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14780894 No.14780894 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any scientific evidence (hopefully RCTs) that looked at "barefeet" shoes vs. traditional shoes and it's effect on long term health?

>> No.14780903

I would have no problem walking barefoot but the amount of shit and sharp objects on the streets put me off.

>> No.14780930

That's what "barefeet shoes" are for.

>> No.14780936

Which ones should I pick?
They all look like snake oil to me

>> No.14781029

I hate wearing shoes, particularly socks, and try to walk barefoot as much as possible. But after about 6 months of nothing but barefeet the thick skin around the edges of my heel became cracked. So I switched to wearing open sandals half the time, problem solved
The other problem is risking stepping on dog shit, or something sharp, requiring vigilance. You become hyper aware of the sheer amount of broken glass fragments on public pavements and roads.
Also its unbelievable how dirty your feet get even when walking on apparently clean surfaces. You need to give them a really solid scrubbing every day.
Benefits? Not sure there are any other than just feeling good and having no soreness from wearing dress shoes. Maybe that's becasue the stretching and muscle action in your foot is of course more natural. Not having sweaty feet and smelly socks is great. I never suffered from chronic tinea so I cant say anything about that.It might improve balance a bit but I didn't notice anything significant.

>> No.14781035

nelipot thread

>> No.14781070


>> No.14781411

just wear flip flops

>> No.14781463

Yeah, there were some studies. The conclusion was the minimal shoe wearers suffered more damage, injuries, hairline fractures, which in retrospect was obvious.

My experience included an avlusion fracture, so many jammed toes I lost count, cartilage cracks, some mean plantar fasciitis, and an allergic reaction.

You might think that means I wouldn't recommend it, but you're wrong. I still own two pairs, I love them. I just don't go running in them anymore, and try and stay off pavement and hard surfaces which are frankly not very comfortable without a cushion.

As for going totally barefoot, it is just not a good idea, at least for me. Glass is the main problem, but also bits of metal, thorns, etc. Presumably you can "build up" the feet. I never got that far. And it slows you down so much.

>> No.14781504

terrible post, mass reply posters should all choke on their tongues and die

>> No.14781698

barefeet or minimal footwear only works if you train from child. You're never going to develop indigenous hunter gatherer power feet as an adult

>> No.14781726

>t. Gpt3

>> No.14781837


>> No.14782007


/(?:>>\d(?:(?!>>\d)[^])*){7}/ # Mass repliers, more than 7 replies

>> No.14782241

Don't go barefoot, get altra excalante racers.

>> No.14782252

same anon, same

>> No.14782270

I look exactly like that guy wtf, like disturbingly alike. Threw me off

>> No.14782303

going barefoot on pavement is certainly retarded. bad for your knees
i knew a couple hippie chicks who did it, but it was definitely more about the attention. would always talk about being in touch with nature while standing on asphalt lmao
going barefoot on bare earth or on wooden floors/boardwalks is nice tho

>> No.14782338

I don't know how similar you mean, but if you really look just like him, then you should workout because that dude looks like he could be a chad if he was a little less skinny and maybe a few inches taller, since he appears to be the same height as the girl.

>> No.14782612

This is my 10.

>> No.14782617

she's a 7 but maybe you're a gal?

>> No.14782720

the point of going barefoot is walking on dirt/grass not asphalt. barefoot shoes are gimmick for millennial idiots. sandals are civilized man's summer shoes.

>> No.14782856

I don't know of any studies, but I am a big fan of minimal shoes. I used to have really bad plantar faccitis, and there was a year I was limping around and couldnt do anything athletic. I have resolved that totally and I wear shoes that are basically just a thin leather bag 90% of the time.

If you are wearing hard shoes with a hard sole, your foot muscles and tissue are simply not exercising. Wearing shoes is like putting your feet in a cast. The tissue atrophies and weaken as you don't use them.

Furthermore, the "support" in shoes that so many people think they need, is essentially the lump that sits underneath your arch, is putting your plantar in a state of constant stretching, which isn't good for it. It should be flexing and toughening, not getting stretched out. Your arch isnt actually made to bear weight underneath it as it does when resting on a lump underneath it. Your heel and the ball of your foot bear weight, the arch just connects them. Real life arches in old architecture will collapse if force is pushed up from under them at the top of the arch. Arches are not mechanically suited to have force driven up them.

>> No.14782933

wtf she’s only 16 you pedos

>> No.14782988

Im taking the bait.
Age of consent is 16.
It would be Ephebophilia.
"The primary sexual interest in mid-to-late adolescents, generally ages 15 to 19"

>> No.14782992

I once went barefoot and I developed extremely bad warts all over my foot I have to cut them all out and burn the root.

>> No.14782999

god i wish that were me on the right

>> No.14783000
File: 470 KB, 1065x1144, 34e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>legal in my state

>> No.14783044

If you like a woman under 25 years old, you're a pedophile in the US.

>> No.14783077

no u

>> No.14783128


>> No.14783484

I walk around barefoot in my garden and stuff, but doing so in a city is the height of retardation. Shoes and foot coverings were made for a reason.

>> No.14783502 [DELETED] 

>wtf she’s only 16 you pedos
Imagine being such a cattle-brained and mentally ill degenerate that you say something like this unironically.

>> No.14783528

She has a great body but a very meh face. An 8 at best.

>> No.14783547

>be europoor
>ban cartoon kiddie porn
>post on the internet about how americans are puritans
lmao at (You)

>> No.14785513

who is she

>> No.14785556
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>> No.14785589
File: 61 KB, 474x473, toe_shoes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one year. with these. only.

>> No.14785614

legal in my country, go rope yourself moralfag

>> No.14785857

I don't know why but that face is really attractive to me

>> No.14785997


>> No.14786022

I've seen this dude in person a couple times walking around, can confirm he's always barefoot

>> No.14786562

holy retards you realize that you are supposed to buy shoes with enough space and plenty of toe room right? you don't have to buy tiny shoes that make you look like you grew up as a woman in feudal japan. and you are supposed to tie them right so that they fit nicely on your foot and don't just squish your toes when you start moving. literally 90% of people's feet are fine because they aren't retards and yours will be too if you aren't a retard. shoes were invented for a reason. god i hate this place

>> No.14789506

shes a 6.3-6.5/10 bro

also most girls that are young have nice legs dont let it throw you off she isnt that attractive face wise

>> No.14789670

not ass nigga

>> No.14789673


>> No.14789737

also she doesnt have nice legs
she will also have cellulitis in his early 30s if not already

>> No.14789746

I'd say a glass perforating your skin

>> No.14790513

Tasty tasty underage pussy legal in my cuntree, cope faggy.

>> No.14790558

Well you better hope guns are illegal, then because no way am I letting some crusty NEET fuck my daughter while she's still in high school.

>> No.14790858

But you don't have a gun and you don't have a daughter, and you'd to to prison.

>> No.14790885 [DELETED] 

Your daughter sucks and fucks my dick every day and you don't know about it so far, so I'm not worried.

>> No.14791575

Roasties fuck long before high school, virgin.

>> No.14791578

Looks like 26.

>> No.14792986

hit the wall

>> No.14793113

All footfags deserve the rope desu senpai

>> No.14795220

In a big city I wouldn't. The probability you'll stand on a nail, rubbish or needle is very high.

>> No.14795232

I want to spank that little hoe so bad. Just slap those buttcheeks till they turn red and she's on the verge of tears.

>> No.14795250

and I would ride her untill my balls were dry shriveled rasins
your point?

>> No.14795267

She should be gangbanged and impregnated for being a filthy whore.

>> No.14795307

I hope you remember to stay in date with Tetanus jabs walking around barefoot.

>> No.14796259

I just wear shopping bags around my feet and they are always moist shiny and healthy.
The bags also protect against filth and rain .
They are also cheap and easy to get.
Sometimes I find my free shoes on the street.
they are one size fits all.
They are fashionable and they come in many colours.
I can recomend it.

>> No.14796541

>has anyone dedicated money to show that the shoe industry is meaningless waste of money

>> No.14797055

There doesn't seem to be a lot of research on this. People that prefer shoes that are less structured just give their anecdotal evidence. Podiatrists seem to usually recommend more structured shoes but I'm not sure of their reasoning. For what it's worth I like shoes that let my toes splay out.

>> No.14797070

This. Either wear flip flops or shoes with zero support. I wear Vans with the insoles removed.

>> No.14797108

The new version is narrower, better get the 2.5 before it's completely out of stock.

>> No.14797134

Humans never walked barefoot on hard surfaces for prolonged periods, especially scorching hot ones. Same with sleeping on a hard surface. Even gorillas make comfy nests to sleep in.

>> No.14797385

She's at least a 9 you queer.

>> No.14797655

my first thought to seeing this was wow shes so hot and how i used to think girls like this werent hot bc whatever and now i see how i was just being like......... ... narrow minded