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1475638 No.1475638 [Reply] [Original]

Calling out all psyfags.
I think that there are races within the human species.
Kinda like dogs you see?
So, i think it's absolutely stupid for someone to think they're not racist at all. i think every single one of us is racist but most of us just learn to ignore it although it never goes away.
What do you think of this?

>> No.1475648


i dont hate people based on race, i hate them based on their mentality and instantaneous relation to me.

>> No.1475670

stereotypes are real.

>> No.1475708

OPhere i didn't mean that.
Tell me, are you happy with the fact that you have a black president?

>> No.1475749

Well, true. I am always biased to like my own race, i.e white because anthropologically I find white women the most attractive.

>> No.1475751


For me, the color of a man's skin is not what someone liked or disliked in my eyes, but their actions, their honesty, their character, and their will. I've never feigned away or disliked anyone just by the simple pigment of their skin, a color is a color, not a reason to assume.

>> No.1475753

Most of the time, I don't think about the president at all.

>> No.1475756


*not how someone is liked or disliked

My bad.

>> No.1475820

Fuck's sake you don't get it do you?
It's not to completly dislike. Is to not be as comfortable with a different race than one of your own

>> No.1475824

well aint that a bitch

>> No.1475843


Well, dislike wasn't the right term to use I would agree, but me feeling comfortable with someone of a different race and/or skin-tone is still the same thing as stated before. It's not the color of their skin that makes me feel uncomfortable with someone, their color doesn't equal to a reason of assumptions.

>> No.1475894

Anthropologically you should feel that because people we're not in the same tribes and "packs" you needed to welcome the whole black, asian, spic or w/e community into your "pack" to feel comfortable around them.

>> No.1475920

94% of genetic variation is within 'races', not between them.

>> No.1475962

psyfag here

there's own - race bias, where we revognise members of our own race better. this implies there are impolications of racial differences research into eye witness testimony has shown participants expect people to act in a way that fulfill steriotypes; a black person is more likely ot be seen as a theif than a white person. These perdjudices are probably a result of social norms, but these social norms could be a product of innate racism. Its been proved races which exhibit zenophobia, so predjudice against other races, are more likely to survive.

Racism is adaptive; overperception of the threat posed by another race is less costly than underperception. So racism is born, and those who exhibit it, and societies who accept it, are more likely to survive due to natural selection. The gene for racism is perpetuated and people are born with racist tendencies.

Hope i helped.

>> No.1475977

I would say more that everyone is racist, but not everyone is prejudiced.

>> No.1475986


kin recognition can be very narrow or very broad depending on the availability/scarcity of resources. if there are very few resources, the biggest risk is sharing with non-kin that you think are kin. if there are lots of resources, the bigger concern is excluding kin that you think are non-kin.

>> No.1475997

how much you are comfortable with other "races" is a cultural and acquired tract.

i'd be uncomfortable having a stupid president, or one who has political views radically different from mine. His skin color is an irrelevant factor there. Only an idiot would care more about appearance than substance.

>> No.1475998

"race" is not a scientific term.

>> No.1476004

>I think that there are races within the human species.
There can be any group within the human species that you imagine, as long as the criteria you create can be observed.
You can just as well group people by which side they squeeze the toothpaste tube from.

(not psychologist)

>> No.1476011


i agree, but natural selection will be at it's most effective when there are low resources, because the selection pressure incurred by low resources will be stronger purely because of the increased competetion. so own - race bias will be very quickly exagerated in the gene pool

>> No.1476166


ressurecting dead threads which were decent