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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14810140 No.14810140 [Reply] [Original]

period. you cant win joblets

>> No.14810438
File: 136 KB, 600x750, 773f7aed-1502-48d1-9460-d4753b22c28a.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about nurse bros?

>> No.14810454

premeds are a fucking joke. dumbest STEM students by far

>> No.14812505

Dude I retired at age thirty. A thirty year old doctor is still in debt.

>> No.14812512

>get a degree in mechanical engineering (bachelors)
>don't even do any engineering job
>work in a computer store repairing circuit boards
such is life, i'm not cut out for corporate life anyway, i much prefer this autist job

>> No.14812520

Not really. Make decent money and flexible workweek but you have to constantly deal with patients and surrounded by w*men lusting for resident weiner.
It is pretty easy.

>> No.14813576

This. People don't take into account how much of a commitment it is, both financially and in terms of time. Fun that, I work as little as possible to maintain my lifestyle and have as much time as I can to the stuff I'm actually interested in

>> No.14813910

i will never be a doctor
should i just restart life?

>> No.14813941

You need a make an argument first. There is nothing concrete in your post. I'll give you 10 minutes to make one. I assume you're a teenager who started pre-med and that you're very excited and Mommy/Daddy are proud. So you came to 4chan to show off to your only friends.

>> No.14813955

Computer science fags will have made 8-10 years of salary (probably over a million dollars) before you can start digging yourself out of the hole. Once you get there, you will have a guaranteed high paying job, sure, as long as you don't fuck up. All that suffering for 10 years though... it's rough. And once you actually complete your residency? You'll still be worked like a dog. If you want to get paged 10 times in the night, work every other weekend, get up in the middle of dinner for an emergency, be on call constantly etc. go ahead and become a medfag. Maybe it's better if you are a dermatologyfag, seem pretty like a cushy 8-6. For surgeons though, don't do it unless you REALLY want it.

Anyways, if you want to make bank, just go into finance.

>> No.14813961

Being a general practioner and working 9-5 in a little practice seems pretty comfy, I won't lie. Working in a hospital would drive me to suicide in a month.

>> No.14813962

Yeah I would say medicine is surprisingly
Underpaid compared to how much money you can make poking a keyboard intelligently. Still, I am jealous that medical doctors actually help people whereas I just work on algorithms that help rich Jews market shit and mind goop to people

>> No.14813966

I literally have a job straight off coming out of college because it's the only Math faculty in all states surrounding mine. Meaning a lot of people come out finance faculties with no profound knowledge of Statistics and Mathematical Modeling. Our school is known at least in the state for having good graduates. Cope firstie

>> No.14813978

you have to wipe the patients' ass

>> No.14814026

I've personally never had a nurse touch my dick or look at my ass, but I've had doctors do it.

>> No.14814957

What's wrong with that? Someone's gotta do that with the infirm.
Those nurse ain't doing their job then.

>> No.14814978
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>clearly there are no majors that can compete with medfags

Next decade the first AutoDocs will be created.
Your days are numbered.


>> No.14814985

What is a biologist compared to a doctor or surgeon to you?

>> No.14815004

Not science or math

>> No.14815008

Medicine is science.
Suck it nerd.

>> No.14815507
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>clearly there are no majors that can compete with medfags
You're right. Literally, we can't compete.
Because it's fucking illegal to offer Medical Advice without a fugging loicense.
MedChads just can't stop winning.

>> No.14815525
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>This. People don't take into account how much of a commitment it is, both financially and in terms of time.
A lot of people actually take out Massive Multi-Hundred-$Thousand Loans for "med school", then just get a degree from some dirt cheap, sketchy af Program, and just pocket the Money and buy a house and new cars.
Then, they start some (((NGO))), or join their buddy's (((NGO))) which is sponsored with Public Funds, and because of some very funny loopholes that just happen to exist by accident, the rest of their ""Student Debt"" is forgiven after 10 years for working in a Civil Service position. So they get paid to do whatever they want at a "job" where they are the owner, tax free, and subsidized by the Public.

The Medical Industry is beyond beyond.

>> No.14815537
File: 1.25 MB, 1972x2536, TotallyNotSketchy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Working in a hospital would drive me to suicide in a month.
>Be me
>Take out huge Student Loans with an alias(Fake ID)
>Move the money you get from Loans into some assets/accounts that aren't ""controlled""(like maybe crypto for example...)
>Set up a nice Life Insurance policy for yourself that pays to one of your friends if you "die"
>Then just sudoku or claim you died of "the coof".

>> No.14815541
File: 207 KB, 839x1291, ENOUGH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Still, I am jealous that medical doctors actually help people
They LITERALLY poison children for money.
And I quite literally mean LITERALLY.

>> No.14815551
File: 3.55 MB, 4781x2731, QuantumEconomics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Meaning a lot of people come out finance faculties with no profound knowledge of Statistics and Mathematical Modeling
What's there to model?
Unaccountable Government Spending + Private Banks that create $Hundreds-of-Trillions out of thin air = Line. Go. Up.
That's basically all you need to know.

>> No.14815558

CS gives it a run for its money. We get comfy wfh, shorter hours, and the potential to match medfag salaries if we want to get ambitious. Also no med school + residency.

Here's a somewhat hilarious anecdote: my sister is a diligent student and has been going through the MD route. She's almost 30 now and still not done with residency. She's knocked undergrad out of the park, med school, 5 years of residency, racked up like $200k+ in loans, when she graduates she's looking at like $200k starting in her chosen concentration. Her husband, meanwhile, is a fairly simple man. He went to community college, got his associate's in some generic IT shit, and after a couple gigs to start his career off in network engineering ($0 in student debt) just recently landed a comfy ass $160k work from home job. This dude is about to match her salary ceiling with a CC degree and modest effort kek.

Tech has broken the meta

>> No.14815575

Yeah but most people at least think they are being helped. No one thanks a data scientist

>> No.14815623

The long hours are really killer. Some doctors eventually find comfy jobs with shorter hours, but a lot of them just work crazy hours all the way up to retirement. Unless you don't want to do anything in your life other than medicine it's not really worth it. Maybe it's worth it if you break into a high-paying specialty or you're doing it for your kids instead of for yourself.

>> No.14815685
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>No one thanks a data scientist
Why would they? What exactly do we need to "Thank" them for?
Because I genuinely do not know.

>> No.14815691
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>but a lot of them just work crazy hours all the way up to retirement
I think I'm going to call bullshit on that.
I feel like a substantial amount of ""Doctors"" spend little time actually doing anything, and are basically just Google-Search-Engines with a loicense to deal drugs.

Call me schizo, but I think that overall, there is actually quite a bit of sketchy business in Healthcare.

>> No.14815735

I’m not saying you should. I spit on all the ones I can find. I’m just regretting my career choices, I just didn’t realize the only application of a PhD in math was to enrich businessman one way or another and everyone knows it, where at least a s a doctor your customers usually think you are helping them

>> No.14815841
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>I just didn’t realize the only application of a PhD in math
I'm putting together a team.
See: >>14806713
for more info on various topics you might be interested in.

>> No.14816562

Where's your company then?