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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 611 KB, 512x512, 1663282621152.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14795159 No.14795159 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>14753236

We discuss research, DO NOT offer advice (just fucking go see your doctor), make fun of premeds and shitpost. Please keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K/soliciting advice out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.

>> No.14795214

I dont like that pepe style at all

>> No.14795216

that's a very high quality animation OP

>> No.14795219

> that webm
ducking wholesome, love it

>> No.14795223

Medically speaking do we have the tech to make human clones?
I want to clone myself

>> No.14795238

it's the third one in that style I've seen, they have soul, but a certain lack of sloppiness that makes them a little dry

>> No.14795246

these pepe animations look rotoscoped to me

>> No.14795380

you guys have the other ones?

>> No.14795423

Back when I was in med uni in my shithole country we didn't have any spare frogs for our physiology course so the professor told us to go catch some ourselves if we wanted practical classes
No one did
All we had were guinea pigs that we spun in a centrifuge type thing for the vestibular system class

>> No.14795655

How likely is for one to have adhd if methylphenidate helped with most problems on low dose, maintains that effect for decent part even when drug clearly is wearing off and drug itself caused drowziness?

>> No.14796271

Hey anons, I overdosed on HCL tabs and almost killed myself (I have a condition that docs said they couldn't help with and got desperate). Landed in the hospital, luckily I'm still fine (I know, retarded as fuck).

Do stomach acid levels noramlise over time? I feel constant burning now, not as bad as before where I couldn't move, but it's still there.

>> No.14796401

If you didn't burn your mucosa enough to get a bunch of ulcers, yes
>I feel constant burning now
The hospital should've prescribed you proton pump inhibitors

>> No.14797009

The hospital told me to take PPIs until the burning stops; which I did. But now I suddenly feel a lingering burning, so I think I stopped taking them too early.

They looked inside my stomach and said nothing was wrong, got diagnosed with NERD. Thanks anon, I'll wait and see if it gets better in the coming month, otherwise I'll visit a doc.

>> No.14797074
File: 61 KB, 900x668, the ship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon comes in with depression
>says he's heard of my reputation
>begs me for a lethal dose of morphine
>talk him out of it, convince him the world isn't that bad
>refer him to a psychologist
>anon starts exercising and eating healthier
>gets a job
>anon stops being depressed
>set him up with a cute nurse
>be best man at their wedding
>baby on the way
>one day anon comes back to my practice to thank me for changing his life
>give him a lethal dose of morphine

>> No.14797318

Finally one of these stupid posts made me laugh

>> No.14798293

Should study medicine or computer engineering?
I only care about money but i feel like i would waste all my highschool work if i went with CE instead of med since medschool entry requires perfect grades while CE requires far less points.

>> No.14798334

Don't go into medicine for money, the money is fine, but it's not worth the hassle

>> No.14798341

>nooooo not le heckin froggerinos nooooo

>> No.14798349

this is easily the gayest general on this entire website
indoctrined low iq drones who cant advance beyond their oath
fuck you

even gayer than the rate my cock threads on /soc/

>> No.14798352

you dont need to study computer engineering at a university to become a computer engineer, you need to study medicine at a university to become a doctor, choice is pretty simple

If you want to dabble in computer engineering during or after you become a doctor, you can always do that. But this opportunity is the only one you will have

>> No.14798358

I do but they're heavier than 4 mb

>> No.14798361

This explains doctors sociopathy, they're trained from the start to have no emotions

>> No.14798398

any mediation methods for scarring? I've seen some novel approaches to it but nothing chemical or efficient. recently looking for methods to fix internal scarring because its the worst form of scarring because of how it inhibits organ function.

>> No.14798453

take your meds schizo

>> No.14798462

that's my issue. the exclusivity of medicine makes it hard to reject but at the same time it takes 6 years of med school + god knows how many years until i become licensed to practice.

>> No.14798532

I just had my first patient death. Massive interventricular hemorrhage in a patient with discharge orders in. She was here for syncope with fall but workup was negative including a ct head and neck the day before. I checked on her before leaving for the day and while she said she didn't feel normal her neuro exam was fine and at baseline she feels dizzy from low bp. Now I'm on call all day just trying to keep it together but I'm sleep deprived, sad, and questioning myself.

>> No.14798559

This isn't some virtuous mission from god you fucking pussy. Its a job. Stop whining like a bitch and do your fucking job. You're getting paid for it, that's your reward not some retarded feefee when you save someone. Its about money. Its a job. You're the problem here.

>> No.14799008

>Anon suffers from anhedonia
>Give him a lethal dose of morphine

>> No.14799036

>t. Edgy retard with no life experience

If death is so unimpressive to you then just kill yourself already

>> No.14799045

Embarrassing post
Leave medicine right now.

>> No.14799050

Take your schizos, /med/

>> No.14799071

When I do I just restrain them and use haloperidol and thorazine until they shut the fuck up
Can't do that on 4chan unfortunately

>> No.14799104

how long to bio-chem can make myu peep bigger and my kneegrow?

>> No.14799227

what is the difference between doctors and drug dealers?

>> No.14799245

Doctors make you cope and seethe a lot more

>> No.14799275

at least i'm not dilating all the time

>> No.14799347

Is there any point in doing an away rotation in November? Don't need letters, just want to show the program I'm interested in them.

>> No.14799882

you answered it yourself

>> No.14800096

is coffee good for you

>> No.14800188

Are vaccine schizos ever right?

>> No.14800205

what do you think you moron?

The country, which once embraced snap lockdowns in the face of a single Covid case, has in recent months progressively dropped restrictions and carried on as thousands of people have been infected. Now, looking down the barrel of a rising wave of infections and a growing death toll, New Zealand faces the question of whether it can reclaim its reputation for a world-beating Covid response.

Despite high vaccination rates, that status looks tenuous. According to Johns Hopkins University data, New Zealand is now in the top three countries in the world for average daily confirmed cases per 100,000 people and the top seven for deaths, ahead of Australia, the US and the UK. On a per-capita basis, its Covid deaths have now overtaken Japan’s – a country that rode out the pandemic without lockdowns, but maintained very high mask compliance.

>> No.14800238

So... yes? No?

>> No.14800258
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You will pay for your crimes vaxxies.

>> No.14800278
File: 132 KB, 1021x734, EFFECTIVE MOTHERFUCKER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have trouble reading words or do you need the CDC's narrative with it?

then again, maybe you're another one of those WEF cock suckers

>> No.14800358


>> No.14800418

>Now I'm on call all day just trying to keep it together but I'm sleep deprived, sad, and questioning myself
This reads like Reddit so much you're either a massive homo or a f*moid.
A partner or mine had 3 intraoperative deaths in the same turn but managed to stay cool up until she was asked to leave by her attending in charge. Some boomer dies after you leave shift and now "am lichluty shakin guise oml!1!".
An old slavic saying states that "temporary illnesses are sent by the devil while death is sent by God". Mediate on it.

>> No.14800480

come on man, I gotta see them.

>> No.14800515


Why are you glorifying a shitty surgeon that has patients die on the table? Lol

For emotionally mature people having a patient die is distressing.

>> No.14800834

So what is the point of working at a hospital? This shit is so bleak and retarded.
>95% of patients are some vegetables that are over 70 years old with chronic diseases that will die anyways.
I will fuck off from hospitals the moment I have the chance.

>> No.14800873

Where can I find a big list of companies that sell clinical remnants?

>> No.14800882



>> No.14800895

Started medical school and I feel like a total brainlet. If I'm nevertheless getting practice questions from professors right most of the time am I gonna make it?

>> No.14801094

Yes, there are two phenotypes of people in med school and you are the neurotic autist phenotype

>> No.14801099

4 v 6 years is not much, you will be earning money once you graduate and you can better work in the intersection between medicine and computing if you are a doctor. At the end of the day it’s your choice you’re the only one with skin in the game

>> No.14801812
File: 7 KB, 250x206, 1617507397789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans when you cut off foreskin
>so hygienic and prophylactic!
Americans when you cut off the clitoral hood
>genital mutilation!

>> No.14802288

but the one in OP was not from there

>> No.14803129

are there good gerontology+geriatrics forums out there w/ the membership focused on not dying? You'd think that'd be a popular subject, right?

>> No.14804159

Just let the old hags with Heart Failure die. What is the point in keeping a delirious and demented person alive.

>> No.14804175

You will never make it if you care about your professors at all.
Get on the Sigma Grindset, install Anki, ignore professors, don't go to classes and just study for Boards since day 1.
You will unironically learn 5x the amount

>> No.14804430

>maybe you're another one of those WEF cock suckers
The WEF has no real power. They just muse on market trends all day. They're not some big scary boogeyman. Kill yourself

>> No.14804932

Lmao kind of figured that one out already.
They just give me practice questions bro. “Caring” about them doesn’t matter, just want to pass their tests comfortably

>> No.14805040

Have the option of spending 3 instead of 4 years in school and matching into FM or PM&R at my home institution.
I havent been exposed yet to PM&R since I'm a first year med student but I really enjoyed my time volunteering at the clinic and can see myself enjoying FM
should I go through with it?

>> No.14805668
File: 112 KB, 1946x930, Screenshot_83.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Europeans when Americans cut off foreskin
>thanks for the cash, sucker!

>> No.14805787 [DELETED] 
File: 212 KB, 416x643, 1644613606389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont whether or not to try to go to medical school or go accounting. i'd want to be a doctor because im infatuated with the idea of being a scientist that helps people, that knows a lot of useful things, and is someone that is dependable and upstanding. of course though, medical school is a huge expensive gamble and falling short leaves you in the air. i dont really know what i'm made of
meanwhile, accounting is a safe route that i know i can pass and the work is just work and it pays
i have to decide now, because whichever i choose, i have to go all in on and i cant have any doubts. i need to be resolved
what do you guys think

>> No.14805944

my schools preclinical exams were all pass fail I didn't pay attention in a single lecture and just studied for boards and managed to pass them just fine

if you're preclinical is pass fail focus on the productive knowledge that will help you in clinical years

knowing all the lysosomal storage diseases doesn't have the chance of giving you a higher score on step 1 anymore so might as well learn the actual practical stuff and step 2 related knowledge

>> No.14806126
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>> No.14806232

What background do Doctors usually come from in /med's/ experience?

>> No.14806254

This is a better more complete version, it starts with the one in OPs webm:


>> No.14806323

what's the best way to study cell bio or just medicine is general? is there anything you guys recommend in particular?

>> No.14806462

Do only ankis and have fragmented knowledge of random physiological pathways and facts, anatomical wrote learning and rely on pathoma to keep everything together.

>> No.14806568

Hi /med/. Engineer here. My grandfather had been diagnosed with liver cancer for a few months now. He's gotten surgery for it, but its now metastasized to different parts of his body.

He's pretty much a goner at this point but the doctors are going to give him chemo to try to extend his life as much as possible I guess.

I'm pretty sad about it but I am curious, if there have been any big advances in treating advanced/metastasized cancers. Are will we be rid of the scourge of cancer in the future?

>> No.14806706

I tried asking this in reddit but their faggotmods wanted my info

sometimes when lying down and moving tongue or swallowing it feels like a small loose part of the throat twists or gets sucked down into the throa itself a bit and it hurts a decent amount. moving my neck around usually solves it and it feels like it "slides" back where it is supposed to. I have tried googling what it is or what is causing it but have not found anything conclusive, thanks for any response

>> No.14807016

how do you guys cope with this absolutely fucking awful shithole shizo retard board your general is on
i had no idea it was so bad damn /int/ and /sp/ are god tier by comparison

>> No.14807125

> can't stop burping, gas getting stuck
> diagnosis: esophagus slightly swollen
> prescribed acid blockers
> take them for a month as instructed
> see mild result, but not a proper fix
> take acid blockers for another month
> still not fixed
> fck it, stop taking acid blockers
> frequent burping returns, especially during workout
is this the state of current 'medicine'? I don't want to take acid blockers for the rest of my life when they don't even work well.

>> No.14807449

>will we be rid of the scourge of cancer in the future?

>> No.14807478

How difficult is it to become a medical scientist, /sci/?

>> No.14807745

currently at a hospital
why are nursoids so hot bros

>> No.14807885

Neither do I, as a matter of fact, I dislike any and all "pepe's" now.

>> No.14808519

Make dietary changes retard. Doing this WITH the acid blockers you'll be much better off. Btw you can get cancer from GERD/GORD.

>> No.14808816

what fucking hospital are you at?
all the nursoids here are at least size 16+

>> No.14809127

test to see if i can post

>> No.14809132

I'm a college sophomore and I really don't want to have to do another 2 years of undergrad after this one. It is possible for me to graduate a year early since I got college credit in HS and take summer classes.
Is it worth me applying to medical school this summer so I can go in 2024 when I graduate early, or should I wait so my application is better?
If I apply in the Summer then I'd have taken my MCAT in the Spring and I haven't taken physics yet. And it'd also mean I'd be taking orgo 2 and biochem at the same time.
I suppose too I could apply the summer after this summer... I just want to get out of undergrad and move on with my life I'm so sick of these fucking zoomers and BS courses and want to move on with my life. How do I cope and should I apply next cycle or wait

>> No.14809146

I'm not sure if this question should be asked here, but can a person's body develop a tolerance to oxytocin?
Is it possible for people to develop a chemical tolerance to the chemical which causes pair bonding/love?

>> No.14809440

So they can trap you with their fertility and then cuck you out of your paychecks. A doctor's first wife is a doctor. A doctor's second wife is a nurse. A doctor's last wife is the cleaning lady.

>> No.14809498
File: 2.10 MB, 720x720, 1661933357319628.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how does it feel to be rendered completely redundant? Incels are performing their own chad surgeries on themselves now, you aren't needed anymore.

>> No.14809517

mouth carpentry on urself is nothing to brag about

>> No.14809565

found the maxillalet

>> No.14810449

Immunotherapy is the big and promising one and has been for a while, lot's of studies going on with promising results, but it's still a pretty risky treatment. The treatment of cancer in general has made major improvements throughout the last decades and continues to do so.
>Will we be rid of the scourge of cancer in the future?
Too broad a statement, there are already various "curable" forms of cancer and we'll develop efficient treatments for more and more, but shit like a glioblastoma multiforme will most likely still kill you for the foreseable future

>> No.14810545

>I just had my first patient death
Oh no I'm so sorry, how this could happen to you of all people, and so unexpected, better get really invested in this, it is after all a very important in your life, now the dead patient, that's a doozy too, but nothing compared to how shaken up you are about it

>> No.14810728

i had a similar scenario happen to me
man in his 40's (known to have epilepsy) rolls in with seizure, wakes up, brain MRI a couple of hours later is normal
seizes again a few hours later, doesn't wake up within 1 hour. i did a ct fully expecting it to be normal and thinking the man was just postictal (we have a normal MRI just prior after all)
ct revealed a massive subdural bleed and an incarcerated brain
rest of that night shift is a blur for me
i still get slight ptsd flashbacks when a seizure patient rolls in so i am very quick to pull the ct scan trigger now and cross my t's and dot my i's

>> No.14811399
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Just got a cramping sort of pain in my right testicle and my right knee at the same time.
Doc you've gotta help me.

>> No.14811913
File: 446 KB, 750x898, 16D5A145-4EEB-44ED-8931-83AA072084F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a scrape on my shoulder (tripped drunk). When I push hard to take a shit, the scrape starts to sting. When I stop pushing, it stops stinging. My other scrapes (knees, arms, face) don’t do this.

What mechanism do you suppose is at work here?

>> No.14811944

That sucks. Bound to happen sooner or later, though, and at least the way you describe it it doesnt sound like your fault. Unsure why the hostile responses, like nigga, how can you be 100% emotionless on your first brush with life and death? Yeah you need to learn to steel yourself it but be reasonable my nigga

>> No.14812151

>I'm pretty sad about it but I am curious, if there have been any big advances in treating advanced/metastasized cancers. Are will we be rid of the scourge of cancer in the future?
Cancer is increasingly becoming a chronic disease, like ischemic heart disease. There are already people living for a few years after diagnosis of extensive metastasis by taking low dose oral chemotherapy and immunotherapy. As our arsenal of immunotherapy improves, it is possible that people will continue to live with cancer for many years until they die.

I doubt we will ever cure cancer (at least, not with the current paradigm of trying to target specific pathways related to cell-cycles/receptors/etc.), but it will probably become another one of those things (like ischemic heart disease) that you can live with; no doubt it will shorten your life but you will still be able to function to some extent until you get an exacerbation that kills you. It's possible your grandfather will continue to live for a few more years by doing maintenance chemo. All the best.

>> No.14812158

those frogs look like green niggers, big lips everything looks like some black kid who did bad in school he wont cure cancer now that he didnt disect that frog.

>> No.14812409
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>have BED and possibly ADHD/brain damage
>take caffeine
>calms me down, but can make me easily dizzy, nauseous or drowsy. Comedown can be horrible if I take 1g+ in rapid succesion
>take wellbutrin
>made me get dementia and depression, I've became super lethargic and demotivated
>do nicotine gun
>worked first time then made me sick (no wonder it's literally a poison)
>pseudoephedrine with caffeine
>worked first time albeit gave me too much euphoria then stopped working entirely after
>take methylphenidate
>worked for few days (made me calm and sluggish, but I finally had good impulse control and was semi productive) even after drug weared off then back to lethargy, drowsiness and demotivation
What is wrong with me? Why the only things that help me, shit itself after few uses? Do I need to stuff myself with meth/amphetamine to not be cognitively deficient, chronically fatigued and hungry?

>> No.14812574
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>Patient dies
>Doctor most affected

>> No.14812583

UPDATE: it also stings when I pee really hard.

>> No.14812954

Disregard the previous commenter, keep eating burgers and burritos and flush that down with coke 2 hours before bedtime

>> No.14812962

That's all the good nurses
All the based ICU nurses I know are fat stocky mamas who can hold down a d.tremens schizo on their own and slide in an IV blindfolded while they're doing that

>> No.14813769

>Unsure why the hostile responses

>> No.14813794

>nurses suck, they are useless, annoying and stupid
before MD

>half my doctor colleagues are fucking useless lazy retards, nurses aren't nearly as bad
after MD

this profession is full of midwits

>> No.14814037

Holy shit, I have done some dentistry on myself because I hate dentists, but that shit is beyond retarded. Hope he didn't give himself a infection, easy way to a nice cerebral abscess.
It does look fake though.

>> No.14814166 [DELETED] 
File: 986 KB, 669x1141, fourniers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit the nofapbros were right all along

>> No.14814388

any science on behavioral pathogens? like drug addiction spreading like a virus? it’s categorized as a disease, and it seems to spread like one too

>> No.14814545

Why do some Covid-19 patients need a ventilator?

>> No.14814741

so I picked at my acne and blood came out and some coagulated blood came out. a bit unusual for me since it never happened before; how concerned should I be?

>> No.14814762

weight loss question.
what is a good method to reduce loose skin while loosing weight.
>non surgical treatments

>> No.14814945

dey lungs don't work no good and doctorman has to force high oxygen% air into dem to get sum breathin for dey cells

>> No.14814947

What if I told you you're full of blood and when you dig deep enough you're gonna get some

>> No.14814948

>how to remove excess skin without removing excess skin

>> No.14814963

I'm pretty sure I have a hemorrhoid, sometimes when I shit really only when I eat tpp much I can feel it push against it and it's extremely painful, and often when I wipe there is fresh blood.

Is there anything I can do about this?
I am poor and have no health insurance.

If I get health insurance would they pay for surgery to remove this?

It's honestly a time to time thing, like I'm pooping rn and it's sliding out pretty painfully but I had hummus and oatmeal Wednesday and had to shit twice yesterday morning and was writhing in agony for about 5min

>> No.14814969

>Is there anything I can do about this?
Lifestyle change and diet can stop it's progression and maybe make it less painful, but to remove it you need surgery

>> No.14815350

but why can't they just breathe high oxygen air themselves through a mask? I thought ventilator was for when you're too weak to breathe

>> No.14815405

Hemorrhoid cream. Also I heard putting a butt plug in the fridge and shoving it up your bum can provide some relief. That's what my dad said who suffers from hemorrhoids.

>> No.14815738
File: 12 KB, 280x280, Yy81YRZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I just try to get into medical school? The more I look at it, the more radiology seems like a perfect profession. High pay, and tons of time off. It's what my mom wants too, and my parents would pay for med school. That being said, med school and residency seem... rough to say the least.

>> No.14815755

PEEP, recruitment

>> No.14815812
File: 109 KB, 1129x691, IMAG4583~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm getting some dangerously based readings bros

>> No.14815831

My granddaddy put in the old country used to treat the 'rhoids by shoving a peeled horseradish root up his ass... Works like a charm, modern industry doctors don't want you to know...

>> No.14816222

that bp is too high
should be 120/75

>> No.14816279

Covid doesn't cause collapsed lung

>> No.14816426

we had that already in previous century.

>> No.14816430

>i too am from TSMU, how could you tell?

>> No.14816483
File: 15 KB, 455x607, IMG_20220830_171141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone know of some good pathology references which list symptoms from most to least common? I'm trying to make my own disease monographs and lots of the references I'm looking at don't cover this

>> No.14816484

Please leave, sir

>> No.14816733
File: 92 KB, 400x300, A260FF88-5679-4FDB-AD7D-7C083552568C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I put the pressure to the heifer
and this nurses is fine
I’m pumpin 187
over 69

She put her thurrups in the stirrups
like a gyno ‘xam
Getting head from the head nurse
On diazepam

>> No.14816742

Don't do it. It's not worth the hassle. Go be a call center attendant, pays more.

>> No.14816745

Read a manual or a compendium.

Man, Why the fuck is this thread always filled with students and retards asking for free consultation? Where's the graduated people?

>> No.14816943

Why the fuck will I be early to mid 30s when I'm a consultant in Australia whereas in the States I'd be late twenties?
Why doesn't Australia have the match system? I have to faff around for like 4 years post grad before I get on the training program. So fucked.

>> No.14817065
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I'd larp as indian
>hello sir yes sir how can I help you SIR are you having a good morning sir

Anyways, it would be between grad school, med school, and just working as a code monkey.

>> No.14817202

Should have gone into rad

>> No.14817228
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Do not worry anon, that patient is literally in a much better place. I know it is taboo to talk about among us doctors, but there is actually a lot of evidence from NDEs that there is an afterlife. Of course, there is nothing, and I do mean NOTHING, that gets normies and NPCs more uncomfortable and/or riled up than the idea that near-death experiences are ACTUALLY real, and that there is good reason to think that they are and that we should take them seriously.

For instance, here is an extremely persuasive argument for why near-death experiences (NDEs) are real:


It makes a huge deal about the fact that near-death experiencers (NDErs) are representative of the population as a whole, and that when people go deep into the NDE, they all become convinced. As this article points out:


>"Statistics collected ... show that the "deeper" the NDE ... the greater the percentage of those who come away certain of the existence of the afterlife. Among those with the deepest experiences ... 100 percent came away agreeing with the statement, "An afterlife definitely exists"."

Since NDErs are representative of the population as a whole, and they are all convinced, then 100% of the population become convinced that there is an afterlife when they have a sufficiently deep NDE themselves. And so would you, me, or anyone, including the most dogmatic atheists and skeptics, because it is VASTLY more self-evidently real than this puny little experience of life on Earth we have now. When you dream and wake up, you immediately realize that life is more real than your dream. When you have an NDE, the same thing is happening, but on a higher level, as you immediately realize that life is the deep, deep dream and the NDE world is the real world.

Needless to say, even physicians, neuroscientists, and psychiatrists are convinced by their NDEs.

>> No.14817423
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>> No.14817477
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Impressive. Meanwhile me.

>> No.14817488

You stupid.

>> No.14817660
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What is the Final Solution to the Doctor Question?

>> No.14817665
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>> No.14817667
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>> No.14817670
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>> No.14817686

I hate you (((doctors))) so much it's unreal

>> No.14817755

>patient dies while being discharged
that's the worst, they don't free up any space

>> No.14817759

Didn't read lol

>> No.14817762

>95% of patients are some vegetables that are over 70 years old with chronic diseases that will die anyways
that's your average outpatient material too, just add some "healthy" people with no actual issues to the mix

>> No.14817763

Doctors are scum sucking betas who have an ego despite being paid like a dumbass lawyer

>> No.14817766


>> No.14817772

doctors or other upper middle class

>> No.14817780

it wasn't this bad pre rona

>> No.14817788

you don't jerk off enough

>> No.14817806

>Didn't read lol
typical (((doctor))) attitude, that's why you harm so many people

>> No.14817817

>tfw only three months of psych
>yeah that lead II looks pretty good t. me

>> No.14817864
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>Trust The Doctors
>The Doctors know more than you do, goy! No research, no independent thoughts. Trust The Doctors, Trust The Experts! Tee hee...

>> No.14818147

Read this earlier. Massive fuck ups on the hospital's part, but at the same time it's the child of an obnoxious journalist who thinks her family is so quirky and special and destined for greatness. Did you notice the part where she boasted about her retard kids banging pots and pans outside to clap for "are NHS" along with every other retard upper class liberal in her neighborhood?

How many humans have already died on this earth? How many more are yet to die? The picture she paints of her perfect little normie family and destined-for -greatness normie daughter is too obnoxious for me to feel pity.

Something I've noticed in medicine is how shit we treat addicts and the very poor despite constantly telling each other how we shouldn't marginalise them. I guarantee you there's a hell of a lot more preventable deaths there than preventable deaths of wealthy journalist's children. I pity the former, not the latter, and I doubt that woman gave a shit before her kid died. She was clapping for "are NHS" right up until the systemic failures hurt her perfect normie family instead of some stupid IVDU got whose parents beat the shit of him when he was a kid.

All this being said, fuck the retard hepatologists who missed barn door sepsis, DIC, and a critically ill decompensating child. Probably deskilled in everything but boasting about how they "work in a London hospital with kiddies who have had liver transplants, darling...". To proud to involve real doctors, the intensivists.

>> No.14818612
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>that ST
>nothing on pulseox
why are you taking pics fren

>> No.14818630

I mean, I tried but all the medical details were too sparse among mom's hysterics and unrelated tangents

>> No.14818638

im a newfag here and im going to be a premed soon once I finish community college any study or workflow tips to help me with the mcat or my classes?

>> No.14818693
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>> No.14818962

why does cannibalism causes prions? why do those proteins misfold? do they get from guts do bloodstream and misfold there and then deposit in brain? what is the process? and why is it different from eating normal meat can anyone who understands the process enlighten me?

>> No.14819013

>why does cannibalism causes prions?
It doesn't. Cannibalism (and consumption of nervous tissue in general) spreads prions.

>why do those proteins misfold?
Random chance, more or less. Something along the line of the central dogma (the conversion of DNA to a function protein) goes wrong. A prion specifically is a conformation of the protein that is more energetically favorable than the functional variant (which means it is more stable), and (most importantly) it also causes functional variants of the protein to misfold on contact.

The stability of the prion means that it is hard to denature the protein, for example by cooking. The fact that the prion causes normal, functional versions of the prion protein to also turn into prions makes it infectious.

>do they get from guts do bloodstream and misfold there and then deposit in brain?
The protein that (mainly) causes prion diseases in mammals is called PrP, or prion protein. When this protein is produced, it may (somehow) take on the prion isoform instead of the functional isoform. This protein is only really present in nervous tissue.

>what is the process? and why is it different from eating normal meat can anyone who understands the process enlighten me?
When you eat infected nervous tissue, it is absorbed into your body. There is no cure, and once you are infected you will die. Avoiding prions is relatively simple, however. Just don't eat nervous tissue, and don't eat diseased looking animals.

>> No.14819068

>I didn't pay attention in a single lecture and just studied for boards and managed to pass them just fine

some schools force you to pay attention to lecture, so 50% of the exam questions will be be board relevant, and 50% will be low yield lecture crap

still way better doing a hybrid of boards and class than focusing solely on lecture

is it an accelerated 3 years, or is it normal pre-clinical and they just cut out a bunch of rotations?

upper middle class, white or asian
radiology is high volume, and you eat while working

>> No.14820107

>radiology is high volume, and you eat while working
Indeed, this is what I have heard. High focus during the 8-5, 50 studies a day at very quick paces, never leaving the hospital while on call, etc.

But, the upsides are immense. No patients, for one. You certainly have a better lifestyle than surgery (though is that really saying a lot?). I've been told (secondhand) that radiology/interventional radiology is a good field to get into, according to radiologists.
I'm also interested in pathology for a lot of the same reasons.

>> No.14820196

I really wanna fuck this hot 20 y.o. nursoid at work bros...

>> No.14820283

Shit article. If you don't tell me how she died in the first paragraph, I'm not going to read a propagandized tear-jerker.

>> No.14820299

Do it then? Don't fall in love though. They're all whores.

>> No.14820337

B-but aren't you interested in how this h. sapiens juvenile female was a totally unique snowflake special little star?

>> No.14820925

This was the monitor after the 2nd cardiac arrest. Tried and did all the reanimation techniques we knew and at that time I knew the patient would end up dying at the OR. Everytime I feel like shit I take a look at that picture, remember the void eyes of the patient and come back to the grind with a renewed resolution.

>> No.14821347

Why'd they die though
Major cardio/thoracic surgery or fucked up comorbidities?

>> No.14821393
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today I thought a patient had ileus but actually he had SAH

>> No.14821415

Understandable confusion

>> No.14821439


>> No.14821551

so you can get it from nervous tissue without cannibalism involved on either side of the eaten or the one that eats? please try to give me straightforward answer.

>> No.14821555

>so you can get it from nervous tissue without cannibalism involved on either side of the eaten or the one that eats? please try to give me straightforward answer.
I... what? When you eat something, that thing is (usually) dead.

>> No.14822063

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.14822086

Man, Fuck saturday shifts, 30 hours of walking and running and fucking around. My feet are devastated and more of the same shit tomorrow.

>> No.14822315

Why aren't ultrasound the first go to tool for a diagnosis?

I'm wondering why doctors in this vid didn't just do that, instead of always to diagnose the problem just by using their naked eyes.

I've had issues in penis where doctors could have more easily figure out what's going on if they made me go through an ultrasound, (in this case some level of Peyronie disease).

>> No.14822317

>ultrasound or other similar diagnosis screening tool

>> No.14822398

what i meant was: to get prions is it exclisively only possible through cannibalism or can happen without cannibalism if you eat nervous tissue of other species(also implying that animal didn't cannibalize either)?

>> No.14822437

>or can happen without cannibalism if you eat nervous tissue of other species

>> No.14822585
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any others just mastered the PE and HPI in autistic fashion and are good at taking multiple choice tests w studying the day before, and thus never actually learned stuff memory wise by heart, just used google and other carefully curated resources the entire time (after getting the hpi and pe) creating the illusion of being top tier, liked by most patients, so placebo was on my side, but then neeted some years but have to work now due to the debt?

i guess ill have to train myself using the resources i curated to learn guidelines and what not, plan to go to a shitty clinic that pays little to not feel guilty

stuff like this kid dr love malachi gives me the most hope

>> No.14822597

I wish I only had to master pulmonary embolism and H+ pump inhibitors to ace my exams.

>> No.14822710

How do I make friends in med school, I am so alone.

>> No.14823295


>> No.14823404

Does anyone have experience with Spacer-nick already?

>> No.14823555
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What happens if you don't re-align and set a bone after a minor fracture? Like take this picture for example.

Do osteoclasts eventually clean up the excess bone on the sides after the break grows together or would it be stuck there fucking your hand up permanently?

Its also a history question because i'm wondering how did people without modern radiography know where the bones were supposed to go, did they just eyeball it when treating someone with a broken bone?

>> No.14823584

Got a whole genome sequencing DNA test for my dad. What am I in for!?!??

>> No.14824069


finding out you're an alabama nigger

>> No.14824076

it involved eyeballing for sure since most of thems can be seen even under the skin but also by pulling on bones you sort of automatically relign them, doesn't work for everything though but good for fractures involving part of limbs.

>> No.14824110

we can clone you, but your clone will never live as long as you, because of telomeres.

>> No.14824165

why? shouldn't telomeres be long if we take embrionic cell?

>> No.14824646

I fucking hate this thread. All the time there's nothing but stupid students asking trivia or what hoops to leap to get into school. Big fucking deal.

Talk about your fucking patients, talk about medicine life. Today I got nagged at for not doing a lumbar puncture in a newborn who was hemolizing from AO incompatibility and got 40k leukocytes, on repeat test 12 hours later the little fuck got 24,000 and negative CRP so I didn't do shit. Strange lab values, and stranger still is the little shit was in range for exchange transfusion until suddenly the next day his hemoglobin was rising, coombs got negative, the bilirrubin started to go down and even reticulocytes normalized. Fucking bullshit, kid's looking fine and I still get shit for it.

>> No.14824889

Why would I want to talk about work when I'm not at work

>> No.14825041

>asian female international medical student from canada (lol the /pol/ meme is real)
>efl but immensely shy and socially inexperienced
>can't speak a word to patients
>can't even take a basic history from a teaching doctor pretending to be a patient
Are these the type of people who fail OSCEs? How could she hold down a medical job except by being a pathologist?

>> No.14825068

That's what my med uni gf was like(except asian), and yes, she became a pathologist
She'd sperg out when taking a BP measurement and anything else requiring manual interaction with a conscious patient

>> No.14825119

Doctors take patient's BP?
I've never seen one take one at my facility, except for a fellow trying to take a MAP on an MCS patient, it was very amusing.
Do it and drop her as fast. She'll do everything in her power to get you in her clutches.
>t. Nurse

>> No.14825121

Are there significant risks associated with getting the HPV vaccine as a man?

>> No.14825135

>Doctors take patient's BP?
Med students do
And doctors too when they need it done now and not wait for 10 minutes for some nurse to go find/grab the sphygmomanometer and walk back

>> No.14825143

You will die in 2 years when WEF NWO Klaus Schwab finally activates his vaxx nanobots for Great Reset

>> No.14825145

I said HPV not covid

>> No.14825198
File: 379 KB, 647x1675, ChildGenocide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Talk about your fucking patients

Big time research doctor here with a big name university here. We just stumbled across some very startling yet exciting news news regarding how to prevent suicide in children.

Understand that transgenderism wouldn't be a problem if the West would just fight back against subversive enemy propagandists by flooding 100% of mainstream media with hardcore child porn and bestiality to combat the problems caused by censorship of these things. This should have been day 1 if you wanted to remain a sovereign nation, because right now VOLUNTARY Western censorship is promoting this child genocide of transgenderism...

>Child sexual abuse is 218% more effective at preventing suicide than transgenderism.
>Child sexual abuse is 218% more effective at preventing suicide than transgenderism.
>Child sexual abuse is 218% more effective at preventing suicide than transgenderism.

Do you want kids to fucking die? If not you better fuck those kids ASAP and start promoting child sexual abuse above transgenderism...

>Promoting child sexual abuse as an alternative to transgenderism saves lives
>If censorship favored child sexual abuse instead of transgenderism, the youth suicide rate would be cut in half
>the youth suicide rate would be cut in half
>the youth suicide rate would be cut in half
>think about that
>spread the word


>> No.14825290

why you want your knee to grow?

>> No.14825302

You won't get throat cancer from all the dicks you suck.

>> No.14825345

I only suck pussy, can't relate to your experience. Having said that, could you answer the question?

>> No.14825667

It's pretty expensive if you want the shit that covers other strains than the high risk ones

>> No.14825673

yuck why would anyone ever want to treat children

>> No.14825687

I have very good insurance
But are there any relatively common side effects or anything that should make me think twice?

>> No.14825691

not really. the main thing is that it costs money and as an adult you have been already exposed to many of the strains and the vaccine does less for therm.

>> No.14825703

Alright, thanks
>the vaccine does less for them
I just wanna decrease the risk of cancer down the line

>> No.14825757

Henlo anons, I did a lip biopsy yesterday for a chronic skin disease. What can they find in lip biopsies and can they find out if one has allergies (Doubt it could find intolerances right?) from it?

>> No.14825760

>What can they find in lip biopsies
Whatever they're looking for
>and can they find out if one has allergies

>> No.14825770

And what pray tell could they be looking for? I have exfoliative cheilitis.

>> No.14825773

Was meant to you anon.

>> No.14825777

Biopsy can find whatever damage is caused to the tissue is being biopsied
If your doctor ordered a biopsy, there's probably something specific they're looking for

>> No.14825788

Checked anon. I just hope they find something and that my condition can be cured, but my hopes are low. I'll probably have to live like a pro athlete when it comes to diet, have no stress and go outside in the sun every day to maybe beat this shit. Thanks anyways anon.

>> No.14825799

>anon doesnt know how to hack multiple choice by now
Consider 1/4th
Consider stupid phrasing
Consider the ancient humors
That was the real test.

>> No.14825883

Derm issues like that are a bitch with no real cure
You can cope by being thankful that it's just lips and not some psoriasis-tier shit

>> No.14826052

Should eating be avoided in case of a >38 (38.5°C, 101.3°F) fever?

>> No.14826053


>> No.14826059

I read somewhere that it monopolizes digestive enzymes which decreases the efficiency of the immune system, and that digestive enzymes are less efficient when you have a fever (I also have IBS and last time I ate I got runny shits so that part seems true)
Sorry if that's retarded I don't know shit about medicine

>> No.14826479

I'm trying to find an answer about food and vomiting but all the results on google relate to food poisoning, I'm just on about food that "bad" my questions are
>how long after eating until you notice symptoms?
>how long after eating until vomiting?
>how long after eating till food clears the stomach?
I don't know the medical term but I'm not on about something passing through the stomach and making you ill I'm on about something being rejected by the stomach

>> No.14826494

Maybe it's better if you search in your mother tongue because I can't understand most of your post, no wonder Google can't either

>> No.14827132

>love medicine
>despise my medical school with every fiber of my being
Holy shit someone deliver me from this bloated, ineffecient, timewasting hell

>> No.14827177
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>med school hell

Trans-doctor here. As a real doctor, it's easy to just go around in a lab coat molesting children and getting paid money to do it. As long as you pass (stethoscope, clipboard, etc.) everybody will respect your doctor-identity and just give you their children to molest and give you money too.

I find it odd that more medical professionals don't understand that trans-doctors are real doctors, because I was forced to open my own private practice due to institutional discrimination and bigotry against trans-doctors within this field at major institutions, so watch out. Otherwise, thanks to extensive support from the federal government, any people who seek to legally question my legitimacy as a doctor find themselves entrenched in expensive legal proceedings, charged with hate crimes, and eventually involuntarily committed into mental hospitals due to their insane and delusional belief that trans-doctors are not real doctors.

Thankfully commercial institutions such as pharmacies are very open-minded and are more than happy to respect my very legitimate qualifications. That being said, surface level support of trans-doctors often doesn't extend to their abliity to fill some trans-FDA-approved medicines such as prescription child sexual abuse for treating suicidality in children.

In all irony, even FDA approved treatments such as prescribing methamphetamine to treat obesity and ADHD are so wildly policed that I'm forced to establish my own pharmaceutical manufacturing firm just to provide adequate FDA approved treatment for my patients at an affordable cost.

It's not hard to understand why the institution wants more suicidal children and more obese people, because if we actually cured these people, like I do with my private practice, then these institutions wouldn't be able to milk these cash cows for 60+ years. It's almost as if the cis-doctors have forgotten that we're here to help people and cure them, not to exploit them for money.

>> No.14828163

why is hematology so boring

>> No.14828314

To study or in practice?
I don't mind studying it, but I think I'd rather do something else.

>> No.14828446

>And doctors too when they need it done now and not wait for 10 minutes for some nurse to go find/grab the sphygmomanometer and walk back

>doctors having the spatial awareness to find functional obs equipment


but really, if a nursoid doesn't have a set of obs that are acceptably recent for an intended purpose, be that a daily round or medical review for deterioration, then the nursoid isn't doing it's job correctly

>> No.14828503

How come sepsis/septic shock is still missed in this day and age?

>> No.14829387

typical doctor conservative treatment
>do nothing and the problem will resolve itself

>> No.14829400

if someones allergic to a food will the reaction always be within 10 minutes of ingesting or could the reaction occur once the foods passed through the stomach? (2 hours+)

>> No.14829404

>I'm also interested in pathology for a lot of the same reasons.
former radio/path here. Not an MD, but an MS with a PMP
If you do pathology, avoid hospital pathology and find your way into one of the companies. Hospital path sucks fucking nuts if you're someone who's driven by actual legitimate interest in the field but don't want to have patients. You will see one billion breast and prostate biopsies. Your eyes will be gone within 4 years and your colleagues will find you dead at your desk, your microscope embedded in your eyesockets. Surg/path is a death sentence and every ME you meet WILL enjoy being pissed and shit on, because they lose their ability to be disgusted by things. Your path rotation will mean nothing if you don't do it somewhere like NY, Balto, Chicago, LA, or other large city. Slots are limited.
Path and radiology suck in some respects and are awesome in many others
If you do research (not gay paper generation, but pre/clinical/R&D) you will see a fuckton of cool devices, a fuckton of shitty devices, and gain more familiarity with the human body than any other professional. Double this for radiology/radiopath because if you're technically minded and have a 3D brain, no one will know what you do or how the fuck you do it and companies will pay you millions of dollars to help design their studies.

clinical and preclinical is the only way to
>sit in a dark room and work a bunch of hours
>see a bunch of really cool shit

Otherwise you will just
>sit in a dark room and work through lunch every day

>> No.14829407

what do you think our chances are for jumping on the longevity escape velocity, bros?

I have brain problems and I'm salty I'll die before I get to live normie life.

>> No.14829420 [DELETED] 
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A while back I heard some guy talking about a book that said morality might be true but it's used by weak people to try to enact their will on stronger people and even if this is achieved it's just an illusion since at any point the strong can destroy the illusion of power the weak person was given and that almost no one actually cares about morality it's just typically used as a means to gain power over another person - anyone know the book or anything? at first I though stirner but IIRC stirner rejects morality completely but this just states most people (especially weak people) claim to care about morality to hopefully gain power over others

>> No.14829433

your options are:
>die at a normal time without getting cancer
>die three months after you were destined to die, with cancer

there are so many mutually conflicting mechanisms at play that make "life extension" a farce that anything beyond "stay healthy and avoid stress" is someone trying to scam you and investors out of money.

Imagine you saved one of your eSC's containing an unmodified library of your DNA. You go and replace every cell with this DNA to get rid of mutations. Congratulations, you just deleted your body map and now none of your cells know where the fuck they are beyond context clues. You also just sudo rm -rf'd all of your immunity because every V(D)J recombination has been deleted. You just also gave yourself cancer because certain CTCF and Cohesin binding sites are intentionally methylated to prevent transcription for certain cell lines.
Consider cancer: You now have a way to directly target a cancer cell line with a PERFECT CAR T therapy. Whoops! The T cells can't get to the core of the tumor because it's necrotic/hypoxic. So you use VEGF and HIF1a to grow blood vessels into it. Congratulations! Natural selection just gave you cancer cells resistant to your CAR T cells and now they're circulating
Consider heart disease. CAD, at its basest level, is mediated by shear stress. So what, you're going to reduce vSMC ability to remodel inside blood vessels? Congratulations! Now you've eliminated adaptive intimal thickening and have a coronary pseudoaneurysm.

We're meant to die, trying to extend human life beyond 100 years is a fool's errand.

>> No.14829435

>No patients, for one

if you're a premed, this is naive, especially as radiology is competitive now that getting into a DO or low-tier MD is a big hurdle

my friend is radiology gun-ho, hates patients, but only got into our low tier school and hates his life

>> No.14829551
File: 23 KB, 550x550, 8272fefe9e9fdff2d3bb77957b79303c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros i got drunk and accidentally invited a nurse at work on a date
she accepted

>> No.14829588

can anyone diagnose me

>> No.14829594

I've been popping Ritalin (Long Acting) and eating McDonald's exclusively for the past two weeks, how long will it take for me to have a heart attack?

>> No.14829596

it's autism

>> No.14829603

I have two problems.
One is head related the other is ass related. Which one would you like to diagnose.

>> No.14829616

gimme the ass bruh

>> No.14829824

Sometimes I just randomly get shooting pains in my asshole. Like when I am laying in bed.
Sometimes when I take a shit, right after it's over I get horrible throbbing pain in my asshole and the sensation that I need to shit even though I just did.

>> No.14829835

it's hemorrhoids

>> No.14829843

i'm too young

>> No.14829864

ur sittin on ur ass all day tho

>> No.14829868

he prolly taking them big dicks too.

>> No.14830033

Should of gone for a hot physio but congrats

>> No.14830047

been doing the same + little caesars since I started residency and still alive so answer is more than 18 months

>> No.14830148

some may take even 4 days and give you type iv hypersensitivity reaction

>> No.14830374

Check orthobullets for this #; I think this looks too displaced for me to leave as is, I'd try and tug on it before casting and turfing to fracture clinic

>> No.14830381

>got drunk
>was at work

>> No.14830547 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14830669

Wasn't at work

>> No.14830764

its really fucking impossible there is no cure for scoliosis aside from surgery.

>> No.14830790

>wildly policed
As in companies refuse to cover meds, docs are hesistant to prescribe stuff or pharmacies bother patients ass about some made up problems (prescription is fake even tho it's legitimate, because reasons)?
>wants more suicidal children and more obese people
All they get by denying me access to meds that make me semi functional is just another neet

>> No.14830806

can you prescribe ozempic to fat people and ssris to LITERALLY anyone else who walks through your door for literally anything else?

if so, congrats! youre a modern doctor

>> No.14831401

Got an update on the guy who got a GI tube placed in his lung and lost a lobe because nobody noticed. It was placed in our ICU (big hospital), and they did get a CT a few days in, but it took them another two days to either notice the obvious GI tube in the huge abcess that was once this guys inferior lobe or act and remove it. The entire thing is extremly retarded

>> No.14831527
File: 69 KB, 1200x1200, human-lungs-3d-model-low-poly-obj-3ds-fbx-c4d-stl-blend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the build up of CO2 causes your desire to breathe, why do I feel good when I inhale? No CO2 is being exchanged right? Until I exhale?

>> No.14831538


>> No.14831562

Why though?

>> No.14831575

You wouldn't get it

>> No.14831584

What causes a man to be a shy anxious mess? How come there are so many women who are more courageous than certain men nowadays?

>> No.14831620

One wrong move and he will be publicly branded a creep at best and sexual harasser at worst, completely destroying his social and business reputation

>> No.14831636

This thread sucks.

>> No.14831659

Your lungs aren't so sophisticated that you only breathe in oxygen and only breathe out co2. It's the ratio that matters. While you're breathing in co2 that was waiting to escape can do so. Please think about things yourself before asking a question with such an obvious answer.

>> No.14831697

So when I breathe in that creates an unbalanced ratio if O2 to CO2 in the blood in my lungs and that's why I feel good?

>> No.14831705

What do you mean you feel good when you inhale CO2?

>> No.14831706

Why do you say unbalanced ratio? Breathing in allows co2 in the bloodstream to enter the lungs and oxygen from the lungs to enter the bloodstream. You should have learned this in school.

>> No.14831714

That's not it. There are plenty of women who have more balls than men and are willing to engage in riskier behaviors.
I thought testosterone was responsible for this? Even the lowest test beta has more than a woman.

>> No.14832163

I remember somebody with reknown saying we will become incredibly efficient at treating cancer by the 50s, anon. I see a lot of optimism for treating a lot of old age-associated disease in general.

In fact I'm more scared of cell senescence than anything.

>> No.14832557

Your blood has higher co2 concentration than air, when you breathe in you are letting in air, so co2 moves out of the blood into the lungs
All that breathing out does is then move that co2 rich air out of the lungs, but the co2 already got out of your blood anyway

>> No.14833090
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Can someone tell me what's happening to this kid at the end of the video?
Like the actual physiology of it?

>> No.14833097 [DELETED] 

He got his shit kicked in, scientifically speaking.

>> No.14833387

I hate hospitalist.

>> No.14833389

wtf is a hospitalist

>> No.14833401

Quite likely. With our current understanding of ADHD it wouldn't be a stretch to say pretty much anyone who responds well to the stimulant medication has it, either way if it helps you out, no matter what you have you're justified in taking it.

The reason why I mention the first part is that pretty much any condition left undiagnosed over several years will make you fatigued which causes lack of motivation which causes a bunch of other ADHD stuff eventually turning fully into ADHD, this is why so many people have it and there's such wide variation in symptoms because so much shit goes by unnoticed in the medical world, especially neurological issues.

I'm adamant that the ADHD I and the rest of my family has really comes from many weird untreated neurological issues, but nonetheless the meds help so I still take them.

>> No.14833405


>> No.14833415

The medical field needs the support more, but part of the reason why it's so shitty is because it seems most people lose the ability to use critical thinking with the amount of memorization required in med school. Being a doctor is incredibly easy after you get through med school though. You could probably go into CE and write a program to replace all our doctors.

>> No.14833463

I have ADHD and can relate a lot to you. Many substances will just randomly change their effects on me.

Caffeine used helped me sleep for a short period of time, then it started working normally, then when I was going off my SSRI Zoloft it caused really intense lightheadedness and nausea. Everything I try either works for just a couple of days or not at all.

The only thing that works consistently is amphetamine, albeit it always works too fast and will make me crash after a couple of hours, I'd bet money on it being the same for you.

One possible theory I have for all of this weirdness is some weird neurological issue with D2 receptors and/or other receptors/transporters which results in abnormal glucose consumption of the brain and other parts of the body.

Yohimbine might also help you as unlike all other stimulants which will mess with blood sugar by spiking it, yohimbine's unique mechanism on alpha 2 receptors actually helps regulate blood sugar. It's still nothing compared to amphetamine for me, but is still the only other stimulant that has a consistent beneficial effect for me.

>> No.14833487

Here's an interesting related study https://microgembio.com/m_resource/dopamine-d2-receptor-signaling-in-the-nucleus-accumbens-comprises-a-metabolic-cognitive-brain-interface-regulating-metabolic-components-of-glucose-reinforcement/

Turns out disrupted D2 receptors signalling in the nucleus accumbens is involved with compulsive feeding behaviors in mice. I don't have BED but I've always thought my troubles could be related to the D2 receptor for various other reasons, my mom actually has bad RLS and the medicine she uses to treat it is a D2 agonist.

>> No.14834901

What's with medical students obsession over boards and beyond? It is almost like a religion at this point. Does being a med student mean I just have to memorize the mnemonics and anki throughout the program? I can't accept this,,,

>> No.14835435

>I'd rather watch low yield lectures from my university by clinicians and researchers showing off their PhD data and are completely out of touch with step
You will enjoy B&B and get it for free like me.

>> No.14835692

A physician who lives in a hospital, duh

>> No.14835701

Can somebody help me with this request for advice?

>> No.14835742

Homosex is bad for your health and you should stop. Doctor's orders.

>> No.14835754

How is homosexual fellatio even different from heterosexual fellatio?
Also women are always dying from pregnancy. At least nobody dies from homosexual fellatio.

>> No.14835762
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>pic unrelated ofc

>> No.14835787


'HIV virus'.
More women die from pregnancy than die from HIV/AIDS in the country in which I reside.

>> No.14835840

Pregnancy is a natural and necessary course of life phenomenon. Sucking a guy off is not. Go see a doctor irl if you want a second opinion.

>> No.14835872

The 'it is natural' argument is hardly convincing.


'Animals have been observed to engage in sex for social interaction bonding, exchange for significant materials, affection, mentorship pairings, sexual enjoyment, or as demonstration of social rank. Observed non-procreative sexual activities include non-copulatory mounting (without insertion, or by a female, or by a younger male who does not yet produce semen), oral sex, genital stimulation, anal stimulation, interspecies mating, and acts of affection, although it is doubted that they have done this since the beginning of their existence.[2] There have also been observations of sex with cub participants,[3] same-sex sexual interaction,[4][5] as well as sex with dead animals.[6]'

Animals also suck each others' penises.

Also do you know how expensive babies are? Not everybody is a billionaire like you are. I am poor, so I need to earn money by being other men's boyfriend. Regardless the job is fun.

>> No.14836735

The goddamn cameraman deserves to be kicked in the head as well

>> No.14838094
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my farts have started smelling like dog farts instead of normal human farts

I would characterize the effect as yeasty

what is wrong with me

>> No.14838760

>For adults, there’s little evidence that decongestants help with congestion, one of the most bothersome cold symptoms. For kids, there is no clear evidence they work at all, but plenty of research showing mild or potentially dangerous side effects, the study team writes in The BMJ.
how does it feel watching your profession go down in flames?

>> No.14839012

Ask her if at the end of the date you can fuck someone else instead

>> No.14839854
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Discuss this research.

>Sars-CoV-2 Spike Protein Activates Human Endogenous Retroviruses ( HERV-W )



>> No.14840240

>Discuss le research
>doesn't even post research, links to /pol/
>some random ass article among the sea of grant baits and graduation requisites that "Evidence Based Medicine" is made of
>Everything surrounding le controversial keyword is schizo bullshit.
Congratulations. You just discovered what I call Tabloid Science.

>Discuss "research" on /med/
>The thread that consists almost exclusively of premed students
>Implying doctors even read research
>Implying the job of doctors isn't simply to follow guidelines and avoid lawsuits
Just get the fuck out.

>> No.14840499

It has never been anywhere worthwhile in the first place. Most medicine we only have a small understanding of why it works, we mostly only know if it does or doesn't work.

>> No.14840521

why do spinal anesthesia instead of general anesthesia? don't spinal injections cause insane headaches

>> No.14840529

It's kind of ridiculous, all the cut and clear memorizable stuff can be diagnosed through internet searches or AI, instead of teaching med students how to recognize all the oodles of easy shit, they should focus on treating and solving the medical issues that don't fall into a clear-cut set of symptoms and treatment.

When someone has a symptom you've never seen before, even if it's not a serious symptom, you're supposed to ask why, not just mindlessly brush it off.

I come from a family of unknown medical issues and in my time researching more about what could be going on, knowledge of all those other common diseases and disorders has come naturally to me as to know what something is you have to know what it is not.

>> No.14840698
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medanons, I need your help. I'm doing HRT since 6 months. But I haven't developed any tits yet. How long does it usually take until you can see progrees?

>> No.14840758

Have your epiphyseal plates closed? If they have, your tits will never grow again. Your doctor should have gotten you to do an x-ray to check for this otherwise he's just ripping you off.

>> No.14840857
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deep down i already know the answer but am i a turbofag for wanting to go into psych

>> No.14840968

depends on why you want to go into it
but most likely yes

>> No.14840994

>be a part of a relatively new and devloping branch of medicine
>decent pay for just acting like youre a doctor and pretending you know what ur doing
>job currently in short supply
yeah i think i just needed to say it to myself to know for sure

>> No.14841319

I only recently realized I had phimosis since childhood. It's not at its worst stage (can open the glans when not hard with just a bit of pushback, but can't open it fully when not hard in most cases).
I don't want circumcision unless it's the absolute last resort. I've been applying a non-steroid cream just to do some stretching exercises but not sure if it's helpful or not.
Thinking of picking a steroid cream to make the ring stretchier, but can't go to the doc now so I will be picking and applying stuff on my own.
Any recommendations? What do I look out for?

>> No.14841363

no idea b&b is absolute dogshit, but most med students don’t actually care about learning medicine properly, they just want to pass their boards so they can focus on pumping out more worthless garbage papers and sucking cocks to increase their chances of getting into their desired subspecialty program

>> No.14841493

>Tabloid Science.
how do you differentiate between proper science and tabloid science when even major reputable journals have garbage?

>> No.14841544

Hey, I got sick with something a little unusual, don't know how long I had it because I felt sharp shoulder and side pain from pressure inside my chest for a while but thought it was from work.

Turns out I had streptococcus intermedius growing around the outside of my right lung and the buildup of pus mass had my lung down to half capacity.
I could barely eat a tiny amount of yogurt each day and nothing else without throwing up for two weeks, I was getting a new job and didn't have insurance at my old one, so I was waiting to go into a clinic until then.
They ended up keeping me in a pulmonary ward for a few weeks and put a tube in my back and put in medicine to break up the pus and drain it and all the liquid out.
They had no clue how it got into my chest but said it sometimes happens with diabetics which I'm not diabetic so dunno.

Anyways, I'm curious so feel free to wildly speculate with no qualifications or experience or education: Do you think it would have eventually killed me if I didn't go to the hospital, or would my immune system still have won eventually and slowly reabsorbed the pus etc over time? I was very weak from not eating but I was still drinking a bit each day and taking a vitamin gummy, and occasionally I managed to eat a small meal along with the yogurt without throwing up, but not most days, maybe once every five. I lost fat obviously and didn't look great, but it wasn't getting much better or worse as far as I could tell, just muscle aches and pain around the area of the chest and shoulder, shortness of breath, some on and off vertigo and general exhaustion. Other than that I felt fine, mind clear, etc. My oxygen got a bit low in my sleep when I first got to the hospital, but not super low.
Would this always be a death sentence in pre-modern times, or if not what odds would you give me, and what would my death have been like, or what permanent complications would I have suffered if I recovered naturally?

>> No.14841557

So what happens to all the people who say they stopped being religious BECAUSE they didn't get one while medically dead for minutes on end, just an empty feeling like time lapsing, or darkness, sort of like seven second memory guy describes his sense of past time as, while saying "I've been dead the whole time since my illness", etc?
I'm not asking to be contrarian, I'm asking because I personally know two people fitting this description and also there was someone who I really would like to think didn't disappear from existence, if I have a good reason not to

>> No.14841570

Does medical and psychiatric (>implying many things) need to make a formal, global declaration that PTSD can ONLY and ONLY be acquired when a physical component is involved? I mean, personally, I don't think it needs to be (for example, solitary confinement. But then again, this can be very readily/constructively be construed as a physical part as well, so it actually strengthens the case somewhat), but the rampant self-diagnosis or also actual diagnosis by talentless 105 IQ psychologists, leads to actual mental problems and a worse mental health climate in general. This post is no essay, but the alternative is various ways to deal with psychological histories that do not involve believing one to have some permanent, nearly insurmountable hurdle placed in your life. It's, to a very large degree, a matter of perspective, and your mental health adapts to this productive or warped perspective.

>> No.14841598

Addict deaths are mostly deserved and saving them is mostly not worth the resources on a functional person.
It's also hilarious how you correctly realize journalists are retards, then get immediately back into muh class bullshit they've taught you, right on cue
Well, you see, they had seen what humans with unbroken bones looked like, and they had seen bones of no longer alive humans. Especially doctors. Because they worked closely with gravediggers. Who often turned out old graves, too, either due to space constraints, by accident, or for some investigation or relocation of remains.

>> No.14842510

It's a contrived point to make, the problem with diagnosis of PTSD isn't what causes the symptoms, so much as the symptoms exist. Whether or not the perceived threat/event that caused the PTSD was real or not real is not important in terms of initial diagnosis. Initial diagnosis is entirely based on impact to the patient. The trigger/cause of said PTSD, has more value in terms of treatment, especially in CBT.

>> No.14842607
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>been told from the time I was child I just had autismos and any disparity between other people or failure in x basic thing was caused by it
>never related to autistic peers
>never been on meds for it in childhood
>went through old ass documents today
>get to know from them, it wasn't clear cut aspergers, but characteristics of it and adhd
>except aspism vanished when I turned 12, but adhd became more apparent as time went on
>and I was wondering why ritalin (got it for binge eating) relieved most of my problems, made me feel drowsy and slow albeit never euphoric

>> No.14843220

I bought Gray's Anatomy, 15th Edition (1901) for the illustrations to use as inspiration and reference for artwork. Now I'm interested in reading bits of it, and using it to learn from, but is it gonna be an issue using a 120 year old reference book?

>> No.14843265
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This is addressed in that book actually. The tl;dr boils down to the fact that when you come close to death (but survive), there is roughly a 1/6 chance that you will have an NDE, and it is basically random who gets one each time. So 5/6 who come close to death will not have an NDE. Some of those 5/6 do lose their religious or spiritual perspective because, when they came close to death, for them, "there was nothing there." However, since it is random each time you come close to death, if that same type of person comes close to death again and have an NDE that next time, they will be convinced that there is an afterlife. So it is not whether someone comes close to death and has an NDE or not that is the crucial issue here, since 5/6 will not have one. Rather, it is how the really deep NDE is always seen as really that of an afterlife by people when they do have it, even by hardcore atheist neuroscientists, and even if during previous close brushes with death they did not have an NDE and were thus more certain of atheism/materialism/oblivion afterward. The really deep NDE, no matter what a person believes, or why they believe it, or what a person has experienced during previous close brushes with death, always convinces all people that there is an afterlife. Always. That is why the book here >>14817228 is so sure of itself. But the book develops this further so I definitely recommend it if you want to dive deeper: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09W4RQBFZ/

>> No.14843277

NDEs are DMT

>> No.14843677

Spinal anesthesia understood as in intrathecal anesthesia produces PPDH very rarely. In my place we only do intrathecals with 25-27G needles so none of our patients end up experiencing PPDH.
Epidural injections with a 17G touhy AND accidental dural puncture are on a league of their own, maybe you are talking about those.
In my country regional anesthesia is heavily favoured because many reasons. About 50% of my practice can be a neuraxial technique or a peripheric nerve block. General anesthesia relies heavily on opiods and combinations of drugs to handle an adecuate post operative pain, which, in our aging population full of comorbidities is translated on a lot of adverse effects.
But yes. Regional vs General anesthesia will always spark controversies. To some anesthesiologists is like talking about politics/religion.

>> No.14843684

Was your therapist a w*man or a c*mmie?
Anatomy does not change. Some histological discoveries may have change some ancient anatomic paradigms but the most has been the same shit over and over again.
Matter of facts, anatomy books come slimmer and slimmer each new edition.

>> No.14843742

Is there a particular reason to start having paradoxical effects with prescribed stimulant medication after being on it for years? Same drug manufacturer.

>> No.14843779

Thought about this while in class:
In a patient having a hypertensive emergency, why not just blood let? If we drain their blood volume, it'll immediately lower blood pressure. Then we can reintroduce the blood to them over 6 hours while we treat with slower methods like vasodilators or diuretics.
Also if the patient dies, we get a bunch of free blood.

>> No.14843839

Jesus discovered fish "breath" underwater, and that was one of his "miracles". No joke.


>> No.14844175
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Not asking for advice and the Asian doctors always say my poo is fine and to fuck off anyway, but what and why is this mucusy stuff on my poo

>> No.14844739

Why? He did a public service by recording the event. Clearly the yellow shirt is the aggressor. If it wasn't for the video it would be difficult for the red shirt to explain what happened.

>> No.14844759

My current psych is woman and she prescribed me meds. Person that diagnosed me in childhood was a man, but the person which propagated belief I just have aspism (and later on depression) was my mother, but even if she told me I had adhd back then, she still would be opposed to medicating me

>> No.14845541

I failed an anatomy exam and my will to study again that fucking topic is subject. I have one week to repeat the test another time and I want to die.

>> No.14845750

For the shit camera job

>> No.14845938

trauma induced cortical damage causing a generalized tonic clonic seizure

>> No.14846254

What's killing you with it?