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14769534 No.14769534 [Reply] [Original]

Two years after infection, patients recovered from COVID-19 are at higher risk of psychosis, dementia and ‘brain fog’ compared to other respiratory illnesses.

Is the methodology sound?

tldr article:


>> No.14769539

All medical "research" is fake until proven otherwise.

>> No.14769546

they took the data from 2020 to 2022 comparing those infected with covid and non covid viruses who were sick enough to go see a doctor. so you can't blame the lockdowns or the vax

>> No.14769550

If that was about the vaccine then I'd say definitely no, but since it's about Covid it sounds plausible

>> No.14769551

Extraordinary claims ("this study isn't fake") require extraordinary evidence ("the study says the study isn't fake" doesn't cut it).

>> No.14769560

they posted the methods, (You) have to prove it's unsound

>> No.14769590
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>(You) have to prove it's unsound
Is that how it works in your psychiatric ward? Mentally sane people don't feel a need to "prove" anything. They just throw your propaganda in the trash where it belongs and never give it a second thought. Call me back when """medical research""" stops being disowned even by top researchers.

>> No.14769593

I had Covid(non-vaxxed).
My sense of smell is distorted. Smells are different now. Especially onion and garlic.
Psychological speaking, sometimes I feel like my opioid receptors are completely depleted, I cant relax my brain, no way to describe it.
There is something psychologically going, I cant explain it.
10 months since I had it, I hope this shit will pass.
Covid is a fucked up cold bro,im telling you all. I wish I never had it.

>> No.14769599

I also had Covid(non-vaxxed).
I have severe depression and my IQ dropped by 14 points (measured by hospital staff).
I wish I didn't listen to the pol sub and got my vaccine and boosters.
This study is good science. I can confirm from personal experience.
Don't listen to insane antivaxxer chuds.

>> No.14769678

Ive had covid, it was a literal nothingburger I've had worse hangovers.
old fuckers saying they have dementia and brain fog is down to, you guessed it, being old fuckers.

>> No.14769713

your list of comments from venerable "health leaders" is hilarious. it was richard horton that published the bullshit andrew wakefield "vaccines cause autism via the gut" paper and he was entirely complicit in taking years to remove it. this dude is probably more complicit in the anti-vax movement than wakefield was by nature of defending it as sound science for so long.

you should really rethink where you get these quotes from. while medical research has lots of problems, it's absolutely better than anything than you will ever produce from your shitposting.

>> No.14769723

The funny thing is that "people" like you don't understand that when they double down like this and engage in this level of doublethink and mental gymnastics, they only undermine their own cause. Keep it up.

>> No.14769746

Too bad. Health officials lost the public's trust (1) through double standards with regard to superspreader events, (2) through "noble lies" that they later admitted were "noble lies."

Points 5 and 8 here are worth reading:

>> No.14769771

nah, I don't think you get it. there's like maybe 2 real researchers on that list, the rest are either figureheads of organizations that do research or are business people in disguise. the list is not representative of what researchers think. this is like hearing from the CEO of a company on CNBC that everything is going haywire while the day to day employees are like "what the fuck is he talking about?"

the guy i'm responding to is a moron and no amount of challenging him will do anything. at least lampooning his idiotic examples is a bit of fun.

>> No.14769780

Thanks for confirming that you and your likes cannot be reasoned with. You will be deal with by other means when the time comes.

>> No.14770266



>In this study, which only allowed for the calculation of unadjusted observational associations, higher ORs were observed within the vaccinated versus unvaccinated group for developmental delays, asthma and ear infections. Further study is necessary to understand the full spectrum of health effects associated with childhood vaccination.


>> No.14770517

More like the stress of being living in a police state, forced to stay in your home and bombarded with fearful messages for two years is causing mental health issues.

>> No.14771086

it would have affected those with other respiratory illnesses too

>> No.14771090

>can't blame the vax
>vax came out in 2021
>includes people through 2022

>> No.14771288

>respiratory illness
it's not a respiratory illness tho, it's basically an airborne cardiovascular disease, one can expect all kind of consequences relating to blood vessels, especially fine small ones. elderly and people whos arteries are already stiff and clogged surely have much bigger chance for complications and lingering effects.

>> No.14771334

Maybe the source of psychosis, dementia and brain fog is the media consumption and not the virus.

>> No.14771336

Covidians are definitely turning into zombies from the TV, but the jab certainly isn't helping. One of the known side effects is CJD from the spike prion. Usually it takes 10 years to get bad enough to be diagnosed though, so good luck proving causation.

>> No.14771597
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viruses don't exist, shill

>> No.14771611

Some viruses exist, some are cooked up by fraud.

>> No.14771625

I would have discounted this view until the pandemic revealed how irrational, ignorant, hysterical, and prone to mob mentality the majority of the population can be.
The biggest wake up call of Covid was not the disease itself, but the change in viewing society as being made up of reasonably sensible and educated people, to living in a society that I now see as being mostly comprised of fucking dumb peasants.

>> No.14771636

Seriously. The fact that anyone went along with the constantly-changing "truths" put out by the CDC put it into stark perspective how low the average IQ really is in America. Anyone with a reasoning mind began to disbelieve within the first three months, as soon as clinical reports of the dangers of high-PEEP ventilation were suppressed.

>> No.14771643


>> No.14771719

The clotshot isn't a vaccine.

>> No.14771830

having to stay in watching Netflix none stop for two years will give anyone psychosis

>> No.14771881

only in your degenerate shilling instructions, phaggot