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14776250 No.14776250 [Reply] [Original]

what do you do when you have really bleeding edge ideas that could save lives, maybe even the earth but none of the expertise or paypal money to bring the ideas to fruition?

>> No.14776306

buy a tomb stone with "I told you so you heckin chuds reeeeeeee!" on it

>> No.14776321


definitely need to study more at least

maybe patent troll where i can

>> No.14776332

You patent it and then pitch the idea to investors who would be willing to pay for it so they could get a cut of the money

>> No.14776335

Forgot to mention that you should make sure whatever your idea is works 100% if you don't want to look like a retard

>> No.14776337

bleeding edge has a p low trl... but i have a lot of ideas

>> No.14776345

Yeah and ideas need something to back them up

>> No.14776385

idea 1 is on a slow roll because of funding for alpha testing, don't want to patent too early

idea 2 is on hold due to lack of expertise to fully engineer the idea and its lack of marketability, plus making something that with a little modification could be an effective us govt weapons system defense would garner unwanted attention but idea 2 could potentially help a lot of people

idea 3 is actually a friend's and while it's the easiest to do and most profitable my friend still isn't interested and i don't want to steal it, wouldn't even be that novel of an idea, one uni team has done it, but i know how to do it a lot better.

idea 4 is one of the most bleeding edge and expensive but it's the kind of thing that would get huge government funding because it could potentially save the world

idea 5 is still too far away from patent trolling time almost 10 years later but it still needs refinement and might only work in very specific conditions but could be useful

trying to think of some of the more feasible ones.. i have engineer friends with more education than me (i dropped out after a couple years and just read a lot) that i really trust and talk to about some of these

>> No.14776438

>You patent it and then pitch the idea to investors who would be willing to pay for it so they could get a cut of the money
Badest idea of all. Patent something similar without uncover the real idea. Use that for research and network. Come with the real thing when it is time of it. But always remember what the academic caste/junta did with e Ignaz Semmelweis the the catholic satanists with Giordano Bruno.

>> No.14776460

Try and replicate it on a smaller, less resource-intensive scale, at least try and replicate it theoretically with mathmatical proof. If it's say some energy innovation you could calculate an output and cost effectiveness. Try to prove yourself wrong and find out why it isn't already in existence as chances are there's a reason why, get a second opinion, and after all that if the idea holds out, pitch it to someone that can actually do something about it, an investor or someone that's an expert in that area to see if it's actually viable. You can also skip all that stuff and try scamming people on GoFundMe.

>> No.14776470


well now that i'm more aware of my dyslexia it might be easier to compensate for and do that but math can be fun

>> No.14776557

Guard your ideas with the utmost secrecy, gain the bare minimum expertise you need, and then make the connections in either school or in the real world to make those ideas happen.

>> No.14776558
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Lol, unfortunately if you don't have the money to "bring your ideas to fruition", then you probably don't have money to get a patent either. Getting a patent today is much harder than it used to be. It used to be a practical and viable way for individual inventors and engineers to obtain intellectual property rights for different products and inventions which they themselves developed, but the modern patent system is much more convoluted, slow, and expensive than it used to be. It almost exclusively caters to multinational corporations and government funded institutions. Its just another way that our system is rigged against the working class and rigged in favor of corporations, politicians, and globalist elites.

Patent law is literally one of the most expensive and competitive areas of law. If you want a patent, then you're probably going to need to hire a patent attorney, and that's likely going to set you back many thousands of dollars. Be prepared to drop $10,000+ on legal fees, and potentially much more than that depending on the product and the industry.

>> No.14776567

idea 1 long term has the potential to set us free from the enslavement of corporations and governments or it could guarantee it, idk

>> No.14776925

ok i have devised a small scale experiment to test the feasibility of idea 4, honestly would make a really good project and i'm excited to do it but it funds

gives me time to study and motivation to save i guess

>> No.14777042

Get a loan from a loan shark then fake your death in minecraft

>> No.14777056

How many of them involve the violation of conservation of angular momentum?

>> No.14777078

Iron law of retards, if you have to ask your ideas don't work either.

>> No.14777293

Doesn't matter if it works, if you pretend that it works, use big words and a 2 minute montage video with big claims. Once you clear all those steps you will get investors because even though you are retarded, there is always someone more retarded than you.

>> No.14777317

It's over, this isn't the 30s, you can't just be some fresh faced graduate with a good idea and get money thrown at you to make it reality. You have to go through the myriads of humiliation rituals of modern academia and industry to prove you're loyal enough to be the battyboy for whoever has enough money to fund and eventually profit from it without making a fuss. Now innovation is far less important than control

>> No.14778145

i was beginning to get that impression as an undergraduate

>> No.14778683

I got a patent for peanuts. Just do it yourself. Patent attorneys are a scam.

>> No.14778744

>Lol, unfortunately if you don't have the money to "bring your ideas to fruition", then you probably don't have money to get a patent either
Can be made pending with a few bucks, there is no need of an attorney and you can wait years before application for grant. Meanwhile you have the priority day and a position in the law. It is just a political thing, usually small business is not able to defend.

>It almost exclusively caters to multinational corporations .
>Patent law is literally one of the most expensive and competitive areas of law.
Agree but you can play the system at low cost.

>> No.14778803

This worked really well for the SawStop guy and the super soaker guy.

>> No.14779020
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this is you

>> No.14779027
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>> No.14779033


>> No.14780026
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Watch it burn