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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 581 KB, 1500x1356, artemis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14800237 No.14800237 [Reply] [Original]

Artemis edition
Previous: >>14796898
Artemis I livestream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMLD0Lp0JBg

>> No.14800245
File: 163 KB, 800x889, 800px-PIA21641-Jupiter-SouthernStorms-JunoCam-20170525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14800248

Propellant slosh

>> No.14800253

Just found out about the STS-1 parts on each of the SLS main engines, pretty cool.

>> No.14800260

So they really are throwing away museum pieces


>> No.14800267

they said it was a bolt or two and some wires, so more like desk trinkets than museum pieces.

>> No.14800270

I look like that

>> No.14800279

spaceX literally copied the green markers thing from the turbine industry

>> No.14800280

I'm excited. Excited for the cubesats!

>> No.14800288


>> No.14800291

I wonder what's going to happen to the ones that didn't make it in time for SLS integration

>> No.14800299

There's three listed on NSF who didn't make it, maybe they can go beg for a Transporter ride?

>> No.14800304

24 hours from now we will call them "the lucky ones".

>> No.14800309

The turbine industry is clearly a grift by scammers who aren't serious about technology

>> No.14800313

Falcon 9 flight

>> No.14800321
File: 635 KB, 571x642, blue origin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14800323

Turbines are awesome for load following, and are super efficient. They're based.

>> No.14800330
File: 97 KB, 711x660, 1A612D86-5C63-4F54-855A-05CE9B255D36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pictured: Tha last remaining physical piece of Sputnik 1
Imagine throwing this away in the ocean lmao

>> No.14800334

cute edition :3

>> No.14800344

if anyone is curious, there's hot chick on everyday astronaut stream rn

>> No.14800346

Who cares?

>> No.14800350 [DELETED] 

Another show of paganism by "science", the "anti-religion" hyper-rational secular "scienfe" (who atually worship nephilims)

>> No.14800352
File: 66 KB, 503x1012, 1633897617113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf bros how could they do this to us?

>> No.14800356
File: 32 KB, 558x727, Erasmus Darwin rocket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

'A rough sketch from 1779 can be understood as a rocket motor powered by compressed hydrogen and oxygen
(inflammable air and dephlogisticated air in Darwin’s terminology) as propellants. The gases are stored in separate
containers and fed into a cylindrical chamber with an exit nozzle at one end. The volume of hydrogen is correctly
shown as being greater than of oxygen. Darwin’s idea appears to be very advanced for his time, as the invention of
hydrogen-oxygen rocket has been usually associated with Konstantine Tsiolkovskii (1857-1935'

>> No.14800357
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>> No.14800360
File: 69 KB, 202x277, 1661642019665501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow it's like white people who are actually capable of putting payloads in orbit prefer European beliefs to your Jewish death cult. I WONDER WHERE THAT PATTERN STARTED.

>> No.14800362

the God of Abraham is dead

>> No.14800364
File: 736 KB, 220x391, 1628685693926.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"hot" chick
>according to someone who watches estronaut
I'll pass.

>> No.14800366
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>> No.14800370
File: 664 KB, 2480x3508, vector-skeleton-linocut-astronaut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just heard that the launch abort system isn't going to be active? Really going for the bare bones here

>> No.14800371
File: 110 KB, 1274x696, 1639632410662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>been waiting for 10+ hours
>the rocket hasn't shown signs of launching

You've got to be shitting me...

>> No.14800373

They killed the escape tower, those bastards

>> No.14800377

RIP astronauts launching tomorrow

>> No.14800382

...von braun was a staunch christian tho

>> No.14800388

She's gorgeous with a sexy voice

>> No.14800391


>> No.14800392
File: 62 KB, 811x618, wvb swasi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, but he meant Positive Christianity

>> No.14800396

I find that hard to believe

If anything goes wrong they need the avionics from Orion for Orion 2, without which the whole program gets delayed for ages

>> No.14800410

why isnt clear-chan grifting 15 hours ahead of launch like NSF and EverydayFaggotNiggerstronaut

>> No.14800417

there's an actual person providing the voice and doing the motion capture to move the model and she needs to sleep at some point

>> No.14800421

V-tubers are the most dystopian gross shit ever

>> No.14800427
File: 2.64 MB, 2990x1534, b0ks91862gk91 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14800429

NASA accomplishing what Space-X cannot: bring humans safely to the Moon and back

>> No.14800430

personally I think giving superchats to NSF fifteen hours before launch is worse but

>> No.14800435

she just wants to be cute anime girl and teach orbital mechanics. hell, that's what i want to do too

>> No.14800438

support /Artemis/ general on /pol/

>> No.14800440

You have to go back

>> No.14800445
File: 33 KB, 804x422, dead zone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The SLS is gonna BREAK!

>> No.14800450

status on starship launch license????

>> No.14800453
File: 200 KB, 2000x1200, Boca-Chica-Starship-Alpha-progress-010118-NSF-bocachicagal-4c-2000x1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you really think the FAA is gonna license THIS

>> No.14800463

>SLS launches
>FAA approves Starship later that day

>> No.14800469

the moon would be the perfect location for an 18-lane highway

>> No.14800468

>SLS explodes midflight
>Starship launch license delayed indefinitely

>> No.14800471

>SLS launch goes swimmingly without a hitch
>Musk still static fires stupid test articles for the next 4 years with no progress whatsoever

>> No.14800473
File: 279 KB, 1200x1200, Seal_of_the_United_States_Federal_Aviation_Administration.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are they the way they are

>> No.14800476

ancient jewery

>> No.14800481

Woodrow Wilson, mostly.

>> No.14800486

Do you guys think Estronaut smashing that?

>> No.14800488

No he just watches from the side.

>> No.14800491


>> No.14800495

You jest but paving large portions of the Moon's surface would deal with regolith dust.

>> No.14800500

There is no conspiracy. Starship is not ready to fly.

>> No.14800504

It's flown though?

>> No.14800506
File: 241 KB, 1600x900, 169dummies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artemis astronauts

>> No.14800546
File: 2.50 MB, 4096x2732, FaSBWjuWQAYm3eq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14800553

>ywn get a 10m dollar government contract to design dummy boobs for spaceflight testing
Why even continue living?

>> No.14800554

the whole point of Artemis is globohomo first woman and POC propaganda

>> No.14800557

I'll pay my taxes if they make the female astronaut wear a booba suit like that

>> No.14800558

lease constricted orion rider

>> No.14800563

Anyone in titusville right now? Is it really crowded? I'm thinking about driving down tonight.

>> No.14800566

>paying taxes to an E*rth government

>> No.14800570
File: 752 KB, 1275x719, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for some reason space exploration as a whole is really against woke shit, that's why Artemis will fail / take even more years. I could bet my money on it. That shit is bad omen.

>> No.14800575
File: 7 KB, 444x555, Yotsuba SLS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.14800577

that pic describes my life

>> No.14800578

They aren't going to the mun nor back from it though, only to a lunar orbit…

>> No.14800581
File: 131 KB, 638x425, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone here have the site with every rocket launch date? i remember it used material design.

>> No.14800587

fuck you and fuck everyone else who links paywalled articles

>> No.14800588

Old boomers with PTSD from Nam who refuse to retire and have the same level of understanding of what the internet is as Robert Channdler

>> No.14800598

>an hour and a half of Estrogen Drenched Annoyance talking
wow, no thanks!

>> No.14800600


>> No.14800602

Nigga do you really not know how to get around the paywall? How are you on /sci/?

>> No.14800607
File: 181 KB, 408x600, 7429 - Deep_Space_9 Odo Quark Rene_Auberjonois Star_Trek fakes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1-5 and scrub
6-9 launches
0 explodes in flight
Dubs explosion on the pad
The digits will know

>> No.14800608
File: 244 KB, 500x500, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14800612


>> No.14800614

I'm with Berger on this

While SLS is perhaps one of the most visible examples of government waste in recent memory, its ripple effects are what it will be remembered for.

Defense contractors are getting forcibly removed from the space business kicking and screaming by the raw power of cost savings they can't hide.

>> No.14800616

Anyone else feel sick to their stomach over SLS? Like ACTUALLY apathetic about the whole thing?

>> No.14800620

IIRC they're sending animals to the moon first before sending people

>> No.14800629

archive . ph/pwkc4
enjoy, my niggardly friend

>> No.14800654
File: 87 KB, 1280x720, aeiou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mere fact that SLS is so bad compared to private alternatives is what is bringing aerospace into a new age.

SLS died for your sins.

>> No.14800657

womyn and POC yes

>> No.14800662

You can (not) reuse

>> No.14800666


>> No.14800671

can we reasonably expect a static fire this week?

>> No.14800673


>> No.14800675


>> No.14800677


>> No.14800679

thanks m8

>> No.14800680

Can you repeat that question

>> No.14800681

You're not the boss of me now

>> No.14800684

She is the Cosmic Perspective girl. Tim has a gf (female).

>> No.14800685

you’re (not) a big guy

>> No.14800686
File: 230 KB, 1280x720, Starbase.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14800690
File: 149 KB, 1280x720, SLS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14800691

gender is a construct

>> No.14800692

>wife divorces you bc you’re a no-name wedding photographer going nowhere
>you’re now raking in thousands and thousands a month, have elon musk on speed dial, and have acquired a space gf
I’m thinking Tim won

>> No.14800695

"Gender" is. Sex isn't. The former exists to confuse people about the latter.

>> No.14800697
File: 25 KB, 591x367, 098000010193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's over, he's seething

>> No.14800698

artemis is going to blow up
no refunds

>> No.14800700


>> No.14800701


>> No.14800703


>> No.14800710
File: 1.34 MB, 3275x2456, FGq3Jl4VkAQevpC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will stoke be a successful company?

They are a bunch of ex BO/SpaceX employees starting a new reusable rocket company

>> No.14800713

no, if you have been paying attention the last year with even an ounce of brain power you would know the answer is no

>> No.14800717

They can post fairing pics all they like but until I see something flying they're a paper company

They're late to the market and they'd better come up with something goddamn miraculous for upper stage reuse if they want to compete with SpaceX and Rocket Lab

>> No.14800718

jesus imagine starting a company this late chasing RR with established players actively launching or deep in development of launchers. By 2024 we could have 3 or 4 space companies deploying partially or fully reusable rockets. When do they plan on deploying a rocket?

>> No.14800722

Anon, BO and Rocketlab will barely make it and will likely only survive off of NASA contracts aimed at giving them something to do. Everyone else is dead save for maybe relativity who can also get a piece of that pie of T1 works

>> No.14800724

Isn't this the one getting Bill Gates money?

>> No.14800730

Yep. If I had to describe how I feel about SLS, I would equate it to how I feel about bitter lettuce.

>> No.14800733

she's cute

>> No.14800746
File: 94 KB, 1041x732, nhq202104080001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"My faith is tested daily, by God allowing SLS to exist" -His Holiness, Patriarch Kiril, Patriarch of Moscow and all of Russia

>> No.14800750


>> No.14800757


>> No.14800763

Launch thread in EIGHT bongs. It’s been a while! Since I’ve been forgoing F9 launch threads due to the routineness.

>> No.14800766
File: 105 KB, 400x876, 1632123466341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I regret the fact that I won't be of the generation whose sexual awakening comes in the form of the first mechanical counterpressure suits that NASA is incapable of not making sexy

>> No.14800769

im so fuckinh excited bruhos..........how Can Uou NOT BE EXCITED

>> No.14800772
File: 2.97 MB, 292x400, 1651224770164.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14800774

I’m getting launch day snacks right now

charcuterie board!

>> No.14800777

The kino EVA suit

>> No.14800779

get some prosciutto, love me that shit

>> No.14800782

if dubs i leave in 30 minutes to go see the shartemis launch in florida

>> No.14800783

how do i find a girl like her??

>> No.14800784

When is the actual launch attempt?

>> No.14800788

>Liftoff from Launch Pad 39B at NASA's Kennedy Space Center in Florida is currently targeted for 8:33 a.m. EDT (12:33 UTC) Monday, Aug. 29, at the start of a two-hour launch window.

>> No.14800790

get some tendies for me

>> No.14800792

wow tim dod

>> No.14800793
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>> No.14800796

>imagine being a youtube whore

>> No.14800801

You mean a rude bitch? Idk, go anywhere. If you want a redhead go to Scotland, they're especially bitchy there.

>> No.14800805
File: 180 KB, 1200x575, 1657286054270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14800807

You don't know how to tame a brat?

>> No.14800812

Back to /trash/ with you

>> No.14800816

rude, we're talking about mechanical counter-pressure suits

>> No.14800818

Will do
Dinosaur ones

>> No.14800820


>> No.14800824

here is a good overview from our nsf friends

>> No.14800827

I don't talk to women.

>> No.14800828


>> No.14800851

/sfg/ moment (superlatory)

>> No.14800856

Any one have any cute sls art?

>> No.14800862
File: 1.55 MB, 1006x6551, 1644901949334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14800865
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>> No.14800869
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>> No.14800875

what have you done

>> No.14800876
File: 542 KB, 2933x2200, SLStan triumphant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14800877

can someone give me good numbers
how much will each SLS cost when considering total development cost? It’s probably only going to launch like 3 times right. I’ve seen various numbers like 20 billion per, 5b

>> No.14800878
File: 271 KB, 1920x1080, we_are_going.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14800879
File: 1.22 MB, 1129x1486, 1652562143714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14800881
File: 436 KB, 520x720, SLS by the numbers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Latest is north of $4b. So if you're a taxpayer you're paying roughly $40 to see tomorrow's candle lit.

>> No.14800885
File: 157 KB, 750x723, oldspace.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Von Braun would be ashamed of you

>> No.14800888
File: 403 KB, 908x1079, 1607562355318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to be getting bigger. You need to be putting on mass. You need to be snacking constantly. Greek yogurt, ice cream, cottage cheese, honey, oats, carpaccio and charcuterie and cheese. You need to be huge

>> No.14800889
File: 424 KB, 1421x1985, green_run_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked, and make sure to excercise anon

>> No.14800896

checked, all hail big chungus foust

>> No.14800899
File: 12 KB, 360x518, 1627987437864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i kneel

>> No.14800900


>> No.14800903
File: 189 KB, 657x486, Screenshot 2022-08-28 220204.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its over

>> No.14800907

OIG estimates the SLS project cost by end of 2030 will be $95 billion. It will launch ~5 times, $95 billion / 5 = $19 billion per launch.

Of that, it will cost ~$4.1 billion per launch in hardware cost. That's $20.5 B for hardware. Which leaves the R/D @ $74.5. Given that by the end of 2021, the R/D was ~$40 billion according to OIG, another $34.5 will be spent in from 2022-2030 years from now. Which means, a total R/D of $4.3 B per year on avg.

>> No.14800909

That water tower looks like Sputnik

>> No.14800911

who would've thought that God himself was a muskrat as well lmao

>> No.14800917
File: 136 KB, 720x1280, 20210810_021624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a lot of bad ones, so i'll post my favorote bad one. if anyone has it please post the one with Nasa cheating on ares-chan with sls-chan

>> No.14800933

We must destroy weather

>> No.14800946
File: 54 KB, 900x527, megumin-konosuba-series-bvgiub3pyd8brz7m-bvgiub3pyd8brz7m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The official mascot of the mega moon rocket Artemis I launch is Megumin from Konosuba! reply to this post with EXPLOSION! if you hope nasa's mega moon rocket explodes at any point on it's mission!

>> No.14800950


>> No.14800956
File: 26 KB, 598x574, 1645986764235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14800959

also obligatory uohhh

>> No.14800960


>> No.14800963
File: 379 KB, 995x803, crying aqua.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14800972
File: 2.53 MB, 1556x874, (blocks your orbital raising maneuver).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14800978

i like this one, would be nicer if the booster was wearing grey leggins

>> No.14800983

I made this and to this day i’m still upset I made the text greentext. It doesn’t make sense in context but oh well. I’ll make more OC soon—I’ve missed /sfg/ so much

>> No.14801018

As someone who also made a few popular memes here and on other boards. This always happens. Don’t overthink it too much.

>> No.14801034

This, spare the cubesats I beg of you

>> No.14801037

>Possible static fire attempt tomorrow!

>> No.14801040

They're going to go for it

The FAA is going to be so mad

>> No.14801042


>> No.14801045

nice numbers

>> No.14801047

It’s going to be like the SRB static fire.
Full SRB static fire: 1500 viewers
Starship farts for 1 second: 15000 viewers

>> No.14801048

Why would the FAA be mad, they aren't trying to fly.

>> No.14801055
File: 226 KB, 850x1202, 7307d7c3ee5ce8bebb73d617ce30770e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14801056

>New Shepard taking subastronauts to the karman line: 23 views
>Starship launch tower construction NEW BEAM GOING UP #tankwatchers: one gorillion live views

>> No.14801061

33 engine static fire for show of force

>> No.14801062


>> No.14801074
File: 89 KB, 1280x720, newsreader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.14801076

>elon chuds will be foreverially BTFO today


>> No.14801078

welcome to the South

>> No.14801082

nigga it is 11:38 pm

>> No.14801083 [DELETED] 
File: 662 KB, 1944x2592, PXL_20220829_033538601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had this little bugger for a while, believe it or not. Scooped it up from the friction stir welding facility at Marshall while they were working on the interstage. If this is any indication of as to how old this is, this is from back when the mission was still called EM-1.

>> No.14801085

Scrub 2 seconds after Rs25s igniting. So they have to roll the thing back to the VAB and spend months and millions of dollars swapping them out. Then they'll roll it back out and stall again. As the SRBs reach their expiration date.

>> No.14801091

Why do people keep saying we're going back to the moon? Haven't we sent satellites there? They're acting like people are on board.

>> No.14801090

Dubs and an engine shits the bed right as the boosters light, forcing them to activate RTS before it even clears the tower, destroying not only the rocket but also the entire launchpad and surrounding GSE.

>> No.14801097

Does it even have engine out capability?

>> No.14801098


>> No.14801101

It's the last unmanned checkout flight for Orion.

>> No.14801103

No stupid questions hour: so knowing that a locomotive steam engine works by burning coal or oil to heat water and then use the steam to drive pistons, could you (theoretically) have a tank of water or methane in a vacuum or near vacuum such as mars, expose it to the low pressure around you and let it start boiling, and then use that vapor pressure to drive pistons and get meaningful work out of it? For example, connecting it to a rotating rod that can then generate electricity with a big electromagnet for an emergency power jump or battery charge?

>> No.14801105

Yes that's entirely possible but you gain more work from chemical combustion

>> No.14801110
File: 629 KB, 1170x768, C613D87F-5441-4A9B-B44D-50A945CE8278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a simplified question would be whether or not you could run a steam locomotive on Mars by exposing the water to a vacuum instead of needing to boil it at atmospheric pressures. And my gut tells me it wouldn’t work but also my gut tells me it might be very efficient

>> No.14801112

this is why gas generator engines can be bigger than expander cycle engines and why water or ammonia NTP with expander cycle sucks ass

>> No.14801114

the remaining water cools off when some of it boils away, you're using the heat in the system up until it turns to ice

>> No.14801117

you could divert a fraction of the power generated to some sort of heating apparatus that surrounds the water tank. But as the other anon pointed out you’re better off with chemical energy anyways

>> No.14801119

you get less energy out of the boiling than the water cools down by

>> No.14801120

At a certain altitude. Otherwise you have to abort and blow the rogget.

>> No.14801122

Oh makes sense

>> No.14801130

Alright anyone here get a masters or phd in physics and know anything about optical lattices?

>> No.14801138

wow jared fogle

>> No.14801147


>> No.14801151
File: 556 KB, 1170x1332, F2D7324B-3E48-4605-95D3-93ABB417748F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

via CBS news

>> No.14801153

not again

>> No.14801157

is funnier if you look at his profile pic while reading it

>> No.14801158

the daily uh oh stinky from the orange rocket

>> No.14801162

niche but lol

>> No.14801166

Whatever it is slipped through multiple layers of validation and testing

My guess is they're not accounting for something they powered on that wasn't part of the test cases

>> No.14801167
File: 1.37 MB, 1139x620, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these angles tho

>> No.14801169

I hate SLS but I fear that a complete failure would jeopardize the whole Moon program and maybe other missions, also I don't want them to loose those cubesats.
>Damn SpaceX, please make your big fucking rocket work and save Artemis, I don't want another Apollo.

>> No.14801172

Nah an explosion here wouldn’t kill the program. Too much money is behind all other contracts (gateway, etc.) and congress would at least want a few successes before committing to a plug pull

>> No.14801173

I'm tired of the doom and I want to feel hope

Doubles on this post and orange rocket succeeds

>> No.14801176
File: 4 KB, 472x508, SImplified Thinking Face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would the Roman newscaster be autistic and call it Diana 1?

>> No.14801177

Singles on this post and sls explodes during fueling

>> No.14801179

/sfg/ - always wrong

>> No.14801181

damn you

>> No.14801183

You have to be shitting me
It's going to launch flawlessly I guess

>> No.14801185

How the fuck are we supposed to feel hope when there is nothing indicating it is realistic?
Even if the orange rocket works it will still be expensive as fuck, fly once per year and Artemis will be canceled when the US will need money for a war or some shit.

>> No.14801187

We had our "retarded plan lucks out" quota filled earlier by JWST.

>> No.14801188

If it blows up they have at least two years to pretend they found and fixed the problem before they get to try again.

>> No.14801189

1-9 and SLS explodes violently and kills 7 bystanders

>> No.14801191
File: 25 KB, 600x800, 6AEE46E4-168F-4AFB-B53A-8E633C230435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh

>> No.14801193

War and Artemis pay the same companies. The bigger threat is some new free shit program for transgender black underwater basket weaving or whatever that suddenly drains a trillion per year in perpetuity.

>> No.14801194

If SLS succeeds how can we profit from this? Buy Boeing shares? Can Boeing monetize this rocket and milk the gov for profits if they have a success?

>> No.14801197

>canceled when the US will need money
Something like 80-90% of all the dollars that have ever existed were created in the past year. Congress feels no need to cancel anything, ever, under any circumstances.

>> No.14801198

Before they get to try again *with humans

>> No.14801199
File: 662 KB, 900x1000, __bremerton_azur_lane_drawn_by_tokiwa_midori_kyokutou_funamushi__7bdeb67b74df84fbbf718563dda21176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought the issue with SLS is it keeps NOT getting canceled?

>> No.14801204

This is the larger problem, yes

>> No.14801207

Nah. If it explodes they just bump everything back one launch an pull a do-over on Artemis 1 like Boeing did with the OFT debacle. Artemis 1 ver. 2 would launch in (maybe) 2024 with the first manned flight pushed back to 2026.

>> No.14801210

LIGHTNING! Holding off on prop load

>> No.14801212

The funny part is that it WAS cancelled, and they changed the name and kept on going

>> No.14801217

SLS has T-0 engine-out capability (albeit that's LOM because it's gotta limp to LEO)

>> No.14801219

I fucking kneel and apologize to space shuttle. I don’t know HOW they pulled off 4+ flights per year even with periods of complete groundings.

>> No.14801220

What stream is this?

>> No.14801221


>> No.14801223

T-6 or later and it’s back to the VAB for (((engine swap)))

>> No.14801225

God I missed these

>> No.14801226

That's the issue I was talking about you weeb
The only hope for manned space exploration is a cheap big rocket

>> No.14801227

>*disintegrates in the atmosphere and kills your entire crew*

Nothing personal kid

>> No.14801228

it had soul and normalized dying for routine space travel

>> No.14801229

Can't I just bet that all the rockets will have a fun time?

>> No.14801230

yes I know their function gets get messed up when I cum on them

>> No.14801231

They actually used parts as designed instead of reenacting the CO2 filter scene from Apollo 13.

>> No.14801232

Well zip up your pants asshole

>> No.14801235

Tanks and boosters aren't that hard to mass produce. All the really finicky parts were reused on the orbiter.

>> No.14801236
File: 769 KB, 1195x1194, 28435dac0ca04a4f4426b8fc734ce283~(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can't get excited about Artemis because it'll be cancel in a few years
>Congress will never ever do anything that could harm SLS
pick one

>> No.14801240
File: 110 KB, 1050x715, Nigga..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nigga really had to fuck up thread on the one important event in spaceflight this year

>> No.14801241

That's what makes me so mad about SLS, it's so catastrophically expensive we may as well have put the money into building better shuttles.

>> No.14801243
File: 1.05 MB, 2514x1890, Dream_Chaser_pre-drop_tests.7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on Dream Chaser and Sierra Space in general?

Will it ever actually happen?

>> No.14801244

anon why must you do this

>> No.14801245

>SLS blows up or has some other error
>no other test flights planned or scheduled

So what the fuck, if something goes wrong are they just canning the whole program? Can't really justify sending people on it if they fuck this up.

>> No.14801246

It was exciting during comcrew selection, now it’s obvious how gay they are.
>b-but it would be ready had they won the contract instead of boeing!
No. They are a slow company

>> No.14801247

It CAN get cancelled if it keeps being expensive.
And why would congress give up their jobs program?

>> No.14801248
File: 123 KB, 1200x777, 1661360439101971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Queen atop her throne.

>> No.14801250

If anything goes wrong there's no moon landing until 2030

>> No.14801251


New Casey Handmer blog post, the date is wrong for some reason. It's "pressure and temp is high enough to have liquid water and no pressure suits" terraforming, not full terraforming

>> No.14801252

Artemis 2 becomes another test flight and everything gets shifted back by 1 year (decade)

>> No.14801256

it's already dead at this point
watch as a recession kicks in and merks orange rocket budget

>> No.14801257
File: 88 KB, 796x394, FD6BA55B-5E67-4933-9989-135494D638B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if it didn’t fail?

>> No.14801258
File: 1.00 MB, 1170x901, 1661748742603070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh oh

>> No.14801261

You're not as smart as you think you are.

>> No.14801262

it would have been cancelled by all the glushkochads anyways
S to spit on this awful rocket

>> No.14801264

How did it fail? It sent Americans to the Moon before anyone else, that was the whole point.
Apollo was a historical anomaly, it was dumb luck it didn't kill astronauts on space, without the cold war pressure it would have been an absurd idea.

>> No.14801267
File: 53 KB, 750x319, Lunakhod 1 panorama image 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The world would be better

>> No.14801268

lesbian moon base in the 1970s according to For All Mankind

>> No.14801277

I fucking hate this show

Woke shit ruins it, that and the "women knowing everything while men are the idiots" meme

>> No.14801281

He isn't wrong. This is literally what happens every single time. There was some VOONTING going on at Boca during the SRB test and ten times the number of people watched a fucking cylinder vent LOX over an SRB doing a full burn.

>> No.14801285
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Ed and the space flight related scenes make it watchable though.

>> No.14801286
File: 256 KB, 567x566, 94615122_p0~(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SLS was literally born out of Congress flipping their lid at Obama canceling the prior program during a recession

>> No.14801287

>52 years instead of 50 years

>> No.14801288
File: 23 KB, 500x266, 6a5633e62d4dc29081e3c222a6f17b43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it extremely funny that if spicy hypergolic man didn't throw his rival into the gulag, spaceflight would have become the big gay.

>> No.14801293

my money says it's random comms equipment bullshit

>> No.14801300

SLS is a very tiny part of Boeing

>> No.14801315

thread is fine baby

>> No.14801331

>the wokeshit is what ruins it
not the

>> No.14801341
File: 495 KB, 600x710, Shinzo Abe has had enough of his country's rampant NEET syndrome and incel majority and pulls a gun out in the japanese congress, threatening to shoot anyone who doesn't have atleast 2 children.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>japanese media
I don't know how you can say that

>> No.14801356

FAA can't do shit if it doesn't leave the ground.

>> No.14801363

I want SLS to explode during funding.

>> No.14801371
File: 37 KB, 445x480, Moonraker-movie-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Musk turns on the weather machine

>> No.14801374
File: 1.34 MB, 2205x2205, OSIRIS_Mars_true_color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the sake of being more positive for once, assuming Artemis is successful, what is gonna be the name of a Mars program? Is it just gonna stick with Artemis or something else?

>> No.14801378
File: 108 KB, 349x515, 1604145180139.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It sent Americans to the Moon before anyone else
N1 sent Americans to the moon?

>> No.14801383

i'm staying up too late doing homework and there's no way i'll be awake in six and a half hours. go on without me bros...

>> No.14801386
File: 55 KB, 645x729, 837f8cf1fe7ef5a54a690a1e8c5b797a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it was the n1

>> No.14801388

Assuming we stick with SLS all the way to mars we will likely keep the Artemis program name

>> No.14801399

Ares I probably.

>> No.14801404

Wasn't this the name of a rocket already?
And I feel Ares just doesn't have the same punch Apollo does, even with all the symbolism

>> No.14801409

>what is gonna be the name of a Mars program?

The Katherine Johnson Program

>> No.14801413

>male god
>commonly depicted as a white male
>sounds kind of like Aryan

Never happening

>> No.14801419


could be Athena, who was the goddess of military strategy

>> No.14801430
File: 336 KB, 650x540, EB1969B3-A4C8-48C8-94FA-B45D905286D0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Leto (LAY-toh) (Latona in Roman version) Program would be the best choice by far.

>Apollo Missions>Artemis Missions>Leto Missions

She was the birther of Apollo and Artemis, so it would make sense that she comes next

>> No.14801436

Still too white. Maybe Oshun or Yemaya.

>> No.14801437

Everyone assuming they're just going to stick to mythological figures

They'll give it some boring designation like Mars Exploration Initiative which will last up until they ask Congress for money and they end up naming it after a real person

>> No.14801445

>and they end up naming it after a real person

I'm looking forward to the Beyonce I mission, and the Pop Smoke Mars Landing Craft carrying aboard strong Women and Blacks who definitely aren't diversity hires

>> No.14801447
File: 45 KB, 1280x720, wonka.jog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw SLS launches perfectly and secures unlimited taxpayer money for the next 30 years

>> No.14801453
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>> No.14801457

The SLS Block 5 will be a spaceplane again

mark my words

>> No.14801458

It's funny, it made total sense in 2011. Space Shuttle was being phased out, SpaceX had zero launches that year and no one knew what Elon/newspace was capable of, and we were about to be dependent on Soyuz

Now it's just a massive burden

>> No.14801461
File: 84 KB, 1024x604, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14801475

Paul Atreides program

>> No.14801477

you know that this was celebrating Boeing's centennial, right
100 years has nothing to do with SLS
I know this only because I sent it to a man who was on the inside once

>> No.14801487

in retrospect a shuttle fleet modernization would've been way cheaper

>> No.14801492

Why do they always name the rockets after greek gods? Why can't we get some nice Native American dieties?

>> No.14801493
File: 858 KB, 1200x800, 1599913744094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Any year now...

>> No.14801495


>> No.14801497
File: 10 KB, 136x827, 2022-08-29 08_55_33-Window.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'd be nice if they were actually pronounceable

>> No.14801498

Shuttles can't land on the moon and Mars

>> No.14801499

Ah yes, Space Launch System, my favorite Greek god.

>> No.14801506
File: 3.70 MB, 498x498, 764536536.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You want to name a rocket after this bullshit?

>> No.14801508
File: 128 KB, 1646x1146, b5617206c0d9e5c8e5bda2b02ff60aff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah sure we'll just call it Quetzcoatl

>> No.14801517


glad to have you back bro :')

>> No.14801523

I'll go through and note the ones that sound cool and would be based

>Taiowa (Hopi - Sun spirit, creator)
>Nanook (Inuit - Master of bears)
>Etu (Lakota - Personification of time)
>Niltsi (Navajo - Wind god)
>Shakuru (Pawnee - Solar deity)
>Tirawa (Pawnee - Creator)
>Amotken (Salish - Supreme deity)
>Isa (Shoshone - Creator wolf god)
>Kanati (Cherokee - First man and deity of the hunt)
>Natosi (Blackfoot - Sun god)
>Hinon (Iroquois - Thunder god)

>> No.14801524 [DELETED] 

On vacation in Texas. Got kicked out of the Denny's on south Padre island. Was in high spirits after looking at starbase, too. I was a bit drunk, buti wasnt doing anything wrong. My parents are getting sck of me I think. I heard them arguing through the wall in the hotel room next to mine.

>> No.14801531
File: 19 KB, 279x312, jesus, dude.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lose weight.

>> No.14801532
File: 74 KB, 444x415, Chromesun_mississippian_birdman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're just going to skip right over Red Horn?

>> No.14801533


>> No.14801534
File: 5 KB, 402x110, 2022-08-29 09_12_41-Window.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone tell me why this doesn't work?
I got it to work before, but lost my filters when switching pcs

>> No.14801535

fuck off

>> No.14801536

LH2 GSE fucking up again https://twitter.com/jeff_foust/status/1564147788472061952

>> No.14801539

We already name enough helicopters after injuns, they don't need rockets too.

>> No.14801540

>hydrogen leak

>> No.14801542 [DELETED] 

No, I don't think I will. I drank 27 beers today. I deserve to unwind with my space friends.

>> No.14801543

Who cares just light it up and see what happens

>> No.14801544

>creepy-ass desert tribe

No thanks

>> No.14801546

we're not your friends, kill yourself

>> No.14801547


>> No.14801554

>As LH2 was going into fast fill, started seeing a leak on the tail mast umbilical.
Yeah rip.

>> No.14801555

Wasn't talking about you, goober.
I have fans in this thread. That I can tell you.

>> No.14801559

What's the latest? Do I set an alarm?

>> No.14801563

I got kicked out of Denny's near starbase.

>> No.14801566

The launch window starts at 8:33 AM EST.

>> No.14801569

They fixed the QD
wtf is it now?

>> No.14801574

Neither can SLS

>> No.14801575


>> No.14801578

leaky hydrogen shit on the service structure
it only happens during fast fill but they can't slowfill it in time

>> No.14801582
File: 8 KB, 339x133, img.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you have this checked?

>> No.14801583

alright you fuckers tell me where to watch the artemis I launch
tell me right the fuck now im not playing witj you

>> No.14801588

nasa stream will be live at some point
until then NSF

>> No.14801589

>what is Orion

>> No.14801590 [DELETED] 

I was called based once.

>> No.14801591

I'm watching NASA Space Flight, looks like today is likely a scrub due to hydrogen leak though.

>> No.14801592
File: 17 KB, 393x505, 2022-08-29 09_29_50-Window.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14801593

Wait so they never did a WDR and now they discovered a leak while loading? Lmaooooo

>> No.14801595

>Orion can land on the moon

>> No.14801598

They did and it leaked during the same point then, I guess their "fix" didn't work.

>> No.14801599

A really terrible taxi to get to a waiting Starship. At least shittle carried 7 people

>> No.14801600

That's what happens when women and black people are your engineers

>> No.14801604

link is in the OP, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=21X5lGlDOfg until then to get first hand info on things fucking up

>> No.14801607

>team of 300 people design LV
>press releases put the 10 women and 8 blacks at the front of the photo
You are a fucking idiot if you think there are more involved than that.

>> No.14801610
File: 119 KB, 1024x576, Pathetic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14801615


>> No.14801617

>hydrogen leak

>> No.14801619

>Hey D'Quarius did you do the hydrogen leak check on the service structure?
>N-no I meant did you check for leaks, just making sure before we sign off on this launch
>*shucks and jives*
>Okay, thank you for your contribution and I'm sorry for being white. Stacey did you do the other system checks?
>*takes picture of her with the rocket for instagram* Hold on. I'm busy and don't need a man telling me what to do. How does my hair look?
>O-okay I was just making su-
>Do you want me to file another sexual harassment complaint? That's what I thought.
>Okay thanks for doing the systems check

>> No.14801620


>> No.14801621
File: 54 KB, 680x663, 1557632646229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this accurate?
And is SLS more expensive than the Saturn V in 2022 dollars?

>> No.14801624

>can't beat SV in payload (nor prestige)
>doesn't even get the title of most powerful rocket to lift off the pad
SLS is truly an abomination and sacrificing RS-25s for it is a crime against spaceflight

>> No.14801632

I thought it was "most powerful" by some metric?

>> No.14801633

yes and yes

>> No.14801636

The metric was inclusivity and diversity, it is definitely the most powerful

>> No.14801638

Most powerful NASA rocket, or most powerful to reach orbit (if it manages that).

>> No.14801639

If it flies for about a minute it'll beat N1, which had about 45MN at liftoff.

>> No.14801641

Most powerful in takeoff thrust solely due to the SRB's, the core stage couldn't even lift itself to orbit without them. Behold the power of hydrologgs :DD

>> No.14801643

just copy paste the entire name then
works for me

>> No.14801646
File: 154 KB, 854x758, 1614814961904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14801647

Since when are women any good at military strategy??

>> No.14801648

welcome back fucker :)

>> No.14801649

oh fug :DD

>> No.14801651

Shuttle could've carried like 50 in the payload bay with a passenger module.

>> No.14801652

this eurofag is based. making ameribros sound like absolute redditors.

>> No.14801653

We. Are Going (back to slow fill)

>> No.14801654
File: 60 KB, 1134x624, 2022-08-29 09_48_56-Window.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's just fucked

>> No.14801658
File: 608 KB, 2150x3035, 1636598284714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree

>> No.14801659

SLS was made with the wrong parts on purpose to appease Congress. NASA wanted a Saturn VI.

>> No.14801662
File: 255 KB, 483x581, 1598686223935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just ate two pounds of steak.

>> No.14801663

What did the Japanese mean by this? Is this how they see Americans?

>> No.14801665
File: 128 KB, 567x541, Then Boom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess the ban expired, truly a tragedy for this /sfg/ thread

>> No.14801667

go back, thread was fine without you

>> No.14801670

Have you never had a woman mad at you before?

They will destroy you if they feel like it

>> No.14801672

You forgot the name bro

>> No.14801676

Gaius Suetonius Paulinius says otherwise

>> No.14801680
File: 3.15 MB, 4096x2732, 1628113215760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big chungus

>> No.14801681 [DELETED] 

Nice work
I'm in Texas. Also, I was never banned. I only post space related things, so no reason to ban me anways. The bottom line is; if anything happened, you would be thankful to have a man of my physical breadth nearby. People hate what they don't understand. Simple as.

>> No.14801683

what name

>> No.14801686

slow fill started once again

>> No.14801697
File: 219 KB, 781x421, interstellarlawndart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will this leak issue halt the launch? I was going to pull an all nighter to see this fucker go up and they seem pretty ambiguous if it will really happen now

>> No.14801700

Fucking delete this

>> No.14801701

have you tried refreshing

>> No.14801703

It looks unlikely to fly but I would hang around another hour if you can just to be sure, there is a slim chance slow fill will cool the lines enough to seal the leak.

>> No.14801704

Time to sleep for four hours and then wake up to see this thing either delay or explode

>> No.14801708

be the American the Japanese think you are

>> No.14801709
File: 1005 KB, 2048x1365, eande-ss-rs25-injectors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14801710

>they actually flew this fucking thing
Always makes me smile.

>> No.14801713


>> No.14801714

They’ll fix the leak just in time for some rainclouds to cause a scrub

>> No.14801715

SLS launch thread
sure is weird typing those three words out

>> No.14801719

LOX 61% full
LH2 12% full (currently in fast-fill)

>> No.14801725

>some people out here haven't learned hydrogen is a shill element yet
That tiny bastard is intoxicating to min max autists.

>> No.14801727
File: 94 KB, 1280x720, 1609061425934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does Artemis get cancelled if this thing explodes?

>> No.14801731

How long until takeoff?

>> No.14801732
File: 107 KB, 1200x797, elongatedmuskrat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's hope so, cute anime anon

>> No.14801733
File: 73 KB, 383x138, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14801736

No, Congress finally puts on their big boy pants and just hands the job over to SpaceX.

>> No.14801739

is the ESM and Orion fueled up already
personally I'm a fan of "offtopic"
it's about half an hour longer than indicated on the timer

>> No.14801746

that ungainly beast flew on 1 (one) raptor
and some "people" thought it was a water tower
I hope that thing is enshrined until the end of time

>> No.14801747

>it's still leaking but they just don't care and keep pumping

>> No.14801750
File: 1.40 MB, 854x480, watchv=21X5lGlDOfg-[49.06.200-49.26.900].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok this is just kino

>> No.14801751

yep, it's doomed, see you again in 50 years

>> No.14801754

its not leaking you fucking idiot russian bot doomers you dont kknow jackshit about spaceflight stfu

>> No.14801755

Imagine dealing with a 30billlion dollar rocket the way you deal with a sudden flat tire

>> No.14801762

>NASA says it's leaking at 1.8%
I guess you're an idiot

>> No.14801763
File: 304 KB, 1800x945, 1619061715940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about the Krystal?

>> No.14801767

>rocket is so autistic it has to have its oxygen and its hydrogen in separate tanks so the food doesn’t touch

>> No.14801773

yo mr white, i want out

>> No.14801778

Everything will go according to plan

>> No.14801779

even the Saturn V did common dome
did the Space Shuttle do common dome?

>> No.14801780

Don't respond to the attention whore retard.

>> No.14801782

No one involved on this project actually gives a shit, that's why it's called the Space Launch System lmao

>> No.14801790

Never got kicked out there. I'm a Denny's man, though. America's Diner. I feel like Neil Armstrong with the 50s style diner vibe.

>> No.14801793

*Senate Launch System

>> No.14801794
File: 74 KB, 330x766, 1660147302544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sir the air is saturated with H2, stop NOW or it's going thermobaric

>> No.14801795

off yourself

>> No.14801814

this is CRAzY euro hours. it's never this peppy, i wonder if it's all late night americans

>> No.14801815
File: 2.83 MB, 1664x1664, marscovermax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is an AI-generated image of a Martian city I "made"

>> No.14801817

Elon hire this man!

>> No.14801818
File: 240 KB, 364x364, (168).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14801826
File: 83 KB, 1024x673, 1646071031871m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kino desu

>> No.14801829

Yeah its us americunts

>> No.14801831

looks very cool.

>> No.14801835

/sfg/ is alive again
thank you based sls

>> No.14801836
File: 956 KB, 881x881, BurningCity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this dark red-black color theme some of these AI images have

>> No.14801837

You are unspeakably crass.

>> No.14801840

go away

>> No.14801844
File: 476 KB, 1280x720, NASA Live_ Official Stream of NASA TV 13-11-4 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

H2 33% full now

>> No.14801845
File: 1.13 MB, 1024x1024, godzilla2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get how the AIs do this. Sometimes it looks janky but it's usually unbelievably good

>> No.14801847

it took till mere hours before launch lol. yesterday was still dead

>> No.14801853

I love that 3D x-ray view so much, it has that PlayStation 2 aesthetic

>> No.14801854

When did you start getting fat or were you obese since at least 8 years old?

>> No.14801856


>> No.14801858
File: 22 KB, 236x385, 1652992196384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the buzz when Starship finally launches

>> No.14801859
File: 3.21 MB, 1908x1573, ribbed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck me i am tired and it's only 330 my time, i will be profoundly sad if they scrub and i stayed up for nothing

>> No.14801862

>program still finishes faster than the SLS program

>> No.14801865

what is this proonted shut?

>> No.14801866

Of course it will, SLS will last 100 years!!

>> No.14801867

AI animated kino when

>> No.14801868
File: 124 KB, 680x621, smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Starship will make constructing a Von Braun Wheel feasible

I'm correct on this, right?

>> No.14801869

*in less time than

>> No.14801870

don't you mean the von braun windmill

>> No.14801872 [DELETED] 

I'm not obese. I lift. I'm pretty athletic. Is Ronny Coleman obese? The charts would say he is. But it's bullshit for people with actual muscle mass.

>> No.14801873
File: 913 KB, 2048x1234, smug-rocket-engineer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technically yes

>> No.14801875

anon......this is severe coping

>> No.14801876

save it for your blog, faggot

>> No.14801877
File: 505 KB, 1280x720, NASA Live_ Official Stream of NASA TV 13-18-19 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14801878

Why does this take hours? Is the LH2 carried in buckets?

>> No.14801879

C'mon, Gas her up

>> No.14801884
File: 109 KB, 476x576, Tolkien astro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carnil program

>> No.14801892
File: 391 KB, 1280x720, NASA Live_ Official Stream of NASA TV 13-21-26 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very approx about 100 gallons per second, 300,000 more to go means 40 minutes.
Also Go for LH2 upper stage loading

>> No.14801894

They kept stopping it and restarting it cause the umbilical fueling arm leaks like Hunters dick pics

>> No.14801896

>"Space Launch System"
>it doesn't launch space
>"Space Transportation System"
>it doesn't transport space
>it doesn't ship stars

>> No.14801905
File: 19 KB, 650x366, 1657368225150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a historic moment for nasa

>> No.14801909

>*anon is sexist*
>he doesn't have sex

>> No.14801910

wow it's almost as if space is a hoax

>> No.14801914

historic equipment
space is hard
please understand

>> No.14801915

Want 1080p? That'll be 2 billion plus tip

>> No.14801917

>Saturn V Launch Vehicle
>didn’t ever launch 1 Saturn automobile into space, much less five of them

>> No.14801919

No, I don't think it is.
I bet I could turn you gay. Just like your dad and his "work friends" after they saw me at planet fitness. Too bad I wouldn't let you get as far as they did. I only settle for real men, if I have to.

>> No.14801920

a soul weighed down by gravity wrote this post

>> No.14801924
File: 17 KB, 140x133, 1643569471594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly a piece of American engineering

>> No.14801925

>the umbilical fueling arm leaks
It's ok. The launch tower is expendable anyway.

>> No.14801930

Ditching the RS-25s wasn't enough, they just had to find a way to make stage 0 expendable

>> No.14801932

Well at least the only surviving copy of the footage won't be of an australian holding a camera at a 60s B&W CRT TV.

>> No.14801941

it might as well could be
it's only built for SLS block 1 which will launch like 3 times
block B1 and block 2 will need a new tower

>> No.14801947
File: 78 KB, 498x599, Heinrich Kley 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> gallons and Fahrenheit

>> No.14801948

It's ok block 2 will never exist anyway

>> No.14801949

which launch was that?

>> No.14801958
File: 568 KB, 3000x3000, 1538949795365.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im stayin up for this shit it better blow up real pretty like

>> No.14801960

apollo 11

then for 12 Bean zapped the TV camera which sucks
and 14, they took basically no photos at all at the science sites

>> No.14801961

I like how /pol/'s entire worldview revolves around white good non-white bad. It's literal black and white thinking. Take that away from them and they have nothing.

>> No.14801965
File: 242 KB, 708x480, watchv=21X5lGlDOfg-[].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't believe the FAA approved this moth-murdering machine

>> No.14801968

Why doesn't SLS have a massive UNITED STATES written on the side?

>> No.14801971

That would be racist

>> No.14801972

If you remove any central axiom of anyone's worldview they'll be incoherent, doesn't matter who or what they believe in

>> No.14801978

First boots on the moon.

>> No.14801985

that's a bat anon-this rocket is enormous

>> No.14801987
File: 1.46 MB, 1606x1080, what's the word on the street.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just give it to me straight, /sfg/.
Is SLS-chan going to launch?

>> No.14801989

bats are just big moths

>> No.14801992
File: 106 KB, 790x719, Ancient cosmic feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

help him DDD:

>> No.14801993

Yeah. They have to or they will lose face and funding. It will explode though.

>> No.14801995
File: 31 KB, 785x494, hakan point.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like how /pol/'s entire worldview revolves around white good non-white bad
you dont like it at all, you seethe about it cuckold

>> No.14801998

They are flying mice though?

>> No.14802003

At least 200 grams of weight savings right there. Also AT least 2 years of testing required to prevent the possibility of outgassing.

>> No.14802006
File: 135 KB, 850x850, 1657229574306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>couldn't afford a ticket on crew dragon
>now trying smuggle herself on sls

>> No.14802008
File: 31 KB, 504x562, brainlet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>incoherent schizo reply

Yepp, sounds about right

>> No.14802012
File: 115 KB, 800x800, wvb ss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14802016


>> No.14802017



>> No.14802029

>be smart and fly as fuck
>serve in autism army and make sick missiles and rockets
>be so based that after your nation gets BTFO you get recruited by the enemy to keep making missiles and rockets
>eventually become head of former enemy's space program and send men to the moon
>no one is ever able to replicate it

>> No.14802034

Foam often comes off and they aren't making a huge effort to keep it on with SLS because unlike the shuttle it can't hit the heat shield.
They probably prefer no flag / USA over photos of a half destroyed flag / USA on accent.

>> No.14802036

We've known how to all along. Congress just refused to fund space properly after the Soviets gave up on the moon.

>> No.14802040

It's ok, the bats are fine, they wrote an essay about them and read it out to the rest of the class.

>> No.14802043

The launch is definitely the most dangerous part right? They should have had Orion rendezvous with a Crew Dragon in LEO and transfer a couple astronauts for a manned mission to orbit the moon. It would be a marginal cost on an already hideously overbudget program.

>> No.14802055

why not just use dragon to go to the moon though
it's already flown like 6 crews and is supposedly rated for lunar shit

>> No.14802060

Makes sense. I guess that's why the Orion is the only part with a flag.

>> No.14802063

I mean that's obvious
it's pretty clear B1 won't happen either

>> No.14802073
File: 118 KB, 287x600, SpaceMOH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no Space Medal of Honor has been given since 2006

What the fuck? Is no astronaut since then not deserving of it or what?

>> No.14802082

Inb4 a piece of foam falls off and hits an O-ring on the SRB and creates Challenger v. Columbia: Dawn of Groundings

>> No.14802093

hasnt been much impressive stuff done worthy of it lately desu. what was the one in 2006 given for?

>> No.14802095

o-rings are inside the boosters

>> No.14802097

actually that's a bald eagle

>> No.14802100

no umless you are a fool

>> No.14802111

First shuttle pilot

>> No.14802112

You'd need Falcon Heavy for that and it isn't rated for crew. SpaceX saw crew-rating Falcon Heavy as a distraction and instead went All-In on Starship.

>> No.14802116

Dragon can't handle lunar return temperatures, they ran the numbers on using a better heat shield but even then the flux would melt the top.
Dragon can't be lunar rated in it's current design and would either need a fuckload more dV to enter LEO before re-entry or a complete redesign.

>> No.14802130

That's very clearly an Albatross.

>> No.14802131

Should've given one to the SCE to AUX guy who probably saved Apollo 12 from abort.

>> No.14802138

>every stream I click on has a different time left on the countdown

>> No.14802142

ever seen an albatross move like that?

>> No.14802143

>SLS ended up launching before Starship
It's literally over muskbros, how do we recover from this?

>> No.14802144

>had them expand his ceiling to fit his rocket models

>> No.14802147

Yes but what about the animal

>> No.14802151

Muh contracts. They might do that after the contract to use Orion is done though.

>> No.14802153

Yes, especially paired with inflatable segments.

>> No.14802158

John Aaron doesn’t need a fancy medal, he’s a steely-eyed missile man

>> No.14802159

>how do we recover from this?
fire the raptors once again

>> No.14802167

Have you ever seen an Albatross?

>> No.14802168

Why are these sois allowed to be the discussion panel?

>> No.14802170
File: 116 KB, 1365x2048, hhbns46egwu21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Musk already won though, he jusy lapped ahead so far it only looks like he's behind

>> No.14802174

Very apt description for SLS desu

>> No.14802184

I told you all this would happen. It's been years of me saying so.

>> No.14802187

Is there a non hosted livestream? I just want rockets pictures and the countdown loop

>> No.14802189


>> No.14802191

It ain't that easy in rocketry.

>> No.14802192

NASA's stream goes live in an hour.

>> No.14802195

watch nasa tv and mute the audio

>> No.14802196

You've seen it down at Boca Chica

>> No.14802199

>the boosters LITERALLY lift the core stage and everything on top of it via the thrust beam running through the LH2 tank
In Soviet NASA, dumbbell lifts you!

>> No.14802202

NASA media stream dimwits.

>> No.14802203
File: 40 KB, 618x354, 1651436465713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same energy

>> No.14802207
File: 466 KB, 1944x1290, 20190815_starliner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am forgotten

>> No.14802211

*delayed again

>> No.14802210

I went to a baseball game today, explored my city, went to a best buy full of really cool consumer electronics, and am now watching the countdown for a damn moon mission. America can be shitty sometimes but I'm proud to live here and be part of it. After extensive worldwide traveling, I can say there really is nowhere better than this.

>> No.14802212

exavtly hpw manyhpurs until laumxch?

>> No.14802214

Two hours until the window opens. Any moment after that.

>> No.14802215


2 hours 20 mins

>> No.14802216

I feel more excitement for the AMD announcement than the SLS launch to be honest desu

>> No.14802219

aphut %.+ hzjrs

>> No.14802221

Just wiped out tomato town

>> No.14802222
File: 288 KB, 1264x768, ufi3oao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14802228

Why? So you can access your 17 TB of scat porn faster?

>> No.14802230
File: 125 KB, 750x1290, 20220827_011256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been awhile since I watch the Space Shuttle launch. Thanks for the thread

>> No.14802251


>> No.14802267
File: 44 KB, 500x667, just violence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hoping that the orange dog turd rocket blows the fuck up at t+7

>> No.14802273

Cant believe this orange log of shit is actually going to fly today, it doesn't feel right. This isn't even an advancement anywhere, just a gay reuse of lanzadera mierda to do what exactly?

>> No.14802283

insane clown posse stage
fucking orbits how do they work

>> No.14802297

"the team reported a crack in the inter-stage flange"
oh no no no...

>> No.14802300

I hate SLS so much, an exorbitantly expensive remnant of ancient shuttle tech no one wants except for a bunch of senile boomers in congress.
Let's hope it crashes and burns.

>> No.14802304

fuck me did i just drink an energy drink at 5am for nothing?

>> No.14802308

It's ok the rocket is expandable anyway. Let it fly.

>> No.14802310

Inshallah, may the almighty creator guide this rocket into congress, thus, into the hearts of allah's servants. Bismillah.

>> No.14802313

Time for a scrub and at least 2 months of turnaround costing at least a billion of USD.

>> No.14802314

we will boil off his fuel soon, alhumdillah

>> No.14802326

Muskbros, we can still win, FAA willing

>> No.14802330

If allah guides this rocket into a wonderful flower of destruction, I will convert to Shia Islam, buy a scimitar, and pray every day on a persian rug towards the mecca.

>> No.14802335
File: 133 KB, 312x282, 1652020027611.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>FAA willing
it's over

>> No.14802345
File: 153 KB, 800x1071, 800px-19700202-wernher-von-braun-nasa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>interstage crack

>> No.14802349

>sls development start: like 1990
>starship development start: 2016

>> No.14802355

"we don't have a shot on that, but engineers do"
oh fuck off, show us the crack

>> No.14802358

Remember when we were wondering what will launch first, Falcon Heavy or SLS?

>> No.14802359

How hard would it be to launch the Orion to LEO with Falcon heavy and then launch a kick stage to dock with it in orbit?

>> No.14802361
File: 51 KB, 423x97, 1641621462866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14802362

Magic Mars growth pills.

>> No.14802365
File: 221 KB, 756x704, dredd vacuum t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more complex and sophisticated things take longer to build chuddy

>> No.14802367

thats what he said

>> No.14802370

crack in the youtube flange

>> No.14802372
File: 174 KB, 1273x717, sls808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope for the Starship test we get all these different views, rather than having to rely on some shitty camera from 5 miles away. FUCK THIS PICTURE MAKES ME SO HARD

>> No.14802378


>> No.14802380

it's quite based that we're in an age where we now have these rocket pad cams that can be livestreamed instead of tape recorded engineering cams. they're probably still used cause of detail but it really makes it a lot cooler.

>> No.14802381

I hope we get some good shots on film too, not just low bitrate blocky digital crap.

>> No.14802382

Damn that slutty R2D2

>> No.14802385

It’d be cheaper that’s for sure.

>> No.14802386

what are all those greebles for?

>> No.14802393

kitbashers gonna kitbash

>> No.14802394

Would have to make Falcon Heavy crew rated. And it would add more points of failure.

>> No.14802397

-engine 3 bleed not working
-they tried closing and re-opening the valve twice
-still not working

>> No.14802400

>sls is about to scrub AGAIN

>> No.14802405

Are they flaring boiloff or what?

>> No.14802410
File: 24 KB, 229x81, 1630858867028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rhetoric over results

>> No.14802411

>"I told you about those flanges, man."

>> No.14802413

>stream delayed again

>> No.14802415

i hope they still call it a full success after scrub like last time

>> No.14802419

lol hydrogen

>> No.14802423

Get fucked you şöý niggerized red assed baboons, you will NEVER be a rocket and your job at nasa is redundant compared to spacex's practices. Suck the dangling shiny testicular torsion ballsacks hanging from mechazilla, nasafaggots.

>> No.14802430


>> No.14802440

Engine 3 bros I don't feel so good

>> No.14802451
File: 93 KB, 601x508, 1638190226121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is why we test

>> No.14802454
File: 88 KB, 315x188, 1644075871359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$10k equipment

>> No.14802457
File: 976 KB, 1014x1720, slspad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14802467

opening and closing the valve didn't work. closing the other engines' valves to direct everything to engine 3 didn't work.

>> No.14802473

I do appreciate that they give frequent and somewhat detailed updates on what's going on.

>> No.14802475



>> No.14802477

Which stream? Estronaut's one makes me fucking cringe.

>> No.14802480


>> No.14802482

That's a scrub.

>> No.14802483

I'd crack her flange

>> No.14802488

nasa tv

>> No.14802489

Why is Estronaut coping this hard?

>> No.14802492

Is it really a scrub? Cant watch yet cos of work

>> No.14802495


>> No.14802497

Not yet but looks like it jej come back in 50 and youll get the final verdict

>> No.14802498
File: 23 KB, 416x416, gettyimages-185310961-170667a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SLS is literally doing that thing where you pinch your nose and blow out to pop your ears.

Requesting someone draw this.

>> No.14802500

Playmobil toy

>> No.14802501

Just cancel this garbage holy shit.

>> No.14802506

what T- was it again when scrubbing means back into the bay for weeks because of drying hydrogen?

T- 8.8?

>> No.14802512


>> No.14802514

>SLS has lower payload to TLI than Energia
lmao, what's the fucking point in making this rocket specifically for TLI when it's still mogged by commie shit

>> No.14802517

fucking valves man

>> No.14802518
File: 87 KB, 568x548, 1633825589727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will never get to Mars so long as people donate money to streamers.

>> No.14802523
File: 133 KB, 281x293, 1644529387508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apparently engine 3 was sabotaged, NASA has released a picture of the suspect

>> No.14802525

This rocket is made specifically as jobs and money siphoning program, not to launch anything into space, it's working as intended.

>> No.14802529
File: 37 KB, 694x399, what's that.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>LC-39A in the distance
>Starship tower and SpaceX launch pad CLEARLY visible
>Oh no zoom in so they don't see it

>> No.14802533
File: 2.94 MB, 2728x1400, energia booster landing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't shit talk Energia, a masterpiece ahead of its time.

>> No.14802534

That's a sick album cover ngl

>> No.14802538
File: 362 KB, 923x586, 1644882195893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even /ourgirl/ isn't stream this shambles.

>> No.14802543

Imagine being such a disappointment that your are mogged by a mass produced launch tower built in mere months at comparatively no cost.
The cope from nasa is yet to emerge and i am looking forward to meltdowns whether sls works or not.

>> No.14802548

pls no bully sirs, nasa doing their best with gorillion year old legacy™ technology, please be patient

>> No.14802553

SLS will scrub at T-6.8

>> No.14802560

nah it wont make it this far

>> No.14802561

>that cope
Hullo in his head rent free

>> No.14802562

whoa i hope kyiv is okay without its ghost

>> No.14802564

If it's called a full success that way they could get to reuse it for the next launch in a few years.

>> No.14802571

If it hits at exactly T-6.5s I will laugh my fucking ass off

>> No.14802578
File: 115 KB, 580x845, 1989 Glavkosmos energia buran space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dubs confirm Big E was beautiful

>> No.14802580

Chances of spontaneous combustion?

>> No.14802587

SLS bros... it was suppose to be our turn...

>> No.14802598

Holy shit, they did it.

>> No.14802600

it's ok, it's still our turn until september 5

>> No.14802609

this one >>14800391

>> No.14802612

>stuck valve

>> No.14802635
File: 41 KB, 500x765, 1661771822793113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine how many people will starve because money are being spent on rockets instead of the people

>> No.14802639

Does NSF seriously not have their own cameras out there? They're just restreaming the official stream with their bullshit blocking part of the view... worthless

>> No.14802642

A 2 kelvin increase in temperature is not terraformed.

>> No.14802656
File: 132 KB, 1024x771, pxl_20220827_210912200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks legit

>> No.14802666

nsf inhaling cope directly pumped from nasa hq. They get massive superchat bux but still cope harder than any real nasa fan. These rats will die in agony in the gravity well.

>> No.14802667
File: 37 KB, 704x396, 7hr5im.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have to go out now anons, will check in later. May you all enjoy a violent and explosive RUD

>> No.14802669


>> No.14802676


>> No.14802682

I'll get a screen shot of the flag being blown by the shockwave for you.

>> No.14802693
File: 944 KB, 1280x720, NASA Live_ Official Stream of NASA TV 13-8-10 screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold at T - 40 minutes after an engine bleed. Unable to get a temperature from engine three.
Engineers are asking for morey time from the Launch Director.

>> No.14802702

>stream delayed a half hour again

>> No.14802707

Odin since Germans conquered Rome.

>> No.14802708

you can simulate the launch at home by piling up some firecrackers and $50 bills, taking a shit on the pile and lighting the whole thing on fire

>> No.14802720

please understand the hardness of space

>> No.14802730

Is Estronaut on NASA payroll?

>> No.14802732

Foam is cracked but not the actual tank, causing a line of ice to form, so it shouldn't be an issue.

>> No.14802733

He's on Musk's payroll

>> No.14802734

post yfw the moon transform into a big fucking robot

>> No.14802753
File: 30 KB, 557x450, wotan kayser 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no way chud

>> No.14802758

>it shouldn't be an issue.
strong morton thikol leadership energy from this post

>> No.14802759
File: 21 KB, 334x256, A319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Engine 2058 in position 3 was part of six shuttle missions, as well as the final flight of the orbiter Discovery (STS-133).
>The only notable issue with the SSMEs occurred pre-launch, relating to a power issue with the redundant Main Engine Controller (MEC) on SSME 3.
>While performing the bus redundancy test on the main engine controllers, CCME reported Engine 1 and 2 performed nominally, however, Engine #3 redundant controller did not activate,” the NTD outlined.

>> No.14802770

>a computer issue is related to a valve issue
You are an idiot.

>> No.14802774

I don't think you can pattern match on the name field or I would filter "/./"

>> No.14802789
File: 267 KB, 432x454, JCDenton2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe you should try getting a job.

>> No.14802795
File: 35 KB, 537x515, 1603310111725.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many delays can they justify before calling it off entirely?

>> No.14802805

Two hours worth

>> No.14802819

launch windows lasts up to 10:33EDT

>> No.14802831
File: 171 KB, 620x425, nea_scout-172686834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck to all the little cubesats in the interstage! Each one has a story and a purpose, each one has its own little mission to accomplish.
I hope the batteries stayed charged.

>> No.14802838

So this is the true power of Hydrogen...

>> No.14802851
File: 14 KB, 598x230, Screenshot 2022-08-29 at 06-51-25 Eric Berger on Twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's over

>> No.14802860

Even if everything goes perfectly, the entire first stage of a "new" rocket being thrown in the trash just seems like an anachronism in 2022 that puts a damper on the whole mission. At least those hundreds of contractors are getting paid

>> No.14802865
File: 733 KB, 320x240, fuck florida.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I woke up early for nothing I'm going to saw Florida off and push it out to sea.

>> No.14802877

SpaceX paid people to FUD SLS, not surprised.

>> No.14802882

That's just a steam engine with a lower boiling point working fluid. Water would be inconvenient because it would partially freeze in your tank, liquid CO2 would be a bit better due to having a lower melting point. Either way, the problem is that you don't get your liquid back for free like you do on Earth, which makes external combustion engines (steam engines when using water specifically) less convenient. In fact the reason we use water as a working fluid here on Earth is purely because water is a liquid under standard environmental conditions. This means you don't need to supply heat to keep it from freezing, and you don't need to actively cool it to make it liquid either. Off the top of my head I can't think of many cheap liquids that would exist under Martian standard conditions. If you are running a closed loop turbine system on Mars (working fluid is boiled by a heat source, blasts across a turbine to spin it, losing heat and pressure as it does so, then is cooled off to condense before being fed back into the boiler), similar to any steam powered generator on Earth, then you'd likely use carbon dioxide as your working fluid.
That being said, CO2 has a much higher pressure triple point than that of water, which means the condenser of your loop is going to be running at roughly 860 times higher pressure than the condenser in a water loop, which means you're gonna lose a LOT of efficiency. Because of this drawback of CO2 as a working fluid, most turbine cycle concepts that consider it take advantage of its relatively low supercritical transition point. When used in a cycle where the CO2 is operating under supercritical conditions it can actually result in a more efficient turbine system than a superheated steam turbine.

>> No.14802892

There must be so many ancient sensors in there I doubt unless they replaced every single one they'll ever be in a safe launch state.

Sensitive equipment by it's nature will always be the first to trip, sure they probably tested and updated all the computer systems but i'm guessing the amount of old sensors will be enough to practically ever launching without increasing the amount of data they choose to ignore and just send it, which they never will.

>> No.14802903

If SLS scrub, then we have Starship static fire today as well

>> No.14802913

Another 30 minute delay on stream

>> No.14802925

vice president is arriving?

>> No.14802926

it's not even funny anymore bros

>> No.14802928
File: 162 KB, 792x591, cargo cult.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NASA witchdoctors scry the future by reading the cracks in chicken bones to predict the success or failure of SLS
This is why they hold

>> No.14802930

Its' unironically over

>> No.14802941
File: 42 KB, 302x299, 1409225837138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is something they wanted to test during wet dress, but couldn't
the ride never ends

>> No.14802942
File: 68 KB, 548x800, 800wm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just launch it, if it blows up that's just another mistake to learn from.

>> No.14802953

I don't understand, I thought clocks always counted seconds continuously, but the launch clock only shows same time, why is this? Did NASA forget how clocks work?

>> No.14802954

It's not that easy in clocketry.

>> No.14802955
File: 126 KB, 626x822, 1635292957924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14802956

just use 4chan X
I never see namefags

>> No.14802963

where did u get this? she is beautiful

>> No.14802964

it's not that easy in timekeeping

>> No.14802971

They've always done it this way. Even if there are no delays, they pause the clock at an arbitrary time and intentionally have it set wrong.

>> No.14802972
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I want to see the cubesats.

>> No.14802976
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>> No.14802980

This is just WDR4 isn't it

>> No.14802983

Anon... they're out of battery power due to the delays. It's over.

>> No.14802994

Kill yourself pedo

>> No.14802996


>> No.14803001

>this is why gas generator engines can be bigger than expander cycle engines and why water or ammonia NTP with expander cycle sucks ass
No it's not, both GG engines and expander cycle engines get all their heat energy from combustion, the only significant difference is that in an expander cycle engine the proportion of combustion heat available for use in the turbine is tied directly to the nozzle jacket area in contact with the combustion gasses, which is itself determined by the square-cube scaling law. Bigger expander cycles have a lower ceiling on performance, and cannot be scaled up beyond a hard thermodynamic limit unless you move to a linear aerospike design.
You may be thinking of the relatively low chamber pressure of an expander cycle engine compared to that of a GG engine, which is a fair point. This lower chamber pressure comes from the large pressure drop which occurs as the propellant is pumped through the chamber and nozzle walls before blowing over the turbine, and then finally blowing through the main injector. At smaller engine scales the efficiency gains of using a closed cycle expander engine more than make up for the lower chamber pressure, and usually smaller engines are used in applications where TWR is not nearly as important as on a first stage booster.
As for nuclear thermal rockets, my personal favorite cycle is the full flow expander, as it offers the maximum mass flow rate and pressure without bleeding off any of the hot propellant. For the typical solid core NTR you can "simply" stick the turbine between the outlet stream of the reactor and the nozzle, and for pulsed NTR you'd push the hydrogen around the nozzle to heat it up then have it expand and do work on the turbine before flowing through the reactor and getting neutron boinked to huge temperatures.

>> No.14803002

>At least those hundreds of contractors are getting paid
That's a bad thing. They did a shitty job, they shouldn't be rewarded for it.

>> No.14803009

NASA helicopter flying

>> No.14803011

>it survives fueling but doesn't succeed
Challenger failure mode confirmed

>> No.14803015
File: 332 KB, 1013x1500, starliner what if it works.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boeing definitely underrated how hard it was to get Starliner's clock working.

>> No.14803016
File: 67 KB, 743x435, Screen Shot 2022-08-29 at 8.14.14 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14803018

I will literally be 30 before SLS flight 2 occurs.

>> No.14803022

WDR5 lmao

>> No.14803026
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>> No.14803030

Why even bother doing this, exactly?

>> No.14803033

I dont get why multi nozzle expander cycle designs aren't more popular. Just use 4 combustion chamber and 4 nozzles ala RD171 and your scale problem goes away

>> No.14803036
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>> No.14803046

No :)

>> No.14803051

>the hold at 40 minutes is real
rip senate launch system

>> No.14803052

We've heard of reusable rockets, but what about reusable propellant?

>> No.14803057


>> No.14803065

SLS is a fucking joke

>> No.14803067

this was literally just wdr4 and it failed AGAIN

>> No.14803072
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Muskbros, we are going first

>> No.14803074

Yeah basically earth is a giant recycle bin so the raw materials are exhausted and already recycled at a rate and backlog that well exceeds the rate of consumption for rockets.

>> No.14803075
File: 1004 KB, 1995x2501, EFT-1_launch_-_view_from_pad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why cant delta heavy launch this thing?

>> No.14803077
File: 382 KB, 1920x1280, megumoon rocket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it hurts bros....

>> No.14803076

i woke up for nothing?

>> No.14803081
File: 262 KB, 856x645, 1482062956907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Waking up at 4 was a mistake. SLS disappoints yet again

>> No.14803093

This is embarrassing

>> No.14803095

D4H could, but you’d need the same architecture as the Long March 5, which would mean 4 launches.

Also ULA isn’t building them anymore.

>> No.14803107

They took so long the weather has now gone bad

>> No.14803116

It's headed back to the VAB, isn't it.

>> No.14803120

3 minutes for official stream

surely this time...

>> No.14803122
File: 545 KB, 599x592, emoji.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no no no boingfags, what excuse are we gonna use this time?

>> No.14803125

The tyranny of the weather must not be allowed to continue

>> No.14803128

Hydrogen has already weakened the metal lattice of the isogrid main tank, it's over.

>> No.14803127
File: 227 KB, 412x496, 1614963384189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They took so long the weather has now gone bad

rain shower approaching KSC

>> No.14803141

1 more billion dollars, pls sir understand spess hard

>> No.14803147

It's Over. 3 wasted decades and 30 billions lost.
And Orion still has multiple failures.

>> No.14803146

Not human rated as well.

If NASA was objective about SLS it would have cancelled it as soon as FH lifted off. Then it would have dumped all the RND into a lunar lander.

Fast forward to 2022 and we would be seeing 2-3 falcon heavy launches with a lander and a crew, and we would have boots on the moon by now

>> No.14803148
File: 7 KB, 230x240, absolutely kjeh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>+30 minutes to stream

>> No.14803155
File: 27 KB, 499x481, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why cant this charade be over

>> No.14803158

>engineers are try to gather as much data as possible

>> No.14803163

>Another 30 minute stream delay
Is it ever going to launch?

>> No.14803164

And they delayed Starship for this??

>> No.14803169

For an entire year lol

>> No.14803176
File: 181 KB, 483x470, pepe reading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fucking 1030pm down here in Australia and things look like they're fucked.

What the fuck happened?

>> No.14803177

And they will CONTINUE to delay starship for this. No loicense until SLS flies muskrats

>> No.14803184

There's a problem they could have identified had they tested it during the WDR that they didn't do because of the problems that they had.

>> No.14803186

Stupid as move as it just made SpaceX go full optimization on Starship. Now it's much more likely to succeed the orbital test and pass with flying colors.

>> No.14803187

i dont know, pepe. what do you think happened?? i'm tired of explaining to you

>> No.14803189

I ruined my sleep schedule for this. I will expect NASA to reimburse me for the damages within the week.

>> No.14803193

they didn't

>> No.14803205

Ok Biden-wrinkly-ball-sucker. FUCK YOU

>> No.14803208

you must be 18 to post here

>> No.14803209


>> No.14803211


>> No.14803214


>> No.14803229


>> No.14803236
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>> No.14803240
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>> No.14803243

You don't understand, we took billions of dollars and several years to make this exact moment happen on time but we messed it up. It it just not that easy in the rocketry business, you see?

>> No.14803248

everybody point and laugh

>> No.14803249

remember kids, better SCRUB than RUD

>> No.14803251

Boeing has to be the most incompetently run company in the history of engineering

>> No.14803253

>Saturn V has slightly less thrust and yet more payload to TLI than SLS block 1B
Turns out the booster-sustainer design is actually so shit that even a 453 Isp core stage and a 460 Isp second stage cannot make up the difference compared to an in-line staged rocket with 263, 421, and 421 Isp, all built using 60's structural designs and materials.

>> No.14803256

man i woke up and put clear's stream on and the very first thing i heard was her squealing SKORABU

>> No.14803258


>> No.14803259
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>> No.14803261

i'm 26

>> No.14803267


>> No.14803277
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>> No.14803280

it is over

>> No.14803281
File: 87 KB, 577x537, 1610337191804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God dammit you fucking morons, this is what the WDR was for

>> No.14803282

It's not gonna launch this year isn't it?

>> No.14803288

wow that sure is a number that isn't equal to 18

>> No.14803291
File: 74 KB, 1280x853, 1605028408610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14803298

Breaking news
Starship launch license delayed indefinitely until further notice

>> No.14803302

The announcer on NASA TV sounded devastated. :(

>> No.14803310
File: 115 KB, 688x1024, 1602031328133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fat short fuck with no upper stage could get more to TLI and it's a booster sustainer design. Solid Rocket Memes are the problem.

>> No.14803315

Eagerly awaiting the Musk tweet on the pathetic failed boondoggle that is SLS.

>> No.14803321

Yeah it was depressing listening to his mental state deteriorating rapidly as issues came up.

>> No.14803322

huh? im not replying to you anymore

>> No.14803333

I clicked him off as soon as he said the word 'scrubbed.' I'll come back to the archive to leave a nasty/mocking comment but I'm not here to listen to some guy stumble through an excuse for failure.

>> No.14803336

He isn't happy about decades of work being shitcanned. But it must be done and it is coming.

>> No.14803348

he has to hide his power level, otherwise spacex risks getting nationalized

>> No.14803350

that's it, no more moon exploration

>> No.14803372

if this is the same issue as the last WDR they're gonna have to roll it back aren't they

>> No.14803374

Breaking news
/sfg/ retard makes up stuff to get angry about

>> No.14803375
File: 299 KB, 1536x2048, 1661777050462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the crazy thing: if there were astronauts on this capsule they would have died by now. (there is no life support)

>> No.14803378

SLS - Scrub Launch System :^)

>> No.14803379
File: 24 KB, 706x439, musk just.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dubs and every piece of evidence we have confirm Starship is GROUNDED until SLS flies lmaoooooo

>> No.14803382

Imagine calling on every favor you have and promising the moon to anyone in the FAA as long as they delay starship until Artemis I launches… just to see a scrub at her big moment

>> No.14803383

How the fuck did nasa even CONCEPTUALIZE of people flying by Mars if they can't even build a proper rocket to launch off a pad?

Sneed sends his regards

>> No.14803394
File: 3.05 MB, 1536x2048, 1627987149555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Engine integration crews on suicide watch

>> No.14803397

the funny part?
you can consider this WDR 4
and it failed it
maybe WDR 5 will work out kek

>> No.14803399

we still have the next launch window in 5 days

>> No.14803407

How many more refills before the tank is sufficiently weakened?

>> No.14803408

just try fueling it again
maybe this time it'll work

>> No.14803409

So what are the chances Artemis 1 doesn't launch this year?

>> No.14803413

SLS more like baka lmao sheiiiiiit

>> No.14803416


>> No.14803418

when do the boosters expire

>> No.14803419

It's less powerful than the N1, it's only the most powerful American rocket (if you don't count Starship Superheavy, which one could only reasonably do once SLS actually lifts off, since the full SLS stack has never fired once assembled, similar to SSH).

>> No.14803420
File: 289 KB, 800x398, Booster-7-explosion-jul11-2022-SpaceflightNow-screen-shot-e1657711068127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SpaceX is totally ready to fly guys!!!
>It's only the FAA stalling them!

>> No.14803424

What if Starship launches before SLS NASAbros????

>> No.14803425

last year

>> No.14803427


>> No.14803431

negative two refills, sls will explode no matter what.

>> No.14803433
File: 1.02 MB, 820x795, alert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14803435

Except the window of Friday is prime time for storms in Florida and NASA isn’t confident they’ll have the engine issue fixed by then.

>> No.14803434

>SpaceX is totally ready to fly guys!!!
>It's only the FAA stalling them!

>> No.14803436


>> No.14803440

can anyone rec any introductory books on orbital mechanics or astronomy in general? I don't know maths btw

>> No.14803441


>> No.14803445

>I don't know maths btw
you should fix that first

>> No.14803447
File: 142 KB, 1571x1046, Boca Chica, Texas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SpaceX bros...there is a chance?

>> No.14803448


>> No.14803451

Are we really getting a static fire today?

>> No.14803452
File: 159 KB, 1400x2091, 9780312872953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't know maths btw

>> No.14803455

chance of what? me slammin 18yo pussy tonight?

>> No.14803459
File: 117 KB, 854x925, 1636606574028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slsisters.... what are we gonna do?

>> No.14803460

Unironically yes

>> No.14803464


>> No.14803470

Yes. You just played yourself, Homo.

>> No.14803480

Another scrub due to Boing valves.

>> No.14803483

Hey that begins in 1 minute.

>> No.14803484
File: 2.22 MB, 512x384, 1513010504923.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Live in 4 days

>> No.14803488

i know we're done here, but check out this hot chick on EDA stream

>> No.14803494

>It'll be back in 4 days, you only need to wait for 4 weeks, another attempt in just 4 months

>> No.14803499

no thanks

>> No.14803501

Please understand, the Biden FAA is workimg overtime to beat Musk to space on SLS

>> No.14803509

looks like a piece of shit

>> No.14803513

That's correct.

>> No.14803516

she has a f*ckable voice/face

>> No.14803517

What is that static hum every few seconds or so. Now i can't unhear it fuck.

>> No.14803518
File: 1.09 MB, 200x270, 1612302169834.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes we remember you from earlier in the thread, no she isn't hot, yes you have low standards

>> No.14803520

It’s the future of spaceflight circa 1998

>> No.14803522


>> No.14803526

>They say they're gonna take SLS and put it on the launchpad and that becomes the Artemis program. It ain't that easy in rocketry.

>> No.14803532

No excuses, NASA has had literally 60 years of experience with hydrogen along with billions of dollars per year. It is IMPOSSIBLE that hydrogen is actually this finicky to work with, the engineers are simply retarded.

>> No.14803537
File: 31 KB, 750x375, muh NASA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That'll be uhhhhhh... $23 billion and 6 years of delays....

>> No.14803544

Energia was a commie clone of Shuttle that wasn't even designed to go beyond LEO and yet it still mogs SLS in TLI performance. That's how shit SLS is.

>> No.14803548

>$23 billion
>he doesn't know

>> No.14803550

Could be worse. They could have blown the rocket and payload on the pad like SpaceX.

>> No.14803552
File: 32 KB, 400x400, Issac_Arthur_IRL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did you know it was me?

>> No.14803553
File: 130 KB, 914x1208, 56%.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nelson turning on the weather machine and preparing to make a damage control speech
oh nonononononononoooooo,,,,,

>> No.14803557

Build mirrors or whatever using woven basalt fiber aluminized blankets produced from material mined off of Phobos.

>> No.14803564

>It is IMPOSSIBLE that hydrogen is actually this finicky to work with
Hydrogen is actually a gigantic fucking pain in the ass, there's a reason no one wants to use it for anything. Ammonia is better where you can use it but that comes with its own problems.

Has SpaceX lost a payload in the last five years?

>> No.14803570

Space is hard

This is why we test

Space is risky business

>> No.14803572

>the payload was strapped on backwards
>when it got deployed it spun 360 and did a deorbit burn
Ah, those Russians.

>> No.14803573

You have shit taste and need to interact with women more is how

>> No.14803575

that's what they want you to think

>> No.14803580

Ok, wanna meet up for lunch after launch?

>> No.14803581

Who is this guy on the left? Is it Jared Brichall, the Mormon who handles elon's money?

>> No.14803585
File: 90 KB, 900x1042, dark-wojak-fade-black.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boing bros...

>> No.14803586
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>> No.14803588

:3 she singing twinkle twinkle star

>> No.14803589
File: 52 KB, 300x300, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the very first do a 360 and walk away

>> No.14803593

There've only been a few expander cycle engines in history to begin with, and all of them were used on upper stages where Isp matters most. The reason you don't see a 4 chambered expander cycle engine making like 800 kN of thrust is because a gas generator engine is so much cheaper and simpler to design and build that you can get a cheaper and more capable rocket by just using multiple GG engines with plenty of gross mass to work with.

>> No.14803598

Cost plus contract, more money in out pockets Boeing bro, whether we launch or scrub, whether we succeed or crash we always win, muskrats are just jelly they need to succeed to stay viable, suckers.

>> No.14803611

I can't stop crying

>> No.14803612

Launch Orion to orbit using Vulcan.
Launch the crew to the Orion on a human rated Falcon 9 + Dragon.
Launch the transfer stage to orbit using Falcon Heavy.
Costs in total like $400 million minus the unit cost of Orion.

>> No.14803615
File: 728 KB, 1944x1536, 20th Anniversary Mariachi playing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Forgetting the disappointment with a karaoke stream

>> No.14803617

You win the money battle yes. Do you feel fulfilled at night? Can you wake up knowing that you have pushed the outside of the envelope? My ancestors are smiling at me, imperial. Can you say the same?

>> No.14803620
File: 83 KB, 640x960, C3hzp51XAAAwIDU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we can't go
>it's ok because we scrubbed 4 times in the shittle so that's ok
>it's a test flight
>we have new data so it's fine
>*demon smile*

>> No.14803622

based and checked

>> No.14803625

Should not have REDEEMED

>> No.14803633
File: 158 KB, 468x472, sneed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14803634

Now I feel bad.

>> No.14803637

>space launch system
>never launches to space

>> No.14803638

Energia was a clone of shuttle-c that sometimes would carry an orbiter. It was a much better design overall.

>> No.14803640

They've extended the expiry date by over a year now due to "engineering reevaluations", aka "we gaan challenger 2 esseless boogaloo"

>> No.14803642

Cute space anime girl

>> No.14803644

good summarization, yeah

>> No.14803650



>> No.14803651

can someone give me a quick rundown on why she is roleplaying as an anime girl?

>> No.14803653

Coping is inevitable, seething is a choice

>> No.14803657

She's a vtuber. You stream variety content with a (usually) anime avatar that makes use of motion tracking technology to make it more animated. It's actually a pretty big streaming phenomenon at the moment.

>> No.14803658
File: 750 KB, 565x510, 1405738298078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tl;dr for the events that lead to scrub:
>What appears to be a crack in the intertank – the part of the rocket that links the liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen tanks – has been found.
>The crack issue is now not considered serious. Engineers believe what they've been looking at is simply ice formation on the exterior of the core stage of the rocket. But engineers continue to work other issues that may yet lead to a scrub for the day.
>The key outstanding issue right now appears to be getting one of the big engines under the rocket down to its correct operating temperature.
>Nasa have just announced the launch director "has called a scrub for the day".
>An engine bleed that "couldn't be remedied" is the cause.
>Controllers struggled to get an engine on the 100m-tall vehicle cooled down to its correct operating temperature.
>It’s possible the rocket may have to be rolled back to the assembly building at the Kennedy Space Center for more extensive work. This could see the flight slip further into September.
A series of ((unfortunate)) events...

>> No.14803662

That would have been much better.

>> No.14803664

SpaceX sisters....

>> No.14803665

If SLS is so bad why do they keep testing & using it?

>> No.14803669

Yeah, pretty much correct

>> No.14803673

We already paid for it, it better do something other than just explode.

>> No.14803674
File: 518 KB, 605x768, Starship-Booster-deformiert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over.....

>> No.14803675

Boeing bribes + imagine the political hand grenade of funding this shit-ass rocket which dicked around forever and is a laughable failure. Also, though it's seen purges, an element of NASA still seethes over Musk repeatedly embarrassing them.

>> No.14803676

Sunk cost fallacy

>> No.14803680

>Hydrogen is actually a gigantic fucking pain in the ass
I'm aware, that doesn't stop everyone from successfully using it all the time though. ULA uses hydrogen all the time, no valve issues. Apollo used hydrogen on every rocket, no valve issues. Shuttle which used these same fucking engines had them working for over a hundred launches. Why has engineering competence at NASA gone so far backwards? It's because they insist on reinventing the wheel despite the fact that culturally they lack the ability to invent anything new. The result is that everything they try to make is just a shittier version of something that used to exist. The organization behind SLS is a Tolkien-style evil entity at this point, only capable of corrupting, not creating.

>> No.14803685
File: 147 KB, 726x423, shit taste is correct.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You have shit taste
delectable, my dear

>> No.14803686

she must be hideously ugly and trying to hide it then

>> No.14803687

didnt they spend like 20 billions on SLS and and another 20 on Orion?

>> No.14803688 [DELETED] 

What's the space version of this?


>> No.14803693


>> No.14803697


>> No.14803698

no disagreement

>> No.14803701
File: 337 KB, 1401x788, Starbase Rover 2.0 Cam SpaceX Starship Launch Complex - YouTube - 799 48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14803702

Senator 1
>I don't care what you replace the shuttle with but my state needs to get just as much if not more money than the shuttle provided
Senator 2
>Lets just make it law they have to use the same contractors and every state keeps their slice of the pie

And so the same contractors that made the shuttle orders of magnitude more expensive to build and operate than planned were given the contracts to build it's replacement.
Both Shuttle and SLS are great examples of politics winning out over engineering, not since Saturn have senators been told to get fucked we have a space race to win.

>> No.14803706

kinda cool you can link this shit on 4chan and not get banned now. starting to feel inclusive in here :')

>> No.14803708

This whole thing is so big they even made a entire board to contain it

>> No.14803707

It actually varies quite a lot. Some vtubers are ugly, some are extremely attractive, some are just normal.

>> No.14803711

SLS only exists to keep Shuttle era jobs alive. That's it. That's why it's funded and why it's based so heavily off of Shuttle hardware.

>> No.14803718

Think we'll break 1000 posts this thread?

>> No.14803719


>> No.14803723

We need to stop reusing senators

>> No.14803731

All lawmakers and representatives are meant to be fully-expendable. I just don't get this "reusable politician" meme.

>> No.14803742

maybe 900

>> No.14803749
File: 93 KB, 1024x1008, 1652395908057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wake up
I was excited to finally see this piece of shit launch, too.

>> No.14803762

SLS was never real, fren

>> No.14803774
File: 151 KB, 1480x662, FbLthbeVEAAaJVY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why didn't you tell me about the radiation measurement mannequins?

>> No.14803776


>> No.14803786

It's been in the past few threads, not our fault you're not lurking enough.

>> No.14803791

Nobody talking about fully reusable astronauts

>> No.14803795

That's correct, it does.

>> No.14803798

imagine if that was actually a person in that haha

>> No.14803803

is this REALLY how they plan to strap down the women of Artemis 3?????

>> No.14803809

Of course not
The flight versions will include three holes in the face and groin area

>> No.14803817

Its likely someone's dead body being sent to space for special space burial service

>> No.14803820

Is this true? I'm came from the sticky

>> No.14803830
File: 865 KB, 1200x724, 98366543_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14803832
File: 873 B, 176x67, important milestone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thread is officially based

>> No.14803835
File: 519 KB, 1122x1012, 1602535613381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe the real SLS was the tens of billions of taxpayer money we spent along the way

>> No.14803838

They would be dead by now, since this current Orion capsule does not include any life support systems and cannot carry humans. Artemis 1 is of course meant to test all systems on SLS and Orion to ensure the rocket is safe for human rating - so it makes a lot of sense to use a stripped down, expendable Orion capsule with no life support, that will be gutted and scrapped after 1 launch (because the avionics from this pretend capsule are needed for the second, real Orion (which will cost another 2 billion thank you very much)).

>> No.14803840
File: 8 KB, 222x216, e03f00184e02d73f66e9ceab3a9f17de.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop posting or we'll hit the image limit

>> No.14803841
File: 80 KB, 985x1244, 6684C017-6DCC-498D-9452-AE085C167B50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn’t SLS roll back to the VAB if it sits outside for more than 20 days????

>> No.14803879

kill yourself faggot

>> No.14803889

I blame Mickey-D taking over their management.

>> No.14803902
File: 2.80 MB, 500x375, 1642881790111.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bill Cope

>> No.14803904

we need a sound webm of that moment

>> No.14803911

you already know SLS will be rolled back because it is incentivized to scrub

>> No.14803930

in 2 days we will see a tweet from berger and/or davensport saying something along the lines of:
“NASA troubleshooting coms connection to engine 3. As of right now I’m hearing everything is fine, but the vehicle is planning on being rolled back to the VAB tomorrow. Looks like the Sept 2 launch isn’t going to happen”
screenshot this

>> No.14803937

They did everything they could to maximize short term shareholder value. Working as intended.

>> No.14803939

“NASA says they are very happy with yesterday’s test. Said they got a lot of good data and learned a lot about the rocket. Sounds like engine won’t be swapped out but will instead undergo pre flight tests to ensure connection issue has the green light before proceeding further”
They will end up doing the engine swap anyways though lol

>> No.14803943

The point of SLS is to not feel hope for anything, but to accept that the military industrial complex has captured the SLS program in regulatory capture and its existence is only to feed the beast. It serves no cultural purpose to the nation. Its an outdated, poorly implemented, and incompetently handled program that's a Saturn V height money exchanging hands vehicle.

>> No.14803947

Is SpaceX any better though

>> No.14803956

do you just repeat whatever bullshit you found on reddit?

>> No.14803967
File: 1.82 MB, 1170x1514, DCE53237-7E81-4000-B693-10736A8CBEAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we are building the next generation super heavy lift rocket
>it will be cheap and fast, w- we promise!
>eats money, sits in the assembly area for years with absolutely no progress in site save for jobs and meetings
>be spacex starship
>pic unrelated

>> No.14803972

fuck off he’s right

>> No.14803974

There's no way he isn't at least 120 years old. It's legitimately off-putting to look at this corpse talk.

>> No.14803988

Using it? It has never been used, and at this rate, will never be used.

>> No.14803994

The SLS program is THE PERFECT METAPHOR of a pro-life vs pro-choice argument.

>> No.14803997
File: 84 KB, 1200x796, FC5F8F63-0309-48F7-9091-01469CB1BCCF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some cool stuff to note is that the SSME on SLS traces its heritage all the way back to the V-2. The V-2’s engine was "americanized" into the XLR-41, which then evolved into the Redstone main engine.
Another branch from the XLR-41 became the kerosene/LOX XLR-71, which later evolved into the LR-79 engine. LR-79 powered early Thor and Atlas and Jupiter missiles for several decades.
The LR-79 would evolve into the H-1 engine which flew in sets of eight on the Saturn I. After Apollo, the H-1 was rebranded the RS-27 and it would power Atlas and Thor/Delta rockets for a while. Atlas would stop using LR-79 heritage in the 90’s when it switched to the Russian RD-180, and the Delta (an offshoot of Thor) flew with its RS-27A until 2018 with the final Delta II launch, marking the end of the LR-79’s career. The current Delta IV has nothing in common with its Thor ancestors.
A next evolutionary path goes back to the 1950’s. NASA was unsatisfied with the LR79’s lower thrust, so they upgraded it into an engine called the E1. The E1 would’ve powered the Saturn I in sets of four, but it was never selected. The E1 was refit, however, into the famous F1 engine which was the heart of the Saturn V’s first stage. The E1 had twice the thrust of the H1/LR79, while the F1 had four times the thrust of the E1.
The final evolutionary path here is rather bizarre. For the Saturn IB and V, NASA needed a large hydrogen fueled engine. In a competition with the Titan team, Rocketdyne would modify the E-1 to run on Hydrolox, creating the engine we know today as the J-2. The J-2 would have a successful career assisting the Apollo program.
Finally, the J-2 would have an experimental child known as the HG-3. The HG-3 was a sea level optimized large hydrolox engine. In the late 60’s, the HG-3 would be modified and selected as the powerplant of the upcoming Space Shuttle. In this, the HG-3 received the name, RS-25

>> No.14804012

We'll have to wait until 2040 to see how Starship does, wouldn't be fair otherwise

>> No.14804016
File: 245 KB, 1401x788, Starbase LIVE 24_7 Starship & Super Heavy Development From SpaceX's Boca Chica Facility - YouTube - 876 16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14804018
File: 2.59 MB, 1638x1092, meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>barely get any sleep
>wake up early just to see the stupid rocket blow up
I was expecting nothing and somehow it was even more disappointing
I'm more pissed than when I wasted my time with the JWST Biden reveal

>> No.14804020

Wow! They should be kept safe and sound in a museum as irreplaceable historical pieces

>> No.14804023
File: 48 KB, 1447x153, 1635185885428.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14804027

two words: hydrpgen embrittlement

>> No.14804030

Uhh so space is hard haha

>> No.14804032


>> No.14804033
File: 12 KB, 847x42, 36EA5057-A4DA-4EC8-8D29-950B027FAF1F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 100% faith in Starship working (eventually)

>> No.14804038
File: 2.04 MB, 1078x3748, Nauka history.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are like little baby, watch this

>> No.14804039

That's amazing humor but I need to know what the rest says.

>> No.14804042
File: 70 KB, 521x652, 1632561037590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>230 billion
So this is where our taxes go.

>> No.14804050

I saved it over a year ago (the golden age of /sfg/) I forgot the rest

>> No.14804052

It's not a real issue. Either a material embrittles upon exposure to hydrogen or it doesn't. This limits your material selection pool but it doesn't change how you store and handle it as a fluid once you've built your vehicle using hydrogen-proof materials.
>SLS wasn't built using hydrogen proof materials
Nevermind, somebody please go shoot at that piece of trash

>> No.14804069

oh fugg, eyedrojen imbrittelment :DD

>> No.14804070

it may not be hydrogen proof, but it is bullet proof. your course of action has failed

>> No.14804083
File: 271 KB, 1933x1289, 1660676953048635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh well, back to work boys

>> No.14804084

this is no laughing matter, far from it actually

>> No.14804087

>bullet proof
It's aluminum, it's not even wrench proof

>> No.14804092


>> No.14804103
File: 1.11 MB, 2140x2988, 394004main_08.21.09 Gary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what you're thinking, anon. Don't try anything.

>> No.14804105

Stress fracture main tank is leaking.

>> No.14804111

I want this to be true so badly

>> No.14804112

Haha good one, but I'm not falling for it

>> No.14804116

Where's that gif of the worker at BC just slamming starship with a sledgehammer?

>> No.14804117
File: 78 KB, 1080x820, 20220829_091042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over

Sls 1 will be scrapped and sls 2 will be delayed.

>> No.14804118
File: 97 KB, 1845x1038, cover5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're laughing. You just ruined a 30billion dollar spacecraft, and you're laughing.

>> No.14804121

Your right WE need to kill the baby (SLS) in order to save the mother (NASA)

>> No.14804123
File: 46 KB, 482x505, 1660088693106390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No gif, but I have the still

>> No.14804127

thank god

>> No.14804132
File: 64 KB, 1200x720, there is no way to sugarcoat this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No flanges, only welds now

>> No.14804138

a normie friend of mine asked me whether I was excited for sls last night, and I realized how much I wish I could be excited for this thing
>told them not get up early to watch the launch since it'd probably just scrub

>> No.14804141

told ya

>> No.14804149

Damn, Elon wasn't wrong about flanges being awful.

>> No.14804151
File: 332 KB, 510x572, flex-tape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14804152

>the ssme is derived from the j-2
>but the navaho isn't derived from anything and certainly not any german engines, no sir

>> No.14804153
File: 31 KB, 313x286, 1618853210072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the most freakish thing about his is that you can see his natural skin colour through his ultra-thin hair where they couldn't apply make-up for the TV
his face is straight up painted on

>> No.14804155
File: 850 KB, 498x298, skeleton-fingers.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i learned about fallangies a long time ago

>> No.14804158

>no link
I deem this post illegitimate and homosexual

>> No.14804166
File: 458 KB, 1152x2048, FbU1N_OWQAAkskt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14804168
File: 633 KB, 600x600, punkin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok guys, so what do ya think of SLS? Pretty cool right? I think so!

>> No.14804169


>> No.14804179
File: 12 KB, 240x240, image (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's officially OVER

>> No.14804182

Navajo is 100% a clone of the V-2’s engine

>> No.14804183
File: 17 KB, 493x436, C988087A-EE7C-4A55-8CB6-B85B6F782B1C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14804187

Crack in a flange on the intertank =! stress fracture main tank leak, though. Even though I want it to mean that.

>> No.14804189

So this is the power of oldspace

>> No.14804192

not really a big deal right? Should be able to load fine if you ignore it

>> No.14804199

uhhh guys?

>> No.14804200
File: 1.31 MB, 1707x960, 1638869887159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay guys this whole Es El Es thing looks cool and I'm happy a newspace company is trying to build a launch vehicle, but when is the overbuilt NASA moon rocket supposed to launch?

>> No.14804203


>> No.14804210
File: 211 KB, 736x981, 08df7738feeed6e288f69feeb5f7fef0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a nightmare on my launchpad

>> No.14804211
File: 84 KB, 860x499, 4118058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over.

>> No.14804213

the power of diversity playing oldspace

>> No.14804216

>News conference on the Artemis 1 scrub scheduled for 1 pm EDT, we’re told here at KSC.
comedy show at 1pm

>> No.14804217

Did that really just happen??

>> No.14804227

Jeff Faust is kinda my favorote guy

>> No.14804230


>> No.14804240
File: 186 KB, 800x800, biosuit_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We are going
you're goin nowhere without a suit!

>> No.14804243

When will we actually get stuff like this?

>> No.14804251

Did you donate to her patreon?

>> No.14804255
File: 126 KB, 643x1206, ArtemisSuitXO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dare challenge me?

>> No.14804261

her suit is a bigger scam than arca

>> No.14804264

Just how hard is it to make a leak proof rocket?

>> No.14804268
File: 109 KB, 900x675, 1661787687671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now what

>> No.14804271
File: 278 KB, 600x603, BRBRRRRRRBANGCHIIUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1000th post

>> No.14804274

well done, anon

>> No.14804279
File: 127 KB, 724x811, doomer suit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what we'll wear

>> No.14804281


>> No.14804282

Falcon Heavy. Until starship is ready.

>> No.14804283

moon is cancelled

>> No.14804284

Need correction UOOOOH

>> No.14804290
File: 257 KB, 703x1161, 20201007_233920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14804291

Easy if you build a test bed tank with all the various valving and pipework installed and run it through tank-detank cycles a dozen times a day for a year to work out all the bugs and issues you didn't think of. Impossible if you spend a decade doing math to prove it won't leak, then ignore leak issues during wet dress rehearsals to rush the thing to the pad 6 years late.

>> No.14804293

>RS-25 flange issue "worse than we expected...no chance of a September launch" says Bill Nelson



>> No.14804294

fucking twitter at it again

>> No.14804296
File: 62 KB, 485x794, astronaut space suit 1956.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no that's too functional

>> No.14804298

>he's based

>> No.14804300

so you can walk outside with warm clothes and a oxygen bottle instead of a spacesuit

>> No.14804302
File: 289 KB, 900x1200, EAkipDHX4AEYPzl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok bye

>> No.14804306
File: 129 KB, 1200x814, nasa celebrates mission well accomplished.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AHAHAHA SLS fags on suicide watch

>> No.14804308

really? I dropped it after the first episode or second episode after seeing what people were posting here about it
and even that episode had too much woke shit

>> No.14804312

Aaaand what's the advantage of that when we can't even get to Mars yet?

>> No.14804315

> SLS wont launch till 2023
> Starship wont be permitted to launch until SLS does

>> No.14804317

i love that fuckin thing, like wtf

>> No.14804321

Elon should just stack it and fucking launch it. That would be the madlad move

>> No.14804323

>251 images

>> No.14804325

we don't all share your fetish for confinement in rubber anon

>> No.14804327

Reminder. There is no conspiracy.

>> No.14804330

>in class
>mid row
>people behind me
>hesitate by opening link separately
>FluffKevlar on twitter
>I saved myself from showing porn on my screen
this nigga

>> No.14804331

Sounds exactly like something a conspirator would say

>> No.14804335

That's what they want you to think

>> No.14804337

Sooo realistically, now when can we expect launch?

>> No.14804339

Do we ride to page 10 or get a new thread due to image limit

>> No.14804342

Just link to reddit, isnt that where u get all your material?

>> No.14804345

Not my problem

>> No.14804344

I'm a conspirator and I can tell you that there is definitely no conspiracy going on here.

>> No.14804347

>makes money off launches
>makes money off scrubs
He's laughing all the way to the bank (to deposit his child support cheques to pay for his wife's boyfriend's son)

>> No.14804351

Schizophrenia, terrible illness

>> No.14804352

do you have anything of substance to say?

>> No.14804356

The amount of retard falling for this speaks volumes about /sfg/

>> No.14804359

not but I can shit out some mean shitposts

>> No.14804361

>not flexing your authority by fapping in class

>> No.14804362

You have to be retarded to be here

>> No.14804363

Emergency staging due to image limit


>> No.14804366


>> No.14804369

I have nothing BUT contempt for this court

>> No.14804371

Some will say new attempt by sept 2nd, I would expect the next attempt to take longer. IDK when that is because I don't care about SLS shit.

>> No.14804377

Ride always.
Fuck you, imageless end-of-thread is a comfy time.

>> No.14804379

its a jobs program, whether it actually "works" is irrelevant

>> No.14804385

>Safety is always first. Following today's #Artemis I launch attempt, @NASAArtemis teams are working through an issue with engine number 3, and expect to give a news briefing later today. Stay tuned for broadcast details. http://nasa.gov/live
muh safety lol

>> No.14804389

I do miss those 150 image limit threads, but it is better this way.
At least this is a rare event nowadays

>> No.14804396


>> No.14804398

Enjoy your vacation

>> No.14804454

jim bridenstine

>> No.14804462

well, it's over, thread as dead as my hopes of seeing starship launch this year

>> No.14804464
