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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 27 KB, 400x500, pchem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1476456 No.1476456 [Reply] [Original]

pchem, I hear its pretty fucking hard. any of you niggers take it?

>> No.1476474

not yet, taking in 1 year

>> No.1476482

I assume it's mostly quantum mechanics, so ... no. I mean it's not necessarily easy, but it can be done.

>> No.1476496

afaik it's basically differential equations + physics + general chemistry... at least, my university's pchem course was described that way.

glad i'm basically done with my chem minor and never have to take it, though.

>> No.1476501

josef, you ever take quantum mechanics?

>> No.1476509

I wouldn't have written that if I hadn't.

>> No.1476523


I thought you were a strict mathfag

>> No.1476528

Finished it. Hardness depends on the school and the instructor.

My program used it to wash out the students who weren't serious about chemistry education. I also had one instructor who was old and bitter and close to retirement, and I don't think entirely sane. He certainly didn't care about the material or the students. The grade was based on four exams, class average typically in the mid twenties, final grade based on a curve, of course.

He would ask three or four really weird questions, which had little to do with the course material. How you did was mostly a matter of luck. I got an outlandish 87 by pure luck on one exam, and that carried me through the rest of the course.

>> No.1476536

Nope, I'm a physicsfag, but the transition is pretty smooth. I like theoretical physics, so there's a lot of math involved there as well.

>> No.1476549


In a typical three quarter system, you'll have the first quarter covering mostly quantum mechanics. The later two heavily cover thermodynamics, gases, Boltzmann distributions, etc.

Calculus, PDEs, and linear algebra heavy in the first. Less so in the latter two.

>> No.1476644

graphs motherfucker, lots of them.

>> No.1476818
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not hard, will need calculus later on.

you're better off learning it by reading about the experiments that were done to establish its dogma, most professors are dicks and will confuse and mystify you. The only person that can teach you is yourself.

>> No.1476863

Organic Chemistry is harder.

Enjoy your courses OP