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14793788 No.14793788 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14793803

Students complain about a 200 dollar textbook that actually presents a unified perspective on dozens of topics, but then they piss away thousands of dollars on gaming pcs and drugs

>> No.14793822
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>professor writes textbook-length class notes and gives them away for free

>> No.14793839
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what student pisses away thousands of dollars on gaming pcs? Are you the professor he's describing

>> No.14793871

Either gaming pcs for boys or expensive rose gold iPads with Magic Keyboards for girls

>> No.14793873

>he does it FOR FREE

>> No.14793894

you've already demonstrated you're a complete retard by going to (((college))) when you have access to the internet, so pay up piggie

>> No.14793896
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Professor downloads book from libgen, and is his own professor.

>> No.14793899

You do networking and drugs (maybe?)

>> No.14794017

>Professor creates a course pack version of his text book with just the chapters needed and sells it for 25 bucks

>> No.14794024

I know professors that search out open source books or books that are "readily available" with solutions manual on libgen on purpose.

>> No.14794136

I had a professor who purposely sought out the cheapest (as in under ten dollars) textbooks he could find and supplemented them with his own notes. Just happened to look him up today and found out he passed away nine years ago.

>> No.14794151
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>professor charges you for "digital version" of textbook
>have to pay extra for physical copy

>> No.14794199

gaming pc that lasts years, has numerous uses, provides countless entertainment , and can be resold vs a book that lasts a few months and likely can't be resold.

>> No.14794254

>Professor makes his expensive textbook a requirement for the course
You still haven't learned that modern higher education (since around 1990 to the present) is just a major scam to grift money from the middle class?
In the 1980s and prior, a person working min wage jobs over the summer could afford tuition and books.

The hype has raised prices that much. So has the "student loan" scams, which is just politicians laundering taxpayer money to line their pockets with.
It is just business, nothing personal.

>> No.14794262

We had an autistic kid who loaded the textbooks on the shared drive in a pdf

>> No.14794282
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>professor shares a magnet link to a torrent with a cracked version of the program we're supposed to only use on faculty PCs

>> No.14794300

Steal the book from the university book store. Not that difficult. Rip out the pages that have the devices.

>> No.14794468

Why would you resell the book? After the class is over that book is going to be the longest lasting reference to remind you the structure of how the information in that course was presented to you. You should cherish what you learn more than the hours you waste moving hits around

>> No.14794844

Download from libgen. Failing that, buy the book, scan it, return it if you can or sell next semester/year and then also sell scans of it to the next crop of students and you come out on top. If you can't figure this out what are you even doing in college?

>> No.14794918

>professor sends us his pirated textbook pdfs in the group chat

>> No.14794921

Poor people(aka people with garbage lineage) don't belong in academia

>> No.14794931

Politicians and administrators disagree otherwise they wouldn't be filling their classrooms with the kind of corruption and nepotism that keep intergenerational wealth in control of 3rd world shitholes.

>> No.14795322

> TFW your professor didn't teach you everything you need to know by memorizing and reciting the Stacks Project
Why even live?

>> No.14795326

Beat up the one of the indian or chinese students in your class, steal the textbook
Scan it
Upload it
Only share it with white students

That would be my plan in 5 seconds of hearing that
Which chinese or indian person in the room can I beat senseless and steal it from

>> No.14795337

>professor tells us his textbook is at the library and we can scan or make copies of it if we're broke

>> No.14795356

You seem to have anger issues.

>> No.14795359

You are clearly having the full Dunning-Kruger effect regarding videogames and what can be done with a powerful computer

>> No.14797700

fuck off gringo cartel faggot

>> No.14797727

>You do networking
Literally nobody networks in college. Who are you networking with anyways? Some broke and useless 20 years old that will fill up a junior position if he is lucky enough to actually get a job that requires his degree.
>le epic billionaire uncle of muh best friend will hire me for 400k starting
Yeah, maybe if you go to Harvard Law School, not a shitty STEM degree from University of fagotvile

>> No.14797804

give them back Jamal.

>> No.14797814

>Professor assigns homework that's 50% of your final grade and that can only be done if you pay $90 to use a private homework service

>> No.14798336

>professor flat out tells students they can find the books online
ive never felt more at home

>> No.14798345

that's a dog whistle for faggotry Op
if you suck your professor off you won't need to buy his book. If you do doggy eat doggy with he, you will get an automatic A.

Worth the try if you ask me, I would do it if I were you (since I'm not you, I would never do it of course)

>> No.14798366

I don't understand. How do American universities make a textbook a requirement? In 3rd world, the university recommends books, but they are just suggestions, plus it is pretty normal for the professor to send pirated copies of the books in syllabus.

>> No.14798415

Imagine going to college when you can use mitopencourseware

>> No.14799067
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>what student pisses away thousands of dollars on gaming pcs? Are you the professor he's describing
They can't afford living expenses because of some articles about Avocado Toast or something.

Academia is a widespread racket with rampant corruption that is literally "unbelievable" to many.

>don't belong in academia
Modern Academics don't belong in Academia.
Sociopathic Midwitted Pseud's with outrageous, undeserved egos.

>> No.14799069
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>Which chinese or indian person in the room can I beat senseless and steal it from
Just turn off the lights in the classroom.
They glow in the dark.

>> No.14799157

>professor shares a pirated book and tells us not to tell anyone

>> No.14799297
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Nah, I’m a Gochad.

>> No.14799370

>$1000 dollar smart phone vs $200 dollar textbook

>> No.14799434
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>go to class
>professor announces that he is giving everyone a copy of his book
>he's an authority on whatever weird niche and his book is genuinely best one available
>still feels it is unethical to mandate it

I had that play out like 2-3 times before I finished undergrad. Is that not common anymore?

>> No.14799561

Any of them. They're all metrosexual faggots.
Indian or China detected. Seethe and cope.

>> No.14800798

>professor does this because his department can’t afford to assign grad students as TAs and he can’t grade 307 homework assignments on his own every single week

In an ideal world we’d have 10 students per teacher and we’d give all of you the personal attention you deserve and give you really hard creative problems every semester… but that’s not the world we live in

>> No.14801770

Can't you just collect money together as a group, buy ONE textbook, then scan it and use scans together?
t. second-worlder

>> No.14801832

Or replace "scan" with "take photos, number them and put them in a folder" if you don't want to spend money on scanning