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14824287 No.14824287 [Reply] [Original]

What is your stack?
Which receptors are best to target for cognition?

>> No.14824292

20000 IUs of Vitamin D

Every day until I find happiness

>> No.14824295

Just workout and get good pussy.

Nootropics will make you miserable and destroy your life.

>> No.14824299
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>300mg Fluvoxamine
Fluvoxamine increases acetylcholine in the hippocampus and PFC and boosts neurogenesis and function of the PFC via sigma-1 receptor activation
>4mg Brexpiprazole
Brexpiprazole boosts working/episodic memory via a2c adrenergic antagonism and it's alpha 1b/2c adrenergic antagonism increases catecholamine in the PFC, 5ht1a agonism increases neurogenesis and boosts dopamine in the PFC and striatum]
Nicotine strengthens synapses and boosts memory long term
>fortified wine and cannabis
these reduce akathisia from the above drugs and provide euphoria

>> No.14824301

what dose is your vyvanse? ever feel the need to redose? that was my problem with ADHD drugs.
I think a 24h rotigotine patch is the only solution for me

>> No.14824306
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>> No.14824309
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brexpiprazole can also treat irritable bowel syndrome and object recognition by blocking overexpressed 5ht7 receptors

>> No.14824313

improve object recognition*
and it's d2 partial agonism unlike aripiprazole doesn't suppress firing of VTA DA neurons

>> No.14824319

nothing crazy, just 30mg. I ignore the urge to redose and usually just convince myself the drug is working whether I feel it or not. Sometimes I miss using Adderall XR like you wouldn't believe.

>> No.14824378
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>Hey guys like where are my yanno, uh, cognition receptors?
it sounds like you've been activating your pseud receptors

>> No.14824568
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Phenibut max twice a week, D3+K2(mk7), caffeine and nicotine (Juul) every day. This beats everything I've ever tried (many *racetams, faggeral, methylfaginate, fagafinil). Want to try bromantane and some Chinese saponin-containing herbs.
Loved the adderall xr 25 mg i got off a friend couple years back. Tried a different preparation recently and it sucks + can't resist the urge to totally tweak out all night.

>> No.14824884

Sleep. Literally. All nootropefag underestimate the importance of good, long sleep, it literally biologically develops and optimizes your brain's structure, and the more your brain is plastic, the more it's going to develop

>> No.14825014

Last /big/ brain improvement general thread :)

My stack consists of creatine, l-theanine, caffeine, and curcumin. I have modafinil but I only use it if I’m tired. How do you rate this beginner stack?

>> No.14825403

idk is that a nootropic stack but my daily stack is:
gingko biloba
lion's mane
caffeine - from mate
GABA for sleep
of course some vit and min

tried some racetams (nearly zero effects) Ritalin (kiddy coke is good but not for daily use...)

I have never felt so good and clear the only thing that messes with me is weed. After 2 days of smoking it takes me 3 days to get to full mental capacity. And so on and so forth....

>> No.14825555

Yeah all of these (except for vits) are nootropics.
Seems like a pretty good stack without anything super medical :)

>> No.14825565

my stack is jogging 2km every day and it mogs the fuck out of any funny powders you can buy from internet drug dealers

>> No.14825612

>Vitamin D
All you need
Kinda want Fluvoxamine too it's the only tolerable SSRI

Go shit up another thread /fit/cel, most people do anyways they just don't base their whole personality around lifting weights

>> No.14825652

Armodafinil. It feels like it ups my IQ by about 20 points.

>> No.14826020

>steven's johnson syndrome


>> No.14826029

How do the side effects compare with those of sertraline/Zoloft?

>> No.14826098

Too late. My brain is fucked forever
>t. 30yo sleeping 5-6 hours since my early 20s

>> No.14826113 [DELETED] 

this same thread advertising snake oil gets posted every other day for years on end.
is anyone starting to think that maybe its not genuine interaction?

>> No.14826397

Best stack was 2/2/1 modafinil/theanine/caffeine until i got prinzmetal angina out of it. Maybe i got unlucky, maybe i was careless, but now i can only take one (1) coffee per day and must take bp pills. Never felt better since i started to sleep more instead of using nootropics like you losers.

>> No.14826428

Yeah, I'm starting to come around to the view that there are only diminishing returns beyond what regular exercise and a good diet can offer.

>> No.14826746


Lion's Mane supplements are pretty good.

>> No.14826776

my daily stack:

- 8 hours of sleep
- diet solely of various whole foods
- aerobic & anaerobic exercise
- sunlight, being outside
- socialization
- lack of chronic stress
- only 5 minutes of social media allowed per day


>> No.14826872
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zoloft also has very little side effects but pharmacologically fluvoxamine has higher affinity for the sigma-1 receptors where it acts as an agonist rather than antagonist like zoloft - this promotes neurogenesis, neuroprotection and has anti-amnesic effects. zoloft's antagonism at sigma-1 receptors may promote analgesia and decreases dopamine transporters. zoloft also blocks dopamine transporters and is a mild anticholinergic (unlike fluvoxamine) Fluvoxamine is better.

>> No.14826907

t. Zoloft enjoyer from 1994.
The main benefit of da 'Loft is to make you so fucking wired and sick, that you have to work on bettering yourself or else they might make you take more 'Loft.
It's meth but without the fun.

>> No.14827195

noot people always tell you to fix your sleep first though
swap GABA for something else (valerian, cbd, l-theanine, magnesium are all viable)
yerba mate may be carcinogenic so be careful
i honestly don't think lm and ash do anything but if it works for you ig it's ok
why both ritalin and modafinil?
that's a meme
how did you get prinzmetal diagnosed and what symptoms do/did you experience?

>> No.14827278

>yerba mate may be carcinogenic so be careful
Source? The aboriginal population using mate suffers from low risk of cancer as far as I know

>> No.14827315

Does any of this actually work as an adderall substitute? I actually have ADHD and sometimes I only need to focus for a little while, not 12 hours.

>> No.14827769

just google it. not saying it for sure does and i enjoy mate myself just making you aware. the aboriginal population having low rate of cancer doesn't really prove much; they might just not live long enough on average to develop it

>> No.14827968

What's wrong with GABA?
I take magnesium regularly
I tried vaporizing cbd but it worked somehow badly on my memory,
I only tested cbd oil for a short while so I have no opinion.
for sleep I throw in melatonin spray + GABA and it works great. i heard that tolerance to GABA grows quickly but i use it quite short time.
I also have a suspicion that my well-being dictates 375 mg testosterone cypionate each week but who knows....

>> No.14827977

creative writing
breathing sea air
staring at sunsets

>> No.14827997


>> No.14828970

>how did you get prinzmetal diagnosed and what symptoms do/did you experience?

The beauty of living in canada means im still on a waitlist for a holter ecg, which would confirm the diagnostic, doctor went and gave me amlodipine and made me stop modadinil, all empirical data from his inquiries and my personal experience points to prinzmetal, else the bp drugs would have done fuck all.

You can google prinzmetal angina, my symptoms are a textbook example of it. Fortunately, the medication alleviates them 16-18 hours at a time, so i only have to suffer for a few hours a day. Again, living in canada means im still on a waitlist to see a doctor as an outpatient to get a dosage adjustment.

>> No.14829229
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>wasting a third of my day

>> No.14829792

as a matter of principle it's not good to take the straight neurotransmitter (not selective enough, cf L-DOPA and it's side effects), although to be fair GABA may not even cross the blood brain barrier so may not do anything. The melatonin should be enough
Yeah vaping cbd all day will do that, just do sublingual oil at bedtime or capsules a few hours before
Just want to compare my personal symptoms (palpitations, not pain, when I lie on my left side at night which come and go with nicotine usage / consistent physical exercise) with yours. Not sure if I've got prinzmetal or just benign palps.

>> No.14829913

I've been on Ritalin LA and so far I've felt the shittiest I've ever felt in my life, I can't even focus for more than 2 minutes straight. What the hell am I supposed to do? I've never even been diagnosed with ADHD, I got these pills from a homie but they haven't worked for shit (I know for a fact they're legit, btw).

>> No.14830984

How is phenibut a noot?
I've found it good for socializing, but definitely not for focusing.

>> No.14831071

the anxiolytic and euphoric effect makes me very productive

>> No.14831356

>Just want to compare my personal symptoms

Do your palpitations feel like spasms? Prinzmetal is associated with tobacco use (not sure if explicitely smoking or general nicotine use) and symptoms usually happen at night.

>> No.14831708

It's only the smoked variant of yerba mate, which I think is the most common. Yerba mate on its own isn't.

>> No.14831810
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Very large quantities of Diet Shasta.

>> No.14831824 [DELETED] 

test 1

>> No.14831894
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I am living in your walls.

>> No.14832555

No I can just feel my heart beating hard and yes it happens primarily at night. I have smoked on and off for the past couple of years (currently off) and funnily enough I experience the symptoms more when I'm not smoking.

>> No.14833059

Modafinil definitely does. I'm sure other nootropics do too use google.

>> No.14833562

what is the consensus on cannabis? Im afraid to add it because ive been told that it potentially causes damage to short and long term memory.

>> No.14834470

>noot people always tell you to fix your sleep first though
So how do you fix sleep?
My problem with it is that it drifts, and it stops working completely once I go to bed later than 23-24

>> No.14834540
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yeah i'm the same. ime there are about a million little reddit tricks to try and none of them work. the only time i've had good sleep is when I had friends and gf and was enjoying life in college.

>> No.14834554


>> No.14834556

>reported some effects
does not equal to
>tripping on nothing

>> No.14834751

it isn't the mate itself but the alpaca bombilla many drinkers use that could be the cause of cancer, the alloy corrodes over time with drinking, i switched from alpaca to stainless steel cuz the end was literally fucking corroding

>> No.14836092

Did Adderall 10mg for about 2 months, 2-3 times a week. Stripped joy out of my life and devoted that time to enjoy reading. Now I can function without it/don't need it. If I have to be on task for hours on end, I just ingest caffine/L-theanine for that time. In my possession for the harder pharmas; I have: Adderall, modafinil, armodafinil (same thing, just breaks down into modafinil)

>> No.14836095

Seems perfect Anon, take L-theanine with the caffine to prevent jitters though.

>> No.14836284

>breathing sea air
also breathing near cascading waterfalls

>> No.14836312

where to get these in decent quality?

>> No.14836603

Just found out I had to take this shit in the evening and not in the morning, now I can feel a very significant difference. 10/10 desu.