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14786308 No.14786308 [Reply] [Original]

Vaccine bros how fucked are we? We're the schizos right?

>> No.14786322
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>> No.14786334

Just link to the actual study.

>> No.14786338
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>> No.14786339


>> No.14786350
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even if tucker said a fact as plain as the time of day, i'd ignore it. there are better people to be brainwashed by

>> No.14786355

you are a troon, why do you think peple that arent mentally ill care what someone who cuts their dick off thinks?

>> No.14786361

it's clearly listed under the quotes retard. Do you not know how search engines work?

>> No.14786374

So you're telling me you didn't look up the studies.

>> No.14786379

im not OP ass munching retard

>> No.14786385

Why are you losing your mind? OP should provide links to the studies.

>> No.14786394

>post picture of anime on the bbc
what the fuck, who are you trying to kid?

>> No.14786404

Imagine being Trump and having your supporters bash the vaccines your administration helped develop

>> No.14786406

he doesn't know....

>> No.14786413

imagine determining whether you want to inject poison or not based on your politics. you are seriously fucking deranged and need years of intensive therapy

>> No.14786424
File: 422 KB, 1763x971, Fact Check.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

According to CBS17's Joedy McCreary, the study is flawed and doesn't say what you think it says.

>> No.14786435

>It cites a study from April in The Lancet that claimed “immune function among vaccinated individuals 8 months after the administration of two doses of COVID-19 vaccine was lower than that among the unvaccinated individuals.”
>But that conclusion completely misrepresents the study, which looked at the risks of infection, hospitalization and death up to nine months after the second vaccine dose. The point: The vaccine’s effects wane over time, which makes a third booster dose all the more important.
>“It’s a letter that was written to a journal that had false information — really, clearly, a misunderstanding of some of the dates that has been shown previously and published in a peer-reviewed journal,” Wohl said.
They looked at eight months of data instead of nine months of data, which is the Gold Standard in Public Health. Until they go back and redo the study, based on the God Standard of nine months, their eight month study is invalid and dangerous.

>> No.14786445

Trump tried to brag about helping create the vaccine in a couple of his rallies and had to back down because people started booing. That's the one thing he could've gotten credit for from both sides and his own side is criticizing him for it.

>> No.14786447

Tucker can easily take Joe in a MMA fight though

>> No.14786551

Nearly all studies are flawed when you get to nitpick enough at the methodology.
Just sayin'.

>> No.14786569

Studies by known wrongthinkers deserve more nitpicking than others.

>> No.14786573
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>fact check
a joke at this point

>> No.14786624

Which fact checking site does this come from?

I've seen enough fake caps that I would not be surprised if some /pol/ tard through this together themselves.

The problem with our information environment is also that different sides of debates role play as each other on the internet and try to make themselves look as retarded as possible. Then partisans cap these sock puppets and uncritically share the caps to further prove their points.

People participate in these sorts of things and see how easy it is to fake things. You'll have /pol/ threads full of people making fake infographics, and then those same fakes will get shared around as real for months.

These people then think that anyone working in a data role MUST be doing the same thing. It's so easy to lie and people fall for it, so truth is all relative (very post modern) and it's all about promoting your own side.

Had they actually worked a serious job requiring any sort of analysis, they'd realize that you'd get called out for that sort of shit and fired quite quickly.

>> No.14786638

Who names their son Joedy?

>> No.14786647

That's a fake cap you tard.

It showed up on iFunny before 2020 crime data was even put, although commenters there still uncritically swallowed the bait like you.

If fact checking was truly worthless, why would partisans:

A. Regurgitate and endlessly spam examples of where they fucked up.

B. Be constantly making fake images of well known fact checking with saying ridiculous stuff to discredit them.

I bet you got a nice dopamine hit when you saw that image and felt vindicated, which is what prompted you to save it and share it. That's what the whole system runs on lol.

>> No.14786652
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>Had they actually worked a serious job requiring any sort of analysis, they'd realize that you'd get called out for that sort of shit and fired quite quickly.
you are living in the past kiddo, this is what people have been trying to get you to understand for quite some time. The way you used to thinks worked is not how they work anymore that time is long gone. It st took you and the people like you a long time catch up because you were too bust calling everyone telling you this was happening "schizos" and "pol." this the era of 4th generational information warfare (even though it has actually been happening for 1000s of years)

>> No.14786653

The MSM is already starting to blame "the early vaccines" on Trump

I wonder if vaxxtards are going to be successfully gaslit into blaming Trump for what "trust the science" """experts"""" and the media did - oh who am I kidding they're fucking retards of course its going to work

>> No.14786688
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>When the "schizos" are accidently right for the 200th time in a row but you choose to keep believing the bad guys

>> No.14786692

So the problem is they aren't taking the booster, which is the same formula for the strain from two years ago?

>> No.14786710
File: 411 KB, 729x481, image_2022-08-24_212550511.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tucker carlson

>> No.14786719

We're not far from it being on CNN

>> No.14786721

>We're the schizos right?


>> No.14786748

>there are better people to be brainwashed by
I recommend the secret subject

>> No.14786754

Whatever makes sense, those faggots are against it.

>> No.14786758

It's coming soon. Trial balloons have been going up over the past week blaming Trump for the vaccines. The focus will be taken off of those who still refuse to be vaccinated and move to Trump's Operation: Warp Speed that allowed unsafe vaccines to be offered to the public. Whether or not there was pressure to get the vaccines will no longer be discussed, it will entirely be on the reckless speed at which Trump authorized them to be available.

>> No.14786770

Inb4 false equivalence (lots of fine people...), but CNN aus garbage too. A whole different league of garbage than faux news, but it's still garbage.

>> No.14786778

This has been a fun twist. I want to see how it ends up.

All my vaccinated friends are going to be blaming Trump for tricking them into getting the vaccine that they zealously lauded.

>> No.14786782
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>> No.14786790

>We were tricked into believing it was safe!
That's going to be how they excuse their choices and their behavior. Because if they were tricked into thinking it was safe, then their pressuring everyone else to take it too is still ethical to them.

>> No.14786806

Jews are the enemies of truth and ave deserved every bit of hate they ever received mate. I* dont hate jews but I certainly hate jewry, it is the scourge of the kali yuga

>> No.14786811
File: 118 KB, 400x292, ohno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BASED Trump sterilizing shitlib teachers pets and the few children they managed to squeeze out. time to get those pure blood families started!

>> No.14786848

It's what you get for taking a hot steaming dump on the field of immunology 2 years ago. Hurr hurr natural immunity to SARS-2 must be assumed to be zero because we're all holding hands and chanting the word 'novel' while tossing the SARS-1 and all other collective research in the bin.

A couple years later and it turns out that 4 exposures to a specific spike configuration trains the body to round all similar configurations to the one it's used to. To say nothing of repeat exposures to adjuvants that we should probably be rotating to avoid tolerance and possible autoimmunity because we know the compounds are disproportionately trophic for endocrine tissues. We were criticizing Moderna for even thinking about it back in 2016. But hurr durr into the bin all of that goes because novel novel novel.

Society deserves this. Academia deserves to be humbled for embracing geek chic and taking down the firewall it used to have between it and social trends.

>> No.14786864

Every immunologist I know at the CDC (ok, that's only three) were huge cheerleaders for the vaccines and demanded that everyone go get them.
There were a few immunologists who had doubts and tried to speaks up but were silenced but the rest either mindlessly believed the vaccines were a good solution or were too cowardly to speak up and let the disaster happen. Either way, as a group, they deserve scorn and retribution.

>> No.14786904

Behind every joke is some truth kappa

>> No.14786908

Everyone I know personally who's gotten the vaccine has had awful side effects from it. I'd rather take a shotgun to the face than the vaccine desu.

>> No.14786943

Two simple questions:
- was the immune function in the vaccinated after 8 months lower than among the unvaccinated?
- would the immune function in the vaccinated after 9 months be higher than among the unvaccinated?

>> No.14786950

The researchers making claims should do a study to answer your questions. Until they do, you should stop listening to their lies designed to make you distrust the public health system.

>> No.14786952

>nooooooo not le heckin fox news tucker carlson you cant post that you have to post le heckin fact checked Pfizer approved desinfo piece

>> No.14786954

>weeb-tranny is a shill
>a csm nigger on top of that
Go back >>>/a/

>> No.14786956

>moetranny weeb trying to cover for the vackseens

>> No.14786957

Trump must have a big land in your head

>> No.14786959

>But that conclusion completely misrepresents the study, which looked at the risks of infection, hospitalization and death up to nine months after the second vaccine dose. The point: The vaccine’s effects wane over time, which makes a third booster dose all the more important.
They completely ignored the argument they pretended to address.

Why do the vaccine "effects" "wane" bellow that of the unvaccinated? Any doses should give better results than being unvaccinated if it were truly "safe-and-effective".

>> No.14786963

>his own side is criticizing him for it.
Perhaps right wingers don't have pet politicians like the left does (since it is obsessed with hegemony)?

>> No.14786965

>you should stop listening to their lies designed to make you distrust the public health system.
the fact that I have a triple IQ takes care of that. sucks being a retard like you I guess

>> No.14786971

>The problem with our information environment is
Kill yourself WEF nigger

>> No.14786972

>Perhaps right wingers don't have pet politicians like the left does

>> No.14786975

>The focus will be taken off of those who still refuse to be vaccinated and move to Trump's Operation: Warp Speed that allowed unsafe vaccines to be offered to the public.
Did Trump control every other regulatory agency on the planet as well? Vaxxtards always use this argument that all countries approved the clotshots

>> No.14786976

No, this is just cope people who fake shit on the internet tell themselves to quell the cognitive dissonance of being dishonest pieces of shit.

>Time have changed, all sides need to lie. I am le ebin psyop warrior!

You're just convincing people who matter that most people don't deserve to be trusted with voting or any sort of decision-making.

I know you think this ends in a manichean good versus evil struggle where the Satan worshipping pedos die and everyone lives happily ever after, but it more likely ends in shitty times for everyone (more shitty than now), followed by a new stability where plebs are allowed less freedom, not because evil people want to take it from them because they are evil, but because they have shown they can't be responsible with it.

>> No.14786984

Putting aside my personal relationships, I think if bad things happen to the vaxcattle it is probably a good thing.

>> No.14786986

If you got the third dose, your protection wouldn't have waned.

>> No.14786989

>If you got the third dose, your protection wouldn't have waned.
Let's see how that statement holds in 1 year when the definition of fully vaccination means 5 doses

>> No.14786992

>No one got fired for buying IBM.
The rest of the world will simply point to the US as tricking or failing them. The Prime Minister of Israel ran commercials stating the Israeli public could trust the vaccines because they had been "approved by the American FDA". One of my friends who is a family physician in Pakistan does that same thing, using the FDA's approval of various treatments as evidence to her patients that they're safe. Many health organizations around the world pretty much rubberstamp whatever comes out of the FDA but like to put their own label over it to justify their continued existence.

>> No.14786993

Doesn't the vaccine do pretty much exactly what the virus does?

>> No.14786996

Yes, people get annual flu shots and have done so for a long time. Your "gotcha" doesn't actually work in this situation.

>> No.14786999

The vaccine causes your body to build an immune response to it's synthetic spike protein. The actual virus causes your body to build an immune response to its spike protein and other parts of the virus.

>> No.14787003

>people get annual flu shots
AIDS patients and urbanoid elders you mean

>and have done so for a long time
Since the 21st century you mean

>doesn't actually work in this situation
All you're saying is that covid is a flu bro

>> No.14787008

>all sides need to lie. I am le ebin psyop warrior!
I never said anything like this schizo. I said all sides are lying and it isnt going to change anytime soon donkey brains

>> No.14787016
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You take boosters for an influenza strain that's three years out of date?

>> No.14787024

No real difference in effectiveness.

>> No.14787034


Tuckers lawyers argued in a slander case that nothing he says should be taken as fact or otherwise actionable.

>> No.14787046

The Vaccine manufacturer's lawyers argued that their treatments should carry no legal liability. They won.

>> No.14787048

the schizos are always right in two more weeks

>> No.14787057

Scientists and doctors should be rounded up and shot in the future.

>> No.14787059

>Tuckers lawyers argued in a slander case that nothing he says should be taken as fact or otherwise actionable.
Rachel Maddow is the one who came up with that defense.

>> No.14787225

This is comical. It's like how a number of Trump's election lawyers, faced with getting disbarred for their bullshit proclamations of "evidence," came up with the claim that:

>Everything we said on TV is just opinion. No reasonable person would believe what we said.

Yup, "we have digital evidence the voting machines were hacked, and video evidence of fake ballots being loaded off trucks by people in DNC shirts," is "opinion" not a statement of apparent facts...

Were the patriots ready to start "muh ebin civil war," and get people killed willing to do the slightest bit of intellectual leg work, they would have noted that absolutely NONE of the stolen election claims made it into court filings. That is, lawyers were too ashamed submit the "evidence" most of /pol/ thinks is fact, because it was so apparently made up bullshit.

>> No.14787235
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bot post

>> No.14787237

Every day they move the goal posts farther away from "safe and effective" yet there are STILL people who defend these liars. Why?

>> No.14787238

bruh what is this tucker carlson shit

>> No.14787239

sunk cost

>> No.14787242

Except I actually took part in changing/canceling peoples votes, in multiple states. The election was fraudulent as fuck dude.
The loopholes in the mail-in ballots were easily exploitable.
I’m not taking sides here, the entire govt is fake in my opinion. Who knows when the last real election took place. Possibly regan.

>> No.14787246

Ad fallaciam

>> No.14787254

Yet you continue to parrot le funny TV mans as gospel. Weird!

>> No.14787255

And for context I did it for scientific purposes. I heard rumors and I wanted to see if it was actually true
>surely the voting systems are secure to prevent fraud
>*click click”
>*type type type*
>”Your new ballot is being sent to the address you just entered”
The elections are fake as shit and nobody can convince me otherwise. There was a mf on /pol/ running a bot that changed/canceled 10,000 votes a minute.

>> No.14787259
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>disbarred for free speech is ok
>its ok to control lawyers speech by threatening their licenses when they literally did not commit a crime
>the 2020 election was fair, but we will not prove Biden won because that is a threat to our democracy