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14759708 No.14759708 [Reply] [Original]

Why is dowsing in survival magazines or guides, is dowsing a pseudoscience or are their use genuine?

>> No.14759710

It's not even pseudoscience, it's a complete scam.

>> No.14759740

i've seen it work
it worked for me when i did it
amazing, many such cases

>> No.14759743

the chance of finding ground water in just about any area is high

>> No.14759757

can confirm on this
also this
Its interesting, why the fuss about it. Any other carpenter/construction worker/ farmer will tell you this works. On the other hand , astrofaggots and other scammers are claiming dowsing to perpetuate their nonsense.
I cannot pinpoint this to some straightforward law of nature from high school physics book, but I guess its somehow related to conductors(this case underground streams) in motion, which is non trivial topic from physicist's pow.

>> No.14759765

>but I guess its somehow related to conductors(this case underground streams) in motion
It isn't. It's a scam.

>> No.14759787

I live in an Eastern European country. My father is an engineer and mother is a lawyer. But when they were building a house 20 years ago, they got a dowser to locate the water. We all laughed about it, but still they did it, the guy found water, a well was dug and it works to this very day (well not really we don't use it anymore but its there).

They did it because their parents and their parents in turn always did it this way.

>> No.14759807
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i think dowsing, like many rituals, doesn't do anything on its own, but it does put people into a deeper place of meditation and resolve toward the task. if there is hidden water in some direction then there may be some obscure patterns that can be subconsciously followed but are too much to understand explicitly. so it's not really bullshit if it puts you in a better zone.

>> No.14759814

Everybody knows it works in any area where it is practiced, which are places where you could dig literally anywhere and get a well. The dowser is only making a show that contributes absolutely nothing to the function of the well, except for possibly placing it in an inconvenient spot.

>> No.14759827

>debunked by snopes
soi, please

>> No.14759839


>> No.14759840

what country you from

>> No.14759861

I'm from Israel, why?

>> No.14759964
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100 GOTO 10

>> No.14759969

everyone telling its fake should produce L shaped copper wires(or aluminium), and hold them really lightly with ends pointing fwd, fancy shells like in picrel are not obligatory. And then you should take a hike over area near wells, giant steel structures, underground water pipes or cables, or it could be some park near springheads i.e. with potent underground water. Just remember to hold them super lightly, they should rather hang. I kid you not, you will see that they tend to rotate towards each other, from time to time, as if trying to close a contour, made from your body and arms .

>> No.14760135

That's a really shitty experiment. The movement of the rods comes primarily from the angle of your hands holding them. Unless you can make sure your hands are perfectly steady and you hold the rods perfectly vertical it's an useless experiment that shows nothing interesting.

>> No.14760163

you dont really hold them. its just very special way of holding them, rather balancing them on the edge, so they were free to turn on a whim. I am not proposing it as an experiment , as if in Amperes law or anything. Its just in case you want to satisfy your curiosity.

>> No.14760168

>I am not proposing it as an experiment , as if in Amperes law or anything.
Why not? Afraid it wouldn't work?

>> No.14760199

demonstrating a phenomenon and demonstrating the physical law(s) under phenomenon are entirely different things.

>> No.14760209

If the phenomenon can't be demonstrated in a repeatable study, it's not real.

>> No.14760222

im not getting paid on shilling dowsing and have neither time nor pleasure in convincing you but with that mindset of yours all the fun of experimentation is taken away because you will refuse to see or accept a thing unless you can point to it in some book where it is established as a law and cant be disputed.

>> No.14760234

But you do know that slightly turning your hands will cause them to turn? So you'd have to isolate that as a variable so that they cannot turn by themselves due to gravity. Otherwise how is it demonstrating anything related to dousing?

>> No.14760236

>you will refuse to see or accept a thing unless you can point to it in some book where it is established as a law and cant be disputed.
That could not be further from the truth, as I'm an experimental physicist. The opposite of what you wrote is my job. However, dowsing has been disproven numerous times. I'm not wasting my time on superstition that's already checked.

>> No.14760250

I don't know pro, a water line is a conductor of electricity, its electric field can very well shift the potential of your neurons about some nano sec.

Why do you think its impossible that you can detect this delay, and maybe even its direction.

>> No.14760254

the emphasis was not to offer some ready mad emathematical model or make a thought experiment(it would be a non sequitur at this point) but rather to persuade to try it yourself, because it is most convincing.
>I'm not wasting my time on superstition
you already are. looks like (you) are not only a experimental physicist but also a SJW too.

>> No.14760255

how do you think a dog or horse feels seeing humans walking on 2 legs. its impossible to detect that little gravity, humans are a scam.

>> No.14760260

i personally absolutely cant do this but but its possible and that's all i need to know.

>> No.14760262

What the fuck does dousing have to do with social justice?

>> No.14760276

its really not this hard to understand you feel the delay of alcohol also in your brain. idk i expect people who are able to detect water lines are also super sensitive to drugs.

>> No.14760280

the earths magnetic field has a shitty Q factor (inductor lingo which is relevant because it deals with the magnetic field. it can be thought of as a equivalent to current. E is voltage. this is the stored electrical potential of the inductor basically) because the field has to go through so much material. a toroid inductor. laying down looks more professional but standing up is proper orientation. why? going though fiberglass decreases the Q and if their are traces it further reduces it.

the earths magnetic field is huge. the Q is ruined and its a weak field. fridge magnets in close proximity to a compass defeat it. normally a field that is big is strong and the bigger it is the stronger it is. material the field has to go through under the surface of the earth isnt normalized. water systems vs metal veins or random mineral deposits and caves with and without water. different densities and level of conductivity

but can you hold the damn things perfectly level with the ground while you walk. copper will interact with magnets while in motion. thats either 1 being in motion relative to the other. the copper will have electrons reorganize for example. this will actually cause a level of friction that with a mri machine can defy gravity a little and make it fall down slow. you can do the same with aluminum. but can you hold them perfectly level with the ground while you walk and not tilt them. especially if you add in a non flat scenario. that takes like naruto level bullshit

>> No.14760284
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There's also another phenomenal where garden hoses decide to burry themselves too

>> No.14760352

you are a really shit physicist if you think that because a result has been indicated by experiment before it is an unquestionable law and not even worth investigating

then you talk shit about an experiment, claiming it's invalid while refusing to even consider investigating for yourself? absolutely pathetic

dowsing sounds like bullshit but now i want to know more. you are simply a disgrace to the entire scientific profession.

>> No.14760370

>then you talk shit about an experiment, claiming it's invalid while refusing to even consider investigating for yourself?
Look, I'm neither investigating dousing, nor 12,000 rpm. Both have been falsified many times in the past. Why do you want to reinvent the wheel?

>dowsing sounds like bullshit but now i want to know more. you are simply a disgrace to the entire scientific profession.
Big words for someone who has a scientific question and didn't bother doing literature research beforehand.

>> No.14760376

I hate the little squeals they make when you try to pull them out.

>> No.14760377

exactly this

>> No.14760391

Your experiment is really shit because nobody disputes that freely dangling rods wiggling around would eventually cross, it doesn't go against the predictions that either parties would make.

>> No.14760394

You should check out Lystering. Its the practice where you fling a horse shoe out into a grassy field. Then you try to find it. Nearly every time it will be found exactly where it fell. Just like magic.

>> No.14760396
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>It doesn't work because..it just doesn't okay!
They're such book learned retards that they can't even bother to call up their local water company to ask such a simple question, "Does dowsing work?" Protip: It does, otherwise your retarded asses wouldn't have water running to your house right now.
Go ahead, ask them I fucking dare you. They're literally the experts on the subject (because they find and pipe the water to you). They'll tell you they're the only thing that will trace a water line whenever their other digital tools fail them.

But they probably don't give a shit because there's no proper book learned explanations as to how they work. There isn't one for magnetism, gravity or dark matter either and yet that doesn't stop the same morons from talking endlessly about the shit they don't know.

They cross when they pass water. Feel free to explain this accurate description (because this literally happens in real life).

>> No.14760400

>They're literally the experts on the subject
trust the experts

>> No.14760421
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>trust the experts
Trust them or not, in either case dowsing rods demonstrably work.

>> No.14760472

This should be simple to test - just build a dowsing robot and send it to find water. Remove the human psychological factors.

>> No.14760489

What about the theories involving the connection of the human consciousness and the dowsing apparatus?

>> No.14760504

I suspect the dowsing operation is a function of some type of field lines, be it subtle electromagnetic, or static electricity, or local atomic ion relationship

obviously three basic physical components, perhaps four:
>the person (human)
>the dowsing rods,
>the target
>the medium between the target and the dowsing rods, ie,.. Earth

now, it can be demonstrated that a magnetic compass relies on what locally to the compass is a fairly weak, subtle magnetic field, to draw the compass needle to point North. and the needle in the compass, being magnetized, is a fairly weak magnet, not reaching very far away form itself with its own field lines.

now, go stack a truck load of steel beams within 100feet of the compass, and you will be able to see a significant deflection away form normal North direction, because the "local magnetic field lines" of the earth are being distorted by the presence of a massive body of ferrous material.

this, and other related tests, can demonstrate quite simp0ly, how objects behave together with magnetic field lines even when field strength is weak
now, of course im not saying dowsing is done by magnetism, though it may have something to do with it. seems plausible.

though static electricity or localized atomic ion particle distribution may be involved, or something similar.

it seems there's not been much real formal scientific study on the subject

>> No.14760510

Zones with easily accessible ground water are gigantic, city sized blobs on a map. Whether dousing will be successful or not depends almost entirely on where the douser was dropped off to check for water.
The electric and magnetic forces acting on the rods (which shouldn't be relevant btw because dousing supposedly works with wooden or straw rods as well) would be miniscule compared to the dominating force of gravity easily rotating the rods due to you not holding the perfectly straight. So even if we assume that dousing isn't complete pseudoscience, it would make it basically impossible to reliably use by a human with his human unstable hands.

>> No.14760520

>this, and other related tests, can demonstrate quite simp0ly, how objects behave together with magnetic field lines even when field strength is weak
That doesn't prove shit. We can measure the magnetic field of the earth (and a truck full of steel beams) accurately. No one has ever measured any field from water that is detectable by dousing.

>> No.14760526

Water has relative permeability of basically 1 so it wouldn't cause any significant variation in Earth's magnetic field. And even if you could measure the tiny difference with sensitive laboratory equipment, there's no way you'd be able to detect it with such clunky apparatus as dousing rods.

>> No.14760527

>which shouldn't be relevant btw because dousing supposedly works with wooden or straw rods as well
yes. i know. we have to consider whatever the effect, it does seems to work with wood in some case

that's a pretty strong word for what is not really a very spectacular event (dowsing)
i mean, its not like we're talking about pulling 480 volts magically out of thin air and powering off-grid homes with it

there are far stranger things at work in the universe than the idea of dowsing

>> No.14760535

That's pretty much my point. If it were this simple, we'd use whatever mechanism allows the detection in other applications, yet people keep digging wells.

>> No.14760539
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Consider this. Mitsubishi invented a radio that uses water (to be fair salt water) as the conductor. I think a similar thing happens with a long vein/underground rivers that are dowsed because it's deflecting the earths magnetic field in a valley shape for the dowsing rods to be induced into. Not just the water, but the stuff the water has eroded away and exposed such as metal/minerals etc. The rods are just impeded by the magnetic fields...not "attracted" to the water. They're more like antenna. It would be interesting to try with different materials, I'm sure it's been done already.

>> No.14760543

I don't see how you would even reliably test dousing considering how huge ground water reservoirs are.
And my point was that it's basically impossible to isolate the relatively minuscule force from the gravitational force which dominates here.

>> No.14760548

its not just the fluid. its the fluid, moving (presumably) through a conduit (pipe), and moving thought the surrounding medium (earth)
just because it hasn't been positively explained or established how it works, does not mean it doesn't or cant work

>> No.14760554

Sure, it doesn't prove that dowsing is pseudoscience. But at the same time there's no real evidence that it works and double blind studies done with the help of "professional" dowsers show that it just doesn't work.

>> No.14760557

we don't have a theoretical model here, we're just brainstorming.
i never claimed it was magnetism absolutely, maybe electromagnetism could simply be one component to the system. or maybe its not involved at all and its something else entirely like atomic structure in localized quanta (or whatever the word is)

>> No.14760558

the best answer so far imho
keep it up

>> No.14761264


>> No.14762525

Flat earthers have drifted off to /pol/ now they have been exposed for being schizos, liars, trolls and pedophiles.

Now we are going to get dowsers replacing them.
Just when you thought we got rid of the retards.

>> No.14762554

learn the difference between theory and fantasies.

>> No.14762562

It's like helicopters or magnets, they all obviously work but science doesn't have a good answer so it just gets glossed over

>> No.14762574

>get a gyroscopic camera mount or something to keep them level and stable, preventing you from unconsciously moving them
>walk forward until X, with a distance measurer thingie
>walk the same distance past it
>turn around
>walk the same distance and see if it matches
>repeat walking from other directions
Couldn't this work?
Or just keep walking the same stretch and see if the locations are consistent.

>> No.14762584

People have done it. It's a scam.

>> No.14762596

IDK man, the UK scientific establishment and UK government fund dowsing and dowsing research.

>> No.14762609

It fucking works. The globohomo and fuckwits will fight you to the death saying otherwise though.

Maybe there's something more to it, because people who say it doesn't work, it really doesn't work for them. Is belief a component? I really don't know, but it works for me. Sucks to be everyone who can't do it. It literally gives me advantages others don't have or even believe in. Makes me laugh.

Truth is there ARE spiritual abilities in this world. Someone doesn't want the public to know. And if you have proof, you're suicided quickly. Which honestly works for me, what things I can do give me a massive leg up in situations and I could only imagine what horror bad people would do if they knew 100%. I've wondered how far it goes if you were to train, but I settle for my dousing and a couple of other little things and carry on.

Believe me or not, I don't give a shit.

>> No.14762725

As mentioned before, underground water reservoirs are huge. Dowsing works as good as random chance. If you dowse in an area with water, you will find water. You will also find water if you just start digging.
So far there's no real evidence that it works.

>> No.14762754

It's considered a legitimate and experimentally proven technique in the entire Anglosphere except America. Dowsers are even employed by government agencies for surveying and utility mapping purposes.

>> No.14762760

Professional dowsers can't pass double blind tests.

>> No.14763041

Possibly the element of randomization is beneficial on a group level, i.e. multiple people putting their wells on semi random locations within a neighbourhood instead of all fighting over the same spots that look like they might have water. I've seen a similar theory about e.g. reading entrails to decide whether an army should attack or not: the genuine randomness/unexpectedness improves the element of surprise. Just like how randomness is often used in distributed algorithms, where it can work just as well as explicit coordination.

>> No.14763045

>Why is dowsing in survival magazines or guides
Because in a survival situation, not panicking is the most important thing you can do. Dowsing rods are survivalist fidget toys.

>> No.14763790

>Professional dowsers can't pass double blind tests.
Maybe the test disturbs the dowser. But easy to make control experiments. Just drill where the dowser shows nothing. Had that be done?

>> No.14763796

>Maybe the test disturbs the dowser
Dowsers confirmed for adhering to quantum mechanics.

>> No.14763805

Damn, I guess dowsing can never be disproven, you can always just say whoever was dowsing just wasn't vibing at the time.

>> No.14763808

the trick is to take the lid off a soda bottle and screw it onto the hose before taking it out, the threads match perfectly and it can't make noise because it's sealed up.

>> No.14763835

That would be a really shitty test. Instead you can just drill in random spots. Since underground waters covers gigantic areas the chance of hitting water in a random spot is basically 100% in areas where ground waters exist.

>> No.14763857

Trust the science.
Get vaxxed.

>> No.14763866

Don't do this. Its important to listen to the hose when you are pulling it out. Sure its squealing grates on your ears, but you must listen carefully in case it is getting pulled apart. Sometimes the dumb little fucker will bury itself real deep. Its easy to tell if you are pulling too hard because its squealing turns into a scream. Too much pulling and it will split into two. Then the two halves will go deep, to grow a new head and a new tail respectively. They will never trust you again. You will never get them out then.

>> No.14764168

I would assign much a higher probability to this than weird "magnetic pulling" of running water (funny how dowsing also works for stationary lost objects).

>> No.14764182

If you pay me for it, we can do these kind of tests all day long.

>> No.14764304

>Dowsers get stage fright
How convenient

>> No.14764602

the discussion of dowsing is not flat earth

>> No.14764607

it worked great for Joseph Smith Jr (pbuh)

>> No.14764615
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THIS. We have learned to ignore a huge amount of sensory data (for example you do not smell your room or feel you clothes on you right now).
Dowsing lets your subconscious (that is aware of all the sensory input) express itself.

>> No.14764638

It's magic.
>but magic isn't re-
Your problem not mine.

>> No.14764680

>garden hoses decide to burry themselves too
>it's real

What the fuck

>> No.14765731
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Alright. I have a scientific experiment that will objectively prove whether dowsing is real or not.
The contention's that the copper wire picks up on magnetic fields/energy in the earth, right? same principle as an eddy current separator in recycling.
Get a bunch of guys together, go to some national grassland area where there's a bunch of flat land, set up a grid of 1km/1km squares. Have each guy walk through one of the squares and record the values given by an EMF meter (picrel) every couple dozen steps. Heatmap the values. Drill in a couple of spots where the heatmap is strongest and weakest. Null hypothesis is that there's no difference in the found amount of water. If dowsing's real we should see no water in the weak areas and a ton of water in the strong ones.
I'd unironically be up for doing this. Would be fun.

>> No.14766055

>The contention's that the copper wire picks up on magnetic fields/energy in the earth, right?
Doesn't seem so as dowsing seems to work the same with wooden rods just as well (that is to say not work at all but that's beside the point). I don't know what the proposed mechanism for dowsing is but it can't be electric or magnetic fields.

>> No.14766080


>> No.14766141

That's literally how QM works lmao

>> No.14766142

>Particles get stage fright
How convenient

>> No.14766159

If you're desperate and need to find water, I can see the benefit. It gives you something to focus on. It keeps your mind open. It helps you find water.

>> No.14766160

That "literally" isn't how QM works

>> No.14766165

Guys, please, lets not shit on the last surviving remains of cargo cult religion in western culture!

We have already lost so much! Human sacrifice, witchcraft, soothsaying, plant and animal worship!

>> No.14766169

>Square root of 2 gets stage fright

>> No.14768511

My late great uncle (or something) was an electrical engineer savant for a large telecommunications company decades ago, worked on the NASA Apollo program, and was an independent American historian. He was also an avid dowser, making homemade dowsing rods and even wrote an extensive manual.
As a child, I would follow him around in large fields as he would dowse and find little things on the ground. He wasn't all about water; he would "find" indian trails and other things that weren't there anymore. Everyone in the family brushed it off as nonsense but I didn't see the harm in playing along and having fun with him at the time. Wish I got to spend more time with him. Thanks for reading my blog.

>> No.14768515
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>> No.14768517


>> No.14768524

Dig anywhere and you'll hit water eventually. The purpose of dowsing is to add an air of dignity to the process of randomly deciding where to dig.

>> No.14768529

jej, this anon knows what's up. scientists pretend unprovable things are pseudoscience only when non-phd-holders say them

>> No.14768531

Ideomotor phenomena is not a fantasy, anon.

>> No.14768537
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Right.. have you taken your medication today?

>> No.14768554

No he's right, water tunnels flow create magnetic field which move the dowsings

>> No.14768588

>Dig anywhere and you'll hit water eventually.
specifically, i was thinking of the practice of locating underground water pipes.
pipes in the ground that have water flowing through them. not just located random underground water pockets

>> No.14768646

Subtle clues in the landscape and position in other structures are enough to hint at where most pipes are located. Dowsing rods give the dowser an excuse to trust their intuition.

>> No.14768719

Dowsing works until there's money at stake. Then suddenly every big mouth fails miserably.

>> No.14769703

Water wells are so random themselves. One geologist said do my father that 'you neighbour may have water at 10 meters but you won't have it at 100, but if you move x meters sideways you again may have it, or not...'

>> No.14769720

based and rhetoric pilled

>> No.14769866

Maybe it's just morphic fields at work.

>> No.14771002

that's like saying you'll dig to china
and not a genuine discussion

>> No.14771007

In many developed countries outside the US, dowsers are employed by governments on sensitive construction and infrastructure projects.

>> No.14771023

All developed countries are outside the US.
No, this doesn't prove that they work.

>> No.14771026


>> No.14771073

The US is the only developed country where dowsing is seen universally as pseudoscience. Take that as you will.

>> No.14771252

>US is the only developed country where dowsing is seen universally as pseudoscience
I saw a man dowsing a few weeks ago in America. It's popular here too.

>> No.14771262

As a hobby maybe, but not used by the government.

>> No.14771347

Neither hobby nor government; a contractor building a house and deciding where to place the well.

>> No.14771714

easy way to sell you worthless metal at a higher price

>> No.14772805
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This begs the question, how does one make an experiment proving dowsing and under what hypothesis should the conditions be based on?

>> No.14772841

This doesn't mean anything. Where I live they used a shaman in the 80s to invoke rain. They were desperate and figured it was better than nothing, so the state government actually brought a shaman from a native settlement to make the rain dance at our dam. The biggest hurricane of the 80s hit like 3 weeks after that, but that doesn't mean the rain dance works, right?

>> No.14772877

Bury active utilities in known positions and have dowsers and random participants both attempt to find them with dowsing rods.

>> No.14772881

>The biggest hurricane of the 80s hit like 3 weeks after that, but that doesn't mean the rain dance works, right?
That's a pretty strong correlation, anon. I would look into it if I were you.

>> No.14773849
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If it's good enough to find the water in bombs it's good enough to find where the water hides underground.

>> No.14774086

I have no idea how it works, but it works.

>> No.14777494
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in the US, this is an official in charge of Health. [ man pretending he is a woman]
take that as you will

>> No.14777522

Big difference between saying it aligns you to some obscure astral patterns and saying it gives you some more motivation to do your fucking job

>> No.14778189

You'd deny the oceans being saltwater if he said it was saltwater, you contrarian fuck.

>> No.14778279
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>You'd deny
You're goddamn right I would. I don't give a fuck who or what you think you are, I will deny your sorry ass till you can show me the proof otherwise.

>you contrarian fuck.
"His" existence as a health official is enough of an example of the contradictory nature of the health system.

>Dowsing works until there's money at stake
Which is why your water company uses it to find water/ pipes instead of paying a crew $40/hr. to dick around with digitaltools that don't work.

>Dowsing rods give the dowser an excuse to trust their intuition.
Playing along with this argument, what if the rods were acting like antenna for their "intuition"? Like a 6th sense. Similarly, people who develop arthritis as they get older can "sense" when it's about to rain through those points of arthritic pain they develop in their joints. There's obviously more measurable aspects to that such as pressure change, but think of a dowsing rod more like a whisker.

>> No.14778327


>> No.14778343

Closeted transgirl detected

>> No.14779005
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GOTO considered harmful

>> No.14779176
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I use this voodoo magic at work sometimes to find water or shit pipes. It is my weapon of last resort if I can't find it with RF equipment or ground penatrating radar. I have dug to verify utilities with a vacuum truck and give dowsing a 50% succes rate for finding water mains. Use a cheap pair I got from Amazon.

>> No.14779579

incel identified

>> No.14779769
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>4chan actually believes in dowsing now
ironic christcuckery was a mistake

>> No.14779777

We deserve this for letting 0.999..., 12,000rpm, climate change deniers and antivaxxers happen. Soon we'll get astrologers, homeopaths and threads about Luigi boards

>> No.14779779

Good enough to get you ten years in prison.

>> No.14779805

op pic shows two L shaped thin copper rods, one in each hand. Please explain how the copper rods know which hand they are and how they know to turn left or right so that they cross at some certain location above the ground.

>> No.14779811

>climate change deniers and antivaxxers
So you're mad that people who were right about 2 things are on the board, and that people who are right about another phenomenon might join too?

>> No.14780117
File: 89 KB, 1280x720, xAyZ_lSZbN030dKJ.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the entire Anglosphere
So the global schizo central, ok

>> No.14780122

We'll still have astrology, mediums and ghosts for as long as women exist

>> No.14780125

I've literally never heard of this shit being seriously discussed anywhere outside of UK and US
t. euro

>> No.14780129

Depends on the country I guess. It's pretty popular in west europe and england as far as I know.

>> No.14780130

Redpill me on 12000 rpm

>> No.14780133
File: 108 KB, 1440x2095, Screenshot_20220822-130638~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So popular it has a grand total of 6(six) languages covering it on wikipedia

>> No.14780137

DE and FR covers a wide range of West Europe countries, anon.

>> No.14780144

That's not the point, retard
Oktoberfest occurs in Germany only and yet is known worldwide and has 77 language articles on wikipedia
Your meme magic is known only to 12 boomers in some english village and their boomer yokel friend across the channel

>> No.14781673
File: 2.72 MB, 5309x6217, 20220421_062934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly it just works sometimes, I have found quite a few water and shit pipes that way when doing vacuum excavation. I always take dowsing rods with me when I use the ground penatrating radar. I use it to figure out what radar returns have water flowing through them, helps me decide what is a water/force main instead of a communication line.

>> No.14781707

Let him redpill you.
About as schizo as half of this thread.

>> No.14781892

>don't trust the books
>trust the experts
Who do you think writes the books?

>> No.14781903

>Luigi boards

>> No.14781919

Just watched a fella on youtube locate exactly where an underground water pipe was using these wires. Pretty much a checkmate for "scientists"

>> No.14781931

This. Talk is cheap. They would shut their stupid fucking mouths if it was their money riding on the outcome of a blind test.
The state of subhumans. These people vote. More proof that Democracy was a bad idea.

>> No.14781993

What good is a test? Doesnt change the past. The same dowser still successfully found water many times in the past regardless of any test outcome

>> No.14782005

I locate underground utilities then do vacuum excavation on said utilities and have found water/force main pipes using dowsing rods. Is it better then using a radar or radio frequency equipment? No but it can help. Not sure why you are so angry about dowsing rods and democracy, take a break from the internet.

>> No.14782118

>Not sure why you are so angry about dowsing rods and democracy
The fact that people believe this makes me not want to be governed by the people. Fuck you, fuck superstition, fuck idiocracy

>> No.14782192
File: 274 KB, 604x806, Resized_20220822_103916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You seem to have other underlying personal issues that has nothing to do with dowsing rods anon. Here have the baby goat of happiness.

>> No.14782449

If this actually worked, than multi-billion dollar corporations would be using it to find water and oil and precious minerals.

But they don't. They use geologists, drill samples, ground-penetrating radar, satellite analysis, etc. LITERALLY NONE of them have some dumb fucker with a couple metal rods walking over the ground telling them where to make the well or mine. NONE OF THEM.

>> No.14782814

If it worked, why would they tell anyone instead of just using it in secret? It would be to their advantage to make their competitors think it didn't work.

>> No.14782842

>pay geologists to drill holes to hide the fact that you have a better way of finding water
>pay a faggot with two sticks to actually find water
What do you need the faggot for when you already pay for the other things?

>> No.14783072

>These people vote. More proof that Democracy was a bad idea.
Reminder that your local alcoholic hobo retard has the exact same influence on your country as (you) - 1(one) vote

>> No.14783076

Jokes on you, as a foreigner I can't vote. I don't think that's average alcoholic hobo votes either though.

>> No.14784225

They do actually.

>> No.14784893

>a water line is a conductor of electricity
Pretty sure this isn't true. If you could electrify your water line it would reach like a couple inches down before becoming zero. Also how about the magnetic fields of the earth and all the stuff in it? It's like having a guy whispering a word in your ear, but then another dude is firing a shotgun; Do you still hear what he whispered?

>> No.14785133
File: 259 KB, 1910x2009, 1656534058277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was a common knowledge? Just take your fucking rods and go for a walk, wherever underground rivers intersect it will spin.
Really, go do it, maybe by chance you can touch grass as well.

>> No.14785228


>> No.14785409

don't forget EU tards

>> No.14785413

*government welfare queens and water companies intent on placating moronic narcissists for PR

>> No.14785501

How do you explain dowsing "working" with wooden sticks?
Doesn't it debunk the electric field theory?