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14757343 No.14757343 [Reply] [Original]

Greater will enhancement or government subjugation tool?

>> No.14757359

>will the power-obssessed corporatocracy i live under try to use my brain chip to control my behavior??

>> No.14757368

or maybe it'll be like both, where they make you more effective work horses and cattle.

>> No.14757392

>make you more effective work horses
In terms of increasing your motivation and intelligence? They don't know how.

>> No.14757556

It’ll be easy enough imo

>> No.14757683

Anybody who has used a piece of 21st century technology in their life should be blatantly aware of how stupid it would be to plug any of it directly into their nervous system.
>Uh oh! It seems your monthly autopay for your cognition subscription has failed to go through. Please drink a verification can.
Forever and ever

>> No.14757744

Extremely dangerous, but in the end humanity will move toward some sort of brain augmentation simply because more and more people will do so, and the rest will be left behind as useless eaters.

>> No.14757760


>> No.14757793

>in the end humanity will move toward some sort of brain augmentation simply because more and more people will do so
This is exactly why techno bugmen and their corporate handlers need to be physically targeted BEFORE we're all permanently enslaved.

>> No.14757801

Plot twist: it turns out Neuralink style brain augmentation only works for the dullest of minds. Aborigines and Kalahari bushmen become our new overlords.

>> No.14758796

That is ideal for Appel and FB that want to push ads straight into the cortex.

>> No.14759027

You wouldn't want to live in a futuristic society where brain implants are not controlled in some way.

>> No.14759291

Or a red herring to distract you from the nanotechnology already developed at places like Harvard's Lieber Research Group. While you're looking for large invasive high bandwidth scifi brain implants university researchers already have technology that could be *good enough* for nefarious purposes injectable by needle.

>> No.14759356

Depends on who's hands it falls in.

>> No.14759364

Like the vast majority of Elon Musk's projects, Neuralink will never work as intended and it will be forgotten forever.

>> No.14759789

Got any facts to back that up with or is this you blurting out your hate?

>> No.14759906

Of course it is stupid. And that is why the life style apliance vendors know that the cattle will queue up around the block and then some, in order to get the iBrane inserted.

>> No.14759935

It is inevitable though. I'm already frustrated that I can't read much more than i do, that i can't study many more subjects in depth, learn many more skills. And the daily onslaught of information is becoming overwhelming. Ideally, those are the problems brain augmentation would tackle. Sure, you can cut yourself off from the worldly hustle and achieve enlightenment in a buddhist temple, but 98% will go for the improved brain function.

>> No.14760187

So I have an ultimatum: Bill Gates and the Illuminati got a herd of nigger cattle. WOOOO WE GOTT A HERD OF NIGGER CATTLE WE GOT A HERD OF NIGGER CATTLE. They got a big herd of nigger cattle yippie ki yay we're nigger cattle herders we got a herd of nigger cattle, they are the most docile fucking nigger cattle we got 'em so docile we got this awesome big fucking herd of nigger cattle and they shit and they sit there and they watch TV and they shit ITS THE BEST FUCKING HERD OF NIGGER CATTLE. We took away all their guns now they just shit and we watch them and were rich. We are so fucking rich. We have so much fucking money. We got this herd of nigger cattle WOOOOO. We're milking the fucking nigger cattle it's the best thing ever. So that's what the Illuminati got and I got a space alien. So here is my ultimatum: you can live in hell with my nigger cattle OR you can put me in charge of the space alien temple, the third temple. OK? Have fun with your nigger cause I sure as hell ain't gonna fucking suck your jew nigger cock. Fuck yourself you think i'm gonna fucking enjoy nigger cattle after I had a fucking space alien are you fucking crazy? I got a fucking space alien of course I'm not gonna fuck, fuck with nigger cattle fuck yourself. You fucking think i... enjoy your FUCKING NIGGER CATTLE YOU GOT THE NIGGER CATTLE YOU GOT THE NIGGER CATTLE YOU GOT THE NIGGER CATTLE GO GO GO GO YOU GOT THE NIGGER CATTLE. You got a fucking herd of nigger WOOOO we got 'em so docile they just shit all day aint that so great?

>> No.14760231

>i dont care if someone will have the capability to monitor or even control my brain stream directly, i just want a super learning ability

>> No.14760233

>it's le heckin' inevitabelinoooo
Not if technocrats and their cattle are actively targeted.

>> No.14760235


>> No.14761589

It genuinely scares me that most are gobbling this up and not seeing any dangers with this at ALL. This technology will render the 1st and 4th amendments completely obsolete and be the very end of freedom itself. Not to mention the potential for hackers. Imagine your fucking brain getting a root kit. Absolute nightmare world. But our warnings are simply laughed at. Normies have unironically used this excuse when I told them about neura link: “You already have no privacy with your phone, so why bother?” It’s just sad, pure sadness.

>> No.14761629

The anons itt pretending they will totally resist it will go along just as with TVs, computers and smartphones. You are already being manipulated and fine with it, its just new thing le bad

>> No.14761644

can you give me pros vs cons?

>> No.14761711

Leaving behind limits of brain physiology vs leaving behind being human as understood before

>> No.14761761

how do you manipulate retarded phone users into using computers though

>> No.14761853

>Billionaire CEO guy tells the programmer to make you into a cattle
>Programmer makes you believe you're a woman instead
This is what will happen.

>> No.14762833

Insta-super learning, straight from a carefully curated collection of human knowledge.
What could possibly go wrong?

>> No.14762985

No, but what about reading a math textbook in a day with high focus and retention, and without feeling mentally assraped afterwards? Certain fields are already so complex that you cant achieve any progress with a merely human brain

>> No.14763052

Elon is anti depreciating money. So it will set us free.

>> No.14763429

Depends on your subscription

>> No.14764046

>This technology will render the 1st and 4th amendments completely obsolete and be the very end of freedom itself.
You make a good case for testing this on prisoners. Eudeamon is just around the corner.

>> No.14764171
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Different poster here

It's a pipe dream, achieving anything sophisticated with this is for now impossible. Translating neural activity to data and other way around well is for now impossible. You probably can be crude, stimulating simple responses like pain, joy, spastic movements i guess. Anything more than that is a pipe dream.

For example imagine a specific image. With our current tech we have no idea how to tell what image you tought about. All we can do is tell that there is a specific brain activity correlated with certain stimuli.

Saying that we can have neurallink, is like saying you have complex understanding of data processing in your PC, because certain parts are hotter when you run a specific game.

>> No.14764260

Once we can have electrods safely in place over time, how long time will it take before we can make meaningful analysis of the raw data?

>> No.14764271

this shit will probably be used for slave labor

>> No.14764348

>Once we can have electrods safely in place over time

How ?

>> No.14764402

>How ?
By work, as the term is frequently known.

>> No.14764429

Ah yes, very insightful

>> No.14766253

They already show intent to regulate your thoughts

>> No.14766258

Its social darwinism
Technological tyranny is more fit for survival and will outcompete and displace other forms of existence

>> No.14766276

>Technological tyranny is more fit for survival
Your subhuman system is self-destructing as we speak and it's going to kill you before it dissipates. Delicious. I bet you're going to blame some boogeymen for its failure even when you're getting culled by your farmers.

>> No.14766293

Hey uhh take your meds lol

>> No.14766298
File: 339 KB, 1439x1432, 6z5d7egcwxc31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hey uhh take your meds lol
If technological tyranny is so great for survival, why do technobugmen troon out, tend towards severe social dysfunction, rely on psychiatric drugs to function, fail to reproduce and even kill themselves at a constantly accelerating rate? :^(

>> No.14766301
File: 4 KB, 358x278, 1437407393721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'll plug machinery into my nervous system

Ok, but can't this shit now be used to "control" your nervous system as well, like in the reverse?

>> No.14766305

I dont endorse technological tyranny but um jts inevitably going to kill everybody and replace them with robots


And were all going to die, obv.

>> No.14766313

I always get the sense that posters who bring up blatantly unnrealistic and impractical scenarios like this are just shills trying to poison the well. They don't need to literally remote control you in order to get you to think and do what they want; all they really have to do is to gauge your reactions to different types of stimuli you encounter on the internet and provide you with some "personalized content".

>> No.14766324
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The people who own and control the technological capital are actually quite healthy. The apple campus is like a walled garden... and you arent allowed in.

>> No.14766329

>ummm but i-i-i-it's great for the survival of 1% of the population!
Not when the angry mobs skin them alive it won't be.

>> No.14766337

Big tech employees are some of the most miserable and unhealthy people in existence.

>> No.14766350
File: 450 KB, 1500x1124, Cupertino-CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theres no angry mobs in cupertino. The low density, suburban lifestyle promotes disorganization and alienation. The affected classes cannot afford to live there anyway.

>> No.14766359

Mentally ill cope.

>> No.14766369

Mobs do not spontaneously form in suburbia

Nor will thousands of people drive to cupertino to participate in one

>> No.14766416

>Stage 1
Disabled people have a means to move their limbs
>Stage 2
Disabled people have a means to communicate with the world
>Stage 3
Enthusiasts have a means to augment their brain
>Stage 4
General people have a means to augment their brain
>Stage 5
General people will want more information sharing capabilities such that networking will be the most requested feature
>Stage 6
Government will want more information sharing from the devices such that they can spy on anyone and everyone's memory module for the last x years of their lives
>Stage 7
Large networked brain system will erase individuality (similar to how media today shapes political ideology and erases individual distinctions such that you can predict a person's stance of everything else political with just a single issue)

>> No.14766419

Take your meds already instead of spouting mental illness.

>> No.14766425

>you can predict a person's stance of everything else political with just a single issue
The degree to which this is true about a "person" is a litmus test of basic humanity.

>> No.14766428

This is the most mentally ill response here for the record. I have no idea what the fuck you're talking about or what is angering you.

>> No.14766432

>i'm a bot

>> No.14766658
File: 48 KB, 600x337, a31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Debunked you idiots. This has been debunked. How many times are we going to have this thread.
This is /sci/ not /sci-fi/. Go roleplay your sci-fi fantasies somewhere else.


>> No.14766677

i already go to all those htreads

>> No.14768957


>> No.14769446

Peter watts talk on this certainly made me think about it.
if a sufficient interface speed is indeed all it needs to merge consciousness, this could turn south realy quickly.

>> No.14770715

>if a sufficient interface speed is indeed all it needs to merge consciousness, this could turn south realy quickly.
Oh fuck

>> No.14770724

Windows can't protect my pc from botnets, why would I trust my cns being hooked up to the Internet?

>> No.14770725

>Greater will enhancement or government subjugation tool?

>> No.14770750

this ffs

>> No.14770830

Neurolink will be almost entirely limited to medical uses and slightly better than what currently available computer control.
I'm not sure why everyone thinks this shit is sci fi mind uploading/reading shit.

>> No.14770878

Walled gardens in tech deserve nothing short of a holocaust.

>> No.14770968

I agree with the fbi agent

>> No.14771045

believe it or not, LIFE is a walled garden. See: prestigious universities

all systems need ways of keeping out the trash

>> No.14771053

what the fuck do you think.
go play deus ex bro

>> No.14771060

Crops don't spontaneously grow there either. If people get fed up with them, the bugmen will stop being able to eat.

>> No.14772310

Never work as intended? Very likely. Forgotten forever? Fat chance.

>> No.14774443


>> No.14777721

People routinely overlook security and safety in order to obtain the latest bling. The entirety of FB users and Appel users will be the first to queue up.

>> No.14779225

Corporate subjugation tool. Fucking moron.

>> No.14780661

exactly why you want to hop on early, fucking idiot.

The punishment only gets worse for hold outs!

>> No.14780670

you want to be one with the blob. if the blob wants you to change your gender, you do it. if it wants to read your mind, you offer your mind AND your creamy boipussy. If it wants to merge, you merge first. We are living through the technosexual abolition of life and liberty, and hold outs will suffer.

>> No.14782098

Why would Billions be poured into this research if it is useless? Surly there is a reason, corporations would not waste money like that, they know something, which is why i think this is going to happen.

>> No.14782129
File: 155 KB, 1869x746, Resized_1420808203350_245_227_copyImage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not changing some of the programming and forcibly assimilating the jewish elite into your new hivemind

>> No.14782525

>ITT: Retards who don't know that neuralink was only ever designed for people to control their prosthetics and that all the other things that musk said it could were usual bullshit

>> No.14782547

>W-w-we'll need to be able to communicate our thoughts at gigabit rates to interface with the AGI overlord!
Ok show me a natural human brain that would be able to consciously process gigabits worth of information every second
And if you're talking about unconscious gesalts, like your POV, then we've figured out all of brain science and consciousness and neuralink becomes redundant

>> No.14784401

>You make a good case for testing this on prisoners
With 2 - 3 million in jail, this mean "captive audience" will take on a new meaning.

>> No.14784418

Greater will enhancement [ ]
Government subjugation tool [ ]
Intensified porn addiction [X]

>> No.14784442


>> No.14784824


>> No.14784948

It's nothing. It doesn't exist. It's vaporware. Basically the corporate version of the kickstarter scam where the person running it collects the money and then never delivers an actual product.

>> No.14785649

Did you even watch this utter garbage?
that spud attacks Musk for FOUNDING the company without being an EXPERT. Good grief. You really think it is not possible to invest in something without being an expert in that very field? Here is a hint: wrong.

>> No.14785653

Why is Muskrat allowed to run vaporware scams but that Zuckerberg looking bitch from Theranos isn't? Answer: he's deep state

>> No.14785960


anyone who thinks otherwise clearly has never studied anything about the brain once in their lives. technology is no where near what our brain is capable of achieving, furthermore we dont even have a comprehensive picture of the brain and how it owrks in the first place how are we meant to replicate that thru machinery....

>> No.14785964

whats the difference betwee the hivemind and collective consciousness? are they not one and the same?

>> No.14785971

Top-down vs. bottom-up.

>> No.14785982

interesting, thanks

>> No.14786137


>> No.14786575

I can already picture midwits getting excited for their brain implants like their electric cars and beyond burgers and vaccinations

>> No.14786598

well i would just fucking kill myself if it wasn't illegal

you fucking brainies make it inhospitable for a normal average ape to live on this planet and then bitch that we're desperate for a techno fix that allows us to compete

>> No.14786799

Is this bot posting or is someone really so stupid that they think a full understanding is required to pull this off? The video was a pompous piece of nothing that is only fit to demonstrate how to trick small children.

>> No.14786930

Both, and you will have no choice but to take it, or you won't be able to function in the world. Without neuralink you will be like a person without internet today, but much worse

>> No.14787583

Also you're not allowed to kill yourself, that would be a waste of government investment. Just merge already.

>> No.14787589

a marvel of science that will probably be used to jack off and waste time by most people

>> No.14787636

don't fix which isn't broken. every modern technology is used to debilitate the consumer as much as legally possible because of the inherent power struggle that is present in any human transaction.

>> No.14788383

Well, there are already claims (and "infographics") about instant orgasms on demand.

>> No.14788393

The human mind is a useless lump of fuck that nature has barely managed to engineer into a function general-purpose computation device.
It frequently produces erroneous results, draws erroneous conclusions and breaks in all manners of ridiculous ways. Some people hear voices in their head that they can't control. Some people's happiness is just straight up absent. Some people have dramatically limited attention span. Some people are inherently incapable of empathy.

The brain fucking sucks. A computer could be optimised to avoid all of those fuckups.

>> No.14788866

Nature does not optimise beyond the minimum required. The human mind is flawed and one flaw is that some think it is useless.

>> No.14788878
File: 50 KB, 680x593, c74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The brain fucking sucks

>> No.14788983

fuck you smartass