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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14787498 No.14787498 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me they weren't. Am I just being gaslit to the point I treat these stories with suspicion? Dude just had some defect, right? I mean a cyclist, not even 40, just up and dies in bed? Also how could we know if it was the vaxx or the virus itself?


>> No.14787529

>An athlete died of heart attack
>This proves all conspiracy theories correct.
Sure. In fact I'm sure I've seen some of them deboonking germ theory. Would you be willing to prove the germ hoax by injecting a cocktail of AIDS, anthrax, ebola, rabies, etc? You'd really prove that silly germ theory conspiracy wrong.

>> No.14787541

1. Get your /pol/ obsession in check so you can stop mentioning them all the time. It's fucking annoying that you obessives can't stop fucking talking about them on every single fucking board. Just stop it.
2. Yes, that death could be related to the pandemic or the pandemic response but keep in mind that professional cyclists really fuck up their cardiac systems, making them so efficient that when they're resting, their heart rate goes extremely low. It is common for professional cyclists to have to wear heart monitors that will wake them if their heart rate drops too low so they can go exercise to raise it high enough to make it safe to go back to sleep.
3. The number of cardiac issues for athletes has risen lately and the increasing number of younger people dying in their sleep is troubling but cyclists dying in their sleep is not very unusual for the reasons stated above.

>> No.14787546

>Alright dammit, was /pol/ right?
Uh oh, we got a live one! GET HIM BACK ON THE RESERVATION

>> No.14787549

Wait, why am I getting sane, even-handed responses? Shouldn't you tell me "that means its working" and "no refund?" This is almost... refreshing.

>> No.14787679

sometimes people just die and it's not part of a global hegemonic conspiracy. the body is a massive weird conglomeration that does billions of actions a day, and just the right sequence means flatline.

>> No.14787703

There's a large amount of undiagnosed heart defects in the general population.
Last I checked it was reported as ~1 in 100 people, but many people go undetected so its probably closer to 1 in 75. Its starting to get more attention now though. I know of a few people who got a echo recently on doctors advice and discovered they'd been living with a hole in their heart or aorta for 40 or 50 years.
People (and cyclists in particular) have been dropping dead from sudden heart attacks long before covid was around, it just gets more publicity now because the conspiracy theorists latch onto it whenever it happens.

>> No.14787742

yes, the worst part of /pol/ is that they are correct mostly

>> No.14787760

Unless somebody do a survey by age-groups on excess mortality then all "vaccines are harmless" or "vaccines killing people" are talking BS.

If vaccines killed people, even if voluntary there's a chance of lawsuits by billions dollars. Lawyers are leechers so...

Also, 2018 23 yo

>> No.14787813

>it's common for professional cyclists to wear monitor blah blah unsafe to sleep ridiculous absurd claim
I'm going to murder you and play with your blood for saying something so fucking stupid with the utmost confidence in your words. I fucking hate people like you.

>> No.14787857

>2. Yes, that death could be related to the pandemic or the pandemic response but keep in mind that professional cyclists really fuck up their cardiac systems, making them so efficient that when they're resting, their heart rate goes extremely low. It is common for professional cyclists to have to wear heart monitors that will wake them if their heart rate drops too low so they can go exercise to raise it high enough to make it safe to go back to sleep.
This has never been true. Why would you lie so blatantly?

>> No.14787944

This board is entitled beyond belief, and irrational to boot. The elites are not retards. You cannot sustain a population of 8 billion. You just can't. Do the math.

t. insider

>> No.14787956
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Why are you guys like this?

>> No.14787967

Don’t they have civil and criminal immunity?

>> No.14787978

He probably read the stories about Miguel Indurain
Don’t know though if they’re actually true and if people still do that
That being said, yes, PED’s are dangerous for the body

>> No.14787985
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>The elites are not retards.
Overall, it seems to be either unacknowledged incompetence, or malevolent midwittery.
>You cannot sustain a population of 8 billion.
There aren't ~8Billion people.
You, me, or anyone really, has no idea what the real population is. Everyone lies about population because it's an easy way to get free money. Make up fake ID's, have you or your buddy who works in some Administrative position get your fake ID's on the payroll, or if not employment then financial aid programs for public gibs(especially if you're in charge of the finances of the social welfare departments).

Have you ever looked at Satellite photos of Nigeria? I would be surprised if they even have 10% of the population they claim to have.
India, yeah, I sincerely doubt they have anywhere close to a Billion.


>> No.14787986

Maybe he did a Bruce Lee and he trained so hard he died

>> No.14787992
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Starting ~1/2 century ago, they thought it would be a genius idea to just give $Trillions/year to the MidEast Oil countries so they could use that money to invest in Western Business stonks, and so they could afford to build some Sandcastles. Well, the MidEast Nationalized the Western businesses who designed, built, transported, and set up the drilling equipment necessary for Oil, and basically controlled the Oil Market through OPEC once that happened. We give them money, so they can afford to pay us for Labor/Resources to build their nations, military protection and invading their neighbors, as well as finance their Healthcare, Education, Housing, Gov. Payroll, Infrastructure, and Cash gibs to their citizens (Foreigners aren't eligible to be citizens, and they have strict immigration policies btw).
But the "elite" in charge of the West believe giving them $Trillions is good because "Line Go Up :)))".
They believe it makes more sense to give anyone else in the world sacks of money, because then they can spend those sacks of money in Western Businesses, to generate revenue :)))
It makes much more sense to throw $Trillions upon $Trillions at 3rd world wastelands so they can pay Western contractors to go abroad and spend their money overseas while they're busy building their countries with the money we gave them.

The problem is, well over 1/2 of our Society needs to just be completely reformatted. There are Hundreds-of-Thousands to Hundreds-of-Millions of people in positions of power and authority where their decisions can impact mundane tediousness, to life changing implications. And there are many of those people who are complicit with all sorts of questionably-moral shenanigans, but they are simply ignorant or incapable of understanding the big picture/long-term-consequences.


>> No.14787997

no refunds bro, walk it off

>> No.14787998

I thought bruce died of monkeypox

>> No.14787999
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>The elites are not retards
Of course they are. They were either born into wealth and power, or fell into it through plain dumb luck. In fact, they had their heads so far up their ass about how they must be vastly wealthy due to being vastly more intelligent, that they're more resistant to actually learning than the working class. They think whatever cockamaime nonsense they come up with is absolute truth; just look at Trump, he's a perfect example of how the "elites" actually think.

>Have you ever looked at Satellite photos of Nigeria?
Have you ever seen a real slum? Tin and wood shacks the size of a garage piled up next to each other by the thousands, each of them housing ten people who can barely fit in all at once to sleep. Places like this stretch on for MILES in the cities of Africa and India, and favelas in South America. And the ruthless USSR-style housing blocks in China are just as crowded, but also go upward. It's like a nest of ants, anon. If you saw them, you would understand how ten million people can fit in a single city.

You look at American suburbs where every person has half a house and an acre of land to themselves, where half the urban areas are parking lots, and you think the entire world is like that. It's not.

>> No.14788009
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Now, unfortunately it's hard to discuss Science WITHOUT making it political, simply because there are some extremely politically/religiously opinionated people that were put into positions of authority and influence over policy making decisions. Many Fields of Study are based off questionable evidence, improperly interpreted data, or only exists as a pseudoscientific LARP.

With (((people))) occupying very important positions in our Educational System, this allows for whoever is in charge to decide what is, and isn't "Science". This is rather important, because just as some people might not want school to be strictly studying Holy Scripture like The Bible, The Quran, The Talmud, the Hindu Book or whatever it's called; they would probably be surprised to find out that that is basically almost how Western Academia exists today.

Many aspects of History are structured off the fabricated imagination of various people. Fields of Science are formed around some loose interpretations to match their Scripture, and dissenting opinions aren't further questioned and evaluated, they're struck down with extreme prejudice, calling the inquisitive individual some form of an uneducated, Anti-Science, heretic.
It's such a deeply ingrained cult, that it is literally illegal to officially disagree with whatever they say. You are legally not allowed to advise someone to wash their hands and put on a bandaid if you scrape your knee- you need a loicense to practice Medicine; or you can get sued for $Thousands-$Millions. If you do have a loicense to practice Medicine; you can have your loicense revoked, sued for $Thousands-$Millions, and serve Prison Time for going against the "Official Medical Procedure/Advice".
This is how most of our Society functions, though I use the Healthcare as an example because their profession has literal life-changing/life-ending consequences.

>> No.14788014

>You are legally not allowed to advise someone to wash their hands and put on a bandaid if you scrape your knee
This is some top-tier tinfoil-hattery. Quite impressive, actually. By all means, do go on.

>> No.14788030
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>Places like this stretch on for MILES in the cities of Africa and India
Yes, we have those in America too.
Except, they're not always just tin shacks, but instead are walls of skyscrapers.
Yet we still don't even have 350 Million.

If Africa and India combined have 1/4 of the world; then maybe they should be sending other people financial aid since they seem to be doing so well.

>> No.14788034

It is always funny to me how /pol/ schizos manage to produce post after post after post without ever noticing that they’re completely void of any actual argument

>> No.14788037
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>This is some top-tier tinfoil-hattery. Quite impressive, actually. By all means, do go on.
I take it you don't have much exposure to the Nightmare known as the American Healthcare Industry.

>> No.14788042
File: 3.45 MB, 4666x2244, HibernationOver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not trying to make arguments here, just simple observations of Science/Science-adjacent topics.

>> No.14788046

That’s good to know because your collages are very appalling if and only if you treat them as art pieces

>> No.14788048

Cyclists died in their sleep long before the pandemic or the vaccine.

Also, you know, doping. Legal and illegal.

>> No.14788050

>Science/Science-adjacent topics
Just from the preview I see ab bunch of frogs and a Star of David. Fuck off, chud.

>> No.14788052

You don't seem to understand what this actually means. Let me give you a similar situation. Back when I worked in insurance sales, I could legally advise people on how to do insurance things. The specifics are not important. However, if I didn't keep my licenses in order, it would be illegal for me to give advice to them. At the same time, it would be illegal for me to give advice to someone that wasn't actually a client at the time.

However, now that I have let my licenses lapse and am out of the industry, I can "advise" people about whatever. It doesn't matter anymore because the only thing they're trying to prevent is actual paid professionals from abusing their positions. It doesn't mean that, as a non-professional, you can't bandage your own kid's cuts or whatever.

>> No.14788169
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You got me there.
I don't put nearly as much effort into my work as the frauds who share their Scientific Research.

>> No.14788188
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>You don't seem to understand what this actually means.
>Back when I worked in insurance sales
>The specifics are not important. However, if I didn't keep my licenses in order, it would be illegal for me to give advice to them.
>It doesn't mean that, as a non-professional, you can't bandage your own kid
That is exactly what that means.
In America. In over 1/2 the states of our country, unless you have a "Religious" Exemption; not a personal objection, not a Doctor's Note, a certified Religious Exemption from an acceptable institution.
If you do not let the psychopaths take your child from you without a Religious Exemption, so they can inject them with poison as soon as their born and for every couple months throughout their life, you will be Fined $$$, arrested and imprisoned for Child Abuse, and you will lose custody of your children. This isn't a joke- this legitimately happens.

You guys are fucking out of control and deserve the worst kind of Hell imaginable.

>> No.14788192

Great, I just thought to myself "this thread needs more frogs and walls of text literally no one will read"

>> No.14788203
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>"this thread needs more frogs and walls of text literally no one will read"
This but unironically

>> No.14788208

I don't get it. Seriously. No one will read a single word of his. I doubt you have even.

>> No.14788213
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You're not my target audience.

>> No.14788218

Who is?