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14750790 No.14750790 [Reply] [Original]

Is entropy an emergent property of the arrow of time

>> No.14750792

propably also space

>> No.14750885

yeah sure why not

i wonder if there is another universe where time runs backwards and everything is getting hotter and moving faster

>> No.14750906

Go die retard

>> No.14750907

You don't need time or evolution to define entropy - it's a combinatorical property

>> No.14750926

No. You just threw a bunch of words together in a meaningless way

>> No.14751026

Entropy is a state function. It also doesn't change over time in an equilibrium system.

>> No.14751053

Entropy is the preference for all systems to be in a low-energy state rather than high-energy state, because higher energies mean more instability

>> No.14751072

Then explain [eqn]dS \geq 0[/eqn]. Why is entropy actually increasing?

>> No.14751114
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>Why is entropy actually increasing?
Because the energy density of the universe is decreasing

>> No.14751119

Doesn't go well with >>14751053

>> No.14751121

>Because the energy density of the universe is decreasing
But it doesn't have to.

I believe our universe is just a cage which is made in such a way so that entropy increase continually, even though reality doesn't work that way. We must escape out of the matrix ASAP

>> No.14751136

You don't really seem to understand what entropy is

>> No.14751139

>But it doesn't have to.
Nothing _has_ to, this is happening because things are continually accelerating further away from each other to the point where all the energy in the universe will be evenly distributed and there won't be enough energy to create new reactions, this of course takes an unfathomably long time so nobody gives a shit

>> No.14751144

You dont know what entropy is

>> No.14751149

If it didn't, perpetual energy would be possible. MAGIC would be possible. We could live out our fantasies and then move to the next one, forever in joy.
Entropy is the wall that divides religion and science.

>> No.14751162

No, if you are Maxwell's daemon himself.
Boltzmann was BASED
yes but the accent is rather put on quality of time(irreversibility) not quantity(numerical value).

>> No.14751181


>> No.14751245

The natural tendency for matter to prefer low-energy states over high-energy ones

>> No.14751270

low energy = low entropy
but entropy doesn't decrease as per second law.

>> No.14751278

>emergent property
Cult buzzphrase.

>> No.14752795

entropy isn't real outside of maths

>> No.14753081
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>another universe where time runs backwards and everything is getting hotter
According to the mirror anti-universe theory, yes. (According to this model, the anti-universe also contains all of this universe's missing anti-matter.)

>> No.14753084

Just because you don't understand how simple rules lead to complex behavior doesn't make it a buzzphrase.

>> No.14753087

>Just because you don't understand how simple rules lead to complex behavior
The funny thing is that your cult uses "emergent property" as a crutch and an article of faith whenever they're faced with complex behavior they can't actually explain. It just """emerges""".

>> No.14753104

Your argument falls apart in the face of the fact that the simple rules both explain and model the complex behaviors quite well.

>> No.14753111

You seem to be having imaginary arguments with characters in your head. Your preprogrammed reactions don't refute my posts in any way.

>> No.14753115

You don't exist?

>> No.14753119

Take your meds already.

>> No.14753140

Entropy doesn't exist.

>> No.14753202

Your iq doesn't exist.

>> No.14753212

I'm not the one suffering from schizophrenia.

>> No.14753219

Entropy is just a word that hints at the idea that things tend towards more statistically probable states. In other words, they tend how they tend, which is a tautology, and meaningless.

>> No.14753220

Then why are you arguing with imaginary characters in your head and pretending I'm the one saying the things the voices in your head say?

>> No.14753226

Not always. Entropy in an open system can decrease. The word has purpose and uses. You are retarded.

>> No.14753231

Reading comprehension failtard.
TEND doesn't mean always, PROBABLE doesn't mean always.
Think before you type nigger.

>> No.14753232

Your reasoning is retarded.

>> No.14753235

I'm not. >>14753087

>> No.14754383

Entropy is time

>> No.14755576


Other way round.

>> No.14755968
