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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14799813 No.14799813 [Reply] [Original]

I can't take it anymore. I'm sick of the contradictory anecdotes-as-evidence, the political shit flinging, the constant dragging out, why did science have to be ruined by covid vaccine shitflinging.

I can't know what reality is anymore because it's all forced into a rigid dichotomy

>> No.14799821

>why did science have to be ruined by covid vaccine shitflinging.
It's the culmination of years of market capture by pharma companies. You haven't been allowed to hear any truth from them for decades but didn't notice because it was never forced on you in ways that were visible.

>> No.14799829

Thanks for proving my point. Everything is some big scheme, nothing just IS anymore.

>> No.14799833

Because science isn't real, it's a tool used by politicians who are controlled by the illuminati and globohomo

>> No.14799846

You're just being forced to notice it now. You want to live in a bubble where you can believe this wasn't happening, but everyone in the healthcare industry has known for years.

Osteoporosis treatments, bone density scanners, Gardasil, Statins. Lies have been peddled for a long time. As a normie this one event showed you how bad things really were, and you're desperate to have the genie put back into the bottle.

>> No.14799867

Lead deficiency schizophrenia.

>> No.14799868

Fuck off /pol/tard.

>> No.14799873

You're no better, alt-sci is just as fucking retarded as any imaginary megascheme you think the world runs on

>> No.14799899

>muh hidden truth
Statistically, you have a higher chance of getting eaten by a shark than dying from a heart attack after getting vaccinated.

But I wouldn't expect a science denier to understand this.

>> No.14799906

Fuck off science-worshipping normie, you are a slave to your own matrix

>> No.14799917
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And you're no different, neognostic

>> No.14799919
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>why did science have to be ruined by covid vaccine shitflinging.
Do you believe that public policy should be scientific? Do you believe that credibe experts should establish government policies based on high-quality peer-reviewed scientific studies? Do you believe that modern society is too complex and technologically advanced for social policies to be dictated by the sensibilities of the poorly educated laymen? Well, there's your answer. You bought into this midwit propaganda and now there will be no science, only politics.

>> No.14799923

I'm not a gnostic you actual fucking retard, go suck the cock of your Elon Musk and other globohomo politicians you loooove so much for sure

>> No.14799924

I believe science just is. And that it has as much sociopolitical importance as your preferred scent of car tree air freshener

>> No.14799928

You believe you have a secret knowledge that frees you from an illusory world created by ineffable evil omnipotence. You're gnostic

>> No.14799933

Even if you're not personally complicit in it, I gave you the real answer.

>> No.14799937


>> No.14799939

>Studies show 4chan users are right-wing assholes.

>> No.14799945

>Do you believe that public policy should be scientific?
Who gives a shit?
>Do you believe that credibe experts should establish government policies based on high-quality peer-reviewed scientific studies?
They don't, politicians (who are just as unknowledgable as you) do that
>Do you believe that modern society is too complex and technologically advanced for social policies to be dictated by the sensibilities of the poorly educated laymen?
The fuck are you talking about?

I wish /pol/ was banned

>> No.14799947

>study: open testimony from 4chan users

>> No.14799951

normies and women and etc. infected science. Focus on the old style white scientists and youll find the way. Fuck modern science. Fuck women. Fuck normies. Fuck the fags that reply to me complaining that their nigger infested studies are valid.

>> No.14799955
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If you accept the official narrative blindly, without any scrutiny, but subject all new ideas to exhaustive scrutiny, you're a sheep.

If you accept new ideas blindly, but subject the official narrative to exhaustive scrutiny, you're a sheep.

A real, meaningful pursuit of knowledge can only come from a willingness to scrutinize all ideas, regardless of origin. You must be willing to search for evidence and continuously evaluate all theories, including the ones you cherish, to see if they make sense in light of the evidence.

>> No.14799965

Something which both normies and schizos alike will never be able to do

>> No.14799970

Go tell that to Big Bang Enthusiasts, they do seem to be heavy on cope right now after their theory was scrutinized by a based telescope

>> No.14799987

Nigger there is a thread right now discussing how the idea of lead toxicity is a globohomo conspiracy to make us sick by depriving us of nutritional lead.

There aren’t wolves in sheeps clothing, there are sheep mutually pretending to be shepherds while calling other sheep secret wolves. There are no shepherds and there are no wolves; and if there were, they'd both be watching this mess utterly dumbfounded

>> No.14799993

this thread really attracted all the lunatics huh

>> No.14800001

You are absolutely fucking retarded, this is the equivalent of a cow in a farm saying "look at the humans over there, they are giving us free food and water everyday, they take care of our wellbeing and love us, yet there are conspiracy theories that they're actually doing all of this just to slaughter us! This is such an absurd idea!"

I really do pity your situation, it's hard to exit such a matrix, but hopefully once you do, you don't look back

>> No.14800013

Now imagine what the world looks like from the other side, because guess what! You election tourists are no fucking different from eachother. You just think your side are perpetual underdogs in a cosmic foreverwar. You have no God, only corporeal demiurges.

>> No.14800021

Why are you losing your mind?

>> No.14800031

It sounds like you are insane.

>> No.14800038

Because truth has been raped and left for dead by politics. Question the /pol/tard "science?" You're a libshit redditor. Question libshit reddit "science?" You're a dangerous bigoted nazi.

There is no middle, there is no objective reality, because EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING is now so heavily dependent on strict orthodoxy which can never be challenged because otherwise you're just brainwashed by the Bad People and not a Glorious Enlightened One

>> No.14800040

>blabber about scrutiny
>can't even run an experiment

Shut the fuck up fag

>> No.14800042

Why are you losing your mind and what does it have to do with my post?

>> No.14800044

I told you why

>> No.14800046

Why are my posts making you lose your mind? I'm not arguing any politics.

>> No.14800065

>I'm not arguing any politics.
>You bought into this midwit propaganda and now there will be no science, only politics.

>> No.14800069

You can cry like a woman, or you can do the work yourself and come to truth.

Which fate will you choose?

>> No.14800072

That's not a political statement. That's an objective observation about what happens when you politics "scientific": science becomes political.

>> No.14800082

Yeah and you certainly know everything don't you? I'd rather pray for your slow and painful death

>> No.14800086

Cry like a woman it is then. Remember, you could have put in the work to rise above the crowd, but you chose not to.

>> No.14800110


>> No.14800113

>you could have put in the work to rise above the crowd
"Work" for who exactly, oh, those bureaucrats in the government who want me to be a useful bootlicker in exchange for taxes?

>> No.14800379

It's not secret knowledge, it's just being able to read studies and having real world experience in healthcare. Everyone working in the industry knows what's happening and they're telling you frequently, you just don't listen.

>> No.14800989

>having real world experience in healthcare
Nurses are fucking retarded though

>> No.14801003

It's simple. Don't trust scientists. Don't trust government. Don't trust 'experts'. They are all ruthlessly utilitarian, which means at best they will lie to you to 'reduce harm', even if it leads to your death. In reality they are that but also with numerous layers of corruption, ideology, cowardly nature, and outright malevolence.

Don't trust scientists. Ever.

>> No.14801016

pussy kys

>> No.14801021

by the way, you should get vaxxed, retard

>> No.14801036

Why are you going insane? Vax on the brain?

>> No.14801072
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always was

>> No.14801106

So what about the faggots shilling supplements as alternatives to medicine just to make a quick buck off schizos?

>> No.14801115

use your God-given discernment, my nigger

>> No.14801145

And doing THAT tells me people like >>14801072 are nutcases that think they're the protagonist of the world and everything is SPECIFICALLY against them as an individual and if it doesn't reinforce their preconceptions, then it MUST be a massive scheme to push some unknowable "Step 3: Profit" mastermind plan that doesn't even make sense.
Like if the vaccine is some master plan against the masses, why would the biggest thorns in the side of that plan be effectively safe from it? That makes as much sense as Hitler talking about those nasty Jews and Poles but making sure the highest authorities in the Reich were Jews and Poles actively killing off Germans while still saying that soon the German Race will triumph over the untermench. It makes no sense.

>> No.14801146

This. People need to think for themselves.

>> No.14801152

>Like if the vaccine is some master plan against the masses, why would the biggest thorns in the side of that plan be effectively safe from it? That makes as much sense as Hitler talking about those nasty Jews and Poles but making sure the highest authorities in the Reich were Jews and Poles actively killing off Germans while still saying that soon the German Race will triumph over the untermench. It makes no sense.
They just hate you and want money. It's not about politics.

>> No.14801163

>They just hate you
No they don't dipshit. They're indifferent at best, Messiah complex at worst.

>> No.14801184

If they were indifferent they would behave differently when caught in a lie.

>> No.14801216

What's the difference between a lie and a Messiah complex you genuinely believed in that proved to be false? Or even a Messiah complex where you just keep wanting to be on the Right Side over and so you just cling to whatever is currently correct because you don't want to be wrong?

"The Elites" are as irrational and human as the plebs, you're genuinely no different. Klaus Schwab is the exact same person as the onionfuckers who suck off every retarded idea he has.

>> No.14801239

if the answer doesn't make sense, then you should question your assumptions

>> No.14801263

What is "making sense?" A=C, B=C therefore A=B; but then if Red Bull is Fuel, and Kerosene is Fuel, therefore Kerosene is Red Bull and you can drink that shit. Is a Wood Duck not a duck because it doesn't quack? Is a whale a fish because "well morphologically it's a fish?"

>> No.14801280 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14801627

The odds of someone having a random heart attack are higher than their odds of ever being attacked by a shark.
Is this bait?

>> No.14802459 [DELETED] 

This is an interesting thought actually. I read a good article on the idea a while back that I think explains the entire plandemic in a nutshell.

"Munchausen's Syndrome by Proxy on a Societal Scale."


>> No.14804474

Prove it. Also statistics don't mean what you think they mean

>> No.14805226

Why are you so religious about a shot that doesn't even work?

>> No.14805437

I could ask the same of why you care so much about a placebo

>> No.14805852

It's not a placebo, the intended effect is to harm you.

>> No.14805871
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>Statistically, you have a higher chance of getting eaten by a shark than dying from a heart attack after getting vaccinated.
There are millions of shark attacks each year on your planet? LMAO!

>> No.14805876

>People need to think for themselves.
"Aint nobody got time fo dat!" meme

>> No.14805884

I find it funny that /sci/ supports culling the population but NOT in the way that elites have gone about it.

>> No.14806091

>delete the internet
Problems gone

>> No.14806106

Evay-one got they own methods yo!

>> No.14806114
File: 71 KB, 1000x982, 41E492D6-B58C-4419-8A4C-CBE0B46240D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve never heard a compelling or even coherent argument for why governments would poison their own people.

Most governments are bottoming out at fertility rates. They want more people not less. It makes no sense for why Russia, China, America, Europe, India, and Japan would kill off everyone loyal enough to get a shot and too wide scope to be like a profit motive thing.

Idk I just don’t get the angle.

I had to get the vaccine plus a booster for my job (work in medicine) and I’m fine. There haven like 3 or 4 “death dates” and I’ve survived all of them.

>> No.14806119

The first country to ban birth control and outlaw the social media sector of the internet will rule the 21st century. It’s only a matter of time until then

>> No.14806135

Sounds like China.

>> No.14806137

>I’ve never heard a compelling or even coherent argument for why governments would poison their own people.
Then you are probably not smart enough to listen, or even read a children's book on history.

Hard to believe anyone would be THAT dumb, so you are a glowie.

>> No.14806146

>ban birth control
incentivize having babies
penalize not having
>outlaw social media
strictly limit it's use
Do not be so quick to dismiss NIGERIA!

>> No.14806150

>Do not be so quick to dismiss NIGERIA!
It would rule then, if you got rid of the nigerians and filled the country with nordic supermen.

>> No.14806174

>Then you are probably not smart enough to listen, or even read a children's book on history.

>> No.14806362
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>it's a tool used by politicians who are controlled by the illuminati and globohomo

>> No.14806368

The best thing you can do is not care.

>> No.14806382
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>Is this bait?
It's Shark-bait.

>Why are you so religious about a shot that doesn't even work?

>> No.14806385
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>I’ve never heard a compelling or even coherent argument for why governments would poison their own people.
If your government is infiltrated by foreigners, then the government might not have your best interest in mind.

>> No.14806392

>ANY government NEVER has your best interests in mind.
They are your slave-owners.

>> No.14806394
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>Hard to believe anyone would be THAT dumb
Glowies certainly can.
>so you are a glowie.
Definitely a non-zer0 chance that's true.

>> No.14806425
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This is a midwit-take.
There are people who get into "Government" for non-malevolent reasons, but it just happens to attract the worst kinds of people as well.

"No Rules, Anything Goes" Anarchy just doesn't exist. Most people are interested in working together so they can divide up tasks, and accomplish more with less work.
But every once in a while, some people are born who believe "contributing" or "working" is only for retarded sheep.

Government isn't inherently bad, it's just bad when Sociopaths are making important decisions.

>> No.14806446

Picrel is a schizophrenic jumble of nonsense made by someone who lives in a world where Christianity is true...EXCEPT for all the parts actually involving God being the ultimate victor above all things.

>> No.14807434

>he disagreed! He a fed!!!!
You don't even know what glowing actually is. If anything, feds would ENCOURAGE antivax schizo theories so that you snap and they can use that to further an agenda against antivaxing. The fact anyone disagrees with you is already proof theyre not feds

>> No.14807736
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>thread filled with projection in order to pigeonhole your interlocutor and associate them with obviously crazy people
It's as simple as just addressing what people say instead of trying to fit them into a category, how hard is that? You shouldn't a priori "trust the science" or a priori trust the opposing camp, you should apply a healthy skepticism to everything. The only people who should be mocked and dismissed are the ones who blindly trust any one position.

>> No.14807796

True but they don't have a monopoly on copium. The past two years have really done a number on the IFLS! crowd and the normie masses. Wish there was a way to buy stock in copium because we could all get rich off of the high demand for it.

>> No.14807836

what country? You talking about the US? because if so you're wrong, the courts never banned it.

>> No.14807909

>this thread
lmao /sci/ got absolutely mindbroken by being proven wrong so many times

>> No.14808025

Fuck off /pol/

>> No.14808218

Vaxies will literally never be able to cope properly. They're so mad they were conned.

>> No.14808451
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Vaxxies want everyone else to get in their sinking boat with them. They mad that their enemies were smarter than them.

>> No.14808766

This is the essence of it. Crab-bucket mentality.

>> No.14808771

money + science = shit science
politics + science = extreme shit science


>> No.14808932

Science is at its best when it's done with the same seriousness, playfulness and autism of 4chan debating whose waifu a shit.
If you say that public policy should be scientific then that will politicize science and suck all the fun out of it. It means declaring a winner. So I don't want scientific policy.
I want informed-by-science policy. I want the politicians to listen to the debate, and say "having listened to the arguments, this is my personal view. Vote for me".

>> No.14809813

tl;dr the spike protein by itself can damage endothelial cells and disrupt the blood-brain barrier

SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Impairs Endothelial Function via Downregulation of ACE2
Lei et al

Spike expression disrupts lysosome function:
The D614G Mutation Enhances the Lysosomal Trafficking of SARS-CoV-2 Spike
Guo et al

The SARS-CoV-2 S1 spike protein mutation N501Y alters the protein interactions with both hACE2 and human derived antibody

The S1 protein of SARS-CoV-2 crosses the blood-brain barrier in mice
Rhea et al

S1 portion of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein — without the whole virion or genome — triggered growth signals in cultured human blood vessels from the lungs:
SARS-CoV-2 spike protein-mediated cell signaling in lung vascular cells
Suzuki et al

SARS-CoV-2 Spike Protein Elicits Cell Signaling in Human Host Cells: Implications for Possible Consequences of COVID-19 Vaccines
Suzuki et al

SARS-CoV-2 spike protein S1 induces fibrin(ogen) resistant to fibrinolysis: Implications for microclot formation in COVID-19
Grobbelaar et al

SARS-CoV-2 spike protein interactions with amyloidogenic proteins: Potential clues to neurodegeneration
Idrees et al.

>> No.14809817


The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein alters barrier function in 2D static and 3D microfluidic in-vitro models of the human blood-brain barrier
Buzhdygan et al

SARS-CoV-2 spike promotes inflammation and apoptosis through autophagy by ROS-suppressed PI3K/AKT/mTOR signaling
Fei Li et al

Endothelial cell damage is the central part of COVID-19 and a mouse model induced by injection of the S1 subunit of the spike protein
Nuovo et al

Spike stays in lymph nodes:
Immune imprinting, breadth of variant recognition, and germinal center response in human SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccination
Röltgen et al

spike moves between organs:
Spike protein multiorgan tropism suppressed by antibodies targeting SARS-CoV-2
Brady et al

Potential Autoimmunity Resulting from Molecular Mimicry between SARS-CoV-2 Spike and Human Proteins
Janelle Nunez-Castilla et al

>> No.14809821
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> I can't take it anymore
Is anyone forcing you to visit this shithole?

>> No.14809976 [DELETED] 


>> No.14809995

>There are people who get into "Government" for non-malevolent reasons
they don't matter. the biggest and most influential powers have been firmly rooted in the status-quo, even if new entities have been coming and going (see tech billionaires today). But they don't have as much power because the people who already had the most power have never left (their organizations, groups etc... I mean). This isn't a conspiracy, it's simply how competing power structures act and evolve in such a short time-frame (the current status-quo has been slowly building roughly since the creation of banking).

>> No.14810663

tl:dr any cell expressing the Spike protein will be targeted for destruction by Natural Killer Cells

autoimmune diseases, here we go!

Asymptomatic and symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infections elicit polyfunctional antibodies
Dufloo et al
asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection elicits polyfunctional antibodies neutralizing the virus and targeting infected cells. - Sera from convalescent COVID-19 patients activate the complement and kill infected cells by ADCC. - Asymptomatic and symptomatic SARS-CoV-2-infected individuals harbor polyfunctional antibodies. - Antibody levels and functions are slightly lower in asymptomatic individuals - The different antiviral activities of anti-Spike antibodies are correlated regardless of disease severity. - Functions of anti-Spike antibodies have similar kinetics of induction and contraction.

Natural killer cell-mediated ADCC in SARS-CoV-2-infected individuals and vaccine recipients
Hagemann et al
serum samples from individuals that received the BNT162b2 vaccine induced strong CD107a expression by NK cells that increased with the second vaccination and was significantly higher than observed in infected individuals

>> No.14810694

That just makes you a schizo

>> No.14810716 [DELETED] 
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Oh, you!

>> No.14810723

can't believe people are still talking about covid, that shit was years ago. get over it already

>> No.14811344


So covid is more dangerous than the vaccine, got it.

>> No.14811574

>I can't know what reality is anymore because it's all forced into a rigid dichotomy
That is the goal of all modern USA-based propaganda. It is designed to confuse and make you incapable of acting. Propaganda wants you to check out of society.

>> No.14811795

No because the vax exposes you for 10x longer with 2 doses and even more for every further dose. Likelihood of death is exponential the more you take.

>> No.14811947
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>Also statistics don't mean what you think they mean
God your such a midwit it physically hurts

>> No.14811961

Only fly over country ppl say this dumb shit. It's like complaining about iraq discussion a year after the war started

>> No.14812185

>science denier
Cool it with the religious language, buddy.

>> No.14812343

>Immune imprinting, breadth of variant recognition, and germinal center response in human SARS-CoV-2 infection and vaccination
>Röltgen et al
Imprinting from initial antigen exposures alters IgG responses to viral variants
Histology of mRNA vaccinee lymph nodes shows abundant GCs
Vaccine spike antigen and mRNA persist for weeks in lymph node GCs

>Differences in Vaccine and SARS-CoV-2 Replication Derived mRNA: Implications for Cell Biology and Future Disease
>Mckernan et al
First, the biodistribution of non-specific LNP transfection of mRNAs does not discriminate towards ACE2 or CD147 expressing cell lines as seen with the virus.
Second, the mRNAs are known to have a 2 Proline substitution (K986P and V987P) altering the proteins conformation.
Additionally, the expression levels and duration of these mRNAs may be longer and of higher copy number in many tissues that never experience natural virus infection.
Finally, the pharmacokinetics of injection
30ug- 100ug per injection (90ug-300ug for those boosted) of Spike mRNA equates to 13 Trillion to 40 Trillion mRNA molecules injected in a few seconds with each injection.
If each of these mRNAs can produce 10-100 spike proteins and you have 30-40Trillion cells, there may be a far greater systemic quantity and a much longer duration of spike protein exposure through the vaccination route than natural infection.
Boosters given more frequently than a year will lead to total body accumulation of spike protein and further heighten the risk of disease in organs such as the brain, heart, bone marrow, and immune cells and tissues.

>> No.14812418

Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes, and MicroRNAs
Seneff et al
mRNA vaccines promote sustained synthesis of the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.
The spike protein is neurotoxic, and it impairs DNA repair mechanisms.
Suppression of type I interferon responses results in impaired innate immunity.
The mRNA vaccines potentially cause increased risk to infectious diseases and cancer.
Codon optimization results in G-rich mRNA that has unpredictable complex effects.
these disturbances are shown to have a potentially direct causal link to neurodegenerative disease, myocarditis, immune thrombocytopenia, Bell’s palsy, liver disease, impaired adaptive immunity, increased tumorigenesis, and DNA damage.

tl;dr spike blocks p53-related tumor suppresion at nuclear level, see
Rapid Progression of Angioimmunoblastic T Cell Lymphoma Following BNT162b2 mRNA Vaccine Booster Shot: A Case Report
Goldman et al
TP53 mutations in peripheral mature T and NK cell lymphomas: a whole-exome sequencing study with correlation to p53 expression
Huang et al.
A wide range of TP53 mutations across all exons were identified in peripheral mature T and NK cell lymphomas. TP53 mutation and p53 expression tended to indicate poor prognosis.
The role of p53 mutation in BRCA1-associated ovarian cancer
Rose et al
p53 protein product plays a crucial role in DNA surveillance and repair at the Gap 1-synthesis (G1-S) cell cycle checkpoint

>> No.14812424

>block your p53 tumor suppressor gene with your vax
>use technoscience to restore it
win-win for Big Pharma

mRNA Nanoparticles Restore p53 Function, Improve Immunotherapy Response
Xiao et al
As p53 loss of function may play a role in immunosuppression, we herein examine the effects of restoring p53 expression on the immune TME and ICB efficacy. We develop and optimize a CXCR4-targeted mRNA nanoparticle platform to effectively induce p53 expression in HCC models.

>> No.14812519

some day I'll put all these links together in a single doc (but it's over 25000 words so far)

>> No.14812524
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>> No.14813001


>> No.14813587

It's a shame nobody actually tried to refute you. All the shills just ignore when evidence is presented.

>> No.14813724

except the s proteins produced by the vaccine are locked in a stabilized prefusion conformation so all these studies are irrelevant

>> No.14814761

Cai et al found that the spike protein sometimes goes from its original "before" shape into the "after" form prematurely, without the virus binding to the ACE2 receptor.

Distinct conformational states of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein
Cai et al
>We propose that there are two routes for the conformational changes. One is ACE2 dependent, and allows the virus to enter a host cell. The second is ACE2 independent.
The researchers speculate that having some spikes assume the post-fusion form prematurely may also protect SARS-CoV-2 from our immune system, inducing antibodies that are non-neutralizing and ineffective in containing the virus.

>Our study raises several potential concerns about the current vaccine strategies.
>First, vaccines using the full-length wild-type sequence of the S protein may produce the various forms in vivo that we have observed here. The postfusion conformations could expose immunodominant, non-neutralizing epitopes that distract the host immune system, as documented for other viruses such as HIV-1 and RSV (46, 47).
>Second, the approach to stabilizing the prefusion conformation by introducing proline mutations at residues 986 and 987 may not be optimal because the K986P mutation may break a salt bridge between protomers that contributes to trimer stability. The resulting S trimer structure with a relaxed apex may induce antibodies that could not efficiently recognize S trimer spikes on the virus, although it may be more effective in inducing anti-RBD–neutralizing responses than the closed form.
>Third, considering the possibility that the postfusion S2 is present on infectious virions, vaccines using β-propiolactone–inactivated viruses may require additional quality control tests.

>> No.14814764
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>> No.14814768

and if you read the pfizer leaks from 2021, it looks like they were aware of this

>. Three-dimensional classification of the dataset showed a class of particles that was in the conformation one RBD ‘up’ and two RBD ‘down”. This partly open conformation represented 20.4% of the trimeric molecules. The remainder were in the all RBD ‘down’ conformation. Although potent neutralizing epitopes have been described when the RBD is in the “heads down” closed conformation, the “heads up” receptor accessible conformation exposes a potentially greater breadth of neutralizing antibody targets.

>> No.14814779

>Like if the vaccine is some master plan against the masses
it's not a master plan, it's just money, they just had tried to push mRNA "vaccines" for years but they were shit, this was an opportunity and they did it, they "knew" the solution they wanted and blocked any alternative treatment for Covid, of course the mRNA vaccines turned out to be shit just like they were every other time they tried to push them through proper testing channels

once they started they couldn't stop because the machine to shield the experts from criticism went into full overdrive, it was more important to keep compliance of the people than the effectivity of any measures

best case scenario, the vaccines killed more people than covid, worst case scenario, the vaccines did a lot of damage that will appear slowly

>> No.14814782

my negro, Biden just came out on tv and said 50% of the population is evil and their votes shouldn't count lmao

>> No.14815651

You are the carbon they need to reduce. You are not fit for a new world, you and your kind will be gone so thinking humans can rebuild once again.

>> No.14815743

Reasonable. I'm pretty right wing personally and find it somewhat embarrassing to associate myself with the label given the state of the American right. For the life of me I do not understand why Americans associate environmental conservation with left wing politics. It's downright shameful and there's no good reason for it. I suppose if I were to speculate I'd say the American ethnos has declined to the point that the only meaningful collective cause for the right today is some sort of abstract 'liberty' from the State, and regulatory action is generally interpreted as an imposed tyranny. Even a century ago, I don't think this was such a polarizing partisan issue, Republicans like Teddy Roosevelt even built their careers on protecting Americans wellbeing. One of his big successes was the Pure Food and Drug act, among a number of conservation reforms, work safety reforms, anti trust laws, etc... All this being the case he remained a staunch Nationalist. It's sad to see things have decline so substantially.

>> No.14815760

>except the s proteins produced by the vaccine are locked in a stabilized prefusion conformation so all these studies are irrelevant
It's more than just money. Gene therapy isthe biggest potential tool for life extension. They're pushing it on people en masse as a human trial to see how the uptake is and get long-term results on the safety of genetically modifying the human body. The only "downside" for them is that a lot of proles may die, but their customers want that anyway.

>> No.14815773

>science denier

This is cult language. Your mind has been captured.

>> No.14816653

>it's not a master plan, it's just money, they just had tried to push mRNA "vaccines" for years but they were shit, this was an opportunity and they did it, they "knew" the solution they wanted and blocked any alternative treatment for Covid, of course the mRNA vaccines turned out to be shit just like they were every other time they tried to push them through proper testing channels
>once they started they couldn't stop because the machine to shield the experts from criticism went into full overdrive, it was more important to keep compliance of the people than the effectivity of any measures
>best case scenario, the vaccines killed more people than covid, worst case scenario, the vaccines did a lot of damage that will appear slowly
Best explanation have read yet.
The world's white population became lab rats.

>> No.14816692
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>I wouldn't expect a science denier to understand this.

>> No.14817124
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>> No.14820087
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Scientists have always been professional liars, never trust them.
Read the Bible if you want to know about truth.

>> No.14820155

Machines will solve it, humans must survive until then

>> No.14820333
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I put a summary of all my shared notes on the vax effects online, let me know if you have any comments on how wrong am I


have a (you)

>> No.14820336
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I divided it into categories, for easier reading, but still is quite a task
[ADE - Antibody-dependent enhancement]
[OAS - Original antigenic sin]
[ADCC - Antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity]
[SPIKE PROTEIN - Antibody escape]
[SPIKE PROTEIN - TOXICITY and ACE2 infectivity]
[CANCER - p53-blocking mechanism]
[INFERTILITY - placenta, testes, pregnancy, miscarriage, menstrual problems]
[NEVER STOPS REPLICATING - DNA reverse transcriptase, 3utr 5utr shenanigans]

>> No.14820366

>I can't know what reality is anymore because it's all forced into a rigid dichotomy
Just stop reading internet and this controlled website. Vou will see that nothing ever changes except the things you loose because they plunder you,

>> No.14820758

Looks like it was deleted
I'll reupload it somewhere else later

>> No.14821014

Says the /pol/tard

>> No.14821678


>> No.14821686
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>There are people who get into "Government" for non-malevolent reasons
Trump was the first in a couple generations. Look what they did to him.

>"No Rules, Anything Goes" Anarchy just doesn't exist.
Sure it does, it is nature. Humans try to defy nature and impose rules on each other. That causes wars and suffering.

>some people are born who believe "contributing" or "working" is only for retarded sheep.

That is true. Work for yourself and family. If everyone did that, then there would be no suffering or want. Fuck the lazy people who want society to coddle them.

>Government isn't inherently bad, it's just bad when Sociopaths are making important decisions.
It is ALWAYS bad. ALL politicians are sociopathic.

YOU are a glowie/leftist/fascist, we all know that.

>> No.14821689

Pride-Pox is the latest hotness!

>> No.14822749
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lets see how long this one lasts
SARS-COV2 notes: