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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 80 KB, 1200x1132, 1660483312612789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14783574 No.14783574 [Reply] [Original]

Why isnt anyone talking about covid anymore?

>> No.14783633

What do you wanna talk about?

>> No.14783652

because it is fake
they rode it while it lasted, cattle got their clotshots and they moved on to the next thing

>> No.14783678

Russia invaded ukraine

>> No.14783680

They got all the vaccinations they wanted. Now it's an afterthought.

>> No.14783696

/ thread

>> No.14783736

because it's not the
> le current thing™

>> No.14783751

>Many people had it or are immune
>Hospitals not at risk of collapse
>Literally no mandates or restrictions for over half a year here
Why would anyone care?

>> No.14783771
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it proof that people only talk about what they are told to talk about

>> No.14783777

Why did you feel an irresistible subconscious compulsion to reference the current thing?

>> No.14784046

I remember realizing it was bullshit when looking at the data in March 2020. I thought people would realize sooner or later when they get infected and realize its just a flu. Boy, was I wrong. Its so fucking stupid how normies and their friends all got covid and it amounted to nothing more than a fucking flu and they still doubled down on it being le dangerous pandemic and became even more rabid about it.

>> No.14784069
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>> No.14784096
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>> No.14784102
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What is this gay offbrand pepe?

>> No.14784106

I like it, it's fresh, something new, breaking traditions.

>> No.14784108

talking about what

>> No.14784111

>why did you mention something relevant to the discussion?
are you retarded

>> No.14784122

Why does it have an incel jawline? Why does it look like a sockpuppet? What's wrong with you?

>> No.14784123

>incel jawline?
No such thing, I see chinless dudes with girls all the time
There is no phenotypal trait that males have that renders them incapable of getting women

>> No.14784131

Guess how I know you're going to brutally rape someone, kill yourself or commit a mass shooting 5-10 years from now.

>> No.14784169

>predicted it would blow over in 2-3 years
>it blows over in 2-3 years
Am I God?

>> No.14784178

It will rain on April 12 2026

>> No.14784182

You don't because you're a moron making shit up

>> No.14784202

In the USA, upcoming elections and vaccine failure, so it was better to focus on other things. Updated boosters are coming, the USA has already agreed to buy over 150 million doses. Once the midterms are over and we're well into winter, there will be another strong vaccine push and renewed restrictions.

SARS-CoV-2 is still around, positivity rate has been hovering over 10%, but total cases are grossly undercounted due to home testing. I've heard of more people getting covid in the last two months than during the winter wave. It's an endemic virus now, but I have no doubt they're not done milking the pandemic. A government willing to throw in the towel doesn't buy 150 million doses.

>> No.14784263

>y-y-you're m-making shit up
Ok, incel. Looking forward to your breakdown. :^)

>> No.14784277

I've had sex with about a dozen women in my life
You are making shit up

>> No.14784280

>I've had sex

>> No.14784282

you are a projecting incel

>> No.14784285

>i'm a projecting incel
Yes, you are. Please don't rape women or shoot children.

>> No.14784289

Protip: it's your personality that is stopping you from getting laid.

>> No.14784290


>> No.14784296

Thanks for sharing the memo on your fridge. Please don't rape women and shoot children.

>> No.14784297

One of my friends has had sex with about 25 women this year alone. I find that gratuitous and gross to be honest.

>> No.14784299
File: 97 KB, 644x800, 2785 - glasses hair open_mouth side_swept soyjak stubble variant_classic_soyjak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that all of you idiot onions faggots are or are affiliated with pic related

>> No.14784304

You will never get laid so long as you continue to act like this.

>> No.14784306
File: 50 KB, 500x541, TIMESAND___Id8829fhllp9f3azMGj2k072e31h44a51334i9tihDB7Ns250fefDR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why isnt anyone talking about covid anymore?

>> No.14784308

It's a woman sperging out about being told she has to fuck dudes without chins or dudes she's not attracted to
you will fuck the unattractive men and you will not refuse. posting memes isn't going to stop this femanon.

>> No.14784314
File: 468 KB, 512x506, 523423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a woman. I'm just stumepd by your incel entitlement. Do you actually believe this?
>There is no phenotypal trait that males have that renders them incapable of getting women
You think I'm supposed to even look in your direction when you look like pic related because of your "personality"?

>> No.14784315

I don't look like that, and yes you have to fuck dudes that look like that

>> No.14784317

>I don't look like that
If you didn't, you wouldn't be here coping so desperately.

>> No.14784321

Nope. I am not lying about what I said. My statement was "there is no trait that renders a man from getting women".
Are you actually saying that you've never seen chinless dudes with women? Because every time I go out on the weekend I see people of all different levels of attractiveness with each other.
What you're saying is not true.

>> No.14784333
File: 50 KB, 600x894, 3524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My statement was "there is no trait that renders a man from getting women".
If you look like that guy, the only sex you're getting is from prostitutes or gold diggers. Sorry, incel. No one cares about your "personality" if you look like that just like you don't care about the personality of pic related.

>> No.14784337

Actually I agree with you somewhat. The guy who looks like that should be with the girl in your picture.

>> No.14784340

The girl in the picture still won't date you, incel.

>> No.14784342

Not me, the guy in the other picture you posted

>> No.14784347

I'm bored with you. You're not only ugly and desperate but also have the personality of a cardboard cutout.

>> No.14784350

idk what it is you're talking about. you started sperging out for no reason

>> No.14784354

>There is no phenotypal trait that males have that renders them incapable of getting women
Height < 6'

>> No.14784356

wrong, short men have greater reproductive success than tall ones

>> No.14784368
File: 258 KB, 1080x1217, 1661288859948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next big topic will be the global food crisis.

>> No.14784375
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There will only be small males and large females in a few years.

>> No.14784380

this is sensationalist clickbait

>> No.14784386
File: 4 KB, 225x225, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need I remind you that you are affiliated with ugly pic related?
Kill yourself

>> No.14784387

>degenerate corporate toxin consoomers will have to ask for their highly processed goyslop leftover meat specifically
The horror.

>> No.14784393

Orange man is out of office, we don't need covid anymore.

>> No.14784399

That's what your botfarm always says until it becomes the status quo. You will be dealt with sooner or later. Hopefully you let everyone know what you believe in real life so they know which side you're on when shit hits the fan.

>> No.14784409

why do you care if the default patty is a vegan patty?

>> No.14784415

Do you seriously think your low-grade pilpul is going to have any effect on me?

>> No.14784421

Why do you care if the default patty is a vegan patty? Why do you even eat at burger king at all?

>> No.14784425

I don't care what kind of corporate goyslop the mindless hordes consume. Do you seriously think your low-grade pilpul is going to have any effect on me?

>> No.14784433

then why are you angry at burger king being vegan?

>> No.14784437

Angry? I'm pretty content with this because it looks like your handlers are getting too crude and impatient to implement their agendas. Increases the chances of you getting physically removed.

>> No.14784441

did the wuhan flu and clotshot shenanigans redpill /sci/ or something?

this used to be reddit-lite when I came here pre-covid, now I'm seeing electric universe, group intelligence power rankings, and nazis in antarctica threads.

also how does this latex shit work

[math] YUGE {/huge Text} [/math]

>> No.14784490

Based Austrians

>> No.14784500

>Why isnt anyone talking about covid anymore?
it's summer, covid can't spread during summer, maybe you will see some headlines in the winter, but at this point no one gives a shit anymore, old people die, who cares... that should have been the stance in the first place, instead of fucking up our economies, the crash is developing, it will be epic, historical, the largest economic contration in the historyy of mankind is comming

>> No.14784532

sci has always been /pol/
back in the day there was 10 race threads in the catalog minimum

>> No.14784692

climate =/= weather
global =/= local

>> No.14784728

your climate religion != credible

SCIENCE! is a bunch of redditard bureaucrats getting hounded by activist funders to give them the results they want. history will see this objectively (especially after the wuhan flu and clotshot theater). if you had any integrity you'd be embarrassed to defend their propaganda

>> No.14784927
File: 82 KB, 640x480, tzone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the elections are over, the pharmas turned a profit and a continued hysteria probably won't be beneficial for the midterms.

>> No.14784936

this so much. I have truly lost respect for a lot of the people in my life.

>> No.14784944
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>> No.14784995

>Why isnt anyone talking about covid anymore?
Who cares what they are talking. "People" had show n that they are dumb as fuck, that you can scare them with a flew, inject them with some gene shit, lock them at home and get their children in danger just because of muuh infection sources.
Rushing against people with a differnt virew harder than in the darkest time of SS and HJ

the bleating of the vaxxherds is the last thing i would listen to.

>> No.14785004

This says a lot about society, and about how we're living in one.

>> No.14785020

There are still a few vaxies but the rest probably died of clot.

>> No.14785261

>2012 No new wars
>2022 hate on Russia for starting a new war
seems consistant

I can understand people ranting about covid and corporate whoredom, put people who unironically see nothing wrong with Russias actions are either shills or subhuman, likely both

>> No.14785327

>no new wars
Yes, yes thats why most people are sick of russias bullshit anon. Not a good image for your position.

>> No.14785367

They were protesting about America entering foreign wars, and now they're demanding to send other people's sons to die for some actor.

>> No.14785376

USA was building rocket silos in Ukraine which had reach to Moscow. Putin in his speech said that Russia had no means to protect itself from this and gave several warnings before invasion.
Imagine if Russia built rocket silos in Mexico. This would be condemned by nato and usa yet here you are saying that Russia is aggressor? Western hypocrisy in full display in your post.

>> No.14785555

Because it served its purpose.

>> No.14785572


Because we realized the human race cant work together enough to contain it, people cant sacrifice enough to stop it and nobody is smart enough to find a cure of vaccine for it.

There is not much more to discuss, now we are just stuck with it and ourselves.

>> No.14785574

Extreme lung damage reported in the early weeks. Permanent scarring showed extremely easily in x-rays. Did doctors just forget about this or why else is it not important?

>> No.14785580

Are you seriously debating whether local=global? I hope you're not a programmer.

>> No.14785593

>USA was building rocket silos in Ukraine which had reach to Moscow.

>Imagine if Russia built rocket silos in Mexico.
The USA didn't invade Cuba when the soviets (not the Russians) stationed nuclear missiles (unlike your claim) there.

>> No.14785596

Nobody dying from the shots like /pol/ "predicted", and the new variants didn't become Mareks 2.0 like the vaccinated "predicted". All in all, as with everything else, it was a nothingburger.

>> No.14785610

But they did. They overthrew government. Are you lying?

>> No.14785623

>Extreme lung damage reported in the early weeks. Permanent scarring showed extremely easily in x-rays.
yeah ofc there would be lung damage and scarring in some severe cases because covid is a respiratory disease you fucking retard. this isn't news.

>> No.14785733
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chuds won, you lost

>> No.14785744

Because it's not autumn yet.

And because Omicron is a baby version of the original virus and doesn't bring people to the hospital near as much anymore so the risk of saturation in ICU is very limited.

>> No.14786112

this, we need to keep sending weapons to ukraine until every last ukrainian is dead because... well we just do, okay!

>> No.14786132

I think I just got covid for the second time a few days ago. I’m a pureblood.

I literally wouldn’t have even guessed that I had it. I had a pretty bad headache one day, all day. Told my girlfriend the last time I had a headache like this was when I had Covid (about a year ago), but I only said that as a comparison, not suggesting I had it. It was almost exactly like a hangover headache (which I’ve experienced a million times, except I haven’t tied one on recently).

In any case, my girlfriend’s 16 year old daughter has been sick for weeks, and she went and got tested a couple of days ago. She has covid. Obviously I got it too. Nobody else in the house has any symptoms.

I have long suspected that my girlfriend’s daughter went behind our backs and got vaccinated. She’s a total communist, and we argued about it a long time ago and forbade it. But I’ve always suspected she went and did it anyways.

Now I feel even more confident about my suspicions. She’s been hacking in her room for weeks, and we purebloods get one headache between us all. Literally wouldn’t have even known it was in the house.

>> No.14786212

You are a delusional schizophrenic outcast and I’m sure it’s obvious to everyone around you.

>> No.14786221

Media covid chatter was dying down before that.

>> No.14786234

He sounds like a regular guy. You sound like you're losing your mind and foaming at the mouth.

>> No.14786239

You know you messed up as well as I do. What stage of grief do you think you’re in?

>> No.14786241

I'm at the stage where I'll vote for whatever candidate promises to put you antivaxxer nazis in concentration camps. You people are a danger to science, experts and society.

>> No.14786263

I would too if I were you. What other choice do you have but to double and triple down on your denial?

You and people like you will be looked at by future generations with disbelief at how stupid people could possibly be, and held up as an example of what not to do. That will be your legacy.

>> No.14786267
File: 108 KB, 598x620, angery.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of you are idiots and should listen to the experts

>> No.14786272

Our legacy will be to put an end to science denial, religion, nazism and other drumpfster things. You are on the wrong side of history and the government will be stepping in soon to put you where you belong, chud.

>> No.14786280

What the hell is happening in this thread

>> No.14786286

Just putting antivaxxer nazis back in their place.

>> No.14786287

In the not too distant future, I predict everyone will be blaming Trump for rushing this vaccine and allowing it to be used.

It was idiotic at the time, scientifically speaking, and it still is. I blame Trump as much as I blame anyone.

Even Fauci said sometime in the early 2000’s it would be incredibly dumb to rush a vaccine because there’s no telling what the unintended consequences will be. Guess you’re going to find out!

>> No.14786288

The right wing is on the rise in every country. I think it's more likely that right wing policies and such get implemented across the world based on trends

>> No.14786290

I'm fully vaxxed but I don't agree with your position. It doesn't seem to be the case that what you think is going to happen will happen

>> No.14786295

>The right wing is on the rise in every country.
Yeah which is why it's necessary for the government to fight false narratives and punish the people who spread them. It's over for you chud.

>> No.14786296

>Even Fauci said sometime in the early 2000’s it would be incredibly dumb to rush a vaccine
This is literally one of the most tested vaccines in human history. Even Fauci said so.

>> No.14786299

I don't think it's possible. Rather we should foster the idea that free interaction is needed for everyone and people should argue and try to separate good ideas from bad
Basically imagine the entire internet was 4chan. That's what we want

>> No.14786300

You bet your ass it is one of the most tested vaccines in history. However we’re still waiting on the results, and it’s not looking pretty.

>> No.14786305

People have shown themselves incapable of separating good ideas from bad ones by becoming chuds like you so that's not an option anymore. Thanks a lot for ruining democracy and taking away our freedoms, nazi.

>> No.14786311

I haven't been convinced by any of the /pol/ shit on here even after years of being exposed to it because it's retarded. I don't think people are as dumb as you think.

>> No.14786318

You're dumb enough to be a pro-vaxxer and you consider yourself to be smarter than 80% of the population.

>> No.14786376

Imagine supporting taking away free speech, discussion of ideas, putting the opposition in concentration camps, and thinking you’re one of the good guys and on the right side of history.

>> No.14786381

NTA but let's be honest here: your freeze peach and marketplace of ideas wank is irrelevant and untenable in the context of the modern large-scale cattle farm. Cattle needs to be managed.

>> No.14786390

By cattle, you surely must mean the people who line up for vaccines and free donut because government says so.

>> No.14786395

Yes, those people and their mindless /pol/ counterparts.

>> No.14786412

>calls other people cattle
>lines up for the clot shot


>> No.14786420

Imagine being that weirdo that screamed at people and ended relationships because some talking head told you to over covid.

They don't want to 'undermine trust in institutions' any further. They realized being the 'covid party' is the least popular stance you could take.

>> No.14786423

You are only demonstrating my point.

>> No.14786431

The people who resisted the largest psyop in human history are the cattle, while the people who took the shot that everyone in positions of authority and reach told them to are "smart, independent thinkers"? Okay, sure buddy.

Maybe the people you denigrate are actually smarter and more emotionally/financially resilient than you? Maybe if you were to try to drag this stupidity out to an all-out war, you wouldn't be on the winning side of it given the fortitude of your opposition?

>> No.14786437

You are mindless cattle and it's very easy to demonstrate: show me where I said anything in support of the vaxxers.

>> No.14786442

I just jumped into this thread, but you are the poster here right: >>14786212

>> No.14786446

How do you know?

>> No.14786451

I'm asking that retard to confirm or not. It's likely based on tone and context. I didn't think there were two retards in this thread with the exact same tone and dumb opinion.

>> No.14786455

What makes you think I share his opinion?

>> No.14786459

Or, you could act like a normal person and post a screenshot showing you're not the same poster. Fucking redditor.

>> No.14786461

It's easy to tell I'm a different poster even without a screenshot, but it's just funny to watch you glitch out when asked to explain what drove your preprogrammed NPC reaction.

>> No.14786464

>refuses to post screenshot
>hurr durr please believe me

>> No.14786473

The other poster uses those odd apostrophes... I don't even know how he makes them. I don't think he's using a US keyboard layout. Either way, you're an utter NPC chimping out in a fully-automated manner, so thanks for the illustration. You and your vaxxdrone counterparts are equal and opposite subhumans.

>> No.14786985


>> No.14787030


It's not about defending Russia, we're questioning US foreign policy: the push for NATO expansion that precipitated Russia's invasion, plus their having every intention to continue the proxy war in Ukraine indefinitely in order to hurt Russia.

>> No.14787035

It's about bringing the Ukranians freedom and democracy, filthy Z chuds. The Ukraninan people have a right to die for Zelensky and make Ukraine into a US vassal state with NATO bases on its territory. God bless America.