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14752461 No.14752461 [Reply] [Original]

please don't hold back

>> No.14752466

Are you fit and generally healthy? Expect a decently harsh fever for 2-3 weeks, that's about it

>> No.14752472

>decently harsh fever for 2-3 weeks
i had three shots already
shouldn't it be milder than that

>> No.14752487

Maybe 4 weeks. If you get heart palpitations don't go to sleep, or you'll die in your sleep.

>> No.14752496

I'm not some oldfag with an EF of 20, guy

>> No.14752533

That's what all of them say

>> No.14752600

It's literally no worse than a common cold. Oh wait ...>>14752472
>i had three shots already
It's fucking over for you.
>shouldn't it be milder than that
It's only mild when you immune system is free to fight the virus. The vaxx restricted the degrees of freedom of your immune system in a negative way. Vaxx antibodies can't do shit against the current variants. All the vaxxies I know told me how hard and bad their covid infection was, and how they haven't recovered months later. Meanwhile for me it was a runny nose for three days and nothing more.

>> No.14752609


>> No.14752617

Depends. Are you fat? Old? Do you have 'beetus?
If none of the above, your odds of survival are very good. Especially since you've been vaxxed. >>14752472

>> No.14752626

Vax might make it less severe but probably won't make you heal any faster

>> No.14752634

>degrees of freedom... of your immune system
Holy kek

>> No.14752646
File: 704 KB, 1x1, Polat-Bostancı2020_Article_SuddenDeathDueToAcutePulmonary.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm serious OP, if you feel any palpitations in your heart, chest pain, unusually fast or slow heart rate, DO NOT go to sleep until it passes.

Polat, V., Bostancı, G.İ. Sudden death due to acute pulmonary embolism in a young woman with COVID-19. J Thromb Thrombolysis 50, 239–241 (2020).

>> No.14752656

>Original antigenic sin, also known as antigenic imprinting or the Hoskins effect,[1] refers to the propensity of the body's immune system to preferentially utilize immunological memory based on a previous infection when a second slightly different version of that foreign pathogen (e.g. a virus or bacterium) is encountered. This leaves the immune system "trapped" by the first response it has made to each antigen, and unable to mount potentially more effective responses during subsequent infections. Antibodies or T-cells induced during infections with the first variant of the pathogen are subject to a form of original antigenic sin, termed repertoire freeze.

>> No.14752680

>i had three shots already

>> No.14752857

do you have any symptoms?

>> No.14752865

My condolences on your soar throat and mild cough.

>> No.14752871

How was /sci/ during peak covid? Did you guys behave or spent the entre time throwing shit at each other?

>> No.14752873

No proof viruses exist.
These "tests" have never been clinically validated against any "virus" so they are scientifically meaningless.

>> No.14752877

There is no "COVID-19".
see >>14752873

>> No.14752880

It was impossible to discuss anything other than covid except in space flight general.

>> No.14752905

Kek, you're gonna die. Or get a mildly sore throat. Buy some zinc lozenges to suck on.

>> No.14753025

Geez, so throwing shit, eh? kek
At least Spacefags got some attention.

>> No.14753029

Just drink some water and go outside for some fresh air pussy, I've had "asymptomatic covid" 3 times now supposedly

>> No.14753041

Yeah, SFG is probably one of the best generals on the site. Good for keeping up with space news + all sorts of interesting side discussions.

>> No.14753058

Start huffing Ivermectin and pray

>> No.14754012

can someone explain what I am going through right now? why didn't the antibodies from my three shots counter the virus? has the viral load I picked up, overwhelmed my immune system?

>> No.14754038

Nowadays variants are baby versions of the original virus. You'll likely feel that something's not right for 4 or 5 days, maybe you'll feel tired and have a sore throat but not much else.
Don't do intense physical exercises for several weeks though, just to be sure you give your heart time to heal in case Covid fucked with it a bit.

>can someone explain what I am going through right now?
Covid is a virus that doesn't produce a long lasting effective immunity. You would not be protected for long even after an infection.
Also the vaccines were made for the original strain, they still protect against severe cases if you are sick but Omicron can evade your antibodies more easily.

>> No.14754066

What this mean is that this phenomenon also happens to anyone who got a previous version of the disease, so virtually anyone who gets Covid a second time. But somehow this is a "vaxxies" problem.

>> No.14754073

Vaxx only produced antibodies against spike protein of the original Wuhan variant (which has been extinct now for two years as it has been replaced by other variants). These antibodies have no effect against omicron anymore. Natural immunity on the other hand also includes antibodies against the highly conserved nucleocapsid protein which is so stable that antibodies against it also work against sars and mers viruses.

>> No.14754088

Finally got covid. Had far worse bouts of influenza. But the loss of smell was a weird symptom. Also the general feeling of being unwell, hard to define it exactly, was worse than the average flu, although the other symptoms were no where near as bad.
Overall I would rather take another bout of covid than the flu if it came down to a choice.

>> No.14754090

I'm literally 300 pounds. I got it, felt nice and warm, and was fine. I actually enjoyed it.

>> No.14754212

Better order some semax to regrow your brain. Some antioxidants could help reduce the damage too.

>> No.14754259

smell is fine for me, is that weird

>> No.14754272

If you're the average 4chan user (i.e. 20-smth yo) you'll be fine. I just puked my guts out and had fever and diarrhea for a few days. I thought it was just food poisoning at the time but later learned it was the corona.

>> No.14754283

Dunno, guess so, seems like there is wide range of symptoms that some people get and some dont, and to varying degrees. Like this guy >>14754272
I never had anything like that. My crap was normal and I never felt like puking.
The coughing I had was very intermittent and certainly a lot less troublesome than just an ordinary cold. I have had colds where my ribs would hurt becasue of constant coughing, this was just a weak dry scratchy cough which lasted about a week and at max was perhaps a dozen times a day.

>> No.14755773


>> No.14755927
File: 128 KB, 583x548, 1638894668743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're not alone.

They weren't kidding about a Great Reset.

>TL;DR: The spike protein from COVID-19 and the injections cause auto-immune disease. Everyone has AIDS.

>"On Tuesday, a real zinger was dropped onto the medRxiv preprint server that could potentially explain many of the commonly observed pathogenic features of SARS-CoV-2. The authors provide solid evidence that the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein activates the envelope (ENV) protein encoded by HERV-W in blood cells, which is in turn directly responsible for many pathological features of the disease."









>> No.14756099

>i had three shots
lol, you still believe lies?

>> No.14756171

placebo effect
there's no virus

>> No.14756223

Covid was the most effective crap. Why? Because it all about half truths. Yes, Covid is real and makes you sick, yes, covid kills more people than flu. But so does obesity. Was it worth lock downs and mandatory vaccinations? No. Was it worth fucking up peoples lives? No. It wasn't even worth the mask hysteria. Did it result in even more wealth polarization? Yes. Did it make pharmaceutical companies and their shareholders even richer than before? Yes. Has it further preconditioned people to increasing authoritarian control? Yes. Has it eroded the integrity of science even more? Yes.

>> No.14756248

Last time I got it the only symptom was a scratchy throat for 2 days.

Pureblood unvaxxed BTW.

>> No.14756252

Did you take your boosters?