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14768499 No.14768499 [Reply] [Original]

Why does the number of sex reassignment surgies keep increasing, when there has never been a single case of someone's sex being successfully changed?

>> No.14768500

Because it's incredibly profitable and healthcare is about money, not cures.

>> No.14768502

He meant why the demand is increasing, not the service, retard.

>> No.14768540

same reason why big corporations use lgbt flags and colors on pride month. It's just profitable.

>> No.14768542

ah yes. same logic as why burgers get more and more weapons. Mental illness + they can. Simple as that.

>> No.14768545
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Because science and leftism rots your brain.

>> No.14768546

Fake pic related. I don't hate scientists.

>> No.14768550

The service drives the demand. Create clinic -> convince kids they're trans -> refer to clinic.

>> No.14768553
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Only scientists can have such a nasty God complex.
Most of you will have a nasty surprise once you die.
Pray to God and Jesus if you want to be saved.

>> No.14768556

>Create clinic ->
>refer to clinic.
>convince kids they're trans ->
Lost me there.

>> No.14768560

Some people just want to feel and identify more so with the opposite gender by having the genitals and hormonal makeup of the opposite gender even if they can't actually physically change the sex assigned by their chromosomes.

For many of them, perhaps they are misguided in what they truly want and what truly is troubling them, but nevertheless they have the money and usually are satisfied with the surgery aftwrwards so it really isn't our place to tell them how to live as uninvolved observers of their life.

>> No.14768565

Child psychologists convince vulnerable children they need transgender surgeries and medicines. Tavistock was closed by the UK NHS because it was found they were grooming children to transition.

>> No.14768576

yeah, well no.

>> No.14768591

Body modification has always been popular.

>> No.14768611
File: 287 KB, 750x1058, 65FCAD83-1EF6-4D50-8B15-755EEFD58E2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because of billionaire tranny donor funding

>> No.14768725

Nowadays there are many benefits to being woman or at least a minority, because of that some men decide to radically change their bodies in order to tap at those benefits. This may sound absurd at fight sight, but back in China men would voluntarily become eunuchs just so they could work in the imperial palace and enjoy the status, money and power that came with it, so this is not something particularly new.
Of course, only men that hate their lives would actually do that, but it's not like there has been an epidemic of lonely men who barely go out of home and have nothing to look forward to, right?

>> No.14768751
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>why did ~80 public servants in positions where they had influence on covid policy get jobs at pfizer and moderna 1-2 years into the plandemic?

>> No.14769113

The whole thing is based on a mental construct (gender in the sense of "assign gender") for which there is no operational definition and the magical phrase "I identify [object deleted] as...".

>> No.14769114
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Because trannies live rent-free in your head and your daily threads remind us that it's possible. I might do it, probably feels nice to be a girl. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.

>> No.14769123

I don't believe sex can be changed to begin with, so this thing is dubious anyways.

>> No.14769327

This is a momentary spike, wait a few years.
Friendly reminder that transition regret is a severely censored topic of studies and that unis never allow funds to not be associated with transphobic studies.

My bs theory that I very much believe in is that young men feel like second class citizens, they don't have goals in life anymore, women are overtaking them on every fields, they're worse at school, worse at sports, can't get laid, can't find jobs, and not trying to anyway.
Meet any random MTF, they literally all follow the same characteristics:
>internet/video game addict
>little to no professional experience
>not doing great at school
>never had a girlfriend
>addicted to pornography
And by spending so much time on the internet as a form of escapism, they get heavily into pornography, social medias, and all the other bullshit that heavily pushes for sexual deviance.
Ultimately they blame their shitty life on their gender and seek to transition thinking it'll fix their issues.
Being male is associated with having responsibilities and expectation of success, they think they can escape this by transitioning.

Then they invade women only space and try their best to find a progressive enough girl to finally date and have sex with.

We'll see the damage done by this shit in 20 years, when old men in dresses will start admitting their mistake and looking back on the past wishing they did something more productive.

>> No.14769676
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>>internet/video game addict
>>little to no professional experience
>>not doing great at school
>>never had a girlfriend
>>addicted to pornography
Tfw I have all 5 of these traits at 22.

>> No.14769807

Leftism, simple as.

>> No.14770082

>there has never been a single case of someone's sex being successfully changed
Literally biologically impossible. Sex is determined by your chromosomes.
I wonder if it has something to do with the fact that being transgender has become more socially acceptable. Doesn't take a genius to figure that one out

>> No.14770151

>being transgender has become more socially acceptable
it hasn't, twitter propaganda does not reflect true reality

>> No.14770194

>twitter propaganda does not reflect true reality
correct, have you been outside recently?

>> No.14770202

Because people pay for it

>> No.14770210

Why do you keep making threads when there isn't a single thread you made that's been useful

>> No.14770652
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>> No.14770674

Gendershit goes against science, retard

>> No.14770676

Markets generate demand.

>> No.14770701

Tfw you can turn your life around right now if you see yourself doing so, we become what we think about after all (Earl Nightingale). I was kind of like that at a younger age and I'm slowly turning my life around and I was a fucking mess so why can't you anon? go get them

>> No.14770723

You’d think with a billion dollars they could afford surgery to actually make then look like a woman.

>> No.14770738

You can't shine shit.

>> No.14770887

because eugenics is good, why should I oppose faggots removing themselves from the gene pool? Give them all the gender-affirming care, hormones and surgeries they want they will never ever reproduce or have children which is a valid win for society. Even $3-4 million in lifetime healthcare costs is better than continuing their lineage.

>> No.14770898

because they're trying to do it to your kids behind your back

>> No.14770903

>transgenderism is, proportionally, most common among blacks
>abortion is, proportionally, most common among blacks
>democrats strongly support both
What did democrats mean by this? Why are they trying to exterminate blacks?

>> No.14770910

because both mean less whites overall

>> No.14770947

>he is unable to raise his child to be firm in his moral beliefs
Merely evolutionary pressure at this point, only the strongest willed and most schizophrenic will survive to reproduce

>> No.14770962

>leave child alone for more than five seconds literally anywhere
>groomer teachers
>groomer cartoons
>groomer advertisements
>groomer video games
>groomer books
>groomer music
you're the reason things have gotten this bad

>> No.14770978


fair enough, if my children want to be trannies then they don't get to reproduce. Not my problem.

>> No.14771031 [DELETED] 

Gendershift makes scientists happy, they make money, stupid leftist scum.

>> No.14772373

Because gender dysphoria is on the rise; capitalism in action.

>> No.14772393

I think you should consider medication.