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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14821289 No.14821289 [Reply] [Original]

How do you get smarter? What do you do, just read random textbooks and studies?

>> No.14821305

Getting off the internet would a start.

>> No.14821308


>> No.14821313


>> No.14821326

Get better genetics

>> No.14821592

Perform mental work. Struggle to understand. Search for a general principle of everything.

Intelligence is gained through pain.

>> No.14821619

Think how to think, while intelligence will be a byproduct

>> No.14821621

posting and replying to slide threads is guaranteed to do the trick

>> No.14821636


>> No.14821638

It doesn't take as much as you'd think to be smart; memory, computation skills and whatnot can all be improved through practice.

What really separates the smart people from the geniuses though is the willingness to think outside of the box and the confidence to go through with it.

Take Newton discovering gravity for example, the most unlikely part of any other human having done this isn't that actual mathmatical proof he made, the major separating thing between him and others is that when he saw that apple fall from the tree, thought of a concept as crazy as gravity which sounds like it belongs in a fairy tale and believed it could be more than just a silly thought and pursued finding out whether he was wrong or right.

Most people could see themselves watching an apple fall from a tree and creating the concept of a mysterious attractive force in the universe, a kid could have come up with such, but in 99% of people it would be nothing more than a fleeting thought forgotten forever because the concept of their idea possibly being accurate doesn't even cross their minds, that it's not even something worth disproving.

It's less about being some schizo believing everything you wonder is true and more about believing that you can get an answer and learn from such.

>> No.14821645

With every answer, you can always ask another question.

>> No.14821650

also make sure you're interested in what you're reading OP, reading things 'just to get smart' isn't a good motivating factor and you're likely to forget whatever you've read.
although you shouldn't restrict yourself to reading, if you can find a good video explaining a topic you're interested in then watch it, although it's pretty rare to find good videos nowadays. And it's even better if you can directely engage in what you're learning (e.g. if you're learning chemistry then get yourself some beakers and do shit, etc.).

>> No.14821656 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14821673 [DELETED] 

Go away.

>> No.14822761

bullshit most of what I know comes from the internet you just gotta be able to filter through the noise and bullshit

>> No.14823039

It possibly is somewhat related to being schizo. Einstein had at least one schizo kid. Schizophrenia is correlated with genius.

Some features present in schizophrenia such as manic episodes and beliefs that there is hidden meaning to things could probably be useful if you don't get the associated cognitive decline.

If you take some time imagining that you didn't know stuff like your Newton example a lot of science sounds like pure schizo babble.

>> No.14823109

I kneel…

>> No.14823118 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14823146

Take nootropics.
I stack 300mg luvox, 4mg brexpiprazole, nicotine, weed and fortified wine

>> No.14823168

Don't let yourself get spoonfed, try to think about things. I mean, REALLY think about things instead of going for the lowest fruit. Let's take a practical example. Imagine that you're thinking about switching jobs. You might go
>Should I get a new job?
>idk lol, maybe?
That comes real fast, right?
But if you spent time actually trying to think about it
>Should I get a new job?
>Why did I even ask myself that question?
>I'm probably fed up with this job
>Why am I fed up with it?
>Is there something I can do about it?
>If not, would another job really help?
>What jobs could I get then?
>Do I need to change something about myself to feel better about my job?
When you get the hang of it you obviously won't go through every single step like that and then you'll start to see patterns.

>> No.14823196 [DELETED] 
File: 259 KB, 1280x960, cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a cringey dependent drug addict, you use drugs to power your ridiculous grandiose fantasy life and to escape from acknowledging what you really are.
total loser

>> No.14825409

Im just over here trying to think less. The less I analyze and over analyze, the more sex I have.

>> No.14825412

memorize the dictionary. simple as.

>> No.14825413

Chemistry and arithmetic. And don't think in commoner language, it lowers IQ.

>> No.14825415

remember. drugs are bad only if you don't use them to enhance performance. Besides being a drug-addict, the guy is also a completely cucked worker who likes slaving away.

>> No.14825439

in every language. done.

>> No.14825519

You cannot become smarter thats like saying you can generate more energy than your body can naturally produce.

>> No.14826421

Not sure about it being possible to become smarter than what you're innately at, but I do know if you want to get ahead just be curious, ask questions, and under no circumstances be tempted to follow the herd. Sounds contrarian and if you take it to an extreme it is but you should never directly blindly follow what most people do, take roads less traveled whenever you can

>> No.14828885

I hate my job but I can't get another.
kill me