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File: 83 KB, 1200x900, healthy-food-for-eyes-1200x900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14761186 No.14761186 [Reply] [Original]

wtf does it even mean that foods 'promote eye health'. they certainly don't improve eyesight. do they prevent eye related diseases? what do they mean when they say that?

>> No.14761813

Maybe the eye requires molecules in those foods to repair and rebuild the molecules that make up and make the eye work? And maybe getting a lacking of those, is conducive to eye problems over time?

>> No.14761836

Lycopene, rutin, lutein, spirulina, bilbery, eyebright. Completely unfucks my eyes if I spent too long doing something strenuous on my PC.

>> No.14762029

it means dumb retarded cattle like this kind of inane content
>muh stronk eyeball muscles eat the mango stronk

>> No.14762347

> nootropics shill spotted

>> No.14762532

>do they prevent eye related diseases? what do they mean when they say that?
Well, for one thing, vitamin A deficiency causes photosensitivity and night blindness. If severe enough, your retina will turn into keratin, resulting in total and permanent blindness. If you eat enough food containing vitamin A or its precursors then it's only natural that you will never have to worry about vitamin A deficiency.
Additionally, the progression of certain diseases such as macular degeneration and retinitis pigmentosa are slowed by certain vitamin supplements--always involving some form of Vitamin A--albeit this is not a prevention or a cure.

>> No.14762539

You need lead.

>> No.14762786

Yes, turmeric IS good for the eyes.

>> No.14762793
File: 65 KB, 618x597, 1654252672380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

animals do what their body requests, and are based, people are cringe