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14786915 No.14786915 [Reply] [Original]

Recently got over covid a week ago but now I'm having these random symptoms of a pinpoint headache, extreme nasal pressure with no mucus, and chest pressure like it feels like someone is pressing firmly on my chest but not extremely. They only ever last for about an hour or two before going away but it's been every day for a week.

Should I go to the hospital? Am I gonna die?

>> No.14786924

you should take your shill post to redd*t because no one here cares you paid faggot.

>> No.14789843

Who do you think paid OP??

>> No.14789857

You vaxxed?

WEF hired tens of thousands to shill their narrative online

>> No.14789872
File: 104 KB, 1500x1500, 61dCZf5GQML._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a finger oximeter, no one here can diagnose you.

>> No.14789924

Rather than 31 minutes of deep voices ponderign through this, got a text I can parse? The most annoing part aboput consipracy theoreticians is that they are unable to communicate clearly and concisely.

>> No.14789957


>> No.14789966

>Rather than 31 minutes of deep voices ponderign through this, got a text I can parse? The most annoing part aboput consipracy theoreticians is that they are unable to communicate clearly and concisely.
I just gave you the primary source, the video I linked has the selected track where they speak about hiring 110 thousand shills

>> No.14790147

>>14789957 >>14789966
So if they hire shills, how on Earth does that relate to OP's problems? I thought Long Covid was non-controversial.

>> No.14790156

"Long Covid" is just side effects from the clotshots.

>> No.14791256

>"Long Covid" is just side effects from the clotshots.

>> No.14791277

Too more weeks till everyone dies right?

>> No.14791329

>Too more weeks
You mean two? You nervous pal? That was the period to flatten the curve, have you forgotten?

Take your 5th shot and i'll tell you how long you have (not much https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/michael-yeadon-vaccine-death/ )

>> No.14793330

I will destroy my own thread

>> No.14793823
File: 65 KB, 618x597, 1654252672380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello shill faggot, still paid to propagate this degeneracy

>> No.14794201
File: 1.28 MB, 2220x4932, Bad vax hearings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Too more weeks till everyone dies right?
Millions more have died or dying or been harmed long-term from the shots than the virus. But you paid shills and clot-cultists know that already and are either paid off or in denial.

>> No.14794265

Sounds like stress(I know it's a hand wavy meme explanation). But it really does.