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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 110 KB, 1200x583, For the next eternity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14804357 No.14804357 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>14800237

Just another 4 days, how long can 4 weeks be? It'll finally launch in 4 months!

>> No.14804370

There was an image bleed issue but we're looking into it.

>> No.14804373

Old space cannot die soon enough. USA would be so fucked without SpaceX. It would be China only dominating space.

>> No.14804374

>$2 billion per launch
Are we REALLY sure there's no cheaper option to do the same thing somehow?

>> No.14804375 [DELETED] 

>RS-25 flange issue "worse than we expected...no chance of a September launch" says Bill Nelson



>> No.14804376
File: 371 KB, 1318x912, 1971 - United States in Space - (8 ¢).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FTS Archive

>> No.14804378
File: 404 KB, 1000x1515, sls chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14804380

>staging two pages early just because image limit was reached
many such cases, sad!

>> No.14804382

Will they solve the problem by Friday?

>> No.14804387

By Friday? NASA will get this done in under a week?

>> No.14804390

"The" problem?

>> No.14804391
File: 378 KB, 2491x1483, Plasma_magnet_principles_of_operation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So anyway, how about those plasma magnet sails?

>> No.14804392
File: 971 KB, 1033x1501, 1633856914336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14804393

Launch Falcon Heavy twice

>> No.14804400

Space exploration became a fucking joke after Apollo
I wish nerds had never overhyped it to me

>> No.14804403

SLS won't be flying this year

>> No.14804405

Needs superconductors for the coils

>> No.14804408
File: 828 KB, 1442x1080, 1638626806163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14804410 [DELETED] 
File: 240 KB, 1800x1720, af43f74e0689434d8f22f183cb81fab2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinks wil get to the moon first...

>> No.14804412
File: 460 KB, 1439x1236, 1626613312933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It would be China only dominating space.

It will be

>> No.14804413

do you feel cursed with knowledge

>> No.14804414
File: 36 KB, 660x374, a01-shuttle-31-16_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need a final solution for SLS

>> No.14804416
File: 71 KB, 511x496, 1644809163009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Comments are turned off

>> No.14804417


>> No.14804419
File: 65 KB, 927x521, starship troopers insect.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14804420

Space flight enjoyer life is one of disappointment

>> No.14804421
File: 932 KB, 756x1024, 1643923652193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14804424

Nobody but America will ever get to the moon first, thank god.
It's kind of embarassing that there's this must contention for second place, but realistically we're going to get second place as well.

My greatest wish is for China to become competent enough in spaceflight to be a serious competitor. Maybe then we'll see more than a few pennies given to the industry.

>> No.14804425
File: 361 KB, 1357x757, chinese spaceship copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14804426
File: 54 KB, 624x351, _61904330_61904329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have time machines?

>> No.14804427

USA is not capable of doing it for 50 years now. Chinks will go there and stay. NASA has maybe 2 year advantage now. And it's shrinking by months every time SLS fails.

>> No.14804439

Im in location

>> No.14804440
File: 419 KB, 728x578, 1649839240619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck, you'll need it.

>> No.14804445

Its not 2 billion
And no its not 4 billion either

>> No.14804448

>stages thread because nigger FAGGOT OP wanted to post some gay fucking image
>thread dies
good job GAYWAD

>> No.14804451

Think of the poor sats stuck in SLS. They are all going to go flat

>> No.14804452
File: 189 KB, 2000x1125, 1638295221393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NASA has maybe 2 year advantage now.

>> No.14804455
File: 112 KB, 560x449, 1607019369372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.14804457


2035 for base 2027 for boots on the ground.

>> No.14804459

I'm cursed since the day I realised how long it takes to get a basic probe into Neptune
We are gonna be bound to this dirt ball for eternity, and I'm not even talking about the whole colonization bullshit. We can't even study properly our system because of how much time and money it takes

>> No.14804463

the schizo strikes again

>> No.14804469
File: 45 KB, 624x351, 1638484777578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao at flangelets.

>> No.14804471
File: 133 KB, 497x494, 1644407000104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i liek my images

>> No.14804482

So put them in the shade and let them cool down.
REBCO superconducting film tapes cost around $100 per meter according to google, so a thousand dollars gets you two 5 meter circumference loops of superconducting "wire" which will sit around 25 celsius below its critical temperature when left to chill down behind a sunshade, making it a superconductor for free.
Would it be possible to build a 3U cubesat to demonstrate plasma magnet sail technology? Have the bottom unit of the cubestat contain a 10m by 10m square sunshade and a little ROSA for power. Have the middle unit contain the reaction wheels, electronics, antennae, sensitive accelerometer, etc. Have the final unit contain the superconducting ribbon loops coiled up so that they spring out once released during deployment. Lob the cubesat onto literally any Earth escape trajectory, but preferably something that'll send it retrograde with respect to Earth and thus put its periapsis closer to the Sun. Use reaction wheel torque to point the cubesat away from the Sun. Deploy ROSA. Deploy sunshield foil. Deploy superconductor coils. Wait for the coils to cool down for several weeks/a couple months or whatever. Start pumping current into the coils and watch the accelerometer. Verify models are matching reality and aim to achieve as high an effective "thrust" as possible over several weeks before solar power drops off too much. If all goes well you now have a 3U cubesat shooting away from the Sun that will eventually outrun even the Voyager probes.
Idk about you but this seems like not actually that difficult of a mission to me, and think of the implications for exploration. We now have the ability to theoretically achieve 400 km/s cruising velocity away from the Sun with arbitrarily large vehicles, limited by power supply. Anything that wants to go to the outer planets only needs enough propellant to leave Earth and slow down on arrival at target.

>> No.14804488
File: 134 KB, 1920x1080, Fa_lEmkVsAAJQlY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New rocket announced by CASC-SAST - a kerolox version of the CZ-2D

>> No.14804491

How did they not mount them on a bus with an extension cord they can hook up to the tower to keep the batteries charged, are they stupid? No need to answer I already know.

>> No.14804493
File: 94 KB, 1920x1080, Fa_lEmlVEAAXnOG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14804498

Did you save my screencap of the chine conference where they revealed Long March 9 still doesn't exist in any aspect? cool

>> No.14804502

>I'm cursed since the day I realised how long it takes to get a basic probe into Neptune
Plasma magnet sail gets us to Neptune from Earth in less than 1 year IIRC, and it even brakes into orbit on arrival.

>> No.14804504
File: 250 KB, 1920x1080, FAMboo7VkAQ81PY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14804507

Chinese official presentation renders look worse than amateur SpaceX enthusiast renders

>> No.14804511
File: 222 KB, 1920x888, FASHOJYVkAAqAoe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14804514
File: 976 KB, 1014x1720, slspad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new content from last thread, thank you drawfag i love tou

>> No.14804517

How much money could be gotten to give to SpaceX if the metal on SLS is scrapped and the parts sold?

>> No.14804519


>> No.14804521

YF-102 looked disgusting--haphazard pipework protruding--in its safety cage before CNSA. Very very disrespectful.

>> No.14804522

Now draw her leaking

>> No.14804532

To scrub

>> No.14804533

SLS isn't worth anything as a physical object, it merely costs billions to pay the engineers to hand-carve the isogrid structure and quintuple check the torque on every individually serial numbered bolt and calibrate every washer and then xray everything twice for good measure.

>> No.14804534
File: 451 KB, 1360x764, moon base copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HELSINKI — China is progressing with the development of two super heavy-lift rockets for crewed missions and infrastructure launches to the moon, according to officials.

>The new launchers are designed to allow China to conduct short-term lunar landings before 2030 and send large pieces of infrastructure to the moon in the 2030s respectively.
>A two-stage version of the rocket, for sending a new generation crew spacecraft into low Earth orbit, is envisioned for a test flight in 2026. The three-core, three-stage variant capable of sending 27 metric tons into trans-lunar injection is expected to launch later in the decade.

>The kerosene-fueled rocket will use clusters of uprated versions of the existing YF-100 engine and the launcher is also intended to be made reusable. Last year other CALT officials stated that two launches of the rocket would be able to facilitate a six-hour stay on the lunar surface.

>The Long March 9 will boast a payload capacity of around 140 tons to LEO and will launch elements for the planned International Lunar Research Station (ILRS) jointly planned by China and Russia.

>CCTV did not provide details of the progress made. However, CALT earlier this month announced completion of structural tests related to the CZ5DY, and in April tested titanium engine components for the launcher.

>> No.14804535

I dont think we have any rocket girl peeing images but i do have one of starship-chan farting

>> No.14804536
File: 633 KB, 2020x2664, 0022122452510_006_1453397554240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14804543
File: 1002 KB, 2048x1152, 0204170437417_109_34770044324_c87879664d_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting images... on an image board!? Oh no!
We needed to make a new thread? But threads are a finite resource, at this rate there won't be any resources to create new threads in the future! It's not like we can create new threads endlessly whenever a new one is needed! Ooooooh nooooooo

Anyway, I'm going to dump some neat space flight images since you asked so nicely.

>> No.14804544
File: 60 KB, 399x600, Sls_block1_on-pad_sunrisesmall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>possible flange crack
>feed line pressure issues
>engine failure
>6 years behind schedule
>billions over budget
Just take it behind the vab and blow it's brains out already..

>> No.14804546

It's fun to see them coping, as if SLS is the thing they're worried about

>> No.14804547

>The three-core, three-stage variant capable of sending 27 metric tons into trans-lunar injection is expected to launch later in the decade.
>27 metric tons
How is chine rocket tech so shiddy that even a 3 core 3 stage vehicle can't match the Saturn V?

>> No.14804549
File: 750 KB, 1536x2275, 97e00002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14804552

Why is Helsinki just tossed in there, no part of the story mentions Finland

>> No.14804553
File: 58 KB, 800x600, 800px-Black_Arrow_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14804555
File: 458 KB, 700x451, 1655697814649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14804556

waiting for the neat images to show up

>> No.14804558
File: 1.17 MB, 2992x2992, 0022122452510_069_1453402750110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14804559
File: 249 KB, 1080x2248, WxfNXGQW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two dudes jacking off to their anime porno fantasies together. everyone point and laugh at the anime faggots and their mutual masturbation routine.

>> No.14804560
File: 7 KB, 240x240, ohno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14804563
File: 1.90 MB, 4400x4600, 0120103244576_085_22042569886_b5db70d220_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14804566


>> No.14804567

Full video from the announcement of the YF-102 engine last year

Confirmation by CASC that SAST will indeed build a rocket with it, to succeed the hypergolic CZ-2D. Also, they say it is intended to become reusable.

>> No.14804568
File: 915 KB, 3000x2000, 0204165626519_0159_32880088532_805f2a787f_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14804574
File: 626 KB, 2048x1366, 0204170437417_014_26276891979_c457aa79d4_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14804579

That's pretty kino ngl

>> No.14804580
File: 1.45 MB, 1360x768, Uned.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>China has approved three more missions to the Moon over the coming decade, including ones involving rovers, a flying craft and the start of a permanent base.

>This will be the fourth phase of the Chinese lunar plan, that has previously seen them photograph the dark side, and return samples of moon rock to the Earth.

>Future missions, scheduled to begin in 2024, will become increasingly complex, resulting in the basic model of a lunar research station built on the Moon.

>This station is a joint project with the Russian space agency, Roscosmos, and is expected to be operational ahead of a joint crewed mission in 2030.

>> No.14804581
File: 1.75 MB, 3070x2044, 0903124920335_14_21693513851_36b31dc532_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14804582

what am I missing

>> No.14804583
File: 2.04 MB, 1169x1500, 1633360692118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14804586
File: 244 KB, 580x449, 1646303313540.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cores are 5m in diameter, the Saturn V first stage was 10m in diameter

>> No.14804587
File: 1.36 MB, 3070x2044, 0903124920335_16_21496477218_1a209813de_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14804591
File: 1.05 MB, 2229x3000, 1112200917945_60_6114754701_9bcccba957_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14804592
File: 59 KB, 624x434, yrOmyHR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>joint project with pockocmoc
Oh no no no

>> No.14804596
File: 1.82 MB, 2084x2750, braptors loose-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

starship chan make a stinky :)

>> No.14804598
File: 593 KB, 2392x1800, 1112201002875_31_8598639979_4f220f14fb_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14804603
File: 1.42 MB, 3103x2273, 1112201008872_51_12006664363_d37e97ed1c_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14804607

>fold out RCS thruster pods

>> No.14804608
File: 1.12 MB, 3061x3072, as16-122-19533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14804609
File: 31 KB, 750x375, muh NASA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14804612

>collagefag so mad he is spamming images
Post a von braun next tranny

>> No.14804613
File: 2.29 MB, 4597x3024, Damaged_Spektr_solar_array.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14804614

Sometimes newspapers do this if the article was written by someone in Helsinki

>> No.14804615

>tracking an issue on the media update, NASA has put the countdown on a ten minute hold while we troubleshoot

>> No.14804616
File: 596 KB, 3008x2000, DiscoveryOPFtoVAB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14804618


>> No.14804619

How many times can the same 15 images be posted in these threads before dumping them all at once counts as spamming/flooding

>> No.14804620
File: 1.14 MB, 2467x3000, Mercury-Atlas_3_launch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14804622

>Andrew Jones covers China's space industry for SpaceNews. Andrew has previously lived in China and reported from major space conferences there. Based in Helsinki, Finland, he has written for National Geographic, New Scientist, Smithsonian Magazine, Sky & Telescope, IEEE Spectrum, and The Wire China.

No wonder it looked out of place

>> No.14804624
File: 234 KB, 1024x683, RTR33P6S-1024x683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I doubt that the whole planet will be enough to contain the salt and tears of amerimutts, when China is finishing to build their moonbase and they are still struggling to launch Artemis 2.

>> No.14804625

yeah was about to comment this but thought it would just make the problem worse
new thread just because of imagelimit, faggot proceeds to spam the thread full of pointless images

>> No.14804626
File: 943 KB, 3000x2400, s64-02586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14804627


>> No.14804629
File: 307 KB, 794x1077, 6787319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Russian components currently planned are just the Luna 25+ missions rebranded, the Chinese components do not depend on them, so no worries

>> No.14804630
File: 455 KB, 3000x2352, s65-30548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14804632
File: 2.34 MB, 3300x5100, 1627802919640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14804631

Greason's been working on it.

>> No.14804635

Go ahead and lay flat, chang. May as well let it rot while you're at it.

>> No.14804637
File: 328 KB, 1559x3030, S92-34865_STS-49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am very proud of this launch team. They have solved many problems
How can he call them a "launch team" when they cannot launch anything?

>> No.14804638

>SLS isn't worth anything as a physical object, it merely costs billions to pay the engineers to hand-carve the isogrid structure and quintuple check the torque on every individually serial numbered bolt and calibrate every washer and then xray everything twice for good measure.
And there was still issue? That was my first thought, with all the careful attention to detail and all the time had leading up, how weren't such tests possible to ensure all systems were go

>> No.14804640
File: 2.85 MB, 1280x714, space_cute_18.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Press conference starting up!


>> No.14804642
File: 1.23 MB, 3032x2064, s112e05784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14804643

The AV guy at NASA is a retard lmao.

>> No.14804644


>> No.14804646
File: 140 KB, 745x1184, soyuz-tma-9_launch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in other words
>SLS has almost no scrap value, the money spent on SLS has been burned and we got nothing for it.

>> No.14804648

NASA can't even afford a mic lmao

>> No.14804650
File: 8 KB, 200x311, 1476929205833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Part and parcel of building a congressional jobs program.

>> No.14804652

I would say 2 times in two different threads
perhaps even once if its clearly the same person posting images without the images themselves being especially interesting or connected to some topic that is being brought up/discussed

>> No.14804653
File: 152 KB, 1149x764, soyuz-tma-14_rollout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14804654
File: 792 KB, 1838x1486, AC7E0CFE-18B1-4B44-AF78-C0010B905ABB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atlas evolution. Atlas V has no original 50’s era Atlas tech anymore sadly

>> No.14804655

who? give me names

>> No.14804657

News update Lmao sound broken as fuck

>> No.14804658

Ah well you see, turns out space is actually hard haha, don't worry next time we'll get it right on the first try, just need another $15 billion

>> No.14804660
File: 162 KB, 1094x820, soyuz-tma-20_erection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14804662

stop it fag

>> No.14804663

Almost as broken as the rocket

>> No.14804667
File: 422 KB, 2000x3000, STS129_Atlantis_ride_to_orbit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only had two more images cued up to dump, but you're saying you want some more? Okay, I'll post more then.

>> No.14804668

Its losing its mind because people posted rocketgirls lmao

>> No.14804669

you need to stop

>> No.14804671
File: 100 KB, 494x600, Zond_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14804672


>> No.14804673
File: 219 KB, 1017x1018, 1660708365189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14804675


Audio quality sounds fucked up.

This one works fine

>> No.14804676

Goa'uld running NASA now kek

>> No.14804677

SLS can't handle a little lightening
>Sunday was a day of rest for the team
What a bunch of fags
>let's just rest the day before the only thing that matters in my job

>> No.14804678
File: 42 KB, 1200x800, 869051378.jpg.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wats going on in here

>> No.14804679

Cylindrical tanks are 50's tech I think

>> No.14804680
File: 1.20 MB, 999x959, 1633400012371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait for more outer planets kino.

>> No.14804681
File: 38 KB, 678x817, 45c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not so fast.

SpaceX could make a Grey Dragon and orbit the Moon in a year.

>> No.14804684


>> No.14804685

>the team was too tired to continue

>> No.14804686

Can you believe that NASA wasn't going to put a camera on Juno? It took legit outcry for NASA to capitulate and put a basic bitch camera on the probe, and even then they didn't dedicate any resources to decoding the image data, they left that up to the public. Fucking nerd retards who are so detached from reality that they don't understand that the public doesn't give a shit about density versus depth curves derived from gravitational data, god damn.

>> No.14804688

That's Polaris 3 and DearMoon, anon

>> No.14804689

they were probably up for 36 hours straight working on this

>> No.14804690

tax dollars well spent :)

>> No.14804695
File: 2.31 MB, 2400x3000, Saturn_500F_Rollout_Attendees_-_GPN-2000-000616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14804696

>Blaming the weather
You can only blame the weather if the rocket was capable of launching.

>> No.14804697

Boomers need their nap and some time off to chill out.

>> No.14804700

They seem to be talking about focusing more on media coverage for Artemis I, hopefully we get some decent footage. It's really interesting to see how much better JAXA missions are footage wise, NHK has enough political power to throw their weight around and get cameras in interesting places.
Just look at this.

>> No.14804701
File: 510 KB, 747x975, 1112200910155_04_5341192265_495b8cc8a1_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am sure you will enjoy more spaceflight images.

>> No.14804704
File: 828 KB, 2500x2058, 1112200822235_40_4005140354_f19e886828_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14804705

I was following until the supposed 0 hour, but then I forgot because I was playing vidya. Someone give me a rundown, Artemis 1 got canceled? Why?

>> No.14804706
File: 903 KB, 736x682, Living+the+dream+_e58a576bef7a9b124deb29c3ade81f6a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he even linked to the correct time in the video
Anon . . .

>> No.14804707

uhmm, the livestream is having a stroke?

>> No.14804709
File: 922 KB, 2390x1914, 1112200854170_27_4625426731_6aaabd3d50_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14804712

They're all 50 to 80 years old.

>> No.14804713
File: 1.33 MB, 2866x2227, 1112201002875_40_8605473730_0d57ce2192_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

werks for me

>> No.14804714

hell yeah let's blow through the image limit

>> No.14804716

The rocket shidded and one of the engines didn't chill out enough so they scrapped the attempt and also there's a crack in the vehicle somewhere that they need to inspect

>> No.14804718
File: 413 KB, 2000x2000, 1112201008872_58_12024086274_c88f3979ef_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14804719

oh never mind, i was watching this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLhhb0Vlejs instead of this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21X5lGlDOfg, now works
still, nasa can't into livestreamry, too hard

>> No.14804720

Right? And what if - haha - what if instead of measuring what they said what it actually did was just keep the person at the edge of orgasm? Wouldn't that be hilarious?

>> No.14804721

Boing shat the bed again regarding leaky valves, just like starliner

>> No.14804722

I hate that guy but at least if we run out of images on page 1 there's zero excuse for any fags who want to stage early.

>> No.14804724

Will they land though? The Chinese plan to land.

>> No.14804725
File: 502 KB, 1626x2200, 1112201008872_67_12738730704_de5fc94b4c_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They need to convene a committee to study the formation of a process to design the procedure for scrubbing a livestream.

>> No.14804726

Escape Pods?

Looks like something from a schlocky horror movie. Where half if them fail and mutilate the crew. Trying to retract them.

>> No.14804728
File: 2.00 MB, 3003x3927, Aurora_7_launch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14804729

>Only 720p
Unironically embarrassing. They are a multi-billion dollar agency, wtf

>> No.14804730
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>> No.14804733

Now is not the time for landing, that comes later

>> No.14804736
File: 44 KB, 640x425, dplnews_adultos_jb230419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boomers are old and slow now.
Just think about this
Today no launch.
They are going to take a nap and meet tomorrow! to see what to do.
Wednesday maybe to see the data with coffee and doughnuts and make decisions
Thu to make repairs??????????
Friday to launch??????
What if is something serious?

>> No.14804738

I really want to emphasize how much this is an institutional difference, NASA media coverage has been historically atrocious and there seemed to be, at least until now, very little will to change it.

>> No.14804739
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Yes, escape pods.

>Looks like something from a schlocky horror movie
The real horror is having no escape pods...
But yes, amputation is a real design concern with capsule ejection systems.

>> No.14804742
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>> No.14804745
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>> No.14804746

I think it says "two methalox stages complete reusability before 2035"

>> No.14804748

My man Jeff Chungus Foust now speaking

>> No.14804749
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>> No.14804751
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>"There's a 'non-zero' chance we launch on Friday"
>whole room laughs

>> No.14804755
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Old men, and a few young attractive women. What a coincidental combination.

>> No.14804756
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>The Apollo program was basically a bribe to keep southern states voting Democrat in spite of civil rights.

Few realise this.

>> No.14804759
File: 39 KB, 640x480, 52947212_251830665762972_3740264135053541376_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Our head engineers will look at it tomorrow
>We need time
>Give us time

>> No.14804760

That depends on NASA & SLS, no? Or is it likely SpaceX will organize their own landing with their lander?

>> No.14804761
File: 657 KB, 2048x1365, 1641740778818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most aesthetically pleasing era of spaceflight is behind us. Dragon is certainly functional, but the blank white panels and touchscreens is utterly soulless

>> No.14804767

>TRL 3

>> No.14804774

They reused it three days ago

>> No.14804778

Can you believe there was a Jupiter atmospheric probe without any cameras?
Can you believe Dragonfly won't ever go close to the polar methane lakes?
Can you believe the absurd fear they have of accidentally contaminating other planets even when the probes stay for months exposed to radiation and those environments don't have the conditions for life?
Can you believe they wasted billions on a shit rocket and yet say we are going to the moon to stay?

>> No.14804779
File: 148 KB, 218x265, 1646233452692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do "space"plane fags really?

>> No.14804789
File: 209 KB, 800x532, Baby-Boomers copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't you worry zoomerinos, if I can remember how we made it 50 years ago, we will make it again.

>> No.14804795

>as you fail to launch this rocket, does it make you think about what the apollo people did 50 years ago?
lmao he really asked that

>> No.14804797

Like everything it wasn't even boomers, it was WW2 generation and the Silent generation that did it

>> No.14804798

Long Lehao said he estimates the 5m diameter tricore rocket that is supposed to send people to the moon will have first launch in 2026 and the lunar landing will happen around 2030, assuming no unforeseen issues

>> No.14804799


>> No.14804800

could you imagine if spacex did a press conference every time they scrubbed a WDR?

>> No.14804801

this old boomer just forgot that Apollo 4 happened, said the Saturn V program started with Apollo 6.

>> No.14804804

Of course, in terms of payload mass capability that Starship/Raptor would offer, the time gap is greater

>> No.14804806

>loren grush from (((BLOOMBERG)))
I see she wrote just the right amount of anti-spaceflight articles

>> No.14804807

It's a component test

>Suborbital vehicle to combine with orbital spaceplane for fully reusable space transportation system

>Meanwhile CALT’s orbital spaceplane launched from Jiuquan Aug. 4 remains in orbit on its second mission. The suborbital and orbital spaceplanes could be combined to create a fully-reusable space transportation system.

>> No.14804808

livestream over, the boomers need to nap

>> No.14804809
File: 154 KB, 600x450, main-qimg-a5625089d5b6bca5d76d1702d6ce5e4a-c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hold on just let me find my needle and thread and I'll whip you up a new AGC in no time

>> No.14804811

could you imagine if every single other launch provider in the world, literally every single one except for spacex, were in the news every time their rockets fail to land or explode after hitting the ground? kek

>> No.14804817

>TRLs are a real assessment of technology
It's one cubesat mission away from being proven, $1 million could be the key to unlocking extreme increases in our capabilities in space.

>> No.14804818

>muh contamination
WE should be contaminating every planet with life

>> No.14804822
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>> No.14804823

I don't want to believe
>assuming no unforeseen issues
heh ok

>> No.14804829

I wonder how Musk took the news of SLS scrubbing.

>> No.14804830

The constant Chinese posturing is fucking embarrassing. Yeah they're catching up, but they have yet to actually do anything of real relevance in space.

>> No.14804831
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>> No.14804836
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>Yeah they're catching up, but they have yet to actually do anything of real relevance in space.

>> No.14804838

have you been sleeping the last 3 years??

>> No.14804839
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>> No.14804841

Once again, the constant posturing by the Chinese is really fucking embarrassing.

>> No.14804844

>his response is literally a posture

>> No.14804845

/sfg/ is now a Long March 9 watching general. At this point it’s probably going to be ready to go before SLS lmao

>> No.14804849

The rocket uses the YF-100K engine, which is a modification of the YF-100 engine which is already in use, so the potentials for delays should be relatively limited

>> No.14804850

They are already the most serious competitor to US in space. What about that is posturing?

>> No.14804852

/sfg/ - sino fans general
LM9 > Starship

>> No.14804853

LM5 is quite literally the same jump from F9 to FH. There will be things to figure out, but all the hardware has already been used and the engines are an upgrade perfectly capable of being completed in time

>> No.14804855

SpaceX uses all these methods too you moron, it's just that they do it in less time, hence less cost. These are proven aerospace techniques and specifications, some of which they HAVE to adhere to so they can maintain their certs. You can't just wish away a high vibration, high temperature environment and not torque check your fasteners.

>> No.14804860
File: 2.00 MB, 640x480, Chinese Starship Tianhe2 (2).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope amerimutt

>> No.14804861

Um, no sweaty, if NASA were to simply put me personally in charge I would be able to cut the budget by 70% and we would already have a base on the moon and mars.

>> No.14804862

Chinese space station looks cool
Chinese asteroid hopper is cool
Chinese mars sample return mission is cool

>> No.14804864
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>> No.14804867

>They are already the most serious competitor to US in space.
And they're decades behind SpaceX.

>> No.14804870

I hate the chinks but I hate SLS more and I would be fine with Chang reaching lunar orbit in a bootlegged 5DY-next generation crewed space craft before SLS even flew because america needs a wake up call

>> No.14804873

when did spacex land on the moon? On mars?

>> No.14804877

Is it a tortoise and the hare situation, where America had such a big lead, they kicked their feet up, got complacent and comfortible, turned their space program into Disneyland, docked around, no direction, purpose, inspiring goals, or leadership
All the while China has been steadily building momentum and improving and innovating, whereas America is using technology from 40 years ago, China is using tech from the future, and preparing to zoom past and take the lead?

>> No.14804878

>china doing shit America and the Soviet Union did 50 years ago
wake me when china lands a booster.

>> No.14804880

No, China is still using old tech. Congress is just so unfathomably lazy that the chinks are still catching up.

>> No.14804879

SpaceX isn't an American company it is a Martian company

>> No.14804881
File: 438 KB, 800x449, Screenshot 2022-08-29 at 15-04-49 ap_19171656714538_wide-ce222e38cb7bf728e63e63685371af526da83095-s800-c85.webp (WEBP Image 800 × 449 pixels).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, calm down everybody, NASA has pinpointed with laser surgical precision what the problem is "is a very complicated machine".

>> No.14804882

blue origin lands their first stage, what’s your point

>> No.14804883

Blue Origin has never been to orbit, and isn't chinese anyway. What's your point?

>> No.14804886

Me glancing pointedly at SLS, which also uses a very well understood legacy engine design

>> No.14804887

>wake me when china lands a booster.
What Nasa rocket can land a booster?
No Spacex, no BO, Nasa

>> No.14804890

It will cost much more than Starship, yes

>> No.14804892

You’re the one who pulled the soviet union and united states government into this comparison in the first place. What’s your point?

>> No.14804894

The only thing china has been able to do is ape their betters from 50 years ago in America and the Soviet Union. china is pathetic. Meanwhile American companies continue to innovate and widen the gap.

Maybe china will land a booster in 50 years, but even that is unlikely.

>> No.14804895

They have, haven't you seen the images of crushed boosters venting orange fumes among peasants? lol

>> No.14804896


>> No.14804898

he(you) are the one that brought America and the Soviet Union into it, by championing chinese 'achievements' that America and the Soviets did half a century ago.

>> No.14804899

I hope not, it would be a shame considering Musk's mission to extend the light of consciousness

>> No.14804900

You go to the moon and mars because you can and you want to, not because you must, if you must that is only one more reason to go.

The early European ship explorers didn't need to go to America, they wanted to explore and they could.

>> No.14804901

By that logic NASA can land men on the Moon.

>> No.14804902

I'm so glad I don't live in your universe where SpaceX doesn't exist.

>> No.14804903

You really are a dumbass

>> No.14804904

>"no" instead of "not"
ESL chink confirmed.

>> No.14804905

Stop avoiding the question,
What rocket, that has been made by NASA in its 64 years has landed a booster.

>> No.14804907

Stay mad ricel.

>> No.14804908

that’s the most dumbass mental gymnastics I’ve ever seen in /sfg/, and that includes the retarded germanposter and ESL collagefag

>> No.14804909
File: 86 KB, 500x350, 0019b93bd68d0fb6a6b103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chinese and proud amerimutt.
We will conquer the Moon in the next decade.

>> No.14804910

We know, we can tell.

>> No.14804912

Skeptics' favorite rocket

>> No.14804913


>> No.14804914

>America is using technology from 40 years ago
Excuse me? The RS-25 was designed in the 1970s. That's FIFTY years ago. Get it right. Also, 90% of Chinese space launch is still powered by the YF-20, which was an engine the Soviets gifted to China, which also happened back in the 1970s.

>steadily building momentum
It took China a quarter century to build their own cryogenic engine, and that was after Ukrainians sold them the technology.

>preparing to zoom past and take the lead?
China thrives on always being second place. Their economy is build about mass producing shittier versions of other people's invocations, and never coming in first lets them jerk off their ego as they pretend they're nothing more than a poor abused underdog. Being first at anything would destroy China.

>> No.14804916

real interesting stuff dude

>> No.14804919

This. Thunderfeet taught me that Falcon 9 is literally just a rebranded DC-X

>> No.14804921

Wes Anderson vibes

>> No.14804922

oof exposed

>> No.14804927

Jannies, please send this chinaman on a little vacation, he's delusional

>> No.14804928
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Oh no

>> No.14804929

Was there ever in space programs history discussion of how to have politicians have nothing to do with the space program in anyway?

I geuss it's hard because it's federally funded; but until this SLS threads talking about prices noone in the public really thinks or cares about prices and tax dollars spent by mass over the last 40 years. Just as they don't care about taxes spent on welfare or 20 years of middle east war.

The could just be a constitutionally federal mandate amendment that NASA gets X amount of money

I geuss the checks and balence trouble is; who and how the process of determing the leaders and decision makers of NASA , terms in power and such. And also if NASA has gureenteed a lot of money every year, to prevent them from just kicking their feet up on a beach with all the money and making a crappy rocket or something.

The worst of all worlds is: public gives NASA huge budget so they have nothing to complain about, and then they waste the budget on garbage and kicking their feet up.

So, the principle of difficult accountability in free money government programs and ephemeral goals.

>> No.14804936

>It will cost much more than Starship, yes
Why would China care about cost? They own so much American money and property and revenue streams, they will build their Ctarchip on a week of American paid dividends alone

>> No.14804938
File: 46 KB, 320x438, Yusaku_Maezawa_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are the odds of dearMoon happening before NASA or CNSA manage to orbit a crewed lunar mission?

>> No.14804939
File: 166 KB, 1125x841, A5660244-0363-4D4A-915B-B1CAE5995B65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s over …

>> No.14804940

The SLS was mainly created as a pork barrel project though, I think the CPC is serious about going to the Moon

>> No.14804941

Fucking hilarious.

>> No.14804942

The fix is to ban NASA from making their own rockets as anything other than test articles, like an orbital version of X-planes. The military pays a lot for its airplanes, but they actually get their money's worth most of the time, because they're built by private industry.

>> No.14804946

>I'm so glad I don't live in your universe where SpaceX doesn't exist.
We were talking about NASA, Americas space company. SpaceX is not America's company, it is a humans company who is living in America

>> No.14804948

I think the main SpaceX lead is the engines. How long until China has a Raptor equivalent? Do you think it would take more than 20 years (decades)?

>> No.14804952

No, the conversation was about America and China.

>> No.14804953
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You really have no idea how the US works, do you?

>> No.14804955

The Chinese space program is doing lots of things and has even more things on the drawing board, so there is lots of stuff for /sfg/ to talk about

>> No.14804957

>How long until China has a Raptor equivalent?
50 years at least.

>> No.14804959
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Seethe mutts, keep waiting for old boomers to fix your old rocket.


>> No.14804961

Long March 9 design changed a few months ago.

>> No.14804962

>retard literally doesn't even know what China's actual current plans are
Unironically ban /pol/tards from every other board.

>> No.14804965
File: 260 KB, 527x831, Screenshot 2022-08-29 at 13-29-55 TweetDeck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14804967

>it is a humans company who is living in America
Yeah, we have private industry you commie fuck

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特

>> No.14804968

NASA changed the engine bleed diameter after the green run test. Claim to be safe Christ.


>> No.14804970
File: 101 KB, 1024x576, 008ehIaGly1h1zo39ll60j30u00gv0uy-1024x576-3849270090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They have many parallell projects by several organizations, some are at the Grasshopper stage, I doubt it will take 50 years

Depending on what CAST's secretive spaceplane project is, it might be that they have already reused an orbital-launch-capable booster without the second stage and recovered it

>> No.14804972

This. Be fruitful and multiply. It's OUR solar system.

>> No.14804973

Anon if you want to criticize china, the best thing to attack is the fact that LM9 is a paper dragon with an ever-changing design. It’s obvious you don’t even know this much though so maybe lurk more or go back to your stupid /g/ thread

>> No.14804974

>No, China is still using old tech
But this looks nice and fancy and neat, their space station stuff and design that post above the WebM.

Also as much as those old rockets, atlas 5 I think up thread with bells and whistles and style look really cool and inspiring, the streamlined minimal style of Chinese rockets simplicity is soothing

>> No.14804975

ok retard

>> No.14804979

>Why would China care about cost?
Because cost practically equates to labor hours and materials cost, on top of necessary investment into tooling and supply chains. Cost is cost, not just in terms of currency but in terms of reality. A system that costs less can do more with the same input effort.

>> No.14804980
File: 59 KB, 376x512, unnamed (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was anyone down there to watch it today? Me and my old NASA boomer dad might go and try watch it next time (assuming it's pushed back a few months like it's sounding it will be)

>> No.14804983
File: 22 KB, 1000x665, 9E5D703E-F599-4900-8F11-FA3D61D3EC98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dislike china’s politics but their rockets are kino. Nuff said.

Why is NASA making such a big deal out of a scrub lol

>> No.14804985
File: 90 KB, 495x880, 920AFE2C-27ED-4332-98A2-5F0058C00EB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck hahhahahahahaha they’re getting lazy with hiding it

>> No.14804986
File: 1.07 MB, 1202x1920, 50762136388_5656b2ccea_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you think so?

>> No.14804988

Currently trying to decide whether to post funny mockery, professional sympathy, or nothing at all.

>> No.14804990

Because the chinese are notoriously shit at engine design, be it rocket or jet engines.
they're only now catching up to 50 year old soviet shit, and they've had access to soviet engines the entire time to copy from.

>> No.14804992

>Why is NASA making such a big deal out of a scrub lol

that they feel the need to put out statements like these shows how insecure they must feel about SLS as a whole, and also how political SLS has become.

>> No.14804993
File: 148 KB, 800x581, 8D5D6059-7DFD-451F-B8D6-DC81B69D63D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does /pol/ shill China? Isn’t China full of Asians?????

>> No.14804995

I still can’t believe the shuttle flew 5 times a year on average yet SLS can barely do once per year. Totally bullshit.

>> No.14804997

You literally have no idea what the fuck you are talking about when it comes to rocket engines

>> No.14804998

The LM9 conservative variant is just to ensure schedule certainly for superheavy payloads. The LM9 reusable variant is the cost-saver. It doesn't matter much that LM9 conservative variant has greater variable cost per launch, because for the first few years it will only be launching technology demonstrators and verifications anyway, there won't be much demand yet for mass launch campaigns of superheavy payloads because they haven't been developed yet.

>> No.14804999

The design keeps changing because there IS no Long March 9, not yet anyway. Beijing hasn't funded any LM-9 project, and they're not going to think about starting until after they begin wrapping up their space station operations in a decade or so.

All of the designs we've seen have been (mostly) internal proposals from their various design bureaus that were put out there for promotional purposes. It's like if Korolev and Chelomei were going to aerospace conferences to hype up their version of a moon rocket in the hopes of getting more interest from the Kemlin.

>> No.14805000

>several things went right
lmao, what a sad cope

>> No.14805002

Keep coping, china has nothing even remotely like Raptor

inb4 you post more powerpoint slides with drawings of engines that don't exist

>> No.14805003

Hyberbolic technological growth it'll be 10 years.

>> No.14805004

retard, they took soviet first stage engines and pumped out more thrust at the cost of isp, what type of delusional la la land are you living in

>> No.14805007

And when exactly was Mir-2 designed? Because that's the chink fartbox.

>> No.14805009

>the streamlined minimal style of Chinese rockets simplicity is soothing
>I dislike china’s politics but their rockets are kino. Nuff said.
Nope, not giving an inch. Chinese rockets are as shitty and soulless as ISRO rockets and Jap rockets.

>> No.14805011

>yfw Bitcoin has more consistent behavior than SLS

>> No.14805014

I doubt Russia would sell China their trade secrets, Russia would want China to buy engines manufactured in Russia.

Apart from the YF-100/YF-115 ORSC engines, China developed their own turbofan engines to a level equivalent to Russian engines

China was an agrarian backwater 50 years ago, that isn't indicative of much. China, if anyone, is the land of rapid change.

>> No.14805018

>we iterated slightly on a 50 year old soviet engine, we'll have raptor equivalents any day now!
Lol. Lmao.

>> No.14805019

>turbopump has a giant U bend to connect the preburner and turbine outles gas manifold to the injector rather than just stacking the turbopump over the main chamber and straight piping it to the injector

>> No.14805020

It garners easy (you)s

>> No.14805022

they definitely got tech through yuzhmash or a nork-yuzhmash pipeline, but yeah some stuff has been home grown and is actually pretty powerful

>> No.14805023

Jap rockets are at least honest about being shuttlestack/Delta IV knockoffs or tiny solids. China LARPs as the 1960s USSR and keeps their military launches inland as if we don't have total satellite overwatch on all their Village Dropper 9000 launches anyway.

>> No.14805026
File: 250 KB, 594x758, Screenshot 2022-08-29 143924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bbc just grew by 10 meters

>> No.14805028

>I doubt Russia would sell China their trade secrets,
The Soviets and Russians have been selling jet engines to China for decades and China is only just now developing the ability to manufacture their own clones of these engines in the past few years. Even when they're copying an engine they have possession of, they're decades behind.

>> No.14805031

I’m so sick of musk throwing out bullshit that one person mentioned in a weekly starship meeting and that will never happen

>> No.14805032

>The fix is to ban NASA from making their own rockets as anything other than test articles, like an orbital version of X-planes. The military pays a lot for its airplanes, but they actually get their money's worth most of the time, because they're built by private industry.
I thought one of the negative talking points was the over expenses the 1000s of private industry contracts for parts?

Or you are saying, get 1 single private company to do it.

>> No.14805033

>retard, they took soviet first stage engines and pumped out more thrust at the cost of isp
That's really easy though, you change the nozzle throat to have a wider diameter. You get less chamber pressure (reduces Isp a bit) but higher mass flow rate because there's a greater pressure differential between high pressure pump outlet and chamber pressure inlet, which results in higher mass flow rate.

>> No.14805034
File: 28 KB, 187x462, 31D7E0EA-CCE0-433C-B2D0-F252CFC0351A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Japan literally got a license to build Delta rockets in the 80’s. Love those bastards

>> No.14805037
File: 307 KB, 2048x1366, FbWS_qBaUAActrq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14805039

China is the land of rapid groundwater toxification

>> No.14805041

>Even when they're copying an engine they have possession of
How does having possession of the engine help you figure out how to manufacture the turbine blades

>> No.14805044
File: 60 KB, 768x1028, 83563124-5EFC-4315-9077-E719CA40F32F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that SLS is quite literally just an upgraded Delta rocket

>> No.14805045

I don't care, make it thicker elon, come on, I want the 12m version back.

>> No.14805047

>t. boeing employee

>> No.14805048

That spreading across thousands of companies is a direct result of Congress getting involved. Private rocket design is like CRS or Commercial Crew, where NASA is given a fixed budget and pays someone else to build and launch the rocket with their payload/people on board.

>> No.14805049

>how does possession of a technological artifact help you reverse engineer it?
this is a new low even for a chink shill

>> No.14805050

you have to go back tourist. stretching the ship has been talked about for months.

>> No.14805051

What is the main drawback of that, how will it affect performance, and why might they have done it?

>> No.14805054

And they didn't call it the Delta V because Congress hates fun.

>> No.14805056

years, with no progress

>> No.14805057

Isn't the statement "at least five to ten" exactly equivalent to "at least five"?

>> No.14805061

The stack will have a TWR of like 1.6, high TWR is nice but 1.6 is pretty excessive, and also they could gain meters in height by stretching the payload bay section alone and change pretty much nothing about the rest of the vehicle.

>> No.14805064

I believe the secrets of the turbine blades are in the manufacturing methods, how do you figure out that from looking at the final product? You can look at the materials, monocrystal structure, coatings, cooling ducts, etc, in a microscope, does that tell you how to manufacture it?

In fact, China has access to the most advanced turbofan technology on commercial jets that land in China every day. If they can figure out the manufacturing techniques from looking at the engines, why would they look at Russian engines?

>> No.14805066

in the same way it’s equivalent to “at most ten,” yes

>> No.14805068
File: 308 KB, 510x498, what.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This almost gave me a heart attack.

>> No.14805070

>>I believe the secrets of the turbine blades are in the manufacturing methods
china went all in on industrial espionage, they have all the data they need. The problem is chinese engineers are substandard and always have been.

>> No.14805075
File: 391 KB, 1600x1200, F16F308F-4496-4B56-98B5-C5F7F3DF1426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if real life pulled a “for all mankind” and Starship and SLS ended up launching the same day? After todays scrub, this is at least in the ballpark of possibility now

>> No.14805076

>what is metallurgical assaying
>what is electron microscopy
>what is crystallography
Having the component in your hands is like having a puzzle with 95 pieces in place and 5 missing. If you still can't tell that it's a picture of a horse there's something wrong with your academic institutions.

>> No.14805079

it's been talked about for well over a year

>> No.14805080

18 meter Starship coming someday.
Maybe as an indigenous Mars orbital transport vehicle.

>> No.14805082

>How can we fund this?
>I wish I could answer that

>> No.14805083

But doesn't everyone say China is communist bad guys, don't they have a lot of billionaires in the country they could shake down if they ever needed a bit more pocket cash?

>> No.14805084

>millions of people watching Starship launch
>thousands watching SLS

>> No.14805086

>they have all the data they need
How do you know? And is it so simple to do it, you just need the right zip file, no institutional experience required?

>> No.14805087

Realistically, Starship had a decent chance of fucking exploding on ascent. SLS working and not Starship would be sad

>> No.14805090

It is taking china longer to reverse engineer jet engines than it took Russia and America to design the originals in the first place.

>> No.14805092

>What is the main drawback of that,
Engine is slightly longer overall
>how will it affect performance
Higher TWR and less pressure drop from that turbopump's exit, also if that's the oxygen rich pump you reduce the amount of metal surface area in contact with hot oxygen, which makes that headache easier.
>why might they not have done it
All the old soviet engines have the turbopump hanging down the side with the big U pipe, and they follow Soviet engineering a lot. Why did the Soviets do it? I think it's because their first ORSC engine was an upper stage which needed to keep a short overall length for vehicle design reasons and that trend was just adopted continuously ever since.

>> No.14805093

>what is metallurgical assaying
>what is electron microscopy
>what is crystallography
Sounds more like you are trying tp play buzzword bingo, simply listing alternative words for "figure it out by looking at it", than trying to explain how they can figure these things out by looking at the final product.

>there's something wrong with your academic institutions.
Why does so few companies build the most advanced engines? The engines are easy to get hold of for almost everyone, they land all over the globe every day

>> No.14805095

What do you predict the issues with starship will be on assent? We know the orbiter at least has no difficulty at this phase of flight, and the booster has a fair amount of redundancy in the event of engine failure

>> No.14805099

>Why is NASA making such a big deal out of a scrub lol
Major hype and attention, news coverage, Twitter trending for hours before, all eyes on, people traveling hours to see, excitement, anticipation, first step towards sending humans back on the moon. Excitement, anticipation building, building.......deflated. let down

>> No.14805101

Either "at least five meters" or "five to ten meters", saying "at least five to ten meters" implies the upper bound on stretching is higher (say, 15 meters). I think he just wrote that in 3 seconds and posted it without obsessing over the semantics.

>> No.14805102

>what is electron microscopy
And again, of course they can see what the final product looks like, why does that mean they can know from that how it is made?

>> No.14805106



>> No.14805110

What rocket is China using to go to mars?

>> No.14805111

Stage 0 and the initial liftoff are still huge unknowns. Some transonic aerodynamic stuff is also unknown. My biggest fear other than the full stack exploding on the pad is some unseen vibration issue due to 33 engines nuking Superheavy. I think ID Starship OFT-1 makes it past Max Q it should work

>> No.14805112

All the money in the world can't buy you a fusion reactor right now because it doesn't exist. All the money in the world can't build you a yacht from scratch in a week. It's not about cash, like I said. It's about the maximum amount of labor productivity you can draw, and what you can do with that when you are working with an expendable system, versus someone else with less gross resources and manpower but a fully reusable rocket. The reusable rocket simply wins.

>> No.14805113

kek who are these chinks seething in the thread? did they actually come to watch SLS? LMAOO

>> No.14805115


>> No.14805117
File: 79 KB, 793x569, China is Fast Outpacing U.S. STEM PhD Growth - China-is-Fast-Outpacing-U.S.-STEM-PhD-Growth-2.pdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

China was a scientific and economic backwater until recently, they didn't have many experienced engineers, and those they had tended to emigrate. The past is not linearly indicative of the future when there is exponential growth.

>> No.14805119

>Why does so few companies build the most advanced engines?
Skill issue.

>> No.14805129
File: 373 KB, 545x308, PoorJim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is he thinking right now?

>> No.14805130
File: 330 KB, 1200x1200, apollo-samples-nasa-moon-rocks-1200x1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thinkin about thos roggs

>> No.14805132

If you know exactly what is in an alloy that operates under extreme heat and pressure while exposed to oxygen, you can start making that alloy for yourself in great quantity and doing experiments. Nobody here is saying that you do an assay on a turbine blade and suddenly know how to make those blades, silly. They're saying that if you know the MATERIALS, that solves 99% of the problems, because for most of these applications finding the metal that doesn't literally catch fire and shit itself out of the engine requires trial and error, and when you're working with superalloys of a dozen or more elements that only work when mixed in proportions accurate to the tenth of a percent concentration, that trial and error can take a LONG time. As for figuring out growing single-crystal turbine blades, that's something you figure out by trying several approaches at once in a lab setting and fine tuning the trials until it works. For some reason, chinese insitutions are struggling with the easy part.
Also, just because I love SpaceX, I want to point out that while Chine has been struggling, SpaceX has built Raptor and currently pumping them out at a rate faster than other space agencies are capable of pumping out pressure fed hypergolic engines.

>> No.14805134

Why do only these few companies have the skills, why can't other companies figure out the skills by looking at the engines? Is it something wrong with their academic institutions, even if the other companies are in the same country?

>> No.14805139

>For some reason, chinese insitutions are struggling with the easy part.
The Chinese IQ meme is a result of them restricting who gets to take the test. Their actual intelligence is low on average.

>> No.14805150

>bugman "STEM"
>equal to the west
they literally get student riots whenever they try to stop mass cheating
additionally, chinese growth has been slowing down for years, and is now buckling under their stratospheric debt and economic mismanagement
their horrific demographic situation is just a further kick to the balls

>> No.14805155

>Isn't the statement "at least five to ten" exactly equivalent to "at least five"?
No. If I say: i ate at least 5 to 10 hamburgers is different than I ate at least 5 hamburgers

If I say the latter, I could have eaten 20 hamburgers.

The former I could not have ate more than 10.

5 to 10. Does the 'to', not make the cap?

At least 5 inches, implying, at most 10?

At least 5 inches, possibly to 10 inches.

It's not saying at least 10 inches l.

It's saying at least 5 inches. At most 10 inches?

I'm not sure, grammar can be tricky

>> No.14805157

>pretty excessive, and also they could gain meters in height by stretching the payload bay section alone and change pretty much nothing about the rest of the vehicle.
Isn't the only real reason to have such excessiveness, to carry more massive payload?

>> No.14805159

>They're saying that if you know the MATERIALS, that solves 99% of the problems
I believe that is exactly not the case. It is not enough to have the correct material, you need the correct microstructure of the material. Also, you need to shape the material carefully with coolant channels and nozzles within the blades and such, without disturbing the microstructure. As for the coatings, I assume they might need to be applied in a very precise manner to achieve the correct effect.

> As for figuring out growing single-crystal turbine blades, that's something you figure out by trying several approaches at once in a lab setting and fine tuning the trials until it works. For some reason, chinese insitutions are struggling with the easy part.
Monocrystals is 70s technology, that is not enough. I believe modern turbine blades are far more complex than just that, with various coatings and complex shapes.

>> No.14805161

>3 hour old thread
>already at bump limit
/sfg/ is healing… that or bloating

>> No.14805165

It's a natural consequence of SLS trying to launch.

>> No.14805167

We've been edging for days leading up to Artemis I, after the scrub all that pent up energy had to go somewhere.

>> No.14805168

>For some reason, chinese insitutions are struggling with the easy part.
Culture of corruption and fraud. Why do all that hard work when you can just lie and say you did?

>> No.14805171

All the metrics are showing rapid improvement, if they figured out a way to game the metrics, hard to tell.

>> No.14805180

>he doesn't realize that the one child policy has already destroyed China

>> No.14805182

>Is it something wrong with their academic institutions, even if the other companies are in the same country?

>> No.14805184

>Does the 'to', not make the cap?
No, it doesn't, because the initial statement "at least" means you are not sure of the LOWER BOUND, not that you're unsure of the range. Are you ESL?

>> No.14805185

>My biggest fear other than the full stack exploding on the pad is some unseen vibration issue due to 33 engines nuking Superheavy.

What are the best ways they can test and prevent this from happening?

The booster has flown solo, starship has flown solo, no way to test them flying together but to try huh? Simulations?

>> No.14805189

If there's a reason, it's not excessive. And no, not really more massive payloads, bigger payloads.

>> No.14805196

no, it's like having puzzle with 95 pieces and you are trying to figure out dimensions of the paper cutting machine and what material the die are made of
it's one thing to figure out how it works and what it's made of
actually copying the production line is the hard part

like you could feasibly make 1:1 replica of say, a pistol with hand files and dedicated craftsman, but that's not going to work for mass production
jet engine is much more precise than that

>> No.14805203

I really am interested to see what happens to China. They're basically in the same situation Japan was in except far less developed and mature of an economy.

>> No.14805205

>Why do only these few companies have the skills, why can't other companies figure out the skills by looking at the engines? Is it something wrong with their academic institutions, even if the other companies are in the same country?
Could it be those companies have so out in front dominated the market there is no motivation to try to compete with them? They've got it covered

>> No.14805211

>he doesn't realize it's not year 1750 anymore, and skill, tools, machinery, infrastructure, organization is far more important than raw headcount
If working age population is the important thing, why wasn't India and China already superpowers since long ago?

>> No.14805215

Also they're way more authoritarian and have a way worse demographics crisis.

>> No.14805217

The ratio of young people to old people is what matters. China has too few young people due to two generations of the 1 child policy.

>> No.14805218

They'll just ignore them and kill the unruly ones.

>> No.14805221

>No, it doesn't, because the initial statement "at least" means you are not sure of the LOWER BOUND
Don't know if that's entirely true.

If someone says it's supposed to rain at least 5 to 10 inches today they are not implying it could rain 500 inches

At least 5 inches
To possibly 10 inches.

What would be the point of making the rocket 5 inches taller anyway?

>> No.14805228

>several things went right today
This "praise" is more damning than any insult.

>> No.14805231
File: 241 KB, 1838x892, boca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happens here?

>> No.14805235

bai lan

>> No.14805238

>Don't know if that's entirely true.
Well I do.

>> No.14805243

Booster 7 static fire prepping

>> No.14805244

this, NASA should resemble the NOAA which doesn't build ships but gets them made to order by those who do

>> No.14805245


>> No.14805247

i thought they used it as an office

>> No.14805248

NASA will commission a couple of Starships and outfit them for their own purposes, similar to that one infrared telescope they had mounted in a jet that time.

>> No.14805251

Yet what if those young people are 10 times more productive than before? The ratio of producers to dependents doesn't matter, the ratio of *production* to dependents matters. China has high youth unemployment and still has a ton of uneducated peasants, they're not going to run out of people working in nursing homes.

>> No.14805255

Collapse. China is a pile of bad economic policy weighed down by corruption and held together with Orwellian repression and duct tape, and the tape is shitty off-brand from a factory in Tianjin.

I'm more interested in China's long term space prospects. The LM-2/3/4 are limited in their capacity, but they remain nicely economical for as long as they can share costs and equipment with the DF-5A ICBM production line. The problem is that China is starting to move towards solid fuel ICBMs which is going to make the costs of China's most prolific launchers spike in cost like Titan did in the 1980s. China has a bunch of solid fuel launchers based on their newer ballistic missile work, but none of them can of replace the lifting capabilities of the lower number LMs and the LM-5/6/7 don't seem capable of matching their flight rate. China is going to need a cheap, high-cadence, high-capacity launch vehicle in the next 5-10 years if they want to maintain their current rate of growth.

>> No.14805257

I think the views were spread out across multiple streams, and boomers watching it on cable news. Granted NASA didn’t exactly advertise this with a distinct date and time

>> No.14805258

SLS is their last rocket anyway.

>> No.14805259
File: 46 KB, 1125x350, D0942717-02BE-4D2D-A4C4-2BDBD318D255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically what the fuck is wrong with YouTube comments?

>> No.14805261

Ohhhhh, yeah I see your point. He definitely meant “anywhere from 5 to 10”

>> No.14805263

neuralink executive IVF breeding facility

>> No.14805270

>Unironically what the fuck is wrong with YouTube comments?
YouTube commenters.

>> No.14805271

He's currently tankwatching south Texas right now, optimistic about the future, and proud of the work he did to get us to where we are.

God bless you Jim. Can't wait for you to cancel SLS in two years when you return for dark MAGA.

>> No.14805275

wait there might be static fire today?

>> No.14805284
File: 37 KB, 744x575, mutt chink z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14805285


Overpressure notice was sent yesterday.
Venting on B7 has started

>> No.14805287

when he's not working against starlink

>> No.14805291

>China has high youth unemployment
Yes, because they have no skills and the system in China is set up to be extremely draconian about test scores over any other metric.

>> No.14805292

What country are you from?

>> No.14805297

I couldn't craft a comment more triggering to anyone who knows anything about SpaceX or Soviet rocket engineering if I tried

>> No.14805305

As in him personally or is it the company he is currently a member of the board of directors? There's a big difference there, bud.

>> No.14805308

lay flat and bai lan

>> No.14805323 [DELETED] 

>The fix is to ban NASA from making their own rockets as anything other than test articles, like an orbital version of X-planes. The military pays a lot for its airplanes, but they actually get their money's worth most of the time, because they're built by private industry.
>I dont know how it happened, and I'm sorry daddy uncle Sam, but the test article we made came out to $2 billion

>> No.14805341

/sfg/ headquarters

>> No.14805374
File: 956 KB, 2880x2880, rest_of_the_world_are_you_even_trying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mir copy
Pic related says otherwise

>> No.14805380

Russians are fucking insane and we should stop working with them on space programs. They're just coasting on aging soviet tech anyway.

>> No.14805382

Agreed. We should only cooperate with Ukraine, the one true emerging space power.

>> No.14805384

The fix is bullets applied to the brain stem of lawmakers who force legislation to protect ancient and out dated industries simply for the sake of preserving those technologies, as if we could never ever develop a new 2000 kN staged combustion hydrolox engine or ~8 meter diameter hydrolox tank.

>> No.14805387

All this has proven is that slavs aren't white.

>> No.14805388

Based but cut down at least 50% of that allotted SLS space and replace it with various Falcon 9 and FH stuff

>> No.14805389

wait, so they didnt do a thorough wet dress rehearsal before this? what the fuck is happening? every single time they start the countdown timer something breaks and its not GSE shit as its usual for other scrubs these days

>> No.14805390

Only ones we should work with are Japan, South Korea, Canada, UK, France and Italy.

>> No.14805391

>>The fix is to ban NASA from making their own rockets as anything other than test articles, like an orbital version of X-planes. The military pays a lot for its airplanes, but they actually get their money's worth most of the time, because they're built by private industry.
>>I dont know how it happened, and I'm sorry daddy uncle Sam, but the test article we made came out to $2 billion

Imagine deleting a post like this one.

>> No.14805397

Apollo-Soyuz but it's Starliner and Gaganyaan

>> No.14805401
File: 72 KB, 1086x992, 4rewfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still seething

>> No.14805403

just came here to say FUCK SLS, I sincerely hope it explodes

I hate it and I hate normie spacetubers telling me I should be excited about it, it's a fucking embarrassment and everything that is wrong with America right now

>> No.14805406


>> No.14805409
File: 2.68 MB, 4032x2750, 51891966525_b4e68250f5_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when can i watch the movie sfg?

>> No.14805412

The starship is part of artemis retard

>> No.14805413
File: 52 KB, 640x480, technical difficulty 1553302145012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14805414

>it's a fucking embarrassment and everything that is wrong with America right now

Explain further, why is it a personification of everything wrong with America? Bloated government projects?

>> No.14805419

The last WDR got like 95% done. Now it turns out that last 5% was actually complicated shit that they fucked up, but at the time it seemed good enough.

Note this applies to the things *not* tested by WDRs or this morning's scrubs. Such as lighting the SRBs.

>> No.14805424

mediocrity cloaked in a veil of politically correct pieties trying to pass itself off as a worthy heir to past glories

>> No.14805433

Any of the ladies or gentlemen could post the pdf of the 2020 edition of Fundamentals of Astrodynamics?
Thanks in advance.

>> No.14805434

Fair point. You have to remember that this thing is going to the moon though. I wouldn't say that's mediocre, the politically correct "inclusive" bullshit is annoying though

>> No.14805442

“White” is a made-up concept.

>> No.14805448

The Machine God is great

>> No.14805450

What's really embarrassing is that they're actually celebrating

>> No.14805453

what’s wrong with this statement?

>> No.14805454

can the government do that in america

>> No.14805455

Decided to sleep rather than staying up through ungodly hours because I figured the piece of shit will probably scrub. I wake up and lo and behold. This flying pork barrel is actually going to RUD when they finally launch it, can't fucking wait.

>> No.14805463
File: 40 KB, 365x490, von braun no wvb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14805468

If you don't have blue, green, or gray eyes you're not white. That's the facts.

>> No.14805470


>> No.14805473

Come to think of it, these hydrogen leaks...is there actually enough that it could be embrittling the outside of the SRBs? Or fragile shit in the engines?

I'm guessing not for the latter, unless the GSE leaks are at ground level.

>> No.14805480 [DELETED] 

Found the brown eyed nigger

>> No.14805483

>mediocrity cloaked in a veil of politically correct pieties trying to pass itself off as a worthy heir to past glories
damn, thats a poetic verse

>> No.14805484

Add Aussies and NZ, cut Italy, and this is the way.

>> No.14805486

Lots of white people have brown eyes

>> No.14805491

Back of the bus. Now.

>> No.14805493


>> No.14805494

>doing anything besides getting drunk and being incomprehensible

Kiwis I can accept.

>> No.14805497

Having light eyes is the only thing he has going for him.

>> No.14805498

China can not into controlled reentry of spent stages

>> No.14805499

W-we're white too I swear

Literally african features

>> No.14805502

Of course. We shouldn't really be collaborating with any other nation on any tech project important enough to warrant serious funding honestly. It's pretty retarded that Orion depends on Europe for its service module. As for Russia specifically, they have literally nothing ahead of American technology at this point.

>> No.14805505

Their hearts are in the right place.

>> No.14805506

How long until some Chinese space trash kills an American family and the US goes apeshit on the chinks?

>> No.14805507

Heh gottem

>> No.14805508

I'm sorry, anon, but having light eyes does not make you an ubermensch. No eye color will ever make up for all of your other terrible genes.

>> No.14805509

Heavy venting

>> No.14805513

Based anime-tier countdown guy

>> No.14805515


>> No.14805518

No one who has been to the moon had brown eyes

Really makes you think

>> No.14805521

>He's currently tankwatching south Texas right now,
how would you even know

>> No.14805523

by that logic two white people can give birth to a non white person

>> No.14805524

Can they just fucking launch this garbage can already so they can stop cucking starship and pretend they won? Holy fuck I am so tired of the senate lunch system.

>> No.14805529

It's the opposite but you get the point

>> No.14805531
File: 1.67 MB, 819x1024, 1659254390300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14805539

Diversity hire.

>> No.14805544

Next delay attempt in 4 days

>> No.14805547
File: 22 KB, 400x400, average tankwatcher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Heavy venting

>> No.14805548

Considering they admitted to finding cracks in SLS, it has a decent chance of exploding too.

>> No.14805557

Truly, he was the first person of color to walk on the moon. I don't see how anyone could think otherwise.

>> No.14805566
File: 1.67 MB, 3601x2048, 1v9ej5jgalk91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14805568

>You have to remember that this thing is going to the moon though. I wouldn't say that's mediocre
there was a time when biplanes with top speeds of mach 0.1 weren't mediocre either. 50 years after those days joe walker was flying the x-15 over the karman line.

50 years after apollo 17 we have sls. is it more capable than saturn v? has it pushed the bounds of technology? has it made it easier to access space?

even if i somehow thought sls was the right decision in the first place i wouldn't think it was something worth celebrating. more like a quick patch to put on an embarrassing hole in nasa's launch capabilities.

>> No.14805571

Back to /pol/ now

>> No.14805572

That's as stupid way to do a tank, literally the inverse of what should be done.

>> No.14805573

Reminder that the race schizo is collage fag.

>> No.14805577

Is the person who made this retarded? The thrust to weight ratio would make this zip right off the pad, why not just stretch the tanks and use up the extra payload capacity for extra fuel? Plus it’s a completely new re-entry profile to have to test, it probably has a screwed up center of pressure now that those top fins are way lower down

>> No.14805578
File: 479 KB, 1217x915, AcroRd32_2022-08-28_14-28-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was not supposed to be this way

>> No.14805584

Absolute retards. Don't you see that the tanks are stretched?
150 tons of fuel don't add that much to the length.

>> No.14805586

dont forget the DSN & Parkes Observatory

>> No.14805594

we can't even understand how good the timeline would have been if they committed to depots and then spacex figured out how to launch 15 tons of LOX into orbit per week

>> No.14805602

DC-X and the starship.

>> No.14805605

>The thrust to weight ratio would make this zip right off the pad

>> No.14805631

Did DC-X ever land autonomously without ground-controls? I can't remember.

>> No.14805632

Shilling for this down-syndrome brother of starship is embarrassing. Try building this in KSP and see how bay moving the forward flaps down that far, you’re screwing up your center of pressure. There’s a reason why the forward flaps are as close to the top as possible.

>> No.14805633

You're right except about the TWR. I don't know how you got that wrong.
But yes, using full volume of regular Starship entirely for fuel is the most sensical option. In fact that's both implicitly and explicitly confirmed to be what they're going to do.

>> No.14805662

Yeah I figured pretty quickly lol
>goes an created an unpopular schismatic space general on another board
>floods back to /sfg/ for happenings because he has FOMO

>> No.14805664

I apologize in advance for the sheer ESL of this post, damn

>> No.14805667

Globalism was such a fucking mistake, ya let's just all fail together due to weak links.

>> No.14805688

does b7 have all engines installed

>> No.14805696

No, only Raptors.

>> No.14805713

>15 minutes since last post
sfg is dead

>> No.14805714
File: 72 KB, 506x762, Earth advertisement poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>then spacex figured out how to launch 15 tons of LOX into orbit per week
Has anyone run the numbers on skimming air from the top of the atmosphere and compressing that?

I mean, sure they're way less dense, but upper atmosphere oxygen molecules are already going fast and are *right there*.

>> No.14805717


>> No.14805723
File: 68 KB, 1024x679, 1654848403382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since everyone is here for the artemis launch, anyone planning on heading down to Brownsville for the Starship launch? I am planning on drinking on the beach / holding sfg meme signs supporting my fellow texan elon

>> No.14805724

How much grift money do you reckon NSF makes from gullible retards just by having "NASA" in their name? They never seem to mention that they aren't affiliated

>> No.14805728

literally getting my loicense to drive down

>> No.14805731

a lot and it pisses me off
on the other hand, if they're tax-paying Americans then I support their ability to use NASA logos and imagery, begrudgingly

>> No.14805730

>How much grift money do you reckon NSF makes from gullible retards just by having "NASA" in their name? They never seem to mention that they aren't affiliated
Probably half at least. There was a brief time where people suggested they change the name but Chris B was adamantly against it, and got super defensive.

>> No.14805739

>no common bulkheads on the hydrolox stages

these niggas retarded

>> No.14805743
File: 2.28 MB, 3000x1622, 1640121825138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starship will fly this year

>> No.14805745

Trump made the mistake even on twitter remember that

>> No.14805746

Lookin' sexy in the retro color scheme. I have high hopes for ABL

>> No.14805748


>> No.14805749

https://youtu.be/3dR22I2LM_4 (SpaceX Tests Super Heavy Booster 7) [LIVE]

>> No.14805751
File: 166 KB, 720x511, IMG_20220830_110318.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's why, a year of nothing happening has been shitty. Still lightning fast compared to Oldsp*ce but painful after the giga dopamine injections from starhopper to SN-15

>> No.14805753

This is easily googleable but imma go off my gut and say you still can’t use the NASA logo for monetary gain. All they have is the name, which I don’t think is under any copyright

>> No.14805758
File: 3 KB, 315x411, starhopper_daioh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

almost 2 years since SN8, 3 years since hoppy 150 hop. actually the anniversary was 2 days ago, but i wouldnt expect anon to remember

>> No.14805760

Demo-2? He replied to/retweeted NSF assuming it was actually NASA

>> No.14805764

whoops, I meant title or acronym, not logo

>> No.14805772
File: 33 KB, 592x333, thunderfool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so nasa almost launched the most powerful rocket ever and it's simply crickets from the spacex stan peanut gallary.

i knew i could count on you to be so predictable. you are like lemmings and i rise above that

>> No.14805776

>so nasa almost launched the most powerful rocket
This is rocket surgery, anon, not horse shoes.

>> No.14805781

1/10 I replied

>> No.14805783

15 min till staticfire now

>> No.14805784
File: 283 KB, 1680x945, PHI_TheInfinite_Hous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to this with my gf yesterday and its fucking amazing. (Not a shill post I swear) You basically put on a VR headset and walk around in a warehouse and tour the ISS in 360 degree 4k. Then you get to watch a couple videos where they filmed a spacewalk with the same camera. Craziest goddamn shit I've ever seen. I cried like a bitch

>> No.14805786

if you will it dude it is no dream
-theodor herzl

>> No.14805792

do they have this in london town?

>> No.14805794

I, too, wanna have an Arca t-shirt.

>> No.14805796
File: 49 KB, 720x657, 1661815152598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14805797
File: 117 KB, 1125x1385, 1660589864332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awesome I can't wait, enjoy the drive

>> No.14805800

It's touring around the US right now, I think they're doing a new city every month? I hope they expand it internationally.

>> No.14805804

dummy, it's a science themed t shirt, all about the perdiodic table. S Ar Ca S M you know like the elements? feel like i keep having to explain the simple concept over and over like a broken record and I am over it frankly

>> No.14805808

im gonna but holy shit it's gonna scrub like 10 times before it goes. better block off a month of work

>> No.14805814


>> No.14805815

Aw, not even a little bit? I want to see one of the boosters snap off.

>> No.14805817


>> No.14805818

5 mins

Maybe it's a spin prime test

>> No.14805820

Actually Starship's stability dynamics don't change much if you change the length. Like at all.

>> No.14805824

>But yes, using full volume of regular Starship entirely for fuel is the most sensical option
That would be like 1000 tons of extra propellants, anon.

>> No.14805828

Yeah, you can get about 100 kg per year.

>> No.14805829

if it's a weekend sure. weekday i'll only try it if i have a hunch that it won't scrub.

>> No.14805832

so i guess no payload? :/

>> No.14805836

what do you think a tanker is?

>> No.14805837

terran r is basically a mini-starship...i wonder if relativity and spacex will merge at some point?

>> No.14805840

the tanker starship would be LONGER than regular, not smaller. How fuckin dumb are you?

>> No.14805841

>but was delayed an hour due to offshore storms, only beginning at 1:13 am. Prior to the planned launch at 8:33 am, Engine 3 of the rocket's four engines did not exhibit the expected hydrogen bleed, and engineers were not able to resolve it in time.[3] Other technical difficulties involved an 11-minute communications delay between the spacecraft and ground control, a fuel leak, and a crack on the insulating foam of the connection joints between the liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen tanks.[3][98] NASA scrubbed the launch after an unplanned hold and the two-hour launch window expired.[2] A press release stated that the "bleed test to get the RS-25 engines on the bottom of the core stage to the proper temperature range for liftoff was not successful".[99]

>> No.14805843

i'm not the one getting mad at some anon because he doesn't like tom dixon's picture

>> No.14805844

A few thousand, but yes.

>> No.14805847
File: 186 KB, 1080x1350, 106492683_1286706518328059_4366707442771348138_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop posting

>> No.14805851

I dont give a flying FUCK about Tim Dodd or any of your e-celeb FAGGOT

>> No.14805859

I'll probably go. It'll be a long drive from San Antonio though, so maybe I'll catch a flight.

>> No.14805862

What tipped you off? This rocket comes from the same company that forgot to use nitrogen tetroxide compatible valves in the nitrogen tetroxide system of their capsule, lol

>> No.14805863

you first, faggot

>> No.14805868
File: 198 KB, 1401x788, SpaceX Tests Super Heavy Booster 7 - YouTube - 89 49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Frost forming

>> No.14805873

what kind of test might I ask

>> No.14805880

Finally, a real rocket ready for its debut

>> No.14805897

When is SLS launching?

>> No.14805901
File: 64 KB, 840x621, 126-1aa7fa2d-4379-487b-8d97-5c019a996e34[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14805904

40 minutes (on hold)

>> No.14805911
File: 132 KB, 590x856, galaxy orbit a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14805915
File: 54 KB, 657x374, philip bono pegasus flight profile 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14805918
File: 211 KB, 1066x835, lunar logistics & habitat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14805920

What's with the low quality spam

>> No.14805925
File: 2.02 MB, 360x202, 1632339951545.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14805933
File: 30 KB, 602x227, 0_R0ExWOZ7VvKMUoMD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

schizo repellant

>> No.14805942
File: 13 KB, 457x124, SCHIZO VICTORY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no such thing

>> No.14805943

retard here, is this the famous rocket ecuation or something? shooting in the dark btw

>> No.14805951

how do you pronounce delta v

>> No.14805952

Buddy, the TANKS are longer, and the useless empty forward section is shortened. This makes perfect sense.

>> No.14805955

Nah, it would less-than-double the total propellant volume in Starship, which itself is around 1200 tons. 1000 tons of added mass for that propellant volume increase is reasonable.

>> No.14805956


>> No.14805959

triangle velocity

>> No.14805965

Starships’ payload volume is a cubic kilometer

>> No.14805966

It's over

>> No.14805970
File: 1.98 MB, 3601x2048, 1652215070535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what tanker ships are actually going to be like.

>> No.14805979

>nearly one billion metric tons of propellant per launch

>> No.14805981
File: 81 KB, 843x591, mhd spaceplane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with the low quality general

>> No.14805983

That weighs 3000 tons and can't make it to orbit.

>> No.14805988

What if you use a crane?

>> No.14805990

And it absolutely can.

>> No.14805993

I mean you can just downfill it if you need to right? as long as it lifts off it'll get more up the more you put in
plus there are probably other uses for big empty tanks on orbit

>> No.14805996

Your mom weighs 3000 tons and can't make it to orbit.

>> No.14806006
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>> No.14806014
File: 65 KB, 600x322, zapfusion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in the next 6-8 months we will finally get hard confirmation of if the sfs z-pinch will scale to creating useful fusion. If it does, the consequences for fusion propulsion research will be immense.
humanity must gain the ability to spread out properly in the solar system-mars is just a stepping stool to far greater heights. the kuiper belt and oort cloud are filthy with resources and their primal coldness allows incredibly high performance computation. here we can gain a degree of freedom hard to imagine, lightweeks away from the squabbles and chaos of the crowded inner solar system. but we can only get there if we can master fusion and build craft capable of speeds of hundreds or thousands of kilometers per second.

>> No.14806018

If an engine bleed is the problem, can it be fixed by friday?

>> No.14806019

WE ARE GOING! …back to the VAB

>> No.14806022

>this guy thinks kuiper belt / oort cloud has densities even remotely viable for this

>> No.14806023

So an engine is fucked, the communication system is fucked, the fuel lines are fucked and the insulation is fucked.

Yeah I'm thinking we are not going.

>> No.14806024

z-pinch is gay I’m sorry anon. My new vapor engine has been DFD for a while now. It’s the new HDLT of /sfg/

>> No.14806029

Speaking of vapour engines. What happened to the plasma magnet sail dude? I had a search and couldn't find anything recent. that shit was super promising.

>> No.14806031

>plus there are probably other uses for big empty tanks on orbit
Those tanks are coming back down to be reused anon, they're not staying up there.

>> No.14806035

delta five

>> No.14806037

'zactly, I'd rather have spare big starships than spare little ones, easier to repurpose

>> No.14806040
File: 41 KB, 686x376, quantized inertia starship 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dread it. Run from it. Destiny arrives all the same.

>> No.14806042
File: 57 KB, 434x484, The Man from Maybe Colin Hay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you didn't look very hard

>> No.14806045
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>> No.14806047

Am I the plasma magnet sail dude (I post about it) or do you mean the guy trying to get funding to build one? Cuz he's trying to get funding to build one. He estimates about $50 million to build a demonstrator the size of a uuuuh 6U cubesat? If I remember right, and it would do a mission where it zips by Jupiter at around 400 km/s. He designed it to be able to pull around 2m/s per second of acceleration.

>> No.14806051

As impactors

>> No.14806054

this isn't an issue at all if you have fusion propulsion and advnaced sensors-you can surely find examples of a few bodies relatively close together and colonize them. With the right automation you'd have periodic shipments of metals coming in to your main cometary base to keep reserves topped up no problem. it's all about preparation.

>> No.14806056
File: 46 KB, 482x505, SpaceX hammering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if you take the SpaceX approach.

>> No.14806060

After watching this whole thing today at work, I'm actually very convinced that this concept deserves $100 million asap. Does anyone think Elon knows about this technology?

>> No.14806070
File: 79 KB, 608x800, William C. Miller at the Schmidt telescope camera, Palomar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather fuck off to a new star system where resources are dense than live on the sparse gleanings of the Oort

>> No.14806085
File: 896 KB, 1000x1426, treasure-planet-5433e352b70a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2m/s^2 acceleration
>6U cubesat is by definition max 8kg
>2x8=16N of thrust
>let's be really, really generous and say a 6U cubesat has a 100W@1AU power supply
>plasma magnet sails scale thrust with the third or fourth power of input wattage (I forget which) based on the original John Slough paper
Holy BALLS. This thing is a torch drive as long as it's a few hundred kilometers away from other ships and accelerating antisunward. The hard part is going to be finding some other plasma trick to brake into orbit without exploding or melting the spacecraft.

>> No.14806099

It was going to have a 1kW ROSA actually, and I could be wrong it could have been a 12U satellite I just don't remember and I'm on my laptop so I don't feel much like scrolling through a 100 minute video to find the details.

>> No.14806105

That man looks dangerously comfy

>> No.14806108

Oh that's a little less nutty then. 32N/kWe would totally make SEP viable for Mars missions though, if we had a way to brake.

>> No.14806115
File: 45 KB, 810x553, universe 1960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Astroonomers used to be a hardy bunch, braving mountain tops in winter to change photographic plates and whatnot. Now they sit in heated computer rooms swigging coffee and estrogen

>> No.14806121

Oh shit thanks anon, I'm retarded

Haven't been in these threads for a long time, was just wondering about the dude running the show. Damn only 50m for a tech demonstrator is not bad. When is he going to incorporate a fucking company so I can buy shares, the tech is actually amazing.

>> No.14806134

I mean what you could do is still do the standard hohhman trajectory into an aerobrake, but with an order of magnitude increase in payload/mass instead. Dump the sail module before you hit Mars and let it free return back to earth.

>> No.14806140

It's still a >400,000 m/s delta V system that doesn't use propellant, which is obviously insanely attractive. It basically means that any outbound delta V you can think of apart from Earth escape can be had for effectively free. You don't NEED to go top speed of course, you can go slow enough that at arrival you can use either your magnet sail or a more conventional propulsion system to capture into orbit. Of course once you're out there you need to use rockets to get back to Earth, but at least on arrival you can reuse your magnet sail to brake.

>> No.14806141

They also bitch, don't forget about the bitching

>> No.14806148

>would totally make SEP viable for Mars missions
Already is

>> No.14806151

Note that the tanks will be empty at reentry (the only time the flaps are important) heavy ass engines on the back, only things that balance it out are the header tanks (as far forward as possible) If they aren’t as far forward, you’re gonna be way unstable. Try it in KSP if you don’t believe me

>> No.14806162

Yeah, if you have a power source of a few hundred kilowatts that weighs a few tonnes total including heat rejection systems.



>> No.14806166

>what power source does it use
>muh heat rejection
Are you retarded?

>> No.14806169
File: 148 KB, 1293x643, solar nuclear electric.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would only require a vehicle larger and slower than NEP.

>> No.14806172

>slower than NEP
You're also retarded. Solar panels from the 1970s beat nuclear in terms of specific power.

>> No.14806178

Imagine pairing it with a DFD or sheared flow Z-pinch drive.

read, nigga

>> No.14806184

>0.6MW solar
>1.6-3.8MW nuclear
gee I wonder why there's a speed difference
I see no reason to believe building a 1.6MW reactor is easier than building an equivalent solar array

>> No.14806188

>solar panels from the 1970's beat gen 2 reactors from the 1960's

I would hope so.

>> No.14806193

I have, and it works. The reason the header tanks are needed in the nose of Starship is because it's long, not only because there's engine mass in the ass end. Starship flies better when it's stubbier (yes I used the realism overhaul suite of mods to satisfy my autism about this)

>> No.14806197

>I don't see why you can't just build an incredibly large solar array
>oh and pay no attention to the lowered power to weight such a large structure would produce

SMR aren't hard to make

>> No.14806216

>SMR aren't hard to make

Sure, except you need hundreds/thousands of them, which is the specific usecase here unless you are talking about some one off NASA faggot plant a flag and fuck off for 10 billion dollars mission.

>> No.14806238

Has on been on a ship before?

And tests have been done about radiation shielding from the reactor?

>> No.14806284

>arguing about solar vs nuclear power
this thread is about spaceflight

>> No.14806302

sfg stands for solar vs fusion general

>> No.14806320

solar is just lazy fusion

>> No.14806333

solar doesn't involve a turbine and I am therefore against it

>> No.14806338

it's the only fusion that can physically exist

for all intents and purposes, solar IS fusion

>> No.14806364

>except you need hundreds/thousands of them, which is the specific usecase here

Those goalposts though.

>> No.14806365

I assume you do know what the P in SEP and NEP stands for.

>> No.14806370
File: 19 KB, 420x316, 5053_34_37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>solar dynamic power has entered the chat

>> No.14806379
File: 481 KB, 2365x1330, ballerinaspace.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Spacer's Creed
In the name of the Great Geometer of the Living Cosmos, I affirm:
The greatness of the human spirit, ever seeking new heights of adventure and discovery
The value in expanding human knowledge of all the vastness of nature, for its own sake and to allow ever greater feats of technological mastery
The necessity of exploring and colonizing the Endless Frontier, building ever better societies to further the perfection of mankind

In the name of liberty and justice, I proclaim my eternal scorn upon all who would bind mankind to any one world, or would seek to exert dominion over all free people's right to pursue their unique way of life amid the infinite stars.
Let all who hold these words true be ever brothers, no matter how far seperated they be amidst the stars. Ad Astra.

>> No.14806390

nigger you live under a zionist elite that hates you stop larping

>> No.14806391

Ah Cosmen

>> No.14806420

The Demigod's Creed
In the name of my boundless ambition I proclaim:
FUCK Earthers
FUCK the Moon (with the intent of procreation)
The demiurge will be gutted like a chattel beast
This material world will be obliterated and the void returned to silence

>> No.14806428
File: 736 KB, 720x576, 1661830113479730.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The WebM that ended /sfg/

>> No.14806447

Are you trying to colonise mars or not?

>> No.14806449

lmao anyone with a vacuum chamber and the wherewithal can easily prove that you don't need an atmospher to push against

>> No.14806452

conveniently only the jews have access to such gas chambers

>> No.14806453

You can buy a vaccuum pump at home depot and make your own vaccuum chamber, false flagger san.

>> No.14806455

not possible

>> No.14806468

>make your own vaccuum
Does making a vacuum remove the gravity field, the EM field, and the other fields?

Rockets in space are thrusting against theall pervasive materiality of the gravity field and EM field?

>> No.14806469

Great, the schizo is back

>> No.14806478


This is a very interesting Wikipedia page to read all through:

The effects of vacuum energy can be experimentally observed in various phenomena such as spontaneous emission, the Casimir effect and the Lamb shift, and are thought to influence the behavior of the Universe on cosmological scales. Using the upper limit of the cosmological constant, the vacuum energy of free space has been estimated to be 10−9 joules (10−2 ergs), or ~5 GeV per cubic meter.[3] However, in quantum electrodynamics, consistency with the principle of Lorentz covariance and with the magnitude of the Planck constant suggests a much larger value of 10113 joules per cubic meter. This huge discrepancy is known as the cosmological constant problem.


In 1934, Georges Lemaître used an unusual perfect-fluid equation of state to interpret the cosmological constant as due to vacuum energy. In 1948, the Casimir effect provided an experimental method for a verification of the existence of vacuum energy; in 1955, however, Evgeny Lifshitz offered a different origin for the Casimir effect. In 1957, Lee and Yang proved the concepts of broken symmetry and parity violation, for which they won the Nobel prize. In 1973, Edward Tryon proposed the zero-energy universe hypothesis: that the Universe may be a large-scale quantum-mechanical vacuum fluctuation where positive mass–energy is balanced by negative gravitational potential energy. During the 1980s, there were many attempts to relate the fields that generate the vacuum energy to specific fields that were predicted by attempts at a Grand unification theory and to use observations of the Universe to confirm one or another version. However, the exact nature of the particles (or fields) that generate vacuum energy, with a density such as that required by inflation theory, remains a mystery."

>> No.14806481

you're a fag

>> No.14806487

if that's true then we should see a fall off in the effect of a given rocket depending on the intensity of the gravitational field-so a rocket in space would work less well than one on earth given it has a more diffuse field to interact with, right? Same with magnetic fields-they vary in intensity. So what you're proposing is testable and should have been observed by spacecraft in deep space, like ones that have gone into and out of the gravity wells of large planets or the sun and dealt with wildly varying gravitational and magnetic fields.

>> No.14806488

WTF bros what is happening?

>> No.14806493

a really sloppy experiment that doesn't even do a control run without the vacuum.

>> No.14806496

The QED vacuum is the field-theoretic vacuum of quantum electrodynamics. It is the lowest energy state (the ground state) of the electromagnetic field when the fields are quantized.[1] When Planck's constant is hypothetically allowed to approach zero, QED vacuum is converted to classical vacuum, which is to say, the vacuum of classical electromagnetism.[2][3]

The QCD vacuum is the vacuum state of quantum chromodynamics (QCD). It is an example of a non-perturbative vacuum state, characterized by non-vanishing condensates such as the gluon condensate and the quark condensate in the complete theory which includes quarks. The presence of these condensates characterizes the confined phase of quark matter.

>> No.14806505

I asked 2 questions. It seems your responding to an assumption about a conclusion you believe I possess.

I'm asking; space is full of gravity field, space is full of EM field, when rockets in space thrust are they thrusting against these fields?

>> No.14806526

Don't be ridiculous, no one is close to putting a SMR(20-300 MWe) or even a microreactor(1 to 20 MWe) in space.
What design would you like to use for a comparison or should we just pretend that a magical low mass, high power fission reactor is readily achievable despite all the evidence to the contrary?

>> No.14806531

You're not as smart as you think you are.

>> No.14806552

>Does making a vacuum remove the gravity field, the EM field, and the other fields?
>Rockets in space are thrusting against theall pervasive materiality of the gravity field and EM field?
>You're not as smart as you think you are.
Hopefully you're smarter than me and can answer those above questions

>> No.14806559

>You're not as smart as you think you are
I'm much smarter than I think I am, I think

>> No.14806560

>missing a whole platoon's worth of cromosomes
>calls others subhuman
really makes you think

>> No.14806561

I didn't read your post.
You probably are, sir.

>> No.14806564
File: 27 KB, 1255x720, Rocket function.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was around long before as some tard who spammed the early threads, this image is from around that time, June 2020. Wonder what happened to him

>> No.14806570
File: 53 KB, 182x223, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5'10 245lbs
>It's all muscle, OK?!

>> No.14806573

do not reply to redditors

>> No.14806579

I just did.

>> No.14806582

>Avatar or signature use

>> No.14806583

I'm so pissed the ISS was only ever about a quarter of Freedom because NASA lacked a heavy lifter and the shuttle never recovered its cadence after Challenger.

>> No.14806587

I win

>> No.14806625

Enough space for 1 (one) Zubrin

>> No.14806632

>one Zubrin and several hundred tons of methane
imagine the smell

>> No.14806633
File: 422 KB, 1452x1080, spacestationalpha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While not as good as Freedom, the one plus about the ISS is that it's bigger and more capable than Alpha was supposed to be

>> No.14806635
File: 705 KB, 574x535, 1661531756574555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I grew up with space books promising a shuttlecore future and now we're skipping past that to Mars colonies

>> No.14806641
File: 175 KB, 1921x1280, deepseacrab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No Test Occurred

>> No.14806656

no, you're a faggot and a loser

>> No.14806703

No, I don't think that I am. I scored 98th percentile on the reading section of the ACT back in 96'. I'm literaly smarter than you.

>> No.14806718

is talking about yourself all you can do? go back to twitter and take your over-inflated ego with you

>> No.14806725

this is china's future

>> No.14806849


>> No.14806856

page 10, staging....


>> No.14806860



>> No.14806861

Too late, delete

>> No.14806862


>> No.14806864

dont worry anon, its an anime thread so it doesn't count on /sci/

>> No.14806868

I'll be using this one.

>> No.14806907

touhou isn't an anime

>> No.14806910

All you fucks encouraging the anime schizo by using that thread should kill yourselves.

>> No.14807058

It is off topic trash though and should not be tolerated as the OP
This is a clear attempt by the anime tranny to take over the general, again

>> No.14807066

Kill yourself anti-anime schizo.

>> No.14807069

It's a drawing of a fairy next to an american landing site on the moon, it's very much space related. I just want to discuss spaceflight and occasionally post cute spaceflight-related drawings, go shit up some other thread.

>> No.14807072

>w-w-w-wha??? i-i-i've been c-called out by the posters of the g-g-eneral? b-b-b-better call them s-s-schizos!!


>> No.14807073

Third poster here

>> No.14807075

samefag detected, kys

>> No.14807080

You're a newfag who just showed up to /sfg/ one day and started chimping out at anime.
>1 minute apart
You lack any self-awareness, don't you?

>> No.14807084

>you're a newfag!!
>calling out samefagging is lacking self awareness
Lmao, really? Come on try a bit harder, we all know you're some animefag that flew in from reddit anyways

>> No.14807085

How does it feel when everybody hates you?

>> No.14807086

>samefagging, again
Cmon now anon..

>> No.14807096

what ever helps you sleep at night