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File: 370 KB, 2559x1599, wp2107957-dark-matter-wallpapers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14808988 No.14808988 [Reply] [Original]

Do you lean toward dark matter being real, or toward our understanding of gravity being wrong/incomplete?
What's the likelihood of dark matter being proven real or being falsified?

>> No.14808991

>dark matter being real
>or toward our understanding of gravity being wrong/incomplete
also yes
>What's the likelihood of dark matter being proven real or being falsified?
Some missing mass turned up in the so-called BEST experiment, which is believed to be due to sterile neutrinos, a dark matter candidate. But iirc, sterile neutrinos are insufficient to explain everything dark matter is invoked to explain.

>> No.14808996


(((Their))) "understanding" of gravity is flawed.

Simple as.

>> No.14809010
File: 24 KB, 640x241, walt wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry but anon in that other thread nailed it

>> No.14809015
File: 138 KB, 960x636, TM6445546465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am in the camp that there is more than enough indirect evidence for dark matter to justify the search for detecting it directly. In general, it is way too premature to say that we have discovered every possible form of energy & matter, so searching for new forms is a worthwhile endeavour.

I am open to anyone with serious modified gravity theories, though they will need to account for all the oddball stuff that the dark matter hypothesis can explain. For example, the so called "dark matter deficient dwarf galaxies"; there are a small number of dwarf galaxies whose motions are what you would expect from the visible amount of matter, or have a much smaller degree of the motion anomalies, than what we see from dwarf galaxies with similar amounts of visible matter. The dark matter hypothesis can explain those galaxies as having less (sometimes much less) dark matter than the average dwarf galaxy due to odd events in the past.

I am not sure how you would come up with a modified gravity theory that allows galaxies of very similar visible mass to have such discrepancies in how they move, but if someone wants to take a crack at it, I am all ears. Or eyes, this is an image board.

>> No.14809032

Everyone always talks about the bullet cluster and galaxy rotations because they're easy to understand but the actual strongest evidence for DM is the CMB multipoles. There was even some guy that spent several years making a version of MOND that was consistent with GR only for it to not fit the CMB. So yeah I'd say DM is real.

>> No.14809152

I don't believe in "matter" to begin with. It's all energy.

>> No.14809159

Correct. All mass is technically a miniature black hole. It only appears to be solid under an electron microscope because black holes don't let photons/electrons return past their event horizons so it "looks" "solid" to these instruments

>> No.14809176

Says a guy who has an even poorer understanding

>> No.14809245

I'm still waiting for you to actually address the subject instead of ad-hominem, bro.

Why are black holes' core close to absolute zero? How would I infer that fact deductively?
Why do black holes emit sound? How would I infer that deductively?
Why is sound antigravitational?


How am I able to make these inferences based upon what their opposites are and how their opposites behave if there isnt a similitude at play here?

So far you've offered no rebuttal, just name calling.

I believe that means you have no rebuttal.

>> No.14809249

Why does superconductivity occur if it's not because phononic reverberations are reduced to nearly non-existant by supercooling a circuit.

What is the magneto-caloric effect observed with the element Gadolinium? Why is the 64th element (2^6th power, aka the sum of two cubes) the most demonstrative of this effect?

Why does ames laboratory use this technology to freeze hydrogen and realize superconductivity?


Why does negative mass violate the Cause and Effect laws of Newtonian Physics?

>> No.14809260

>For example, the so called "dark matter deficient dwarf galaxies"; there are a small number of dwarf galaxies whose motions are what you would expect from the visible amount of matter, or have a much smaller degree of the motion anomalies, than what we see from dwarf galaxies with similar amounts of visible matter. The dark matter hypothesis can explain those galaxies as having less (sometimes much less) dark matter than the average dwarf galaxy due to odd events in the past.
Or they could simply be so far away or so cold that the light from the matter they do contain can't be detected by our instruments.

>> No.14809283

There you go making sense.

Oh well, back to the magical drawing board of science magic.

>> No.14809295

Dark matter is not real.
Makes up 90% of all matter but we can't detect it?
And it only affects things far away and not us on Earth?
It only exists to fix flawed models?
This is the definition of cope.

>> No.14809299

CMB is also bullshit. Imagine taking a picture of one side of a building, then saying the whole city looks like that. But its even worse than that.

>> No.14809680

I've thought about recommending you a few books on that matter just now but came to the conclusion you'd most likely not read them anyhow. If you're interested, I can still send them to you.

>> No.14809697

Even if all that is true it's still less cope than every single other idea. That is why it's the current theory, because there is nothing better.

>> No.14809787

I think there is missing matter/energy that can explain these behaviors we see that deviate from GR predictions for observed matter... but I don't think it will turn out to be some exotic particle. I think we're failing to account for the fucking enormous amount of normal cyclotron radiation emitted by charged particles - while these photons are ultra low frequency/energy in most weak magnetic fields (milli or micro gauss) when you consider that every charged particle interacting with every magnetic field is constantly emitting them, that quickly adds up to a LOT of energy over the span of an entire galaxy.

>> No.14809791

>Or they could simply be so far away or so cold that the light from the matter they do contain can't be detected by our instruments.

These oddball galaxies behave as if they have less mass than most visually similar galaxies, not more. And the range of distances they do occur at is no different from the other dwarf galaxies that were surveyed in these studies.

>> No.14809820

>Makes up 90% of all matter but we can't detect it?

If you told people 200 years ago that there were all sorts of light you can't detect directly, but need specialize equipment to monitor, some of them would have considered that just as preposterous. We know matter can exist that requires very elaborate equipment to detect (neutrinos), so the idea of even more difficult to detect matter is not much of a stretch.

>And it only affects things far away and not us on Earth?

The typical dark matter is an exotic particle hypothesis proposes that dark matter is very thinly spread throughout the galaxy. It estimates that the amount of dark matter within the solar system is only on par with a small asteroid mass wise, which is why we do not notice its effects on planetary orbits or space probes. However, the space between the stars is vast compared the size, and even that very low density dark matter spread evenly throughout that space ends up adding up to much more mass than everything else.

>It only exists to fix flawed models?

You could say the same about neutrinos, or the planet Neptune, before they were discovered. There were astronomers making arguments that maybe gravity worked differently further away from the sun, in order to explain anomalies in Uranus's orbit, before Neptune was confirmed, for example.

And remember, dark matter is also saying our current models are wrong; that is our model of what forms of matter & energy exist in the universe.

>> No.14809972

>And it only affects things far away and not us on Earth?
The idea is that it does effect Earth, but that there's just not enough of it on the scale of our planet/solar system for it to be anything other than maybe a 2nd or even 3rd or 4th order correction to the results from Newtonian/Einsteinian gravitation. But when you get up to the scales of galaxies and take into consideration that all the "empty" space in between may not be so "empty" then that can add up quick.

>> No.14810009

>That is why it's the current theory, because there is nothing better
Our instruments/calculations are flawed

>> No.14810015

no evidence indicating that whatsoever

>> No.14810078

If the instruments/calculations are flawed, then during a survey/study, you would expect all the visually similar galaxies to be "off" by about the same amount. But look at those "dark matter deficient dwarf galaxies" , where it turns out a few galaxies can have very different behavior than others with similar amounts of visible math, well that makes instrument/calculation error a lot less likely.

>> No.14810108

Go ahead, but that doesn't address the fact that I am able to discern scientific facts that are evidenced purely from conjecture on the diametrically opposed nature of the four fundamental types of energy.

I'm literally "divining" fact out of theory positioning these forces as opposites.


If my theory was "bullshit" scientific observation would not fully agree with it, YET ALL THE EVIDENCE SEEMS TO SUGGEST IT DOES.


>> No.14810118

Dark matter doesn't exist.

There is no empirical evidence for dark matter whatsoever.

Dark matter is pseudo-scientific "magic" posited by atheists to balance their errant equations.

Post empirical evidence of Dark Matter or remain forever BTFO.

>> No.14810146

i'm too bad at math to inquire this myself, but couldn't these be individual mistakes? An instrument can be correct 99% of the times but there's still a 1%.

>> No.14810157

>Post empirical evidence of Dark Matter
Bullet. Cluster. Yo.

>> No.14810172

That's not evidence. Produce some dark matter and show it to people. That's just a post-hoc rationalization for a phenomenon. Scientists posit dark matter as being proliferated throughout the universe as abundant or more abundant than actual matter.

>> No.14810177

>Produce some dark matter and show it to people.
If you look at the bullet cluster you will literally see dark matter.

>> No.14810236

>Why are black holes' core close to absolute zero?
>Why do black holes emit sound?
It's explained in the article you linked.
>Why is sound antigravitational?
That's an extremely retarded way to describe what you linked. It's explained there, I don't know what I could possibly add to that.

>So far you've offered no rebuttal, just name calling.
Your complaints are really on a special-needs level. "How come the sky is sad? They say it's blue. But on the other hand it's so high, does it take drugs?"

>> No.14810274

Bring some over here and show it to us.

>> No.14810281

Do you believe in stars?

>> No.14810288

Yeah. They're white holes.

They emit photonic and electromagnetic radiation.

The inverse of a white hole is a black hole

Black holes consume photonic and electromagnetic energy and reciprocate this energy with gravitonic and sonic energy.


If a black hole did not vent this energy out as Time and Sound, then the photonic and electromagnetic energy they consume would cause them to heat up and un-collapse back into a white hole (star)

>> No.14810298

Shit Negro, I don't even know where to begin where to tell you what's wrong with that pile a shit.

>> No.14810306

I lost 15 IQ points by reading this. If you are serious, please call a psychiatrist ASAP.

>> No.14810319

Yeah bro dark energy totally makes sense haha! Vacuum energy totally makes sense! Thats why qm and gr predicts a value of 10^-9 j/m^3 and also 10^110 j/m^3 LMAO
Thats why density is constant even though volume increases LMAOOO
>captcha: wha4t

>> No.14810334

I don't get the argument against MOND

If we know Newtonian gravity is wrong at extremely high accelerations, why do we expect it to be correct at extremely low accelerations?

>> No.14810343

You have nigger brained to believe the model scientists describe, nigger. Go suck Neil De grasse Tyson's cock.

>> No.14810353

Let him splatter some magical dark matter all over your cheeks.

The universe values simplicity. Your nigger brained theories are anything but that.

Why is special relativity the sum of two squares, the trigonometric identity property the sum of two squares and the Pythagorean Theorem the sum of two squares. Because that's how shit works, nigger.

>> No.14810357
File: 273 KB, 719x1280, 103857413099376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14810369
File: 7 KB, 267x189, 1652753548113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If V = c then why is the photon not omnipresent.

The equation for time dilation rings out as undefined when V = c

Therefore relativity is either;

Not true


You're missing something

Magic is not allowed as an answer. Everything must be explainable or you have to throw it out. That is science by definition.

You don't get to conjure magical things like dark matter than you cannot empirically prove or we might as well just say "God made it that way"

>> No.14810378

>argumeny by division by zero

kek thats a new one

>> No.14810379

Light and electrons ALWAYS move at C in their own frame of reference. To an outside observer they appear to "slow" as they titrate with phonons and Gravitons intrinsic to matter.

Simple explanation. Doesn't need to conjure magical shit like multiverse and dark matter and anti matter. You're just retarded and believe secular Jewish fairytales designed to deceive you.

>> No.14810381

That is why planck's constant is in two units of measure

J/Hz (electrons per photon)


J/s (photons per graviton)

UnIronically, max planck was a deist unlike the bigger brained "scientists" who co-opt his ideas and spin them into incoherent nonsense.

>> No.14810388

You can't divide by 0.the photo's perspective isn't a valid reference frame. If you want to think about a photo's perspective, just know they die the instant they are created and the billions of light years distance between are the same point for a photon

>> No.14810391

According to general relativity, if an electron or photon "slows" down, it increases in mass, de Broglie's equation attempts to counter this with the mechanics of photons by stating it decreases in frequency, but the inverse is true as well, all photons become gamma rays when they fall into a black hole, so why don't they heat it back up and re-expand it's density? Black holes must be transmuting and expelling energy or they would violate the conservation of energy.

>> No.14810394

You can, it creates a vertical line on a quadratic graph you moron. What dividing by zero does is make something no longer defined as a "function"

>> No.14810405

The universe couldn't give two runny shits what you think is simple. The universe is what it is, and sometimes that's fucking complicated.

>> No.14810410

gravitons don't exist

>> No.14810412

Look at you scrambling to nigger brain a post hoc rationalization;

>Photons don't exist

>> No.14810416

Neither do photons by your own definition here, nigger.


>> No.14810420

Considering the universe is built, fashioned, and maintained by Christ, and I believe in Christ, I would say that it does.

You, on the other hand, not so much.

Good luck with that, nigger.

Seethe cope dilate.

You will never be a woman

>> No.14810424

You believe in Christ but not things like derivatives. Got it.

>> No.14810466

Kinetic energy equation:
Einstein equation

really makes you think...

>> No.14810500

Then if you go into special relativity:

E^2 = (mc^2)^2 + (c√p)^2
Let E^2 = 1^2
Let (mc^2) = sin(x)
Let (c√p) = cos(x)
Trigonometric Identity Property
1^2 = sin^2 + Cos^2(x)

Let 1 = c
Let sin(x) = a
Let cos(x) = b

Pythagorean Theorem
A^2 + b^2 = c^2

It's all the same formula.

>> No.14810689

Nothing bad about considering modified gravity theories, but certain observations make them really hard to fit. For example, there are areas like the Bullet Cluster where it appears that there is gravitational lensing going on that does not match the visible matter. There are also cases of dwarf galaxies that appear to have similar amounts of visible matter, yet act as if they have very different masses. Those are results that are very difficult to explain in a coherent way by just tweaking gravity.

>> No.14810700
File: 1.99 MB, 1587x2245, 6261FF32-E900-4138-9429-60501481D7D2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MOND this

>> No.14810703

Dark matter and dark energy and shit is just axioms mathematicians and physicists create to sell quantum edutainment to normies on discovery science

prove me wrong you can't, seethe, cope, dilate, back to your faculty

>> No.14810737

>Correct. All mass is technically a miniature black hole. It only appears to be solid under an electron microscope because black holes don't let photons/electrons return past their event horizons so it "looks" "solid" to these instruments

More specifically an electromagnetic vortex wave (think smoke-ring). Looping in back toward itself interacting with its own field gradients like a snek eating its tail

>> No.14810823

like, woah dude, you just totally blew my mind man, you should, like, publish that or something

>> No.14810844

>The dark matter left the cluster for some reason, even though the cluster is held together by dark matter
>Dark matter causes gravity but isn't affected by gravity, but also follows the galaxies they are in for unknown reasons, but sometimes "escapes" for unknown reasons.
Very scientific.

>> No.14810907

Dark matter really does exist and all available data points to there being some kind of very weakly interacting mass instead of gravity being some kind of unsteady function or there being additional natures of force like a second gravity. I don't get why schizos the dark matter theory so much when neutrinos are already a thing.
As for dark energy, there is good evidence that it also exists but not as strong evidence as for dark matter. Apparently it also acted differently at the beginning of the universe and continues to grow in energy.

>> No.14810917

Nothing you wrote is in that image.
>An optical image of the Bullet cluster projected mass density shown as green contours as determined by gravitational lensing (Clowe, et al, 2006)
>The X-ray emission of the Bullet cluster as measured by the Chandra X-ray Observatory. Brightest regions are shown in red/yellow, faint emissions in blue. Green contours again show the weak lensing map and thus the mass concentrations, clearly showing dark matter masses have been separated from intracluster gas (Clowe, et al, 2006)

>> No.14810932

Ok, so then what is the image trying to say? Or you just post an image for no reason?
It presupposes that dark matter exists, and then says that the dark matter has separated from the rest of the cluster.
This implies that the dark matter was once moving with the clusters, but doesn't explain why it was moving with the cluster, or why it became separated from the cluster.
In conclusion, you're just a retard that doesn't even ask basic questions about the dumb shit you post.

>> No.14810942

Atoms don't exist.

>> No.14810964

What do you think you are made of, then?

>> No.14810991

God and what I eat.

>> No.14811006

>It presupposes that dark matter exists, and then says that the dark matter has separated from the rest of the cluster.
>This implies that the dark matter was once moving with the clusters,
>but doesn't explain why it was moving with the cluster,
>or why it became separated from the cluster.
Correct, it doesn't, but that's no secret. It's assumed that the self-interaction of ordinary matter is higher than the self-interaction of dark matter and the interaction between dark matter and ordinary matter.
>In conclusion, you're just a retard that doesn't even ask basic questions about the dumb shit you post.
You're a retard that just draws lunatic conclusions without using your brain or Google for a single second.

>> No.14811024

This right here is pure schizophrenia. Try this again, without jargon or sounding like a schizo.

What can you do with dark matter?

>> No.14811031

>assumes dark matter is real because we don't know why we have these measurements
>Defends his assumptions with more assumptions "muh like-kind interactions are stronger!!" which means there are "multiple" kinds/strength of gravity with no evidence to back that up
You're just parroting shit other people say. Youre literally anti-science.

>> No.14811059

>Try this again, without jargon or sounding like a schizo.
I'm afraid that someone who considers this jargon will consider anything "schizo".
Find a better explanation for what we can see in the bullet cluster.

>> No.14811062

Funny thing is, I've actually reconciled their model and properly restored it's central thesis but they reject it because they hate Truth (Jesus Christ). So they desperately, and frantically dive into full blown schizophrenic crusades of post-hoc rationalizations to remain in denial of Christ as Truth, the Axiomatic Omphallos at the center of every cross.


>> No.14811065

Thats because it is schizophrenic and it is jargon.

You're like a sociopath that uses colorful vernacular in an attempt to baffle his audience with bullshit and sway the listener into his favor.

Take your meds.

Captcha ATP 88 V

>> No.14811067

Tell us which words you consider jargon. Is it interaction?

>> No.14811068

>Find a better explanation for what we can see in the bullet cluster.

There's gravitational waves influencing it due to stuff you're overlooking that is closer than it.

>> No.14811072

>Find a better explanation for what we can see in the bullet cluster.
Why do I see this excuse post everywhere on /sci/? This is literally not an argument. If your theory is bullshit but there is no alternative, it doesn't "win by default." Its still bullshit.

>> No.14811074

Use plain English. If you actually understand what you're positing, this should be easy.

>> No.14811077

It's not an excuse. Here's where we stand:
>bunch of observations that don't line up with models
>find a new model that describes everything
>retards sperg off about how the new model is wrong
>they can't tell you why
>they can't offer an alternative model that describes the observations

>> No.14811079

This means you should be able to provide analogies, metaphors, and examples of something similar in function outside of the narrow scope of the physic-al lexicon.

If you cannot do this, then you dont actually understand it, and you are just parroting shit.

>> No.14811081

Because you're not actually describing the mechanics. You're just positing jargon as self-evidentiary proof of your assertions.

>> No.14811082

>plain English
Which words overstrained your seven brain cells?

>> No.14811084

>new model
False, its the same model, but they just added "magic matter" to fix it.
Its wrong because it causes other questions (which I pointed out) that they cannot answer.
Stop behind dishonest.

>> No.14811085

>You're just positing jargon as self-evidentiary proof of your assertions.
I'm posting observations and a possible explanation. Do you have another explanation you want to share with the class?

>> No.14811088

Explain the fucking mechanics of how dark matter interacts with regular matter, already!!!

>> No.14811092

Correct. He is parrotting. This is evidenced by the fact that he cannot actually explain dark matter other than to say "it's dark matter"

>> No.14811097

Wait, that's what you're struggling with? That's literally the easiest part. Gravity. At least predominantly, we don't know about other interactions other than that they're pretty rare.

>> No.14811106

How is my question so fucking hard for you to understand. What is the function of dark matter in relation to the rest of the universe? How does it relate to what we already know, how does it different in it's mechanics?

Really simple fucking questions. If it exists, as you seem to be certain it does; WHAT DOES IT DO and WHY?

>> No.14811108

So you're saying "dark matter" is the origin of the force we call "gravity"?

>> No.14811111


>> No.14811122

>What is the function
It doesn't have a function as there is no intelligent design behind nature.
>How does it relate to what we already know
It has mass and therefore creates gravitational pull and can be pulled.
>how does it different in it's mechanics?
Other things we know interact with light. Light can be reflected, absorbed, emitted etc. Dark matter does nothing of that. Dark is a really bad name, as this sounds like it's black. Transparent matter would be a better name.

>> No.14811124

Then what are you saying. It influences gravity? Causes anomalies in the otherwise predictably consistent distribution of gravity?

Just saying it "gravity"s is not explanatory mechanistic function

>> No.14811126

>Causes anomalies in the otherwise predictably consistent distribution of gravity?
What does "predictably consistent distribution of gravity" mean?

>> No.14811135

It means that a gravitational body exerts it's gravitational force, consistently, in an inverse square function unless a fixed volume can fluctuate it's mass (modulate it's density) to cause gravitational waves (which would violate the principal laws of conservation of mass).

Speaking of that, how do we have gravitational waves empirically observed under the standard model?

>> No.14811147

I would counter the dark matter theory by positing there's a black hole in the line of sight which is manipulating what you're seeing.

Got any more examples of this dark matter other than this one anomaly?

>> No.14811195

>It means that a gravitational body exerts it's gravitational force
That's not touched by dark matter. It's just that there's mir matter that exerts gravitational force.

>> No.14811209

>I would counter the dark matter theory by positing there's a black hole in the line of sight which is manipulating what you're seeing.
That would be an incredibly poor counter though. Strong lensing by black holes looks very different from weak lensing due to dark matter.

>> No.14811222

Not if the black isn't a very big one. All attempts at explaining the anomaly must be entirely exhausted from within the extant lexicon before positing new phenomenon. Especially when it's a one-off anomaly. This is why I'm asking for other examples.

>> No.14811226

Furthermore it's also a matter of perspective, as a black hole situated between the merging, and then diverging galaxies would have different perceptual effects than, say, a black hole located several hundred light years closer, or further from the two galaxies.

If the black hole was behind the two galaxies by a considerable distance it would present a weak lensing effect like this by light that wrapped around the black hole and shone back towards our perceptual frame.

>> No.14811233

A black hole would also explain why the anomaly is primarily viewed with x-ray spectroscopy. Black holes accelerate light as predicted by deBroglies equation, indicating that the frequency of the photonic radiation would x-ray and potentially even gamma ray shift while wrapping around it

>> No.14811269

>Black holes accelerate light as predicted by deBroglies equation

>> No.14811526

Look into it. Because light cannot have a velocity greater than c, their frequency increases as they approach or interact with a strong gravity well.

All photons, which fall into a black hole, become gamma rays as they approach the event horizon, yet they STILL fail to heat the core of the black hole by any amount of Kelvin whatsoever. Therefore, and light that is "bent" around a black hole also has increased frequency, which is why your "dark matter" is just standard photonic radiation being amplified to "x-rays" by circling the black hole and not quite falling into it (most of it actually falls into the black hole behind this double galaxy, the little that just circumnavigates the black hole shines back at us as x-rays.

There's your mechanical explanation for why dark matter doesn't exist.

Got another example that I can debunk also?

>> No.14811536
File: 476 KB, 1280x1263, 1280px-MACS_J0025.4-1222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me give a less jargon filled explanation of why the Bullet Cluster provides strong indirect evidence of some sort of dark matter.

Normal matter can interact with other normal matter via four forces - gravity, weak & strong nuclear, and electromagnetic. The electromagnetic for is particularly important, as it makes it easier for normal matter to bump into each, slow down, and clump up.

The exotic particle models for dark matter propose some sort of particle that has mass/gravity, but has very little if any interaction with the strong/weak nuclear forces and the electromagnetic one. (Similar to how neutrinos ignore the electromagnetic force.) Because of this, dark matter only really interacts with normal matter and other dark matter via gravity; thus it has a much harder time bumping into particles, slowing down, or clumping.

The Bullet Cluster is the result of two other clusters colliding. The normal matter in those clusters appears be slowed down by each other and clump up due to the shit bumping into each other. The dark matter, since it only really interacts via gravity, can thus get separated from stuff that interacts by gravity and electromagnetic forces, as it just keeps moving.

The bullet cluster is also not the only cluster where this sort of thing has been observed; there is also MACS J0025.4-1222 , but it does not get mentioned as much due to the lack of a catchy name.

>> No.14811541

Before we can continue this conversation any further, do you mind explaining your credentials in the realm of physics? I've had this discussion with several well credentialed PhD physicists at prestigious universities, I'd really hate to find I'm arguing with an absolute tune that doesn't even have an undergraduate understanding in the field.


>> No.14811550
File: 43 KB, 208x116, 1FA7DF2F-5C67-414A-9186-4F15B7EC50EC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is so much unconfirmed shit out there. As soon as you acknowledge it, you get accused of believing in the supernatural. What the laymen don’t know is that our species does not know the half of it. There is so much to know. And the smartest among us have only scraped the surface.

>> No.14812001

With dark matter, how would you manage to scrape beyond the surface, though? There's something frustrating about a hypothetically real and extremely abundant substance that can't be seen or touched, where it will never be possible to send a probe out and collect a sample of it

>> No.14812006

Not sure who you mean, but I'm one of the people you talked to yesterday: phd in physics at one of the top 10 THE ranked universities.
What about you?

>> No.14812007

The hope is that sometimes, very very rarely it does interact with regular matter. That motivates many LHC searches and dedicated experiments line xenon

>> No.14812042


>> No.14812072

No, the idea is that the normal matter is emitting the x-rays, but the x-rays are being warped and lensed by the dark matter, from our perspective

>> No.14812475

>I've had this discussion with several well credentialed PhD physicists at prestigious universities

>> No.14812890

Magic invisible matter we can never confirm. But it like, omg, super exists.


>This is the absolute state of modern physics LOL

>> No.14812899

Gwaihir is correct. There is/are black hole(s) behind it in both cases. That's why they have "hot spots" of refracted light with higher concentrations of x-rays.

You all are niggerbrained

>> No.14812901

>Magic invisible matter we can never confirm.
Its gravitational effect is visible in the light it bends, so it can be confirmed indirectly. It's not like you can fly there and lick the other matter either.

>> No.14812938
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>the universe is an aquarium
>the sand on the bottom is dark matter
>the water is dark energy
>the salts dissolved in the water is normal matter

>> No.14812943

You mean neutrinos? Yeah, fuck those guys.

>> No.14812995

>What is the function of dark matter in relation to the rest of the universe?
It's a particle that weakly interacts with other matter and itself through gravitation.

>> No.14813007

>that weakly interacts
Let's see about that.

>> No.14813067

>It's a particle that weakly interacts
We hope. It's possible it doesn't interact with baryonic matter at all, which means we can never detect it directly.

>> No.14813097

Put that shit in my hand bro.

>> No.14813114

>Put that [neutrino] in my hand bro.

>> No.14813128

>the sun isn't real

>> No.14813147

>invisible, undetectable matter that doesn't interact with regular matter

I have a shitload of this stuff for sale. Let me know if you're interested in buying some to prove to others it exists. It's lighter than air, but I'll sell it to you for 6.6*10^6 $ per kg


>> No.14813152

Does it have a gravitational effect like dark matter does?

>> No.14813160

The sun is made out of dark matter now? Shit, nigga, I knew that shit was sus.

>> No.14813163

>Put that gluon in my hand bro.
>Put that neutron in my hand bro.
>Put that positron in my hand bro.
>Put that photon in my hand bro.
>Put that top in my hand bro.

>> No.14813165

It has whatever you want it to have, nigga.

This shits hot, you buying? Otherwise get the fuck out the way I got customers to serve.

>> No.14813169

Put that sun in my hand bro.

>> No.14813175

A photon has a function. It transmits heat through space without needing mass to propagate through.

Your "dark matter" seems to have no function except to magically explain why your calculations are errant

That's how we know it's bullshit and nowhere near the same thing as it pertains to existing.

>> No.14813177

Nothing has a function. Shit just is.

>Put that top in my hand bro.
Hee hee faggot.

>> No.14813178

Sun = dark matter.

Shit let's just call it a white hole.

>> No.14813180

You definitely don't have a function other than selling snake oil for research grants.

Day of the rope approaches. It's a rope made out of dark matter. Best look out

>> No.14813189

What functions do pions have? Or muons? What's the function of neutrinos?

>> No.14813194

I love how they made top and bottom even gayer by calling them truth and beauty.

>> No.14813201

how would you know, have you ever tried touching it?

>> No.14813204

What function does a vagina have? I wouldn't know. I'm a theoretical physicist.

>> No.14813206

Vaginas are made out of dark matter, but you wouldn't know that, you've never had a reason to touch one.

>> No.14813207

Put a vagina in my hand bro.

>> No.14813225

I'm pretty sure God couldn't even do that.

>> No.14813388

Can God create a virgin so hopeless that not even He can get him laid?

>> No.14813419

Yes, if that was his intention

>> No.14813443

Yes, by causing him to have an accident early in life that deforms him and removes his dick.
Needs to be some roundabout method like that, otherwise it violates your alleged God's policy on free will

>> No.14813459
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god wills it

>> No.14813561

How would you know my alleged God's qualities, heathen. I didn't realize you were the expert in everything. (Admittedly, you are an expert in imaginary stuff, like dark matter, however, so I may be wrong)

>> No.14813567
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Stuff we can do with dark matter

>> No.14813664

Should we be worried about invisible dark matter asteroids the size of Pluto just colliding with Earth at any moment, completely unforeseeable?

>I'm scared bros

>> No.14813686

No. Dark Matter only exists really far away, where it conveniently doesn't matter.

>Doesn't "matter"
Get it?
>Get it?!

>> No.14813701

1. Dark matter can't form structures because it doesn't have electric charge. Dark matter can only exist as a diffuse gas. 2. Baryonic matter is essentially "transparent" to dark matter because, again, no electric charge. A dark matter particle can float right through the whole planet and not interact with anything.

>> No.14813703

>colliding with Earth
>size of Pluto
At 10^-19 g/cm^3 that would be ok

>> No.14813709

So what you're saying is, it doesn't matter if it exists

Funny how you can definitively declare it's existence when it's a diffuse gas that doesn't interact with other matter.

>> No.14813714

It gravitates. It's pretty important stuff, seeing how it holds our galaxy together.

>> No.14813715

It's existence of nonexistence is irrelevant. It's like a ghost. You need an ectoplasmic ray gun to capture it.

>> No.14813720


You're fucking hilarious. Show us some, if it's holding our shit together, nigger.

Present it.

>> No.14813721
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>> No.14813729

>Our errant equations reveal it's everywhere and nowhere. It's exceedingly rare but it's also in everything. We can't present it to you, but trust us, it's there, it holds our entire existence together, but we can only see it in two galaxies over 100million light years away.

Smells like bullshit, sounds like bullshit, looks like bullshit.
Is bullshit

>> No.14813733

>hard r
Why do racism and antiscientific tendencies always come hand in hand?

>> No.14813740
File: 1.58 MB, 3000x2400, C74B8B2A-B334-4A2E-9BA0-13C5BCE34C16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Our errant equations reveal it's everywhere and nowhere
No, we have pretty good maps by now. It's neither everywhere, nor nowhere. It is simply where it is.

>> No.14813744

Because you are a nigger brained nigger is why. You're literally describing "nothing" as in, no-thing.

>We can't find it, but it holds everything together.

Do you realize just how nigger-brained this is? IT DOESNT EXIST. Your fundamental premises are wrong and you're too fucking retarded to admit that and start over so you're literally positing bullshit.

>Dark Matter is how God interacts with the universe.

I fixed your theory for you.

>> No.14813853

It exists because our equations need it to exist to work, ok?

It exists and works exactly like it needs to, in order to complete our equations.

That's science!

>> No.14813863

Without dark matter galaxies make no sense. They should've flown apart billions of years ago. Something has to be holding them together, something that can't be seen and that doesn't form structures. Ergo, dark matter exists.

>> No.14813868

>Agrees with >>14813853

>The absolute state of "science"

Protip; God holds things together, if God didn't exist things wouldn't work the way they do. Ergo, God exists.
This is the exact same thing as what you're saying,

>> No.14813884

taken any pictures of God lately?

>> No.14813889

Dark matter is way too thinly spread and doesn't interact a lot so no chance of it clumping like that.
You have dark matter within you right now.

>> No.14813891

Unlike ghosts and magic, dark matter actually has a tangible effect on our observable universe and even on our own galaxy.

>> No.14813912

Yeah. He usually hangs out over by the bullet cluster just making gravity work. He can be in multiple places at once, so you can also find him over at the MACDonalds

>> No.14813915

Too bad you can't prove your magical dark matter exists and that it's not just errors in your model.

>> No.14813917

God IS dark matter tho. He works in mysterious ways.

>> No.14813923

The God within, yep

>> No.14813925

I can do all things through Dark Matter, who strengthens me

>> No.14813929

Question, do I need one p
Particle/Wave of Dark Matter to make my gravity work, or how many Dark Matters dancing on the head of a pin do I need to keep my gravity working for me so that I don't just turn into a gelatinous blob like the 500lb landwales riding the mobility scooters at Walmart?

>> No.14813930

If I'm a little deficient on Dark Matter, what do I need to include in my diet to make sure I don't inadvertently stop gravitating and get flung off Earth?

I definitely don't want to be found Dark Matter deficient.

>> No.14813934

Ummm. Guys..... I jumped and got stuck in mid air. I think i mustve sharted out all my dark matter but I can't tell because it's just a clear liquid that disappears when I touch it.

What do I do?

>> No.14813943

Funny thing is, we started out this conversation with the assertion that your understanding of gravity is flawed, and me linking a theory that actually resolves the paradox. Then you faggots deleted that thread and denied that you were just flinging shit to make your errant equations balance.

Then there was a lot of bullshitting, then you finally just admit I was right, your using "mythical" dark matter to fix your errant equations


I'm always right. And you are nigger-brained niggers.

>> No.14813947

By your own admission, you're a well credentialed physicist, and you've admitted that dark matter exists because it has to exist to make your equations work, which is what I stated when this conversation started.

Your model is fundamentally flawed and you need to invent imaginary magical matter with special rules to make it pencil out.

Youve agreed with me.

>> No.14813949

And this is why you are an arrogant and ignorant nigger brained nigger.

>> No.14813950

You can disprove hypothesis like variable gravity through the existence of galaxies without or a very miniscule amount of dark matter. That leaves only the existence of invisible matter - i.e. dark matter.
God isn't dark matter. He is either the entire universe or he at least created it/manages it.

>> No.14813951

Dark Matter exists because if it doesn't exist, our model falls apart.

>T. PhD Physicist

>> No.14813954

Alternative models fall apart because of the issue of galaxies apparently lacking dark matter.

>T. PhD PhD PhD Theoretical Quantum Particle Physics Quantum

>> No.14814024

I already gave you an alternative model that explains this. You deleted it from the catalog.

Gravity is absolute density/cold seeking to consume heat through electromagnetism, and reciprocating this exchange by reverberating time and sound which fuels heat, to start the cycle anew.

It doesn't require magical dark matter, and it doesn't violate relativity and the standard model, or quantum mechanics to accomplish this aim.

God, the singularity which constitutes the entirety of the universe, spoke creation into existence. This phononic utterance was so powerful that it eradicated itself into what we call the uni-verse (The One Word; the "OM") this is because phonons excited the singularity and manifested Heat which expanded the density of the singularity and created photons. Photons interacting with matter created electro-positrons, which then fell into the "still" of matter creating gravity.

All energy is cyclical.

Is "titrated" trigonometrically:


And is reflected, in Mind:


Source: The Rhema of The Holy Spirit of Christ

>> No.14814040
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>Source: The Rhema of The Holy Spirit of Christ
see >>14809010

>> No.14814045

>You deleted it from the catalog.

>> No.14814051

>Special Relativity
E^2 = (m*c/g)^2 + (√(pc/g))^2
Let E^2 = 1^2
Let (mc^2) = sin(x)
Let (c√p) = cos(x)
>Trigonometric Identity Property
1^2 = sin^2(x) + cos^2(x)
1^2 = sec^2(x) + csc^2(x)
1^2 = sin(x)/csc(x) + cos(x)/sec(x)
Let Sin(x) = Shame; csc(x) = Wisdom
Let cos(x) = Pride; sec(x) = Humility
>Philosophical Platonic Axiom of Truth
Truth^2 = Pride/Shame + Wisdom/Humility
Pride^2 = Arrogance/Weakness + Ignorance/Knowledge
Shame^2 = Ignorance/Humiliation + Weakness/Failure
Humility^2 = Strength/Patience + Humiliation/Awareness
Wisdom^2 = Awareness/Knowledge + Strength/Success

>Pythagorean Theorem
C^2 = A^2 + B^2

>> No.14814064

This is religious horseshit and not /sci/ related, even if you desperately want it to be.
It's like trying to teach "Intelligent Design" in schools and getting offended that it's not being taken seriously

>> No.14814068

>Let E^2 = 1^2
No, I don't think I will.

>> No.14814070

Why do black holes emit sound despite light and electromagnetism being unable to escape them?

Because that is how they vent the energy they consume from photons and electro-positrons.

How do they propagate this sound through space? Because space is not a true vacuum, the sound is so intense that it propagates through a planck vacuum (1planck-mass per planck length^3)

>> No.14814074

Except it is not

Computer programs translate language to math to physics all the time. Why would you assume the same is not true outside of a computer? A computer is just a mirror of how things work outside of a computer.

>> No.14814081

Physics uses "Let" statements to translate to math all the time

"c" is "Let "c" = "the speed of light"

Physics as a science could not exist without "Let" commands you fucking mongoloid retard.

>> No.14814083

>Why do black holes emit sound
they literally don't

>> No.14814087

We would not even have a mathematical model of physics at all if it weren't for "Let"

>> No.14814088

>Let π = 3

>> No.14814092


Nigger, you don't want to play this game.

Are you saying Nasa's observations are incorrect and that you, some random faggot on the internet, knows better?

>> No.14814098

Try reading the article. It explains it so simply even you should be able to understand it.

>> No.14814101

The original Hebrew text in 2kings states the diameter was
9.5. They didn't have a word for the decimal.

They then said the circumference was 30 cubits

30/π = 9.549. Accurate to within 1/2 of 1%.

You still wanna do this nigger?

>> No.14814109

Furthermore, YOU didn't discover Pi. Someone else did, you're just a nigger standing on the shoulder of giants.

You really should knock your ego down a peg or pi.


>> No.14814123

I heard there's a considerable sum of money and a novel prize guaranteed for any faggot physicist who can provide a working theory of everything that ties relativity into quantum physics.

If you are so smart, why havent you circled the square and claimed your prize yet?

What's stopping you? Just plug "dark matter" into your equations and get that money, faggot.

>> No.14814127

>electromagnetic data that NASA converted into sound
You absolute retard

>> No.14814130

>The original Hebrew text in 2kings

>> No.14814231

1 Kings 7:43

Anyhow, not that you've attempted to refute using the Torah as a reference, does that mean I get to use the Bible to refute your secular argument?

Or does that only mean that you get to use it to be antisemitic, when it suits your argument?

>> No.14814240

"Dark Matter" doesnt exist in the Bible, so Dark Matter doesn't exist.


we're allowed to bring the bible into this discussion, because you chose to evoke it first in >>14814088


gonna need to find a new way to balance your equations, and judging by the fact that you do not have a nobel prize for positting a theory of everything that uses Dark Matter to reconcile relativity to quantum theory, i believe this conversation is over.

Dark Matter doesnt exist, and this has emphatically been proven in this thread, by your own rules of engagement.

and you're an antisemite

>> No.14814313

>What we're listening to is essentially a re-sonification, so a data sonification of an actual sound wave in this cluster of galaxies where there is this supermassive black hole at the core that's sort of burping and sending out all of these waves, if you will. And the scientists who originally studied the data were able to find out what the note is. And it was essentially

Keep reading faggot. The black hole sends out "pressure waves" (which are gravitonic in nature)

These mechanical pressure waves reverberate off of gas clouds, the oscillations in the gas clouds are translated electromagnetically, and then RESONIFICATED ( meaning "made again into sound")

Ergo, they emit sound.

And you are absolutely wrong.

>> No.14814328

I thought you were a PhD Physicist? Lol this is day 1 shit.

I knew that black holes emitted sound just because gravity is the opposite of heat. Nasa, and all the rest of you faggots, just confirm what can already be abductively discerned.

How is this possible? How are scientific phenomenon predictable just by understanding opposites?

Something doesn't add up, niggers, and dark matter doesn't exist.

>> No.14814333

who the fuck are you talking to?

>> No.14814450

A 6 ft pink rabbit named Dr. Harvey.

>> No.14814482

>1^2 = sin^2(x) + cos^2(x)
>C^2 = A^2 + B^2
Infinite schizos theorem instead of infinite monkeys theorem?

>> No.14814657
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Dark Matter is most likely just mini black holes

if you take everything we know this is literally the most likely answer

there is no special/exotic particle that breaks physics you retards

>> No.14814667

>there is no special/exotic particle that breaks physics you retards
Define breaking physics

>> No.14814680

>Define breaking physics
Define Dark Matter

>> No.14814687

Matter that does not interact with the strong, weak, or electromagnetic force carriers (at least not in a level that we've observed it yet) but has mass and exerts gravitational force.

>> No.14814703

>Matter that does not interact with the strong, weak, or electromagnetic force carriers (at least not in a level that we've observed it yet) but has mass and exerts gravitational force.

there you go it breaks physics because it's the only one of it's kind

>but muh gravitational lensing

can be explained by black holes

>> No.14814734

>there you go it breaks physics because it's the only one of it's kind
Define breaking physics. If there's only one thing of its (not it's, which means it is) kind, then it breaks physics? Do neutrinos break physics because of neutrino oscillation? Do gluons break physics because of self-coupling? Do W and Z bosons break physics because of their mass? Do top quarks break physics because they're the only quarks that don't hadronize? Do protons break physics for being stable?

>> No.14814754
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>Define breaking physics. If there's only one thing of its (not it's, which means it is) kind, then it breaks physics? Do neutrinos break physics because of neutrino oscillation? Do gluons break physics because of self-coupling? Do W and Z bosons break physics because of their mass? Do top quarks break physics because they're the only quarks that don't hadronize? Do protons break physics for being stable?


because they belong to leptons so their process of discovery is linked to said family
and not some bullshit you pulled out of your ass to complete an equation that can be answered by an already existing form of mass

>> No.14814794

Can any of you provide a single iota of proof that dark matter is real and not a modelling error?

>> No.14814885

Both. Dark matter is responsible for gravity.

>> No.14814898

See >>14811536

>> No.14814901

>because they belong to leptons so their process of discovery is linked to said family
Exactly one of the mentioned particles belongs to leptons and even then it breaks the standard model.
>because they belong to leptons so their process of discovery is linked to said family
>and not some bullshit you pulled out of your ass to complete an equation that can be answered by an already existing form of mass
I'm sure that's what they said when someone proposed that the muon was a lepton and not actually a meson.

>> No.14814934

Dark matter and dark energy are one of the most important examples of modern science failures.
> see a gravitation anomaly
> make a hypothesis that there are some invisible particles
> gets immediately accepted as absolute truth and all the plebs believe it is real
> no critique allowed
> muh scientific truth
Science is failing in the recent decades because it is completely dishonest with itself. Things which are uncertain or even dubious are treated as real and "the solid evidence is just around the corner". It's literally "true until proven otherwise".

>> No.14814949

Guys listen, I have a PhD in astrophysics. I've solved the problem with gravity. You know how gravity is just an illusion and is actually just matter moving along converging geodesics... Well that means gravity will be stronger the faster matter is moving through space. Our gravity strength is a combination of earth moving around the sun(small fraction), the sun moving around the galaxy, and the main source of movement is from the galaxy moving through space. All galaxies close to each other will have very similar gravity strength. And before you say matter is moving through the "time dimension" so it doesn't need to be moving through space to produce a gravitational effect - lmao no. I postulate most higher red-shifted galaxies will have stronger gravity and when matter isn't moving through space there will be no gravity and this is the base spacial reference point.

>> No.14814971

Put air in my hand. What is wind, what is air? I don't believe there is something invisible called "atoms" that I can't see with the human eye. Sounds like bullshit

>> No.14814981

>if we ignore all the debate over X, we see that there is no debate about X in the scientific community! ehrmagawd muh dogma!!
Just because you don't have 100,000 astrophysicists immediately jumping on the "Einstein was wrong!!1!" train and pushing your bullshit electric universe aether gravity ghosts crap doesn't mean there's no debate or critique in the community.

You want to start a brawl at an astronomy conference? Ask a roomful of cosmologists their opinions on dark matter. If there's a hundred guys in the room you'll get a hundred and fifty different opinions.

Are there anomalies in observations of large scale gravitational interaction that don't perfectly match up with GR predictions? Yes.
Does that mean you immediately throw out the 99% of other cases that GR does explain and predict? No. You start with simple refinements to the hypothesis (maybe there's just more mass) and you exhaust that alternative before going to more complicated explanations (GR is completely wrong). It's the same reason we don't immediately throw out the law of conservation of momentum just because some boer faggot finds that a classroom demo doesn't perfectly match his back of the envelop calculations.

>> No.14814999
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top kek, look at this brainlet take
> if you are not with us on the dark matter bandwagon you are retard believing in fairy tales!
nice try faggot, you are a perfect example of what is wrong with the current science community.
> dark matter must be true, because how can humanity be wrong? the new gods?
> t. faggot
honest scientist will emphasize "hypothesis" keyword, while a retard will say "maybe there is no dark matter but what will us retards do if GR is wrong? that cannot be! I'd rather pray to the almighty dark energy to make us morons right!"

>> No.14815011

Do you believe in gravity? You can't touch gravity, you can't see gravity, there just seems to be something pulling things towards each other and we've started calling it gravity. If there is no gravity then it doesn't really make sense why things fall down, so we have to conclude that there is probably a gravitational force

>> No.14815015

Isn't kinetic energy already part of the Einstein Field equations?

>> No.14815016

bitch please, I can believe only in things which can be tested. If you say, let's even take newtonian dynamics, you can test the relations between values. There is nothing you can say about testing dark matter except "tests don't show dark matter exists". do not play games here

>> No.14815037

>Put air in my hand. What is wind, what is air? I don't believe there is something invisible called "atoms" that I can't see with the human eye. Sounds like bullshit

to make this analogy even remotely good, we would have to take the "ether" hypothesis. we don't believe in ether because there are no proofs it exists. there is no reason to believe in dark matter because there is no proof it specifically exists. You could introduce a new force, call it Dark Force and formulate equations to fit the data and voila, it has pretty much the same credibility as dark matter, but this time is sounds at least like we don't know what is happening there. with dark matter you can bullshit people into thinking we can prove this is some substance but in reality we have no idea if this unknown phenomenon is really matter at all

>> No.14815042

dark matter is basically a math concept in someone's theory
you smell like a pop-sci consoomer

>> No.14815043
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Primordial black holes within a specific size range (basically small enough to be missed by astronomical surveys, big enough to not emit enough hawking radiation to be detectable) are considered a viable candidate for dark matter, and there are some efforts going on to find them.

That said, it is way too early to assume we have discovered every possible form of matter. The BEST experiment has had some unusual results, that may be producing sterile neutrinos (which would be a form of dark matter), and physicist are going to keep hunting for axions as a solution for the strong CP problem; axions would also count as dark matter.

That said, nature is under no obligation to provide simple answers. Perhaps some of the dark matter is primordial black holes, some is sterile neutrinos, some is axions, and then we still need a slightly tweaked gravity theory on top of that. The whole area is currently full of unknowns.

>> No.14815055

So your hangup is just about what they've chosen to call it? It would still be the same thing either way

>> No.14815143

>if you are not with us on the dark matter bandwagon you are retard believing in fairy tales!
If someone offers an alternative to it that isn't a batshit retarded take like "what if gravity is a lie and it's all just plazmas guyz?" I'll entertain it... the Milgrom model is probably the most thoroughly thought-out alternative hypothesis I've read, and while it still has some issues and conflicts with observations it's still sound enough to at least be analyzed and examined. Shit like the Milgrom model is maybe, MAYBE 1% of the alternatives I've seen to CDM/GR. The rest is pure schizo shit like electric universe nonsense or "what if the laws of physics are different everywhere else?"

>> No.14815146

If we called it "White Matter" would that be more acceptable?

>> No.14815154
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I have discovered a mysterious particle that turns people gay but it cannot be detected what so ever but I know it exists because it turns people gay

I call it gay matter

>> No.14815171

If I attach a hanging mass to a cart and solve
[math]U_G = K_T[/math]
to predict the velocity of the cart when the hanging mass hits the ground, I'll get an answer that doesn't match my observations

At this point I can say "welp, I guess the law of conservation of energy is bunk, let's throw that out and start from scratch" or I can say "if the law of conservation of energy holds, this implies I have some missing energy in the system" and I could do some theorizing or experimenting to determine if there is energy I haven't accounted for - like the rotational kinetic energy of the wheels, or the dissipation of energy due to friction, etc. with the goal of filling in for what the missing or 'dark energy' actually is.

>> No.14815339

Originally the hypothesis wasn't that there must be some exotic new type of matter, it just meant that there must be some asteroids and other bodies with low albedo that were contributing to the extra mass. It makes sense since asteroids are pretty hard to find even in our own solar system.

At some point apparently that idea was abandoned, I don't know why. Maybe there was too much "dark matter" for that to be realistic?

>> No.14815346

Ok, after some digging I found this:
>Measurements of the primordial abundances of helium and deuterium, created in the big bang, combined with measurements of the universal expansion rate, give a direct estimate of the amount of baryonic matter in the universe

So it sounds like "dark matter" actually stems from a problem with the big bang theory, not galactic rotation. It's probably just gas, rocks, dust, and other debris between stars.

>> No.14815347

It's not abandoned exactly. What you're talking about are MACHOs: massive compact halo objects. The problem with assuming that ALL dark matter is made of machos is that there doesn't appear to be enough baryonic matter in the universe for that to be true.

>> No.14815362

Cool. Yeah my money is on MACHO's then. I bet most of them are probably too small to detect via gravitational lensing, but cumulatively they add up to more mass than the ones that can be detected, accounting for the other 80% of mass.

>> No.14815628

>too much "dark matter" for that to be realistic
Yeah intuitively it doesn't make sense for 85% of the mass to be asteroids that we can't see.
Like maybe that would make sense for an early universe or early galaxy but the asteroids would have mostly congealed into stars and planets since then

>> No.14816042

Yeah that's a good point. Can't be 85%.

What if it's related to the photons in between stars? The sun loses a bunch of mass/energy every second from radiation, and that radiation takes 100,000 light-years to travel across the galaxy (or 50,000 to go across the radius). Maybe all of the mass/energy from all of the combined stars in between galaxies somehow has an effect on spacetime....

>> No.14816067
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Anything travelling at "c" is omnipresent.
The reason why photons aren't omnipresent within God's Universe is because there is no such thing as a true vacuum. All space is planck limited to one planck-vacuum (one planck-mass per planck-length^3). So no matter what, all photons are always titrating with at least some amount of mass which limits their velocity to approximately ~300million meters per second in space, photons slow down as they approach larger gravity wells to the outside observer, but in the perspective of the photon they remain constant at c.

Dark Matter doesn't exist. It's just Jews trying to deflect from the symmetry of God's Universe. They don't even have their own language to describe things they have to use Christ's languages to "cross" the communication barrier of describing things in God's Uni-verse (the Word ((Logos)) that "spoke" the universe into existence)

>> No.14816072

>Special Relativity
E^2 = (m*c/g)^2 + (√(pc/g))^2

>Let E=C; Let mc^2 = A; let c√p = B

>Pythagorean Theorem
C^2 = A^2 + B^2

>Let C = 1, Let A = cos(x), Let B = sin(x)

>Trigonometric Identity Property
1^2 = sin^2(x) + cos^2(x)
1^2 = 1/sec^2(x) + 1/csc^2(x)
1^2 = sin(x)/csc(x) + cos(x)/sec(x)

>Let 1= Truth; Let sin(x) = Pride; csc(x) = Humility; Let cos(x) = Shame; sec(x) = Wisdom
>Truth^2 = Pride/Humility + Shame/Wisdom
Pride^2 = Arrogance/Weakness + Ignorance/Knowledge
Shame^2 = Ignorance/Humiliation + Weakness/Failure
Humility^2 = Strength/Patience + Humiliation/Awareness
Wisdom^2 = Awareness/Knowledge + Strength/Success


The shame of wisdom and the pride of humility is Truth
The wisdom of shame and the humility of pride is Truth
The arrogance of weakness and the ignorance of knowledge is Pride
The weakness of arrogance and the knowledge of the ignorant is Pride
The failure of weakness and the ignorance of humiliation is shame
The weakness of failure and the humiliation of ignorance is shame
The strength of patience and the humiliation of awareness is humility
The patience of strength and the awareness of humiliation is Humility
The strength of success and the knowledge of awareness is wisdom
The success of strength and the awareness of knowledge is wisdom

>Sohcahtoa adjacent test:

Wisdom without humility is pride
Wisdom without pride is Humility
Humility without wisdom is shame
Humility without shame is wisdom
Shame without humility is pride
Shame without pride is Humility
Pride without wisdom is shame
Pride without shame is wisdom

>Double angles
Wisdom and Shame without humility is pride
Pride and humility without shame is wisdom
Wisdom and shame without pride is Humility
Pride and humility without wisdom is shame


>> No.14816076

Alpha and Omega

Theory of Everything in Christ


----------------- (Nous) ----------------
--------------- (Ennoia) -----------------

------------------------- (Photon) ----------------
Electromagnetism -----▼--------------- Heat
(Electron) ------------ Energy ----- (Phonon)
Gravity --------------------▲------------ Sound
------------------------ (Graviton) ----------------




Low Esteem------▲-----Admiration

Eating Death----▼--------Ascetisim
Gluttony----------▲---Eating Plants

Genetic diff-----▼-----psychospiritual diff.
(Miscegen.) (Race) (War/Eugenics)
Genetic Indiff---▲--psychospiritual indiff.


>> No.14816086

To understand the titration of electrons and phonons we need look no further than the equation for potential energy and voltage as well.

PE= qV

PE = qIR
Where the potential energy of the circuit is defined as the charge*Current*Resistance, and since resistance is phononing reverberation within the material we solve for I
I = PE/qR
The speed of the current is equivalent to the potential energy of the system divided by the charge and the ohmic resistance.

This, in conjunction with Ohm's law describes the amount of photonic energy that is redirected from electron transfer to heat within the circuit. Resistance is described as 'slowing" the current but it's actually the phonons bouncing off of electrons and becoming gravitons (timespace)

It appears to slow because it creates additional spacetime for the current to travel through while the speed of the electron is static at "c" the speed of light.

If mass didn't vent heat and electromagnetic energy out through gravitonic energy and sonic energy, it would get indefinitely heated up by the universe and burst into nuclear fusion and then fission everywhere that photons came into contact with mass, which is everywhere.

>> No.14816100

>source: /x/
That's nice... why don't you go back and stay there?

>> No.14816104
File: 6 KB, 186x188, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No tha k you. This is a channel for scientific discussion, and I believe I've clearly made the link between science and the paranormal reality of the divine

Seethe and cope, tranny.

>> No.14816144

It's highly likely that the unaccounted for matter (if it exists) is not just one thing:

Asteroids and rogue planets and brown dwarfs and even just dust particles in the ISM could be a non-negligible source of mass. Likewise dim compact objects like black holes could be another. I think at least some part of it will turn out to be some new particle or particles - WIMPS, SIMPS, etc. - since these would also fill in some blanks in quantum field theory.

The big problem with MACHOs as a major contributor is lack of observational evidence. We've got a good idea of how commonplace binary-companion black holes are. Rogue black holes are another matter; it's much harder to gauge how common they are since the only method of detecting them is looking for traces of gravitational lensing if one should happen to cross between Earth and another star. There's only one case I know of where they've managed to detect what they *think* was a rogue BH and that was I think a year ago. It could turn out they're much more common than we think, but that would also raise a lot of new questions about the formation of stars and galaxies

>> No.14816440
File: 126 KB, 1229x306, 2022_09_02_17.49.22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's unfair to the /x/files who are typically far more sane and reasonable than this.
Think I've found his actual origin here

>> No.14816443


>> No.14816477

One issue with Machos would be explaining stuff like the Bullet Cluster again. The visible matter appears to be clumped up when the two clusters collided, while the majority of the mass (as via gravitational lensing) appears to have kept going. If the dark matter was merely dim normal stuff, then it should have also collided with other dim normal stuff & clumped up as well. That is why some sort of exotic particle is the favored hypothesis, though I suppose smaller primordial black holes would be viable as well, as they are small enough to not really run into things like large dust clouds would.

>> No.14816674


>> No.14816681

You've totally refuted his points.
As this goes on, your failure to address his salient points just strengthens his argument. You're smart right? Assail the concept not the messenger.

You're proving him more authoratative than you by dancing around it circle jerking with faggots looking for allies like consensus = Truth; it does not.

>> No.14816684

>pretending to be a different anon by removing your name, but keeping the reddit spacing

>> No.14816687

Very interesting, thanks. Ok, I agree it probably can't be machos then. I still don't think it's an exotic particle, but it's definitely mysterious.

>> No.14816693

>Pretending to have allies>>14816674 when you're really just a faggot

>> No.14816696

Kek. You have a point

>> No.14816704

Dark Matter is so heckin' valid. When I transitioned MTF i decided to major in theoretical physics so I had something to study while I dilated by reesty bunt-hole. I dream about dark matter all over my chin every night. It balances out my cravings.

>> No.14816708

At least christbro stands for something other than balancing an equation that doesn't work. Can't buy integrity.

>> No.14816710

I have way more allies than you here, nigger with a paper army.

>> No.14816713

Jeezus wouldn't approve of your use of the n word. I fear you might be going to hell 0.0

>> No.14816718

You don't believe in Jesus, and you don't believe in hell. Therefore, I don't think you're qualified to make that statement, nigger

>> No.14818319

>I have way more allies than you here
I suppose the advantage of samefagging that you can have as many allies as you pretend you have.

>> No.14818348

*unsheathes sword*

>> No.14818359

*puts on robe and wizard hat*

>> No.14818369

Take this, worm

>> No.14818379

*teleports behind you*
Tcch, nothing personal

>> No.14818509

This is exactly what the Jew media does to promote "science" and feign "support" for genocidal/suicidal policy.
You sound super butthurt.
80million Americans now agree with Gwaihir.

>Tick tock, Jew. The day of the rope approaches.

>> No.14818522

>The theory can be considered a form of Pythagoreanism or Platonism in that it proposes the existence of mathematical entities; a form of mathematicism in that it denies that anything exists except mathematical objects; and a formal expression of ontic structural realism.

>Special Relativity
E^2 = (m*c/g)^2 + (√(pc/g))^2

>Let E=C; Let mc^2 = A; let c√p = B

>Pythagorean Theorem
C^2 = A^2 + B^2

>Let C = 1, Let A = cos(x), Let B = sin(x)

>Trigonometric Identity Property
1^2 = sin^2(x) + cos^2(x)
1^2 = 1/sec^2(x) + 1/csc^2(x)
1^2 = sin(x)/csc(x) + cos(x)/sec(x)

>Let 1= Truth; Let sin(x) = Pride; csc(x) = Humility; Let cos(x) = Shame; sec(x) = Wisdom
>Truth^2 = Pride/Humility + Shame/Wisdom
Pride^2 = Arrogance/Weakness + Ignorance/Knowledge
Shame^2 = Ignorance/Humiliation + Weakness/Failure
Humility^2 = Strength/Patience + Humiliation/Awareness
Wisdom^2 = Awareness/Knowledge + Strength/Success

>> No.14818524

And I like how it proofs too:

The shame of wisdom and the pride of humility is Truth
The wisdom of shame and the humility of pride is Truth
The arrogance of weakness and the ignorance of knowledge is Pride
The weakness of arrogance and the knowledge of the ignorant is Pride
The failure of weakness and the ignorance of humiliation is shame
The weakness of failure and the humiliation of ignorance is shame
The strength of patience and the humiliation of awareness is humility
The patience of strength and the awareness of humiliation is Humility
The strength of success and the knowledge of awareness is wisdom
The success of strength and the awareness of knowledge is wisdom

>Sohcahtoa adjacent test:

Wisdom without humility is pride
Wisdom without pride is Humility
Humility without wisdom is shame
Humility without shame is wisdom
Shame without humility is pride
Shame without pride is Humility
Pride without wisdom is shame
Pride without shame is wisdom

>Double angles
Wisdom and Shame without humility is pride
Pride and humility without shame is wisdom
Wisdom and shame without pride is Humility
Pride and humility without wisdom is shame


>> No.14818534

So what you're saying is special relativity:
E^2 = (m*c^2)^2 + (c√p)^2
Is actually
E^2 = (m*c/g)^2 + (√(pc/g))^2

This is amazing, gravity is the still of matter attempting to reach equilibrium with photon-phononic heat?

>> No.14818540

who tf is going to read any of that nigger stfu

>> No.14818545

Yep, that's exactly what I'm saying and it doesn't require exotic magical forms of matter/energy that violate the rules of normal matter to do so.

Occam's Razor my good sir. Nature values simplicity over Jewish lies.

God chose a man named Ohm to discover the "Om"

>> No.14818551

lol I just bothered reading that and then realized your just a retard go back to /x/ faggot

>> No.14818557

Exactly, or no, wait, I read it. It actually makes more sense than this multiverse, tampon string, dark matter faggotry. But, I suppose when you're a faggot, you like wrapping your left arm around and behind your head to point at your right ear and say "this is my ear" instead of just being like "this is my ear" with your right hand directly touching it.

>> No.14818559

So you did read it. You answered your own question >>14818540 here. The kind of faggot who would read it includes yourself.

>> No.14818565
File: 314 KB, 840x859, thinkign.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does this imply for physics if dark matter is never detected? Do we NEED to detect a particle to assert it exists?

>> No.14818575

No, you just need to write an errant equation and then insist whatever is needed to balance that equation exists.

>> No.14818579

>Pride^2 = Arrogance/Weakness + Ignorance/Knowledge
no let me fact check your niggerlicious math you see (niggers^3 times your a fatfag^2 over 1488) = niggerdicks

sin(shit nigger testicle times theta^69 times the cosine of rape niggers = niggercum

sincoon^2(porch monkey/sin(tom pearl))^cumcock = you rape little boys

therefor using my basic mathematical models and equations I have proved that nigger cum is black

>> No.14818599

If equation doesn't pencil out, add new variable called "invisible dark matter", and viola, dark matter exists.

>> No.14818607

do you have any idea how much of a nigger monkey you sound? please explain to me how
>Pride^2 = Arrogance/Weakness + Ignorance/Knowledge
Shame^2 = Ignorance/Humiliation + Weakness/Failure
Humility^2 = Strength/Patience + Humiliation/Awareness
Wisdom^2 = Awareness/Knowledge + Strength/Success

makes any objective sense and is not a bunch of nigger monkey schizo larp

>> No.14818610

If model for radioactive decay doesn't balance, insert variable for neutrinos to balance equation. Viola, neutrinos exist.

>> No.14818622

Pride is weakness pretending to be strong by personifying arrogance (false superiority over others)
And when someone who possesses knowledge attempts to teach someone who is lacking knowledge, the person in the position of being able to learn feels the shame being found ignorant, so they react by evoking pride and pretending like they already know and or just outright ignoring the instructor (like you're doing right now)

>> No.14818629

no pride is just having your head stuck up your ass you dumb nigger you can be a prideful person and be as strong or whatever the opposite of whatever niggerlicious variables you gave dumb nigger go back to /x/ you fucking nigger monkey learn to be objective and do math like a white man

>> No.14818646

Likewise, the inverse of the axiom is true as well:

Pride is the weakness of arrogance

Edgar Allen poe wrote a story called the Cask of Amontillado which outlines this. When someone is arrogant, they can be manipulated to their own destruction by intentionally provoking their pride. Your "presumed" superiority can be played against you to bait you into folly.


The knowledge of the ignorant is pride. Pretending like you know something because you can parrot what professor sheckleberg says is not knowledge. Knowledge is intimate understanding of a thing's function and mechanics. This is why despite making over 40replies people claiming they are PhD Physicists still can't actually explain HOW dark matter supposedly does what it does; "gravitates", it just "magically does". That's not knowledge of a thing

So, yes....
Pride is defined as:

The arrogance ("of"="/")weakness ("and" = "+") the ignorance ("of"="/") knowledge ("is"="=") Pride

The words "of" "and" and "is" are mathematical operators codified into language and this is HOW the mind meaning-makes

Just because you are too nigger-brained to understand the metaphysics of language, and how it relates to math, and how math relates to physics, does not mean everyone is.

You're probably the kind of nigger that "sucks at word problems" because you're a nigger-brained nigger posing as a human.


>> No.14818664
File: 440 KB, 412x455, simple as.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you fucking retard nigger monkey the inverse of something is 1/x stupid nigger like 5 and .2 if you want to do math with emotions then give an objective measure for that and then use statistics to model the likelyhood that having one emotion will result in another like 76.8% or some shit then add that to your niggerlicious equations at the end idk how to describe how to do it man your just being a nigger simple as

>> No.14818666

The reason why pride and shame are not opposites, even though niggers like you, think they are, is because pride and shame are actually the same THING.

Subconscious shame is repressed, because the fragile nature of ego cannot acknowledge it's failures. So in order to compensate for the fact that the mind thinks everyone else can see your shame you project pride as a way of projecting strength TO HIDE WEAKNESS.


In fact, modern psychology believes the same thing; that pride and shame are two sides of the same coin.


Look at the axiom of the two platonic forms, nigger. Notice how ignorance and weakness reside between the two platonic forms? This is because they are the "edge" of the coin, where heads is knowledge and arrogance, and tails is failure and humiliation.

There you go nigger. If you can apply this lesson without embracing pride to hide your shame, you're slightly less of a nigger.

>> No.14818675

The reason why this "symmetry of function" exists between the mind, math, and physics is because it is the repeating Logos (or Logic) upon which God fashioned the universe, and as occultists hint at, as above, so below, so within.

>> No.14818676

>unironically believe psychology and science are the same thing
your a /x/ nigger

>> No.14818678

Seethe, cope, and dilate. Then drink another beer you fat dysgenic niggerbrained piece of shit. I know niggers quicker on the upswing than you.

>> No.14818696

If that's the only definition of pride, then how do you define being proud of your heritage?

What about being proud of your accomplishments?

How does "being full of oneself" explain the phrase "you're pathetic, have a little pride in yourself and take a shower"

What about when someone is too proud to admit when they're wrong?

Your mong-level understanding of the concept is not sufficient to adequately explain each of these applications of "pride", and you're projecting your ignorance all over this thread.

Am I supposed to be impressed that you're white? And thus, the chosen namefag you're evoking?

>> No.14818783

>trying to take completely vague and ill-defined concepts and putting them in a rigid mathematical system
damn sci, I knew you were a bit dim but I didn't expect the situation to be this dire

>> No.14818789

It's not /sci/ as a whole, it's ONE redditor schizo sucking all the air out of the room

>> No.14818878

>it is way too premature to say that we have discovered every possible form of energy & matter, so searching for new forms is a worthwhile endeavour.

How many undiscovered forms of energy and matter do you think there are?

>> No.14818883

As many as are necessary for me to balance my equations.

>> No.14818934

Probably none, barring some undiscovered force that necessarily needs to be even smaller than gravity.
"Dark energy" is just a placeholder name for whatever is making everything in the universe recede.
There is no compelling explanation for why only left-handed neutrinos and right-handed antineutrinos should exist, and no right-handed neutrinos or left-handed antineutrinos. So there's at least one form of matter that probably exists that hasn't been detected yet.
And perhaps fundamental particles aren't fundamental at all. The standard model is full of holes, after all. If there's an even smaller true fundamental particle, then there's no way to exhaustively know every possible kind of matter until the fundamental particle is identified.

>> No.14818943

Are you implying there's a symmetry to physical phenomenon?

Why would there need to be a right handed neutrino to offset a left-handed neutrino, and why would there need to be a left handed antineutrino to offset a right handed antineutrino. You're actually reinforcing Gwaihir's point and the concept of the universe being intelligently designed by insisting there's a symmetry at all.

>> No.14818958

Would it be helpful if I took the axiomatic mapping of Energy in physics and then further subdivided each form into subforms that further divided into sub-subforms like I've done with the axiomatic syzygy of Truth?




in only level-1.

As we can see from:




Each platonic sub-form then branches out to define each sub-form with platonic sub-sub-forms

This is the level 2 sub-form array of Truth turned 90 degrees



>> No.14818975

The theory of everything is the relational pairings.

That is to say:

All axiomatic Syzygies, when properly mapped, have identical transferrence function.

I don't need to map the entire lexicon of language to prove the theory, I only need to demonstrate the primary levels proof out.

Correctly mapping each sub-syzygy's forms is a matter of rigor that could theoretically take forever to do, as each sublevel also requires extensive proofing to ensure the forms are properly situated in relation to each other.

If the conditions for establishing a "theory of everything" or even establishing a "theory" at all are absolute completion, then science has zero "theories" which meet this criteria.

For example, in order to approve/qualify special relativity, as a theory, humanity would need to show that special relativity is adhered to EVRYWHERE and in EVERY RELATION of objects moving throughout the universe, despite not actually being able to "see" "everywhere" to confirm it.

You're applying a level of "completeness" to my theory that you don't even hold yourselves to as "scientists".

You don't find this hypocritical?

>> No.14818982

This is has nothing to do with matter vs antimatter.
Quarks come in left-handed and right-handed forms. Antiquarks come in left-handed forms and right-handed forms. Neutrinos and antineutrinos (and leptons and antileptons in general) only come in one chirality.
>You're actually reinforcing Gwaihir's point and the concept of the universe being intelligently designed by insisting there's a symmetry at all.
only a schizo like Gwaihir would think a phenomenon that doesn't imply intelligent design somehow implies intelligent design
keep your name on, fag

>> No.14818985
File: 282 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20220903-143335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LH Neutrino------\|/-RH Neutrino
--------------sub-particle energy---------------
LH Antineutrino-/|\-RH Anti-Neutrino

Matter---------\|/-dark matter
Antimatter--/|\-dark antimatter

Captcha 4WyVx
4-way vex

By stating you think there is LH antineutrino and RH neutrinos to "balance" the quanta, you're agreeing with axiomatic theory

>> No.14818988

No, you're agreeing with the syzygial nature that I'm expressing to you while denying that you are.

>> No.14818991

You desperately want to disagree with me while what you are saying AGREES WITH ME.

That is to say....everything splits out into 4thing, which split out to 4 things, which split out to four things on a quadratic system of balanced relations.

>> No.14818997

And put your name back on or better yet, stfu.

>> No.14818998

This also means that the only meaningful universal equation is that if the "sum of two squares" as all quadratic relations which are symmetrical in nature are reducible to "the sum of two squares"

>> No.14819003

You're getting scared.

Keep positing that axiomatic theory is true while denying it and I will keep showing you how you are actually admitting it is.

>> No.14819005

If LH neutrinos, RH antiNeutrinos, LH antiNeutrinos, and RH neutrinos exist than they "all together" form an axiomatic syzygy with each species occupying a quadrant of a pundit square. This is undeniable.

>> No.14819007

Actually I'm not scared at all since I'm not the one suffering from schizophrenia.
Not one thing I've said agrees with you so stfu and take your meds already.

>> No.14819017

LH Neutrino------\|/-RH Neutrino
--------------sub-particle energy---------------
LH Antineutrino-/|\-RH Anti-Neutrino

>There is no compelling explanation for why only left-handed neutrinos and right-handed antineutrinos should exist, and no right-handed neutrinos or left-handed antineutrinos. So there's at least one form of matter that probably exists that hasn't been detected yet.
And perhaps fundamental particles aren't fundamental at all. The standard model is full of holes, after all. If there's an even smaller true fundamental particle, then there's no way to exhaustively know every possible kind of matter until the fundamental particle is identified.

You're agreeing with me.

Thanks. It's nice to know, you're not as retarded as you've let on so far. Just a little bit further, step into the labyrinth.

Hold fast to that golden thread, for it is our saving grace. Every foyer contains two doors, which open to another foyer with two doors. Be mindful of minotaurs.

>> No.14819023

>If the conditions for establishing a "theory of everything" or even establishing a "theory" at all are absolute completion, then science has zero "theories" which meet this criteria.

>> No.14819030

By the way, if LH neutrinos and RH Anti-neutrinos "exist, I 100% guarantee you LH anti-neutrinos and RH neutrinos also exist, because if they didn't exist it would disprove the axiomatic theory of everything ix expounded upon here.

>> No.14819039

When you say you disagree with me, what you're saying is that you disagree with the way I've mapped some of these things. By insisting there is a symmetry to nature at all, you're agreeing with axiomatic theory.

By the way, this emphatically disproves Democritus and all philosophies following in his ethos, because it disproves the universe as "chaotic" in nature

>> No.14819063

You believe in a physical universe of symmetrical quanta and phenomena, but you keep it so compartmentalized that your blind yourself to the Truth which transcends all aspects of human experience.

That you makes you the schizophrenic delusional one, not me.

Take your meds schizo. You're living a schizophrenic delusion denying what youz yourself, admit to be true.

>> No.14819079

>"That you makes you the schizophrenic delusional one, not me.", said the delusional schizo

>> No.14819082

The "compelling information" for why there would NOT be some-thing is that there is no reason reason to believe there "SHOULD BE" some-thing if we take a purely scientific approach to it.

Within the premise of your statement, you are revealing that you believe there is a symmetry to nature, which is exactly what I describe in the axiomatic theory of everything.

You're literally agreeing with me in the premise of your conceptualization.

The godless universe doesn't just have symmetries for the sake of having symmetries. We, humans, cannot be the result of random chance, because random chance implies the universe is chaotic, which you, yourself don't subscribe to.

>> No.14819085

>There is no compelling explanation for why only left-handed neutrinos and right-handed antineutrinos should exist, and no right-handed neutrinos or left-handed antineutrinos. So there's at least one form of matter that probably exists that hasn't been detected yet.

>no compelling explanation for why only

Why does "what is" need a compelling reason for determining "what is not"?

Think McFly

>> No.14819090

It's just planets and asteroids that aren't orbiting a star so we can't see them but all the mass of them adds up

>> No.14819093

Or we can take the inverse of this statement if you're too slow of mind to understand what I'm saying....

Why does "what is not" need a compelling reason for determining "what is"?

Why would you assume LH Neutrinos need to have a RH Neutrino to "balance" it's existence? Under your own ontology "things just are" and they don't need to have an offseting thing to justify their existence.

Why would you assume RH antineutrinos need to have a LH antineutrino to balance/offset it's existence?

Are you implying there seems to be a symmetry in everything else within physics, so it's only natural to assume there is here, with these things, as well?

If so, you believe in the axiomatic theory of everything, dumbass

>> No.14819096

>If so, you believe in the axiomatic theory of everything, dumbass

You just think it's confined to your super-compartmentalized field of expertise. I'm telling straight up, it transcends EVERYTHING and your pathetic field of expertise is only a drop in the bucket of how far transcendent this syzygial thing actually is.

>> No.14819098


The knowledge of the ignorant IS Pride

>> No.14819100

And this is because, the prideful are ignorant of knowledge

>> No.14819105

And the reason. Why they are ignorant of knowledge, is because they are weak, because the humiliation of that ignorance is shame which reminds them of the weakness of their failures

>> No.14819114

Professing to be wise, they became fools

Romans 1:22

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and the knowledge of the Holy One is insight.

Proverbs 9:10

Fear of the LORD is the foundation of true knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline.

Proverbs 1:7

>> No.14819119

I'm trans, btw

>> No.14819133 [DELETED] 

>If LH neutrinos, RH antiNeutrinos, LH antiNeutrinos, and RH neutrinos exist than they "all together" form a buzzing buzzword with each buzzword occupying a quadrant of a buzzing buzzword. This is undeniable.

>> No.14819134

>If LH neutrinos, RH antiNeutrinos, LH antiNeutrinos, and RH neutrinos exist than they "all together" form a buzzing buzzword with each buzzword occupying a quadrant of a buzzing buzzword. This is undeniable.

>> No.14819167
File: 13 KB, 189x266, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is a neutrino, but a buzzword?

>> No.14819334

this, desu baka senpai

>> No.14819446

09/03/22(Sat)14:50:56 No.14819023
>If the conditions for establishing a "theory of everything" or even establishing a "theory" at all are absolute completion, then science has zero "theories" which meet this criteria

>> No.14820263

fpbp, close the thread since anything bellow is going to be shit

>> No.14821734

this, tbqh smdh famalam