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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 75 KB, 855x264, 032132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1481462 No.1481462 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Why we love this game.
Pic related, it made me lol.

>> No.1481467

>PhD in mathematics
>any jon i want
>over 3000k starving

>> No.1481471
File: 214 KB, 1151x832, Real Live.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hurrr i love this game
and i also reached age 83 with 10,000,000 net worth

>> No.1481489

> design character based on myself
> make exact same life choices
> everyone in my family except for me becomes an alcoholic
> die of epilepsy


>> No.1481492

I like how you can just "catch" epilepsy.

>> No.1481495

>Make a perfect Canadian
>Suicide at age 63

>> No.1481500

Any link?

>> No.1481501

what is this
where do I get?

>> No.1481506

It's called Real Lives 20XX

>> No.1481508

Is it free?

>> No.1481509

Real Lives 2007, go check at Piratebay (trial works just fine).

>> No.1481512

mkay thanks

>> No.1481515

> Friend is in grave danger
> Choose not to risk life to help him
> He survives
> Everything went better than expected

>> No.1481516

How long does the trial last?

>> No.1481517

I've been playing for half an hour now, so... at least 30 minutes.

>> No.1481526

>Get Madagascar
>At least I'll never get sick.

>> No.1481528

Trial lasts 3 lives and is utter shit. Anyone knows where i can get a cracked one?

>> No.1481531

I'm still amazed how many people know that game.

>> No.1481533

I think many people don't even know the game as such but rather the meme spawned by it.

>> No.1481537

>India: Die at 77
>Ghana: Die at 69
>Poland: Die at 57
>US: Die at 41
>Japan: Die at 9

>> No.1481538

Can I do anything to stop my spendings from creeping up?

>> No.1481545

Not if you are married

>> No.1481554
File: 34 KB, 166x152, 1276732412225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Indian family, siblings popping up by the dozens
2. Get over 9000 status updates about sisters' husbands and shit every year
3. ?????
> 4. My face

>> No.1481559

Update: I'm 46 and I still don't have enough money to immigrate at least to some Eastern-European shithole country.

>> No.1481560

And I died from a heart attack at age 47.

>> No.1481561

>create myself
>still cant get laid

>> No.1481571

I prefer Civilization IV

>> No.1481576

There's a text file with a serial in the torrent, yo.

>> No.1481578

Does it have rape and goiter? No?

Too bad, it can't be as good as this.

>> No.1481582

Some non-english name choices are hilarious.

>> No.1481587

I remember thinking I was a little brown girl who was also a lesbian, until I got my girlfriend pregnant.

Yeah, that was pretty awkward.

>> No.1481594

Fine you win :(

>> No.1481595

Now that you mention it, it's interesting that the game handles religion and sexual orientation as unchangeable constants.

>> No.1481597

>Died at age 66 in a fire.

is there a fastforward for this game? Playing 2010 version.

>> No.1481599

>Honey, I'm pregnant
>But... but how is it possible? We are both girls!
>Uh, honey, I don't know how to tell you...
>What? You've been cheating on me?
>No, honey, I would never do that. However, you are... you are a man, honey.

>> No.1481601
File: 156 KB, 500x497, 4520442967_684f8373d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Start drinking with some friends
> Conscience goes down
> My face

>> No.1481602

I got married to some dude and started dating women after he died. I've also switched from Hindu to Islam.

>> No.1481609

>Made an extra 38,086 dollars illegally.

>> No.1481624

Selling laboratory parts maybe? weed?

>> No.1481628

>Took a fall and suffered an injured spinal cord. The injury has resulted in paralysis.
>You are no longer able to continue your work as a scientist.
>Your marriage is suffering problems. Do you wish to end it now?
Well, fuck.

>> No.1481635
File: 107 KB, 350x382, hawking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The injury has resulted in paralysis.
>You are no longer able to continue your work as a scientist.

>My face

>> No.1481641
File: 6 KB, 240x251, 1277741113227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After breaking up with girlfriend accidentally with a man.

>> No.1481642

Somehow, I managed to get a job earning nearly triple what I previously made as a scientist. I guess paralyzed physics graduates make good company presidents, eh?

And then I died from stomach cancer a few years after.

>> No.1481644


>> No.1481650

Hawking has a neuro-muscular dystrophy

>> No.1481652

OK, I'm in my 5th life now and was never able to go to college despite all the characters being intelligent and spending time on studying. Wtf.

>> No.1481653
File: 23 KB, 513x339, success_baby1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>born in South Africa as a girl
>Straggle all my teen years
>Move to UK Illegally, get deported back loosing the little money i had.
>Get raped, get pregnant, child die before age 4 [i was lucky]
>Work til i turn 25, emigrate to japan
>Become a Billionaire by the time I'm 30
>Die of old age at the age of 102

>> No.1481655

If you are in Europe the admission percentage is fucked up. You will never get in.

>> No.1481656

>too stupid to be an Australian soldier
>spend 71 years as a beggar in Cuba

>> No.1481662
File: 152 KB, 258x314, 86.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Girl wants to marry me
> She's a factory worker
> My face

>> No.1481682

what is this game OP?

>> No.1481685

>born a girl in some backwater town @ uganda
>read and study, can't get into college
>teen years struggling
>work good jobs, earn money
>move to Kampala
>work harder, still can't get into college
>save up until I'm 38
>get married to some loser, who had a SHITTON of assets.
>cash them all in
>move to the USA
>he starts being bitchy
>Leave him
>get into college @ age 44
>work as an engineer @ age 49
>save up
>too old @ age 58
>invest like crazy
>become a millionaire
>lose 90% @ age 72
>Cash the rest in
>live lavishly.
>Die at 78.

>> No.1481692

That is the american dream.

>> No.1481696



>> No.1481698

Please see >>1481509
You stupid fuck.

>> No.1481701

> Parents were over 45 when I was born
> They die
> I inherit a wad of cash in my 20's
> Everything went better than expected

>> No.1481704

suddenly seeds


>> No.1481706

Anon is legion.

>> No.1481733

>wife gets pregnant five times
>abort, abort, abort, abort, abort

>> No.1481747

But then who was sperm?

>> No.1481751

>born in Central African Republic
>Parents send every other kid to school except me
>Leave home at 14
>Steal, lie and scam my way through Cameroon, Nigeria, Niger, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Spain, France (not one legal border crossing).
>Brothers and Sisters all successful geniuses
>Marry Algerian woman with 88 intelligence
>Live off her skills as a secretary
>Suddenly have kids aged 40 (Im infertile so I think the bitch cheated on me)
>Lost all my wife's money on high risk investment
>Die aged 71. Outlived every other member of my family.

The Central African Republican's dream

>> No.1481755

Only 9 megs? wtf?

>> No.1481768

may someone be kind enough to post a serial here?

>> No.1481770


>> No.1481780
File: 281 KB, 407x381, 1276703753443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first time playing
>18 yo Indian

>your brother Janardhan has been raped

>> No.1481792

I suspect the salaries for a particular job are the same in every country. Are they?

>> No.1481797

>run setup
>blah blah click next
>runtime error at 216
>google it


>> No.1481811
File: 43 KB, 374x357, you-gonna-get-raped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Adopt two preteen girls
> My face

>> No.1481818

>Born Vietnamese
>More dong than I can handle

>> No.1481823
File: 13 KB, 300x300, 1276732746825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> Get paralyzed
>> Still do physical training and sports

>> No.1481830

and even if it did I <3 it.

>> No.1481834

I'd just like to point out here that a fivefold increase in spending is not "creeping up".

>> No.1481846
File: 15 KB, 300x277, 1275586600556.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Start as an intelligent hungarian kid
2. Get engineering degree
3. Finally move to NYC at the age of 50
4. Pic related

>> No.1481872
File: 339 KB, 1088x966, virus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean bullshit? I just got the error.

>> No.1481878


>> No.1481883

you mad because it's a virus?

>> No.1481912

it comes with a keylogger, watch out!

>> No.1481922

It's worth it.

>> No.1481924

any idea how to remove it?
help please.

>> No.1481929

type all your passwords out onto notepad and then send me 50 bux

or get an antivirus you derpface

>> No.1481932

Where can I download this game with a working key?

>> No.1481934

inafter delete system32

>> No.1481942


search on FilesTube

In other news don't have 15 children. It will crash the game.

>> No.1481946
File: 48 KB, 222x229, 1273935914112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Born pasty, skinny nerd in Columbia with high intellect
>Accepted to college, study mathematics
>Attend graduate school, PhD in mathematics
>Any job I want 1,000,000 pesos starting
>Drafted into the military

>> No.1481950

I scannd it with malwarebytes and Avira.
Is the keylogger native to the program?
because I am not seeing any foreign processes.
Anyways how do I remove it?

>> No.1481962

Scanned it as well and the installer and the install folder and I got nothing. But getting the 216 error means it's nothing other than a trojan. So it might have stuck itself somewhere else. Currently doing a fullscan to see if I cant find it.

>> No.1481964


Download the safe version.

I remember playing the 2007 version when it first came out. I had to reformat my HDD.

Tons of /b/tards must've gotten the virus too. In 2007, this game spread like wildfire on /b/, with virus-laden links everywhere.

No-one gave a shit because this game was fun.

>> No.1481966

>> No-one gave a shit because this game was fun.
Humanity is fucking doomed.

>> No.1481968

Same here guys, I'm not getting anything.
will upload pics if you really deem it necessary.

>> No.1481978

>Download the safe version.


>> No.1481985

Find it here: >>1476433

It's best to do a full scan of what you're downloading BEFORE you download it.

Some uploads has viruses, some does not.

>> No.1481990

I didn't find anything either. Calling shenanigans.

>> No.1481991

I didn't get the virii version then :3

>> No.1481993

Read the thread, retard.

>> No.1482007

How do I change religion?

>> No.1482023

Get married (and hope it changes) or emigrate.

You can't be an Atheist in this game.

>> No.1482024

I became ultra-rich
I married a woman, who was intelligent (general manager)
I was infertile so I adopted 6 children, 3 male, 3 female

why the fuck are half of them smokers?

>> No.1482028

Uninstalled the one I got from pirate, downloaded the one from imagehost or whatever that one post had linked, still got the error.

>> No.1482033


>> No.1482036

I'm was trying the 2010 version and it as crashing on start with exception EOleSysError, after some googling, this has to do with a missing flash.ocx (activex component) which the program uses, but which flash no longer includes.

one of the following standalone flash install files worked

>> No.1482040

>had 6 children
>wife dies promptly thereafter

Dale (my son)
1 child
Bruce (my son)
no children
Mark (my son)
no children
Patricia (my daughter)
5 children (you go girl)
Jane (my daughter)
6 children (you go girl)
Anne (my daughter)
0 children.

they all inherited $2,000,000 USD each.
fuck the boys, they ain't producing.
I wanted to have a whole clan.
next time I try this in Africa, fertility rates are hiiigh.

>> No.1482042

which one did yuo download fromp TPB, I downloaded the most seeded one, it had like 24 seeds or so.

>> No.1482046

If you search Real Lives *, I downloaded the second one on the list.

>> No.1482089

As did I.
what OS are you running in?
I tested this in sandboxie and no problem arose.

>> No.1482090

>my face when I'm a Chinese atheist

>> No.1482105

What the fuck.

Is that the 2010 version?

>> No.1482114

Windows 7. Then I tried with XP sp3 compat mode and same thing. Scans arent showing up anything so I think the whole program is just fucked. I'm just going to uninstall it and not bother with this.

>> No.1482121

they made me russian orthodox from pskov, which is incidentally only a couple hundred miles from where I was actually born, and I was baptized as orthodox.

*twilight zone music*

>> No.1482125

>max out everything and start out in Somalia icandothis.jpg
>13 y.o. a friend is in a bind with his live at stake
try and help
>get killed

>> No.1482127

nope. 2007

>> No.1482141

here, scan just found 1 infected file, oh shit this may be the problem and hopefully I can fix it

>> No.1482143

ok wtf im cant find any downloads that arent dodgy. Anyone have a CLEAN link?

>> No.1482146
File: 44 KB, 512x512, read this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

REAL LIVES 2010 FULL PACK ( crack and official trial)

REAL LIVES 2010 FONT CHANGER (changes illegible script font to tahoma, and optionally removes annoying babby cry on childbirth)

REAL LIVES 2007 FULL PACK (crack and official trial)

REAL LIVES 2007 CRACK ONLY (but with a legit download link in the readme).

All files are clean, all work, all cracks are done by me, source codes included since they only patch one jump in each version, and add some registry stuff.
Trusted by /v/.

>> No.1482151

Careful guys.


>> No.1482152

I did the 2007 and I still had a problem, though it's starting to look a bit unrelated.

>> No.1482157

citation needed, go on, show a screenshot.

>> No.1482167

when you are not qualified for a job does that mean you have 0% chance of getting it or like 1% chance

>> No.1482172


there, commented the code

>> No.1482184

Well apparently the infection wasn't related at all, just an old hack I used to have. I think it just may be an incompatibility. Seems fun but I'll be fucked if I'm going to try this hard for a game.

>> No.1482198

What kind of infection? I had a skynet variant one, and those are a bitch to get rid of.
(because it used debug hooks into web browsers to spread itself on the harddisk. I'd give you the registry values to look into, but I can't remember them off the top of my head)

I don't know if there is root repeal or combofix for win7 yet, but if you got win xp, go look for root repeal, it will reveal rootkits, and combofix can fix your system with almost surefire success rate.

(it's a pretty hardcore tool, though, so be sure to read about it, a lot)

>> No.1482208

Error message after installing and trying to run the game: runtime error at 216

Apparently is caused by a trojan called subseven. I believe if I did have this virus, not just rl2k7 would be effected, and I'd start to see wonky shit happening. I also scanned the rar I downloaded from PB and it was clean, scanned yours and it was clean, scanned the program folder after installing and it was clean, scanned system folder, clean. I think it mentions that error 216 may be thrown out if there's something fucked up with the registry for the program. iunno

>> No.1482217


Make meth, man

>> No.1482242
File: 16 KB, 247x248, hahaaah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sub seven?!

That one is still around?!
Shit, that takes me back, man.

But hm. Runtime errors indicate problems with the..runtime.


There you can find the newest version of it.
A useful download in any case, since it includes the 2010 runtimes which are used in visual studio 2010, ensuring that you will be able to run those apps as well.
(the first version of my 2010 crack I forgot to link statically to the library, so some anons couldn't get it to run, since linking it to a dll instead of statically requires the user to have the runtime installed, but that has been fixed, still, other software devs might link to dll to reduce filesize (original crack was 4kb or so))

>> No.1482255

Well, I'll give it a try. Thanks tripbro

>> No.1482289

>live in Japan
>you are suffering from malnutrition
>about 0% of Japan's people risk starvation due to insufficient food

>> No.1482293

>Born female in Kenya
>Never get raped
>Whole family dies
>Move to America
>Die at 75 with a net worth of 5 million


>> No.1482305

>my face when my mom has domestic chores as a job and my dad doesnt have job.
>monthly income = 0

>> No.1482347
File: 294 KB, 1680x1001, rl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favourite one, after emigrating to the states from my shithole country, this asshole decides to insult my family.

>> No.1482380
File: 85 KB, 469x201, Crapture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets see how this goes.

>> No.1482381

>skip a year of school 3 times because im so fucking smart
awww yeeeah
>did not pass college exams

>> No.1482386
File: 108 KB, 484x231, Capture2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


not well.

>> No.1482403
File: 62 KB, 431x168, Capture2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


.....and fuck.

>> No.1482429


Its a sign...

>> No.1482450

>Born in California
>Dumb bimbo hot ass
>Works up to be a model
>Get pregnant at 15
>Marry a low life laborer
>End up making cabinets
>Die with 6 kids in their 40s still living at home with no job

>> No.1482459


>> No.1482476

>Egyptian female
>emigrate to Germany illegally
>finished graduate college
>over 500k euros
>die at age 90
>survive longer than all my kids and husband
>feel fucking good man

>> No.1482491
File: 119 KB, 427x557, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this happening to anybody else? It won't show me any jobs (same for "qualified" as "all"), if I click OK it gives me a job, when i graduated it was "secondary school teacher", then it started giving me "marketing director" jobs, now it's giving me "primary teacher's aid", wtf?

If i click ok with "all jobs" ticked, it will say that i need a post grad degree to work as a senior government official.

>> No.1482495

>My brother Luís has graduated from college with a degree in Computer Science.

>My brother Luís began graduate school.

>My brother Luís's wife Flora has graduated from college with a degree in Religion.

>My brother Luís's wife Flora has failed the graduate school entrance examination.

>My brother Octavio has graduated from secondary school.

>My brother Octavio began college.

>My brother Octavio's girlfriend Lorena has graduated from secondary school.

>My brother Gustavo's boyfriend Gabriel has graduated from secondary school.

>12 years old
>I was robbed.

>Father and brother both have alcoholism.
>Family income of 20K pesos a year.
>Brother smokes and he along with mom have hookworm

It could be worse... I could be an engineer.

>> No.1482498
File: 400 KB, 1015x686, kt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

life in kentucky

>> No.1482513


>> No.1482516

Not true. I've had bi characters before. And when you turn down one sex, it asks you if you want to stop looking for partners of that sex.

Also I love that I can get a girlfriend in India, but not marry her. But there is no option to get her to move with me to different country.

Also best paying job is doctor? It's nice getting up to 2million a month. But seems silly not to be able to reach that as athlete or artist.

>> No.1482518


i tried reacting violently, and it just kept saying "youve been beaten"

>> No.1482529



>> No.1482532



>> No.1482537


>> No.1482541


what board is this again?

>> No.1482545


Oh shit, I meant /fa/!

>> No.1482577


How do I go about doing this?

2010 version, if that helps.

>> No.1482598

well one time I changed from muslim to buddhism when i moved to south korea. try moving to a new country.

>> No.1482601


Why would you want to change your religion? Unless you mean change it to Roman Catholic.

>> No.1482616

>Create myself
>Do well at school
>Get into college
>Get into graduate school
>Get a highly paid job
>Earn millions by investing money
>Have four children
>Everything's great

>Died at age 61 from an epileptic seizure.

>> No.1482617

>A major flood has hit India
>16 people dead
>51,000,000 people affected.


also, my dad was just cured of primary stage syphillus

>> No.1482620

How the fuck do you retire?

>> No.1482626

I'm a chemist, I wanna be an atheist.

>> No.1482628


This game doesn't allow atheism.

>> No.1482636

That's bullshit. I'm going to sue.

>> No.1482639

NETWORTH: in swiss franks- 9009469. Not bad for a mexican girl that never graduated from college, eh?

>> No.1482649


Why? Because you want to be a fucking heathen?

>> No.1482652

What's the name of that game??

>> No.1482653

>Born a girl in Congo
>Die at 3 from dehydration

>> No.1482659

Yeah this game doesn't make a lot of sense.

>> No.1482667

Chemist with a net worth of around 1,200,000 Canadian dollars.

I've been convicted of a felony and was addicted to illegal drugs for years. Moved from St. Louis, Missouri to B.C.

>> No.1482669

>born in nigeria
>stunted growth, brothers dying from malaria
>become IT technician
>earn money to immigrate illegaly to Denmark
>first job: Police Captain
>now 60 years old, and net worth 10 million kroner as government official

>> No.1482688

see: >>1482090

>> No.1482701
File: 3 KB, 126x123, 1271281965837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Design a character after myself
>Make every decision I would make
>Go to college, become biologist
>Marry a nerdy girl, have 2 daughters
>They go to college and become self-sufficient
>Live a lavish life
>Die at 78 from a stroke

>> No.1482704

Me again, never got an answer. How do you retire?

>> No.1482707

You have to be old and have the right kind of job.

>> No.1482711

I'm 68 and a scientist. Does it give me a choice? I have over a million dollars.

>> No.1482715

lol I just got the option. Groovy.

>> No.1482716

For a scientist, you'll have to be older. Like 70's.

>> No.1482720

Yeah, I got it right at 70.

>> No.1482721

Here, 2007 didn't work, installed 2010 and it works. So whatever.

>> No.1482737

6 years old
Began school.

7 years old
Removed from school.


>> No.1482743

>Born anywhere else than US
>Die/have a horrible life
This game fucking sucks. It makes it seem like if you don't live in the US, your life must suck ass.

>> No.1482746

My brother and sister get to go to school but I don't? god fucking damnit

>> No.1482747
File: 169 KB, 1366x768, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck my life.

>> No.1482761

>met a girl
>she's 13


>> No.1482765

>You are born a girl in Brazil.
>You die of asphyxiation at childbirth

Fuck me.

>> No.1482768

Was this game made by Conservative Americans or some shit?

I think it was.

Your life will most likely suck if your not american
atheist isn't a religious choice

>> No.1482771

>rejects me


>> No.1482776

>have a sister
>cant fuck her

this game is terrible

>> No.1482784

>too old to work, look for another job
>became a doctor

>> No.1482786

well it's generally accurate
you dont change the religion of your ancestors and that's your real religion, below your conscious choices and declarations

>> No.1482788

I'm an American atheist.

I died at 15.

>> No.1482793

>Have three daughters
>Named them all the same name
>Can't molest them
What the fuck is with this game? It isn't realistic in any way.

>> No.1482795
File: 67 KB, 438x436, france.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

france is pretty boring. when am i gonna get addicted to drugs?

>> No.1482797

oh come on. I had great life in China

>> No.1482810
File: 49 KB, 452x604, 1275599860807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>born in the US
>become an alcoholic
>husband dies
>get caught stealing from work
>die of cancer at the age of 40
>my face

>> No.1482815

someone post source of game, i want download!

>> No.1482819

>too old to work as a doctor
>become a mathematician
fucking lulz

>> No.1482837

>Works as a scientist
>Son graduates from college
>With a degree in Philosophy

>> No.1482844

>my face when i've been rejected by literally every women i've met


>> No.1482849

>have sex with 3 different women
>get infected with gonohrea
>decide to have as many children as possible
>age 34 with 12 kids and countless of marriages game crashes

>> No.1482853

>24 year old Mexican mathematician
>30k starting

>> No.1482856
File: 131 KB, 440x401, 1274037276666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Real Lives 2007
>81 years old
>Living in California
>You have been raped


>> No.1482858

downloaded it from there:

virus scan report :

>> No.1482859
File: 55 KB, 538x480, lol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1482877
File: 17 KB, 379x204, Son_I'm_Proud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My son was smart enough to marry a good woman.

>> No.1482891


>> No.1482893
File: 3 KB, 126x105, 1279518657547s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Costa Rican Man
>Degree in mathematics
>Emigrate to US
>Get job as electronic systems operator
>3 daughters
>All three get advanced degrees in mathematics
>Die at 93 with 3 million dollars saved

>> No.1482895

>Make new character
>Born in Colorado, USA
>Parents are rich


>> No.1482904

whenever i try to download this game is says windows cannot run this program, wat do?

>> No.1482917


so.. i downloaded the other one (there are two available torrents for "Real Lives")


here's the scan report

notice that both files are very old (157 and 131 weeks)

actually there's a third torrent, isohunt references no seeder for it and it sports one spyware alert negative comment

too bad, the game seems interesting
i dont feel like risking it

>> No.1482934

die at 6 :)

>> No.1482935

>39 years old
>Advanced degree in mathematics
>No wife or kids yet
>Working as mathematician
>Die of a siezure

>> No.1482943

too much brain stress :)
advanced math + no pussy... bad combo :)

>> No.1482947

There was some tripfag named Derp on here last night that gave me a link to a torrent that works, comes with product key (It's 2007 edition, the best one) and it was virus free. If you see him, ask him about the link.

>> No.1482985
File: 8 KB, 251x249, 1279495575071s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Born in Pakistan
>Gifted with Strength and endurance, and good looks
>Emigrate to Afhganistan and kill Americans as a military sergeant
>"You have been killed"

>> No.1483000


You know what you doing


>> No.1483016
File: 130 KB, 1280x759, Oleg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what's the difference between 2007 and 2010 other than the interface?

>> No.1483019

>Have a kid
>Name him Akbar
>Hope that he joins the Navy
>Hope he becomes an Admiral

>> No.1483030

A lot of people like the 2007 version better because you have more options.
In 2007, you can be gay or atheist, 2010, nope. Too many people complained.

>> No.1483032

>my face when im the only one left in my family still alive

>everyone had some form of illness except me who only had hepatitis and had that cured right away

wtf man

>> No.1483036

Oh lawd.

>> No.1483040



>> No.1483041

The serial you want is: 42536475

>> No.1483063
File: 42 KB, 320x240, 1267257496246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My brother Sun's girlfriend Tse began grade school
>Sun is 14

>> No.1483081


>> No.1483092

>Sister Lola born.

>Began school.

>My sister Lola has been murdered at age 1.

Jesus christ, honduras is a terrible place.

>> No.1483126



COMODO is acting up on the trial

Are you guys sure this is clean?

>> No.1483134

I still don't trust 2007, but I can confirm 2010 is fine.

>> No.1483144

I got 2007 from a different source, not a link posted in this thread.

>> No.1483165


nvm, Virustotal shows very few other alerts

>> No.1483171



>> No.1483172

>Born in Pakistan
>Join the military, serve for 5 years
>Work as a miner
>Work as a foreman
>2 daughters, one son
>Emmigrate to Russia
>Son joins military, I join military
>Serve for 8 years
>Son and I both become military sergeants
>Leave military, work in an office
>Leave that job after 10 years, become a salesperson
>Do odd jobs at 65
>Die at 89 with a net worth of 2,000,000 rubbles
Best success I have ever had with some nobody born with goiter in a dirty Pakistani village.

>> No.1483189
File: 2 KB, 126x126, 1280018870834s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Born in Mexico
>My brother's name is Mario

>> No.1483196

99 intelligence, 80 artistic

>> No.1483211

I had a Chinese man once who was a total badass. He made a fortune in China in the military, became a major, and then moved to North Korea. He lived in North Korea for some 35 years and eventually snuck back into China when he was about 85, leaving his sun behind. He then worked until he was 89 and was too old to work at all. Jobless he survived another nine years, finally dying of natural causes at 98 years old.

That guy was one tough son of a bitch.

>> No.1483213

>Poor kid from Mexico
>Super smart
>Advanced degree in mathematics
>Emigrate to US
>Get job
>3 daughters
>Advanced degrees in Astronomy, Physics, and Mathematics, respectively

>> No.1483232

48 years old
My brother Ebrahim's wife Atifeh has been cured of depression.

Padideh born to Faridah Waqar Younis

My daughter Sita's boyfriend Ardavan has cutaneous leishmaniasis.

49 years old
Received a 9% pay raise.

My brother Rashid has died at age 52 from diabetes.

Received a 11% pay raise.

My son Sami has cutaneous leishmaniasis.

50 years old
Received a 9% pay raise.

My son Sami has died at age 14 from visceral leishmaniasis.

51 years old
52 years old
My sister Daliyah's husband Zamani has reduced vision from cataracts.

My sister Zarina's husband Ahmad has ischemic heart disease.

My daughter Suraya's boyfriend Dadash has ischemic heart disease.

53 years old
Received a 6% pay raise.

My sister Daliyah died from an infection.

My daughter Suraya has graduated from secondary school.

My son Sami's girlfriend Maheen has graduated from secondary school.

54 years old
Received a 5% pay raise.

My sister Daliyah's husband Zamani has been cured of cataracts.

55 years old
My sister Rubel died from an infection.

>> No.1483280

>Born in the US
>Do well in school, go to college
>Degree in architecture
>Get a job as a marketing director, 5000 a month starting
>Married only once, divorced after two years
>No kids
>Making a fuckload of money on the stock market
>Raped at age 58
>Have a baby boy
>Die at age 67 from mouth cancer developed as a result of smoking
>My son is 9, he inherits nearly $1 million

>> No.1483356
File: 54 KB, 316x473, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apparently I'm dating a ghost

Other highlights of my life:

1. Wife slaps me during argument, I decide to do nothing.
2. Wife HITS ME WITH A BRICK, I ask for help from authorities (I'm a police inspector lol)
3. Wife dies of TB, get new girlfriend, new girlfriend gets FUCKING LEPROSY
4. Propose marriage to leprosy-gf, she breaks up with me
5. Son who's smart enough to skip two grades in high school still decides not to move out at 29

How do you force your kids to move out in this game

>> No.1483369


Oh, and one time I had a wealthy women's rights activist professor character, living in the US



>> No.1483395


Well the guy who made Real Lives is an American conservative.

>> No.1483414
File: 52 KB, 316x473, ultrawat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Kasturi dies of dehydration

Then I start dating her

Then Kasturi dies of diabetes

And my son is dating some dude names "Bpboy"

>> No.1483418

Lol I'm making 6k/month faggots. umad?

>> No.1483451

It was.

>> No.1483478

why the fuck does my spending always creep up? it keeps making me a fucking spendthrift.

>> No.1483488


That's pretty realistic actually

>> No.1483511
File: 15 KB, 400x400, 1280076573118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i guess....my character WAS female

>> No.1483514

Anyone know what the fuck conscience in this game is and why I only have like 20 of it?

>> No.1483527


you didnt help the drunk homeless guy, the beggar, or give to charity.

shame on you.

>> No.1483546


PhD in mathematics?

any job you want?

>> No.1483553

Hardly. It's just getting annoying now because I'm either 30k up or 5k in the hole. It needs to fucking stop.

>> No.1483557

nigger i dont have enough money to give to charity when i have 3 fucking kids

>> No.1483563


lol. its annoying when it asks you every turn if your want to give.

>> No.1483583
File: 13 KB, 195x188, 1279473767778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>age 46
>12 kids
>living at moms house

>> No.1483602
File: 50 KB, 342x342, 1280022027802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>age 47 game crashes

>> No.1483716

>wife commits suicide

>> No.1483729

>65 years old
>Died at age 65 from diabetes.
>Left my marriage.


>> No.1483733

>Husband commits suicide due to Schizophrenia
Gosh darnit.

>> No.1483741

>Create life that is basically mine
>Graduate school in mathematics
>Job as doctor, more than $10,000 starting
>Have a kid
>End up becoming millionaire, more than $3,000,000 networth
>Have a son, dies at age one
>Wife dies
>Die in late sixties because I refused to retire and live to 106

Very very happy :D

>> No.1483743

so can you get raped/molested/killed in rl 2010?

>> No.1483759


My wife had 7 kids thanks to rape.

>> No.1483787

you can in 2007

>> No.1483814

>Have conscience at 100
>Your spending is creeping up

mfw you can't keep track of your spending with 100 conscience

>> No.1483815

Thats not what I asked you little bitch

>> No.1483823

Hey what the fuck, you're not even the one who asked, I was. Stop pretending to be me motherfucker.

>> No.1483832

Disregard that, I suck cocks.

>> No.1483833

>my face when i have 3 kids already at age 22


>> No.1483844

When my character was 20 she already had 7 kids. Had one kid every year since 13.

>> No.1483857

Just happened to my sister in 2010, so it's still in.

>> No.1483863
File: 409 KB, 1440x860, FeelsBlackMan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feels black, man.

>> No.1483870


I think wisdom is the actual stat that controls spending.

>> No.1483916
File: 775 KB, 1440x858, SoBlack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so fucking black.

>> No.1483928
File: 618 KB, 1440x859, TooBlack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Turns out it's possible to be too black.

You can only have 12 kids before the game breaks.

>> No.1483941

Holy shit she got raped again.

>> No.1483953

What the fuck is "trade school" and why does everyone like it so much???

>> No.1483966
File: 36 KB, 596x599, really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grow up in Dominican Republic
>get measles at the age of 2
>try to play sports but too unathletic
>too stupid for college
>go to trade school
>shitty job as nursing aid, 8,000 pesos a month
>drafted into the military
>younger brother flunks out of trade school
>spend 240,000 pesos to try to escape to America twice
>get caught both times
>burglar robs my house for 30k

>> No.1483995
File: 22 KB, 545x545, 1246689257409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grow up in india
>marry some awesome stud
>have 8 kids
>we make 20k rupees a month
>have 1million rupees in bank
>my sister got raped twice

>> No.1484032
File: 89 KB, 251x251, 39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one of my daughters just got raped

>> No.1484069

>born in India with 91 artistic
>accidentally move out at age 10
>smoker, illicit drug user, alcoholic and obsessive compulsive disorder by age 16
>get girlfriend, no longer have any disorders
>lose 70000 rupees at age 20
>lose girlfriend, get back into drugs, can't quit
>drop the drugs, father goes at 71
>lose girlfriend after proposing
>fail at illegally moving to france at age 30
>die of an infection at age 40

feels bad man

>> No.1484089

I wish you could follow your family lines longer than just your lifetime. How awesome would it be to have a bunch of kids and keep progressing till when they have kids and their kids have kids, etc? Obviously it'd have to end eventually because there'd be to many of those little fuckers.

>> No.1484096

>Born in America
>Gifted with intelligence
>Go to grad school for mathematics
>Become a doctor, 20K starting
>Have 4 kids
>Life is great...
>Oldest son is murdered

Life sucks...

>> No.1484108

Do you have any torrents for 2010? I've found only 2007.

>> No.1484109

>Born in Nigeria
>Growth stunted
>Whooping cough
>You have died at the age of 3 due to whooping cough

>> No.1484110

download link pls

>> No.1484113

This is relevent to my interests

>> No.1484116

> my favorite son his name is jesus
> he gets a girlfriend
> she is 12
>my son jesus is 23

>> No.1484117

>tool old to be a seamstress anymore
>check job list
>traditional medical practioner
>10k starting
>more than my husband


>> No.1484127

Same problem here anyone learn how to fix this?

>> No.1484130


fucking newfags - >>1482146

>> No.1484140

Which is better 2007 or 2010?

>> No.1484144

Also aparrently my sister turned into a lesbian after getting raped twice.

fucking indians

>> No.1484147

Does the link come with the activation key?

>> No.1484150

I love you!

>> No.1484160

>mfw I am always a male in the middle east

>> No.1484172


>> No.1484185


what the fuck is this "Rabio" virus?

>> No.1484188

Hey faggots, where do you activate it?

>> No.1484189

FINALLY, first game where I've lived long enough to have a grandchild.

>> No.1484197

do you not know what "fukkin readme" means? read the FUCKING README THATS WHY IT'S CALLED A FUCKING READ. ME.

>> No.1484203

>implying 1 million rupies is worth shit
>US $1 = Rs 46.8038

>> No.1484221

But I'm not in the US am I faggot? It's worth quite a lot in India and that's where the fuck I live.

>> No.1484231

>implying that the US isn't the best country in the game

>> No.1484236

>implying i didnt just die from a fucking epileptic seizure

seriously is this the new goiters or something?

>> No.1484242
File: 117 KB, 458x486, dddd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her intelligence is 95 and she is from a rich family
if you fail Mario i have no son

>> No.1484245

Hey, I'm playing RL 2010 in Windows 7 and it flickers a lot.
I turned off Aero like the readme said but it still happens.

>> No.1484258

>your father has been murdered
Shit, my mom is probably going to die of disease soon too...

>> No.1484262

Yeah you can't get around it. You'll get used to it, I did.

>> No.1484265

See if your video driver has a setting to force vertical sync to "On".

>> No.1484275

>out of my 12 children the two making the most
>nina 15.9k usd
>jesus 16.6k usd
>are both unemlpoyed

>> No.1484293
File: 103 KB, 452x415, fuck yea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you fucking rule Mario
now children please

>> No.1484294


Try turning on windows XP compatability in the shortcut properties

>> No.1484299


>> No.1484307

I found a link, but I have not tried it for 2010:

>> No.1484318
File: 81 KB, 460x279, NOOOOOOOOOOOO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1484325

REGISTER KEY: 42536475

>> No.1484346


This link has 4/42 positives for a trojan. I donno

>> No.1484356

have 12 children
9 are smokers

>> No.1484365

where can I d/l game?

>> No.1484371

found trial of 2007 version

>> No.1484374

I am in South Africa and I have plenty of money to emigrate, I am 35 years old.
I was thinking of the US. Is there a better country?

>> No.1484390

any developed country is good
currently in america, making 25k a month as a biologist

>> No.1484399

yeah, anywhere else you black piece of shit

>> No.1484408

>born in china a female
>married at 20, have two kids
>go to jail for three years for exposing government corruption
>get raped at age 30
>paralyzed from an on the job fall at 35
>illegally emigrate to florida at age 54
>deteriorating health in the 60s
>die from an infection at age 69

>> No.1484411

I moved to Chicago

>> No.1484423

>move to the US
>start a business
>become millionaire

>> No.1484431
File: 70 KB, 449x252, nigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1484452

What's the difference between retail version and this one?

>> No.1484500

the fuckkkk

>> No.1484512

Where is the part where I pay for the Manhattan Beach Project treatment and live forever?

>> No.1484525

>my daughter becomes a biologist
Where is the disown button?

>> No.1484757

Bullshit, I start smoking around the same age I did in real life. End up dying at age 66 because of it.. I'm quitting

>> No.1484785


You can game the system in ways that are highly improbable IRL

One example is to buy 10 medium-risk stocks and sell them all every year. You'll make millions like that.

>> No.1485324

where the fuck were you born what did you do?

>> No.1485572


As long as you're not born a girl in Malawi or somewhere else obviously stacked against you, you can do this nearly anywhere. Just keep your expenses low, wait till you have enough to buy stock chunks, and within 10 years you'll make more money than you ever could have through a job.

>> No.1485776

>born in India
>die before reaching age 2 of "dehydration caused by acute diarrhea"