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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 29 KB, 450x300, STEM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14792064 No.14792064 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14792073

OP, you forgot the pasta.

Also, the FAQ is updated:

>> No.14792080
File: 375 KB, 1200x1200, ezgif.com-gif-maker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does it take a special character to go through a PhD and subsequent research work, or is it just a matter of applying yourself?

It seems like a job best-suited for "workaholics", people who naturally spend their entire days working, all throughout their lives.

Personally, there have been periods of time (mostly in college) when I would work like that, but I'm not sure if it's something I could pull off for years and decades. It was more of a conscious effort on my part than a natural desire to do so. Am I fit for academia?
(Just to be clear, I would enjoy doing research in my field of interest. I'm just doubting my ability to work that hard for very long periods of time.)

>> No.14792095

You can do a PhD through sheer brilliance or by hard work. Someone I know did it by brilliance, but still decided to put in a lot of work, and has had a great academic career. I did my PhD through hard work, and thankfully that is a pretty good substitute.

OP, you forgot to link to last thread: >>14766015

>> No.14792143

is it ethical to tell a masters student to rewritte his thesis following a structure not mentioned previously in 8 months of supervision?

>> No.14792355

No, that raises a lot of red flags.
However, if this is in Germany, Der Professor is your warlord and you have choice. You could name the institution, perhaps after you have graduated.

>> No.14792486

ok so I graduated with a BS in EE last year
now what

>> No.14792497

Errrrr, you could perhaps tell us aboutthe job market and contrinute to the FAQ? In the last thread, EE was described as a great study with good jobs.

>> No.14792821

What type of maths will I encounter if I go into Electronics in EE?

>> No.14792907

how do i make more money

>> No.14792963

QM, RF, and DSP require a fair bit of calculus. DSP also involves statistics and probabilities.

Switch to management.

>> No.14793070

Should I go into semiconductors if I have anxiety and easily get the shits?
What happens if I shit my pants in the fab?

>> No.14793156

About to start a Msc in neuroscience. Anyone has general advice for me?

>> No.14793173
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>Should I go into semiconductors if I have anxiety and easily get the shits?
Time to reduce coffee intake, check your diet, and perhaps up the blueberry intake. Not too much though, as excreting bricks can be painful.
>What happens if I shit my pants in the fab?
Not all semiconductor work is in fabs or clean rooms. Fabs are often staffed with women since they shed less dust. According to old and strictly unconfirmed rumours, women prefer no men in the cleanroom since they, allegedly, wear litte under the clean room gear, called "bunny suit". If you are in a lab, you are likely to wear full body coverage and if you are lucky you will not be recognized when you leg it for the toilet.

Work where there never is excitement will be boring and over time numbing. Try the occasional trip outside your comfort zone. All the interesting work I have evcer done, have presented many tense episodes. I am a senior these days (no longer in cleanrooms) and I train my junior colleagues, working on getting them out of the comfort zone now and then.

>> No.14793182

Just wear a diaper with your cleanroom suit.

>> No.14793215

i will be a field service engineer for the machines and we do 12 hour days
seems like there will be no time for shitting
also there's not gonna be a toilet in the clean room, if you have to shit and piss i'm sure you have to go through the entire degowning process

>> No.14793264

OK, for avoiding continuous dumps throughout the day you can eat blueberries.
To avoid bladder issues, drink less than you want when you are thirsty, and then take sips over time until you have had enough water. Avoid salt and sugar, obviously. Still, don't hold in too much, if you pee more than 300 ml the bladder back pressure is too much, and the kidneys can be damaged. My capacity exceeded 1200 ml and I was told off by my GP. I had to check urine production for about a year to make sure it was OK.

We sure cover the strangest issues in this general...

>> No.14793303

People who joined a mentorship scheme(can be mentor or mentee) , what was your experience and how useful was it?

>> No.14793315
File: 3 KB, 1200x624, Logo_of_the_Technical_University_of_Munich.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it very competitive to get into TU Munich for a masters?
It doesn't seem like they require a minimum gpa, but my gpa is kinda shit cause I did fuck all at the undergrad, and I imagine they have a low rate of acceptance.
Realistically I think I'll have to look for a uni below the top 50 (for CS).

>> No.14793323

And just to expand on this, other options like Leuven, Milan, Amsterdam, or KTH Stockholm would be cool. Any experience with those?

>> No.14793759

I am from the US and couldnt get a job with my degree directly out of college so i just went for the quickest thing i could get which is some tech support bullshit and i fucking hate my life doing this. Probably cant look for a new job until 8-12 month point but how can i use this time to get a decent job in electrical engineering if i got my bachelors in it a few years ago and havent used it since? I also have a masters in physics(optical) recently but all the jobs in that shit are in areas i never want to live in so i need to find a rare remote job with little experience

>> No.14793766

if i have to i would try to learn some programming and get a code monkey job if that is possible too

>> No.14793807

I'm a dumb stupid nigger with an applied math degree. I never took an analysis course, my highest math is two courses in abstract algebra, which is just the entire abstract algebra book by Gallian. I feel stupid, moronic, hopeless. How could a school just not offer advanced calculus or real/complex analysis to undergrads and give them a degree....
At least I got a decent paying job through a career fair my senior year (80k starting).
I want to go back for a masters at least, as I feel so damn inadequate when talking to anyone online about maths that I enjoy.

>> No.14793840

>math degree
>no analysis
>no complex analysis
What did you do then? I'm assuming it was at least a few years, how do they fill out a curriculum that long in a math degree that way?

>> No.14793859

Code monkey? Software engineering is a highly respected and highly paid profession. You'd be lucky to get hired at top places like Google, which is more selective than the top universities.

>> No.14793934

Lol bro you are going to get eaten alive

>> No.14793964

Abstract algebra I and II, numerical analysis, two courses on differential equations, and Galois theory were my upper level courses. Rest of my courses from start to finish were Calculus I through III, linear algebra, statistical analysis, intro to proofs, discrete math, probability and statistics II and II, mathematical modeling, combinatorics, algebraic coding theory. Fucked up by getting 15 credits into CS as well, as I just wanted the algorithms course.

Working to more theoretical content in numerical analysis, I've reached a big stumping point in self study and realized I should have taken real/complex analysis during my undergrad. I ignored them and considered them a cringe rehash of calculus I had already done, as my university called them "advanced calculus"

>> No.14794011


>> No.14794012

Yeah you kind of got fucked. Having real analysis and at least complex variables (typically a lower level complex analysis course) is really important.

You can make up for it in grad school. It really isn't the end of the world. It kind of comes down to what you want to study too. Most useful applied math doesn't even really require thinking too hard about analysis, it just sets up a lot of reasoning for why certain things work.

You're also making a mistake trying to self study imo. You could probably jump into advanced courses and learn analysis on your way in a directed course by a professor. Why don't you at least take a real/complex analysis course for free on like Edx or Coursera?

>> No.14794019

I have been offered two jobs.
One is grouped as a "marketing and business development" role and sounds more like a sales job, yet it supposed requires a masters or phd in chemical engineering. i have a bachelor's in ee.
the other is a field service engineer with no degree required. ged with military experience is fine.
are both of these shit? which one should i take? i don't even understand why the degree requirement is in place for the first one but i feel like i'm status striving since i got that one and i only have bachelors

>> No.14794029

What's the pay for both what would you be doing for both? Some jobs have tiers of requirements for different pay scales (this is how government work goes).

>> No.14794038
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The pay is similar for both. This is the job posting for the first one. Maybe I'm naive but it doesn't sound like engineering at all. It sounds like some kind of sales/marketing/project management position.
Technically the word "engineer" is appended to the job title but it feels like every company does that these days, i.e. a stocker at Walmart might be called "product availability engineer" or something.

>> No.14794084

That’s a good gig. You’re the “idea guy” and not the salarymonkey engineer turning the crank on someone else’s design.

>> No.14794087

Because the semi industry is full of people with strong personalities who love nothing better than shitting on introverts who stare at their shoes. Your gonna be some ones little bitch inside 2 weeks lol.

>> No.14794097

damn that's scary guess i'll quit

>> No.14794101

i think i'd rather turn the crank.
ironically the one i posted is the salary job, the other one is hourly

>> No.14794159

Will coming from community college hurt my chances of getting into a good graduate program?

>> No.14794299

Nope. It can actually help you because you typically get a GPA reset when you transfer to a 4 year.

>> No.14794318
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Should I pic or a TI-84? I'm studing communication engineering and I want it mostly for laplace/fourier transforms and differential equations in general.
Not sure if relevant but I'm not from burgerland and most teachers don't give a fuck about what calculator you have, and most don't know how to use fancy ones.

>> No.14794459

I'm doing a chemistry undergrad right now. I love learning about chemistry, the topic is very interesting to me, but the more I think about the future the less sure I am that it's a good idea long term for a career. I have also heard bad things about the job market for chemistry. As time has gone on, my priorities have shifted. Mainly I just want a job that I can support myself with that allows me to work alone as much as possible. It would be nice to be able to work from home. What would be a better field of study to shift to in school to find a career that would allow this? I can continue my chemistry education on my own.

>> No.14794610

Is self learning a waste of time?

>> No.14794624

What are your opinions on psychiatry?

>> No.14794659

No. If you're committing yourself to a field, you should know the ins and outs of it. You're giving yourself an advantage over others

>> No.14794690

What the hell are you talking about? You say it's an advantage but you don't give a reason why.

Don't you think self learning is idealistic? Have considered time, energy, health, mental health, economic status, relationships, family, and other responsibilities?

Are people robots to you?

>> No.14794706

You're never going to succeed. I'll leave it at that

>> No.14794714


>> No.14794719

Whats wrong with going the traditional route

>> No.14794759
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I graduated with a 3.3 in engineering, but I feel like I'm still so fucking dumb compared to actual brainfags. I took the calculus series, linear algebra, and differential equations, but I only remember the application of those things to relevant issues in my field. I can tell what things are and how they work, but I can't explain WHY they work. I don't feel like I truly understand the science and math I apply, I just know how to use them. Is that what separates me (an upper level midwit) from the gigabrains and gifted minds of this world?

>> No.14794798

Self-learning is a midwit meme. All these guys claiming that you don't learn anything in college and how learning theory is dull and a waste of time end up getting all their "knowledge" second hand by following youtube tutorials by pajeet IIT grads, never seeing the irony that they are being taught the practical shit by people who spent like 90% study time learning theory and studying for exams.

>> No.14794886

Difference between calculus and analysis?
I studied real analysis up to complex analysis, but here I only see people talk about calculus separately, arent they the same thing?

>> No.14794978
File: 410 KB, 1200x995, 1631255145461.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i did it... i'm a "software engineer" now.

>> No.14795008

Why are code monkeys like this? DAE binary? DAE try to fix a bug only to make 2 new bugs? DAE drink so much coffee? DAE demand people clarify if they mean xor when they say or? DAE actually copy stackoverflow code?

>> No.14795064

How much trigonometry? Also, would I use computers a lot? I gotta ask because while I'm relatively better at trig annd other precalc, I'm very slow, if at all good, in calculus.

>> No.14795213

I don't really get it either but I think at least part of it is a difference between European and American universities. I don't usually see Europeans talk about Calc [number] like everyone will instantly know what that is. My guess is that American and European universities tend to structure their math classes differently and that's where the confusion comes from.

>> No.14795235

I am so sick of being unable to get a postdoc. I've done two one-year ones already, and getting those was like pulling teeth. I know my research is niche AF. I know my h-index is mediocre. But goddamn i should at least get a callback. But not even the teaching positions give me the time of day, despite 6sl years of TAing/course assisting.

At this point, I've got about 300 rejections. One could say I'm starting to get tired, really tired.

>> No.14795236

Is it normal to not know wtf you you're going to write your thesis on before entering grad school? I'm finishing up my undergrad and considering a master's but I don't have an idea for a thesis

>> No.14795266

I'm 21 and I'm thinking about going into college for an engineering degree. Last time I did any math was calculus in my senior year of high school and I just barely passed. It was always my weakest subject. Is it possible go into this and do well with really no background in the field or am I boned?

>> No.14795350

I'm starting my new student job at a research institute as a research assistant in the signal processing team, specifically going to be working with mathematical methods in signal processing.
I'm doing my master's in computational mathematics, and it is very likely I'll do my thesis with the institute, should I aim to do a phd in signals afterwards? If so, how high should I aim?
I am thinking of applying to top American unis to see what happens, I am doing my masters at a top uni in Germany and the institute is well renowned, I'll also probably get my name on a few papers before I am done with my masters, I would also like to get my thesis published.
Also, I could actually do my PhD at this institute, and they already told me I could definitely do it there with them, seems they like me.

>> No.14795468

>the semi industry is full of people with strong personalities
Yea, sure. Intel piled in on people with "personalities" rather than degrees. We see where that brought them. The new guy at the top will have to swing the axe and exterminate the filth.

>> No.14795476
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>How much trigonometry?
A fair bit, including the use of imaginary numbers and the [math]e^(i\theta)[/math] for in-phase and quadrature signals. There is a lot less about inverse sin and cos, and I cannot remember last I saw hyperbolic functions, though this is a long time ago now.

>Also, would I use computers a lot?
Probably, for running Mathlab and similar stuff, simulations of transmissions and encodings etc. Of course, antenna design adds more complexities, and borders on black magic, especially for microwave stuff.

>I gotta ask because while I'm relatively better at trig annd other precalc, I'm very slow, if at all good, in calculus.
You will need trig but most likely you will have to learn calculus.

You could go for a /ham/ license to set yourself apart from the crowd. There is a general over in >>>/diy/ham with a FAQ and large technical library.

>> No.14795484

In the Netherlands TU Delft is the most prestigious TU and requires a 75% GPA. The VU in Amsterdam has a poor reputation and it's hard to find a room near Amsterdam for < 600 euro.

>> No.14795728

>I would enjoy doing research in my field of interest.
that's the thing. I've always thought of myself as a lazy and undisciplined person, but when I first got the opportunity to work at a "serious" project at a lab for my master's thesis, I found myself putting in 7 day weeks for months on end without any trouble.

If you're the type of person who gets completely absorbed in something like a video game or a book, then it's quite likely that doing research will have similar effects on you.

>> No.14795736

Writing your thesis is the last 2-3 weeks of work, anon. And even if you are told to restructure you can probably keep large chunks the same.

Still, it's a dick move if he previously agreed to a certain structure and then went back on it. It's stupidity on your part if you wrote a thesis without even running a sketch of the table of contents by your supervisor.

>> No.14795767

I'm not concerned with my GPA. I'm more concerned with the admissions council looking down on me for having went to community college.

>> No.14795827

If anything it's a positive, you made it all the way there from shitsville. Shows that you're willing to persevere

>> No.14795852

>don't learn anything in college
is not the same statement as
>learning theory is dull and a waste of time
maybe it's different in t10/50/100 schools, but here in slavland any theory I picked up beyond the bare minimum required to pass classes was the result of me making a conscious decision to learn shit in my own time.

most of my peers didn't learn shit.

>> No.14795856

engineering is a midwit-heavy profession. you'll do fine so long as you can plug and chug, unless you're in MIT or some other elite place that treats engies as applied mathematicians rather than glorified tradies

>> No.14795858

this just sounds like the job market in any other industry tbqhwy

>> No.14795987

Self learning is a meme when it comes to getting a job unless you've got connections and high charisma.

>> No.14796306

How about the learning and information retention aspect?

>> No.14796317

Calculus will be the least of your problems in an engineering curriculum. Your upper division core engineering classes are where everyone gets rekt.

>> No.14796327

I hear that the US government employs the most mathematicians in the USA. What positions should I be on the lookout for an applying to? I want to do math, and I need a job that pays enough but isn't academia.

>> No.14796336

go into industry if ur a maths nerd

>> No.14796339

>working for the US government
hope you are triple boosted goy

>> No.14796346

Industry will just abuse me, give me 0.1% raises every 3 years, give me shit company health care that will deny all my claims, no pension, have to learn "frameworks" for 1001 things, and be fired on the spot randomly because the boss' cousin's daughter needs a job. Rather stay in post-doc hell.

I'm already double boosted. I just want to to math and have stable employment. Insane that its this difficult.

>> No.14796356

>I'm already double boosted.
>I just want...stable employment
You aren't going to live long enough for that to matter.

>> No.14796363

Anyone? This basically signifies the actual start to my scientific career, I dont know how phd admissions work or what the best move would be

>> No.14796392

>Industry will just abuse me, give me 0.1% raises every 3 years, give me shit company health care that will deny all my claims, no pension, have to learn "frameworks" for 1001 things, and be fired on the spot randomly because the boss' cousin's daughter needs a job. Rather stay in post-doc hell.

not if you go into a real job where they need competent people to do real complex work

>> No.14796637
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Is it possible to get enrolled in a PhD that is related to your field of study but you have no real formal education for it?

For instance I would like to do a PhD in physics or more specifically quantum computation and information because it's new so it's very pluridisciplinary and I like it.

I'm swiss and I have the equivalent of a computer science / electrical engineering double major, with a heavy emphasis on math classes, but I have barely touched quantum physics, and don't know shit about solid state, quantum electrodynamics, lasers and whatnot.

I've seen people with bachelors in CS go to Chemistry PhD in the US and I wonder how it works, where I live it is impossible, you need a masters degree related to the field of study to even apply for a PhD.

>> No.14796997

>The VU in Amsterdam has a poor reputation
Interesting, what about the university of Amsterdam (for CS)? It’s ranked above Delft on QS Ranking, but I’ve become increasingly skeptic of QS.

>> No.14797013

You can look for another job right now if you want to

>> No.14797035
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How long would it take to complete an online master's while working full time? Would I have a life? What kind of support is available for someone taking online graduate classes in nuclear engineering?

>> No.14797148

>I hear that the US government employs the most mathematicians in the USA.
Correct. And that is in crypto.

>> No.14797244
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What STEM career can allow one to control and manipulate normies for your own gain

>> No.14797663

Knowing how to use the tools is mostly what the world needs. Sure Gauss + friends are impressive when they happen, but the truth is that they are incredibly rare and also mentally ill. Math especially is such an unnatural way of thinking that if you are that fucked in the head that you understand a particular branch so well that you create new techniques… my god its no wonder all the supposed geniuses are fucking batshit insane

Be grateful you will walk away with the tools of these crazy faggots and not suffer as much of the doom that their illness demands of them.

>> No.14797668

ok where do i start

>> No.14797718

how do i join the dark side of EE.
i want to be an EEE (evil electrical engineer)

>> No.14797735

Work for alphabet agencies or FAGMAN

>> No.14797746

I have a job offer from the FAA, does that count as an alphabet?

>> No.14797754

Yes. You will become glow in the dark soon

>> No.14797758

ensuring safe flight lanes and maintaining instrument landing equipment just isn't evil enough for me, i need something more.

>> No.14798051

>How long would it take to complete an online master's while working full time?
non-thesis part-time masters are generally 30 credit hours or 10 classes, so it depends on if they offer summer classes and how many you can tolerate taking on top of work

doing one at a time in fall/spring/summer sounds doable, or you can be a tactician and pair easier classes with harder classes and take 2 at a time

>> No.14798321
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I find appeal in low level computer science. I have a hard time feeling like I understand anything if I don't grasp the whole of it. Which left me feeling dissatisfied and confused when the CS course I applied for focused much more on application design and basic proficiency in various software design technologies than hard computer theory. I therefore recently switched to Cybernetics and it's looking promising. Any postgrad chads willing to share their experiences with the field? Good, bad? What's the theoretical depth and workload I can expect from it?

>> No.14798418

I've heard good things about the university of Amsterdam it's better than the VU in terms of education and easier to get to by train from elsewhere in the country. The TU Delft is highly regarded among my colleagues in bioinformatics and synbio. Leiden also has a good department for CS and I think it works together with Delft but also has a 75% GPA requirement. This is just based on the people I've talked to so take it with a grain of salt.

>> No.14798435

when you do a PHD are you allowed to come and go as you please as long as you are getting your work done or do you have to be there at specific times

>> No.14798643

>i need something more.
The US nuclear arsenal is developed by national laboratories. The glow is unsurpassed.

>> No.14798666
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>You'd be lucky to get hired at top places like Google
Kekmao even.

>> No.14798740
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>You’re the “idea guy”
Well then what does the company do?
Just hire idea guys and people to build the ideas?
Why are there Millions of these ""Tech"", ""Biomed"", or ""Financial"" Startups that all seem to be convoluted Marketing Schemes?
Or do the (((Glowies))) just gatekeep anything useful from surfacing outside their inner-circle of connections in (((Academia, Gov. Agencies, Military Departments, Media/Publishers)))?

>Self-learning is a midwit meme. All these guys claiming that you don't learn anything in college and how learning theory is dull and a waste of time
Because a lot of it is based on flimsy, misinterpreted data, or just outright fraudulent bullshit. And the lying cheats are unfortunately occupy key Administrative positions in Academia, Gov, and Media Publishers.
>second hand by following youtube tutorials by pajeet IIT grads
A lot of Textbooks are outsourced to pajeets. I don't know if you're familiar with Textbooks throughout USA, but they are pretty brutal.
>never seeing the irony that they are being taught the practical shit by people who spent like 90% study time learning theory and studying for exams
There's a difference between parroting back information, versus genuine comprehension on a fundamental level. The problem is the current Educational Paradigm highly favors regurgitating information verbatim, and punishes any sort of mental-deviation as some sort of Mental Deficiency.

If you actually went through a kind of shitty educational system, you would understand that "Expert Instructors", however genuinely competent/intelligent they may be, are going to be handicapped by outdated curriculums and unproductive classroom procedures.

>> No.14798743

well that's one way to tell us you've never worked for a big tech company
the positions given to black people are mostly in HR, advertisement and other purely business related practice, all software roles are massively represented by indians and chinks, the only big tech jobs for which the majority of engineers are white are hardware related roles.

>> No.14798763
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>At this point, I've got about 300 rejections.
>One could say I'm starting to get tired, really tired.
Reject sleep.
Embrace Psychosis.

Western Society(Business, Academia, Government) has become subverted by foreign infiltrators, and domestic traitors who are spending unprecdented time/resources on campaigns to oppress, discriminate, lie, cheat, and steal from "Us".

>and they already told me I could definitely do it there with them, seems they like me.
Well, then you're set. Because it's not about what you know or what you're doing, it's literally just about who you know.

>Self learning is a meme when it comes to getting a job unless you've got connections and high charisma.
So it's not "Education" that is the problem, just petty Gatekeeping?
>How about the learning and information retention aspect?
I do believe a non-trivial amount of Academia is more like a "Social Club", than it is a "Education/Research Institution"...

>> No.14798793
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>Correct. And that is in crypto.
It's fun knowing that our Government gives $Trillions in Subsidies to foreigners so they can run Ponzi Schemes, Nonconsensual Medical Experimentation, and completely disregard basic human rights to our own citizens.

>What STEM career can allow one to control and manipulate normies for your own gain
That is the same question every midwit asks. That's what is frustratingly ironic. The "normies" who cause all kinds of shenanigans for everyone aren't some High-IQ-Masterminds, they're just sociopaths.

>> No.14798828
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>Be grateful you will walk away with the tools of these crazy faggots and not suffer as much of the doom that their illness demands of them.
I feel like a lot of them just coast off the achievements of others as an excuse to justify their bullshit.
Not to discredit the legitimate accomplishments of those that are truly "mad geniuses"; but there does seem to be a ridiculous amount of pseudointellectual midwits who are as unhinged as possible because they are under the impression that there's a correlation between "Psychopath = Intelligence".

>> No.14798832
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>all software roles are massively represented by indians and chinks
I'm shocked.

>> No.14798835

Should one abandon hopes of an academic career if he hasn't gone to a prestigious university for his undergrad and master's, and is about to start his PhD at a university not even in the top 100?

>> No.14798908

if you're talented you can make groundbreaking research anywhere, specially if it's theoretical.

>> No.14798919

Have you applied abroad?

>> No.14799242

am I expected to remember and do all those maths by myself in my job? I can hardly remember my coursework after a few months.

>> No.14799291
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I'm gonna graduate with a BS in physics / minor in math next year. What sort of jobs are there for people like me?

>> No.14799334

Worthless talentless trash lose your job

>> No.14799601

>Well, then you're set. Because it's not about what you know or what you're doing, it's literally just about who you know.
Sure, but I honestly dont want to stay in the city I currently live in, id like to go elsewhere.
I am thinking on trying Switzerland (zürich), stockholm and maybe even the us at a good school (something like columbia or even mit) but I dont know if this is aiming too high.
I will grad with good grades (not perfect tho) from my masters with a ton of very demanding courses done, actual research experience and also industry experience but I didnt have the best grades in bachelors except for the topics in which I specialized in.
I dont know I feel like the places I want are looking for ultra geniuses with perfect gpas and lazer sharp focus meanwhile my exp is more diverse and my grades arent bad but definitely not perfect.
Sorry for rambling, I need to get better at being concise

>> No.14799768

Data scientist
Software "engineer"
Burger Patty Acrobatics Aerodynamist
Patent Attorney

>> No.14799946

>Burger Patty Acrobatics Aerodynamist
I chuckled

>> No.14799958

>Patent Attorney
Most countries require at least a master's degree, and a PhD is quite normal.

>> No.14799977

i really cant decide which job to take

>> No.14800056

the job of taking a master's degree

>> No.14800169

I've finished two years of my PhD and I feel like I've fallen behind despite putting in 12 hour days, 7 days a week. I think my issue is that I'm getting autistically hung up on details while feeling like my theoretical foundations in many areas are shaky and lose sight of what's really important, of the big picture that will let me move forward. I think it's perfectly possible to publish and finish the thesis by the time funding runs out.
I've been increasingly stressed out, with additional worries about the future, that I'm lonely and abandoned and a piece of shit not worthy of being part of society, that I'll run out of money with everything exploding and that I'll freeze and starve in the winter.
Should I just drop this whole PhD meme now or is being in 3rd year too far deep and might as well push through? I've just created a LinkedIn hoping for some recruiter bot to pick my profile, but clincher is my specialty is low level/HPC/performance engineering and I abhor python and whatever else popular corporate industry languages - so no chance of part time/tricking someone with "full time" remote work. Thanks for my blog, I'm at my wits end and I'll probably kill myself by Christmas.

>> No.14800183

Yeah, it's with the DoD. Also you don't need to be vaxxed LMAO, that requirement hasn't been around for months now.

>> No.14800187

I did two at a time. It's very manageable outside of projects. Try to pair a class with a project and a class with exams. Two projects at once is pretty nightmarish with work on top of it.

>> No.14800200

Also, look for a professional masters and not academic masters programs, the former is much more flexible and typically doesn't require a thesis (which is unnecessary if you're already in industry unless you want to move to academia)

>> No.14800467

How early is too early to apply to transfer universities for the spring?
Could I as a US student go to someplace like TUM in Germany for free? Is that a bad idea? What kind of qualifications would I need for something like that?

>> No.14801068
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what are your thoughts on Engineering Technology?

>> No.14801075

me too bro

>> No.14801109

don't be like that. get a job with a utility company in your area. you're likely qualified, will stand out and at least have reliable income until you're ready for something else

>> No.14801195

I finally got the big EE job.
How long before I get to plow a 9/10 girl.

>> No.14801205

Your next vacation when you fly to Colombia.

>> No.14801339

how'd you do it anon
good interview? good resume?
prior experience?

>> No.14801464

Hang on in there. Most people feel like that during their PhD studies.

>> No.14801484

1. have a decent resume. if you are light on experiences, embellish. or lie. depending on how bold you are
2. apply to jobs either A) that are local to your area or B) that you are exceptionally interested in.
local jobs are more likely to reply and give you an interview
and you are more likely to do well in an interview for a job that you have a heavy interest in.
also apply to everything. it gives you more leverage and you will get better at doing interviews.

>> No.14801491

oh i forgot to mention, for everything on your resume, have stories about it. expect that you will be asked about items on your resume and expect that you will need to be engaging and fluid when you talk about those items.
the worst is when you are asked about something on your resume and you just fumble around the answer and are clearly bullshitting. it's physically painful for the interviewer to listen to.

>> No.14801496

Or pull a Rachel Dolezal. Then they'll be begging to hire you.

>> No.14801605

If you had to start over again what major and pathway (like comfy gov job or national labs or FAANG) would you choose?

>> No.14801637

I would stick with my major but I wish I had done it 10 years earlier. Now I'm in my 30s and I feel the pressure of being too old to start grad school.

>> No.14801650

Feeling dumb, or don't want the kids in the lab snickering at you?

>> No.14801660

average age of students in grad school is over 30

>> No.14801678

I feel the pressure to be in a career and make money, and maybe even a family. If I was like 23 I would want to go to grad school right now no question.

>> No.14801698

but why? quality of life peaks in college anyway.

>> No.14801705

What major?

>> No.14801717

EE but I want to go to grad school for physics, which means it will take even longer because I'll probably have to do some catch-up classes.

>> No.14804813

Is there any advantage to doing a thesis master's. Would it help if I wanted to do a PhD?

>> No.14804833

>grad school for physics

>> No.14804837

How else will strangers know that he's smarter than them?

>> No.14805005

Are courses on control worth it even if they aren't ditectly related to my field (telecom) and are under automation?

>> No.14805170

It seemed to lead to the kind of career I wanted.

>> No.14805175
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tfw civil engineer
tfw 27 and still doing field work

>> No.14805181

>It seemed to lead to the kind of career I wanted.
master's in optics?

>> No.14805183


Stick with it. A thesis can come together quicker than you could imagine in the end, and publications aren't really very important if making money matters more to you than fake academic praise.

Also being such a sperg about not using python will lose you a lot of good opportunities.

>> No.14805188

I think I'm mentally ill.
I used the shotgun approach to job hunting and mass applied to everything.
I ended up getting way more job offers than I expected. Now I am absolutely paralyzed with indecision and legitimately afraid that I will make a wrong decision and be miserable and be stuck wondering about the other ones I turned down.
Also last week I didn't go an interview because I already had so many offers available to me, and now I wake up this morning convinced that that job was the exact one I needed.
I think I'm mentally ill.

>> No.14805223

kinda jealous
desk work fucking sucks

>> No.14805260

>I think I'm mentally ill.
No. What you describe is just overthinking, or in modern buzzwords, "analysis paralysis".
just go through the pile and find the job that will give you themost development. Early on that is more important than salary.
Also remember you can change jobs later, you don't marry your employer.

>> No.14805279

Don't you guys think it sucks that 85% of jobs are made through connections? As someone who was always told that "the nerds will be the bosses one day" I am horrified by this reality.

>> No.14805301

It sucks but it is also something you can leverage to boost your career.

>> No.14805332

There's just no clear solution. Which triggers me.
I don't even know what will give the most development.

>> No.14805351

This is depressing. I know that no matter what I do I will feel like I made the wrong choice. Mental illness sucks.

>> No.14805398

New online masters to sit alongside University of washington, JHU, Colombia, Texas A&M just dropped.


What have my fellow credential seeking government workers gone for?

>> No.14805451 [DELETED] 

>tfw finished my masters dissertation
>one week left to submit it
>tfw I probably won't be able to do it because supervisor has been fucking off for a couple of months now and is ignoring my emails
>can't afford to pay for another course (just to submit the dissertation and defend it)
>tfw 2 years of my life and a shitload of money (for me) wasted
A literal fucking scam. I want to kill myself.

>> No.14805459

Just take out a personal loan to pay for another course. Better than just not completing the degree. But you should probably complain to school admin about that.
>"Nooo I don't want to waste my time on master students nnoooo"
Literally what the academicuck gets paid to do, report him.

>> No.14805500
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>Also being such a sperg about not using python will lose you a lot of good opportunities.
My whole niche is high performance numerical work. I wouldn't be able to compete with some CS cretin who's been drilling algorithm puzzles for the past 2 years specifically to get past software interviews, plus his 4 internships. And he wouldn't be able to compete with me.

>> No.14805533 [DELETED] 

I probably will. Problem is that he is the coordinator of the master's degree and is buddy-buddy with the uni's higher ups. I don't stand a chance.
I think I'll have to start from scratch with another supervisor.

>> No.14805830
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anyone know of fellowships that you can apply for in the middle of a phd? for physics, specifically.
NSF GRFP and DoD NDSEG are the big ones that people usually receive but you're only eligible if you apply in your first year or two. I had no publications at the time but now I'm working on some pretty high-impact projects and would like to try and get a fellowship on top of that, but I literally can't find anything

>> No.14806352

it was only when I needed /scg/ the most that they failed me.

>> No.14806499

definitely would help if you wanted to do a PhD, but I have heard of people moving from coursework only masters to doing their PhD at the same school

>> No.14806501

applied to OMSCS since I've really been enjoying CS stuff more than my engineering job for the past few years

>> No.14806540

FUCK. accidentally just emailed my professor from my personal email account that has a non PC name. what the fuck do I do? is there anyway to delete an email from someone's inbox after you've sent it? like can you take it back?

>> No.14806541

No way to know for sure than to try, bro. No point not trying it and asking ‘what if’

>> No.14806584

try to find out about your competition, I wanted to start a chip design master's however I checked the admission statistics and the competition was almost as bad as for computer science master's in multiple unis, so I didn't.

>> No.14806601

No I mean that no matter which job I take, I will probably be unsatisfied and filled with regret and left wondering if I made the wrong choice, even though I realize I would likely be just as unhappy at any of the others.
I've come to realize that suffering is the defining characteristic of life, or my life at least.

>> No.14806867
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Swissters, I finished the last exam of the Basisprüfung last week. Don't know if I'm GMI desu, I really fucked up inorganic chem.

>> No.14807040

Have you ever read Kierkegaard? He talks about two groups of people: those trapped in the finite and those lost in the infinite, or something to that effect (it was a while ago). The latter group of people is plagued by chronic anxiety because they can't decide on a path. Reading his ideas really helped me get over my anxiety, so maybe it'll help you too.

>> No.14807175

Why is Technology separate from Engineering in "STEM"? Isn't all technology engineered, and all engineering done to create technology?

>> No.14807277

for me it's SMEGMA (Science, Mathematics, Engineering and Mathematics (Applied))

>> No.14807309

Scientific Models, Engineering, Mathematical Applications

>> No.14807427

Why not kill him instead :^)

>> No.14807445

>am I expected to remember and do all those maths by myself in my job?
If your job is to develop new DSP algorithms, then sure, you have to. On the other hand, you will be handomely paid for skills in algorithms, especially if they end up in a telecom patent.

>> No.14807660
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Good luck swisster, YGMI, never forget how powerful regrading is.
Also why did you finish so late? At picrel there are no exams in August as far as I know.

>> No.14807810

i shit my pants in the lab

>> No.14807818
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Has anybody any info on mechatronics engineering? Is the pay good? Is it easy to get a job?

>> No.14807864

Is it better to work with Intel or TSCM?

>> No.14807920
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Scala chads rise

>> No.14808009

The trade off goes like this: you gain a thesis that looks good when applying to PhD programs, you typically have to slow down on coursework in order to focus on a thesis (it's really not reasonable to be working 2 course, a full-time job, and a thesis all at once). Typically you also sacrifice at least 1-2 instructor led courses for self-study courses to work on the thesis.

>> No.14808023

As a credential seeking government worker, I went for the JHU Applied and Computational Math Masters. I'm almost finished with it, it's a pretty solid program with lots of courses so I'm happy with it.

After this, I'll probably get a certificate or maybe a masters with the Air Force Institute of Technology.

>> No.14808034

Depends on how far in you are. You could look into getting an internship with a DoD facility and then swinging a SMART fellowship (it guarantees/straps you into employment afterward too)

>> No.14808044

Can I fake my way through an electrical engineering interview?

I'm an IBEW trained journeyman electrician and recently someone attacked me and stabbed me multiple times leaving my right arm paralyzed and I really need to get back to work, but I need an office job - so I figured why not EE.

>> No.14808056
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Im gonna graduate in the fall with a degree in genetics and genomics with a plant bio minor haven't had an internship or worked in a lab, what are my prospects rn?

>> No.14808058

>tech support
>in electrical engineering
>remote job with little experience

>> No.14808059

for me no, i got into tum, lmu and heidelberg for physics, the only place i got rejected was imperial college cause i submitted my application late

>> No.14808060

>Also why did you finish so late?
I think The Basisprüfung block is scheduled later than the "normal" exams. For my department, they lasted from the 10th to the 26th.

>> No.14808061


>> No.14808077

power systems, maybe, but probably not any other field. and obviously you wont get hired without an ABET degree, fyi

>> No.14808098

That's pretty shit. You can try and buy a fake degree and see if it'll get you into some comfy office job (emphasize your disability in cover letters for max diversity points).

Otherwise, you can go for an EE degree, I don't know if you've had any undergrad schooling. It can be pretty frustrating (especially the first couple years with all the BS they throw at you), but if you're willing to go through with it, I'm sure you could get internships due to your background and scholarships (good ones too since you ARE disabled).

Basically, my suggestion is go for an EE bachelor's, try to get internships as soon as possible, apply for disability scholarships and also look for Electrician to Engineer scholarships (I'm sure they're out there). If you focused into Power as well, I think after an EE degree you'd be a highly desired worker. Milk the disability for sympathy bucks and play the fact that you were an electrician and you will get a lot of opportunities imo.

>> No.14808235

Ok, thanks for the advice.

>> No.14808360

Anons, I need some motivation. Are we really going to make it? Is it even worth it?
>years of schooling for salaryslave job

>> No.14808361

No we are not gonna make it, it is not worth it, but we are gonna do it anyway

>> No.14808681

Thats good to hear brother. What did you do your PHD in?

>> No.14808715
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I'm finishing my chemical engineering B.S. but will be taking graduate level courses in my school's space systems engineering program in hopes of getting into the space industry. Would getting a masters in space systems engineering be a huge mistake and kill other options? Would I be better off pivoting into mechanical, Aerospace, or electrical graduate programs and just take undergrad coursework?

>> No.14808720
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I understand that chemical engineers are present in the space industry, but they seem far fewer between than any other major engineering discipline. I'm not sure if space systems engineering will complement my degree as much as it will replace it.

>> No.14809332

How easy is it to get into research in other sciences, say ecology or sociology, after doing a masters project in physics of complex systems and nonlinear dynamics? I heard theory of complex systems is very similar everywhere, so it would be awesome if I could actually do it.
Do you know of any institutions that do such research?

>> No.14809445

I tend to think that specialized masters are a bad idea, not only is the coursework usually very limited but if you have a change of heart along the way it might slow down your career for a while.
I think CS, EE, ME, Maths, Physics and Chemistry, or any combination of these majors / minors, is always the best way to go.

Also chemical engineers can work almost everywhere as far as I know, I'm pretty sure you have positions open for anything that has to do with fuel, fluids, or materials.

>> No.14810117

Starting to apply to jobs but completely unprepared for interview questions.

I'm thinking of searching the internet for common interview questions and writing down my answers to them, is this how people do it? I legit cannot think of an answer on the spot so I plan to just write out my general responses (I won't read it out word for word ofc).

>> No.14810162
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what was (You)r interview process like? i'm a cs-math double major and just about every software-related interview i've had were 6-9 hours long (over multiple days, of course). i'm wondering it's the same for engineering or research jobs.

>> No.14810598

I am doing a bachelors in mechanical engineering right now, year one, it’s alright, but considering we do significantly less math and stuff than our masters student counterparts, i am thinking about what my actual job prospects are when i graduate.

I don’t feel like studying for 5-6 years for the bigger brother degree, so what type of work can i expect to do with a bachelors in mech e? Testing prototypes? Doing cad work?

Is it a bad life decision to go down this route and only get a 3 year degree?

>> No.14810774

I spam applied to lots of jobs and had a huge variety in the interview process. I've had one guy hire me on the spot like it was a minimum wage McJob. I've had other places make me go through 4 rounds of panel interviews.

>> No.14810781

From what I've seen, a lot of the opportunities at the bachelor's level in engineering is doing CAD. Making drawings. Basically a draftsman.
Even though you're just a freshman you should be looking at jobs right now and reading the descriptions and qualifications. Try to figure out where you want to go.

>> No.14810784
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WAGMI! That is why this general was created.
As for worth it, that is a harder question than many first think. The firest few jobs I did were really badly paid but I got to see the world and somehow got a lot of experiences along the way. These days I am in a financially very good position. My colleagues, who took the more direct route, have probably done a lot better than me financially, but I dare say I got the most out of my youth. And that counts more as you get older.

>> No.14811146

What is your gross annual income and where do you live?
>85k, Portland.

>> No.14811148

no fucking way

>> No.14811152


Mathy eco jobs do exist but they're overwhelmingly academic

>> No.14811163


Try to get into compbio. Pays better than lab monkey, you're doing more of the actual interpreting of the data and you can work remotely.

Not many jobs outside or major cities, but not much competition either. Plus an awful lot of what you'll be doing will be genetics, giving you a key advantage over the molecular biologists, who aren't as used to bigger data.

>> No.14811271

Has anyone here considered becoming a lecturer because they think they'd be very skilled at it? People tell me I'm really good at explaining things, I'm wondering if that means I'd be solid teacher material

>> No.14811803

As a sophomore in electrical engineering, what the fuck do I put on my resume if I've only ever worked retail/fast food and never joined any clubs or extracurriculars. Looking to apply for summer 2023 internships and I feel like I don't know near enough about anything to be qualified for any internship

>> No.14811806

bro, your GPA?

>> No.14811991

talk about projects you worked on and how it utilized skills, leadership and teamwork

>> No.14812073

talk about your lab projects and course work.
you might think it's stupid but the absolute worst thing you can do is walk in like a blank slate and just expect them to hand you a job
you have to sell them on it at least a little bit. they aren't looking for experts but they do want to hear you talk about your experiences

>> No.14812198

you have to ham up your school projects, its your only option

>> No.14812213

Same here, except companies here in Europe barely provide internships to begin with. I've been to the US and all the people I met there had at the very least 2 to 3 internships experiences, meanwhile, nobody around me back home has any, even if we come from the second best school in the country, not only the coursework is too heavy, but schools don't accomodate or help you for internships.

The only companies that propose internships are the ones that come from the US (IBM, Google...) and even then, they act like every other euro companies and will ask you the impossible for an entry level job or recent grad internship so at the end of the day, it's american students who came from the US to study in Europe that end up getting the internships anyway.

I fucking hate this shit, I don't know what to do. I have 3 months of research experience and 3 months of team development but no big name company internship or anything that could make me stand out so I can barely pass resume screening.

>> No.14812304

what are some phds that i can speedrun
i need credentials and i need them fast

>> No.14812506


I'd look ike to add linear algebra/numerical methods to the list of DSP related math

>> No.14812543

deBroglie is famous for his bried PhD thesis. See if you can do something similar. Of course it will have to be Nobel Prize material, but hey, don't let that worry you too much.

>> No.14812579

I don't think you need this

>> No.14812584

Not normal. Most have an idea, however, that usually gets balled up and thrown away as it wasn't what their advisor wanted/had funding for

>> No.14812589

That's up to your advisor

>> No.14812694

Do personal projects hold the same value to employers as school projects

>> No.14812853

so how do I prepare for job interviews as a CS major? any good sources for reviewing important shit? is leetcode really all it's cracked up to be?

>> No.14812862
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Ty m8, was missing this.

>> No.14813608

learn to code

>> No.14813610

>Same here, except companies here in Europe barely provide internships to begin with.
Sure it is the same across the whoe of Europe? Here in Norway I just walked up to a lot of tech companies in my home town and asked for a job. Perhaps I was naive. Still, I got a nice summer job that was somewhat relevant (soldering chips, assembly programming, graphics, maps, image compression etc. )

>> No.14813620
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>he didn't just finish with an easy bachelor's and work at his/her/xe's patent office as a patent examiner

Lmaoing at your life

Making a reasonable salary w fed benefits doing a bullshit job with tons of freetime to study what I actually like

>> No.14813732

In what country can you become an Examiner with anything less than a master's degree??

>> No.14813783

USA, though a good amount of my colleagues have masters/phds. Feels good to not waste my youth in grad school

>> No.14813804
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Ok so im 2 years out of 5 to get my master's in computer engineering and slowly realizing myself go senile and mentally fuckign rot from doing all the math and programming.

Hypothetically how fucking retarded would it be to switch to the humanity's since I'm naturally more "wordy" and write/read literature like a fucking machine so I know I have a gift for words, I'm usually managing and giving speeches in group projects etc. Everyday I look at all the geeks in my program and realize I am in the wrong place and I fucked up majorly.

I could make the same if not more studying law, politics, and anything dealing with words, people, leadership roles, etc.

>> No.14813814

Same here. Someone told me being an engineer as a non-nerd can be a major benefit. Like the philosopher king, the scientific artist, etc. It is harder for us but I feel like a tech company CEO in the making considering how anti-social and unhinged the average stem fag is.

>> No.14813821

That sure explains a lot!
t. non-US patent attorney.

>> No.14813829

You say that but US examiners are held to higher standards than other offices. I can't handwave dependents like I see examiners do in EPO office actions. And don't get me started on the garbage that Asian patent offices put out...

>> No.14813852

how hard is the GRE?
what is the difference between the general test and the specialized test

>> No.14814349

Which book specifically? I suffer from this stupid shit, everyday hours lost looking back on decisions that theoretically could still be reversed with time and hardship with the bonus of extra uncertainty. That or trying to calculate the best path foward with no obvious answer.

>> No.14814479

Start here

>> No.14814494

How do I know my unis IC design program is good enough for me to get a relevant job when there are only veen a few 22nm tapeouts for Nokia?

>> No.14814608

what the fuck is a tapeout

>> No.14814724

Like a tapeworm except electronic

>> No.14814939


>> No.14814986

Just filter out the jobs that'll make you want to kill yourself, then pick the one that pays the most. Simple as.

>> No.14815436 [DELETED] 
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So, I think I might want to change careers again. I'm 34, I am working as a Senior Analyst for a large engineering group making maps using lidar and GIS. It's a good job, work from home, 58k a year. Its exactly what I set out from college to do but now, more or less I'm bored. I want a master's or some other upper level degree. I've spent the last 5 years caretaking my fiancee and mom in the hospital and it has me thinking about med school. Am I crazy? I would only need about a year (6 or so classes) to technically get into med school, besides MCAT. I mean my current trajectory with my career is programming and more or less sitting behind a desk (home or office) the last 5 years has me uninspired. And programming is not hard for me to learn just, it's hard to learn if your not interested in it. I do better with more interaction maybe? Should I be a geologist? That's not far out of reach either but I've tried oil and gas and it's not really my cup of tea either. More or less I'm the only one in my family who went to college and I am rather high achieving but I don't have much direction or network. I've been care taking so a lot of my free time has been taken up by that but now that that's winding down I'm wondering what the hell I should do to not be bored/poor. I'm good with high stress, thinking on my feet and being calm, I am a logical person who is nice. I thought about being a teacher growing up but I don't have kids and it's kind of a shit job. I love travelling and unsolvable problems. I am just a little lost. Any advice?

>> No.14815446 [DELETED] 

you sure do seem to like talking about youself

>> No.14815633

Oh? I constantly get that "not persuasive " stuff rather frequently. I guess that paragraph is on a hotkey.

>> No.14816265

The question to a sub second search journey.

>> No.14816559

Is Bio-medical engineering a woman career?

>> No.14816604

We all will live forever!

>> No.14816616

i don't understand

>> No.14816619

push yourself to the brink but take a year off
right now is the best time to take a year and reset your angle
make up medical leave, whatever leave you can take
I made this mistake and regret it

>> No.14816624

it's a meme career, you'll have to go to med school or learn2 code if you choose it

>> No.14816820

yes...the BmE department in every school is like 50% woman
The answer is to do EE, as always

projects obviously

>> No.14816868

Dont be a fucking nigger.

>> No.14816885

electrical engineering is the blue collar of stem

>> No.14816948

Where the fuck are you living?
It's been a while since the CS demographic evolved, remember that everything geeks used to like is now the normies' property. If anything, CS classes are now filled with highschool jocks and popular girls these days, most don't even like coding or hardware to begin with and this is why they all flock to data science positions and made it the new hot thing because it's mostly a bullshit corporate management tier job under the guise of a CS title.

>> No.14816970

Should i drop out of engineering if calculus doesn’t come to me right away?

>> No.14816978
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Alright /sci/, here's the deal.

I graduated HS a couple months ago and I'm about to do an integrated master's in physics in one of the top schools in my cunt. I live in india though so the school is only like 400 on Nature Index.

I'd like to move to a firstie cunt as soon as possible after uni ends, and I want to get rich. I can learn physics on the side as a hobby.
I've identified quantitative analysis and management consulting as the two best options for me. IT jobs don't seem interesting even though I'm a /g/-tard and I like tech.

I'd appreciate it if anons could post about how they became a quant or an MC guy after getting their physics degree. What would you have done during undegrad, in hindsight? Do you like your job?
Getting a physics PhD seems like a lot of wasted time if you're not going to do something physics-related in the end.

Also, I've heard that the US is terribly difficult to move to. Are all anglo countries like that? Any advice on moving to a firstie cunt from a thirdie shithole would be nice too. Government here is becoming more like China with every passing day.

>> No.14816980

Good morning sirs

>> No.14816983
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good morning to you too, anon

>> No.14816985

On a serious note though, getting a visa will depend largely on your ability to land a job if that’s the route you’re going.

If you get a degree in physics the job market is probably 1/100th that of what a degree in EE or CS or Mech will open up.

>> No.14817014

I fell hard for the "do what you love in college" meme. And desu I don't want an engineering/IT job. Finance is lot more interesting and they value physics degrees so I don't think it's that bad.

>> No.14817069

Please stay in India. Everywhere is full.

>> No.14817357

>master's degree
>"wordy" and like to write/read
>studying law
Considered a career as a patent attorney? that career lets you do all three things.

>> No.14817544

I would if India weren't so bad, anon. We're actually regressing in many ways. And at the end of the day it is your government that chooses to give people visas/citizenship.
Anyway fertility rates are declining worldwide. I don't know a single person my age who has more than one sibling (if they have siblings at all). Our population will peak sometime this century and soon we'll all be living in comfy areas with low population densities.

>> No.14817689

all the les quirky science mathlets go into medicine

>> No.14817781

How bad does a gap year look to graduate schools? Long story short, I got very depressed and withdrew from most of my classes one fall and took a light course load the following semester. I did end up getting better and I resumed taking a full course load every semester going forward.

>> No.14817828
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>could have dropped out and trade shit coins 5 years ago
>missed the GREATEST wealth distribution from the 0.1% elite to normie wagies become millionares

demoralized, burned out, and on suicide watch 24/7. Stem made me hate life and I live in regret everyday. I live like an indian sweatshop worker while my crypto friends are buying fucking imported race cars and travelling to private reserves.
I have a gift for management, business, analysis and research. I was born to be a crypto shitlord, instead I sat in my dorm cramming for math tests. I could just fucking kill myself and not be such a brainwashed faggot onions weakling in my next life cycle. I could have actual balls and take risks and become a millionaire. I predicted the greatest generational wealth distribution that will happen through crypto A DECADE before it happened.


>> No.14817837

>I made this mistake and regret it
Do you mean the mistake of not taking a break from stem or going with stem alltogether?

>> No.14817842

>missed the GREATEST wealth distribution from the 0.1% elite to normie wagies
More like wealth distribution from one set of normie wagies to another in the greatest Ponzi scheme ever conceived.

>> No.14818404

But can you still do a bachelors in engineering if math doesnt just snap into your head second nature like?

>> No.14818508

the NSA will get back to you very quickly if you apply as a newgrad EE

>> No.14818731
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When I was your age, people around where I lived were stiking rich, self made multi millionaires based on "investments" that turned out to be a Ponzi schemes. Inevitably it collapsed, taking a lot of paper "wealth" down with it and into the drain. I don't think any of those guys ever recovered, and that also includes the sorry remains of their reputations.

Like you, I took the slow, steady and honest route. And today I am quite comfortably well off, and without trying to be pompous, also well respected. My income is steady, and I would have no problems finding new work, though I would prefer to remain in my currebt job.

Slow and steady does the trick, so hang on in there, anon. WAGMI!

>> No.14818742

People who studied chemistry and went on to do data analysis or data science, what skills were useful for the jump to the role?

>> No.14819057

I get what he means though. You work so hard in school because everyone tells you STEM is such a great career and you will be well off.
Then you graduate and get the job and you are working like a dog 12 hour days for some mediocre salary under immense stress while all the normies and scumbags are STILL doing better than you in every way.
It feels like STEM was some giant nerd trap and despite all your booksmarks you were the only one dumb enough to not realize it

>> No.14819117

>I get what he means though.
I do too. STEM is just far from instant gratification.
And I know what you mean the filth raking in major money. I remember one girl in class, who had no inhibitions or hesitations in sleeping her way to the top. And she did really well, that is until her lifestyle caught up with her, and she died fully dissipated really young. I notice her family has made an effort in removing her public web pages. Also others that I have met on my way have seen their careers implode, some dies, others were jailed. And I am still standing.

Fate catches up with everyone. It may take longer time than is fair, but their time will come.

t.Count of Monte Cristo

>> No.14819123

I'm not looking for revenge, I'm just looking for happiness, and I don't believe it's real anymore.

>> No.14819364

yeah it's all the same as long as you could show it off in an interview

>> No.14819378

you can but why would you chew a cactus? i was miserable the whole time i was getting my engineering degree

>> No.14819383

no one cares

>> No.14819687

Can someone advise me on doing a minor in Physics with a major in EE? At first, I thought I should pick more electives but unfortunately, most of them either aren't offered or have very limited seats. I heard that it's common for EE majors to minor in Physics or CS. I contemplated minor in Maths or CS or CE but those have way too many courses that I can't afford. A physics minor is closer to my reach and also I really enjoy Physics.
Would it make a difference in my job prospects? Everyone I asked says that minors are worthless and doesn't really affect your prospects.

>> No.14819804

If you do well in physics with an engineering major it opens you every academic doors

Dont know about industry

>> No.14819808

We do it not because it is easy but because it is hard.
Also because there is no dignity in any other career path

>> No.14819894

yeah dude, you really should pursue a vocation
if it ain't easy then you are just not cut out for it, a fish that climbs a tree as they say

>> No.14820216

Nah do civil

>> No.14820226

How can I meet somebody who also follows an obsessive study routine? I'm talking 12+ hours a day of pure studying.

>> No.14820371

>12+ hours a day of pure studying
this is dumb and pointless

>> No.14820424
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>I'm not looking for revenge,
My point is that you don't have to, it will come to you. Or, a bit more poetic: “If you wait by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by.” ― Sun Tzu
>I'm just looking for happiness,
Same here. What "the meaning of life" is, depends on each of us. To me it has been to experience new things. This made me do a PhD, it made me do studies and postdocs around the world, and while it didn't make me a lot of money at the time, it nevertheless gave me a great time, for which I am happy. It is quite possible it is something else for you, though I will hazard the guess that it won't be far from my view since we are both here on /scg/ discussing this topic. It is also worth thinking about the fact that few discuss this seriously and without beaing drunk.
>and I don't believe it's real anymore.
It is. You just have to think about what it is that brings happiness, and also enjoy the moments. Far too often people talk about "the golden age" in the past tense. Yet it can be the here and now, even in the fellowship that is /scg/. WAGMI.

>> No.14820588

I don't wanna go into academia.

>> No.14820798

Are any programmers or CS majors here worried about the long term? I am scared that by the time I am thirty I will need glasses, have diabetes, eventual arthritis from rsi, be overweight, and more. Are my worries warranted and should I be looking for careers in Electrical Engineering or Academia or will I have to sit at a computer for eight hours everyday anyway?

>> No.14820975

desu its not just cs but a bunch of other jobs that require sitting in a chair all day

>> No.14821055

About a fifth of the physics graduates end up in finance, not sure what the figure is for EE graduates.

>> No.14821098

Fuck, I've been peeing like 1000ml regularly when drinking beer. Am I going to die?

>> No.14821131
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Should I try to go to grad school for Computational Chemistry?

>> No.14821382


Yep thats the only way to do it. The job interview process is a game to see if you can mesh well enough in a corporate environment. They know you prepared for the questions just like you know what they are going to ask. Its a bit if a dance. By prepping answers you are just soing your part. Literally no one (except a few psychos) genuinely believe in the interview process

>> No.14821412

Honestly, take some time off and power through the major. Im a chad EE/English double major so i got a bit of the best of both. Granted i wasnt a hyperoptimzed codemonkey when i graduated and am still trying to find a niche but having a stem degree really opens doors to a lot of careers after you graduate. Humanities courses are great but the sad truth is that education at the university level is more and more about jobs and less about Knowledge with a capital K. The humanities fill my life with meaning but STEM is interesting enough to pay the bills. I honestly felt the whole what am I doing here thing because i was always interested but not FAGMAN grindset like everyone else.

You say you are doing a combined masters? Maybe go to a four year program and do a minor in english/history/phil? You can decide to do a masters later once you know what you want to specialize in. Sure you might lose a few years and may miss out on se earning potentional but youll have more than enough as a STEMlord and you dont strike me as the kinda of person trying to min/max life

>> No.14821436

1000 ml regularly sounds like a lot, but I am not qualified to say how dangerous it is, just that my GP was shocked.

If you lack bladder tension, there might be a problem.

>> No.14821503
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>want to learn
>interest in all worthy fields
>most of my peers are jacked chads and stacies
>general ed classes are worse than high school
>eat the soi for le grades
>nobody around me interested in stem
>want to learn but stupid course requirements
>CSfags only care about making FAGMAN money and partying
>Enginefags only care about making more money and car stuff
>medfags are unsure and just thought it would make them lots of money
>litfags only care about circlejerking and orgasming themselves
>polscience fags and bizfags just want to fuck their secretaries in front of wives
>biofags and psychfags are just insecure women
They have ruined my experience and unis should not be harder to get into but not lower their standards for stacies and chads for whom learning is not important.

>> No.14821522

The decline is in an advanced stage. Still, you can always be the change you want to see.

>> No.14821564

It seems like if they made genuine courses for these topics, the employer might see that and value graduates of that course more. Then others will notice that these graduates make more money, and want to take these courses because it makes more money. Then the courses get worse because the professor is pressured and eventually worn down.

>Still, you can always be the change you want to see.
Doing fruitless busywork wastes my time and demotivates me, but you are right anon. I should spend more time self studying.

>> No.14821750

I got the degree, I got the job, and I still want to kill myself.
In fact the desire to kill myself is even more pronounced since there is no "next thing" to look forward to.

>> No.14821988

I planned to do R&D in robotics or AI companies. I have heard knowledge of Physics is required for that so I wanted to minor in Physics.

>> No.14821993

Literally how. What does physics have to do with AI?

>> No.14822100

almost any engineering job will park you at a computer all day

>> No.14822158

alright, I might have worded it wrong, AI is my last resort. I attended a workshop on AI and decided that it's not for me. My first priority is a robotics company or atleast a company that makes the FPGAs, actuators for robots. I've heard Physocs is essential for R&D in these fields.

>> No.14822203

I already would be conducting research in the fields I'm interested in now, if I actually had access to the resources to do so.

I've been trying to figure out and understand the weird neurological shit going on with myself and my family. It's frustrating as I've done a ton of research, have plenty of speculations, but have no means to test them.

And I wouldn't even have to focus the studies around just me and my family, I found plenty of interesting connections along the way. I'd most definitely test the psychological effects of Accutane on those without acne, as I found an interesting connection in that while it has been found that Accutane lowers glucose metabolism in the OFC possibly being a cause of the depression side-effects, those with OCD happen to actually have hyperactive metabolism in the OFC and moreso it was found in one study for lower pretreatment OFC metabolism to predict a a better response to antidepressant treatment. Not only that, I found another study finding Accutane to improve obsessive rumination and anxiety in those with OCD, but worsen obsessive doubting. It's commonly thought that the observed psychological benefits of Accutane are due to the alleviation of acne, but I'd want to examine how much of a role just the sole pharmacological mechanisms of Accutane on the brain plays in these observed improvements.

Unfortunately I have a hard time ignoring this stuff in lieu of focusing on the actual academics I need to to get my degree. Part of the problem is Covid hit and I can only thrive in very engaging, in-person classes where I'm never given the option to drift off in my head.

>> No.14822229


All you need is the degree just so you can do experiments and have people at least consider you as a scientific authority, the rest is just superfluous. You don't make groundbreaking discoveries by having the best GPA or conducting experiments the fastest, you do it by asking questions no one has thought to ask. All it takes is getting the right questions, the experiments and studies to test the questions are all pretty straightforward and consistent.

>> No.14822239

what alternate careers can i pursue with a masters in mechanical engineering? 5 YoE, mainly do computational fluid dynamics

>> No.14822333

General test is trivial in terms of actual content, just make sure you are familiar with the format.

I never took subject tests because they were canceled the year I applied (pandemic). At this point I would personally not apply to any program that required a subject test.

>> No.14822342

Don't go after a minor or second degree just to have more words on paper. By all means take classes that you think will be useful or sound interesting, and if you end up with a minor as a result, then great. But don't force yourself to do it just because you think it would be cool to have a minor.

>> No.14822346

Look for research groups/PIs doing research you find interesting and use them to find what programs to apply to, not the other way around.

>> No.14822350

Aerospace companies typically want to hire engineers of all types. Also look into data science positions, AI/ML, or even finance.

>> No.14822587

>I got the degree, I got the job, and I still want to kill myself.
>In fact the desire to kill myself is even more pronounced since there is no "next thing" to look forward to.
Usually there is a "next thing" but not always immediately apparent. Thought about founding your own startup?

>> No.14822607

You're such a faggot
Stop being an emo cuck, save like 2-3 paychecks, go to Spain/Germany, and fuck a dozen 10/10 supermodel prostitutes for $100 each and do coke until you brain gets flooded with so much dopamine that you forget you were such a whiny bitch

>> No.14822830

Is there a job market for theoretical stuff? I wish it was like when people make the algorithms and then other people implement on computer.

>> No.14823083

fresh Chem BSc here.
Job opportunities:
HPLC proteins
HPLC Pharma
...thats it, laboratory slave work, and require experience from uni labs....

Opportunities with MSc:
-Supervise BSc lab. slaves
-BSc lab. slave ++

Opportunities with PhD:
-Be over qualified
-have really specific experience of 5+ years.
-Get stuck in academia, beg for grants...

Work from home jobs:
Theorethical phys/ simulation phys. But mainly software engineering (code monkey)
>inb4 reddit spacing

>> No.14823125

Is there a system or site that acts as a reverse auction for proposals, i.e. where I can submit a proposal and wait for professors to contact me?

>> No.14823928

>Get stuck in academia
Why? You could always leave for industry.

>> No.14824015

Are there any work from home jobs in EE? Or do CS gobble them all up?

>> No.14824081


PhDs in industry are great bro, you get to skip right past all the shitmuncher jobs if you went to a decent school. I highly recommend it

>> No.14824171

Sure, as mentioned earlier in this thread, there is a market for people developing new DSP algorithms in general, and DSP algorithms for mobile communication in general.
Defence wants algorithms for radar and direction finding systems, and other tech related to electronic warfare.
Acoustic DSP is used in seismic surveilling and ultrasonics for health care.
Image signal processors are increasingly hot, especially for identification and computational photography. Things look fine on the surface but there are still problems. Soon multi spectral stuff will arrive, if only because it will be new.

If it is patentable it is even more valuable and well paid. DSP gurus will never have problems finding jobs.

>> No.14824273
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I need help with what bachelor degree I should take. I got 2 options;

First is Energi Engineering degree that's focused on sustainability and electricity production and distribution

Their quote is;

>Energy engineer

>Energy issues are up to date - both in terms of sustainability and new technology. This education opens the doors to many exciting opportunities for you who are interested in the climate, energy and sustainable social development. The training includes a work placement period.


>> No.14824276


>The degree focuses on society's energy system, heat and electricity distribution, and above all in cities and in buildings. In the education, theory is interspersed with practical elements such as laboratories, internship period and use of modern computer programs. This gives you a good understanding of future challenges and solutions in the field of sustainable energy supply. Through study visits, you also come into contact with your future profession and get to meet professional engineers.



>> No.14824279
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The other is an Industrial Digitalization engineering degree

Its a degree put together with the school and Sweden's manufacturing industry to produce engineers that can help digitalize Swedish industry to keep it competitive

Their quote is;

>We are in the middle of the so-called fourth industrial revolution and there is a rapid development of digitization in industry. In order to meet the industry's needs for modern production, we are starting the University Engineering Program - Industrial digitalization.
About the program

>Digitization is one of the most important factors for Swedish industry to be competitive in the future. Do you want to be part of that development? Then the University Engineering Program - Industrial Digitization is right for you.


I need help, I don't know what to pick.

>> No.14824647

wow, i'd better start learing trades now

>> No.14824739

Well I'm taking a comp chem class now and I'm going to ask the professor if I can join his research group next semester

>> No.14825019

This appears to be PLS programming dressed up in fancy words, or is there more to it?

>> No.14825062

I did bachelor's in EE like a brainlet.
I wanted to do a master's in physics but I can't find any reputable online programs.
Would a master's in optics be just as good?

>> No.14825250

there are WFH jobs in most engineering disciplines, but they're usually simulation roles

if WFH is the goal start learning algorithms and leetcoding immediately

>> No.14825399

Currently on path towards a master's in telecommunications engineering. Should I switch to CSE?