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File: 41 KB, 600x225, eugenics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14764474 No.14764474 [Reply] [Original]

Is autism a disorder? Should we be trying to find what causes is, and potentially cure or treat?

Or is searching for causes and cures akin to eugenics?

>> No.14764493

They don't want that as an autistic population is much easier to control and is much more susceptible to propaganda than neurotypical people, while still remaining productive for specialized tasks.
If the world was moral, we would be trying to cure it or find some method to reduce its incidence.

>> No.14764520

Behavior can't be a disease (Szasz), but autists cost money because they don't make for good workers and employees, so obviously governments want to see less of them. Of course, all hidden behind a cloak of compassion and 'helping' people.
>Or is searching for causes and cures akin to eugenics?
If it is done on an at-will base, then no. But the underlying logic is eugenicist since this will undoubtedly result in forced and violent interventions that can and will make people conform to some ideal regardless of whether or not they want it.

>> No.14764641

Every high-functioning autist I've met has been fine with their autism and not interested in being "cured"

>> No.14764654

>much easier to control
have you seen them before? the low functioning ones are disabled and require lifetime gibs me dat tax money, and the high functioning male ones are still low skilled in areas, and more likely to become security risks because testosterone and being socially rejected do not mix well

>> No.14764657

I don't respond to people who make up words.

>> No.14764658
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you will never be relevant

>> No.14764663
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you will never be unique
you will never have a quirk that separates you from everyone else
you are just a medically normal privileged white girl who is out of touch with the world around her thanks to her own hedonism

>> No.14764667

you're not special

>> No.14764670

Yeah, I was just referring to high-functioning aspies. Those are super vulnerable to propaganda, manipulation, extremism, etc. They're like npc's on steroids.

>> No.14764672

did I say I was? did I ever ask to be relevant? (you are doing that yourself)

go outside and take a deep breath, wear your helmet, try not to die by 37

>> No.14764692

i don't know why you think spergs are "security risks" and why that's a good thing.

>> No.14764709

I don't know where you got the idea that I would support that degeneracy in the first place: Maybe your reading comprehension is bad, maybe you just don't like me cause you're childish, maybe you are just a miserable waste of time to begin arguing with..

>> No.14764761

>Eugenics = bad. Why? It just is ok you're a Nazi if you tell me otherwise

>> No.14764813
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>an autistic population is much easier to control

>> No.14764816
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I'd rather be more autistic than I currently am rather than less.
It's the neurotypical who need to be "cured".

>> No.14764825
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Screaming and head banging on the wall autism is a disease, while low level aspbergers is more of a personality trait. The problem is that they have been lumped togheter, so that the bots on twitter are running a campain that its bad to cure autism, since they define low level aspbergers as autism, which doesent need a cure.

The cause is most likely related to the gut microbiome that causes leeky gut. This leads to un digested food in the blood which poisons the brain. The cure is an elimination diet with the addition of probiotics.


>> No.14764904

>he bots on twitter are running a campain that its bad to cure autism, since they define low level aspbergers as autism, which doesent need a cure.
They're actually thinking more about the head-banging-on-the-wall autism as something precious and valid that doesn't need to be cured. They'd be more than happy to get rid of high-functioning aspies that fail to troon out.

>> No.14764909

autism doesn't exist

>> No.14765030

When do we get to round up all the neurotypical fascists and send them to autist re-education camps?
>Pointless trivia knowledge about obscure topics will set you free
Autistics are the new master race of humanity, it is known.

>> No.14765034

and you're delusional
i recommend you take your antipsychotic medications

>> No.14765083

>security risks
no sweatie. Autists are the easiest ppl to control. The real world is filled with double entendres and the lack of ability to see meaning beyond the obvious makes for easy prey.

>> No.14765613

>is autism a disorder
autism is a barely-defined series of traits which are left to the interpretation of the biased reader. this substandard selection criteria is less scientific than your average racist /pol/ graph. at least those come with numbers and make use of statistics.
>should we be trying to find what causes autism
yes, start with heavy metals
>cure or treat
no and no. it evolved in our population naturally and for a reason. you simply want some percentage of the population to be less interested in eating and fucking and socializing and more interested in systems and math. otherwise, >>>/soc/
i already said no, so let's ask a better question. should those with autism be given assistance if they want it? Kids, after all, are brutal, so it's probably a good idea to give autistic children a bit more positive reinforcement. Aspies et al generally care less for the opinions of others, so apply extra kudos as neccesary in response to good math scores. Autistic children will never fully "grow out" of it, but they will make more money than me, and I'm salty about that.
>the ultimate researchers and thinkers
>easier to control
hahahah you poor thing. maybe you should check out the autists on pol.

>> No.14765772

autists are manipulative as it is. It is obvious many of them exaggerate their inability to not be impulsive cause many retards will believe this nonsense.

>> No.14765868

>Is autism a disorder? Should we be trying to find what causes is, and potentially cure or treat?
yes, its is a mental disability

>> No.14766082

If its not genetically inherited, it's detrimental to have, and its not a choice, then it's a disorder. Autism is likely not genrtif though.

>> No.14766441 [DELETED] 

>The real world is filled with double entendres and the lack of ability to see meaning beyond the obvious makes for easy prey.
That makes autists impossible to control, as it alsk makes them blind for the majority of propaganda techniques, they don't even notice the intended the message in the first place. It can't be done.

>> No.14766448

>The real world is filled with double entendres and the lack of ability to see meaning beyond the obvious makes for easy prey.
That makes autists impossible to control, as it alsk makes them blind to the majority of propaganda techniques, they don't even notice the intended message in the first place. It can't be done.

>> No.14766462

We won't get to, that's like seven generations away. More, if you don't do your part and raise up some baby autists.

>> No.14766469

Eugenics is objectively a good thing.
Eugenics is just a synonym of "public health"
Saying eugenics is bad is an NPC take, created by a society that's in love with its illnesses

>> No.14766477

A proper eugenics program would have sterilized your parents before you, clinical subhuman, could be born.

>> No.14766482

>wanting to eradicate genetic diseases and disabilities from the human population means forced sterilization and the gassing of six million!
And here we go again

>> No.14766492

Notice how you, a clinical subhuman, immediately devolve into a preprogrammed NPC dialogue tree. A true eugenics program would have killed or sterilized your mother, as I said.

>> No.14766534

Yes, autism doesn't exist. It's the lack of lead deficiency schizophrenia.

>> No.14766536

>we cannot improve society somewhat because... it's just bad, ok!

>> No.14766541

LOL. Imagine literally going forward with your NPC dialogue tree after getting called out. I was talking about improving society. Sterilizing your mother would have made society better.

>> No.14766568

Not a single argument out of you, just ad hominem after ad hominem and (You) after (You).
Perhaps stop your canned responses for a second, try to ponder why you're angry, articulate what you're feeling, form an argument of some sort or maybe a kind of worthwhile comeback.
Maybe I should phrase it as a question: why is me endorsing the removal of bad genetic traits from the population a bad thing? Do this without emotional appeals or reductio ad Hitlerum, and we might just have a normal conversation instead of whatever this is.

>> No.14766671 [DELETED] 

You can't select better than natural selection. You want to pick what you personaly like, not what is objectively optimal for the people's survival.

>> No.14766674

You can't select better than natural selection. You want to pick what you personaly like, not what is objectively optimal for people's survival.

>> No.14766678

>why is me endorsing the removal of bad genetic traits from the population a bad thing?
I don't know. Why is *me* endorsing the removal of bad genetic traits from the population a bad thing?

>> No.14766684

Autists are the first to dive head first into whatever the glowing subculture of the month is. Trannies, Furries, Niggerlives,..
Glow niggers are paid actors that dont buy into it but autists are the ones that ruin their lives for it.

>> No.14766688

This is like saying combating diseases and inventing vaccinations is bad because we should just let nature run its course and let everyone die of smallpox.
Natural selection led to our level of intellect. This means that natural selection led to our ability to select what we want, our ability to combat diseases and guide our own continued development as a species. Anything we do is a result of our evolutionary history. Why stop at vaccines and just let most genetic disorders go untreated? Why not boost IQs, mental health and disease resistance as best we can through positive reinforcement? Why not strive to be the best humanity can be?

So you're agreeing with the idea of eugenics but you're being hostile because you're not agreeing with the idea of eugenics.
Sounds like a you problem honestly.

>> No.14766693

>So you're agreeing with the idea of eugenics
Yes. Your inferior genetics should be culled. What issue do you take with this?

>> No.14766695

It goes both ways. Autists that are more emotionally calloused are less likely to cave to emotional appeals and more likely to take an unpopular position if they see a genuine benefit in it.
I think autism and the resulting antisocial aspects makes it more prevalent in both the extreme left and the extreme right than it is in the centrists consensus population whose main concern is fitting in.

>> No.14766699

I think they are much more likely to post about "manmade hoorors beyond human comprehension".
>This is like saying combating diseases and inventing vaccinations is bad because we should just let nature run its course and let everyone die of smallpox.
To be honest, we probably should have.

>> No.14766700


>> No.14766706

Well I'm annoyed with your idea that this non-argument is some kind of gotcha since it's predicated on so many false assumptions, like:
1. eugenics automatically means forced sterilization
2. you claiming to know my personal genetic makeup
3. your assumption that i even desire to have been born

That said I've seen plenty of disabled but high-functioning people endorse eugenic, like the cripple who ran infinitychan

>> No.14766709

>it's predicated on so many false assumptions
I made none of the assumptions you list. In any case, what issue do you take with my position? We both agree that eugenics is necessary.

>> No.14766711

Pretty much. Autism means being a loner. A loner with no personal attachments is more likely to be misanthropic. A misanthrope is more likely to endorse radical ideologies that endanger the common people, like revolutionary communism or racial supremacy.

>> No.14766712
File: 42 KB, 400x398, 1447889774909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I made none of the assumptions you list.
Now now, buddy, you know that's not the case.

>> No.14766716

All I know is that your programming is glitching out because your dialogue tree doesn't account for the eventuality where you're arguing with a person instead of another bot like you.

>> No.14766719

Now son, this isn't an RPG.
It's time to lay off the Simulation Theory youtube videos.

>> No.14766723

You still haven't explained what issue you take with my position. I think you're inferior and a proper eugenics program is one that erases people like you.

>> No.14766733

I've explained them all here

>I think you're inferior
You're no authority on this issue, all you know if my is my unbiased opinion of the controversial topic of eugenics - a opinion not mired in prejudice like yours.
And again, you do not have access to my personal genetic makeup, you're a rando wasting your brief time on this planet arguing on 4chan, like me.

>> No.14766740

>You're no authority on this issue
Oh. Well, who's the authority on this issue? :^)

>> No.14766747

There is none because eugenics is verboten
But I'd say something like the CDC?

>> No.14766756
File: 381 KB, 2544x4000, 2342532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But I'd say something like the CDC?
I rest my case. You are subhuman and if anyone needs to be culled, it'd "people" like you.

>> No.14766777

Not an argument. But since there's more people reading this thread let me just lay my case out for others to read.
So, my idea of eugenics in the 21st century. Hospitals harvest everyone's genetic data at birth, and then again at the age of 20. Couple this with a number of IQ tests and physicals to determine genetic quality, genetic impairments, or resilience.
Then you take those who have a high IQ, no mental illness, a resistance to genetic disease and a whole laundry list of other positive traits, and incentivize them to have over 5 kids through extensive tax cuts and government sponsorship programs. Meanwhile, disincentivize those with poor genetic material, low IQ, high levels of mental illness and pronounced genetic disorders from procreating by additional taxation, hiking insurance rates and other means of social pressure. If these low-quality genetic individuals agree not to procreate they too are rewarded with tax cuts and government programs, but if they do, and it can be proven with DNA evidence that they did, then these penalties set in.

And to sweeten it a little further: the positive reinforcement program is entirely voluntary so those who disagree with the idea of eugenics on principle are not required to participate.

>> No.14766790
File: 69 KB, 1200x899, 2433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the government-worshipping redditor makes a desperate appeal to an imaginary audience

>> No.14766841

>the american schizoid is so used to mismanagement that he believes all government to be inherently bad
Now I see why you're attacking eugenics, you're just protecting yourself.

>> No.14766845

I'm not attacking eugenics. Killing anyone related to you is fully moral and necessary. I also like how you accuse me of being American after telling me the CDC should be in charge of eugenics.

>> No.14766894

>I'm not attacking eugenics
Then why are you so bottombefuddled

>> No.14766905

What do you mean? We're not really disagreeing about eugenics. The root of our disagreement seems to be that you want some experts-for-hire to dictate the future of humanity in accordance with the economic elite, while I want to remove whatever genetic components produce subhuman, non-sentient cattle like you.

>> No.14766915

You seem to be operating under a set of very limited assumptions and presumptions. The economic elite hate tax cuts for private citizens and love low IQ cattle that can be medicated into perpetuity for their "disabilities."

>> No.14766918
File: 3.00 MB, 640x474, immune.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autistics are impossible to control, unlike you normie NPCs.

>> No.14766921

You seem to be operating under the assumption that you are human. I beg to differ. Killing you is fully moral, rational and necessary.

>> No.14766926

if it's not a disorder stop paying them disability gibs.

>> No.14766932

Again, more schizoid babble. I'm starting to think the pot's calling the kettle black here.

>> No.14766940

Once again confirming yourself to be nonsentient cattle. Please regurgitate some more NPC buzzwords.

>> No.14766941
File: 930 KB, 500x4206, n006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autistics operate on ethics superior to those of the neurotypical untermensch, as proven by scientific investigation.

>> No.14766944

Autism and other forms of mental disability are by definition to be eliminated by a proper eugenics program.

>> No.14766954

>I think they are much more likely to post about "manmade hoorors beyond human comprehension".

those are skitzos, they love Tesla

>> No.14766961

It's hard to eliminate something that isn't properly defined in the first place. Are we done with the self-hatred. You're obviously not eugenically healthy yourself otherwise why spend time on 4chan.

>> No.14766967
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>> No.14766972

What NPCs like you don't understand is any so-called "eugenics" program will be controlled by Klaus Schwab et al. and hence used to engineer the offspring of the slave class, such as you, into perfect worker drones for your masters in WEF. Any chance of rebellion will be engineered out and you VILL like eating ze bugs and sucking Klaus' dick forever.

Bertrand Russell envisioned this exact scenario of rebellion becoming impossible thanks to science and the kind of "eugenics" nazi larping fools like you naively think has a shred of hope of being used to benefit the underclass like you.

Autistics are the last hope of humanity and you better bend your knee and prey we deign to save you from being turned into a hill of ants.

>> No.14766981

>It's hard to eliminate something that isn't properly defined in the first place
Only in the mind of a mentally disabled individual like you.

>> No.14766985
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>channers are the last hope of humanity and you better bend your knee and prey we deign to save you from being turned into a hill of ants.

>> No.14766992

Cope. Just because you don't have a functioning government doesn't mean good governments can't exist and do benevolent and responsible eugenics. Your IQ is just too low to understand how eugenics works.

>> No.14766996

Autistic behavior is literally defined as being orderly, ritualistic ... almost like an ant.

>> No.14767008

They are expensive to control, not impossible. The sensible thing would be to only brainwash autists in positions of power and leave the commoners alone.

>> No.14767017

Autists are literally always the first to fall for whatever psyop is in vogue on the internet at any given point.

>> No.14767021

If /pol/tards are our last chance we are utterly doomed

>> No.14767048

You got it the wrong way round.

>> No.14767058

I live in the real world, not your fantasy land of Willy Wonka and "good" government (an oxymoron by definition at this point in society).

>> No.14767064


>> No.14767071

Autists do not immitate. Those who are like that are "turbo-normie" schizos.

>> No.14767078

yes they do, the difference is they oscillate within extreme ranges in whatever they're into


>> No.14767151

>inability to critically analyse radical ideology
AKA doesn't agree with state sponsored propaganda.

>> No.14767173

>label person with autism and tell him he's bad and wrong.
>WTF? why is he not loving us?
Unsurprising. The diagnosis of autism has always been about control of people who do not integrate well into society.

>> No.14767342

You know, we've had useful threads for aspies in the past for us to discuss stuff like effects of deep pressure and living with autism and shit. Now there's like 3 of these fucking normie threads trashing us simultaneously, scaring off aspies and little more than circle jerks of NT misunderstanding.

>> No.14767416

>discuss stuff like effects of deep pressure and living with autism and shit
Deep pressure has a calming effect on practically everyone, even animals. There is nothing about 'autism' that is not found in any normal person. So this really is just identity politics by a group of self-diagnosed snow flakes.

>> No.14767542

FFS faggot, using that to support your gaslighting is pretty weak. All the lipservice paid to autism in this shithole and threads like this show you are all normies in the end.

As I've said in the other shithole cancerous thread, this shit just pushes us to the reddit autism subs, and why not? Can't be any worse than being surrounded by faggots here that ironically larp as autists like a fucking tiktok cunt while denying our existence.

I was diagnosed by a distinguished university professor of neuropsychology, but go on with your delusions.

>> No.14767830

>much more susceptible to propaganda than neurotypical people
Are you kidding?

Women are to men as neurotypicals are to autists. An autistic person is unaware of gossip or reputation and follows their own rules rigidly, to the point of seeming heartless. They could get these rules from reading the Bible, or Mein Kampf, or from a story scene in a video game they played ten years ago. Big surprise, people with a social disability aren't team players.

>> No.14767836
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>Women are to men as neurotypicals are to autists
Are you a neurotypical, anon? Why are you using progressive normie propaganda buzzwords to refer to the non-mentally-disabled?

>> No.14767848

Ants aren't solitary, genius.

>> No.14767871

This is a good example of the womanthink characteristic of the neurotypical. He's pointing out different social groups, and asking if I'm affiliating myself to a like totally lame social group. The implication is that I should be concerned that he thinks I might be lame.

No, anon, I would like totally never do that. That would mean we could never be friends and watch the big game together, encouraging the teams to kick the ball. I'll modify my opinions to gain your social acceptance because that means anything to me at all.

>> No.14767879

And that is precisely why autists are so easy to control. Just figure out which OS they have installed and you are 80% of the way there.

>> No.14767886

You sound like you're losing your mind, but you didn't actually answer my question. Are you a neurotypical, anon? Why are you using progressive normie propaganda buzzwords to refer to the non-mentally-disabled?

>> No.14767907

It's called having a mind. Rather than thinking and writing in cliches, I create new sentences and new thoughts. That's why it's hard to read what I write.

I don't feel like answering your stupid question. Gee, it would be socially awkward if I didn't answer it. I should hurry up and do that, lol

>> No.14767913

>I don't feel like answering
Yeah, I can see why you wouldn't want to answer that one. Anyway, thanks for your hilariously self-refuting post.

>> No.14768108

(to post: it's bad to have autism but it has a cult-like community that build their personality around being autistic, especially if they use it as an excuse for not being functionable)

How the fuck do people not see a correlation between autism and activities that target kids/teens and reduce the amount of social exposure they get growing up? Social skills are a skill and autism is essentially a lack of socialising and its consequences, yet people act blind to the fact it only stated occurring once home devices like electronics started occurring.

Seriously, black autists were rare until electronics/home entertainment was cheaper (aka more accessible for them), white middle-class are the most likely to have it as well (most their parents can afford it).

I fail to see how we can point out kids can turn out midgets due to a lack of nutrition growing up, lack life skills if they never learnt them growing up, and can't speak a foreign language if they never learnt it growing up, but somehow autism is some genetic disorder or some shit rather than a symptom of modern life.

I'm sorry for the drunk rant but it makes so much sense yet you get experts/professionals treating it with the same PC logic of tumblr. It doesn't even need to be that (in terms of parenting), it's just kids not socialising growing up and most parents could have never expected it because their childhoods are nothing like modern kids, it's not their fault but doctors going "lol it's natural" instead of "make your kids touch grass and talk to people" is almost criminal in terms of how easy of an issue it is to fix

>> No.14768126
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How does it help you to know which OS I run?

>> No.14768139

I don't think you've met too many then.

>> No.14768166

>because not being socialized causes things like sensory overload, executive dysfunction, routines, and other attributes of autism

Really? When I go in a food store, the sights and sounds can feel like a distorted house of horrors...and that kind of sensory processing is not because I wasn't voted most popular.

>> No.14768172

You've just met another aspie and I would certainly not want to be "cured" as being autistic is identical to my self and said "cure" would be tantamount to death. I've been suffering pretty badly from sensory problems lately but I still would not want to be a normie.

>> No.14768197

>sensory overload
not used to environments outside comfort zone
>executive dysfunction
not used to having to do stuff in a timely manner, more of a cousin to the problem is home entertainment, you never have to exercise the skills of timekeeping stuff etc when you schedule is literally wake up, maybe school, play games, go bed, repeat
the biggest cause of social anxiety and handling social situations is that you never know what could happen, it's like a painting someone else started but you have to finish, there's no routines for it

as for going to the food store, it's because you're not used to it and thus anxious, you're exposed to something you've never been "trained" to do. It's like learning English all your life then expected to speak French (or a thick accent of English), you're not prepared for it and thus overwhelmed.

Also it's nothing to do with being popular, that's a different skill.

exposure therapy is your best best desu anon, I believe in you

>> No.14768200

>the sights and sounds can feel like a distorted house of horrors.
Could be metabolical and gastrointestinal. On the one hand I believe that autists overexaggerate their sensory overstimulation to justify their being on the disability payroll and to get pity points. On the other hand I also believe it to be cope. Autists deluding themselves into thinking that they experience and understand so much of the world when any psychometric measure shows that this is not the case. Sensory overstimulation definitely sounds nicer than a severe case of mental retardation so at least I know why parents have picked it up. After all, there might be a normal child trapped behind the shell of a retard

>> No.14768204

I take 300mg luvox, 4mg brexpiprazole, nicotine and weed vapes and fortified wine.

>> No.14768218

I have a CS BS with honors, also did philosophy and bio and received numerous awards - so look elsewhere for retards - and do experience more of the world than you, which is not necessarily a good thing.

I only developed gerd in the last year but naturally have been autistic forever so I doubt it retroactively affected my development. However, GI problems are co-morbid with autism so just my luck as it's fucking horrible.

>> No.14768230

>they don't make for good workers and employees
fitting, homo autismus should not be doing lowly jobs of homo sapiens
autists should be the employers

>> No.14768774

>Seriously, black autists were rare until electronics/home entertainment was cheaper (aka more accessible for them), white middle-class are the most likely to have it as well (most their parents can afford it).
It's lead deficiency. The term is probably actually ambiguous, as both a lead deficient among healthy people, or the one not deficient in a comunity that is deficient will be taken as autists.
>I fail to see how we can point out kids can turn out midgets due to a lack of nutrition growing up
No they don't turn into mudgets due to poor nutrition. Lead deficiency causes gigantism, and calcium and iron block its absorption.

>> No.14768934

>lead is a required nutrient needed by the body
Well, at least we know you ate your recommended daily amount of lead paint chips as a kid.

>> No.14769080

Stop mocking me, it's true. It's also the reason why people need glasses and why they can't burn carbohydrates.

>> No.14769145

This woman doesn’t have autism.

>> No.14769194

Can't cure different brains without being able to modify the brain properly and it's likely going to be harder than just making John Normalfag a better and more obedient worker (also cheaper to just get robots anyway). The only 2 solutions are finding out what causes it genetically and either filtering it out entirely or if easy to spot the differences get rid of the worst forms of it. Tizmos when given proper yet still relatively minor support (which actually doesn't cost much as job coaches already exist for useless normalfags) can make for useful workers, they might be a bit strange but that's the worst of it.
The issue is the outliers on the spectrum who are "high-functioning" but then have to deal with extraneous "minor" mental issues like severely broken emotion regulation or severe ADHD. Basically Tismos with other issues which can't easily be fixed.
Most of the "recent" diagnosis are all too easily given though, a trend that got worse since the early 2000s. So I guess most autistics can be fixed these days as someone was just being lazy or they just self-diagnosed to be quirky xD.

>> No.14769405
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It is a disorder only when you try to place them into normies' workplace or other atrocities you impose upon more shit-tolerant people. And then the disorder is you.

>> No.14769797

>Free vacancy

>> No.14769809

>autism shares the same exact symptoms as sexualized trauma in children
>autism shares the same exact symptoms as sexualized trauma in children
>autism shares the same exact symptoms as sexualized trauma in children
>autism shares the same exact symptoms as sexualized trauma in children
>autism shares the same exact symptoms as sexualized trauma in children

>> No.14769815

>*becomes a tranny because of pixels on a screen*
yeah, about that...

>> No.14770224

my psychiatrist says Im probably an autist but I'm not easily susceptible to social propaganda and so on and by nature am very skeptical and individualistic but it might be different because Im female
I think this is true but it's almost impossible to socialise some people

>> No.14770229

I'm a lonely aspie - any other autistics succeed in finding females on the spectrum to have relations with? I did do stuff with an ADHD girl, but will not rest until I can breed more autistics.

>> No.14770407

Psychiatrists get money for diagnosing you with shit. You think our ADHD rate has jumped up to 20 % because psychiatrists want to help them?

>> No.14770480

Instead of treating autism as an disorder, how about treating it like a personality flaw that can be addressed. I seriously doubt that anyone capable of reason isn't capable of adjusting himself socially so they don't act like a complete moron, I mean really think about it and try to look at a person without the "dummy autist" glasses on and consider how he behaves without anything else in mind.

>> No.14770666

Congratulations, you've rediscovered the flawed thesis Ivar Lovass used for his ABA system of brainwashing autistics into behaving like normies. Sorry faggot, but we are different from you and aspie wearing normie face is shameful and absurd.

Today's normie would be considered an abomination in most any culture at any timeframe and is nothing to be emulated.

>> No.14771417

I would do anything to be able to have proper conversations with people. I can't relate to anyone because of this. Essentially everyday I nearly puke multiple times from normal smells and tastes. I can't form deep relationships with anyone because I can't read essentially any of their current emotions, and when I do, I am physically incapable of responding to them appropriately. My motor functioning is terrible. I can't stand being touched, even when I want to be. I want to be cured, fuck this bitch.

>> No.14771420


>> No.14771424

KEK, the autist master race.

>> No.14771438

>t. Europoor freezing to death in 3 months.

>> No.14771439
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>invent the majority of mathematics
>discover all of physics using said mathematics
>invent powered flight
>invent powered lighting
>invent solid state devices
>invent all algorithms and data structures
>obscure autistic facts power my entire fucking world
>and they're supposed to be inferior
fucking hell, put me in the camps already. They'll probably be comfy. I just can't compete with autists. STOP KNOWING SO MUCH SO EASILY YOU FUCKING ASPIE CUNTS, DON'T YOU HAVE LIVES OUTSIDE OF YOUR WEIRD FUCKING OBSESSIONS? AAAAAAA

>> No.14771464
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>*Cocks Gun*
>"Enough talking fren, it's re-education time"
>*'Top 50 interesting facts about the Beatles' Sexy Sadie' starts playing*

>> No.14771506

The problem that needs to be adressed is that normies are brain damaged from malnutrition. (heavy metal deficiency)

>> No.14771544

>Is autism a disorder?
living together with people is the norm for a human being.
being autistic makes living with other people (and engaging in normal activities) very difficult and worsens the life of everyone involved.
therefore being autistic is a disorder.

>> No.14771655

Ease up there mr Satan this isn't what I'm talking about, I'm talking about becoming more self conscious and respectable as any other person that has reached their own mental maturity. Most "npc normies" have completely fabricated personalities and they have the same mental maturity they have in highschool.

But hey sure go ahead live in this fabricated idea you have that got pushed onto you from society, do you really think you have accepted yourself thinking you are better than those "other" people who mind you act odd as fuck in their own ways? Give me a fucking break you're merely tolerating your own existence because it would be too hard for you to be a better man like god intended.

I also liked the idea of kids being isolated socially etc. in this thread, why the hell is an mental illness a spectrum anyway? Does depression have a spectrum as well? i think not.

>> No.14771818

Most autists don't isolate by choice. You just learn early on that most people are too wrong in their head to talk to.

>> No.14771958

Yeah but for example if you were say kind of a sheltered child without much social life outside of your family, and then you get thrown out there and you might needed longer to adjust than others. Would it be fair to label a child autistic if it wasn't sort of exposed to such behavior prior to that?

The "autistic" people that I talked to in school were perfectly capable of leading normal conversations at a level completely indistinguishable from anyone else. But hey it's just "high functioning" autism right? after all we need some cute labels to explain some inconvenient behavioral anomalies (dare I say potential traumas even?).

It's such a fucking joke of a mental illness just like ADHD.

>> No.14772021

Not him but that describes me. People don't realize that when a psych creates a mental disorder it's only useful if it helps you diagnose and solve your problems.

>> No.14772220

I was going to post this ironically you damn autistic fuck

>> No.14773944

Hey retard. It's literally the opposite. Normos are the ones easy control. They get scared if they are seen being different and do what everyone else does even if it's self destructive.

>> No.14774099

>They don't want that as an autistic population is much easier to control and is much more susceptible to propaganda than neurotypical people
Odd, I remember hearing that autists are a lot less susceptible to being influenced by ads. I would think this carries over to propaganda in general.

>> No.14774373

Cope, normie monkey. Go believe everything you see on TV.

>> No.14774911

Funny you should say that:
Sperg -> vidya -> discord-> tranny -> estrogen
Problem solved.

>> No.14775026


I'm autistic (aspie)
My mother made me go to a psychologist for aspies who was an aspie himself too
It was a horrible experience and made me hate other autistic people. He was a leftist degenerate that had absorbed every single leftist idea from college like a sponge and had vitriolic hatred for everybody to the right of Hugo Chavez.

>> No.14775178

I bet that he actually was a schizo.

>> No.14775197

Because most people with life struggles learn to cope with them and accept their condition. I've learned to accept my challenges but if I could go back in time and be born without socializing issues I'd do it. People shouldn't have to grow up struggling doing something that comes naturally to everyone else.

>> No.14775340

>People shouldn't have to grow up struggling doing something that comes naturally to everyone else.
It's not your 'condition'. It's you. And naturally, every person is going to struggle with something. You're indulging in a victim complex and blame your social deficiencies on a condition that was originally intended as a euphemism for severe mental retardation.

>> No.14775355


>> No.14775383

>You're indulging in a victim complex
You're either socially unskilled because of a lack of experience or because of a overall cognitive issue due to an identifiable neurogenetic disorder, dementia or brain damage. Autism conflates the two, because an issue of not having learnt something is equated with an issue of not being able to learn it.

Theory in mind isn't something that just 'naturally' comes to you. It's a learnt skill. You have it or you don't. If you don't have it, you're likely retarded in more than just some few isolated cognitive areas. If you struggle mentally with predicting what other people say or do, you will also mentally struggle with predicting how any type of complex system behaves, meaning that you have a low IQ. The autism severity - low IQ link is well established, with the most severely 'autistic' being unable to predict how his own bowel movements behave and thus shitting himself up. But IQ and mental retardation have become politically incorrect terms, so tons of people who we could have helped that way are now getting autism diagnoses and the underlying issue is never addressed.

>> No.14775394

>Theory in mind isn't something that just 'naturally' comes to you.
I always knew normies weren't truly human. Thanks for the confirmation.

>> No.14775410

It's all of the neurotoxic shit in modern life like the nano aluminum adjuvants in the vaccines. Vid related.

>> No.14775533

>He fell for the IQ meme
Tell me how an old elderly woman that had a rich life experience couldn't beat you in any topic regarding life/spirituality or basically anything really non academic.

>> No.14775882

It's called compensation, all autists develop it.

>> No.14775897

Actually normies are spiritually numb and know absolutely nothing about it. But autists minimize interaction because they are too sensitive for such things.

>> No.14776135

I'd say some autists are more pathetic than normies

>I'm messed up but at least I can be happy despite that :D

What a pathetic way to kneel down and get your shit pushed and be happyTM despite all that. Honestly people should be fucking furious over their potential being sealed in a pathetic masquerade.

>> No.14776280

Autism should be cured, but it seems likely that the cure will be to screen for autism before birth and prevent autists from being born. Which would be a good thing. It's incredibly selfish to demand that an infinite number of future people should suffer from autism, just because you don't want to feel bad that you're the last generation to suffer from it. You should instead work on trying to accept and live with it.
And the other argument for autism is just as bad, that it's good that there are some people who are different because it makes society more diverse. So you just want to look at autists for your own amusement like they are a zoo exhibition, with no concern for the suffering they go through?

The only argument in favor of autism that may have some merit is if there is any truth to the pro-autism propaganda, that autists can be geniuses who progress society. If let's say 1/10000 autists make great contributions to society beyond what a non-autist would be able to, then you could possibly argue that the suffering of a few autists is worth the contribution that it may lead to from a few people. But again, this actually assumes the autism pride people are right, and even then, it doesn't have a clear moral conclusion, there's still room for debate.

>> No.14776389 [DELETED] 

>It's incredibly selfish to demand that an infinite number of future people should suffer from autism
Define 'suffering'.
>So you just want to look at autists for your own amusement like they are a zoo exhibition, with no concern for the suffering they go through?
Again, define 'suffering'. And neither does a cherry-picked worst case scenario counterprove your second argument.
>it doesn't have a clear moral conclusion, there's still room for debate.
You can't really draw a clear moral conclusion from anything.

Ultimately, you're grasping at straws. Your argument can easily be extended to include and justify the killing of every single person on the world because everyone is going to 'suffer' at some point. I wouldn't have reacted if you did not pathetically try to hide behind altruistic and benevolent reasoning to abort, euthanize and sterilize people based on cost-volume-profit. I assume, you're autistic. Does it help you to prevent whatever issue you have on a magical thing in your mind that is somehow not part of you? And obviously, it's only in you. It's not, for example, between people or in society.

>> No.14776392

>It's incredibly selfish to demand that an infinite number of future people should suffer from autism
Define 'suffering'.
>So you just want to look at autists for your own amusement like they are a zoo exhibition, with no concern for the suffering they go through?
Again, define 'suffering'. And neither does a cherry-picked worst case scenario counterprove your second argument.
>it doesn't have a clear moral conclusion, there's still room for debate.
You can't really draw a clear moral conclusion from anything.

Ultimately, you're grasping at straws. Your argument can easily be extended to include and justify the killing of every single person on the world because everyone is going to 'suffer' at some point. I wouldn't have reacted if you did not pathetically try to hide behind altruistic and benevolent reasoning to abort, euthanize and sterilize people based on cost-volume-profit. I assume, you're autistic. Does it help you to blame whatever issue you have on a magical thing in your mind that is somehow not part of you? And obviously, it's only in you.

>> No.14776498

This is peak reddit.

>> No.14776575

It's ASD, so yes it's a disorder. People with disorders don't want to feel broken all the word "cured" always triggers them

>> No.14776634

>can't look people in the eyes
Come on, now

>> No.14776642
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>It's ASD, so yes it's a disorder.
Appeal to authority
>People with disorders don't want to feel broken all the word "cured" always triggers them
Broken grammar, also appeal to the DSM-5 as a valid tool to define who's broken. Peak reddit.

>> No.14777050

Don't worry - your parochial, ignorant attitude toward autistics is the same way Klaus Schwab and company view peons like you - as a plague upon the earth to be exterminated in favor of the elect like WEF members. When they kick down your door and take you away just remember: it's to end the suffering of untermensch like you and the pain you inflict on Gaia so the global elite can enjoy a utopia free of the prole peonage you belong to.

100 million goal of the Georgia Guidestones is to relieve you from your suffering.

>> No.14777201

That's not how medicine works, monkey. The point of medicine is not to cure people, but to solve problems. That's why the pharma jew doesn't casually kick your door to feed you with all sorts of drugs, you must first ask for drugs.

>> No.14777544

>can't look people in the eyes
why is that a problem? i haven't even met the CEO of the coompany i work for
you just let the meme learning model find the perfect employees and never have to interact with them other than irc/xmpp/slack/email

>> No.14777847

Funny thing is, I think looking people in the eyes in increasingly a boomer thing like how doing that and a firm handshake made an instant hire. Kids now are so fixated on screens that their irl interaction skills are deteriorating - in effect, creating artificial autistics in some sense. The pandemic really accelerated this tread by keeping normies at home as involuntary neets, with masks taking away their faces even - then return to schools full of alienated maskers and distancing.

>> No.14778325

>i haven't even met the CEO of the coompany i work for
Then you work for a shitty multiconglomerate but I digress. Do you think the CEO got to be a CEO/built a company without having excellent social skills?

The pandemic only hyperautistified the existing autists while doing little to nothing to hypersocialised normies precisely because they're emotionally healthier. Society, by its very definition, will never cater to those with poor social skills. Just learn to overcome your anxiety, I guarantee you'll be happier.

>> No.14778552

>Society, by its very definition, will never cater to those with poor social skills.
If it wants to live on the trees, so not really an option. Normies can't do anything but eat, shit and fuck, they are literal monkeys, autists are the only reason why these monkeys are bipedal.

>> No.14778560

tying anime to advanced computer operating systems is literally one of the oldest psy-ops

>> No.14778563

>t. another autist that cant see forest from the trees
There will always be an endless supply of autists willing to build shit.
And here is the kicker, many do it for free.
>buh buh we will just stop and then you normies will be shit flinging monkes
There is no "we" for you autists.
You will build stuff for us and you will like it and you will not do anything about it.

>> No.14778790

>Do you think the CEO got to be a CEO/built a company without having excellent social skills?
yes, he's an autistic hep-th grad who founded the coompany

>> No.14779676

You're deluded. Humanity exists because apes learned that the only way to survive is to socialise — those who didn't, died. Simple as. These normies you hate so much are the ones who built a society that allows you to behave in a way that would have gotten you killed in the past. They are the only reason you're even alive.

I'm calling bullshit on that.

>> No.14780205

It's not unheard of, especially in fintech. But even outside of fintech, there are guys like Wolfram.