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File: 449 KB, 840x806, monkeys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14787872 No.14787872 [Reply] [Original]

they are back at genociding our animal and plant friends for profit

how can the civilized world even respond to this provocation /sci/?

>> No.14787878

Before the destruction of the native supra-culture, most of the rainforest didn't exist. It's only here due to an absence of cultivation, hence why there are megacities discovered overgrown in the middle of it constantly.

>> No.14787879

Elect a clown, get a circus.

>> No.14787881

kill all brazilians i say

>> No.14787882

Seethe and cope eurocuck

>> No.14787911

A war, the eco-commies would have to go there and fight a war.
There`s an easier way but leftards are the ones in charge of the money

>> No.14787953

It's their forest, fuck off retard

>> No.14788403

But it gives oxygen to the entire planet
Maybe Macacos should tax the entire planet for giving oxygen and preserve the forest in return

>> No.14788411 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 300x255, 532524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's their forest, fuck off retard
It's only "theirs" until someone steps in and takes it, cattle brain. There is no such thing as ownership over natural resources except in the way of violent gangs forcing their will, and that kind of system allows for all sorts of options you won't like, favela monkey.

>> No.14788663

Give Brazil some money or benefit of equivalent value like investments or access to a market and then they will consider not chopping the amazon. Has to be something big like a million oil barrels a day for free
Thats such a stupid thing to say. Why even entertain such a fantasy? In the real world Brazil controls most of the amazon and theres zero indications that will change any time soon. Whites are going extinct, your window to project power is vanishing

>> No.14788674

It's another episode of "White imperialist Europeans who have foolishly and irresponsibly destroyed 99.6% of their native forests criticize the forestry practice of other nations"

>> No.14788716 [DELETED] 

>In the real world Brazil controls most of the amazon
In the real world, Brazil controls most of the amazon because far more powerful entities allow it to, not because it "owns" anything.

>> No.14788723

Apparently it was even worse 15 years ago.

>> No.14788730

That would only end up with wealthier politicians. The small scale farmers would continue to burn the Amazon to grow their crops to support themselves.

>> No.14788734

Tell me, are these powerful entities in the room with us now

>> No.14788739 [DELETED] 

Sorry about your profound psychosis. I thought we were on the subject of the real world, where Brazil isn't even a relevant nation-state, let alone having any power or influence in the globalist bankster circles that own you.

>> No.14788740

Politicians would enforce a banon logging in the amazon if paid enough.
Really, just buy the amazon and hire security companies to patrol it as private property (still Brazilian territory)

>> No.14788747

So where are these powerful entities? Is there a time of the day they speak more often to you?

>> No.14788758 [DELETED] 

>t. subhuman favela monkey
You don't own anything and your banana republic cam be Freedom'd and Democracy'd like countless others.

>> No.14788813

Whats that supposed to mean? An invasion by some country? General Hernandez is gonna lead the charge?

>> No.14788824 [DELETED] 

>Whats that supposed to mean?
That's supposed to mean your filthy dump isn't special and your "leaders" can be toppled just like any other third world banana republic "leaders". Do favela monkeys have any concept of the rest of the world?

>> No.14788942

>That's supposed to mean your filthy dump isn't special and your "leaders" can be toppled
So why are they not toppled then? Seems like these "powerful" entities like what they do or are indifferent.

>> No.14788963
File: 219 KB, 520x623, EuropeForestCover.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

European forests have been steadily increasing in size for the last hundred years or so. If Euros could figure out how to protect & expand their forest, why can't Brazilians?

>> No.14788964

>So why are they not toppled then?
They haven't even made their beds yet, it's a bit much to expect them to launch an invasion.

>> No.14789014

Cool so they are 0.2% rather than 0.1% of the european surface? How ecological

>> No.14789027

This must be some kind of bait right?

>> No.14789092 [DELETED] 

>So why are they not toppled then?
"They" being who? Your monke leaders? Probably because no one cares about the Amazon forest that much and the would-be topplers are probably making mnoey off of the destruction. I'm not saying you will necessarily get toppled, just that you don't "own" anything.

>> No.14789108

>robably because no one cares about the Amazon forest that much
Thanks for answering now we know. Nobody cares and you wont do shit. Seethe, cope and feeeze to death 4 months from now
European forests dont exist

>> No.14789111

>European forests dont exist

>> No.14789121
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>> No.14789135

Oh a drawing of a map? And this means what?
I have seen a couple of european tree plantations. A forest? These were gone 100 years ago.

>> No.14789142 [DELETED] 

>Nobody cares and you wont do shit
Correct, but that's not going to change the fact that Brazil doesn't "own" anything, and everything you think you "own" can be taken away from you under the very same rules of conduct you use to justify your "ownership" over forests.

>> No.14789144

You have never been to Europe. Stop baiting retard.

>> No.14789153

I have been to Germany and Czechia. You are so brainwashed you think a sunflower farm is nature

>> No.14789163
File: 108 KB, 1000x956, Forest_in_the_EU_v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself

>> No.14789164

>same rules of conduct you use to justify your "ownership" over forests
You won't be taking over anything ever, gramps. Enjoy extinction

>> No.14789169

>Pine and sunflower plantations

>> No.14789175 [DELETED] 

I don't know what your psychotic rambling is about. I'm just reminding you that you don't "own" anything.

>> No.14789182

forest here refers to natural forest and forest plantations.
it does not refer to sunflower plantations.

>> No.14789414
File: 316 KB, 705x468, Magerwiese_DSC2843_web-3863954808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

desu this is not always a good thing,

Look at this flower field, its really low in nitrogen because humans removed the hay for hundred of years, plants and animals have adopted to that. if the farmers kids don't mow it twice a year because it doesn't make them money it will first become shrubs and later a Forrest like 90% of Europe was 500 years ago.

>> No.14789729

by your logic, no country owns any shit then
also, no single country can evade Brazil, the cost will be much more than what can be gain

>> No.14789750

This is the fact people are ignoring. The Amazon as we knew it (an impassible jungle) is a relatively recent creation due to the absence of human civilization. The extent of the rainforest was once much-curtailed by the Inca's mother culture, which fell into ruin hundreds or thousands of years ago.

>> No.14789777

What are "externalities?"

Econ 101. Unfortunately, it is very hard to deal with international externalities, particularly global warming and ocean acidification, where the benefits of each iterative improvement are small, the ability to cheat is high, and the individual contribution of any one nation is still margin in the grand scheme of things. Even worse, the problem has a very long time horizon. The really bad shit from current high end warming trend models still won't show up for another 50 years.

It also effects different countries differently. Bangladesh is going to get absolutely turbo fucked, as will parts of Africa. Canada and Russia will see modest improvements to GDP growth provided the migrant flows and climate wars don't fuck them. Likewise, Vermont and Michigan do well, worst case Arizona and Nevada will see very serious problems. As bad as the drought in the Southwest is right now, we still use fuck loads of water for agriculture and lawns in Arizona. But keep this average level of drought up for a few decades, and even water for human consumption will get scarce, especially with the population booming.

The only big place likely to get absolutely fucked in the US is Miami. Sea level rise isn't a threat outside of more flooding for most US cities until next century.

Even low end models have a big death of Miami below high tide late this century. It is absolutely, unequivocally fucked, and it's pretty comical that so little is being done about it.

>> No.14789797

Todos nesse fio são brasileiros, parem de falar em inglês, nenhum gringo liga para o Brasil.

>> No.14789866

You realize the forest burns naturally sometimes right?

Also, I bet you would be very butthurt if Brazilians increased the preserved area to 100% instead of the current 80%, and stopped exporting food.

You would eat bugs while we eat picanha and costela, but hey, at least your heckin "animal and plant friends" can kill each other on the cycle of life

>> No.14789869

>But it gives oxygen to the entire planet
The ocean does though, plants consume oxygen too.

>> No.14789874

>It's only "theirs" until someone steps in and takes it, cattle brain. There is no such thing as ownership over natural resources except in the way of violent gangs forcing their will, and that kind of system allows for all sorts of options you won't like, favela monkey.
Molon labe gringo viadinho

>> No.14789882 [DELETED] 

>by your logic, no country owns any shit then
It has nothing to do with "my own logic". I'm just pointing out the consequence of yours: the only countries that "own" anything are the ones who can wield an overwhelming amount of power against potential rivals, since the only logic behind appropriation of natural resources by the state in the first place is that the state will imprison and/or kill individuals trying to make use of those resources.

>> No.14789888

>The small scale farmers would continue to burn the Amazon
But I thought it was big cattle ranchers burning le heckin forest (which is actually something very hard to do due to the humidity of trees mixed with dirt, and the requirement of machinery to uproot big trees, which makes me believe the controlled fires are to prevent even bigger wild fires during the magnetic field inversion, meaning it's being done by State level agents) to plant soi for cattle and pigs? (actually most soi goes to soi oil, soi beans and other vegetarian products)

>> No.14789893

>I thought we were on the subject of the real world, where Brazil isn't even a relevant nation-state
You're a french cuck aren't you? Still mad at Paulo "Big Dick" Guedes for putting his gigantic penis on the table and telling France to suck it publicly?

>> No.14789896 [DELETED] 

I don't know what your beef with the French is, favela monkey. Maybe I'd know if Brazil was a relevant country.

>> No.14789899

Also known as pasture

>> No.14789900

>Implying that natural resources belong to the public
I defy you or anyone else in this thread to prove that this has ever been the case. Natural resources are always either held in trust for the State itself, for a Business Entity within the State, or for an Individual. Resources have not ever, at any place, at any point in history belonged to everyone, everywhere.

Thusly it follows that they can burn it down or chop it down whenever the fuck they feel like, just like everyone else does with the forests in their nations. They can either re-plant after that or not, just like everyone else does with the forests in their nations.

Do you people even know what property rights are? Why do people on /sci/ have to explain this to you?

>> No.14789907

Your tantrum is pathetic eurocuck/amerimutt, just admit you're seething Brazil's projected annual inflation is 6% whereas Europe's and America's is much higher. Thanks to biden our food prices are high though so fuck you and his dementia filled ass.

>> No.14789915

>global warming
Hoax, climate is clearly cyclical

>> No.14789926

>The only big place likely to get absolutely fucked in the US is Miami
Ok pal let's make a deal
If this prediction of yours is wrong 200 years from now your descendants will all be arrested and their funds removed

Will you put your money where your mouth is?

>> No.14789931

Based truth-poster. The magnetic inversion will cause tremendous problems worldwide. Do you predict any other actions of other governments are being taken in advance of it?

>> No.14789937

Dont you know the route from coal to papyrus>

>> No.14789942

>the only countries that "own" anything are the ones who can wield an overwhelming amount of power against potential rivals
Brazil is part of BRICS and has an atomic program

>> No.14789951

>Do you predict any other actions of other governments are being taken in advance of it?
Bunkers and glass domes probably since the sky will literally fall (big chunks of clear ice, a specific species has teeth that can cut it easily though I can't remember its name)

>> No.14789953

>I don't know what your beef with the French is, favela monkey.
Lie harder bro, all Europeans know France doesn't want the mercosul-euro treaty to go forward because it would btfo france's agricultural market. Brazil is also entering the OCDE.

>> No.14790012
File: 923 KB, 1279x922, Wildfire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14791336

>all these people defending Brazil and shitting on Yuroop
I didn't know we had so many brbros lurking on /sci/, what gives? That explains the 0.999... = 1 threads and people struggling with calculus, though.

>> No.14791364

>European forests have been steadily increasing in size for the last hundred years or so. If Euros could figure out how to protect & expand their forest, why can't Brazilians?
Yeah by outsourcing all their industry to the 3rd world (like Brazil)

>> No.14791369

How many times do people need to be told that overpopulation is the source of every single environmental issue

Stop giving these 3rd world abortions money
Stop giving them aid
Stop buying their shit
Stop letting them breed

>> No.14791381

What do you mean by this? Firmament collapse or star water freezing?

>> No.14791590

A shame there will never be political will to do something about the Amazon because American and Soviet glowies fucked everything here during the cold war.
>This hell hole is just gonna get further into criminal activity until it colapses.

>> No.14791645

>Firmament collapse

>> No.14791653


In the roman times europe already had far less forest than in bronze age. In the glacial period europe was a mainly steppe like current mongolia.

>> No.14791914

>Stop giving these 3rd world abortions money
>Stop giving them aid
>Stop buying their shit
>Stop letting them breed
Europe is a net receiver of third world resources. Its the third world that subsidizes europe.
Stop buying third world oil, gas, ores and grains and you would sink into immense poverty. Europe doesnt have any shit of its own.
France is an African colony by this point and has never been an actual world power. France only got possession of Haiti, the frozen parts of Canada and a couple of Caribbean islands. Oh and African deserts lots of African deserts.
France only wins wars against stone age indigenous peoples and literal spear chuckers from Niger. Its not Los Estados Unidos. It cant project power, it can't even breed. Look at this ridiculous eurocuck larping as an American, living vicariously through American power.
Time for you to die eurocuck (of old age). The future belongs to Brazil.

>> No.14792121

As you can see they don't give a fuck, brazilians are THIS retarded btw. Everything is fun until someone wrecks their things, another dumb country like Argentina

>> No.14792137

>You win this one but in two weeks you'll see
You dont have any power

>> No.14792141

Yeah it probably wasn't there before the incas or anything

>> No.14792144
File: 68 KB, 720x712, 1f95dbe423e6d1a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your point, people have made mistakes and then they learn from them. But then favela monkeys ignore that and repeat the same mistakes

>> No.14792153

Not your problem Pierre, fuck off

>> No.14792603

But they need aids

>> No.14792657
File: 66 KB, 990x742, 29512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fact: about 80% of the Earth's oxygen is created by algae out in the ocean, not trees

>> No.14792697
File: 92 KB, 272x446, soylet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eurotards did the most retarded forest practices possible
>thats why we should take their advice on forestry
euros are sofa king dumb that even when they reallize how idiotically they fucked up, they do nothing at all to correct their mistakes. instead they screech at people who they consider intellectually inferior and demand that the idiotic lesser humans behave more intelligently than the eurodumbs.
>reeeeee we cut down all our trees and refuse to replant, instead we continue to cut away at the small amount of remaining native first cover. thats why you total morons need to be more intelligent and responsible than we are.
>you third world nincompoops need to pick up the slack for europe

>> No.14792712

eurofags irresponsibly ruined the steppe by failing to manage their wooly mammoth resources scientifically. instead of only culling the herds when needed, the greedy eurofats chimped out an ate every mammoth they could lay their hands on.

>> No.14792971

>eurotards did the most retarded forest practices possible
>thats why we should take their advice on forestry
That's just sensible, somebody already did the same thing earlier and the new generations regret those decisions. So there is no reason to make the same mistakes if there are already examples of the end result somewhere else

>instead we continue to cut away at the small amount of remaining native first cover
It's the opposite, as has been mentioned earlier in this thread. There is an effort to increase the forest cover, to offset the past mistakes

>> No.14792984

I love when racism is used in a post about ecology and land ownership.

>> No.14793024 [DELETED] 

I love when retarded drones fresh off of reddit someone stumble their way into 4chan and start complaining about 'isms.

>> No.14793030

>There is no such thing as ownership over natural resources
why are communists so fucking dumb?

>> No.14793038 [DELETED] 

Notice how you are are misquoting the post and sperging off against an imaginary boogeman just like the clinically subhuman NPC that you are?

>> No.14793055

Kek, pipe the fuck down libcuck. You want to invade Brazil over muh environment? Amerishits couldn't even take over banana republics like Cuba or Venezuela. Sit down and be humble.

>> No.14793066


ecologism and enviromentalism is a conspiracy from the first world for keeping the third world underdeveloped and unable to compete

norway has the greatest fun on earth, their sovereign fund, finances by their north sea oil, yet Greenpeace campaigns in the third world against any attempt of exploration for oil in the seas, with expensive campaigns and tv and youtube ads financed by who knows.

imo it's a similar situation to Russia financing ecologists, enviromentalists, green parties in Europe, to stop Europe from becoming self reliant through nuclear energy, and to have them continue depending from Russian energy

>> No.14793090

>i fucked up, this is why you should listen
Not how this work. You have no moral authority
>I'll wreck your shit
You have no power. You an europoor not the US elite

>> No.14793114

150 year ago, Europe ruled the world, they were doing everything right. In the subsequent decades, europeans have so consistently been so wrong that Europe is now a collection of increasingly impoverished, impotent and powerless principalities that is so weak it has to depend on the good will of outsiders for protection

>> No.14793142

>>i fucked up, this is why you should listen
>Not how this work
I don't understand why not. If you were about to cross a busy road, but some guy came up to you like bro, I tried crossing that road and I got run over, would you just ignore his warning? People learn from their mistakes, and usually people with experience in something will have a better perspective regarding the matter

Regardless, the people who chopped the forests in Europe aren't the same people alive today

>> No.14793178

You are cancer. Die already.

>> No.14793198 [DELETED] 

See >>14793038
You will never be human. You will always be a ZOGified mongrel like the rest of /pol/. It's really funny to watch kike puppets getting uppity and sperging off against imaginary boogeymen propped up by their masters.

>> No.14793206

Urbanites each have large CO2 footprints, rural people have no carbon footprint. Rural Brazilians are not responsible for global warming, they people who have large CO2 footprints are the ones who are responsible for global warming. Lazy, entitled toxic urbanites sit on the internet all day errryday blaming the people who live closer to nature for environmental destruction when in reality all of the environmental problems originate from the irresponsible lifestyles of urbanites.

>> No.14793210

Not an argument

>> No.14793467

It probably wasn't. The basin was cultivated and civilized for 1000s of years before it became overgrown after the collapse of the megacivilizations. Back when they first arose the climate was very different.

>> No.14793597

Can't you take a hint that non-europeans don't care about your opinion? Stay in your shithole, be content with arguing with your neighbors.

>> No.14793607

"irresponsible" no. "Ignorant" maybe. The primary reason suburbs have such a massive carbon footprint is: vehicles. When it's impossible to travel anywhere important without emitting 40-50 grams of CO2 in the process, then it's pretty fucking difficult to "take responsibility", you can only change when the infrastructure changes, not the other way around.

>> No.14795603

At this point I have accepted that the amazon rain forest will go away. The only way to save it is to detonate a dirty bomb over it, and that's not gonna happen.

>> No.14795906

They were irresponsible by moving to the suburbs in the first place

>> No.14795990

I think this is the stance the world should take on it.

>> No.14795994

To be honest I am not at all against farming logging quick growing forests and plantations, nor use of fossil fuels. But destroying mature very old forests and trees and defending it is literally subanimal behavior. The same poltards that call this based would screech and seethe if thousand year old churches and monuments were as callously destroyed. but at least they can be rebuilt, trees wider and taller than the average bugman's dwelling will never be replaced for thousands of years if cut down. And don't come at me with "churches are a god's house trees are just plants" because trees and forests older than civilizaton itself show are remanent of the world as god designed it, and should also be cherished as such if you are religious.

>> No.14796011

>But destroying mature very old forests and trees and defending it is literally subanimal behavio
Sorry, can't hear you seething while I eat my steak

>> No.14796016

>trees and forests older than civilizaton itself
This is your mind on atheism

>> No.14796035

what civilization lived in tropical and temperate rainforests of north america 15,000 years ago?

>> No.14796184

You know you could just buy the amazon?

>> No.14796565

Civilization has existed in the Americas for over 12,000 years. Before the last cataclysm and the ensuing ice age. Cyclopean architecture in the middle of the jungle is proof of it.

>> No.14796896

Look where euro environment policies took them. Manhandled by Putin every few years and about to freeze do death while being lectured by an autistic child on eating the bugs.

Also if anyone tries to get smart we will set the Resende centrifuges to max power and you won’t have any negotiating power, Pierre.

>If you were about to cross a busy road, but some guy came up to you like bro, I tried crossing that road and I got run over, would you just ignore his warning?
The guys carrying a massive bag of gold he found on the other side of the road and has no wounds.

>> No.14796908

God is not real. Europe is out main buyer. If you don’t like it pay us to stop.

>> No.14796918

That's actually not a bad idea

>> No.14796933

Lmao you could not think of it yourself?
Its still going to be Brazilian territory but if some rancher can buy a hectare for 500 sacks of onions so can the european union.

>> No.14796952

Nope, that forest belongs to the whole world. We should occupy Brazil.

>> No.14796959

What a dumb response. Please grow some ball hairs before posting on this site.

>> No.14796962
File: 238 KB, 960x540, German forest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love forests.

>> No.14796965

What a fucking retard. You're denying more oxygen and carbon locking due to your degenerate way of thinking. Plus it's about protecting the habitats for the many creatures there.

May I remind you, you're just a little cunt on the web whose life means fuck all to anyone also before you say you don't give a fuck. I would happily chop your teenage 20 something head off and fertilise my plants.

>> No.14796970

Then pay us not to do it. Otherwise we will restart our nuclear weapons program, trade even more with China, Russia, India and Arabs and you will have even less negotiating power.

>> No.14796972

You're a dumb kid, shut the fuck up with your gay bullshit.

You come out with such inane childish needless nonsense. Please fuck off to Fortnite you dribbling cunt.

>> No.14796974

Will keep doing it then. Enjoy your winter.

>> No.14796980

You depressive cunt. Hopefully you'll get stabbed by some gangster.

>> No.14796998

How am I depressive? You are the doomer freaking out about the environmental collapse or some shit. I’m here enjoying my 15C “winter” and weekend barbecues (I burn Amazon wood to make it btw).

>stabbed by some gangster
If this is what you think violence is then it will be like all those other times European countries tried to get smart with us.

>> No.14799080


Could be cheaper to just surgically strike any significant/detectable logging/mining/ranching/etc. could start decapitating your elites as well.

>> No.14799098

That's an act of war, keep at it and the carfentanyl drones take off.

>> No.14799109

>Otherwise we will restart our nuclear weapons program, trade even more with China, Russia, India and Arabs and you will have even less negotiating power.
France is not a super power. We will just throw you around like Putin is doing.

>> No.14799468

It's probably fine. The Amazon is so flammable because of drought from climate change. Without warming it would be so much harder to burn, but now when you light it the fire extends well past where you clear cut and penetrates deeper into the forest.

Long term the Amazon is what controls rainfall in the area by transpiration. Brazil will become practically hot and dry savanna, and agriculture will become a lot harder. While I'm against it for the fact that they're essentially kneecapping themselves long term, I dont see how it could possibly be reversed.

>> No.14799500

>your ancestors made mistakes in the past that you are now trying to make up for
>this gives me a free pass to make the same mistakes, this time with full knowledge of the consequences
third worlder logic I swear to god

>> No.14799599

>Long term the Amazon is what controls rainfall in the area by transpiration
Not this shit again. No forest can create rain. Rains are what create forests. You can chop down the amazon and it would rain exactly as much.

>> No.14799654

Climate schizos don't understand the water cycle, carbon cycle, etc. Don't worry about it just make sure they never get power.

>> No.14799771

You dont understand that 99.9% of rain comes from the ocean and it makes (almost) zero difference if a region has a forest or not. You chop down the amazon it keeps raining there, you can plant a trillion trees in the Sahara and irrigate and care for them and it would die in a year if you shut off the irrigation.
The water cycle is global, winds and drafts move moisture around the globe. You can't model local climate based on local conditions, rain in Brazil is not powered by water evaporation in Brazil. Far more water rains in Brazil that evaporates there

>> No.14799871

Your a ancestors created wealth by destroying your natural resources and now you don’t want other people to do the same because it will affect you negatively.

>> No.14800003 [DELETED] 
File: 333 KB, 1200x1200, America_fights_wars_for_israel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Based and Masonpilled

>> No.14800023 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 580x402, 1591327248933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Your a ancestors created wealth by destroying your natural resources and now you don’t want other people to do the same because it will affect you negatively.

First of all, this is whataboutism, which is a logical fallacy. Just because someone else did something bad doesn't give you justification to do the same bad thing. Secondly, the humans did not have the same understanding of things like climate and environmental science back during the Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution that we have today. Thirdly, climate change is actually expected to disproportionately effect minorities, people of color, and the global south, so even if you're worldview and politics are ultimately centered around "whitey bad, European culture bad", you likewise have an incentive to care about these issues.

>> No.14800136

>Regardless, the people who chopped the forests in Europe aren't the same people alive today
No, the people alive today are the ones
>polluting the world by buying clothes and electronics outsourced to eastern asia (hey, if i don't see the ecological impact of fast fashion that means it's eco friendly)
>validating child labor by outsourcing their cheap manufacturing to those countries
>polluting the oceans by being at the vanguard of mask mandates and using disposable plastics all the time
>shipping their waste to china and other shitholes
>causing a lot of pain and suffering among women, children and civilians by being the world's largest consumers of hard drugs, basically bankrolling all the savage, murderous cartels in central america

The thing with euopeans is that, they sweep all their dirty deeds under the rug so that they can feel as if they're eco conscious, clean and morally superior
Yuropeens are literally
>if i don't see it that means it doesn't exist

>> No.14800145

So Europe is literally responsible for everything the rest of the world does?
Way to bring back the White Man's burden, genius

>> No.14800148

>china offers you a clearly shady deal
>well it's not MY fault, I'm just taking the cheaper option
That's literally the same train of thought that people buying stolen goods use.
You're no better than someone like that.

>> No.14800244

You are a shapeshifter Pierre, when it suits you play civilized man and expect everyone to obey, you have a polite argument for anything. If it doesn't work you go "might is right" mode and have some philosophie ready to make open theft respectable. All you want is to win and to keep everyone else without resources and poor. What else can i say, thank god for white genocide, two more generations and the white plague will be over

>> No.14800298

The problem is that brown people aren't particularly any better than whites. If Africa, the middle east, mexico and china are anything to go with, then what's coming will only be worse

>> No.14800711

Not Europe. It’s mostly France and Germany. Most of the terrible ideas in human history came out of these countries: nazism, marxism, current school system, post modernism and current anti humanist ideology. Thanks god you both are self destroying and in decline and in 100 years my grand children won’t have to deal with this shit anymore.
Italy, Sweden and the UK, for example, have theirs ups and downs but are a net positive to the world.

>> No.14800721

>current anti humanist ideology
Modern humanism is precisely the most dominant cancer

>> No.14800728
File: 96 KB, 1080x1028, soyence grad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no, i don't share your beliefs, i think you're retarded and i don't understand how anyone could be as stupid as you, your mindset is a complete mystery to me
>why aren't you behaving the way i think you should behave
>t. i do nothing whatsoever to preserve nature myself, but i think others should do it for me

>> No.14800786

You must be thinking of something else.

>> No.14800808

i am not

>> No.14800819


>> No.14800825

>Generally, the term refers to a focus on human well-being and advocates for human freedom, autonomy, and progress.

Do you think this is bad?

>Other critics argue humanism is an oppressive philosophy because it is not free from the biases of the white, heterosexual males who shaped it.

>Other antihumanists such as Martin Heidegger and Michel Foucault attacked the notion of humanity using psychoanalysis, Marxism, and linguistic theory.

I think these people are bad and they don’t like humanism.

>> No.14801065

Secular humanism is part of the materialist ethos that imports 1 billion browns to deny people their humanity.

>> No.14803643

won't be any left of those after this winter. the timber industry has increased its output by 3000% to meet energy demands, and everyone will be heating their house with firewood

>> No.14805552

>the Braziltardsd is conflating jungles with all forests


>> No.14805692

Here's the grand paradox of all this.
Being concerned about such things (like the long term survival of the species) puts you at a competitive (evolutionary) disadvantage to those who are not.

The retards will multiply and multiply until the life sustaining biosphere disintegrates under their weight and then they will die off en masse.

>> No.14805754

You can't understand why an ideology that calls itself the greater good, and decides what for itself what humanity needs could be bad? You cannot imagine said ideology going out of control and becoming so morally arrogant it is willing to do anything for its delusions of righteousness? The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

>> No.14805767

We have a history of socialist tendencies in our past. Ex president and Ex prisoner Lula thought it would be a great idea to lower exportation prices for feedstock like wood, onions, and most importantly, niobium (used in spaceships and batteries, and we own 98% of world reservoir). This politic attracted many investors, but at the cost of lowering our value.
That also explains why we have that passiveness to exploration, but it doesn't end here. What did he did with with that stupid politics?
He helped authoritarian governments like Cuba, Venezuela and Bolivia, in other words, he sent our earnings to support broken countries, and they are still broke. He's trying to get elected again, and these countries are fully supporting him.

So you wanna blame Brazilians? Blame communists first. Yes, we have a shit education, but that came from a shitty ideology.


>> No.14806290

I think all that is bad and that’s not what I associate with humanism.
>human freedom
Individual freedoms like freedom of speech and faith.
Pursuit of happiness and the right to own property.
Technological and scientific progress.

As for the current anti humanist ideology I mentioned, I see it as:
>”safe spaces” are more important than freedom of speech. Everyone’s modus operandi is silencing disagreement, including in spaces like universities.
>Lack of individual autonomy by making everyone dependent on a large government (socialism).
>Aversion to progress and material flourishing, live in a pod, eat the bugs, etc.

All those things done for a greater good ofc.

>> No.14806314

Agreed on all counts. If we continue this unabated, we will be wiped off the planet for good. God promised us he wouldn't flood the world again, but we're abusing that promise.
t. former /pol/tard, now way too based for /pol/

>> No.14806429

>>Generally, the term refers to a focus on human well-being and advocates for human freedom, autonomy, and progress.
>Do you think this is bad?
Notice the word progress, which is the most subjective of all. The ends do no justify the means, humanists are trying to impose the agenda 2030 which is micromanagement on steroids applied to the entire human existence

>> No.14806431

>Pursuit of happiness and the right to own property
For nonwhites? Forget about it, you will just replace the original high-trust homogeneous population who could larp to your ideal.
There is also the issue of the State

>Technological and scientific progress
The State will use both to create more ways of control over society as it creates more bureaucracy to accompany economic development

>> No.14806435

Nobody cares about your history, I'll blame you because you're doing it
Kys stinking ape

>> No.14806441

People have been warned about this for decades. Still nobody listens. Humanity deserves extinction

>> No.14806483

>No forest can create rain.
Not true. It's called evotranspiration.
>In rainforests, water yield is increased (compared to cleared, unforested land in the same climatic zone) as evapotranspiration increases humidity within the forest (a portion of which condenses and returns quickly as precipitation experienced at ground level as rain). The density of the vegetation blocks sunlight and reduces temperatures at ground level (thereby reducing losses due to surface evaporation), and reduces wind speeds (thereby reducing the loss of airborne moisture). The combined effect results in increased surface stream flows and a higher ground water table whilst the rainforest is preserved. Clearing of rainforests frequently leads to desertification as ground level temperatures and wind speeds increase, vegetation cover is lost or intentionally destroyed by clearing and burning, soil moisture is reduced by wind, and soils are easily eroded by high wind and rainfall events.
After the Amazon is completely chopped, the land will turn into a hot savanna with reduced rainfall. How much rainfall will be lost? Probably about 50% of what it's currently at. Agriculture which surrounds Rainforest indirectly benefits from rainfall. Specifically the plants in the Amazon produce water aerosols which create clouds in the atmosphere, which then produce rain.
It's estimated that for now the overall yield of deforestation is positive due to increased land use, but as more and more of the Amazon is deforested, the net increase in agriculture will start to slow down until it's a negative. Of course once that happens the Amazon will be well past the tipping point where it will naturally start to recede even if humans tried to revive it.

So yeah, shits fucked. Brazil's gonna get destroyed pretty abruptly after the forest is gone.

>> No.14806519
File: 7 KB, 208x243, 1649768902052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just pay them the amount of profit they would make if they were to burn down the forest and utilize at as farmland.

They're poor and want a better life and want to do EXACTLY what you faggots have done in order to prosper. So put your money where your mouth is and give them the financial incentive to not burn it down.

>> No.14807369

I don't even like Brazil, but good on them for making retards like you seethe

>> No.14807385

Money is useless, we want meat, dairy, etc

>> No.14807547

But the “progressive” people who want you to live in a pod are the ones calling for no growth economies. I don’t know everything about them screams anti humanism they just happen to call their totalitarian delusions “progress”.


>> No.14807549

Use the money to grow in less efficient ways that don’t require burning the Amazon.

>> No.14807560

Shut up retard

>> No.14807655

I even hate Brazil, but good on them for making eurotards cook a bit harder every subsequent summer

>> No.14807912

>this is whataboutism, which is a logical fallacy
"Whataboutism" is just holding others to the same standard and refusing to adhere to one that others don't follow, and isn't necessarily a logical fallacy. I don't think it applies here because as you say, they indeed know the consequences. Everything else you said is spot on.

>> No.14808562

>they are back at genociding our animal and plant friends for profit
Animals and plants are not your friends, ESPECIALLY those in the Amazon. Your country seems them as mere economic resources.
True and nice triple dubs.
Nobody is giving us money. But I agree with your overpopulation statement.
I am more saddened by Churces getting demolished because are they were built by men.

>> No.14808644
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>nature is not your friend so lets destroy it all for profits, so we can live in polluted cities, in concrete boxes watching the Kardashians.

>> No.14808758

>First of all, this is whataboutism, which is a logical fallacy.
No it isn’t and I don’t care.
>Just because someone else did something bad doesn't give you justification to do the same bad thing.
The justification is: I want it. Nothing more.
>Secondly, the humans did not have the same understanding of things like climate and environmental science back during the Enlightenment and the Industrial Revolution that we have today.
But everyone is still paying for it anyways while you get the benefits. You just don’t want to pay the costs of preserving the Amazon and still get the benefits.
>Thirdly, climate change is actually expected to disproportionately effect minorities, people of color, and the global south
I don’t care, I’m white and the place I live is not at significant risk. If you want the Amazon then pay for it.

>> No.14808767
File: 266 KB, 420x420, 235243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: AGW hysteria bugmen vs. corporate-worshipping consoomerist bugmen

>> No.14809388

looking at their murder rates, no one does that better than themselves

>> No.14809395

3rdie: don't care about anything relevant when informed
also 3rdie: why i live in mud and misery?

>> No.14809459

My points are perfectly valid, Pierre Mohammed. Do you want the Amazon? Then pay for it. There is only one and you are not in position to negotiate.

>> No.14809651

You should, you could learn a thing or two

>> No.14809844

>you are not in position to negotiate.
you're not in a position to even talk become industrialized first

>> No.14809860

And I'll blame your exploration, so dumb of you to think you're completely innocent from that issue.

Erase communism from the world, then we talk.

>> No.14809941
File: 31 KB, 720x379, debunking skizophrenia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ex president and Ex prisoner Lula
oh the former ally of the current future prisoner? you're asshurt by him?

>we have a shit education
it shows

>> No.14810021

Seethe Pierre Mohamed.
Pay 1000 euros per month forever directly to every Brazilian citizen and we will consider voting for politicians who will preserve the Amazon. That’s 2.52 trillions per year, should be no problem to a rich and industrialized country like France.

There is only one Amazon, France is not a super power and your economy is in shivers. Putin is manhandling you in your own continent.
You are not in position to negotiate

While I agree that niobium is not some unonbitanium this article is very out of date and to be honest sounds a bit biased. Brazil doesn’t have the only reserves, just the cheapest by far.
In principle you can make another alloy with similar properties without niobium but “similar” might not be enough.
For example in rocketry there is not substitute for GRCop and some Inconel variations. Either you use them or you can’t make the engine.

>> No.14810071

nope it is your meme that is "out of date" its originator died like 2 decades ago and the only reason that article was written is because you voted for a clown

>> No.14810131

>muh putin
youre so ridiculous you're a lower caste nigger and want to reproduce the events in titanic on a global scale. cant even take this shit seriously

>Pay 1000 euros per month forever directly to every Brazilian citizen
no they should suck you dry instead and once shit hits the fan they should close the borders and pay for a bullet directly to your forehead. that's much much better and cheaper.

>> No.14810209

I’m not the person you were originally replying to and I have no idea of what you are talking about.
But the fact is: you simply can’t replace grcop and some Inconel variants in rocket engines, there is nothing else that can do the job. And those alloys need niobium.

Seethe, cope and dilate Mohammedette.

France is not shooting anyone, they can’t defend their own neighbors. If they come here they will just take a beating like every other European power that tried to get smart with us. We mine and refine our own uranium and Russia and China would love to be get closer to us.

Your failure of a president came up with some random thing on the other side of the planet to divert attention from the failure that is France and you fell for it. Deforestation has not even been particularly high. If you can’t reasoned with (unsurprising given how anti science the average Frenchman is) then you will just pay and stfu.

>> No.14810222 [DELETED] 

Using American terminology. Pathetic, France really is a rag doll of a country. Only there for America and Russia to throw at each other and for Mohammed to use as fleshlight.

>> No.14810227

Using American terminology, pathetic. France really is a rag doll of a country. Only there for America and Russia to throw at each other and for Mohammed to use as fleshlight.

>> No.14810240

this post just has to be paid by one of the many brazilian corruption schemes lmao

lol quit speaking English monkey

lmao was it really worth reposting this shit over that misplaced comma?

>> No.14810257

Imagine literally actually being South American and calling anyone else a bitch of the US

>> No.14810302

Seethe, pay and dilate Mohammed.

>> No.14810321

>"irresponsible" no.
urbanites cause global warming, urbanites are the source of all co2 pollution, they refuse to do anything at all to do anything about the problem they cause, they try to act blame for the problem they cause on others in order to avoid responsibility
>"irresponsible" yes

>> No.14810331

people living in dense cities cause less pollution than people living spread out, it's just more concentrated. In the grand scale it's better to build tall and not need a car to go everywhere

>> No.14810335
File: 370 KB, 500x375, Haiti-DR-border-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about we pay them in pictures of the Haitian border? Brazil is already considered to be full of monkeys. But why sink to the level of Haiti?

>> No.14810336

>live in a pod
>smell Tyrone’s sweaty arm pit on the subway

>> No.14810339

>urbanites cause global warming, urbanites are the source of all co2 pollution
Yeah, you emit so much more CO2 if the next supermarket is 2 blocks away rather than 25km. When your apartment is surrounded by other apartments on 4-5 sides rather than a free-standing house. When you can take the underground to work rather than commuting for an hour each way in your car.

>> No.14810427
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Brazil has 98,2% of world's Niobium.
In the previous (communist) government, Brazil was exporting niobium for China with very cheap price, so China could make progress for their space satellites since niobium is useful in that field.

However, Lula is not in power anymore and Bolsonaro is very against communism. He is slowly moving away from past politics.
By the way, Niobium-Graphene batteries charges way faster than Lithium. Why did you think Musk visited Brazil recently?

>> No.14810456

>our animal and plant friends for profit
Why do you feel entitled to the land and environment. I feel like this is how western states can cry about the environment then have their aid money fund literal death squads at the same time.

>> No.14810458

DR also have a very bad deforestation issue. Westies can't bitch about poverty mitigation then deny other states the ability to develop with no compensation?

>> No.14810546

>Bolsonaro is very against communism
oh really? isn't that the same guy that is literally printing money right now to save his ass? what happened to "conservative in the ideas but liberal in the economy"? you tout that line when convenient, but call the other a guy a "commie" when he is actually center left at best?

>He is slowly moving away from past politics.
he hasn't done shit and will not do shit. if he raises the price no one will buy it, 3 decade old monkey schizo copes won't change this reality

>Why did you think Musk visited Brazil recently?
is that a rhetorical question or are you implying that he convinced musk to pay 100x more for what is essentially a worthless product with practically zero demand? 0 deals signed btw

>> No.14811275

And on top of that their companies engage is mass abuse and pollution.