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14768813 No.14768813 [Reply] [Original]

Pretty much proves AI is garbage or doesn't exist at all. Even the leetest of the elite can't access technology to replace the vast expense of organizing and employing human shills.

>> No.14768829

i would agree with your general point but i need to disagree about something. this whole /pol/ slash alt-right obsession with Klaus Schwab and the WEF is so ridiculous. Klaus is nothing; his whole role in life is to host his stupid conference for rich people and CEOs. and he hosts it in such a way that everything is leaked and you can just go and read what the stupid rich people and CEOs said and did during the meme conference. and basically all they do is schmooze and shoot the shit since surprise surprise they’re actually mostly pretty low IQ and just do the banal shit most rich idiots do

it’s basically the equivalent of making a conspiracy out of any other kind of conference. like take the string theory conference called Strings 2022. those people are actually smart. is it a conspiracy? why do no conspiracy theorists obsess over it? how is it any different from WEF?

>> No.14768830

>proves AI is garbage or doesn't exist

fuck off back to pol


>> No.14768838

They gotta be spending in the range of $10-20 million a month to pay all those shills, they wouldn't waste that kind of money if they could get a computer to do the trick for them. WEF has access to all the best government level technology, the best stuff money can buy, but they can't buy an AI, not even for serious money.
Your AI waifu will never exist, pedo

>> No.14768840

look into schwab's lineage

>> No.14768853

does it matter? there are plenty of people with rich folks who become nothings. that’s Klaus. compare: Anderson Cooper, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Kim Kardashian, fuck even Hunter Hunt-Hendrix. in today’s world there are plenty of dynasty kids who are basically worthless besides some token elitism role they hand onto and Klaus is just that, a worthless human with only one trivial claim to fame in his entire life

>> No.14768856
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>does it matter?

>> No.14768857

>Klaus is nothing; his whole role in life is to host his stupid conference for rich people and CEOs
Hes a symbol and a leader. You can say the same for anyone, everyone is just a person no matter how powerful. Any king or conqueror has always just been some person.
What gives people power? Allegedly the capacity to see the future. Clairvoyance. Receiving prophetic visions from god or just being smart and wise enough to see things coming.
This guy Schwab says a lot of things about the future

>> No.14768868

>What gives people power?
no, what gives people power is money, resources, ability, and knowledge. not some bullshit fortune-teller magic power that only exists in the minds of those whose last touch of grass happened in 2019.

if you actually think that Klaus Scwab has some preternatural ability to predict the future then you need to back it up. because it sounds pretty fucking laughable

>> No.14768876

>if you actually think that Klaus Scwab has some preternatural ability to predict the future then you need to back it up. because it sounds pretty fucking laughable
It's because other elites agree with and follow his plans. He isn't predicting it, he's writing manuals.

>> No.14768877

>no, what gives people power is money, resources, ability, and knowledge.
This is what being able to see the future means.
Knowledge? That's seeing the future.
Money? Pffff. Money us something leaders GET, not what makes them leaders. They get money because society believes in their visions of the future.
Its no different than some entrepreneur asking for funds for a company. If investors believe in the vision they give money

>> No.14768883

>if you actually think that Klaus Scwab has some preternatural ability
Its not about having such skill but convincing others you have it. And it doesnt have to have a supernatural character. Science itself is about predicting the future, at least about limited things like "when is eclipse happening".
When some general plans a battle hes predicting the future. Every leader is predicting the future or pretending to and it doesn't matter how you dress it as some wise person or some literal prophet of god

>> No.14768886

>It's because other elites agree with and follow his plans. He isn't predicting it, he's writing manuals.
Theres still a belief that his plans will succeed. That implies a belief in his skills to see the future
>lmao no one can see the future
Use the word "calculate" if you want to understand the same sociological concept in a way that doesn't hurt your ideology

>> No.14768888

i can tell both of you that “leaders” (reminder in the West most counties are democracies now and there is a very open entry in the leader class) only respect Klaus Schwab as a conference organizer. the fact that he makes stupid speeches at every WEF is like when the entire audience goes to get a cocktail and play on their phones. the people who actually have money probably form more plans on the future of the world by texting one another during Klaus’ talk than what comes out of Klaus’s pointless talks.

he’s just a conference organizer; a stupid pointless administrator who serves mostly to secure a venue and hotel rooms. his talks are completely ignored by the audience since he’s basically the one poor schmuck who gets to make a talk there and his opinion is shit compared to real rich people

>> No.14768892

I'll do it, what's the pay?

>> No.14768915

So why are they all doing exactly what he says?

>> No.14768916

You have no evidence for any of this. Clearly Klauss is respected as a leader not as a hotelier. He writes books and is on stage with world leaders. A "host" would be in the kitchen making sure theres enough lobster

>> No.14768920

are “they”?

if ESG is what you are talking about then the ESG mantra definitely didn’t originate with Klaus. Fink is the main proponent now but i think it originates with the guy who ran Whole Foods who actually identifies as a libertarian

>> No.14768926

Its a culture idiot. You are never going to identify THE SOURCE. Its an obvious collective social thing. But theres still leaders because cultures always choose some leader.
Its so stupid to say "oh its not schwab its fink" as if they are not interchangeable and in near perfect ideological agreement

>> No.14768927

None of that is going to happen.
>A 2017 BuzzFeed report identified NewsPunch as being the second-largest source of popular fake stories spread on Facebook that year,[6] and a June 2018 Poynter analysis identified NewsPunch as being debunked over 80 times in 2017 and 2018 by Poynter-accredited factcheckers such as Snopes, FactCheck.org, PolitiFact, and the Associated Press.
Why would you uncritically parrot stuff from people who keep getting caught lying over and over again?

>> No.14768929

then my point stands. having a conspiracy theory centered on Klaus Schwab is ridiculous, i think we agree. since he is interchangeable with larry fink who is objectively massively more powerful. so we can agree that the obsession with Klaus is stupid. Agreed?

>> No.14768937

Typical German lineage, why? Most people collaborated with the nazis.

>> No.14768941

>then my point stands. having a conspiracy theory centered on Klaus Schwab is ridiculous
You have to center it on a leader. Movements pivot on leaders. Its a classical cult of personality. A culture is more than the leader but it still follows the leader once it has a name and face

>> No.14768950

klaus is not a leader for sure. he is a stupid useless conference organizer at best. i am asking you to name the true leader of this thread you perceive. it’s not schwab but it must be someone else. i suggested Fink but you dodged that. besides Schwab (implausible as a leader) who else would you single out as the leader of the movement you mentioned?

>> No.14768951

Do you honestly believe this or are you deliberately spreading lies? Klaus Schwab is Swiss-German. (Spoiler: that's why WEF is in Switzerland). He grew up in Switzerland and Germany, especially the later years of the Third Reich in Germany. Do you think, a Jew could just move back to Germany?
Fred and Marianne Schwab have nothing to do with Klaus Schwab:
They emigrated to the USA, not Switzerland. Just completely different people.

>> No.14768955

>he is a stupid useless conference organizer
Just like Stalin was just a secretary?
If klauss was just some hotelier he would not be on stage and writing books. He would be some nobody haranging wagies at the kitchen

>> No.14768960

>besides Schwab (implausible as a leader) who else would you single out as the leader of the movement you mentioned
This is like you telling me Beria is good the real baddie is Stalin

>> No.14768966

oh okay you dodged the question completely. an implicit “i have no answer” but you lacked the balls to say it. i always knew it was futile to try and reason with your type so thanks for reminding me

>> No.14768967

Your communist brainwashing is forcing you to see the world in which only rich peepo are baddies and no one else.

>> No.14768971

>oh okay you dodged the question completely
Dodging what? Alternative leaders?
Fink is fine as another leader. You can probably write a list with 100 persons that could be at his level. Bill Gates is another. Jeff Bezos. Ted Turner. Hillary.

>> No.14768973

He has prime ministers and presidents in his pocket. No one with that level of control is "nothing"

>> No.14768979


We are reaching levels of "greatest trick the devil ever did" that should not even be possible

>> No.14768983

>not even pretending to establish context anymore
What happened, chud? You used to throw in words such as "scientifically". Fuck off to /pol/, seriously. Cancer like you should get rangebanned

>> No.14768986

okay good . so you admit that the single-focus obsession on Klaus Schwab is stupid.

we agree then. thank you

my point is that there are very good reasons to be skeptical of global corporations and the corporate structure in the USA and the ESG ideology running through them of late.

what is wrong is to just make a conspiracy theory about Klaus Schwab and blame “everything” on this by making some stupid strung-out connection to Klaus Schwab

so yes. there are major issues in the corporate system today and lots of factors in play there, ESG being a big pathology. but of course pinning it all on Klaus Schwab is like a 8-year-old move far too many of you have apparently falls info

>> No.14768994

You are never going to find some single mastermind. Its a culture. A lot of these poweful people are randos that just fell into such social niches. But you still need to recognize that once a movement has a leader or a small set of leaders then the movements orbit around them. Tribes follow their chiefs but doesnt mean the chief is the tribe.

>> No.14769000

I live in Switzerland and went to the last congress/the protests. You're describing exactly what I found there. Most people criticised the power of corporations, exploitation of third-world countries, environmental damage etc. But among the mixed group of environmentalists/social democrats/anarchists there were a few ... well they didn't wear tinfoil hats, but you can imagine. They were completely lost. /pol/ seems sane. I forgot the details, but a lady told me some ridiculous things that Schwab and Gates control the United Nations and push the vaccine and Putin is the only one who has the integrity to not be bought by them etc.
There are a million valid reasons to criticise WEF. Including the cost and annoyance for Switzerland. But some fantasies that Schwab is secretly Jewish are not a valid reason.

And I don't see why this even needs to be discussed on a science board.

>> No.14769005

sure, i agree with that.

i think everything you and I said in our last couple posts is actually completely confirming what i originally said which is
> this whole /pol/ slash alt-right obsession with Klaus Schwab and the WEF is so ridiculous.
what you said is pretty clear that trying to pinpoint a single person as the leader of some movement is futile and i think we agree on that, therefore the single-minded focus /pol/ places on Schwab is obviously contradicted by this line of reasoning right?

>> No.14769017

What's wrong? He's right, AI is smoke and mirrors. Long way to go. Not in your lifetime, etc.
Even the dumbest nigger can spot a bot

>> No.14769018

>Article is bullshit without any example of FACTS or LOGIC.
Thanks for playing OP.

>> No.14769019


>> No.14769039

This %100. Fucking morons make us all look stupid by proxy. I think the reality of the situation is most of our political leaders are actually genuine morons, leaving most actual statecraft to a combination of inertia, banking interests and corporate ideologues, most of which are frankly just as stupid.

>> No.14769049

In that case, this whole thread is probably an attempt to bump ad revenue. In the end, it was me that got played.

>> No.14769051

>these conferences involving global elites with unprecedendanted levels of power and influence on man's destiny discussing the enslavement of mankind are totally meaningless bro, the leader is just a human too

>> No.14769055
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cool it with the antisemitism man. i'm sure these self-elected leaders will, suddenly, starting now, for no reason at all, stop ruining our lives, our economies, and our planet, despite having not done that at any point since they appeared and having been indoctrinated at birth into a genocidal cult that genuinely believes in gemmatria and that the "seed of amalek" refers to all non-jews, particularly asians and whites. surely, in just two more weeks, the elites will all become GOOD people, and they'll stop being genocidal and greedy and ruthlessly self-interested. Surely, surely I tell you, they will stop accumulating media outlets and newspapers, companies will stop merging, CEO salaries will decline, real journalism will return, and we will all retire to farm and fish peacefully and without government interference for the rest of our natural lives. Surely.

>> No.14769059

>is it a conspiracy
are you illiterate? nevermind, you already answered that with your abhorrent post. conspiracy, noun, a group of conspirators. an agreement between two or more persons. conspire, intransitive verb, to plan, to plot, to act together; combine. Just today, in fact, I was involved in a thousand year global techno-industrial-agricultural conspiracy which culminated (with a final sub-conspiracy involving myself and a fast food clerk) in the purchase of a burger.

>> No.14769060

>the single-minded focus /pol/ places on Schwab
This is a strategy of fighting a group. You go for the leaders. The theory goes that the group would disband if the leader is gone. That happens a lot because people identify the group as the leader= Cult of personality. Its an efective tactic many times. Doesn't work very well when the culture is fully decentralized or has a leader you cant hurt such as god, in the case of religions

>> No.14769061
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>> No.14769065

God, or in this case, the cultural momentum of the Torah, which commands the jew to destroy the seed of amalek and imposes upon all jews, be they practicing, believing, or not, the idea that they are God's chosen people, and that everyone else is subhuman cattle. Such a kind and progressive culture!

>> No.14769069

You cant attack religions by going after their leaders. This is why religions persist for millennia while political movements wither in a generation or less.

>> No.14769180
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So all the glowing social media platforms will become even more nakedly bot-, shill-, and tranny-infested than before, driving everyone to other sites like telegram or gettr or truth social with free speech philosophies and trannyproof infrastructure?


>> No.14769187


>> No.14769200
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>muh "far right extremism"
>muh pillowman
>muh insurrection
Thank you, Stanford, for making it clear on page one that nothing of value was going to follow.

>> No.14769320

>source is just stated as ibidem
>no way of checking the claims in this image

>> No.14769625

Lets hope inflation keeps outpacing their ability to pay shills.
Fucked by their own fiat game

>> No.14769635

>Pretty much proves AI is garbage or doesn't exist at all.
What makes you think their operators aren't simply going to supervise over AI spam campaigns?

>> No.14769641
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How much do you get paid? How can I get recruited?

>> No.14769647
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>> No.14769651

> everyone disagreeing with me must be a paid shill because no sane person could ever disagree with any of my convictions and opinions

>> No.14769653

Anyone who sounds like you is a paid shill.

>> No.14769658

> I will confirm what you just said and not be self-aware.

>> No.14769660

Call me back when you can show some signs of sentience. So far everything you've sharted out is GPT-tier.

>> No.14769670

There are no leaks, the conferences are "open" and actually filmed lol. This isnt some Bilderberg shit.

>> No.14769680
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>Do you think, a Jew could just move back to Germany?
how are you on /sci/ lmfao

>> No.14769834

Their shit affects the real world, look at Sri Lanka, Canada and the Netherlands, don't they have a little something in common?

>> No.14769943
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competition for local scum shills, salaries will decrease.

>> No.14769953

Yeah they're all going to starve to death because of some book learned morons decision. They really didn't learn after they tried communism the first hundred times.

>like take the string theory conference called Strings 2022. those people are actually smart.
Despite none of the shit they say being empirically proven. These are "Smart people" to you, no wonder the worst of the worst are running the world right now. They already forgot nitrogen grows plants faster.

>is it a conspiracy?
>is it a a secret plan by a group to do something/talk about something the general public doesn't understand?
You tell me

>> No.14769970
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Yeah the Carlyle group from the Bush years had better shady dealings going on.

The problem is people have lost basic morality, they no longer can tell good from bad. They might think capitalism = bad and rich people being rich is somehow a grounbreaking innovation.

But then when you have an education system and the media telling you people are equal for the past 50+ years the cognitive dissonance might make them prefer lies to the truth, and therefore consider rich people as evil aka class struggle, the beggining of communism.

>> No.14769988

they actually smart enough to make most people think they are irrelevant or even benefit to something.
try to mention the wef while talking with your normies friends, you will be marked as a schizo or a trumper, this is their power to create social conventions and silence agreements, paying for lips service to the media institutions and so on.
they've gotten so good at it that they can make absolutely insane statements and no one will care