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14812419 No.14812419 [Reply] [Original]

Theorem: High civilizations create it's own cultural and genetic downfall
>natural selection creates a highly fit and intelligent people
>high intelligence (among other things) creates high civilization (science, art, culture, technology etc.)
>high civilization creates luxury, almost everyone lives and reproduces, nullifying selection pressure (in fact now the poor, stupid, and criminal reproduce more than the intelligent, wealthy, and civil)
>creates decadence (materialism, individualism, harm avoidance etc.), and the population experiences dysgenics (+ immigration also contributes to this)
>newer generations are less and less able to maintain a high level of societal functioning
>civilization collapses
There is data to support a decline in general intelligence in the west since at least the mid to late 1800s, commensurate with a 10-15 average IQ point drop (reaction times, working memory, genes associated with educational attainment decreasing in frequency etc.), but that is almost irrelevant since it necessarily must follow from the dysgenic reproductive trends a society introduces with the advent of high civilization. This also explains the strange observation that the west monopolized intellectual achievements for the last 500 years, yet the East Asians score higher on IQ tests now than do Europeans -- they have simply been under this dysgenic effect for much less time given Europe industrialized much earlier.
Hitler addressed this topic in his writings (Mein Kampf, Volume I, Chapter 3), and as usual he was right

>> No.14812443

>natural selection creates a highly fit and intelligent people
Stopped reading right there. OP is a retard and so is anyone replying below me.

>> No.14812447

Care to explain? What else is it that creates an intelligent race/people? Even in Europe, in the pre-industrial era the wealthier 50% tended to reproduce 2x as much as the poorer 50%, and wealth is a proxy for general fitness (health, intelligence, etc.), which must mean a general eugenic effect generation over generation.
Regardless, of what created the highly genetically fit people capable of creating a great civilization, the rest must follow.

>> No.14812458

Eugenics can be practised with completely voluntary incentives/disincentives.
>$10000 for any woman to get sterilised
>2x welfare payment for childless women, decreasing with each child
>generous tax credits for married couples with iqs over one st.d. so long as the wife doesn't work.
It would end poverty, even if it's all nurture, because of improved environments for children

>> No.14812460
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So what you’re saying is that the current degenerate state of society is purely biological? And that people living in Africa right now will be the next empire? Great, now I can do cocaine in peace and know that Jamal fucking my wife is an evolutionary necessity
>as usual he was right
Wasn’t that right about who’s gonna win that war though lmao

>> No.14812469

Not purely biological but this must be a part of the explanation. It's a simple consequence of breading patterns and heritability.
Also before anyone mentions it, the Flynn Effect does not refute this. Flynn himself agrees. Flynn effect has happened most on the least g-loaded sections of IQ testing and is not indicative of an increase in g.

>> No.14812476
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Oh i wasn’t disagreeing with you. It’s just that I don’t care about western or any society for that matter.

>> No.14812484

Eugenics needs to be practiced if a civilization is to survive, ideally ethically since ultimately any government that is to succeed long term needs the consent of the governed.

>> No.14812531

We can presume from the effect of the welfare incentives since the 60s, both on environment and the gene pool, that the ruling class wants dysgenics for the population in general.

>> No.14812532 [DELETED] 

>So what you’re saying is that the current degenerate state of society is purely biological
It doesn't matter. Poor people tend to create poor environments for children no matter the how much genetics has or doesn't have to do with it.

>> No.14812533

>natural selection creates a highly fit and intelligent people
Like the fellas blacking your wife?

>> No.14812534

>So what you’re saying is that the current degenerate state of society is purely biological
It doesn't matter. Poor people tend to create poor environments for children no matter how much genetics has or doesn't have to do with it.

>> No.14812538

No kidding. Remember the Lyndon Johnson quote? Welfare clients are a reliable voting bloc.

>> No.14812539

It's so cute when rightoids try to think....

>> No.14812546

His logic is loose at best, but you're seething because he's correctly pointing out that you're dysgenic and that your diseased way of life is coming to an end, not because you can show how he's wrong. :^)

>> No.14812551

NTA, but there is a monumental difference between
>natural selection creates a highly fit and intelligent people
>natural selection created in the past a highly fit and intelligent people
Always remember that nature has no will or agency, and that natural selection selects for sufficient fitness, not optimal fitness.
As for today, women prefer wife beaters over PhD holders, rich criminals over poor honest guys, and smooth conmen over ordinary dudes, and do so any time. Ask yourself: does this fit for intelligence?

>> No.14812564

ray dalio's changing world order book/doco explains this

>> No.14812565
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So does natural selection create "fit and intelligent" people or does it create mouth-breathing retards who organize their lives and social interactions around the effort to destroy the entire species (and all other life on the planet while they're at it)? Evolution dun goof'd. I guess it can always try again in another billion years.

>> No.14812569

I have read his book. It is definitely a nice theory that explains the rise and fall of empires (Dutch, English, American etc.), but not so much the rise and fall of entire civilizations.

>> No.14812572
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>mathematical proof
>Hitler wrote about this
>YouTube Videos

>> No.14812612

It's a bored teenager being a troll. That's all there's to see.

>> No.14812614

I'm a graduate math student.
Where exactly is the argument flawed?

>> No.14812618

> I'm a graduate math student.
What field and what are your plans after grad school? Masters or PhD? I’m a math PhD, studied PDE and functional analysis mainly, though since graduating I’ve been branching out

>> No.14812630

Doing my masters. This is my first semester. My undergrad was also in math.
I don't yet know what or even if I woulld like to specilize. As of now my plans are to take Real Analysis, Functional Analysis, and Optimization sequences with plenty of math and stat electives thrown in. Then decide from there whether I would like to continue in academia or go into inudstry.

>> No.14812649
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>> No.14812658
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You didn't have to concede on that point.
Mathematicians dabbling in biology, neurology, and other empirical sciences trying to do what is exactly the opposite of empiricism isn't as unusual as you may expect (Godel's theory of health, Penrose and his theory of consciousness, Grothendieck's ventures into evolutionary biology, Fomeko's New Chronology, etc.). But let me throw you a bone here: You can always read through Kandel's tome on neurology if that subject truly interests you.
In general, you cannot use epidemiological studies in medicine to infer things about individuals. Another thing in medicine that is unusual is that statistics are often valued more highly than mechanistic data. There's effectively nothing to refute or concede within your post due to the lack of any studies. No clue why you even made that post. It's about as vapid as it can get.

>> No.14812667

“High” civilizations don’t exist because in times of food excess stupid people out breed smart people. Like we have right now.

>> No.14812676

Eugenics should just be natural how hard is it for you to not fuck a stupid ugly whore that isn’t worth making progeny with?

>> No.14812681

Confirming the assertions I made about dysgenic breeding and immigration patterns is extremely easy (if it was not already common knowledge). I can simply redirect you to the Murray's "The Bell Curve".
I will provide you the source, but I explicitly said it is almost irrelevant since the implications must follow if anything we know about heritability and genetics is true.
"At Our Wits' End: Why We're Becoming Less Intelligent and What It Means for the Future" by Edward Dutton. Chapter 9.

>> No.14812702

take your fag ass acronyms back to >>>/r/eddit

>> No.14812706


>> No.14813055

Masters? No need to specialize I think unless you’re going for a PhD. Try to take some logic classes, I wish I did.

>> No.14813597


>> No.14813640
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>> No.14813728

Are you hopped up on >>>/r/italin? Otherwise you should have known that anons live here. Perhaps you are new, not yet 18?

>> No.14814380

Those timeframes are too small for natural selection in genepool to take place. What this image is about is ideas.

>> No.14814398

Perhaps this thread would fare better on /his/?

>> No.14814409

I was curious about the reaction times bit. I didn't find anything about a historical decline in human reaction times with a quick Google search. Do you remember where you learned about that?

>> No.14814439

He literally addresses this in the post you retard.
Try reading the OP before you post

>> No.14814871

Also check out "At Our Wits' End: Why We're Becoming Less Intelligent and What It Means for the Future" by Edward Dutton. Chapter 9.
No it's not. Especially with something as sensitive as intelligence. If the average weighted "true" IQ (g) of the next generation's parents is about 98, then that will be reflected in the next generation, and so on.