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14772450 No.14772450 [Reply] [Original]

my whole family got covid but I'm the only person not vaxed and I feel fine

what should I be taking in the meantime so the ChinaVirus doesn't get to me?
for now I'll down a bunch of vitamin C, what else do I need

>> No.14772500

> what else do I need
Sell your belongings and send the proceeds to Alex Jones. This will save you.

>> No.14772539

are you over 75 years old? if no then nothing.

>> No.14772590


>> No.14772602

>what else do I need
a wheelchair for when your lungs are fucked and you cant walk anymore

>> No.14772617
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Treat it the same way you would any cold or flu; get plenty of rest, drink plenty of fluids. As long as you are not a ham planet you will be fine.

>> No.14773830
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>what should I be taking in the meantime so the ChinaVirus doesn't get to me?
Avoid vaccinated people. Seriously. The "vaccines" have been the actual disease for over a year now.

>> No.14776255

drink plenty of water to stay hydrated. That's about it for 99.99% of people.
Vaccinated people tend to have it worse if they got vaccinated before catching it in the wild.

>> No.14776344

You probably gave it to them all, you selfish shitbag

>> No.14776357
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>You probably gave it to them all, you selfish shitbag
So the only unvaxxed person is fine, not sick, but all the vaccinated people got sick from him?


>> No.14776359

Yes. The main reason to get vaccinated is to protect the people around you, like wearing masks

>> No.14776384

>Yes. The main reason to get vaccinated is to protect the people around you, like wearing masks
HAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA that has to be the funniest piece of lame-ass propaganda to come out of all that hysteria.

>> No.14776390
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So you are admitting the vaxx is bad and causes illness..........while the unvaxxed are ok.