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File: 152 KB, 1350x679, physics power.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14827640 No.14827640 [Reply] [Original]

University physics major is assaulted by an African-American student and shoot him dead. You can watch the African-American student dying in the video, some of his fellow students show up before he dies to see if he was carrying any money.

>> No.14827674

He shouldnt have said the R word.

>> No.14827695

Nigga moments gets you nigga prize

>> No.14827779

That was the dumbest thing I've ever seen.
Fully wound-up right hook sucker punch and still couldn't even knock that skinny dude out.

>> No.14827795
File: 297 KB, 640x480, 1659248678020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doubt it's self defense unfortunately, unless this is Texas maybe, but still well deserved.

>> No.14827815
File: 216 KB, 764x1024, CDD80BBC-68E7-4758-A761-733DD8DA0CD8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would never let myself nor anyone I loved be so near to someone with the exaggerated swagger of an urban youth.

>> No.14828017

its self defense. he was stopping any further attacks
God BLESS America

>> No.14828034

100% legal self defense.

>> No.14828104

>be american
>get shot

>> No.14828110

>be african american
>get capped

>> No.14828136

They aren't african-american, they're american blacks

>> No.14828147

i love watching niggers die

>> No.14828149

Do they allow campus carry in texas? If not they can charge him on "felony murder" where if you commit a felony and coincidentally kill someone while committing the felony it's murder....That's the same excuse they used to charge Derek Chauvin. They lied and said the rule book didn't allow pinning after St. George went limp so it was "felony assault" that resulted in death, so it was "murder" in other words they officially acknowledged George Floyd died by accident.

>> No.14828151

Why would anyone think it's acceptable to just bash people on the head?
Especially in a gun-frenzied country.

>> No.14828171

>it’s self defense
>he left the immediate zone and stayed to shoot

>> No.14828224

The black guy committed felony assault, which means he is responsible for all deaths that happened as a result, including his own. Legally, he murdered himself.
Heat of the moment, feared for his life, had no reason to assume that the black guy wasn't coming after him.

>> No.14828263

>the black guy wasn't coming after him.
this. Tyrone was still threating the guy after the punch and wasnt finished.

>> No.14828270

>someome else steps in and the attacker stops and turns away
>victim gets up, goes to walk out the door, then just turns aroubd and shoots the attacker AFTER he has ceased hostilities
Nah he's fucked desu. Asshole deserved the bullet, but that absolutely will not stand up in court

>> No.14828276
File: 17 KB, 326x293, 34234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very nice. This should be fully legal. """African-American students""" need to internalize that there's a good chance assaulting whitey will result in immediate execution.

>> No.14828290

pick one, this is what happens when the media and "pop culture" convince you it is okay to randomly attack a specific demographic (white people). Getting shot is what happens when you fall for it

>> No.14828292


the concussion from the punch impaired his judgement and caused him to shoot the nigger. innocent.

>> No.14828306

Did we watch the same video? He’s going to jail. Had he pulled the gun after being punched while on the ground maybe you could claim self defense but someone step in between the attacker and the victim and the victim walked out the exit turned and shot

>> No.14828339

Blacks have no concept of acceptable they just do what their instincts tell them to do. This is what you cucks in suburbs cant seem to process.

>> No.14828886

Too bad there's no good way for us to wager on this because 100% guarantee this guy is not going to jail. You can see others in the video pull guns too, which means it is somewhere with laws that favor gun rights. If this were Minnesota or Rhode Island, you might be right, but it appears to be a red state so he will walk, no problem. You'll whine about systematic racism and duty to retreat while he's out with his friends laughing about the dead guy who tried attacking him.

>> No.14828904

He looked behind him to see if the guy was still there and coming at him, which was a prudent thing to do to avoid being attacked more, especially since the attacker attempted a follow up attack but was blocked by another person. When that person moved, his attacker was facing him in close quarters. Self-defense. Open and shut. Get used to being sad about the injustice of a world that allows violent morons to suffer consequences of their actions.
There are only four seconds between when the attacker is yelling at the victim (0:07) and the victim shooting the attacker (0:11). Four seconds, after being assaulted and a follow up assault attempt on him. F O U R seconds.

>> No.14828908

>Blacks have no concept of acceptable they just do what their instincts tell them to do. This is what you cucks in suburbs cant seem to process.

/pol/'s influence is vast.

What always gets me is the stealing that Black people do to anyone that is temporarily incapacitated, it is like an instinct to steal.

>> No.14828923

Any context or follow-up on this?

>> No.14828932

People have been killed with such punches, he might have a concussion.

>> No.14829021

>this is your brain on /pol/
It's the most logical time to steal if you're not morally against it, so not very surprising. Retarded behaviour nonetheless,

>> No.14829215

>they're just like us even though only 6% of them do 52% of the violent crime in the entire country
this is your brain on liberalism and zero real world experience

>> No.14829304

You forgot
>commit a violent crime in clear view of the public on camera

>> No.14829310

The problem with your theory is that carrying a gun on campus is not a felony even where it isn't permitted.

And yes, Texas generally allows college students to carry guns anyway.