' or 'wrong'. You can't really do that without invoking value judgments. Red hair is a biological abnormality, yet it is not regarded as a disease.
I could write more reasons but I'm sure those two already are enough.

>> No.14848743

The external thing causing the depression for a fucking start. Depressed for no reason seems not right or rare if that is the case? I'd say the bulk of the £ billions in the depression industry is owed to people who have very visible or understandable reasons for depression.

>> No.14848757

Notpaidenoughphrine looks responsible.

>> No.14848773

Fucking true. I feel forced to consume tech and media to stay stimulated. As in slave on repeat without fail. For days, years... till fucking death at this rate. It's all fun and games till you realise you've spent your life being a consumer mindless soulless drone. Meds kill euphoric drive and strong memory. You rely on videos to hold your hand. Disgusting it is.

I was set up to get on the pills. They scare you into being a consumer. You cause suffering indirectly when escaping hell in consuming things.

Free minds in this lie-f become targets of thrill kill seekers. It's rigged this way.

>> No.14848784

Adhd is usually diagnosed in early childhood years based on hyperactivity

>> No.14850402
File: 14 KB, 202x249, nedladdning (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its gut related


>> No.14850417

Why do some people deny that mental illnesses exists. Is there an agenda behind this or some sort of projection from the people in denial

>> No.14850431

You and your handlers aren't going to dictate who is and isn't mentally ill.

>> No.14850435
