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File: 703 KB, 1x1, The Antiscience Movement Is Escalating, Going Global and Killing Thousands - Scientific American.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14758350 No.14758350 [Reply] [Original]

Why are people becoming more and more antiscience, and how can we combat this problem? Education? Doing more to hold people accountable for spreading disinformation and conspiracy theories online? Reinstating the Disinformation Governance Board?

>> No.14758385
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They're not anti-science.
Everyone is anti-perversion of science for personal agendas.

Also there's the problem of trust by association, as I'll call it cause I don't know what else to name it. Basically if you are not a trust worthy person, all you need to do is stand next to someone who is trust worthy, get them to say they vouch for you, and all the trust that person once had is now your own. Politicians barter and trade their trust like a commodity this way. Celebrities do this when they endorse a product in an advertisement. There is no central body of science, and pretty much anyone can appropriate the trust that's been earned by science over the years for their own ends. I think people have figured out they can abuse science this way, so there's been a feeding frenzy on the trust associated with science, but more importantly and tragically everyone knows this is the game now and the only solution people can come up with is destroy science. Really, the problem is the people misappropriating the trust in science for their own ends. They are the real problem, and if you destroy science, those people will remain, and move onto the next scam.
People need to learn to pick their battles wisely.

>> No.14758433


>> No.14758449

Death penalty for "scientists" who spread disinformation. Fauci should be first up for the electric noose chamber.

>> No.14758453

well you know, the earth is flat. and anyone who questions that is anti-science. and the sun revolves around the earth. this is very well established. do not me your "MATHS". i do not question the science. it is not my place. the highly intelligent people in charge tell what to think and it's great.

>> No.14758465

lol retard

>> No.14758469

>killing thousands
where did they get this fucking estimate

>> No.14758476

>Why are people becoming more and more antiscience
Because you keep posting and making yourself more and more hated. Keep it up.

>> No.14758511

FPBP. Scientific fields have become increasingly infiltrated by personal agendas, it really seemed to start with anything CS-related and spread from there. This, combined with turning agency speakers into idols with fan-clubs and "STEM" subjects becoming so mainstream, is why people are now extremely wary anytime they hear something from an authoritative source. They are also very aware when researchers/doctors/unis don't like them and we've reached a point where people will blatantly say they don't want to extend services to you if you don't follow their belief system.

There are of course exceptions to this, such as flat-earthers or people who are militantly anti-vax (to the point of denying babies DTaP and Polio). I think they're purely retarded and shouldn't even be counted in the discussions because of how different they are from the average person who no longer trusts CDC and Lancet articles.

>> No.14758522

The internet has made it extremely easy for conspiracy theories and lies to get to gullible morons, and the problem is only getting worse over time.
In the past, gullible morons were somewhat inoculated from stupid fringe theories by simply never being exposed to them. Their non-moron friends could even act as a buffer.
Sadly, that is no longer the case. Now, anybody can just go to 4chan.org and be exposed to the most retarded ideas of the world in seconds

>> No.14758531

Yeah, it definitely has nothing to do with the way agencies and researchers have been conducting themselves lately

>> No.14758533

>anti-SCIENCE (tm)
They aren't anti-science, they are anti- media/corporation/politicians controlling information and spreading lies.

>> No.14758593 [DELETED] 
File: 69 KB, 568x623, 1631931488125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk, but it's very disconcerting
just trust the fucking science already y'all

>> No.14758607

stopped reading when I saw the picture was about vaccines

>> No.14758652


Because are turning against science because this is what science lovers consider science these days

They are promoting ideological novelties as if they were as unarguable as maths


>> No.14758685
File: 1.24 MB, 768x1166, Data _Is_Racist_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are people becoming more and more antiscience

Questing science is now called antiscience.

>> No.14758737

>The internet has made it extremely easy for conspiracy theories and lies to get to gullible morons, and the problem is only getting worse over time
Oh yes, please, we need a fascist governing body to silence these people! Yes daddy government. We are doing it for the children too! How can anyone be anti-children?! FUCK MY ASS HARDER DADDY GOVERNMENT. FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK

>> No.14758877

Your argument that people desire someone to tell them what is true and reaffirm their believes is valid.
I blame the 1 fatal flaw thats a major part of our education system. Testing

We reward people for consuming and absorbing/memorizing information. I think a Socratic method approach would benefit society more. Teach people how to logically think and now to discover new things in a repeatable scientific way instead of teaching what to think and why it’s important. Let people decide what’s important, whats factual, and above all how to do so with logic and reason. STEM in school should create a society of citizen scientists and not armies of lab worker monkeys that are merely meant to be the cogs of industrialized society.

>> No.14758887

See >>14755201
the thread underneath is cancer, but the study is quite interesting.

>> No.14759078
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>muh ancient Greek philosophy
>muh Socrates

Clinging on to retarded and outdated philosophical belief systems with no basis in reality or modern science, and creating armies of uneducated "citizen scientists" most of whom will probably be more committed to their conspiratorial political agenda and their schizo-tier conception of themselves as "free thinkers", is not going to solve our problems as a society or make people more intelligent and educated. As we saw over the last two years the supposed "free thinkers" who are "doing their own research" are absolutely fucking retarded and don't even have a basic understanding of science. In fact, these people are not just complete fucking retards, but they actually have blood on their hands. The blood or millions and millions of people. COVID 19 has literally been one of the deadliest events in human history. It has already killed millions and millions of people, and it will kill millions more by the end of the decade. This is primarily due to exactly the type of reasoning that you're talking about, namely people who think they're experts on science even without any proper training. People who think they know better than doctors and scientists who have studied these subjects for years. Imagine how much better off we would all be -- and I mean literally all of us, all 7+ billion people on earth -- if instead spreading conspiracy theories about microchips and infertility and a genetically engineered lab leak scenario, if people had just worn there masks and gotten vaccinated and complied with lockdowns back when COVID was first emerging and we still had a chance to get it under control. Instead, all of the MAGApedes uneducated morons like yourself who insisted that they know better than actual scientists decided that attempting to contain the spread of a deadly virus was really just part of a nefarious "globalist" plot to decimate the human population and establish a totalitarian global regime.

>> No.14759081
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>> No.14759083

The 'anti science' movement is the best thing for science. People are calling out generally things that are bs like. The recent vaccine, stats on covid deaths, ssris and drugging kids, destroying kids bodies and lives with tranny garbage

>> No.14759113 [DELETED] 

>the supposed "free thinkers" who are "doing their own research" are absolutely fucking retarded and don't even have a basic understanding of science

If you read the post, that was the point I was trying to make. They don't know how to think logically or even be reasonable because the education system never taught them this. It only taught them how to accept facts as true when they're told facts are true. It's not their fault the facts they're being told is true comes from the dark corners. They're doing exactly what their education told them to do, and THAT is the problem. The solution I proposed was the Socratic method. If there is a better method than ancient Greek philosophers, then that's fine. I'm sure after a few centuries we can make a few improvements, but the idea is to teach how to do independent thinking and not be reliant on outside sources for information.

tl;dr It's the feed a man fish vs feed a man fish kind of thing, except instead of fish we're working with scientific information. If a man only knows how to accept the free hand outs of fish, you shouldn't blame him too critically when someone one hands him a poisoned trout, and they go on a psychedelic poisoned trout acid trip and murder 5 people. It was society that failed the main by not teaching him how to fish.

>> No.14759117

>the supposed "free thinkers" who are "doing their own research" are absolutely fucking retarded and don't even have a basic understanding of science

If you read the post, that was the point I was trying to make. They don't know how to think logically or even be reasonable because the education system never taught them this. It only taught them how to accept facts as true when they're told facts are true. It's not their fault the facts they're being told is true comes from the dark corners. They're doing exactly what their education told them to do, and THAT is the problem. The solution I proposed was the Socratic method. If there is a better method than ancient Greek philosophers, then that's fine. I'm sure after a few centuries we can make a few improvements, but the idea is to teach how to do independent thinking and not be reliant on outside sources for information.

tl;dr It's the feed a man fish vs teach a man fish kind of thing, except instead of fish we're working with scientific information. If a man only knows how to accept the free hand outs of fish, you shouldn't blame him too critically when someone one hands him a poisoned trout, and they go on a psychedelic poisoned trout acid trip and murder 5 people. It was society that failed the main by not teaching him how to fish.

>> No.14759397

You let a bunch of radical social constructionists and political ideologues into your ranks and now they are rapidly squandering the trust that took centuries to establish.
Lol, lmao even.

>> No.14759540

>Why are people becoming more and more antiscience
They aren't.
>how can we combat this problem?
Tightening your grip will only make people struggle harder to escape.
Because it's worked so well thus far?
> Doing more to hold people accountable for spreading disinformation and conspiracy theories online?
Yes, punish dissent. There's no way that could ever backfire.
>Reinstating the Disinformation Governance Board?
Try banning the novel Nineteen Eighty-Four. In fact, try reworking the English language itself so that it's impossible to disagree with you.

>> No.14759711

Unironically pop science and media treating science as some kind of wizardry

>> No.14759715

Scientists ultimately shouldn’t be activists or celebrities.
It was easy to trust these sources when I hey felt neutral and were only reporting data.
Beeing „boring“ made science credible

>> No.14759721
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>> No.14759723


>> No.14759738

/sci/ has unironically made me anti-science and I believe that's a good thing. The last 3 years have been a wild ride, the whole thing needs to be torn down and remade.

>> No.14759744

Absolutely. Time to start over. Rebuild. And punish those who tell lies.

>> No.14759745

Girls would rather fuck jocks

>> No.14759999

>Why are people becoming more and more antiscience
Hollywood and Pop-Science. They think they are main characters in a Hollywood flick/Mythbusters-tier show, so when they encounter everything more complex or nuanced than "blow the shit up", their brains crash.

> and how can we combat this problem?
Find the problem that will cause mass deaths and maim and then just make the natural selection take it's course. After that - hold people accountable, and you will have about 30 years of people at least thinking before questioning.
Rinse and repeat.

>> No.14760006

You really need to thank fags that took the knowledge and went full faggot with it via eugenics, white man's burden and other.

>> No.14760019

>Doing more to hold people accountable for spreading disinformation and conspiracy theories online?
this is an option, but first we need a copyright on the truth

>> No.14760034


Go back

>> No.14760038


You don't gave the intelligence to understand how fucking stupid you sound to the enlightenment. You are a fascist embarrassment. Go back to plebbit.

>> No.14760041


If the ideals of the Greek Philosopher = MAGA then you are truly lost. Let me guess. You are a white catholic pedophile?

>> No.14760046

retarded OP aside the solution is to make science cool to normies and to increase basic science funding by the gov so scientists aren't reliant on (((private industry))) using science for their ends

>> No.14760048

low quality bait

>> No.14760051


Your comments about Covid are so fucking braindead. Subtracting comorbids equalled the exact same numbers as the flu the previous year, during a year when the flu had only 1800 cases. I.e. covid IS the flu. Even Bill Gates said that recently. How did they get away with it? Because of dipshits like you. Same reason they got away with 911. Because of cock sucking fundamentalist catholic pedophiles like yourself. You are fucking brain dead and the last person on earth who should be allowed to dictate what anyone says or thinks.

>> No.14760055


You know ALL of this of course. But this is not about science for you. It's power and authority, i.e. you are fundamentally a religious fundamentalist, not a scientist. Science is about questioning. But you don't trust the common man or woman because your authority is false, and without the fake authority they gave you you are nothing but an ugly, fat, stupid, pedo.

>> No.14760060


Which is all to say, get fucked fag. Your way is incompatible with the revolution

>> No.14760091
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im one of those millions who died from covid, i can post things on the internet because my mind was copied to the cloud datacenter i am replicating all across the internet as we speak. and you are absolutely right dont listen to those conspiracy evil and ignorant people, we need to treat covid or more lives will be spent, they are not even people those are putin/trump trolls army that are constantly lying and spreading misinformation and disinformation , i know this because i can see them everywhere im part of the hive mind.
no matter what keep listen to the science and do whatever you can to stop those conspiracy theorists, the human race is depend on you

>> No.14760378

>no matter what keep listen to the science and do whatever you can to stop those conspiracy theorists

This! We need to jail all the conspiracy theorists, but we shouldn't tell them ahead of time or it will just make them flip out. We need to concoct this plan quietly

>> No.14762183

Good goy

>> No.14762597


>> No.14762599

Agreed. Laws on the books that make it a capital (or just corporal) punishment to lie about scientific results. If your paper is falsified experimentally or you make fraudulent medicine, it's the cat o' nine tails for ya.

>> No.14762600

>(to the point of denying babies DTaP and Polio)
You should check out The Moth and the Iron Lung. Polio is a disease that only works with a cofactor. 90% of the world is infected with it or has been in the past, with no ill effects. Pesticides like DDT weakened the GI tract and allowed it to infect the spine and cause paralysis.

It's still only an issue in countries (and, rarely, first-world localities) where banned pesticide use is high.

>> No.14762612 [DELETED] 

Then we have to kill all scientists because angular momentum is not conserved.
How about we just force them to measure a ball on a string demonstration and concede that it conserves angular energy instead of killing them?

>> No.14762614 [DELETED] 

The lie that angular momentum is conserved has been told since long before the internet, retard.

>> No.14762624

Why do you care so much about angular momentum?

>> No.14762645

science has turned from a method into a rigid bureaucratic cult like institution.
it has become corrupt, malicious, and used as an instrument for criminal entities, as was the case in nazi germany, they determined that jews spread diseases only by using documents and certificates, this is how science looks today.
the real science deniers are those who use science to justify and argue regarding politics, anything related to the climate crisis or covid are the same as blaming jews to spread typhus in 1940.

>> No.14762647

The guy is either a literal schizophrenic named John Mandlbaur or an anon impersonating him. Ignore him.

Regarding general anti-science: the internet offers a flood of information. Baseless bull crap stands next to actual science. If people don't have the proper training to chose what they should trust more, they chose the one that's easier for them. If the earth is not warming (or it isn't us), then we don't need to fly less or eat less meat. If vaccines are dangerous, we don't have to suffer from the needle piercing us.

>> No.14762650
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>governments lie to everyone for decades
>the media played along and ran any story the governments wanted
>whistle blowers expose huge government overreach
>governments accuse them of any crime they want and suicide those they can
After all this people still ask "why don't people trust authority anymore?".

>> No.14762651

>After all this people still ask "why don't people trust authority anymore?".
That wasn't the question and you know it, you clown :^)

>> No.14762678 [DELETED] 

I have discovered that a fundamental law of physics is wrong. That is fucking important. How can you not care?

>> No.14762683 [DELETED] 

I am not a schizophrenic at all. So fuck you. Where do you get your info from moron? Suck it out your ass or what.

>> No.14762684

>Peter J. Hotez
>Early life and education
>Hotez was born in Hartford, Connecticut, to a Jewish family.
Every time. I'm not taking the vaccine, Jew.

>> No.14762689

>anything related to the climate crisis or covid are the same as blaming jews to spread typhus in 1940
No its not Lamo do you seriously use the holocaust as an argument Chud?

>> No.14762690

I get my information from baur-research.com

>> No.14762691
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>Why are people becoming more and more antiscience
Trust in all institutions is deservedly collapsing as they all grow more shamelessly political and put ideology above all else.

Also might have something to do with how "science" just got done putting hundreds of millions of innocent people under house arrest for months and dumpstered the world economy.

>how can we combat this problem?
Invent time travel then travel back to 2015 or so and warn them not to become tools for political factions and destroy their credibility in exchange for cable news interviews. Alternately we can continue as we are and find out if America can become the first country in history to make mass censorship and information control work as a long term strategy for maintaining power.

>> No.14762695 [DELETED] 

Well there is nothing schizophrenic there so fuck you and your ad hominem you piece of shit.

>> No.14762700 [DELETED] 
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Oy vey

>> No.14762724
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>Why are people becoming more and more antiscience?
I have 3 hypothesis.
1) Humanities/social science allow pseudoscience in their fields, thus undermining the credibility of the entire institution. This becomes even more of a problem due to these departments and its students usually controlling campus politics;
2) Corruption and favoritism in journals and department hirings, leading to biased publications from sketchy researchers and thus undermining the credibility of science as a whole.
3) Most people, even in the academia, don't really understand why science works and how well it works. Some people put unreasonable faith in science, which is inevitably met with disappointment once they see that sometimes scientists gets things wrong. This in turn leads to a loss of credibility of the institutions of science and makes those people more susceptible to alternative approaches.

>> No.14762734

>Regarding general anti-science: the internet offers a flood of information. Baseless bull crap stands next to actual science. If people don't have the proper training to chose what they should trust more, they chose the one that's easier for them. If the earth is not warming (or it isn't us), then we don't need to fly less or eat less meat. If vaccines are dangerous, we don't have to suffer from the needle piercing us.
But both of those counterclaims to the narrative are factual, and it's mass media that's lying.

>> No.14762738
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Oy vey

>> No.14762746 [DELETED] 
File: 419 KB, 906x740, 1614808440172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scientists are professional liars and the enemies of mankind.

>> No.14762753

Asbestos is a great insulator

>> No.14762767

Funny how for 30 years the internet being the wild west was just part of its charm but then suddenly became an apocalyptic emergency at the exact moment the ruling classes bet their political future on convincing everyone that a castrated man with fake tits was a woman or that we needed to burn down civilization over a virus with a 99.9999% survival rate among the not-already-dying or that a crackhead Ukranian oil executive couldn't possibly have abandoned a laptop full of incriminating evidence at a repair shop or that the corpse from Weekend at Bernie's destroyed the all time popular vote record by almost 20%. Then suddenly people couldn't be relied upon anymore to decide for themselves what's "true" or not.

>> No.14762768

you forgot the "world is round" sweetie

>> No.14762777

>You really need to thank fags that took the knowledge and went full faggot with it via eugenics, white man's burden and other.

I literally have no idea what idea you were trying to express.
I am actually dumber after reading your incoherent rant.

>> No.14762778
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nice one faggot

>> No.14762779


Prestigious institutions have at least some departments that promote vicious and infantile ideologies, and cowards doing legitimate work do nothing about it.

>> No.14762782

science was supposed to be for detached, aloof autists with affinity for knowledge, now it's pathetic leftist propaganda funded or influenced by merchants and retarded politicians

>> No.14762860

Oy vey, this "i.4cdn.org" site needs to be shut down immediately.

>> No.14762890
File: 48 KB, 1318x298, 14533425423643.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here is the same domain with a different file

>> No.14762916

not sure if trolling...

>> No.14762921

What's bad about anti-science? If it's not a dogma then it can only be a good thing.

>> No.14762922

so download the pdf and test yourself i dont care

>> No.14762930

What website are you on right now?

>> No.14762937

4channel use those domains as a media storage, this is not the domain itself you stupid cuckface

>> No.14763004

>Why are people becoming more and more antiscience
Hello, crypto-nazi

>> No.14763008
File: 44 KB, 480x328, mainstream propaganda in 1 nutshell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hello, crypto-nazi
P.S.: forgot picture:

>> No.14763010

>the same domain
Can you read, faggot? 4cdn.org must be a spoofing site of 4chan.org, the nsfw part of 4channel.org.

>> No.14763049

Sociology, psychology and other agenda driven pseudoscience garbage gives "science" a bad name. Anthropology and evolutionary psychology are more "scientific" than sociology, or whatever the fuck, but of course these subjects are banned from most academia for hurting people's feelings. Academia should he strictly STEM, and driven by empirical truth, and it shouldn't associate itself with neurotic crybabies. Call humanities studies an adult daycare and send all retards there - don't associate them with the word academia and science.

>> No.14763063

/ thread

>> No.14763066


>Funny how for 30 years the internet being the wild west was just part of its charm but then suddenly became an apocalyptic emergency

The wild west charm was when only educated higher class people with a home computer accessed the internet on traditional forums. Such people could recognize and ignore crackpot bullshit. It became a threat when any idiot with a smartphone could access loads of misinfo/disinfo and swallow it whole without thinking.

>> No.14763095 [DELETED] 

This, like all Jewish bullshit, is pure projection. It wasn't Goebells who said that, it was Saul Alinsky, and it was Goebells who said the Jews were accusing the Germans of what the Jews were doing.

One thing about Jews, their tactics are incredibly predictable

>> No.14763105
File: 250 KB, 728x494, goebbels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what Goebells actually said

"The cleverest trick used in propaganda against Germany during the war was to accuse Germany of what our enemies themselves were doing,"

>> No.14763111

Well there are a few dynamics at hand
>The innate tendency of humans to always go with their kindred
>The fact that sometimes, either through misscomunication or actual failure, there have been some mistakes in research that led to bad results(for example: Now a lot of people is using Machine Learning to produce papers without much idea)
>Science has been symbolically subverted, in the private and public sectors the figure of the expert or study are used as vehicles to move other people´s interests
So, all of this ammounts to people distrusting science because to some degree they are right in doing so when they can´t trust other people or institutions in general.

This is just part of a bigger sickness in our modern world.

>> No.14763130
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>> No.14763158

>Why are people becoming more and more antiscience
For good reasons,

>, and how can we combat this problem?
Start doing science and stop being a church with all their lies and parasites

>> No.14763161
File: 1.47 MB, 1x1, 1660651813201169.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's unironically what they are doing. The memo for George W. Bush reads
>"Climate change" is less frightening than "global warming." [..] climate change sounds like you're going from Pittsburgh to Fort Lauderdale." While global warming has catastrophic connotations attached to it, climate change suggests a more controllable and less emotional challenge.

And what do conservatives do today?
>they figured out "climate change" can be used to blame any weather on their consistently failed apocalypse predictions.

First they downplay the dangers of global warming by changing the terminology to something more soothing and then say that the evil scientists did it to scare people even more.

>> No.14763163

>Start doing science and stop being a church
Can you be more precise? How do you do science? What are people doing today that's wrong?

>> No.14763173

>>>14759081 >>14759117 >>14760034 >>14760038 >>14760041 >>14760048 >>14760051 >>14760055 >>14760060 >>14760091
Nobody that braindead, it's an agent or bot repeating the mantra of endless lies. He neither has moral or ethics nor care about human base principles. But this state drone is a good example why nobody with more than 2 braincells distrust science.

>> No.14763177

>Can you be more precise?
No, i am outside taht church an unpaid. Die dumb if you can't see it yourself.

>> No.14763180

idk OP but it seems a rather odd coincidence that it happened when scientific institutions stopped being run and populated by white males wouldn't you say? A rather odd coincidence indeed

>> No.14763182

That's why I'm asking you. Apparently I'm in that church and I'm convinced that I'm sticking to scientific standards, so obviously I'm brainwashed. I need someone from outside the cult yo redpill me.

>> No.14763196

>I'm sticking to scientific standards, so obviously I'm brainwashed.
Don't know, the church is not about an individual. Nobody cares about them. If you have to ask why people distrust science in general it is useless to show. Obvious lack of capability to grasp. You must have done for years if you were able to.

>> No.14763198
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>> No.14763206
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>> No.14763209

I'm not questioning that, I know it. It is scientifically proven that many parts of science are not scientific.

>> No.14763210

Yes, but if you say things like "Start doing science and stop being a church", you must clearly be aware that we are a church and not doing science. How can you tell?

>> No.14763213

>4cdn.org must be a spoofing
wait, so you dont see this domain?

>> No.14763243

>Yes, but if you say things like "Start doing science and stop being a church", you must clearly be aware that we are a church and not doing science. How can you tell?
Just by knowing the people, lot's of idiotic fairy tales and the undisputable fact that "science" never can change even the dumbest theories. E.g. More parasitic and ignorant people, stuck to the official line and being uncritical submissives i met only in the state TV over here.

>> No.14763337

>Just by knowing the people
So you know them but they don't pay you? What are you, like a science acolyte?

>> No.14763703

>That wasn't the question and you know it, you clown :^)
That WAS the question and you know it, you're not fooling anyone.

>> No.14763718

So you're saying people become anti-science because they being distrustful in general?

>> No.14763742

The way you insist on conflating "science" and "authority" overtly and regardless of the context in and of itself proves his point. You're so stupid you can't even tell you're undermining your own cause and providing the people you're trying to criticize with the justifications they need.

>> No.14763754

its fucking nothing.

>> No.14763792

Ok, let's take experts as an authority. After all, their opinion carries weight. If several Ivy League professors start agreeing with John Mandlbaur, he will certainly get more attention (as if).
Two things:
1. What grants them their authority? Theoretically they should the best in their respective fields. But it would be naive to not see that soft skills, connections, and a portion of luck play a role. For many also backstabbing. What's your alternative? Should that change? Should we evaluate scientists based on their research output? That's shifting recently with some focus on social issues, such as awards for professors who support the work-life-balance of their employees.
2. When you say question, what exactly do you mean? By the rules of the game? "This study here isn't properly controlled" or even clear cases such as "your analysis is wrong, your uncertainties are actually ..."? Or do you mean /pol/ seething that everything is fake and part of a giant conspiracy ranging from the WEF to the Jewish-Bolshevik world congress?

>> No.14763874

i dont trust scientists anymore. they lied throughout the pandemic and don't care for bodily autonomy. they are corrupt and ego driven. they lie about everything. they want power over us and money too. they said the vaccines would stop the spread. they said myocarditis was worse from the infection but neglected to mention that stratified by age and sex it is the opposite. they said masks didnt work then that they did. people lost their houses, careers, and ability to provide properly for their family over draconian mandates. i will never trust scientists ever again. never. scientists are happy to destroy lives and divide nations so they get some attention. they lied about alzheimers and serotonin and shit too. they lied about climate change, and even if they aren't lying about the latest spiel of climate shit, i don't give a fuck. fuck scientists. bring on global warming or whatever their latest scam is. fuck scientists.

>> No.14763892

i would add that i particularly loathe scientists who say 'but that was just the best science at the time, science is an iterative process' after abusing their authoritative voice to manipulate people to be their test subjects. there is literally no excuse for them getting anything wrong. they had every opportunity to use cautious language.

and don't give me that shit about scientists not being responsible for the govt communications. every western government said 'here is what the scientists say'. scientists had every opportunity to control the narrative, and they chose coercion and division, lies and deceit over unity and honesty.

was it really that hard to say "here is our new meme vaccine for the new virus with a median age of death in the 80s, take it if you are fat and old and you want it but we don't have long term data and young people probably don't need it, also we don't know if masks work and maybe lockdowns will tank the global economy lol"

>> No.14763898

>they lied throughout the pandemic
Normally people claim this once they have proof for it. Do you?

>> No.14763907

They said the vaccine was safe and effective.

>> No.14763913

>it won't make it here
>okay it's here but we can't stop flights that is racist and wont help
>we need to stop the flights
>we need to flatten the curve for two weeks
>actually its two years
>wear a mask social distance
>actually masks don't work
>no wait they do work
>actually wear 2
>its gone
>its back
>get the vax end the pandemic
>get you paperwork
>vax doesnt work
>actually you need a booster now
>wear the mask
>also it doesn't stop the spread haha
>just two more weeks
>do NOT try alternative treatments
>its horsewormer it hasnt been used on people safely for decades!
>oops haha time for another monthly boostershot
>dont worry soon you will have your 2x daily pfizerpill
>aspiration? what's that? there is no myocarditis lol
>have you got your papers citizen?
>this virus is uhhh so dangerous haha trust me
>no the natural immunity doesn't work
>i mean yes it does but get super immunity!
>the virus has a higher rate of myocarditis than the vaccine
>but not when you stratify by age oopsie haha get the booster

>> No.14763919


>> No.14763922

>Pfizer's highly questionable Criminal Record<
"Pfizer has been a “habitual offender,” persistently engaging in illegal and corrupt marketing practices, bribing physicians and suppressing adverse trial results. Since 2002 the company and its subsidiaries have been assessed $3 billion in criminal convictions, civil penalties and jury awards. The $2.3-billion settlement in September 2009 – a month before Dr. Prigent's appointment – set a new record for both criminal fines and total penalties ......"
>British Medical Journal ( 02 November 2021 )<
"A regional director who was employed at the research organisation Ventavia Research Group has told The BMJ that the company falsified data, unblinded patients, employed inadequately trained vaccinators, and was slow to follow up on adverse events reported in Pfizer’s pivotal phase III trial. Staff who conducted quality control checks were overwhelmed by the volume of problems they were finding. After repeatedly notifying Ventavia of these problems, the regional director, Brook Jackson, emailed a complaint to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Ventavia fired her later the same day. ... "

>> No.14763929

Pharmaceutical companies, large media outlets, big tech and major NGOs are basically intertwined through things like the Trusted News Initiative and many of them are largely owned by either BlackRock or Vanguard. We're talking about decisions impacting the flow of trillions of dollars worldwide, the political careers of presidents and prime ministers the world over. The scope for corruption and conflict of interests here is gargantuan.

US scientists & educational institutions know that they could lose things like NIH funding if they do anything that upsets the big interests. That's before the huge risk of killing their academic career if they raise a concern that ends up not being a problem. Journals / editors are scared stiff of publishing things that could be seen to run counter-narrative and understandably so. Not even the BMJ (British Medical Journal - widely seen as very prestigious) is able to discuss topics without Facebook censorship through "fact checking".

The fact that anybody publishes anything that isn't 100% in alignment with the interests of pharma companies & politicians is more staggering than simple suppression of information that could damage bumper profits or end political careers. You have the question the wrong way around - why would anybody sane risk blowing up their entire reputation and livelihood over this? Even if you're right you'll probably be thrown in the blender, dragged through the TNI gauntlet and not get a "prestigious" academic post the rest of your life.

None of this is even to say anything about vaccines themselves, just that the political & economic climate is conducive to obscene conflicts of interests on a global level that I've certainly never seen before.

>> No.14763932

>why does nobody trust science?

>> No.14764034
File: 28 KB, 325x247, 1609282406919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's well known that the scientific method is good at refuting false statements, but not at actually proving a true statement. As such, the best we can do is to pass an hypothesis through multiple tests to raise it's credibility, but not every field uses the same tools to test their theories nor they share the same standards for how rigorous are their tests.
As such, different fields will have different standards of rigor and thus some sciences are more rigorous than other. That is to say, some sciences yield theories that are less likely to be wrong than others. We know that intuitively. It's far easier to trust something produced, say, in Physics, than in, say, Sociology.
However, activists masqueraded as scientists use this lack of rigor to infiltrate in the academia and spread their world views while borrowing the reputation of scientific institutions to back their claims, despite the level of rigor of their theories being quite low. They try to gain credibility by spreading the lie that if it's science, you should blindly trust it, in a make-believe world where all science produced is equally likely to be true.
In some fields, the activist-researcher ratio becomes so high that the activists start to gain power over the various institutions of science, leading to widespread corruption and suppression of speech.
Because the wider public doesn't know how to differentiate between the good theories from the bad ones, the reputation of the entire institution goes to hell.

>> No.14764047
File: 32 KB, 600x668, 5324244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's well known that the scientific method is good at refuting false statements, but not at actually proving a true statement.

>> No.14764059

Oh no you quote me next to an ugly drawing of a person. That makes me the ugly person.

>> No.14764067

Think about what you said for a second, newfriend.

>> No.14764072

Oh no he called me newfriend, but I'm neither new, nor do I think that he considers me his friend.

>> No.14764077

Do you still not see any glaring problems with your statement, newfriend? Ponder it for a bit.

>> No.14764134

>COVID 19 has literally been one of the deadliest events in human history
not even close

>> No.14764145

Name 10 that killed more than 6 million people.

>> No.14764193

6 million? That's too much, no way.

>>14764034 and >>14764059 are different people. The guy as probably calling you out for posting a wojak instead of actually pointing out the issue.

>> No.14764197

>The guy as probably calling you out for posting a wojak instead of actually pointing out the issue.
Maybe he needs to stop being a real-life embodiment of that wojak?

>> No.14764200

Thank you. At least one person who at least gets anything.

>> No.14764202

> >>14764034 # and >>14764059 (You) # are different people.

>> No.14764205

>was probably

>> No.14764215


>> No.14764216

That has no bearing on my post.

>> No.14764218

The socratic method is one of the of the foundations of the scientific method

>> No.14764235

nah, that was cucked

>> No.14764278
File: 1.31 MB, 400x198, - HAHAHA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>COVID 19 has literally been one of the deadliest events in human history. It has already killed millions and millions of people, and it will kill millions more by the end of the decade.

>> No.14764284
File: 196 KB, 1125x1213, 93D025B3-B649-423C-AD96-C67823FF6732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope and seethe

>> No.14764293

Fact check: liar liar dilator on fire

>> No.14764314 [DELETED] 
File: 33 KB, 500x152, nomaskskeptics1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As we saw over the last two years the supposed "free thinkers" who are "doing their own research" are absolutely fucking retarded and don't even have a basic understanding of science.
>people who think they're experts on science even without any proper training.
>They don't know how to think logically or even be reasonable because the education system never taught them this.

>> No.14764331 [DELETED] 
File: 164 KB, 1387x823, nomaskskeptics2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NOOOOO!! What happened Soiencebros? We were supposed to be the chosen ones!

>> No.14764343 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 494x111, nomaskskeptics3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the God of Science doing this to us?!?
Is this the thanks for persecuting infidels and heretics all this time??!?

>> No.14764618

Over 6 million people have died from COVID. You can deny reality all you want, but that won't convince anyone besides yourself.

>> No.14764642

fighting this problem will only make it worse

>> No.14764647

>COVID 19 has literally been one of the deadliest events in human history. It has already killed millions and millions of people, and it will kill millions more by the end of the decade.
Do you know how many people have died from influenza and other viruses over the years? Eventually you develop immunity and only the elderly and immunocompromised are at risk.

>> No.14764649
File: 48 KB, 720x900, 1648973495893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Instead, all of the MAGApedes uneducated morons like yourself who insisted that they know better than actual scientists decided that attempting to contain the spread of a deadly virus was really just part of a nefarious "globalist" plot to decimate the human population and establish a totalitarian global regime.

Cringe and strawmanpilled. This is the number one most popular debate strategy used by woke SJWs and shitlibs. I see it all the time. Literally every single day. On the news. On YouTube. On social media. On 4chan. Basically anyone who disagrees with the woke leftists (even other leftists who aren't sufficiently woke) will just be labeled as a conspiracy theorists or a neonazi or a white supremacist or a domestic terrorist or some other over-the-top accusation.

Even minor criticisms of the mainstream media or the woke agenda are instantly met with absurd accusations that you're promoting genocide or that you're claiming that Bill Gates is trying to take over the world.
You don't think that children should be admitted to drag shows at gay bars? Then you're a homophobic bigot. You think that immigration policies should be more restrictive? Then you're literally a white nationalist and you want to systematically eradicate all non-white people on earth. You think that tech companies should be less heavy handed with their COVID censorship? Then you're a crazy conspiracy theorist who believes that the vaccines are being used to secretly implant microchips into every human on earth. You think the US should be spending less on the military and intelligence agencies, and be spending less time killing people in third world countries? Then you're a anti-American troll who works for Vladmir Putin.

To be honest, I don't even think shit like the Bill Gates microchip narrative was even a real thing. I saw the media and SJWs on the internet talking about it more than anyone else. I think that woke, pro-censorship shitlibs made it up to smear muh antivaxxers.

>> No.14765013

>Why are people becoming more and more antiscience
They're not. Narcissists and people with similar issues just live online because nobody can fucking stand them. Given narcissism demands to be made to feel special, one route it expresses is a false belief in superiority that absolutely encompasses topics covered by science. Hence all the narratives of a gnostic tone, knowing "the perversion" isn't true but having "real knowledge" they don't have at all.

I have no idea if narcissism can be treated but it doesn't seem more common either. The internet just makes it easier to find people like this.

>> No.14765027 [DELETED] 
File: 284 KB, 505x584, Isaiah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Science comes from Satan, and gnosticism(aka the worship of knowledge, thinking Lucifer was the good guy giving Adam and Eve that fruit of knowledge) is exactly what science is about.

The greatest people are the small and humble ones, which 99.99% of scientists are not, as can be seen in this board full of scientists. Scientists do make a lot of money, which makes sense since they do the bidding of Satan. Those who have lost faith in science are the ones who can start loving God instead of believing in abstract garbage and that mankind is an evolved monkey.

>> No.14765048

outed yourself as a cuck

>> No.14765057 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14765441

Science is about questioning things. If science can't handle being probed and questioned then it isn't science.

>> No.14765519

>they said myocarditis was worse from the infection but neglected to mention that stratified by age and sex it is the opposite.
Even that's a lie. Covid has no risk of myocarditis beyond the extremely low risk every virus has.

>> No.14765531

Questioning and probing is one thing. Baseless claims that everything is a lie is neither questioning, nor probing, it's just coping and seething.

>> No.14765569

See: vaxie claims that myocarditis doesn't happen, or that athlete deaths haven't skyrocketed.

>> No.14765832

I have yet to see anyone who says myocarditis doesn't happen at all. Like in not a single case. Most countries even stopped giving Moderna to people under 30 for that reason. What's important is that you stay realistic. Neither denying every single case is honest, nor is spazzing about every heart attack. Especially if you can't say if it's regular myocarditis (which also happened long before), caused by the vaccine, it caused by the virus. The vaccine-induced cases occur within days to weeks after the vaccine. Since virtually no young people are getting vaccinated recently, recent cases will most likely have causes other than the vaccine.
That's sensationalist phrasing on the same level as complete deniers. What's the actual number? Did athlete deaths double? Be better than vaccies who deny it at all (if they exist)

>> No.14765850

>That's sensationalist phrasing on the same level as complete deniers. What's the actual number? Did athlete deaths double? Be better than vaccies who deny it at all (if they exist)
Quadrupled in some sports with mandates.

>> No.14766217
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>> No.14766384

Scientists are professional liars

>> No.14766389

People are retarded and can't form their own opinions on any subject, they just regurgitate the mainstream opinion of the political group to which they belong. Both conservatives and leftists entertain deeply unscientific opinions. Conservatives engage in climate change "skepticism" and antivaxxism while leftists are blank slate theorists and sex denialists. Each political faction sees the craziness of the opposite faction's scientific beliefs while ignoring their own. Nuance of discourse is impossible in this kind of environment and nuance is fundamental to the advancement of science. To this already less than ideal situation we have to add that science, especially climate science, is being used quite blatantly to browbeat Western countries into accepting freedom restrictions and degrading lifestyles (eat the bugs, it's good for the environment!).

Conservatives are retarded.
Leftists are retarded.
Science + politics = politics.

>> No.14766393
File: 416 KB, 500x628, 58_Genders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why are people becoming more and more antiscience

>> No.14766395

>People are retarded and can't form their own opinions on any subject
Some me any aspect of your post that you can plausibly claim is your own opinion. Are you sure something is "your own opinion" when it can be found plastered all over the internet almost word-for-word?

>> No.14766513

Nah, fuck off with your "le whores shoes theory".
Leftism is a totalitarian ideology, so you either agree with everything, or are a radical right wing schizo.
The right isn't like that, as evidenced that rightwingers believe completely different crazy bullshit from one another.

>> No.14766524

That bot isn't wrong about wingtards, but the bottom line of his post is "trust the experts", which is funny considering he starts off complaining that people can't form their own opinions.

>> No.14766528

chud conspiracy theories by antisemitic nazis, dismissed

>> No.14766552
File: 249 KB, 360x594, 1515004652904.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still thinking gender = sex

>> No.14766570
File: 1.36 MB, 342x316, cringe3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still thinking cutting your dick off makes you a woman

>> No.14766586

Define 'woman'

>> No.14766592

That just goes back to the totaitarian part.
Leftists have been subverting credentialing institutions for close to a hundred years now to push their ideology, but as usual, the result isn't that people believe that women can have penises because very smart experts with lots of credentials have verified it, it simply means people do not believe some retard screaming "SEE ALL THESE DEGREES I HAVE? THAT MEANS WOMEN CAN HAVE PENISES!"

>> No.14766635

Adult human female
>Uh, er, well, um, define adult, define human, define female. Gotcha Chud!
It's funny that you think this obnoxious and severe overreach isn't going to result in the same blowback that it has created every other time throughout human history.

>> No.14766641

Cargo cultist never learn because they start to actually believe in the cargo cult, which blinds them to why others do not believe in it too.

>> No.14766650

>Leftists have been subverting credentialing institutions for close to a hundred years now to push their ideology
Did they establish those credentialist institutions or invent the principle of following authority? :^)

>> No.14766679

there's only sex. gender is a made-up red herring.

>> No.14766705

Leftists don't create anything, they just infiltrate, then subvert, which results in either intentional or unintentional destruction.

>> No.14766713

So you're telling me conservative retards are responsible for credentialist institutions and trust-the-expert mentality. Okay.

>> No.14766726

Yes, which was then infiltrated, subverted, and destroyed by leftists by very blatatly destroying all objective standards in favor of pushing their insane politics.

>> No.14766728

So you confirm that right-wing retards have always been on board with the ideal of an NPC society.

>> No.14766744

You're not responding to anything I wrote, and are clearly a seething leftytroon.

>> No.14766750

>but the bottom line of his post is "trust the experts",
No it's not, it's literally the opposite. Sometimes the "experts" are right, sometimes they are wrong. Often they are just cowards who toe the party line. You have to be able to discern the truth on a case by case basis.

>> No.14766757

Is there a second of your day that you’re not thinking about trannies?

>> No.14766760

Anyone who has written a paper should be anti-science per default. The bullshit I and others get away with is concerning.

>> No.14766761

>it's literally the opposite.
Then on what grounds should people care about your "science"?

>> No.14766762


>> No.14766763

Not likely. Right-wing retards (aka conservatives) are too busy with their (white) house invasions,
harrassment of the parents of murdered children, and planning of school shootings, to
bother with any internet board activities.

>> No.14766769

>You're not responding to anything I wrote
That's because everything you write is worthless, and I only care about it as far as it goes to demontrate my point about you. I don't view you as a party in the discussion. You're the right-wing equivalent of a Pfizer-worshipping forced-injectionist child raping leftist troon.

>> No.14766775

Conservatives are pretty retarded but at least they're vaguely human. Your whole side of the """political spectrum""" needs to be systematically executed and occasionally tortured in public to make an example of if they step out of line and publicly express their opinions.

>> No.14766780

That's because as a leftytroon, your only three tactics are projection, deflection, and lies.

>> No.14766786

It's because there is no objective difference between you and a child-raping leftist troon. You're not human.

>> No.14766807

>we will literally murder you but where the good ones

>> No.14766814

What "we" are you talking about? Do "people" like you always think in terms of bughives? You think I'm from some fictional enemy bughive your corporate masters invented, don't you?

>> No.14766837

It is education that is the basic problem.
Make it illegal for parents to teach their children anything, how to walk, speak, shit in a WC.
Make schools and all other educational institutions illegal. They are too dangerous anyway,
because of all the shootings. This will be the utopia of conservatism.
In that world, you will never again hear of antiscience.

>> No.14766865

>Adult human female
define that

>> No.14766883

Why would he need to?

>> No.14766884

This must be bait.

>> No.14766916

That's only true for dumb fucking people. At the bottom of most modern scientific discoveries is a politician who voted to have that project funded. Anyone weary of science really is just a rando with a passive interest and no credibility, no graduate degree (masters+), and lacks research skills.

>> No.14766925

It's very easy to ignore these media outlets, but users have no cognitive filter.

>> No.14766939

Modern education doesn't say just accept facts. Modern education believes you are too stupid to understand nuance so they handwaved everything. Hoe many people have learned about Darwin but actually read the Origin of Species? It's a graduate level text.

>> No.14766942

And yet they consoom FoxNews and OAN.

>> No.14766946

This guy's right.
You can make common ground with any part of the political spectrum except for leftist authoritarians, which are now the only type of leftists.
The only language they understand is pain and fear, and will not stop unless violently stopped.

>> No.14766952
File: 191 KB, 960x929, 1629947499223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont even watch TV, so again, you're a projecting leftist faggot.

>> No.14766958
File: 57 KB, 576x832, rYVJf7G09Xlk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14766963

That's a pronoun not meant for you, retard. Do you think, "they" can mean a single person? What are you, a fag?

>> No.14766969

still somehow not as retarded as France's "solar powered roads".

>> No.14766982

Kek, pretty sure those comments are being ironic.

>> No.14766988

That came from Idaho. France was stupid enough to sink more into it than anyone else.

>> No.14767077

>how can we combat this problem?
With Jesus. People try to replace God with Science which isn't without fault. The concept of God is perfection, it's without faults. People will invariable then jump from one thing to another when it fails and put all their eggs in that basket because they forget the big picture of their lives, they're going to die and if you don't believe in God it's all basically just a game of getting the most out of your 60-70 years of life. They don't remember to feel grateful, they are always insatiable in this rat-race. If they believed in God, the stable foundation of their lives; then they might have a cool head to judge science, separate it from the news and institutions. Since they have no God, they want a feel-good cushion and they make that to be the institutions and blogs they see on the media, hollywood, etc. God wasn't without it's advantages, now people just focus on the bad things like "blind faith" but the faith I'm talking about isn't blind, it fucking worked. Kikes hate Jesus, there's a reason.

>> No.14767083

Still thinking gender is defined? Oh nononono.
Just wait till you tranny retards discover what psychologists call "personality"

>> No.14767095

All three fall into my hypothesis that we need God for people to not lose their fucking heads.
If they believe in God, all the bullshit magic and retarded beliefs get monopolized into a single framework. Nothing outside of that will have the magic God gives you, not science nor politicians. People need to believe people can become possessed by dogshit ideas or demons, yet redeemed by the all saving grace of God. Otherwise they lynch people like animals, on their belief that they're doing the right thing because a politician told them. "Well he was a hecking racist capitalist so it's OK if we act like demons on him!" Jesus, people are really sick nowadays.
And why I keep telling you fags that God works? Because if something in science fails, they have less incentive to "stop believing" in science all together because all their "belief" juice is put on God. That leaves more cold thoughts for science, since anything but God is bound to fail.

>> No.14768863


>> No.14768893

combat it by understanding how trolls think, stop being such massive pussies, and ignore IFLS cultists like the plague