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14781337 No.14781337 [Reply] [Original]

Academia nowadays is isomorphic to the cotton plantation slavery of 1800s except the standards are way lower with abysmal salary. Is the future now consisting solely of self-funded researchers?

Who is your most favorite self-funded scientist/mathematician?

>> No.14781341

Self-funded? like the 1700s? no, too elitist, better increase tax an leeching those dimwits.

>> No.14781349

>Self-funded? like the 1700s?
No boomer, like the 21st century where people make a ton of money just by launching a stupid web app.

>> No.14781363

>Academia nowadays is isomorphic to the cotton plantation slavery of 1800s except the standards are way lower with abysmal salary.
I disagree with this assessment because I have an appreciation for how stimulating academia still is compared to almost any other job. I have a cushy six figure wfh job that is so mind numbing I would gladly pay to teach an interesting university course.
>Is the future now consisting solely of self-funded researchers?
On this note yes I think there is a growing role for self-funded research because there is a lot of talent going in to private industry that needs a creative outlet for their non-work related personal research projects

>> No.14781390

Self funded research always goes to yt (low tier) or applied and economically useful. Current academy is collective cope.

>> No.14781416

Who will fund Perelman tho?

>> No.14781761

It has to be. The Structured Atom Model was totally self-funded and is one of the most useful and predictive models of the atom that exists. It wouldn't even be out there if academics hadn't decided to pursue it despite grant refusal.

>> No.14782578

>Is the future now consisting solely of self-funded researchers?
And how are you supposed to fund your Research Projects if you aren't already a Millionaire?

>I have a cushy six figure wfh job
Ok, but what if you don't have a 6 figure salary to sit at home and read a few emails a week?

>most useful and predictive models of the atom that exists.
According to who? Other academics who get grant $ to agree with it?

>> No.14782594

>According to who? Other academics who get grant $ to agree with it?
According to empirical research. It was self-funded, and goes against the entire academy.

>> No.14782618

>>I have a cushy six figure wfh job
>Ok, but what if you don't have a 6 figure salary to sit at home and read a few emails a week?
This is so easy to do that if you can't do it then I seriously doubt your ability to contribute independently to the academic enterprise.

>> No.14782621

Maybe if you're pretty wealthy, but probably only doable as a mathematician given that there aren't too many avenues of research in which one can be a lone scientist.

>> No.14783429

academia is long dead
scientific institutions actively push out and filter against genius types.
geniuses are anti social, innovative and do not care about the social norms higher education requires you to meet. this results in academia filling with hyper conformist, unorignal midwits stagnating any great bounds/leaps these genius types would normally make
basically academia selects for arse lickers

>> No.14783622

Why don't child prodigies ever make anything of themsel... oh wait!

>> No.14785777

>And how are you supposed to fund your Research Projects if you aren't already a Millionaire?
Basic Income.
We will have no need for a job, so why not return to the gentleman scientist?

>> No.14785793

>Is the future now consisting solely of self-funded researchers?
Yes. Although that can mean company funded research groups that graciously share their discoveries.
>Who is your most favorite self-funded scientist/mathematician?
Definitely not W*lfram or for that matter anyone who works on abstract circlejerkery that isn't directly concerned with making physical things out of physical matter.

>> No.14786094

Those self funded scientists won't exist anymore after a childhood of subversion and self destructive propaganda.

>> No.14786117

Launch the web app then use the revenue to fund your research or fund others to pursue research you like.
Your tone suggests you'd have no issues building a profitable app. Let me know when I can apply for some grants as well.

>> No.14786942

It's even worse than that. Sometimes an actual genius manages to get past through the filters and gets assimilated. Horrific stuff.

>> No.14787164

Yes, self-funded + AI assistants for coding / writing

>> No.14788202
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I just googled it

>> No.14788205

You should use the modeling tool. It has some very interesting implications and predictions about atomic behavior.

>> No.14788245
File: 1.63 MB, 1272x990, OhNowISeeIt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is so easy to do that if you can't do it then I seriously doubt your ability to contribute independently to the academic enterprise.
Many employment opportunities are barred behind an incredible amount of ridiculous gatekeeping.

>Basic Income.
>We will have no need for a job, so why not return to the gentleman scientist?
Ummm no? If you have to work 50hours/week just to survive, there's not much time/money for research projects.

>> No.14788377

>If you have to work 50hours/week just to survive
Do you even know what basic income means??

>> No.14788398

What do you do and what's the path to get into it?
My job was pretty cushy so I started up studying part-time again but now it's busy as fuck and taking all my time. Need to find something else to do. Also never paid 6 figs.

>> No.14788648

>What do you do and what's the path to get into it?
Come on Anon, you should know this by now:
>PhD in Math
>Any job I want
>300k starting
not even joking. to be fair I started at 110k and then within 5 years got it up to 200k, now just resting on my laurels.

>> No.14790274

>No boomer, like the 21st century where people make a ton of money just by launching a stupid web app.

Thinking anyone can get venture funding is the most boomer take of all.

>I have a cushy six figure wfh job
Holy shit, Nintendo lets you work from home now?

>how are you supposed to fund your Research Projects if you aren't already a Millionaire?
Unironically steal lab supplies. Date someone who works at a hospital.

>Basic Income.
>We will have no need for a job, so why not return to the gentleman scientist?
More like sucking tranny dick to get enough social credit for a bug sandwich.

>there aren't too many avenues of research in which one can be a lone scientist.
Many astronomical discoveries were made by amateurs, notably the planet Pluto. Plant breeding relies on amateurs because no researcher has 20 years to spend on a new cultivar. Etc.

>> No.14790324
File: 1.70 MB, 370x272, huh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14790506

Are not going to talk about the reception his "research" got in academia?

>"It's possible, but I can't see any motivation for these speculations, except that this is the sort of system that Wolfram and others have become used to in their work on computers. So might a carpenter, looking at the moon, suppose that it is made of wood."

He may have published, but all he got was shade thrown at him before ANKS faded into obscurity.

>> No.14792128

>Who is your most favorite self-funded scientist/mathematician?
On 4ch it is The Wormed One, ready to perform some rather insane experiments on himself. I haven't seen any news from him lately.

>More like sucking tranny dick to get enough social credit for a bug sandwich.
Unlikely. Bread and circus, and all that. Basic income will be enough to survive comfortably enough not to cause the population to riot.

>Many astronomical discoveries were made by amateurs, notably the planet Pluto.
In more recent times a lot of asteroids and coments are discovered by amateurs, such as Shoemaker-Levy.