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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14764015 No.14764015 [Reply] [Original]

>apply for PhD position at top European uni
>they were looking for experience with a certain niche opensource software few people use
>experience in using that software for a certain kind of simulation that the software is not usually used for considered a plus
>experience with another type of simulation considered a plus
>publications considered a plus
>have years of experience with that niche software and ALL of the requested qualifications, even bonus ones
>not even invited for an interview
>5 months later
>advert for exact same position put on website
What gives?

>> No.14764021

You didn't meet the diversity criteria.

>> No.14764033

They could detect your autism from your resume alone

>> No.14764316


>> No.14764325

they check your 4chan account

>> No.14764337

the guy who developed it is an asshole

>> No.14764406

Wish I could go back and be born a woman.

>> No.14764852

>My only three major gripes with the program is that a. they really only care about the PhD students (you take classes with PhD students and the professors only cater to them, career emails sent from the department are 99% exclusive to PhDs, etc), b. there was never an orientation to meet your classmates or professors beforehand which made things quite more stressful on the first day, and c. there was no effort by anyone to assist with getting us internships (even tho it is a requirement as a 1 credit for the summer & which you have to pay for).

Why are masters students made to feel like absolute shit in almost every US grad program? Are professors aware that most of them are working professionals with other obligations with their work and family? They're not asking for free grades and they are paying their own way in 99% of cases. I don't understand the hostility.

>> No.14764863


>> No.14764869 [DELETED] 
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>they were looking for experience with a certain niche opensource software few people use
>experience in using that software for a certain kind of simulation that the software is not usually used for considered a plus

>> No.14764877

>5 months later
>advert for exact same position put on website
oof, I can relate so fucking much to this, anon. I've looking for job for the past 3 months, and shitheads don't even bother telling me I'm out of the process. They can fuck themselves pieces of shit.

>> No.14764880

Apply again from a different account, but this time write them a cover letter explaining how you're part some minority, sexually fluid, queer and non gender conforming. Make it very difficult from the application to tell if you're a man or a woman.

>> No.14764882

It's a scam to get a foreigner to come in. You're too white to be employed there and they thought that the niche requirements would disqualify all native applicants.

>> No.14764884
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>they were looking for experience with a certain niche opensource software few people use
>experience in using that software for a certain kind of simulation that the software is not usually used for considered a plus

>> No.14764889

1/4 Indian and 1/4 Arab
Sex is non binary/other
Gender fluid, and look up some buzzwords
Get some makeup done, wear a wig, heavily Photoshop your picture to look really fucking queer

>> No.14764945

>Why are masters students made to feel like absolute shit in almost every US grad program? Are professors aware that most of them are working professionals with other obligations with their work and family?
Most universities use Masters programs as a sort of cash cow diploma mill. Professors see these for the credential selling scams that they are. And no, it is not impressive that you can do this program while maintaining a job and a family, because in actually serious graduate programs you definitely wouldn't be able to hold a job and even then you would be incredibly straining any familiar relationships with how much time a serious program should be taking you.

I'm not saying this to be mean, I'm just trying to answer your question.

>> No.14764949

PhD's in eurupoor nations is like a job or specific project. Meanwhile in the US, it's much more like an apprenticeship.

>> No.14764951

>What gives?
It's possible that the job position was made with a particular person in mind already, and they just had to post the advertisement as a process requirement to rehire someone they already knew they wanted.

>> No.14765007

>It's possible that the job position was made with a particular person in mind already,
That does happen, but then why would they re-post 5 months later?

>> No.14765018

What's even worse is when you interview, you don't get the job, and then they repost the ad a few weeks later. That is so much worse.
That is like "we interviewed you, and even though we didn't find anyone else, we still don't want you."

>> No.14765020

dont put 4chan on the résumé

>> No.14765050

what about 4channel?

>> No.14765053

They want to rehire the same person each semester

>> No.14765063
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>Wish I could go back and be born a woman.

You are in luck.
Resubmit as a 'woman'.
Wear your dress with pride.
Once accepted, 'transition' back to a man.

>> No.14765568


>> No.14766200

>Professors see these for the credential selling scams that they are
Wrong. Professors hate when you pay your own way and are not beholden to them. Master students are free men, and despised for it. PhD students are complicit, with the expectation that one day they'll own that boot.

>> No.14766228

>familiar with niche physics simulation software
>"hurr we don't want autism near us"

>> No.14766238

>Master students are free men
It's even in the name

>> No.14766310


They had an RA from their group basically lined up for the position and putting it up online was just a legal requirement.

Don't get down on yourself, a lot of academic listings are fake like this but a lot aren't.

>> No.14766334

>poojeet lies on resume
>oh yes sir I know the program, many year experience doing the needful
>hire poojeet
>he can't even boot the software
>fire poojeet
>relist job

>> No.14766335

But why did they repost the advertisement now? Clearly whoever they had in mind for the job didn't work out.

>> No.14766346
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>They had an RA from their group basically lined up for the position and putting it up online was just a legal requirement.
>Don't get down on yourself, a lot of academic listings are fake like this but a lot aren't.

They are required to post for the job opening.
They write a list of requirements that ONLY the candidate they want to hire has.

Tech companies in the USA do this all the time when they want to hire a foreign worker.
The put up the job with an insane list of requirements and then claim no native American worker has it, ONLY this one foreign worker qualifies. Then the government gives that worker a special visa to work in USA.

>> No.14766703

The worst is when you match the position almost perfectly and have intervierecat the company before and did well and yet suddenly they can't give a rats arse.

>> No.14766731

Why are they offering a phd position with the purpose of studying what some half illeterate
programmer happened to hack together in the first place? Could he not be bothered to write a
manual on how to use this masterpiece?
Anyhow, anything which isn't able to access twitter is considered niche these days.

>> No.14766739

Anyway, should I apply again? I've already accepted an offer at a T150 uni that I really don't want to go to. My start date is in October while the application deadline for the new position is mid-September. Even if by some miracle I get the job, I'd have to fuck over my advisor who is a pretty nice guy.

>> No.14766752

He quit or they got funding for a second position.

>> No.14766758

The job description is the exact same so it's probably the former.

>> No.14766927

First off, lets restrict our focus to legitimate academic fields, and use Mathematics as the example.

>Most universities use Masters programs as a sort of cash cow diploma mill
Masters students are required to complete the same courses as a PhD student and still pass preliminaries. The time and effort discrepancy is the level of research conducted. No one is questioning that a PhD is a superior academic achievement to a Masters, but the latter is an achievement in its own right. They are in no way a credential scam.

>And no, it is not impressive that you can do this program while maintaining a job and a family, because in actually serious graduate programs you definitely wouldn't be able to hold a job and even then you would be incredibly straining any familiar relationships with how much time a serious program should be taking you.
There are many people who complete PhD's while raising children, the discrepancy between them and someone who opts for a Masters is the requirement of financial stability for their family, which cannot be achieved while doing a bullshit teaching assistantship.

Is it a credential scam for most other fields? Yes, I agree. But we are on /sci/ and 9/10 posters here are studying math or something math heavy anyways.

>> No.14767156

yeah, it's exactly what happened with the last interview I had. They told me HR would contact me for another interview and I'm still waiting for it. And a few days ago I found the were adverting the same position again.

>> No.14768247

same thing happened to me
fucking sucks

>> No.14768267

this happens all the fucking time. as other posters have said, they probably already knew who they wanted for the position, but had to follow their procedures or some stupid laws. Truth is, you should have just been the Director of Advanced Diversity Department Department Reinvigoration Department's first-born he-daughter. Try reincarnating.

>> No.14768295

>you should have just been the Director of Advanced Diversity Department Department Reinvigoration Department's first-born he-daughter. Try reincarnating.
I kek'd
>probably already knew who they wanted for the position
I'm afraid that's exactly what happens. The roles are defined at the beggining, but they must go with the regular process so it doesn't looks like pure nepotism.

>> No.14768385

>meet a PhD cutie near a top European uni's cafe
>build rapport, exchange numbers
>invites me to a party she's having with her coworkers
>meet the people in the party, exchange contact with everyone
>cutie mentioned earlier asks to be with me for a while
>we end up kissing
>says she would love to work with me, says a position in her uni is open and tells me her friends liked me
>asks if I want it since my profession is close enough
>first day on the new job, get as many tasks as possible, impressing everyone
>find the weakest, most antisocial, most productive autistic coworker
>befriend him, but constantly push my work to him asking for help
>get 80% of my work done by autistic coworker in exchange for human interactions
>check up my position on some job listing site
>it's still there
>cutie says it's for bureaucratic reasons, they will delete the thing in 1 year
>hear some funny stories of interviewees believing they even had a chance and the replies they're given (if any)

>> No.14768626

>>find the weakest, most antisocial, most productive autistic coworker
>>befriend him, but constantly push my work to him asking for help
>>get 80% of my work done by autistic coworker in exchange for human interactions
god I wish that were me

>> No.14768748

how is this not illegal

>> No.14768841

>The time and effort discrepancy is the level of research conducted. No one is questioning that a PhD is a superior academic achievement to a Masters, but the latter is an achievement in its own right
I thought the only difference was that PhDs must publish, which is a process ideally correlated with quality

>> No.14768849

Can someone tell me what bureocratic rules force companies or universities to conduct sham interviews? Ideally a reference to some law.
Public contracts require bidding unless its one of these "no-bidding" things they do when its military or urgent

>> No.14769248

I don't know about universities, but US companies have to file paperwork showing that no US citizen was able to meet the requirements for a job posting before they can legally hire a foreigner.

>> No.14769287

A masters with thesis option may still have research credits and may publish, but the overall requirements are less.

>> No.14769777

>What gives?
HR is lazy and dumb. HR contracts with some company to provide HR support software. AI automagic filtering software scans your application and cv, doesn't see the exact magic keyword they got from the manager requesting the job posting, and instatrashes it. There's a reason why some people copy&paste parts of the job ad into their application and change the font size to 2 ad the colour to white.
I bet if you contacted whoever the team lead for that position was they would have never even seen your application.

>> No.14771195


>> No.14771224 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself american cuck nigger kike

>> No.14771476

>Female scientists are particularly encouraged to apply

>> No.14771497

How comes the nerds on this board gots so much trubble getting tenure and shit? I found that shit easy as a motherfucker. Stop watching me fuck your wife and get to work.

>> No.14771692

Das rite

>> No.14772445

>paid for a masters degree
enjoy your dunce cap that costs 100k

>> No.14773403

>get master's in engineering from Stanford
>$80,000 starting

>> No.14773521

Is that a rebuttal or an agreement? Because 80k is not impressive, especially considering what graduates from Stanford’s real programs get

>> No.14773542
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Your gold lined toilet is only 2 inches thick, REAL Stanford graduates have toilets gold plated three inches thick!

>> No.14773768


Usually its paid by your employer. Whatever the case, masters still has a purpose and places it above a bachelors and below a PhD. Still don't understand the rage people go into when they meet master's students, particularly the ones with zero interest in a PhD.

>> No.14775326

>Usually its paid by your employer
wat? No. You'd have to be very valuable to your employer for them to do that.

>> No.14775351

more likely they interviewed some poo who (somehow) beat the interview, hired him for a month at a lower salary, and discovered he didn't know anything
good morning sir

>> No.14775411

Why do /sci/ and /g/ have such an irrational hateboner for Indians? Every Indian I work with is nice, hardworking and smart.

>> No.14775813

? Every Indian I've met is an arrogant asshole whether he's smart or not. The ones educated in the west are usually as smart as others educated in the west, but those in the outsourcing firms our managers contract out to because they're cheaper are arrogant while being dumb as shit at the same time, and then we have to clean up their messes

>> No.14775824

>masters still has a purpose and places it above a bachelors and below a PhD
From an output standpoint this is just false though. Most masters in the past 10 years are "Masters in Professional Studies" and these kids are absolute morons, way more than someone who went to a real bachelor's program.

>> No.14775853

Sure, a nonsense masters will have nonsense students. That doesn't exclude every other type of masters from existence. Taking mathematics as an example once again, a masters would be incredibly useful if you intend to work for the government in national labs or a 3 letter agency, where credentialism is the name of the game. If your experience is solely in silicon valley startup culture, then sure, you're better off studying leetcode or whatever it is it they ask for. Saying flat out that masters programs are useless is just being disingenuous.

>> No.14776125

The problem with the masters degrees of the past 10-20 years is one of Batesian mimicry. "Masters of Professional Studies" and adjacent-related "Masters degrees" will always just refer to themselves as "Masters degrees" because they hope you mistake them for more rigorous Masters programs (and no, "Masters of Science" as a title is no longer sufficient to guarantee quality, you need to actually get a transcript or look up the specific program a graduate came from). What has happened here is exactly what happens in Batesian mimcry, where you had bonafide Masters studies, and then you had glorified bootcamps that do everything they can to present themselves as real Masters programs, often going out to do all they can for appearances including even awarding "Masters degrees" with the tiniest of asterisks on them. The problem is that the term "Masters degree" or "Masters program" has succumb to the onslaught of students who are trying to just buy themselves a pedigree. When 90+% of the last few years' "Masters students" are just going through glorified bootcamps, it no longer is enough to say you went to a Masters program except for the least discerning of people. Now someone who goes through an actually rigorous masters program needs to go out of their way to distinguish themselves from the idiotic hoardes. So if you want to claim your Masters program was legitimate and not bullshit you can't just say "masters program" you have to give lots of details like "my 50 page thesis project under professor so and so on advancements in field XYZ", otherwise you don't seem any different than Chimmy Chong that came here with a wad of cash to get an asterisk degree and a visa.

>> No.14777387

Which is better? I've heard that a PhD from the US is often seen as more qualifying than a PhD from Europe.

>> No.14777575

Depends what university it is from and what field it is in.

>> No.14777585

A bigger difference between a US PhD and an EU PhD is that an EU PhD will assume you have taken masters level courses (the real kind, not the “professional studies” or “continuing education” kind), whereas a US PhD program will generally require you to take their masters level courses (again, the real kind not the professional studies kind) whether you have taken them before or not. I think the US system is right to do this because courses get taught in different ways at different schools so having your PHD program also dictate your Masters-level background will put you on the same level as everyone else at the institution.

>> No.14778845

Because they smell.

>> No.14778858

>Once accepted, 'transition' back to a man.
Should be noted that this step is optional.

>> No.14779948

And not recommended. Life as a woman is life on easy mode.

>> No.14780062

This is a clear and cut case of "a particular person was already recommended and chosen for this job but to avoid any accusations of nepotism we still have to produce a public open position but we will make the requirements to bespoke that the only reasonable choice will indeed be our candidate"

>> No.14780067

This is always the answer if you are white.

>> No.14780069

Ive done 2 full interviews with Google, but denied each time without a reason of course, but now they the ones sending me emails, lmao

>> No.14780079

You should take your new job. You can still apply while working, it actually makes you more valuable to already be employed. Maybe even look for a job you really want to get into?

>> No.14780083

Oof. In Europe I'm paying 2000 Euros for the whole thing, and I get government gibs to help.

>> No.14780087

Please do the needful, sir. Do not redeem!!!! SIR DO NOT REDEEM!!!

>> No.14780098

You're most likely a pajeet and it's completely understandable to not have too many of those shitting up the campus

>> No.14780279

Same, but im in US.
Completed mine online by distance.

>> No.14780284

So do you believe that the ONLY mastet courses offered in the US are simply professional studies and continuing education? You are wrong.

This is what a masters in the US looks like; https://math.uconn.edu/degree-programs/graduate/m-s-in-mathematics/

>> No.14780514

Masters in EU are still legit, I'm referring to US/Canada and maybe UK

>> No.14780518

for my response

>> No.14780575

>You can still apply while working,
Won't that be seen as extremely unethical? To apply for PhD positions while doing a PhD?

>> No.14780582

I am from Germany.

>> No.14780605

Because you literally spit in their faces. You make professors aware that there are infinitely many more options and life paths they could of taken outside being shackled to academia while STILL doing interesting work.

I'm not even joking. This is especially true if you're going for a masters in math or physics and are working or have real work set up. It's really rather strange.

They'll remain hostile to you even if you aren't in their program too. My now retired lead had her Masters in Physics and did very interesting and diverse work across her career. When she was taking her daughter to university (her daughter was also getting a degree in physics) the head of the undergraduates (a woman) was seething the entire time.

You gotta realize, academia is very insulated. This is why you really need to shop around for masters programs. Make sure they emphasize that it's a program FOR professionals. Don't just apply to a random state schools master program because you will be treated like dog shit.

>> No.14780614

What planet do you live on?

>> No.14780657

Why would you go through a rigorous masters program, which only has utility as a spring board into a PhD program, if you already have a job?

The real question is, what is the utility of an academic focused masters program? In my mind, they shouldn't exist and the only reason for them to exist is as the true asterisk degree since typically they're only held by those too stupid to make it into a PhD program or those who flunked out of a PhD program.

The master programs focused on the working professional seem much more reasonable imo. They know what they are. You go to these programs, typically paid for by your organization since you're actually employed, you network with other professionals, you build credibility between the academic institution and your organization (which is MONEY), you build contacts with professors who are closer to real world problems, AND you typically focus on applications and how to actually use these concepts and techniques in the real world with real problems. I think it's a shame these programs aren't encouraged more as paths for undergrads (outside of the engineering community).

>> No.14780727


>> No.14780853

>experience in using that software
Who even adds these garbage requirements to job ads?
I can get competent in any software in less than a month of using it. I honestly refuse to believe that there are people, who would be applying to that job, who are so stupid that they would be incapable of that.

>> No.14780869
File: 1.46 MB, 1024x1024, DALL·E 2022-08-22 08.48.43 - A tragic photograph of a frustrated angry corgi dog attempting to fill out quality assurance paperwork over a dimly lit desk..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why would you go through a rigorous masters program, which only has utility as a spring board into a PhD program, if you already have a job?

Self development and self image, but inability to quit a full time job due to household responsibility.

>The real question is, what is the utility of an academic focused masters program?
The same utility as any degree in arts, philosophy, or specialized ethnic studies. The pursuit of knowledge itself.

>The master programs focused on the working professional seem much more reasonable imo. They know what they are. You go to these programs, typically paid for by your organization since you're actually employed, you network with other professionals, you build credibility between the academic institution and your organization (which is MONEY), you build contacts with professors who are closer to real world problems, AND you typically focus on applications and how to actually use these concepts and techniques in the real world with real problems.
Scenario: you are GS-13 and have an unused GI bill. One of what you posed matters, any further study us for the sake of study.

Stake out graduate programs and speak with faculty before you enroll to avoid insane academia rat race personnel like

>> No.14780875

Sorry for the typos, I am phone posting at work.

>> No.14780969

kebab industry is already saturated in cambridge

>> No.14780985
File: 48 KB, 1024x767, AEE40BD0-7057-497E-9D3B-01147D3B9773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congratulations, you are neither a nigger nor a gyno


>> No.14781043

This is an opensource simulation package written in C++ with a huge codebase and very little documentation. Learning it was fucking brutal.

>> No.14781393


>> No.14781621

>I can get competent in any software in less than a month
You've clearly never used complex commercial software.

>> No.14783155

Oxbridge is overrated desu. Adam Smith said so himself.

>> No.14784174

No university in Europe even comes close to Oxbridge, seething mainlander.

>> No.14784213

idk, I've met a lot of retards going to Oxford recently, what I *suspect* is that Oxford has opened up some sort of "professional studies program" or "extension school" with very low standards. Is that correct? I have seen it happening to US ivy leagues as well, you'll meet random fatso retards saying they're going to Harvard or Columbia and you're like, "uh, really?"

>> No.14784237

>wat? No. You'd have to be very valuable to your employer for them to do that.
Speaking from experience, not if you're a government employee.

>> No.14784261

ALWAYS self-identify as 'gender fluid', this means you get to tell them you currently identify as male when they meet you though they will never ask anyway.
There will be an 'other' on the gender so tick that box and write something, now diversity quota is fulfilled.

MSc is a credential mill that keeps the lights on and walls painted but not serious income.
PhDs generate the most income because it's hoping they produce patented research for the school that leads to massive amounts of income. So you have public funded grants, ie: your tax dollars, given to some parasites at universities who turn around and profiteer from it personally all giving themselves higher salaries and bigger staff like a 'dean and vice-provost of inclusion' for every single department. In a not bullshit world the tax grants would be paid back at least

>> No.14785403

no this is retarded.
masters students are usually there for coursework and not for novel research, ergo largely a waste of time to pay attention for any research prof.
the exception are thesis based, research-focused masters meant to take a student who has little research experience (but good grades + money) and make them competitive to apply to PhD programs.

>> No.14785411

going to stanford and paying hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt to not even break 6 figures is legitimately retarded.
CS majors get 120k out of undergrad for having 2 summer internships and applying to FAANG every year. They get their masters around SWEIII to break into 200k territory. If you can't manage even 100k after a masters -> industry, you've wasted a lot of time.

>> No.14785417

anon when it comes to the US, a masters in math is only something you might see >>14785403
in the US, you go into a PhD if you are a serious math student.

>> No.14787047

>tfw you'll never go to Stanford

>> No.14787936

No this is the case of all universities in the UK. Especially at the masters level they literally admit any retarded fuck willing to pay £12k-£35k for their 'brand' (kek at any uni in the UK but Oxbridge or at a stretch economics at LSE thinking it has 'name recognition')

>> No.14787940

>Going to a brand recognised university for math
>Earn almost minimum wage in some government role with all the additional social bullshit being the only thing the state is a 'first mover' on
Do people really?

>> No.14787945

I am not even bullshitting when I am saying I studied (or could have studied as an option) all of this stuff in my first 2 years in the UK, maybe functional analysis year 3. Definitely did functional analysis, Fourier analysis, measure theory, and the complex analysis courses in my undergraduate.

>> No.14787946


Didn't go to Warwick btw was just openly accessible content

>> No.14787949

EU masters aren't cash cows they actually serve their traditional purpose

>> No.14787955
File: 231 KB, 1200x1653, Logotype_de_École_normale_supérieure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*wins more fields medals*

>> No.14788219
File: 475 KB, 1912x1288, MITnowhitesallowed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do /sci/ and /g/ have such an irrational hateboner for Indians?
Because reasons.

>> No.14788321

>all of this stuff
What stuff, its just a list of requirements.
Passed two pelim exams from this list?

Because this;

Does not match this;


In addition, the courses sharing a title mean little. In Germany, their introductory courses titled Analysis are not the same as what goes by that name in the US.
But you could always message the American school and inform them that their graduate programs are inadequate. Make sure to mention that you've covered the equivalent coursework in your undergraduate years as well.

>> No.14788400

Interesting. I studied (or could have studied) all that stuff my last 2 years of high school in India.

>> No.14788722

>Functional Analysis II - UCONN
Normed linear spaces and algebras, the theory of linear operators, spectral analysis.
>MA3G8 Functional Analysis II - Warwick
>Assumed knowledge MA3G7 Functional Analysis I: Normed spaces, Banach spaces, Lebesgue spaces, Hilbert spaces, Dual spaces, Linear operators

>> No.14788732

Those pre-lim exams are easily first and second year topics in the UK.

>> No.14788771

They are the same though? This is 3rd year Cambridge undergraduate btw

>> No.14788782

*mogs English-speaking world with undergraduate curriculum*



>> No.14788794
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>> No.14789262


just call them and ask them kindly how the process is going, or if they need additional information.

>> No.14789280

just apply again, good chance it will go to a different HR Lady anyways.

from my experience in the industry if a advert is oddly specific they already have someone the want in that position, but to keep the Compliance officer and the Controlling silent they advert the position.

>> No.14789309

heula, on est top

>> No.14789327

compliance and diversity managers, controlling etc.

>> No.14789552
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>gender fluid
That's trash the better option is "masculine presenting trans lesbian". You can get all your documents changed to a women fairly easily, with states that require a doctor's note or something similar you can change gender on your passport then force your state to change it on your state driver's license. When your work HR asks "why not be a woman instead of presenting as man" tell them "you don't want to make a big deal of it in a work environment". HR will love to hear this because they get the benefit of diversity without any of the faggotry.
Now go forth trans brothers (sisters) and use this cheat code to use the globohomo world to your advantage

>> No.14789865

Alright so by "second year topics" you mean after you've completed your undergraduate? I don't know what that translates to in the US or continental Europe.
It is recommended in the US that you get your pre-lims out of the way as fast as you can, ideally ready to take them when you come in. Othwerise, no I don't believe that you're prepared to take PhD prelims in topology and analysis as a sophomore in the UK.

There are topics that build on each other, and even having completed Calculus II in high school, you would still need to take an intro to proofs course, calculus III, Linear Algebra, abstract algebra, among other topics before being exposed to content such as differential geometry that is on a list you're claiming is undergraduate material. Sure, you could streamline your coursework as an undergraduate to aim at a specific field, but the way you're framing it is rather disingenuous, along with switching your reference university from an (assumed) average one such as Warwick, to Cambridge, when comparing it to a state university in Connecticut. At the level of Cambridge you should compare to Princeton.

While not a University of Connecticut alumni, I and many others did not move to the US to attend programs far behind those elsewhere. They are competitive on a world scale. Your posts remind me of some New Zealand anon in /mg/ that also tried to join the US bashing bandwagon that is so popular on 4chan.

>> No.14789890

What are these "degree mill" or fake masters you guys are talking about? We have something similar where there are master degrees, a title that must be certified by the state authority of education.
And there are "masters" which are more like a plus on top of your university education and are not validated by anyone

>> No.14789905

>What are these "degree mill" or fake masters you guys are talking about?
There aren't any fake degrees per se, anons are just claiming that a degree without much rigor is "fake". The most common example of a "fake" masters in my humble opinion, is the MBA degree. It doesn't really qualify you for anything, it doesn't really teach you anything, you don't need to think, and it can't be failed. You pay, attend classes and complete coursework, and you earn a degree. These are priced according to the prestige of the institution and how it could impress future employers. But we could also say the same about the majority of programs of study at universities, as all you need to do is unthinkingly consume content and receive free grades on an arbitrary scale.

>> No.14790062
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Common question!
UK students are not burdened by American general courses.

>> No.14790132

No second year of undergraduate- that is the literal past paper from the second year at a UK university from this year

>> No.14790148

>intro to proofs course, calculus III, Linear Algebra, abstract algebra

All of these are taken year 1, semester 1 in the UK at any russell group university

>> No.14790164
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Kings College London year 1

>> No.14790165
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Year 2

>> No.14790167
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Year 3 you graduated hurray

>> No.14790172

This looks comparable to an average US undergraduate program. Americans are required to take an immense amount of unrelated courses, so they usually complete all of those core courses and a few electives in math by year 4.

>> No.14790180

>Americans are required to take an immense amount of unrelated courses
This is a good thing by the way, because it will be the last opportunity for stem autists to learn anything about the world outside their narrow sub sub sub discipline for their entire lives

>> No.14790201
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University of Maine. This is all completed by year 4, due to general load.

True, but it would not be required if the high school education in the US were not so abysmal. The universities are great and at international standard, the k-12 system is not. Most students are not ready to enroll in universities that they might have grown up right next to!

>> No.14790216
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Literally my final year at Edinburgh

>> No.14790242
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What I should have taken so I wouldn’t have ended up some poor on /sci/

>> No.14790249

Kek based course availability tbqh

>> No.14790263

Pretty cool. A lot of the times US schools just have like no courses and you get fucked once you complete everything the school has to offer.

This was my program. https://math.virginia.edu/content/41-ba-ma-program/

I also avoided finance due to several mental retardation. You are not alone. At least I left with a masters though, that meant something for getting a job later on.

>> No.14790270

What masters courses would you take /sci/? For me, it’s Title
Schramm-Loewner Evolutions.

>> No.14790280

Astrophysical Black Holes, easily.
Its the comic bookish aspects of the spectacular, unrealistic and completely non disprovable conjectures that really draw me in.

>> No.14790281

Those mathematical physics choices wtf

>> No.14790300
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>You will never get to wear a robe in an ancient building solving meaningless bullshit models

Going to kms why did my parents force me to play outside with the other kids and not sit on a dining room table doing math

>> No.14790314

You could have done that and still ended up exactly where you are now. I was in the navy with a guy who left Oxford with a masters in math.

>> No.14790328

Do you need to know French?

>> No.14790349

Based virginiachad.

>> No.14790434

This, reapply with a fake name and you'll see.

>> No.14791608

>a guy who left Oxford with a masters in math
What a retard.

>> No.14792217

bah oui, et dit pas des conneries comme ca quand vous etes ici

>> No.14792273

>Finance courses
People with a math background can pick up that shit over a few weekends

>> No.14793313
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Are you talking about GEANT4?

>> No.14793545


>> No.14795175

Write directly and ask for an explanation.

>> No.14795294

>sorry anon, but we didn't feel like you were a good fit for the position

>> No.14795312

So what you’re saying is the software is shit because it’s complicated enough that documentation and manuals need to be written

I honestly bet you the codebase isn’t that difficult
It’s difficult because you lack experience as a programmer and with C++

I could probably learn it in less than a month in my free time
If it was for work like a week and I’d be able to start using it to do certain things

I’m like easy e when it comes to that c double pee pee
Kiss the ring
Prostrate before me
I’ll steal yo job
Make out with the MUNNNEEEY

>> No.14795321

Best part is you’re going into some academic scam with programming when you could make bank in the real world
God damn academics are stupid now

>> No.14795450

>I could probably learn it in less than a month in my free time
It's roughly a million lines of code. I doubt it.

>> No.14795464

>dedicating an entire course to Sequences and Series
>but also combining Linear Algebra and Geometry into a single two-semester course
Do British people really…?

>> No.14795928

you will be earning 2000 euros too after graduating. dumb europoors always smug about their gibs

>> No.14796360

Worked on large code bases before
That doesn’t scare me
Just yield that you’re shit at programming it’s not your focus I’m sure
Just yield
The main problem is probably you cannot believe that you’re retarded
It’s ok, I believe already

>> No.14797919

If you say so lol.

>> No.14798751

american meta is wild

meanwhile in the rest of the world you're lucky to break 50k

>> No.14798948

did you send an email asking for details or engaged the professor directly? that's how you grab their attention.

>> No.14798960

the cost of living isn't the same, though.
I looked at postdoc positions in Harvard (of all places) and it's as low as 55k starting. Research is underfunded everywhere.

>> No.14798972

Yeah its fucked. The cope I go with is having a regular day job and doing hobby baby tier "research" in my little home office, and hope the kids don't make a mess and draw with crayon on everything again. I find myself caring less and less, since its just like a game, kids don't know any better. Maybe one of them will do what I couldn't and I can live vicariously through them.

>> No.14798985

i'm still at the PhD level and I'm starting to feel miserable when my discord buddies from uni are talking about getting new cars or mortgages for their homes and I'm contemplating working on saturdays as a bookseller or eating a single pasta meal at the end of the months.

>> No.14799021

I have a degree in English and a degree in Geology. I have 5 years of experience writing technical papers for a technology and engineering company and 6 months of experience writing geology reports for a geotechnical company. There are probably less than 6 people in the entire state I live in with this skill set.

Applied for a job in April needing a technical writer for a Environmental company. Get an automated response that they're sorry but they're going with someone with more experience. The same job shows up a month later. Apply again, get the same automated response that they're going with someone with more experience. The same job showed up again in August.

I'm sick of this shit. Obviously I'm qualified, obviously they need help but the automated system is filtering me for some reason and the company has no contact information on the job site because I guess they don't want to be bothered so I can't call them and ask what the hell is wrong.

One company I went to interview for back in February handed me a spelling test. A FUCKING SPELLING TEST. Before the pandemic I was paid $100 an hour for my skills for god's sake. I told the receptionist that this was completely insulting. I could give her a portfolio of my writing if they requested but that as a professional writer I use fucking spell check on my computer. Do they seriously ask their computer programmers to take a long division test before they're hired?

So I feel you OP. Businesses are increasingly automating hiring and filtering out good candidates because they don't know how to hire people in the digital age and don't know what they're looking for.


>> No.14799116

I emailed both co-advisors. Neither replied.

>> No.14799447

>cost of living
stupid fucking meme. most things cost about the same no matter where you go in the world. it basically boils down to rent/mortgage and local produce

after accounting for which you still have 2-10 times more money left over than your peers in europe, which you can spend on commodities like electronics or whatever that cost the same the world over

american living standards are unironically mostly backed by monetary colonialism, if not for your world reserve currency status you couldn't keep the dollar so strong while being in so much debt and trade deficit

>> No.14799457

>most things cost about the same no matter where you go in the world
>never lived in a frontier with 3 countries

>> No.14799464

>Do they seriously ask their computer programmers to take a long division test before they're hired?
that would be extremely based

>> No.14799475

I lived in France and now I'm in the UK and I can tell you I regret my move in some aspects. Pints might be much cheaper but everything else is easily 10-20% more expensive.

>> No.14799544
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>How are you not a multi-$millionaire in this economy, it's literally impossible to not make AT LEAST 6Figures/year

>> No.14799562
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>So I feel you OP. Businesses are increasingly automating hiring and filtering out good candidates because they don't know how to hire people in the digital age and don't know what they're looking for.
They've spent the last decades outsourcing everything to 3rd worlders. They get $Millions-$Trillions from publicly funded subsidies, then they just pay some 3rd Worlder to help create the West's Digital Infrastructure/Academia/Administrative Policies/Government.

There is literally a global campaign to oppress/genocide Whites, and it's not even a secret, they're open about it, unless asked directly about it, then they just pretend it's schizo conspiracy nonsense.
Look up the Kalergi Plan.

>> No.14799580
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>There aren't any fake degrees per se
Wtf are you talking about.
There's more fake degrees than there are legitimate degrees.

>> No.14799764

They found someone more qualified. The managers nephew.

>> No.14801178

Life would be so much more simple if I came from money. Imagine not caring about how much a job pays or where you live because money is irrelevant to you.

>> No.14804223

Sadly, that kind of life is reserved for the 0.1%. If it makes you feel any better, they rarely appreciate their wealth or make anything of themselves and their opportunity because their parents spoiled them.