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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14812628 No.14812628 [Reply] [Original]

is the whole "radiation" scare a jewish ploy to get retard normies to hate russia?
what proof is there that radiation poisoning actually exists?

>> No.14812639

you don’t get poisoned in the sense that cells die, rather your biological data files become corrupted and rearranged so that the program stops working

>> No.14812643

prove it
none of this is in the bible

>> No.14812644

>you don’t get poisoned in the sense that cells die,
brainlet take of the month

>> No.14812684

You can just eat the pellets from a few americium smoke detectors and watch what happens to you
According to you nothing will happen
If you really truly believe it's all a Jew trick, grind it up and inhale it on livestream
Otherwise you don't truly believe your Bible, you don't truly back your statement at all, you're a bitch and should go fuck off

>> No.14814115
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That's absurd

>> No.14814131

>is the whole "radiation" scare a jewish ploy to get retard normies to hate russia?
Radiation works different from what normies and kikes claim.
Chernobyl wasn't as bad as kikes and glowies portrayed it in the movies as part of their "Russia bad" propaganda.
Chernobyl scare is used by oil monopolies to scare public away from one of the top , cheap and very safe energy resources, nuclear power.

>> No.14814137

It destroys your DNA and causes cancer, or if severe enough, can cause organ failure

>> No.14814138

Sugar in drinks produced by Coca Cola and PepsiCo produce cancer and kill 180,000 people per year (and likely millions).
Yet, nobody hangs directors of those companies on telephone poles or puts them in jail.
How many people does radiation kill?

>> No.14814169

Not many because it’s treated as a dangerous object. Fucking retard

>> No.14814287

doesnt exist
caused by 5G ultrawaves, historically did not exist

>> No.14814329

>cancer didn't exist before 2017

>> No.14814335

gaslight harder glownigger

>> No.14816237

the worrying trend of /pol/tards basing their entire identity on select memes
don't kill anyone bro

>> No.14816241

Genesis 19

Lot's wife turns into a pillar of salt when Sodom and Gomorrah gets nuked

>> No.14819325
File: 357 KB, 822x584, chernobyl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brainlet take, Nuclear good, but Chernobly was still a casual fuckton of spread LLFPs


>> No.14819345 [DELETED] 

The demon core story is unquestionably a fabrication, the numbers don't add up at all. Radiation densities don't vary that much across the width of a screwdriver given that the radius of the hemisphere is far larger than the width of the screwdriver.

>> No.14819353

It has nothing to do with the r^2 dependence of the neutron flux, it has to do with the fact that the assembly was near critical and moving the hemispheres closer caused it go prompt supercritical, so the neutron flux suddenly increased by orders and orders of magnitudes

>> No.14819361 [DELETED] 

It doesn't increase that much in that small span of distance, you're just upset that you were fooled by the stupid reddit core fairy tale because you never learned basic random walk math. IFLS chumps all love the reddit core story, the idea that science could be dangerous really makes their boipussies tingle

>> No.14819392


You're a moron who has actually never run a criticality calculation in their entire life, no actual knowledge lookin' ass, has no idea what MCNP is lookin' ass, schizo lookin' ass. Initial experiment was at -5c, of course it would go supercritical with the smallest change

>> No.14819403 [DELETED] 

your schizophasiac jargon does not disguise your lack mathematical aptitude

>> No.14819707
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To whoever the brainlet was earlier who was schizo posting about the demon core, I ran some MCNP for you to do this crit calc. Ran with bare Pu core with Be reflector. Little bit of guess work on how thick the reflector was, might be wrong, don't care. Ran with top half of reflector 5mm off of the bottom half and direct on it. Run my input deck if you want, it's in pic. Result is k=0.9889+-0.0007 for off. If you change 0.5 to 0.0 to lower top half, you get k=1.0120+-0.0007, which is superprompt critical. Anon is a moron

>> No.14819860

>you don’t get poisoned in the sense that cells die

>> No.14819871

So what about that guy that ate uranium rocks in public demos and swam in the storage pools for nuclear material? He died in his 70s of a heart attack or something, never had cancer once in his life.

Are you suggesting he was a 1 in a trillion lucky guy, or do you think maybe he was right that radiation isn't actually dangerous?

>> No.14820097
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Because neither of those things are dangerously radioactive, spent fuel pools are designed to shield from the beta delayed gamma and neutron emitters in spent fuel. They have overburden of 10's of ft of water, they're excellent radiation shielding, especially for the delayed neutrons from fission products and Pu spontaneous fission neutrons.

>> No.14820147
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>> No.14820161
File: 43 KB, 731x563, mfp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brother in christ have you ever looked at a cross section library in your life. The mean free path for fast neutrons (E<10MeV) is on the order of inches in water, and for photons it's 10's of cm, and they build spent fuel ponds 10's of feet deep, it does not take that much shielding. You will not receive substantial dose by swimming in a spent fuel pond

>> No.14820165

Uranium ore is dangerously radioactive if consumed according to soience.

>> No.14820176

Uranium has a super low specific activity, only ~20 kBq/g, so it's not really that dangerous as a radiation source. I'd be more worried about the heavy metal toxicity than I would be about the dose from alpha radiation there. I wouldn't eat it, ALARA and all that, but it's not like the guy was ingesting Po-210 or something.

>> No.14821430

Radiation hormasis is a fascincating topic, they found that simply storing in a radioactive clay pot somehow made the water healthier

>> No.14821435

mad video from a conspiracy guy but some parts of it are absolutely worth further investigation if you have an open mind.