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14790355 No.14790355 [Reply] [Original]

is the Henderson method the best/safest way to sterilize animals? It supposedly reduces bleeding and risk of infection. Here is a demo
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lveKtu1BSIw

>> No.14790368

alternative methods include elastration which is prone to infection and crushing which typically doesn't get the job done/doesn't fully sever the spermatic cords

>> No.14790369
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>Here is a demo
No, thanks.

>> No.14790376

Largely depends on the animal. This method is intended for farmers who don't have access to a cow chute or a proper vet. A better method would be exactly what he did except testicle removal by cauterization. But that's specialized equipment and requires the animal to be restrained so they aren't kicking around.

I've read that a method that crushes the testicles rather than removes them is even better. While it destroys the delicate tubes that transport sperm it doesn't interfere with testosterone production or dissemination into the bloodstream. The animal's behavior is unaffected, and it can even continue to mate, just there will be no offspring. But the goal with castration is, again depending on the animal, to alter behavior/aggression anyway.

>> No.14790377

people like you will gladly eat their beef steaks and hamburgers, but without castration the meat will taste bad. it's almost necessary for consumers like you.

>> No.14790384

How about you demo it on your own balls, soikid?

>> No.14790396

you have to be 18 to post here zoomer. that's how castration and meat production works, guess you didn't know that.

>> No.14790398

I don't know what you're chimping out over. It was a joke about OP offering a demo of the product.

>> No.14790413

Bull testicles are considered staple food in Vietnam or Canada.

>> No.14790432

because of your aversion to seeing a castration procedure when you are literally eating the remains of dead animals every day. that is american behaviour, not knowing/caring where your food comes from or how it's made.

>> No.14790468

Again, you're an NPC with some weird chip on your shoulder and you keep chimping out about something that was neither stated nor implied. The joke was that OP is seemingly offering people a demo castration.

>> No.14790491

What's the joke? OP asked about the efficacy of a procedure, which could not be commented on without respondents being familiar with the procedure being used. As most anons probably don't work on a farm, they wouldn't know about the procedure without being shown, which is quicker than being described. That is obvious.

It's much more plausible that the the response was due to being squicked out at seeing an animal being castrated, than then attempting to make a joke regarding unclear context of the statement regarding "demonstration" on respondents.

So you're the one making shit up.

>> No.14790497

>What's the joke?
That it could be taken as an offer to test it out on your own balls. Anyway, not reading the rest of your NPC post.

>> No.14790518

>I'm not reading the part where you explain why assuming that part was a joke was an irrational leap of logic on your part

>> No.14790523

>Calling the writer of the most thorough and concise answer in the thread an "NPC"
>actually calling someone an NPC
If you are over 15 years old I feel sad for you.

>> No.14790529

I wrote that post. It was my joke, you butthurt NPC. lol

>> No.14790592

>samefagging to try and gain internet points
Get a fucking life, dude. Go troll /b/ if you want to contribute nothing of value.

>> No.14790644

The sheer degree of your mental illness... Do you even know what samefagging means? I never implied I was anyone other than this poster: >>14790369

>> No.14790689

and this proves your initial reaction was disgust, and that was before you went on with your "joke" of suggesting that OP cuts his balls off.

>> No.14790715


>> No.14790957

You have autism, my diagnosis is precise and free. You are welcome

>> No.14791252


>> No.14791430

how many times do you have to castrate until you stop feeling it in your own balls?

>> No.14791444
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If only you knew what they're going to do!

>> No.14791453

we don't need to see a demo, weirdo

>> No.14791497


>> No.14791827
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>> No.14791848

I can't even imagine the pain. Why are people who eat meat okay with this?

>> No.14791861
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I mean you're not crushing the testicles but only the connection or spermatic cord. it's noninvasive, you don't have to slice open the sack. the cord is identified with the thumbs and crushed with specialized metal pincers, called burdizzo.

>> No.14791863

I still don't think it's painless.

>> No.14791876
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the alternative is invasive. for those you have to slice open the sack using what's called a Newburry knife. this method can risk infection and causes bleeding.

>> No.14791879

What about not castrating them at all?

>> No.14791881

Has that guy ever heard of anaesthesia?

>> No.14791885
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then the meat will have worse quality. also the animal will become aggressive and fight with other males. there is another noninvasive method called elastration. you cut off the blood supply with a tight rubber band. I guess the pain is less intense but spread across multiple days before the testicles fall off on their own. obviously having dead cells attached to your body highly risks infection and sometimes the bands don't properly cut off the blood.

>> No.14791888

>mutilating an animal's balls without anaesthesia because of taste
>the animal will become aggressive and fight with other males
How come they fight in captivity, but that's not a problem for wildlife? Maybe there are too many animals in to little space? And to compensate for inadequate animal farming, you castrate them.

>> No.14791895

except they are also aggressive in the wild. especially when it comes to mating. besides you want to control breeding somehow, not every animal should mate.