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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14799571 No.14799571 [Reply] [Original]

The exogeneous vax spike does go into your brain. Wa la!

>> No.14799583
File: 187 KB, 1125x512, E59E215A-5AAA-4FE3-B22D-0752CC677A60.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the track it goes.

>> No.14799585

lets wait then

>> No.14799586


>> No.14799589

A thread died for you to tell us to wait, faggot

>> No.14799597

I reported a shitty thread two hours ago that got deleted, so we're even

>> No.14799602

>a track died for this

>> No.14799604


>> No.14799620

the thing is, most of the time, when I come here, I go to the last three or four pages and bump all the threads that deserve more attention. and only after that, I post my own bullshit. this board has so much intelligent people and those threads really deserve their attention.

>> No.14799639

A person died for 0 people to be saved from coof.

>> No.14799664

>necrotic encephalitis
Wow this vaccine becomes more powerful by the day.

>> No.14800425

Was pfizer lying when they said the vax causes these side effects? Shouldn't I trust the experts?

>> No.14800498

countless vaxcattle have been permanently damaged by this terrible experiment


>> No.14800726

Peer review is literally just a few people looking at papers during their morning meeting and saying 'this look good to you?'. It's really nothing special. If you're scientifically literate and you've read the paper then you can consider it peer reviewed because that's all it is.

>> No.14800776

Heh, you can often predict an upcoming retraction based on the answer to a single question: Does the author seem to believe that the mRNA-generated spike protein is identical to the COVID spike protein? In this case, the answer is yes. Notice "the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein was evident." The little-known fact that the mRNA-generated spike protein isn't the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein but a 2P-mutated analogue form keeps biting authors in the ass.

>> No.14800778

P.S. I will be ignoring all responses that evince poor reading comprehension, a redneck education, and/or a low IQ.

>> No.14800785

What is there to review?

>> No.14800795

describe what the peer review process of that journal is to all of us here you WEF cock sucking prostitute

>> No.14800797

He also had myocarditis.

Why does that matter (serious question, not sarcasm)? The author noted the nucleocapsid wasn't present.

>> No.14801063

>The little-known fact that the mRNA-generated spike protein isn't the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein but a 2P-mutated analogue form keeps biting authors in the ass.
They tested for the rest of the viral nucleocapsid, retard. Only the vaccine spikes were present hence vaccine-caused.

You can tell that a paper will be retracted based on how much it angers Pfizer and their paymasters.

>> No.14802031

>If you're scientifically literate and you've read the paper then you can consider it peer reviewed because that's all it is.
If you're scientifically literate you know the difference between a case study and a paper.

>> No.14802050

I'm a poet and here is my review:
Newspunch is utter garbage. Pretty much the only thing they are known for is spreading lies.

I won't even dignify this with a click.
>hurrdurr everybody can write stuff on Wikipedia
I dare you to write something nice about them.

>> No.14802071

He died with the vaccine, not of. An elderly man with Parkinson would’ve died either way. Fucking government crashing the economy to save walking corpses

>> No.14802072

>1 guy, 77 year old, died from mrna vaccine.
That's not science OP, it's called cherry picking.

>> No.14802244

>the mRNA-generated spike protein isn't the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein but a 2P-mutated analogue
Are you illiterate?

>> No.14802249

>of that journal
preprints.org is not a journal

>> No.14802256

>77 year old man with parkinsons

>> No.14802364

Nobody said he died from the vax you fucking retards, the relevant part is that the vax spike showed up in his brain.

>> No.14803439
File: 748 KB, 981x4834, 90df3f14a334b632ebdd3d51652feae83b52e9b3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a poet and here is my review:
>Newspunch is utter garbage. Pretty much the only thing they are known for is spreading lies.
Imagine being such a dishonest shill you don't even read the linked article

They list the primary source you dumbass, you can hear it from the horse mouth

Here is the short version

>I won't even dignify this with a click.
Why would a WEF do anything but say fallacies?

>I dare you to write something nice about them.
People already know wikipedia works so that would be impossible (pic related)

>> No.14803463
File: 19 KB, 306x306, 1654606514854.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

total propaganda bullshit, viruses don't exist

>> No.14803769

>They list the primary source
This is your mixtape isn't it?

>> No.14803901

Were you born retarded or did WEF make you a specialist?

>> No.14804178

Did you upload that shit to MySpace and bandcamp before SoundCloud became a thing?

>> No.14804267

>muh WEF!!!
They're just a bunch of old rich guys who don't have nearly as much power as you think. Most of the shit that comes out of them are musings that go nowhere

>> No.14804334

nigger who do you think you're fooling? it's the official WEF channel in soundcloud, gaslighting won't work here

>> No.14804349

>They're just a bunch of old rich guys who don't have nearly as much power as you think.
haha you people think we're retarded don't you?

>Most of the shit that comes out of them are musings that go nowhere
They are not the only problem, the main one is the UN. Either way both are composed of the same people who want to impose their globalist agenda.

>> No.14804386

>the main one is the UN
The UN can't do jack shit beyond fingerwave.

>> No.14804444

>Wa la!
You did that on purpose

>> No.14804550

>The UN can't do jack shit
NIgger the supreme court in my country along with other judiciary sectors have publicly stated they're compromised with the enviromentalist agenda of the UN, every action they jugde is classified according to Agenda 2030 goals

>> No.14804564


besides, there is extensive documentation on how the UN impsoes its agenda without relying on any popular vote on the local targets. pascal bernardin has an excellent book on how that was done on education

>> No.14804571

That's on them, remember how often the UN gets in Japan's ass about shit and nothing happens. They can only whine, they can't enforce of their own accord

>> No.14804577

>That's on them
What do you mean that's on them you stupid nigger? The supreme court is basically a virtual dictatorship in my country

>> No.14804600

>The supreme court is basically a virtual dictatorship in my country
Opinion discarded

>> No.14804661

/pol/cels trust the science now?

>> No.14804693

why didn't they just inject a shitload of spike proteins into people?
why use mRNA to have your body make it?
-serious question, I'm a brainlet

>> No.14804717

Are you a bot? legalizing unrestricted abortion is one of the key globalist goals, the supreme court I mentioned isn't the american one, I even linked their website

Anyway, back to the original post, yes, there are clearly WEF paid shills here

>> No.14804758

>I even linked their website
Lol you don't have laws in Brazil

>> No.14804766

I order to differ.

>> No.14804781

Negative identity is the mark of a midwit.

>> No.14804858

Negative identity?

>> No.14804987

What's more effective, injecting poison into the cattle, or permanently changing the genetics of the cattle so that it produces the poison directly in its body ?

>> No.14805006

no anon, it's simply cheaper, much cheaper

>> No.14805029

What's most effective is to divide cattle into pro-skub and anti-skub factions and unleash them upon each other. Bonus points if you can make a profit off of skub while you're at it. More bonus points if skub is even mildly toxic.

>> No.14805042

Make sure to keep up-to-date with your booster regiment.
You can never be too sure with your health, you need to be taken care of.

>> No.14805052

The pro-skubbers are gonna drop dead any dead now, skubdrone.

>> No.14805216

They already are dropping dead. This argument is so gay and tired.

>> No.14805240

Yes, they're all going to die in two more weeks and then intellectually superior /pol/ mouth breathers will make up the new master race under the leadership of the benevolent jewish clique that was merely trying to rid the white race of its cattle.

>> No.14805246

Take your meds, schizo.

>> No.14805267

Get your jab, cattle.

>> No.14805269

>Wa la!
is this the american spelling of 'voilà', or some aboriginal curse?

>> No.14805290


>> No.14805304

Because the experts said so.

>> No.14805307

No thanks haha. I'm sorry I'm just not gonna do it.

>> No.14805430
File: 1.28 MB, 2220x4932, Bad vax hearings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The exogeneous vax spike does go into your brain.
No shit. It wouldn't do what it was intended to do if it did not affect the brain and other organs.

>> No.14805431

No, we do voila or viola because we're dumb but not that dumb

>> No.14805432

Don't be such a pre-Madonna.

>> No.14805734

What do idiots think a vaccine is supposed to do?

>> No.14805771

>What do idiots think a vaccine is supposed to do?

"protect them" bwhahahahaha people are so stupid now. they trust anything that says it is good for them.

>> No.14805774

"Protect them" is not a mechanism of action.

>> No.14805778

Exactly, which is why the vaxxies are so stupid.

>> No.14805799

Nice sophistry. How is it SUPPOSED to achieve the end of "protection?" It's not magic in a kids cartoon

>> No.14805801

Exactly! But vaxxies and big pharma propaganda treat it like it is magic. Most people are stupid and gobble it up.

>> No.14805806

They don't know, they're just told it does.

>> No.14805895

I'm asking you fuckers

>> No.14805914

And I'm asking why that would make any difference in the paper being retracted, especially when they proved it had to come from the vaccine due to a lack of nucleocapsid.

>> No.14805919

Stay in the shoulder. That's what we were told, remember?

>> No.14805921

>Explain how something that doesn't work, works! I'm asking you fuckers to do that!

>> No.14805975

No one ever claimed that.

>> No.14805978 [DELETED] 

>That's not science OP, it's called cherry picking.
Promoting weak euphemized not exactly to the point evidence in order to dismiss a point and it's evidence
What was the name of this tactic again, can't remember
Something like,
In a forest
>We applied a treatment to these pines because some were starting to get sick and some died
>Notice how pines still show the same symptoms get sick and die
>Apply the treatment several times
>Notice how after the treatment some pines start to show some other symptoms and get sick
>Pines keep dying and now in higher numbers than before
>No one wants to analyze new symptoms because the treatment was expensive
>Some start to wonder if the treatment was to blame
>Look guys, this already dying oak tree received the treatment and upon analysis we found out that the treatment likely had an negative effect and the tree died
>Hey guys, it's not that concerning, there is only evidence that one oak died and he had pre existing conditions, pines are fine
>Pines keep dying and now in higher numbers than before
>This nasty disease, lemme apply a few more doses of treatment to see if I can end it

>> No.14805982
File: 60 KB, 613x537, glows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we got one!

>> No.14806008

ahahahahahahahaa the cattle actually believed that? hahahahahahahahaha

>> No.14806013

95% of humans believe in an afterlife heaven where they all go and everything is magical and wonderful forever.
Humans are insanely stupid. The rich 1% dupe them constantly with simple programming spit out of their phones and TVs.

>> No.14806016

You can explain how a thing is supposed to work regardless if it actually does
Who the fuck thinks an injection is supposed to stay in the injection site? Who EVER thought that? Isn't that the reason venom is bad, it spreads throughout your system from the entry point?

>> No.14806041

gay, I just wanted a sci answer. I'm all for being skeptical of the profiteers but can we do a thought experiment and pretend they were actually trying to save ppl
so again:
why not inject spike proteins directly instead of going to an mRNA tech which flopped a decade ago during cancer research?
it would save money on vaccine hesitant campaigning, research and development would be more simple. I just don't get it. No pol answers those are obvious

>> No.14806052

>Who the fuck thinks an injection is supposed to stay in the injection site?
The same stupid people who think that they need tons of "vaccines".

>> No.14806059

Okay, why are there still plenty of people who were vaxed without these effects?

>> No.14806064

Show me where someone in a position of relevant authority claimed it would stay at the injection site. Politicians aren't relevant, they say whatever serves them and you'd be a fool to listen to them.

>> No.14806065

Well venom probably hits the blood stream quite quickly. The vaccine was supposed to stay in the lymphatic system, the mRNA was supposed to be degraded in days, the spikes were supposed to be gone in weeks.

>Here's a peer-reviewed study that shows where intramuscular vaccines (which all three of the COVID-19 vaccines are) travel in macaques (a type of monkey). Vaccines mostly remain near the site of injection (the arm muscle) and local lymph nodes.

>This makes sense: Lymph nodes produce white blood cells and antibodies to protect us from disease. A key part of the lymphatic system, lymph nodes also clean up fluids and remove waste materials. Finding pieces of spike protein in the lymph nodes is completely normal, because lymph nodes act as the trash removal service for the body. That means the vaccine did its job (made spike proteins, which caused the creation of antibodies) and will be cleared from the body.

>Another peer-reviewed study tested exactly where an mRNA vaccine went in mice. Most of the mRNA vaccine stayed in the injection site muscle – where you get the shot. Look at Table 1. A lot of mRNA vaccine was found in local lymph nodes, which peaked about eight hours after the shot was given. A much smaller amount of mRNA vaccine went to farther away lymph nodes.

>> No.14806073

What "these" are you referring to?

>> No.14806079

That's not an answer. Nor my point. I'm calling out your premise as absurd, who the fuck EVER expects an injection to not spread? Where are you getting this from? Because from my perspective, you're inventing a scenario that let's you feel superior for purely egotistical reasons that let you LARP as a brave rebel, no different than stupid white women dressed as handmaids tale because RvW got overturned. You're not a rebel, you're a twat

>> No.14806082

>angry little white boy noises

>> No.14806086

Dude, what is wrong with you?

>> No.14806087

>someone in a position of relevant authority
Doesn't exist. Morally speaking, nobody is ever in that position over another.

>> No.14806093

It's a leftist. They are all mentally defunct.

>> No.14806138

I'm not a fucking leftist.
>Morally speaking
You have no understanding of moral theology

>> No.14806196

>sperging out

>> No.14806207


>> No.14806227
File: 7 KB, 301x167, pewee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is your level?

>> No.14806260

(You)'re not that different

>> No.14806335
File: 202 KB, 649x790, vaccine effects.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Kinda funny how millions of people dying from accidents, flu, etc.were labled "covid deaths", for a year, now that all the vaxxed are getting sick, nothing is the "vaccine's" fault.

Pure gaslighting by governments and big pharma and their fake news media.

>> No.14806619

It's why nobody trusts public health anymore.

>> No.14806630

holy shit. how much you get payed to post this gay shit? $5 and hour? kys, it'll be a service to mankind. youre a worm

>> No.14806639




>> No.14806645

>It's why nobody trusts public health anymore.

Smart people stopped trusting "Big Pharma" long before the pandemic, then they just kinda forgot when those same companies produced their totally awesome super science vaccine that absolutely works and couldn't harm a fly - data be damned.

>> No.14806681
File: 445 KB, 1185x836, 9348AF77-C6C5-4004-ABB9-A748ACDCCB69.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny how CJD has been on a steady rise for 20 years but it’s all because of the vaccine that came out last year
/pol/ schizos are really grasping at straws. Also, i read the study mentioned in the article, and the people (26 cases studied lmao nice sample size) died after an average of 4,8 month after the jab. Doesn’t seem like strong evidence to me

>> No.14806685

>you’re either a full blown schizo or a I love science soiboy
Why do autist struggle so much with nuance

>> No.14806710


I have nuance, I understand many people were compelled into taking the vaccine and still have natural doubts about it, and others believed the hype and are in denial about the slowly mounting evidence that it wasn't a good idea. I don't think we're headed to a microchip 5G zombie apocalypse or anything, but I have my suspicions that more people are going to wind up with seriously ill or dead as a result of the vaccine than if it never had rolled out.

COVID has 99% survival rate for most age groups its measured in, and that has only increased as the virus has evolved into less deadly strains, while the vaccine itself has questionable safety and efficacy. Most people that took the vaccines -probably- didn't need them. I never took the shot, and paid for it by losing career opportunities and not being allowed to participate in my vax passed community for about 6 months while vaxxies did. I never got sick however - thank you vaxxie heroes. You da real MVP.

While I don't think the vaccine is going amount to some sort of mass genocide. I still compare to smoking 1000 packs of cigarettes. Some people will get cancer - most won't. Some people took a health risk I didn't think was worth it, for whatever reasons, good or bad, and some of them are probably going to get seriously sick and some are going to fucking die -needlessly- because of it. Most people, probably not. I still think most vaccinated people would have been better off simply riding out COVID.

How is that for nuance?

>> No.14806729

>COVID has 99% survival rate for most age groups its measured
And the vaccines produce serious harm in 0,000022% of those who got it, so why do people go full on schizo about it? There have been fucking shootings because people were told they had to wear a mask on stores

>> No.14806762


>And the vaccines produce serious harm in 0,000022% of those who got it, so why do people go full on schizo about it?

Coronaviruses have been around forever, we know the typical pattern, they show up all badass infect a bunch of people kill a bunch of people with health issues and then fade back into the background, as they evolve, natural immunity develops, etc.

Coronavirus vaccines are brand fuckin new and are being forced on people. We're still waiting for data. We have less data supporting that 0,000022% figure than the 99% figure, because people like yourself are less hungry for it and just want all the cattle in the herd to take your miracle medicine.

>> No.14806770

>Coronaviruses have been around forever
Not an argument. SARS, MERS and SARS-2 are rather distinct from the other four human coronaviruses that cause common colds.

>> No.14806785

>Coronaviruses have been around forever, we know the typical pattern, they show up all badass infect a bunch of people kill a bunch of people with health issues and then fade back into the background, as they evolve, natural immunity develops, etc.
I don’t know about you but I haven’t had a flu with the chance of serious heart issues and long covid before. The implications are very severe for this illness
>We have less data supporting that 0,000022% figure than the 99% figure
Oh so that’s why there is a new thread with a headline citing one single pre published non peer reviewed study taken out of context every day. You wouldn’t notice your confirmation bias even if I spelled it out for you

>> No.14806810

>You wouldn’t notice your confirmation bias even if I spelled it out for you

I wouldn't take any medicine with less than 5 years of trial data supporting it, before or after the pandemic - unless I was fucking dying. It's not safe or ethical, get fucked.

>> No.14806814

>less than 5 years of trial data
Name a recent pharmaceutical where it took 5 years for adverse effects to show, not because they're so rare (pandemrix), but because it stayed dormant for so long.

>> No.14806818

>I trust the science that it takes exactly 5 years to know if something is safe because, you know, it just does ok?
A good practice in overcoming biases is applying the same logic for both the rivaling theory as well as yours

>> No.14806897

>Not an argument. SARS, MERS and SARS-2 are rather distinct from the other four human coronaviruses that cause common colds.
Hormone replacement therapy for menopausal women took 10-20 years to show negative side effects. It causes multi-infarc dementia by ravaging the cardiovascular system with small strokes. The damage is slow and cumulative.

>> No.14806900

There is no "rival theory." You're just using pilpul because you're mad you took something that was against the law to force on people.

>> No.14806911

>millions of people dying from accidents, flu, etc.were labled "covid deaths", for a year,
Never happened outside of antivax delusions
>now that all the vaxxed are getting sick, nothing is the "vaccine's" fault.
Believing it's all the vax fault is also your delusions.

Two weeks.

>> No.14807079

>Two weeks.
To flatten the curve? Fauci told you so.

>> No.14807082

Why does he need to "overcome biases"? His biases kept him safe from your handlers.

>> No.14807127

Look just get the fucking vaxx ok

>> No.14807129
File: 353 KB, 592x600, media_FbWB9QNWYAQbMGW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The exogeneous vax spike does go into your shingles. Wa la!

>> No.14807206
File: 361 KB, 921x1007, 1661553398385948.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14807247

No to die from the vax. I've been waiting for over a year now and nothing happened yet. How much longer?

>> No.14807248

>that was against the law to force on people.
Nuremberg law state that it’s illegal to use experimental drugs on humans. A drug is experimental if it doesn’t have a license to be used on humans. The vaccine had a license to be used on humans. Therefore, the vaccine didn’t break the law
But go ahead, sue the the United States if it’s so easy to prove it’s against the law that even the average /pol/schizo knows it

>> No.14807256

I saw a vaxxie getting beaten into a pulp by two men the other day after starting an argument. They had to call the cops and bring an ambulance. Fucking lol. People are starting to see that they don't need to sue the US government to deal with your sort.

>> No.14807259

Shows the intelligence of your typical antivaxxer. Only literal retards get violent in discussions. I'm not sure why you think that this little story helps your point.

>> No.14807260

And then everyone stood up and clapped and your three year old son recited the deceleration of independence from memory

>> No.14807263

I'm not making any point. I'm just wondering how often this happens because I've heard quite a few stories about maskoids and vaxxdrones getting uppity and having their shit kicked it. It looks like people are getting fed up with you.

>> No.14807265

>It looks like people are getting fed up with you.
It looks like the people who get fed up are literal Neanderthals who can't express themselves using words, so they become violent. "People" like this should be executed to boost the national IQ average.

>> No.14807274

Yeah, so like I said, it seems like you can only run your mouth online. Do it in real life and there's a non-trivial chance that you will end up in a hospital. Also, what's up with all the maskers crying on social media over how they're getting bullied and harrassed for still wearing a mask?

>> No.14807284

>retarded schizos exhibit violent behavior
Color me surprised

>> No.14807286

Okay, but what happened? I thought you were on the right side of history. How come people hate you to the point that we're seeing more and more stories about your sort being targeted with everything from mild bullying to severe violence?

>> No.14807293

>retarded schizos can’t differentiate between right or wrong
The surprises just keep on coming today

>> No.14807296

LOL. You can keep calling people names anonymously online but you know what you can't do? You can no longer express your opinions in public without attracting lots of negative attention that can end up with you getting severely beaten. Do you think things are going to get better for you? I don't think so, considering how even the corporate talking heads are now trying to shift the blame onto Trump for this vaccine fiasco.

>> No.14807299

Oh no, anecdotal evidence that you don’t even have any prove of, I’m literally shaking right now, only two more weeks until I’m getting beat up

>> No.14807303

I like how your tiny mind is still stuck in the reddit debate mode where you think I need to prove something to you. I'm perfectly content with the knowledge that you're becoming one of the most hated type of people in the world and that one of those days you'll probably have your teeth kicked in.

>> No.14807304

>becoming one of the most hated type of people in the world
This. It wouldn't surprise me if his leaders start doubling down on their security state shenanigans even harder under the pretext of protecting vocal COVID hysteria supporters from retaliation.

>> No.14807308

>I'm perfectly content
Oh so that’s why you felt the need to post ridiculous claims on the internet, totally believable dude
But sure, in my city with 95% vaxxed population and not a single recorded case of covid related violence besides a dude being bet up by three drunk teenagers for not wearing a mask in the subway site makes me think that it’s gonna happen any day now

>> No.14807310

>nobody trusts public health
>80%+ vaxrate
I mean, you're right really.
No human trust the kikes, only their braindead goylems.
Who hopefully will become bodydead too, sooner than later.

>> No.14807312

>the bot is still having reddit deboots with imaginary characters in his head
No one cares. Enjoy being hated.

>> No.14807315

>retarded schizos believe that the government is targeting them specifically with bots because someone disagrees with them

>> No.14807325

>mindless bot starts losing his mind
No one cares. Enjoy being hated.

>> No.14807332

Awful lot of angry messages for someone that doesn’t care :^)

>> No.14807333

See >>14807325

>> No.14807341

>he’s still replying
Also nice trips

>> No.14807359

See >>14807325
Proptip: you will reply again because you're a mindless bot.

>> No.14807362

>the only reason someone would disagree with me is because they're being paid to

>> No.14807389

Lmao he’s still angry

>> No.14807395

>the mindless bot will reply again

>> No.14807418

Nah I won’t

>> No.14807421

>7 deadly sins
You're a schizo who believes Satan is the ultimate power in the universe

>> No.14807669

>And the vaccines produce serious harm in 0,000022% of those who got it
The myocarditis rate in male teens is astonishingly high, and no case of myocarditis is actually "mild." The difference between the virus and the vaccines is that the virus is here to stay, we no longer have a choice in that. We do have a choice over repeatedly boosting. Since the vaccines no longer prevent infection (if they ever did), it doesn't make sense to add them to the risk of guaranteed infections.

>> No.14807674

Guys stop scaring me. I took the vax 2 years ago and have been losing my sense of smell and taste. Brain still works but I'm worried.

>> No.14807675

>but because it stayed dormant for so long.
What do you mean by dormant? You can have significant damage to the heart and other organs years before symptoms develop, in fact that's common. And this isn't a matter of "dormancy" when boosters are being recommended every six months.

>> No.14807721

well for one, it's cheaper, you don't have to produce antigen yourself.

two - it's not just that easy as you say, you can't just shoot up anything in person veins and expect it to work. there are multitude of human defense systems that work against attacker, so it can be very problematic for antigen to reach the targeted cells in right amount, that's why various forms of wrappers and "trojan horses" (virus vectors) are created

mrna is absolutely amazing technology, unfortunately in hands of very untrustworthy people

>> No.14807775

Who said 2 weeks? Was it your delusions?

>> No.14807777

>Wa la!

>> No.14807779

They deserve all the laughter and condescension they get.

>> No.14807837

They told us September 2021, and now it's almost a year later.
When will I finally die? How many more boosters do I need to die?

>> No.14807839

Who is "they?" The voices in your head?

>> No.14807846
File: 70 KB, 593x539, 51148E7C-9C21-4137-A101-9BF8AEE0181E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dr. Coldwell

>> No.14807852

Who the fuck is he and why should I care?

>> No.14807856

One of the antivaxxer gurus. Are you saying that antivaxxers are crackpots, or are you antivaxxers starting to fight each other?

>> No.14808227

I've never heard of him. He must not be very important. It sounds like you're just constructing a strawman to avoid reality.

>> No.14808267

i've never heard of a doctor in the op. must be some quack.

>> No.14808304

Another strawman. Figures. I guess medical studies are worth the same as random twitter comments so you should immediately inject bleach into your veins.

>> No.14808418

>countless vaxcattle have been permanently damaged by this terrible experiment

Monkey Pox errrrrr Pride Pox Vax is on the way!

>> No.14808419

Digits like these aren't exactly a diamond dozen.

>> No.14808426


*vroooommm VrooOoommm*


>> No.14808764
