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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14754387 No.14754387 [Reply] [Original]

big bang didn't happen?
and what does this mean for the great filter?

>> No.14754408

The jwst showed there were way too many neat,stable galaxies present in the early universe ( according to the big bang model). so yeah, no big bang.

>> No.14754409

Why are those galaxies distorted?

>> No.14754419

it means the estimate of the age of the Universe is completely wrong and they all look like a bunch of chumps

>> No.14754427

it's photoshopped

>> No.14754440

Look at all these contrarian faggots with their dicks out. Big Bang is obviously and unquestionably correct. Get off 4chan and do something useful once in a while.

>> No.14754451

It's actually hilarious. Don't disturb them, I want to laugh

>> No.14754457

galaxies cant form and be perfectly stable after only 100 million years , its over Sheldon.

>> No.14754460

stellar argument anon. top notch stuff

>> No.14754463
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>> No.14754481

> picrel is literally the guy in OP's article

>Why are those galaxies distorted?
Gravitational lensing.

>> No.14754482

gravitational lensing around the galaxy cluster in the middle, which is the pale area around the dots

>> No.14754611

"The big bang model" doesn't predict the number of galaxies. Firstly there are many cosmological models with big bangs, not one. Secondly a cosmological model has to be combined with a model of galaxy formation to make any such prediction, and there are dozens of those and they're all works in progress. Galaxy formation is not solved.

Secondly these galaxies are only candidates, they are not spectroscopically confirmed. Many of these objects are in dispute, and different papers do not all find the same galaxy candidates. The only people claiming these galaxy candidates in pre-print papers disprove the big bang are people who were already making the same claims before. It's just confirmation bias.

>> No.14754825

Big bang theory could maybe be recovered, but don't act like everything is going according to plan. A Huge amount of theories we had about galaxy formation and the early universe have been broken. The first study begins with "Panic!".


>inb4 s-so?? it's all explainable with Dark Galaxies!! Trust the models!!

>> No.14754827

LOL, religion BTFO again.

>> No.14754834

If you looked beyond the title you would see they don't actually compare to any simulations or models. Nothing has been broken because the only thing they compared to was measurements from Hubble. Read what you post.

>> No.14754864

wut? Webb has just proven that galaxies formed INSTANTLY after the Big Bang, proving Gods handiwork

>> No.14754870

No, we just assume a Dark Galaxy Forming Matter (DGFM) that influenced the early forming of galaxies. This matter is of course undetectable.

>> No.14754882

>but don't act like everything is going according to plan.
What "plan" ? what does that means in the context of science ?

> Trust the models!!
The Poltard way of 'understanding' science has really rotten the brain of a lot of people.

>> No.14754888

Alright bros, so since it has been confirmed that not only is the universe infinite in size, but also ageless and eternal in existence, what does that say about every creationist religion and myth since matter has always existed?

>> No.14754890

No one mentioned /pol/. Take your meds

>> No.14754901

>No one mentioned /pol/.
Writing any variation of "trust the science!" is clearly poltard behaviour.
Why the fuck would someone say that discovering something that we did not expect would mean that it's going against "the plan" ?

>> No.14754924

You need to seek therapy. The world (and the universe) is much bigger than you and your imagined /pol/ boogeyman but that's what you've reduced it down to. When was the last time a day passed by without you injecting your /pol/ obsession into something?

>> No.14754935

Why are you assuming that the issue is with the big bang theory and not our current understanding of galaxy formation?

>> No.14754944

>Typical /pol/ reply.

>> No.14754950
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They're all fake, existence is eternal, has always existed, will exist, and will keep existing forever, creationists BTFO for once and for all

>> No.14754955

Dude, you pretty much proved his point. Can you comment on the topic instead of what's going on with other boards?

>> No.14754972

because the BBT relies entirely upon the motion of the galaxies coming together 13.8 billion years ago, thats now clearly not the case.

>> No.14754978


>> No.14754993

Based on what quantitive evidence?

>> No.14755003

Fuck man, I though I wasn't that subtle with my humorous 'pol obsessed' reply
I commented on the topic though, several times. I'm actually interested in the subject. Can't people understand why "Trust the models!!" is the type of things that is killing discussions ?

>> No.14755041
File: 24 KB, 512x512, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jwst images

>> No.14755052

Images are just data, you have to do some work to make quantitive measurements. So what was the analysis that showed this?

>> No.14755067

The same kind they used thus far i imagine

>> No.14755072

The big bang theory was just the natural evolution of monotheism into a depersonified, materialist world-schema. The human mind knows less about the distant past, than the near past, than the present. So naturally it tends to simplify as it extends back into the past, and construct a narrative where everything was one thing in the beginning, because that's where the ability to "rationalize" ex nihilo reaches the point of exhaustion. You should take theoretical physics as modern day philosophy, nothing more profound than that.

>> No.14755073

There have been dozens of analyses on many different topics, you're going to have to be more specific. Which paper are you referring to, or did you do the calculations yourself?

>> No.14755077

There's one linked itt

>> No.14755083

Which shows there is a higher fraction of disk galaxies at moderate redshift, compared to Hubble results. Nothing to do with " the motion of the galaxies coming together 13.8 billion years ago".
What a surprise, you were talking shit.

>> No.14755088

There should be more in google

>> No.14755615
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>> No.14755792

>Big Bang is obviously and unquestionably correct.
You must be dumb as fuck not to know that this theory is little more than a blatant idiotic scam, easy to refute and with assumption that belong to /x.

No i don't repeat my arguments over here, 3 times "pruned or deleted" is way more than enough. This side is for retards believers and scientific parasites which only support the common thing

>> No.14755799

Choke on cocks, you DOUBLE NIGGER.