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14812288 No.14812288 [Reply] [Original]

According to Wikipedia, modern science says that the very concept of race is pseuscience. What we call "race" is a social construct. We are all the same except for skin color.

Do you trust the science or are you a racist bigot who believes in such things as biology?

>> No.14812348


>> No.14812382

Obsolete terminology but anyone who believes that nothing goes beyond Homo sapiens sapiens taxonomically speaking is a poser brainfucked by political correctness. Even between two villages of a country there are genetic significant differences. One single isotope of Uranium, Uranium 235 ?

>> No.14812386
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>the same fucking thread every single day

>> No.14812567

>What we call "race" is a social construct
I wish I was in high school again just so I could identify as black and get accepted into harvard this time.

>> No.14812610
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The crux of their argument is that if you draw lines between people in a subjective and "arbitrary" manner, you can't claim that the traits associated with your categories are due to genetic differences, because the people that fall under each category will have widely varying degrees of relatedness to each other. This is a valid objection but it's a surmountable one. The problem is that most people who cling to the oldschool racial categories are objectively low-IQ, so they make no effort to surmount it.

>> No.14812625

I regret not doing this so much.

>> No.14812646

Yes. If the college dares to question they open themselves to lawsuit. I doubt they would ever even check

>> No.14812719

>this pitbull is smaller than that pitbull therefore it's basically the same as a corgie

>> No.14812729

It's like you're actively trying to prove my point.

>> No.14814714
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Why is it so hard to just accept that niggers are dumb and jews are smart?
Why does the libtard fear the bell curve??

>> No.14814728

Maybe some social "science" majors need to learn that accusing something of being a "social construct" isn't mindblowing and doesn't make them sound smart

>> No.14814777

Having a moral crusade to screech about is more valuable than being objectively correct.

>> No.14814808

Everyone knows race and IQ are pseudoscience, anon.

>> No.14814811


>> No.14815029

Race is not real but IQ is real

>> No.14815047

Yeah because if IQ is a sham then you'd be out $80

>> No.14815068

>We are all the same except for skin color.
One of the laziest racist straw men.
You can do better than this guys, libshits dont even really believe this.

>> No.14815072

Different people are more or less intelligent than each other and this difference is quantified by IQ

>> No.14815128

if we are all the same why are only white people capable of racism?

>> No.14815131

Of course it is. It is why different pathologies express in different magnitudes and frequencies among different groups of individuals. Human physiology is not always the same - an example of this is also drug pharmacokinetics.

>> No.14815133

Race is real when it benefits some kind of leftist initiative, race isn't real when it's inconvenient for some kind of leftist initiative

>> No.14815167

>real when it benefits them
>not real when it doesn't
good to know reality itself has thrown its lot in with the leftists
it's over for conservacucks

>> No.14815172


Well, this is why we are all drifting progressively more leftist throughout the West, with only brief right wing reactionary blips on the timeline. They control the messaging and the headwinds.

>> No.14815187
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It is indeed pseudoscience. The main differences came from nutrient deficiencies, such as pead eeficiency, which causes the loss of abstract thought and deformities, which results in "primitive" looks and behavior.
Compare lead deficient Irish (pic)

>> No.14815190
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with an English (possibly Scottish) family from the same time period. Both populations are virtually identical genetically, yet their looks are clearly different and so would be their behavior.

>> No.14817926
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Maisie Williams would look normal in the 19th century.

>> No.14820403

Race is objectively real, each race has genetic predispositions towards both physiological and behavioral traits.
The way you are raised can overcome a lot of this, but not all of it.

>> No.14820467

>Race is not real but IQ is real
It's literally the other way around.

>> No.14820470

Different people have different levels of intelligence but racial categories have no basis

>> No.14820474

I think the idea of H. sapiens sapiens was never a thing or just old popsci, can't remember

>> No.14820553

Isn't it just Lewontin's fallacy?

>> No.14820586
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thats the "mommy drinks" look, popular and common amongst urbanites

>> No.14820671

English people still look like that now. Except now they dress like crap.

>> No.14820677
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The basis is called seas, mountain ranges and deserts, and populations moving around them having a restricted gene flow with each other.

>> No.14820690
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If the ONLY thing that differentiated races was skin color and IQ, that would be sufficient reason for categorization. Nevermind everything else.
Everyone knows it's real. Races are in essence genetic clusters (and the sub clusters would be the ethnicities etc.) or extended families. Of course it is not a perfectly discrete, and the lines become fuzzy in the edges, but such is the nature of living in a continous universe.

>> No.14820724
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>> No.14820729
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>> No.14822171

Do you even understand your own point?
Let's start with
>define "arbitrary"
and no, you can't just make something up, you must use a definition from a peer-reviewed paper.

>> No.14822185

It's not valid because race is analogous to species, yet they are treated with a double standard. We had species "abitrarily" divided before we even knew what a gene was. Then it was made even more accurate and more useful with genetics, we didn't throw it out. In turn race is useful for keeping track of the biological differences between the races, even if they are minor.

>> No.14822190

This. They say its a construct, but when you want to abstain yourself from the construct you aren't allowed to leave and you are the oppressor. Meanwhile the left can ignore any construct they want.

>> No.14822199
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if race isnt real, then muh racism doesnt exist. for something to be real, it must have an tangible existence to physically point to. otherwise, if it isnt real, declaring it 'bad' is made up psychobabble for linguistic manipulative use by charlatans looking to use those who want to be used.

>> No.14822654

how can something so obvious and observable be so scientifically unquantifiable?

>> No.14822671

Yes race is a social construct, we must end racism now. For too long we have used our made up words to exclude and discriminate. We must welcome the Chimpanzee, Gorilla and Orangutan into our societies, there is only one race, the Hominidae race.

>> No.14822702
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correct, because leftoids are afflicted with thanos syndrome of 'reality can be whatever i want' and think the rules of nature simply dont apply to them and have to get faceslapped down by it anytime their narratives goes head to head with physical reality.

>> No.14822707

just look at the medical field on this - they call them genetic populations or something sanitised like that.

besides epigenetics isnt particular well understood, but likely stores a lot of racial memory.

i'm not invested in this stuff or anything just had to investigate for a course and chose the contrarian argument

>> No.14822712

>According to Wikipedia
You don't say.
You should read this, OP: >>14812348

Anyway, if race is a social construct can I be transblack? Can I claim to be black even though I'm fair-skinned and I have no known African ancestor? If out-of-Africa theory is true we're all Africans anyway.
They claim gender is also a social construct, so anyone can claim to be a woman, even men who have nor undergone any kind of surgery or are not taking any synthetic hormones, because gender is not determined by physical factors. By that logic, if men can claim to be transwomen regardless of how they look, I should be able to claim to be transblack. Would there still be a point in complaining about racial inequality if one can pick and choose whichever race one prefers? I guess it would spark the kind of neoliberal short-circuit that we see about transwomen in women's sports.

>> No.14823131

Race is real but rascism is still wrong

>> No.14823144
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It implies that social constructs are not real and have no influence in the world. Which is obviously retarded. If society decided to kill everybody under the IQ of 100, then that "social construct" would objectively and obviously impact the assortment of IQ genes in the next generation. And if the social constructs differ between populations, then there will be objective differences in phenotype/genotype distributions between those populations over time. Anybody with a brain and the capacity to make connections should realize this. But for some reason, social progressives love to ignore this, since they believe in human malleability but neglect one of the major ways that humans actually change: by creating environments for themselves that then change the humans who live in them over time. This is probably how they will end up reifying race over time: by decrying mathematics as racist, removing punishments for crime, etc., progressives will end up incentivizing the worst elements of the black race to manifest and proliferate in the long run. Extant black genes will fail to reach their potential, and on top of that, the most anti-civilizational genes will have better success, leading to worse gene distributions in the long-term.

>> No.14823543

Atheist materialism can't define objective moral values and duties, so under the modern soientistic civic religion racism can't be wrong.

>> No.14823550

The people who belong to each racial group are objectively real. You can define each group in whatever way is useful to your ends.

>> No.14824120
File: 35 KB, 750x500, Blacks Be Violents yo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is race objectively real?
"race" is a made up term to try to define the real biological differences in different breeds of humans.