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File: 1.19 MB, 1033x508, CorporateAlliance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14792145 No.14792145 [Reply] [Original]

Telecommunications edition

previous: >>14787622

>> No.14792150

>Perseverance is revolutionizing rover capabilities
>SuperCam was designed with a guaranteed focus distance of 7 meters, but the capacity to shoot even further. Over the past year, the SuperCam team has been testing how much further we can focus our laser and still generate a radiative plasma.
>On sol 328 (January 22nd), we successfully achieved the longest laser-based spectroscopy analysis ever performed on Mars, reaching 10 meters. We are now preparing to test our laser on a target 11 meters away – as far away as a telephone-pole is tall!
Truly ground-breaking and revolutionary.

>> No.14792151
File: 11 KB, 608x365, Reactionturbine45.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can the nozzle velocity exceed the water jet velocity in principle

>> No.14792164


Berger article about the whole Tmobile/SpaceX-Starlink service

>> No.14792169

Ask Heron.

>> No.14792171


>> No.14792189
File: 57 KB, 700x436, solarTower.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why build many solar panels when you can just build one and reflect sunlight on it

>> No.14792202

What happens if you build a regular solar panel and use reflectors to shine 1000x the light on it?

>> No.14792204

For actual solar panels the efficiency goes down with heat
And the solar heating type in your picture negates one of the biggest upsides of solar in my opinion: decentralisation

>> No.14792209

it's so fucking big

>> No.14792211

solar panels stop working if you heat them up
mirrors like these are generally only worth it in solar thermal arrays in hot deserts where no semiconductor solar panels are involved

>> No.14792223
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First for Neutron

>> No.14792238

it's not that easy in molten saltetry

>> No.14792299
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>> No.14792309


>Harris has also worked to get the public excited about spaceflight and exploration. These outreach efforts include speaking with numerous NASA astronauts on Earth and in space, and even hosting a space-themed scavenger hunt with kids that featured in a YouTube original last year.

WTF based

>> No.14792316
File: 52 KB, 758x762, Space Station Silhouette on the Moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only works in direct sunlight, pv will give you power when it's a bit overcast

>> No.14792324
File: 204 KB, 1115x721, usborne books world of the future risto sat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so spacex and t-mobile are making this real?

>> No.14792328


>> No.14792336
File: 437 KB, 2048x1366, Thank You SpaceX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be part of a SpaceX scavenger hunt.

>> No.14792348
File: 32 KB, 320x320, R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit bros...it's actually happening.

>> No.14792357

Aren't going

>> No.14792360
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>> No.14792364

Any nice hotels in there?

>> No.14792368

Imagine the roaming charges

>> No.14792380

I've been waiting for this.

My theory for years is that eventually 5G will be the new wifi and satellite will be the new cell phone internet.

Can't wait to telecommute to work from on top of a mountain or some shit.

>> No.14792399
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>> No.14792400

Free with current popular plans already

>> No.14792410

How do you "roam" if the network covers the entire surface of the earth?

>> No.14792422

For now, just like Telsa supercharging started out it's too perfect not to start implementing any in the future. I would still probably switch to it eventually though, knowing the money will be going straight to Mars

>> No.14792504
File: 764 KB, 1778x2500, C8B3675B-E4C5-478A-B1BF-9E04F7B4CA3D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would support a literal commie trans progressive president as long as they’re cool with spaceflight. If the election was between Trump and AOC, and AOC pledged her support for space stuff, I would vote for her 100%

>> No.14792513

>trusting crazy
You're crazy so that fits.
Did you already forget the outreach video they made with her last year, with the child actors?

>> No.14792525

It's not that surprising Obama loved SpaceX too.

Really, every president since Bush, both Democrat and Republican, has been good for roggets.

>> No.14792528

Like them or hate them, Bush and Obama pushing CRS, COTS, and CCDEV was a good move

>> No.14792537
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>> No.14792541
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Atlas L

>> No.14792568

methane is meme fuel

>> No.14792575


>> No.14792578
File: 2.13 MB, 1600x900, ssssssssip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. tom markusic

>> No.14792586

Well well well. The crane has approached Ship 24. Could we be seeing preps for a full stack on the eve of SLS Artemis-I (the assumption was more Static Fires first)? Hopefully not a rollback.

>> No.14792590

Elon will blow up Ship 24 on the pad just to get eyes of Artemis.

>> No.14792606
File: 83 KB, 964x526, 895544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what in tarnation
there were some really crackpot rocket designs in the 70s and 80s

>> No.14792630

they will never do a full booster static fire

>> No.14792667

Yes because the water jet velocity relative to the ground is irrelevant to the system. Water runs outward with respect to the axis of rotation, then runs into the 90 degree elbow and reacts off of it to move parallel to the axis of rotation, with the reaction force causing the spin rate of the thing to accelerate.

>> No.14792669

They should make the dishes open source too https://github.com/SpaceExplorationTechnologies/starlink-wifi-gen2

>> No.14792673

Great way to make a 100% renewables powered grid cost far more and suffer from local energy shortages all the time.

>> No.14792686

Concentrated solar power systems used to be the cheaper option compared to photovoltaics but recently the cost per kWh capacity for photovoltaics has dropped through the floor and it never makes economic sense to do concentrated solar any more, under any condition, except for the tiny edge case in which you have a parabolic trough mirror on the roof of your cabin in winter to provide supplemental heating through water circulation.

>> No.14792688

>names rocket Neutron
>it's not propelled by a direct-drive continuous fission propulsion system
kind of a waste if you ask me

>> No.14792694

Who exactly thinks that any of that shit will get anyone excited or interested in space?

>> No.14792696

Decrepit out-of-touch boomers in government.

>> No.14792727

The grid would still be connected, I'm not talking about splitting the grid into pieces, I'm talking about replacing large power plants with having solar panels fucking everywhere

That way you can't just target one big power plant, you instead need to target every roof in the city

>> No.14792735

So uh why don't we just kill em?

>> No.14792738
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>> No.14792742

That's what I'm saying too though, spreading out the generation like that makes it extremely difficult to manage the grid. It's not like you can just hook up wires and magically have a stable voltage and frequency on the lines. A shitload of work managing all that crap happens every day.

>> No.14792747
File: 64 KB, 1200x675, oops need another 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14792748

Why is the vice-president doing first lady stuff?

>> No.14792751

>>names rocket Neutron
>>it's not propelled by a direct-drive
>>fission propulsion system
>kind of a waste if you ask me

>> No.14792752
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The best part is no part

>> No.14792757

What do you think a Vice President does?

They have no actual responsibilities so they're just there to be the face of the administration for things that don't require anyone actually important.

>> No.14792759
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>> No.14792761

If you tune your orion drive so that the next bomb detonates before the first one's plasma cloud has fully dispersed you can call it continuous

>> No.14792771

even pulsed solid core isnt continuous

>> No.14792780

Not talking about pulsed solid core

>> No.14792787

Continuous fission is impossible because fission events are discreet

>> No.14792789

Nuclear Salt Water is

>> No.14792790

VP is a free agent that isn't very visible outwards. You can put them in charge of important shit, but doesn't look like Kamala can handle that.

>> No.14792816
File: 76 KB, 500x567, Lieut Gulliver Jones His Vacation (1976) by Joe Petagno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Continuous niggering is possible because your posts prove it

>> No.14792822
File: 112 KB, 1285x996, Image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

full stack incoming

>> No.14792827

You can't build a propulsion system using niggers, though: they don't perform work

>> No.14792828

believe it when i see it bud

>> No.14792832

Man, people who get to make patches for missions are the best.

>> No.14792840
File: 10 KB, 425x142, welsh blac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you'll find they built everything in America chuddychops

>> No.14792853

If I carve a statue from stone using a chisel, did the chisel do the work or did I?
If a woodsman drags timber through the snow using a team of horses, did the horses do the work or did the woodsman?
If a white man runs a plantation by driving slaves, did the slaves do the work or did the driver?

>> No.14792874
File: 20 KB, 419x317, MICHAEL RICHARDS 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you make a good case

>> No.14792898
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God hates SLS

Tornado spotted near SLS


>> No.14792901


Heard they where going to do a full stack to support Artemis.

>> No.14792903

I hate SLS, therefore I am God

>> No.14792905
File: 705 KB, 574x535, My Face Next Monday.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14792909


>> No.14792915
File: 775 KB, 1128x635, Screenshot 2022-08-26 at 13-37-47 kansas_tornado_1920x1080_2028673603851.jpg (WEBP Image 1200 × 675 pixels) – Scaled (94%).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14792917

>Monday approaches
>"Here we are, just 1 hour from launching the MOST POWERFUL rocket NASA has ever built. We are going!"
>Meanwhile at Starbase, a frost begins to build on the stack...

>> No.14792922
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Reminder that Firefly's second launch attempt is September 3rd.

>> No.14792930
File: 2.83 MB, 1280x720, Firefly alpha.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope this one goes better.

>> No.14792936
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>> No.14792940


I unironically hope musk buys Firefly if it goes bankrupt again.

>> No.14792945
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>> No.14792979
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Terran R's Aeon R engine bell

>> No.14792980
File: 694 KB, 2560x1440, 7 Starship & Super Heavy Development From SpaceX's Boca Chica Facility_20220826_120013.150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14792988

Weights for a crane or sum shite

>> No.14792994

Daddy Northrop won't let that happen. Also what could SpaceX possibly want out of Firefly?

>> No.14793011

Air light the H-1s

>> No.14793015

Firefly Beta is Mini-Starship and they're desperate for it

>> No.14793016


>> No.14793023

If a tornado destroyed SLS right before its launch attempt I would lol forever

>> No.14793036
File: 200 KB, 1x1, best-research-cell-efficiencies-rev220630[1].pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And yet concentrating cells have been built that get higher efficiencies than the equivalent non concentrating cell.

>> No.14793040
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>> No.14793042
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>> No.14793062

Beta right now is guaranteed kerolox, burdened by oldspace, and probably partial reuse at most. Only BO and Relativity are developing mini Starships, and SpaceX would be better off developing their own at that point.

>> No.14793063

Totally the same thing as reflecting MWs of power onto a small PV panel because you don't know the difference between solar thermal and concentrator photovoltaics

>> No.14793079

It's just standing there... menacingly!

>> No.14793083
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RD171MV for Irtysh

>> No.14793084
File: 633 KB, 600x600, Pumpkin Launch System.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's going to happen to the pumpkins after Artemis 1?

>> No.14793093

You can see them disappearing, just fading away inside the rocket. Not a good look for NASA.

>> No.14793099

They're going to be replaced by a bigger upper stage that doesn't waste five tons necking down from the core

>> No.14793104

Americans will do anything in order to not learn the metric system. How many pumpkins equal the area of a football field?

>> No.14793117

https://youtube.com/shorts/HMomc-xgRZE?feature=share “Boxabl” CEO is at Starbase right now overseeing a delivery of portable living structures for the employees who work at the site. After seeing Starship, he immediately layed down on the trailer and shouted:

>> No.14793119
File: 313 KB, 1280x1480, lego pumpkinbot instructions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How many pumpkins equal the area of a football field
5610, based on the UK average of one acre yielding 4250 pumpkins and the acreage of an American football field being 1.32 acres.



>> No.14793127

Beat me to it, I was halfway through doing a sphere-packing algo

>> No.14793132

I hate removing vowels in company names

>> No.14793136

Yours is probably still a better estimate, mine only takes into account the average yield of that area actually growing pumpkins, and they don't grow packed one right next to another. The number of pumpkins required to cover a football field is undoubtedly higher.

>> No.14793138

so true

>> No.14793165

I'm only posting this so I can click on the link to that other post instead of going searching

>> No.14793188

Why do these jannies think they deserve the right to be cringe? Only Musk can do that.

>> No.14793195


She is ready

>> No.14793205

Imagine if they stream Clear on the Amazon tablet they're flying on this mission

>> No.14793208

Ooops! You seem to have posted this in the wrong section of this website, let me redirect you

>> No.14793258

They're going to wait forever for Block 1B to ever exist.

>> No.14793300

She is absolutely adorable, can't wait :3

>> No.14793320

Cope & seethe

>> No.14793329

>NASA & Boeing have penciled in a launch date in February for the first piloted test flight of the Starliner commercial crew capsule

>> No.14793338

nor a full booster fire

>> No.14793340

sorry mate, missed a >

>> No.14793342

Is the full stack needed for all engine static fire or is this again just for show? Will they be stacking the thing every summer from now on?

>> No.14793343

This, sonic vibrations reverberating from flat ground into the booster will tear it apart from sound pressure the moment all 33 engines ignite

This is basic physics, basic mathematics, basic audio dynamics, basic acoustic dynamics. SpaceX isn't engineering their way out of this without flame diverter+trench

>> No.14793350

you just look at the thing and know it means business

>> No.14793354

Yeah, it means business with thousands of contractors.

>> No.14793373

As you said it is a reaction engine. If you consider a chunk of water, first it is stationary, then it is spinning fast inside the arms, and after it is exhausted it still has velocity in the direction of rotation which seems to violate Newton's 3rd law

>> No.14793395

how come NASA is turning off the comments on their SLS youtube videos

>> No.14793400

Stops you from harrassing them, doesn't it?

>> No.14793401

Elon's giving a way crypto! Click here!

>> No.14793402

I was only gonna ask why it takes a diverse set of people to build the SLS and how much the SLS costs

>> No.14793407

Assuming we get cheap big rockets (Starship or something like it), can we expect to get more frequent and faster missions?
As in, we are gonna get a Uranus mission, but could we also get a Neptune mission at the same time if the costs get significantly lower?

>> No.14793411


Space exploration budgets have been flat or negative for decades. If anything it'll be slower because it'll cost more to build larger missions

>> No.14793424

Speaking of missions, you guys have until September 28th if you want to be a JPL intern

>> No.14793426

Don't do it guys California is triple gay.

>> No.14793441

Does anyone have "the 40 year old BOOOSTER" coomer meme? Thanks.

>> No.14793450
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>> No.14793452

I assume it'll take NASA a decade to catch up but if Starship hits even double it's target launch cost we could potentially see swarms of smaller, cheaper sats being lobbed at other planets in the near future. SpaceX might even subsidize refueling launches for such missions just to build the market and grab PR since Starlink is always gonna be their big money maker.

>> No.14793454

Thank you!

>> No.14793464

what does the smoke/exhaust consist of?

>> No.14793469

I could totally see Elon paying for some sort of $100k/ton to Mars orbit "promotion" for a bunch of universities to collectively fill a single payload bay.
If their backend launch costs are anywhere near $2-5M it'd be pennies for Elon but it'd increase the satellite mass around Mars by like 10x in a single flight. Bonus points if they can bias their experiments towards data that can be used for colonization efforts down the road.

>> No.14793473
File: 36 KB, 701x699, cassini probe final.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we are gonna get a Uranus mission
no evidence of this, no money committed to it. we could have gambled with Cassini but faggotry prevailed

>> No.14793481
File: 58 KB, 1321x321, nuke November 1961 issue of LIFE magazine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

various nitric oxides. nuclear mushroom clouds are the same colour for the same reason

>> No.14793483
File: 1.25 MB, 2333x3500, 52186604862_96b416ebcf_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>extremely aesthetic plume
Disagree, the plume looks like an unstructured cloud of smoke.

>> No.14793491
File: 32 KB, 320x420, img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what a real plume looks like, made by a real rocket engine

>> No.14793493


>> No.14793515
File: 540 KB, 1920x1200, apollo-11-launch_1920x1200_48890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There can only be one

>> No.14793519
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>> No.14793538

flame creeping is so kino

>> No.14793565
File: 81 KB, 849x525, Krystal 1C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't been able to work on any engines for the past few months due to an internship that I had to travel for, but I'm now back in the saddle and ready to make a third attempt: the Krystal 1C.

I finally gave up on using turbo impellers as pumps and will be switching to pressure fed, so it may actually have a chance of really working this time. I'm planning to use ethanol as my fuel and pressurize the tank with an air compressor. I do have a CO2 bottle that I really wanted to use instead, but the regulator I would have needed was kind of pricey. The air compressor that I plan to use goes up to 160 psi, which should allow a chamber pressure of 123 psi or so. I'm a bit sad that I had to lower it this much (it's even worse than Kestrel :( ), but oh well.

Another change is that I'm finally going to make a more sane ignition system. I plan to use a spark plug and trembler coil this time around.

>> No.14793570
File: 59 KB, 1180x226, Screen Shot 2022-08-26 at 4.31.11 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ESGhound debunking Starchud

>> No.14793572

Same group of Elon skeptics lining up lol

>> No.14793576
File: 35 KB, 680x329, 5BE85F3B-F1AA-4A7E-9474-A968F56E6A4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14793578

I think switching to pressure fed is a good idea. What type of injector will you be using and will the parts in the picture come off a lathe? I also think doing flanges instead of welds where possible is a good idea

>> No.14793587

I'm planning on a pintle injector really similar to the ones I was using before, but I'm going to use smaller holes this time just incase they were too large before and causing instability.

The combustion chamber and nozzle will be TIGed together sheet metal, but the injector side will be machined on an old manual lathe.

>> No.14793589

Don't use spherical tanks if you go pressurefed. It ruined Astra.

>> No.14793595

Thanks, Astra Anon! I'm planning to use DOM tubing and make the end caps super thick so I can get away with them being flat.

>> No.14793600
File: 569 KB, 1284x562, 1465913C-4BF6-4355-9159-1D8FC18A8E7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The T-Mobile announcement and it’s consequences have been a disaster for my YouTube feed

>> No.14793611

the retarded Tesla Pi Phone rumors are hilarious they also ended up pumping my Marscoin bags

>> No.14793613

Basic math and physics tells you that actually the sound reflecting off of the ground doesn't affect the vehicle in any way and sound suppression has never mattered

>> No.14793620

Only if you ignore pressure differentials. In reality the problem you're coming across is that the thing can't reach infinite speed because it needs to spin up the water propellant before it reacts against the bent tubes: this doesn't mean that it doesn't spin, it means it spins until the friction in the system and energy needed to spin up the propellant is balanced by the thrust output, as driven by internal pressure. If you ONLY spin the thing, then no, it can't generate thrust and spin up, it NEEDS to have internal pressure to accelerate its own spin.

>> No.14793623

ethanol tank with compressed air? my dude you are building a bomb

>> No.14793626

Pajeet clickbait AI rivals that of the Dojo supercomputer, sadly they generate too much ad revenue to be shut down

>> No.14793627

wouldn't it be simpler to make it all on a lathe.

>> No.14793636

It would take a lot or material and a ton of time

Air pressurized fuel tanks are pretty common in the marine world and in very early aircraft.

>> No.14793637
File: 75 KB, 626x594, National_Medal_of_Science.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EA sportss

>> No.14793639

>Assuming we get cheap big rockets (Starship or something like it), can we expect to get more frequent and faster missions?
Cost of spaceflight has already lowered enough, and private interest in space exploration has already increased enough, that there have already been multiple private Moon probe missions and an upcoming private Venus probe. Anyone who thinks with having cheap Starship around there won't be probes being built for 1/100th the budget, with 1/5th the capability per kg but 20x the mass, is a silly billy.
>As in, we are gonna get a Uranus mission, but could we also get a Neptune mission at the same time if the costs get significantly lower?
We could have multiple probes with greater scientific data capacity than Cassini going to every planet in the solar system simultaneously for less cost than a single Mars rover.

>> No.14793641

It's such a nothingburger and yet it's amazing clickbait/advertising fodder

>> No.14793645

Listen at this point I'm more angry at you than at Cassini's demise. Fuck off.

>> No.14793651
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>> No.14793656

>It would take a lot or material and a ton of time
You can order it from a machine shop, they will charge you some money and you'll get your parts. You need to value your time and tig welding sheet metal isn't a way to do that

>> No.14793660

>Air pressurized fuel tanks
huh that's interesting, I didn't know that. How high of a pressure though? I presume it's only as high as necessary to feed boost pumps?

>> No.14793664

>Air pressurized fuel tanks are pretty common in the marine world and in very early aircraft.
If I were me I would be used a bottle of CO2 to pressurize my fuel, zero percent chance I'm putting an oxidizer into a fuel tank as ullage gas.

>> No.14793670

usually just a few psi. Upon further thought, the V1 fuel tank is a much better example. They pressurized alcohol with 900 psi compressed air.

>> No.14793676

I don't think you really need a proper regulator. Just slowly pressurize the propellant tank with co2 until the pressure is right and then just disconnect the co2 tank entirely.

>> No.14793680

hmmm... I might need to reconsider. I'll shop for regulators some more.

>> No.14793694
File: 24 KB, 600x338, Why does he wear it ra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what I'm hearing is that you want me to remind /sfg/ about the lost Cassini-Uranus option in every thread, do I have that right anon?

>> No.14793699
File: 5 KB, 782x543, mspaintadventure02.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what pumpkins?

>> No.14793720

Yep. I think we’re going to see a few standards for satellites and rovers. For example- rovers around 10kg, 100kg, or 1000kg. And variant A, built for .1-1g, variant B for .01-.1g, etc. so you’d be able to have economies of scale to have rovers on tons of bodies with either no or minor modifications between them.
Same with satellites- have a few designs and pick the same ones for similar missions. That way you don’t need to reinvent the wheel for each object you want to visit.

>> No.14793753

Also, I think this is where relativity’s 3d manufacturing could be huge- make parametric changes to standardized designs. I.e the guts (electronics) all stay the same but the wheels, chassis, suspension all get an input of the target gravity and designed as derivatives of the base design. Thus- optimized for their environment without increased manufacturing cost or testing.

>> No.14793760

I just want a seismic array on the moon

>> No.14793767
File: 145 KB, 726x738, lunar mortar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and a yuuuge lunar mortar

>> No.14793774

>That way you don’t need to reinvent the wheel for each object you want to visit.
Biggest point right here, especially for orbiters. We should have orbiters all over the place, both for surface mapping and scanning and as communications nodes between each other and down to surface probes.

>> No.14793779

Anytime is a launch window if you throost hard enough.

>> No.14793783
File: 707 KB, 2560x1440, 7 Starship & Super Heavy Development From SpaceX's Boca Chica Facility_20220826_170644.124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14793787

When I think "goddamn that's a gigantic beer keg" and not "wow cool ring segment" I know where I need to be tonight

>> No.14793793

You're thinking too small. I want lunar rally racing on the moon

>> No.14793825

By them defining roaming so that they can charge you for it.

>> No.14793830

>>trusting crazy
>You're crazy so that fits.
Be fair, there was no not-crazy option there.

>> No.14793838


His pr problem is, his exploding rocket, or even a successful launch, will be over while Artemis has weeks of flying past the moon and shit. Everybody but the most deluded fanbois will notice that Musk is still farting around with his CGI-based meme rocket while NASA is orbiting the moon, actually doing the things that he just talks about..

>> No.14793846

Nah, he'll just announce that he is buying it then wiggle out of it.

>> No.14793849

go fever: the post

>> No.14793850

Why? If it blows up because poor design or something, that's one thing. But if it is a good ship that can do the job, wrecking it by tornado would be a waste. Or do you not give a shit about space unless it also comes with Musk's "secret sauce" for you to guzzle?

>> No.14793853

>Speaking of the Artemis I launch window, which runs from August 29 to September 5, let's hope the SLS rocket gets off the pad sooner rather than later. The Atlantic tropics are heating up, and we could see some threats to Florida starting about 8 to 10 days from now.
Here's how Starship can still win

>> No.14793854

Unless you mash them into a paste and smear them out in a very thin layer.

>> No.14793855


>> No.14793861

If Artemis mission succeeds, it will be Musk needing to catch up.

>> No.14793864


>> No.14793866
File: 331 KB, 2560x1440, Artemis Live! Watch NASA's new Moon rocket at the launch pad_20220826_175236.398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14793869
File: 637 KB, 1920x1440, FbHt4smUYAck0ar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14793874

Laugh! Now Musk fanbois do a 180 and claim NASA is moving too fast... they literally have no shame.

>> No.14793880

Even if Starship launches next year it'd still be ahead of SLS by half a decade

>> No.14793886

cope: the post

>> No.14793893
File: 52 KB, 900x507, sls types.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When (if) Starship launches, we will have already seen the other SLS variants in operation. No one will be impressed by Musks paltry effort

>> No.14793900
File: 44 KB, 450x438, media_FX0J5E9VUAEr4oj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope the big orange rocket explodes and then gets cancelled.

would be funny in a schadenfreude way

>> No.14793907
File: 187 KB, 500x375, shining jack booz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SLS explodes
>Starship explodes as well
I want this

>> No.14793914
File: 2.80 MB, 1280x720, 2022-08-26 18-18-15 - 0.00.08-0.00.14.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14793917

Great, now I'm picturing thunder and lightning with every mention of SLS, like in Young Frankenstein

>> No.14793923

Raptor not looking so good nowadays . . .

>> No.14793926

Sure. When Starship explodes, it's a couple months until the next attempt. When SLS explodes, holy moly.

>> No.14793929

>Earth explodes as well

>> No.14793933

>Naming a rocket engine Krystal
Extremely based. I hope she makes it to space.

>> No.14793937

Needs this audio

>> No.14793951
File: 2.25 MB, 1280x720, 2022-08-26 18-37-08 - 0.00.12-0.00.16.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14793954
File: 1.17 MB, 5568x3712, 1636392710363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you niggas on /k/

>> No.14793956

Great, now I want to play Rollerball

>> No.14793965

>99 tons to LEO

>> No.14793978
File: 42 KB, 492x878, oval office musk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Muskrat believes the hype about Starships payload
manage your expectations downward, it won't sting as much when Elon admits its 80 tons to LEO

>> No.14793986

It's physically impossible for Starship to have less than 100 tons of payload mass capacity.

>> No.14793989

I want my 300-ton-to-LEO rocket (550 tons in expendable mode), Elon, where is ITS?

>> No.14793992

Does anyone have the meme with Musk looking incredibly angry at an Estronaut interview with Bridenstine and him?

>> No.14793993
File: 47 KB, 429x855, shuttle hammerhead galopujacy_jez 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait till he has to rethink the TPS from scratch. And tbqf 80 tons payload in a reusable vehicle is still excellent

>> No.14794001

>And tbqf 80 tons payload in a reusable vehicle is still excellent
and the copium begins

>> No.14794007

>couple of months between starship attempts

>> No.14794018

Elon secretly took Zubrin's advice and is building mini Starship. It's just that mini starship is actually mini ITS, and it's 9m diameter. ITS first flight NLT 2030

>> No.14794021

>Wait till he has to rethink the TPS from scratch
They won't have any serious issue with the TPS. They may lose two or three during reentry testing then they'll get it working with some damage after tower catch, then after a few of those they'll get the TPS working with no damage during launch or catch.

>> No.14794026

You're right, more like a couple of weeks.

>> No.14794039

I will be working for the Space Force now. I will direct funds to space lasers and I will make sure the lasers fry the earth :)

>> No.14794042


>> No.14794050

Thank god.

>> No.14794057

>did the chisel do the work or did I?
The chisel
>did the horses do the work or did the woodsman?
The horses
>did the slaves do the work or did the driver?
The slaves

>> No.14794065
File: 147 KB, 350x220, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are the lasers a decent choice to space-planetary warcraft? Assuming we have for example the energy of something like the iss. because the atmosphere and stuff

>> No.14794066
File: 447 KB, 3080x888, 1602156694708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14794069

https://youtu.be/-vqJzg1LdqQ can someone please explain if this is a scam or not? Apparently they’ve been using suborbital balloons to bring payloads up for universities and the like but would the airship to orbit concept here really work?

>> No.14794070

>Assuming we have for example the energy of something like the iss
So like 100kW of electricity per laser? Yeah that'd fuck up a lot of things on the surface. Including people.

>> No.14794088
File: 151 KB, 2048x1383, FbBiSxIXwAAg9c1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14794089

thanks. Holy shit we reached a "first shoot wins" scenario again but with future space wars.

>> No.14794093

The biggest threat of space lasers is boost-phase intercepting ICBMs right now. That's why nobody's gone public about their efforts, if any exist. Once that's out there, the only possible way to beat laser intercept is to fire EVERYTHING at once and hope something gets through, which of course raises the risk of strategic nuclear exchanges.

>> No.14794115

In that case, why doesn't a shed full of chisels produce sculptures, a barn full of horses deliver timber, or a continent full of niggers produce civilization? Really makes you think

>> No.14794119

That's why you need a gorillion lasers up there

>> No.14794141

>So like 100kW of electricity per laser? Yeah that'd fuck up a lot of things on the surface
Depends on a few factors, such as beam collimation and diameter. 100 KW spread across a square spot just 18 meters by 18 meters would pretty much exactly match sunlight intensity, so you need to be able to do significantly better than that in terms of spot diameter from several hundred kilometers above the surface. Doable, but not trivial.

>> No.14794147

the real strength of lasers is in pure space stuff, atmospheric attenuation is a bitch-you can get away with using masers in some cases but you need big satellites that are rather noticeable targets.
PROCSIMA style self-focusing solitons are sexy af for in space combat

>> No.14794207

4K confirmed youtube

>> No.14794211

it's a 1080p broadcast retard

>> No.14794219

>We'll be streaming the launch of @NASAArtemis
to the Moon in 4K on @YouTube

>> No.14794245

Thanks, it's perfect

>> No.14794272

i mean 720p

>> No.14794274

meant for >>14794219

>> No.14794277

to the Moon in 4K on @YouTube

>> No.14794279


>> No.14794283

Listen pal I don't make the rules

heres the stream https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CMLD0Lp0JBg

>> No.14794287

Wait why is it 1080p for me, how do i get 4k

>> No.14794288

It's above 1.

>> No.14794324

click the gear -> quality -> scroll up -> 4K

>> No.14794344

that's just the preview video, the actual stream legally cant be 4k or 1080p

>> No.14794361

Need IDs on this board

>> No.14794362

How can we stop SpaceX?

>> No.14794371


>> No.14794377

then we can ban you

>> No.14794383
File: 102 KB, 768x1024, 5fd3cc78e00bce00188baea8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Was suppose to have launched a year ago

its already done.

>> No.14794390

WOW, we need to post this image all over the internet. If people saw how embarrassing this is, they would NEVER take Musk seriously again

>> No.14794391

>the actual stream legally cant be 4k or 1080p


>We'll be streaming the launch of @NASAArtemis
to the Moon in 4K on @YouTube

>> No.14794395

>"von Braun!"
>*Horses neigh*

>> No.14794400
File: 43 KB, 1200x1000, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you folks excited for em-1?

>> No.14794403

anon, you cant keep doing this

>> No.14794406
File: 1014 KB, 1016x1018, SLS target launch date.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait for the explosions. Don't care whether they generate thrust, RUD, or both though.

>> No.14794415

Reminder that SN9 flew successfully

>> No.14794418

>pepeshuttle shat all over the space industry for decades
>wojakorion has been waiting decades to be brought to a launch pad and in the mean time has been made irrelevant my commercial crew capsules and private enterprise
fits surprisingly well

>> No.14794422
File: 32 KB, 400x400, sls_lover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not gonna happen

>> No.14794425

>*sharts burnt rubberized-aluminum-chloride PLOOOMS everywhere*
>*drops SRBs in the ocean*
>*scatters fluffy orange Kesslerbait all over low orbit*
Clean it up, NASA.

>> No.14794426

You think it'll scrub and never launch?
Explosions will happen, whether they propel the rocket to orbit or tear it asunder is still unknown. They're going to light it, we'll see what happens next.

>> No.14794428

Pretty sure that fuckin thing exploded into a trillion pieces

>> No.14794435
File: 791 KB, 1900x1114, sn9 poks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is a successful flight, ready for OFT

>> No.14794439
File: 75 KB, 1687x682, 20201027_185334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wonder if Big Jim will be there

>> No.14794454
File: 424 KB, 1421x1985, green_run_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you think that? I think she will succeed, perfect flight direct to the Moon and back

>> No.14794494

Like I said, the explosion may propel it to orbit perfectly.

>> No.14794501

The cirno rocket memes have been powerful.
>SN9 was a baka
>LV0009 was the strongest Rocket 3 of all

>> No.14794502

no harm will come to her

>> No.14794550

cirno is cute

>> No.14794551
File: 51 KB, 900x602, 8ball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold on, I'll shake it again.

>> No.14794618

A rocket engine is not a controlled explosion, that's drivel parroted by the IFLS crowd to make the machines seem more impressive

>> No.14794621

It FLEW successfully. It didn't land right. Tipping over would affect the ability to pressurize the tanks and launch, if it was gonna affect anything.

>> No.14794627

It's not flying in that image

>> No.14794632

Not successfully, no.

>> No.14794637

The instant the engines tried to ignite it was landing, not flying. It flew successfully right up until it tried to land.

>> No.14794639

Is that a Kippah? I didn't know Starship was Jewish

>> No.14794646
File: 162 KB, 867x1280, D16544F6-4AB8-48E7-B38F-4EADEBA115D1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it me, or does the foam on SLS look… asymmetrical?

Is that a bad thing?

>> No.14794648

>rocket fucking explodes
>it perfect :)

>> No.14794652

It was perfect until it tried to land :)

>> No.14794656
File: 744 KB, 2151x5915, 764D9882-E32A-4C19-BB23-6B2324D95375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, why is SLS orange? Is it possible to make it white like the Saturn V?

>> No.14794660

with paint yes, but it would add roughly 200kg of mass, which means nothing because SLS will never launch even close to its maximum LEO payload, and mass on the core stage doesn't matter for BLEO performance anyway. Blame mass autism.

>> No.14794662

The paint adds multiple extra tons of dry mass so they left it off.

>> No.14794663
File: 1.43 MB, 1036x1600, SLS-Apr-21-2022-8521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's straight up kino

>> No.14794665

it adds about 10 tons

>> No.14794666

>multiple extra tons of dry mass
no, more like 200 kg

>> No.14794667

No, 200kg

>> No.14794670

They wanted to, but it turns out painting adds literally tons of mass, making SLS T/W ratio less than 1

>> No.14794671

200 tonnes? Yikes, that's a lot

>> No.14794673
File: 213 KB, 688x638, 272 kg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14794674
File: 1.72 MB, 2968x1950, Space_shuttles_Atlantis_(STS-125)_and_Endeavour_(STS-400)_on_launch_pads.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you know why they stopped painting the last orange tank. STS-1 nearly crashed

>> No.14794676
File: 193 KB, 1000x1491, ADFEA319-9B4F-470B-9529-C517AA2FC5B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14794677


>> No.14794680

It's less than 50% more surface area. Call it 600 kg of paint.

>> No.14794684

you forgot about inflation

>> No.14794686

It's not that easy in painting

>> No.14794693
File: 56 KB, 807x364, Screenshot 2022-08-27 at 00-23-57 Super Heavy Booster 7 Ship 24 - UPDATES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sugar coated bros..


>> No.14794705

I expect spacex will fail. i implore all these spacex stans temper their expectations, or else they might kill themselves

>> No.14794709

Some quick Google-fu. Assuming the ET as a cylinder, its surface area is about 14500 square feet. One gallon of paint covers 350 sqft, so you would need 42 gallons. White latex paint is 10 lbs/gallon, so it would take about 420 lbs to paint the ET, ~600 lbs so it seems legit.

>> No.14794720

That's average Murican astronaut

>> No.14794725


Every extra kg of mass thats carried up requires a total fuel/propellent+the kg of mass of the extra that comes with a rough 2x initial mass. So 200 KG quickly becomes 400 KG of wasted mass payload. Which still doesn't a lot, but that's $10 million worth of payload that Rocketlab charges + the cost in paint/fuel itself.

>> No.14794734
File: 40 KB, 650x432, boehYvYupBLhcLvL3Hx9wf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It becomes more even as the foam gets shaved off by aeroforces at max-Q. This saves 350,000 man hours during manufacturing down at Michoud, as technicians don't have to worry about accuracy.

>> No.14794742

I would bet the cost to pain shit on SLS is higher than the weight in gold

>> No.14794751

The paint cans are real. You've seen them down at Sherwin Williams.

>> No.14794778

>SLS launches once a year
>Falcon Heavy hasn't launched in 3 years

>> No.14794829
File: 1.30 MB, 2674x1776, generic phoneposter filename.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14794855

>Falcon Heavy has launched three times
>SLS has never launched

>> No.14794875

now you're just cherry-picking

>> No.14794879

wait so SLS is going to beat starship

>> No.14794895

Likely, but the entire SLS/Artemis situation is like the old dilemma with the IRA - NASA needs every single launch to go right. At least through, say, Artemis 3.

SpaceX just needs them to screw up once.

>> No.14794898

the only thing SLS will beat is the record of the most expensive firework kit.

>> No.14794903

if it fails the failure will be boring. Like 2nd stage burning slighly wrong and it is in a bad orbit. no kaboom

>> No.14794904

Failing at failure? Typical NASA.

>> No.14794930
File: 273 KB, 1240x1754, 20220113_142211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SLS is the most powerful rocket ever built
not gonna happen

>> No.14794946

Jesus Christ how does the artstyle just regress over time

>> No.14794949

lol it's just bad art anon ^_^

>> No.14794953

over time?

>> No.14794970

>SLS is the most powerful rocket ever built

>> No.14794980


>> No.14794981

100% false

>> No.14794988

it would not piss me off that much if the art would be at least a bit decent, but fuck i feel like at 2007 deviantart sometimes here

>> No.14794991 [DELETED] 

i'll take what i can get, cute girls is cute girls.
why dont u draw me something anon?

>> No.14795007

A more innocent time when neither the president nor Musk were shitposting on Twitter 24/7.

>> No.14795038

>SLS has congenital clubfeet

>> No.14795085
File: 779 KB, 2048x2048, 2048px-Space_Shuttle_Columbia_launching.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they could paint it but there's no point, it's going to the bottom of the ocean anyway and there's not even any concern of foam strikes since the spacecraft is on top this time

>> No.14795091

It's quite true, I'm afraid: the N1 had considerably more thrust at liftoff than SLS:
>45,400 kN
>39,000 kN

>> No.14795098

If we're going by thrust that nuclear test plate probably wins

>> No.14795099

Yeah, sideways.

>> No.14795103

SLS is considerably more powerful because it works perfectly the first try

>> No.14795104

That one's closer to a cannon than a rocket

>> No.14795106
File: 25 KB, 406x287, N1 5L Rollout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

N1bros.. we're still ahead. But I'm worried SLS may steal our non-nuclear explosion position, since I think the mixture of its fuel would deflagrate much more promptly compared to our explosions where a small percentage of it actually combusted

>> No.14795112

There's a lot of ways you can couch SLS against the N1
>Most powerful rocket to make orbit
>Most capable operational super heavy lift launch vehicle
>Most powerful man-rated launch vehicle

>> No.14795114

> SLS may steal our non-nuclear explosion position
N1 never had that position even in the 60s. not even fucking close

>> No.14795115

Has there been any hint of what to expect in terms of post-launch coverage? A livestream from Orion would be rad, even if it can't be oriented for a good view at all times.

>> No.14795120

A livestream from Orion would probably set the launch back a year.

>> No.14795124

I didn't say first position. I said "position"

>> No.14795126

There's a site/app to track Orion like with webb and the mars rover launches, but I couldn't find a link to the actual thing on their blog post. Probably not online yet.

>> No.14795133

At the very least they better have some good cameras taped to the windows so we can watch the footage after it lands.

>> No.14795141


>> No.14795144
File: 2.68 MB, 560x420, Animation_of_Artemis_I_around_Earth.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mission duration: 39–42 days (planned)
I highly fucking doubt it

>> No.14795146

doesn't have to be a 24/7 stream, just streaming the approaches and return to Earth would be cool

>> No.14795147


>> No.14795153
File: 195 KB, 579x1001, screenshot-twitter.com-2022.08.21-23_13_21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will the bigger second stage eliminate the need for this semen slurping trajectory?

>> No.14795155
File: 90 KB, 724x1024, 1661588227368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SLS-Orion has multiple 4k broadcasts from all angles for the entire duration of mission. The kino will bring all of /sfg/ to their knees as they in unison utter
>i apologize...sls-sama

>> No.14795163

>streaming the approaches and return to Earth would be cool
NASA would be idiots to pass up the opportunity to promote the hell out of an image of Earth from deep space. Like Blue Marble or Earthrise. They could get normies excited about spaceflight again.

>> No.14795166
File: 342 KB, 2048x1484, atlantis-chan-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice to see all the sls excitement on sfg. i grew up watching the space shuttle live, you new kids now get to experience what a real nasa rocket launch is like. get ready to be blown away!

>> No.14795192
File: 2.86 MB, 1276x718, static fire major component failure 2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm excited for the failure
One of my earliest memories of the shuttle was when it blew up on reentry

>> No.14795196

the moon? we've been there

>> No.14795204

Did they ever do a full duration test of all the engines?

>> No.14795211

minor sensor anomoly

>> No.14795229

It apears NASA has run out the clock on HLS option B. Congress lost interest and now option B will never be awarded (which is good)

>> No.14795297

>NASA would be idiots to pass up the opportunity to promote the hell out of an image of Earth from deep space.
If there's one thing history has proven, it's that NASA consistently miss or mess up PR opportunities when it counts

>> No.14795330

artemis 3 is publicly set for 2025 but what's the realistic date?

>> No.14795366

Everyone apart from NASA says NET 2026.

>> No.14795471

>NASA would be idiots to pass up the opportunity to promote the hell out of an image of Earth from deep space. Like Blue Marble or Earthrise. They could get normies excited about spaceflight again.
inb4 the only publicly released images of Earth are all composites, just throwing more fuel on the retarded flat earth/fake moon landings fire.

They've taken a few pictures of the entire Earth over the last couple of decades using satellites and probes on weird orbits and trajectories and every time they've been composites. I'd kill for a decent singular photo.

>> No.14795487

That is what it is though.

>> No.14795490

remember when we thought starship was going to orbit last year?
remember when we thought it would be this year?

>> No.14795492

SLS actually has an additional upper stage now though. Wouldn't that influence how the weight of the first stage affects payload mass?

>> No.14795496

August 2021

>> No.14795500

Is that the ULA pad?

>> No.14795522

What the fuck is this space ninja fighter plane bullshit?

>> No.14795567

What's holding them back, is it just the permit or is the ship shit? Maybe they'll let SpaceX fly it after they launch SLS first

>> No.14795573

It's just the launch license from the FAA.

>> No.14795599

>allowed to launch? (only circle 1 (one)) yes no
>"holy shit this is hard. i need more time and government money to think about this."

>> No.14795625

have they requested it?

>> No.14795628

>it's that NASA consistently miss or mess up PR opportunities when it counts
Not true. They didn't put Big Bird on Challenger

>> No.14795673 [DELETED] 


>> No.14795677
File: 44 KB, 862x209, hang_yourself.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14795693

go back

>> No.14795721

Nice one, anon.

>> No.14795787

>If I were me
based non-referring term poster

>> No.14795818

gamma ray lasers, naturally

>> No.14795824

Just namefag so you’ll be filtered out automatically. Thanks in advance!

>> No.14795836
File: 308 KB, 779x1280, 18239909-25CD-419F-9220-DBC17A13F1ED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don’t people wear ESA/POCKOCMOC/JAXA/etc. merch like people wear Nasa merch all the time?

>> No.14795844

because the nasa logo is public domain, anyone can use it for any purpose

>> No.14795846

I don’t know what you’re talking about
I never forget to upload the image and if I did I’d never admit it

>> No.14795848

Apollo 11 is the largest single event that has ever taken place, the vast majority of the planet all watched together as men walked on the moon for the first time. Everyone has seen NASA and the NASA logo.

>> No.14795850

Actually just NASA operative jealous of people having rockets that work.

>> No.14795854

It's not that easy in clocketry.

>> No.14795865
File: 718 KB, 598x899, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Actually just NASA operative jealous of people having rockets that work.
Don't be rude

>> No.14795870

to steal rockets from other sectors of the US government.

>> No.14795876
File: 40 KB, 640x483, boeing-starliner-programing-headquarters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope that either this thing succeeds without any major problems, or that it fails spectacularly due to some tiny development issue that was mentioned a couple of years ago but was forgotten.

>> No.14795881

It'll make it into orbit, then have some random valve or electrical issue forcing a return. NASA will loudly crow about it being a great success.

>> No.14795884

>you've gotta use SRBs
>otherwise Northrup Grumman might be sad
>you don't want the highly respected creators of the LGM-35 Sentinel to be sad, do you?

>> No.14795888

It's going to work perfectly, but that doesn't matter because they decided to bring some corporate consumer "AI" garbage on board.

>> No.14795889
File: 186 KB, 1170x2048, 1649182778897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When Starlink?

>> No.14795893

>LGM-35 Sentinel
>$13.3 billion 10 year sole-source contract
I'd say I'm surprised, but this exactly what's expected from the MIC

>> No.14795914

Stop baiting (you)s with your shitty drawings, faggot

>> No.14795920

Every few days

>> No.14795933

Who else were they going to buy a new ICBM from? All the modern designs are solid fuel and NG ate everyone else who had any experience working with solids.

>> No.14795937
File: 134 KB, 1249x688, 1661609746810007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umm nuclear power bros? I thought we were winning

>> No.14795943
File: 133 KB, 900x991, 1633093677954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9:52PM at 39A

Stop replying to my posts with your shitty whining, faggot

I meant specifically today's launch.

>> No.14795954

>Anime schizo plainly giving himself (you)s again while reddit spacing

>> No.14795955

go back

>> No.14795960

>not using a capital letter means i'm totally a different person tee hee

>> No.14795962

projecting schizo

>> No.14795967
File: 44 KB, 1122x632, sdbdcefw1jw21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We kinda forgot that delaying critical infrastructure maintenance during corona could cause problems.

>> No.14795972

Nuclear still being around after decades of beating with massive severe regulations, slow approval of newer, more cost-efficient designs and one of the largest fear-mongering campaigns humans have ever witnessed is already an amazing feat.

>> No.14795973
File: 86 KB, 827x801, 1645173263679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14795989

dumb shit like this wouldn't happen in a spacer society. the decisionmakers would get shoved out the airlock the moment the ink touches the paper.

>> No.14796003

LIVE Artemis 1 briefing

>> No.14796049

I thought the frogs were the example of good nuclear power practices, what happened?

>> No.14796054

too little supply to meet demand

>> No.14796066

Terrible time for scheduled maintenance at some plants, one manufacturer fucking up some production batches forcing plants to wait for them due to strict requirements, and a ton of other problems. It's the perfect storm for France.

>> No.14796095

Is for all mankind actually realistic? Can having a mining station on the moon actually be profitable? What were they mining again? Helium? I don't see a future in spaceflight if the whole reason astronauts go there is to show off. There has to be some profit incentive for it.

>> No.14796099

I always suspected convergence of calamities was real, now I'm convinced.

>> No.14796106

Season 1 tries to be accurate, by season 2 that goes out the window and season 3 has SSTOs that go from Earth to Mars.

>> No.14796141

Lithium is the thing they were fighting the Soviets over in Season 2 IIRC

In Season 3 they're harvesting regolith for helium-3 because fusion power exists and causes a major timeline deviation because oil wars and oil money never happened

>> No.14796145

Improbable economics and improbable scenarios for the show

>> No.14796178

How many of you are actually technocrats?

>> No.14796185

im a democrat

>> No.14796187

Space based solar power makes more sense than the economics the show tries to make seem plausible.

They don't go to show off. The go because space is a very scenic backdrop for an identity politics based melodrama.

>> No.14796191


>> No.14796192
File: 499 KB, 2560x1440, Artemis Live! Watch NASA's new Moon rocket at the launch pad_20220827_112714.447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14796199

Why didn't /sfg/ send an anon to the press briefing

>> No.14796208

Because I wasn't being paid to go

I don't travel unless I'm getting paid, especially if it's Florida the coof capital of the US

>> No.14796210

>we're live at the artemis launch and we have anon representing essefgi
>anon tell us what you think
>"I think krystal's ass for human cock only"

>> No.14796224

>he does it for free

>> No.14796223


>> No.14796225

after the Amgry Astronaut incident we were banned from press access

>> No.14796227


>> No.14796229

>"The tyranny of the atmosphere will only hold down our roggets for so long, one day soon we'll show it, we'll show them all!"
>alright thank you, next we go to Everday Estronaut for a comment

>> No.14796246

He's attending as a VIP.

>> No.14796256

>Is for all mankind actually realistic?
>Can having a mining station on the moon actually be profitable?
It depends on resources there. If we discover massive deposits of rare-earth elements then eventually yes, especially because transporting stuff from the Moon to Earth is easier than you might think.

>> No.14796257
File: 64 KB, 1080x934, 1644866838862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hop when?

>> No.14796268
File: 1.77 MB, 4096x2731, FbLT6v-aIAQoDNv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artemis 1 crew heading to the launchpad to board their Orion shuttle for the moon

>> No.14796276

is he really or you just saying that?

>> No.14796297
File: 376 KB, 1012x957, 2022-08-27_13-05-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Special twitter live thing for launch

nitterfags missing out. Sad!

>> No.14796308
File: 385 KB, 1229x2048, 1660340941033099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14796314
File: 115 KB, 1200x847, Energy_mix_in_France.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's the perfect storm for France.
Yep, I suspect their plan was to plug holes in their aging reactors while the cost of offshore wind declined enough that they could cheaply replace them. They're still heavily dependent on oil and natural gas for heating and transportation, but unlike most other European countries once the supply issues are remedied they'll remain in trouble, just to a less extent because the cost of importing electricity will be cheaper.

>> No.14796330
File: 2.68 MB, 1280x720, 2022-08-27 12-16-37 - 0.00.13-0.00.17.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14796340

Try again, God

>> No.14796343

The real programming joke would be "days since last timezone issue: -1"

>> No.14796378

>most powerful
>I mean once it's flown
>I mean to reach orbit
Saturn V
>I mean in terms of gross liftoff thrust alone
. . .

>> No.14796391

No, it is a thruster operating via a jet of high velocity gas.

>> No.14796397

anyone that had an IQ above room temp that wasn't a retard savant autist left NASA to work somewhere else years ago
they will throw away this opportunity, just like they threw away everything else of value

>> No.14796407

>the decisionmakers would get shoved out the airlock the moment the ink touches the paper.
I literally cannot describe how much I want to live in a society that effectively holds a gun to the temple of every politician every second of every day.

>> No.14796413

>Can having a mining station on the moon actually be profitable?
Profitable to the Moon base, yes. Profitable in terms of selling material to Earth? Very likely no, not without major advancements in technology and the buildout of large scale infrastructure such as electromagnetic Moon launch and laser thermal space tugs.

>> No.14796423
File: 456 KB, 853x480, NASA Artemis 1 - Mission Management Briefing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As an intersectional feminist, I would like to know what is a diverse NASA doing to ensure that women and minorities are properly represented in the Moon?


>> No.14796427
File: 292 KB, 855x1093, cute asstronaut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can actually see her panty line

>> No.14796445

>As an intersectional feminist
Guards, take her away. Have her thrown from the VAB, make sure the cameras are on I want this seen.

>> No.14796454

It's a valid question, it's just bizarre to ask this at a mission briefing for an uncrewed mission

>> No.14796456

go back

>> No.14796458

>It's a valid question
I'm not sure, it appears like words conveying no actual meaning, a sentence saying nothing. How are you supposed to answer something like that, "Yes"?

>> No.14796462

NASA and the greater space science community are struggling to attract people who fit that definition

They get these questions because they want kudos for their current "space is for everyone" campaign without having to reveal how bad their numbers are

>> No.14796477
File: 280 KB, 1920x1080, 1661056599850011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're "struggling to attract people like that" because those characteristics, at a population level, bear a strong negative correlation with being good in STEM fields. Let NASA (or any other government agency!) hire whoever is best for the job, and the rest will sort itself out.

>> No.14796481

Did Starship get its launch license or do we still have to wait?

>> No.14796489

Just you wait. That kind of thinking would be required if any space society would want to survive for more than three generations

>> No.14796502

See >>14795599

>> No.14796505

Meritocracy doesn't result in a perfectly representation of population demographics.
One might think the solution is to not care one bit about representing perfectly the population demographics of a place, but apparently that is verboten these days.

>> No.14796630

>they went

>> No.14796633

>I mean that actually exists

>> No.14796650
File: 41 KB, 228x400, BCA5FE49-284A-464B-ADCA-54789516C54E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14796651


>> No.14796660


>> No.14796662


>> No.14796665

If that feeling lasts for more than four hours, see a doctor

>> No.14796667

Dr Zubrin?

>> No.14796668

To brag?

>> No.14796671

I want her to go

>> No.14796674
File: 154 KB, 667x410, it_aint_that_easy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14796675

what's a stakeout

>> No.14796680

looking forward to Eric Dubay's video about Artemis

>> No.14796690

someone give it to me straight: how hard is space?

>> No.14796693
File: 1.23 MB, 473x1303, astronipples.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she knows what she's doing

>> No.14796702

This image reminds me, are samples being gotten from mars by drone copters?

>> No.14796704

>Meritocracy doesn't result in a perfectly representation of population demographics.
So what?

>> No.14796706

>built of 1950's technology
>still reaches orbit with ONE set of propellant tanks just by dropping 2/3 engines on the way up
Balloon tanks are overpowered.

>> No.14796709
File: 268 KB, 2048x1362, FbGTwHgWQAATyAY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14796714

It's very easy. Getting into space is currently hard, and normies project that difficulty into everything to do with space travel and space living.

>> No.14796716

"Proper" representation of population demographics is the stated goal of a minority of activists, as such they oppose meritocracy.

>> No.14796717

I did hear about that, but idk

>> No.14796718
File: 3.47 MB, 3500x2333, FbIhaYbUcAAusHm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14796719
File: 269 KB, 918x1117, Solar_System_DeltaV_map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

once you're in orbit you're halfway to anywhere

>> No.14796721
File: 1.37 MB, 4096x2552, FbIqHFjaIAA9kO5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14796722

Look at it from the perspective of a dude at the beginning of the 1950s:

>Nobody's ever flown higher than 70,000 feet
>The sound barrier had barely been crossed

That's when space was hard. 70 years and thousands of launches later space is routine. The difficulty is sticking to that routine.

>> No.14796724

>the stated goal of a minority of activists
So why do so many institutions bend over backwards to try to satisfy these people?
God I wish someone at NASA would answer those questions by saying "We hire the most competent people, we have work to do, and we don't care if you aren't happy with that".

>> No.14796731

The F-22s definitely have them beat for coolness

>> No.14796732

This is a common misconception, once you're in LEO you're actually 70% of the way to the Moon or Mars.

>> No.14796735

>So why do so many institutions bend over backwards to try to satisfy these people?
The detailed answer to this involves more politics than would be appropriate for this thread about spaceflight.
On topic, I think I'm going to go camping after Artemis 1 launch, what are the odds I come back Wednesday or Thursday to Orion having some crisis in orbit or in transit?

>> No.14796737


>> No.14796738

Now that's aerial photography

>> No.14796739

Starship has 2 days to get FAA approval and launch before SLS


>> No.14796740

2 days for the SpaceX snipers to have their revenge

>> No.14796741

>Look at it from the perspective of a dude at the beginning of the 1950s:
>Nobody's ever flown higher than 70,000 feet
>The sound barrier had barely been crossed
20 years later, men walking on the Moon.
Meanwhile in the year 2000
>men walked on the moon 30 years ago
>we've been flying a space shuttle and have been figuring out long LEO missions for 20 years
>20 years later, ALMOST ready to launch a capsule to orbit in a loosely bound trajectory around the Moon, to be followed by a crew mission to the same orbit several years later, and also all the hardware is still just as expensive as it was 55 years ago

>> No.14796742

Damn Albatross is sexy.

>> No.14796744

Bresnik btfo that can*ck

>> No.14796746

unintelligible gibberish

>> No.14796747

launch stream?

>> No.14796748

>Artemis 2 is 7 and 8 in one
>Artemis 3 is 9,10,11 in one

He really outlined how bold NASA is being here, of course cause less hardware than Apollo

>> No.14796749


>> No.14796753
File: 273 KB, 1800x1205, YF-23_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. The only plane cooler than the f22 is this

>> No.14796755

This is the best NASA media briefing ever

>> No.14796763

How much did he pay for that flyby?

>> No.14796764
File: 178 KB, 1024x676, QbnVu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"SENATORS could be here" he thought, "I've never been in this orbit before. There could be SENATORS anywhere." The warm sun felt good against his sheilded face. "I HATE SENATORS" he thought. Sweet Dreams are Made of These reverberated through his suit as the $9,000,000 Hydrogen transferred through the docking adaptor and washed away his (merited) fear of congressional overreach. "From LEO, you can go anywhere you want" he said to himself, out loud.

>> No.14796766

Nelson blew it on the last question, should've mentioned spin-offs from Apollo and shit

>> No.14796770

did you fucking see this?

>> No.14796778

Do you mean Apollo 7 and 8, and Apollo 9, 10, and 11? You need to define what you're talking about more clearly.

>> No.14796780

That's one long-ass launch sequence

>> No.14796782

what are you talking about

>> No.14796783


>> No.14796784
File: 228 KB, 1024x829, propellant_depot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14796787


>> No.14796792

>If you're orbiting the Moon and you want to leave Earth's SOI, you have to go to LEO first
Stop posting this retarded map.

>> No.14796803
File: 93 KB, 1440x1920, Atlas-Able.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14796804

it was made by a redditor according to the top left

>> No.14796812

why is nasa launch people to the moon? it's not safe

>> No.14796814

We don't do it because it is unsafe, we do it because it is hard.

>> No.14796821

we do it because it makes me hard

>> No.14796823

ask not what you can do for the moon, ask what the moon can do for your country, because it is hard

>> No.14796826

Oh goddess, we barely knew thee

>> No.14796828

the only thing we have to fear is
alien rock crabs

>> No.14796832

>not fearing earthers

>> No.14796838
File: 64 KB, 473x781, Norman Rockwell apollo lem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NASA is like a 60 year old boxer climbing into the ring with a 25 year old fighter in peak condition; it doesn't have what it takes anymore

>> No.14796848

f22 won for the same reason SLS won

>> No.14796849

It's not hard at all. The market is small and profit margins are even smaller. Space is hard in the same way that selling airplanes would be hard if they could only travel one way and had to be made out of tinfoil and rubber bands.

>> No.14796857

That red blooded true Americans who sat in their cubicles in the fight against communism needed extra government handouts to continue sitting in their cubicles?

>> No.14796859

They are making FutureUnity channels in other languages too. Just saw on in Portuguese.

>> No.14796865

This is the dumbest analogy I've ever heard. NASA doesn't build shit, they just set requirements and pay contractors to meet them. The issue is with the old guard of contractors who would rather bleed NASA's budgets dry with development costs than actually building anything. Which is why NASA has been aggressively pursuing new-space contractors in recent years.

>> No.14796868

There's effectively zero delta V difference. If you go on a direct launch to lunar intercept trajectory, you will not save any delta V compared to going from launch to LEO to lunar intercept.

>> No.14796874

Who cares if it's safe?

>> No.14796888

>There's effectively zero delta V difference
I don't think you actually read what I said.
The delta-v required to leave Earth's SOI from LLO in reality: ~900 m/s
The delta-v required to leave Earth's SOI from LLO based on this retarded map: 7,150 m/s

>> No.14796894
File: 44 KB, 800x450, magnets_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking gravity wells, how do they work?

>> No.14796901

Page 10, staging...

>> No.14796902

has big orange rocket launch yet?

>> No.14796910
File: 316 KB, 630x394, kangz_n_shit_but_mostly_shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is for all mankind actually realistic?
Of course! All technological innovation depends on black people.

>> No.14796912

>anime about space
>it's retarded
why cant we have good things

>> No.14796926
File: 100 KB, 747x589, Pierre Henry – Le Voyage – Rolf Bruderer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm talking about the mindset they built up during Apollo to get crews to the lunar surface and back. Since then the riskiest thing they've done in space is LEO docking, they are not ready

>> No.14796931

pretty gud
that's why they're sending a black and a woman

>> No.14796932

Is nasa ok?

>> No.14797026

>instantly deleted

>> No.14797174

what was it?

>> No.14797190


Of fucking course