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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14750090 No.14750090 [Reply] [Original]

>Math error: A new study overturns 100-year-old understanding of color perception
>A new study corrects an important error in the 3D mathematical space developed by the Nobel Prize-winning physicist Erwin Schrödinger and others, and used by scientists and industry for more than 100 years to describe how your eye distinguishes one color from another.
>The research has the potential to boost scientific data visualizations, improve TVs and recalibrate the textile and paint industries.

>> No.14750094

sounds like sociology, not math or science
> people perceive a big difference in color to be less than the sum you would get if you added up small differences in color

>> No.14750097

>potential to boost scientific data visualizations, improve TVs and recalibrate the textile and paint industries.
wow so important

>> No.14750105

imagine thinking you can mathematically assign a universal glasses curvature for everyone as if people's eyes weren't all different. what a load of dogshit and we're all paying taxes and debt interest on the grant money for this dogshit research lol

>> No.14750118

this is funny.
>Euclidian geometry doesn't work, color perception is incorrect
>we need a new color space geometry
>oh we have zero idea what it could look like

>> No.14750122

but now I am actually curious what they are going to come up with

>> No.14750304
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Hahaha! Say goodbye, CIE!

>> No.14750305

Vector colorspace used in high end cinema isn't euclidean

>> No.14750310 [DELETED] 
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Scientists are professional liars. They need to make money somehow, they need financers...
Their truth is a fabricated one. The one who holds riches creates the truth all must believe, lest they be branded "uneducated, illiterate monkeys".

>> No.14750319

If you did this job you'd realize it isn't that easy.

>> No.14750328 [DELETED] 
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Whoring and selling yourself is not easy. No matter how much scientists hate God, they still know deep down He exists and that a terrible punishment awaits them for having killed millions of children by "just following orders".

>> No.14750331

I like god, god tells me to develop better medical imaging techniques.

>> No.14750339

>I'm pro-life
>What is that thing??? Stomp it!!

>> No.14750344 [DELETED] 
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Your God, the God of science is an idol called Lucifer, who appreciates children being sacrificed.
God is against human sacrifice, hence why He prevented Abraham from sacrificing Isaac.

>> No.14750351

Killing fetuses from retarded and irresponsible people prevent them from flooding our society. A necessary prevention measure.

>> No.14750352

federal courts have recently ruled that nonphotographic depictions of underaged sex is just as illegal as photographs and videos, you are now legally a pedophile, no more "its only a drawing" loophole.

>> No.14750356 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14750436 [DELETED] 
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The way most pedophiles organisation operate is to take down pedophile hunters via accusing them of " detention of child pornography"(in truth, proof to take down pedophiles) so the corrupt government happily oblige, alongside useful idiots.

>> No.14750440

>Soience did an oopsie!
You mean science corrected a mistake that anti-soience faggots didn't find in 100 years... again.

>> No.14750443 [DELETED] 
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Remember to pump some more science juice in your body.

>> No.14750447

>moron makes unscientific claims
Are you trying to embarrass the "I fucking hate science" crowd even more?

>> No.14750452

just 2 more years, I swear

>> No.14750453 [DELETED] 
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I understand you need to cope after having made the big mistake of trusting science, it's okay, pray to God and Jesus for help.

>> No.14750454

>Euclidian geometry doesn't work, color perception is incorrect
That's not what it says
>the Reimannian geometric model developed for modelling human color perception is inaccurate
is the actual claim.

>> No.14750462

I was supposed to die last September already. When can I finally die?

>> No.14750469 [DELETED] 
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Pump some more mysterious chemicals in your body! Trust the power of science!

>> No.14750472

But he already did that. Why isn't he dead? Trusting you seems to be an even less enticing prospect than trusting this "science" you constantly whinge about.

>> No.14750481 [DELETED] 
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It's okay goyim, he is seething, regretting his choice, aware that he will not live long as long as he keeps trusting science, but doing fine! He just needs some more boosters!

>> No.14750722

But you said he was gonna die last september. Why should I trust you? You seem like you're full of shit.

>> No.14750724 [DELETED] 
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Watch out for those blood clots goyim! Watch out for that Covid heart disease!

>> No.14750739

Not a big oopsie and doesnt really mean shit. Is red further away from green that we previouly thought. Cant give shit.

>> No.14750743

I haven't had any blood clots yet. What would generate them a year later?

>> No.14750751 [DELETED] 
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Why are so many athletes collapsing randomly?

>> No.14750787

I was arguing with some anon that this place hasn't really gotten worse since Covid, he was just remembering the past with rose-tinted glasses.
I stand corrected.

>> No.14750928

Why didn't he prevent Jephthah from sacrificing his daughter to him too?

>> No.14750947

Because athletes also get covid
>In absolute terms, this means that a first deep vein thrombosis occurred in 401 patients with covid-19 (absolute risk 0.04%) and 267 control patients (absolute risk 0.01%). A first pulmonary embolism event occurred in 1,761 patients with covid-19 (absolute risk 0.17%) and 171 control patients (absolute risk 0.004%), and a first bleeding event occurred in 1,002 patients with covid-19 (absolute risk 0.10%) and 1,292 control patients (absolute risk 0.04%).

>> No.14750955

So one in 500-2500 athletes. There are many athletes.

>> No.14750960

How would an event make them collapse a year later?

>> No.14750966

Do you know what a chronic condition is?

>> No.14750974

Works on my rgba8888 machine

>> No.14750977

The us has around 140000 professional athletes. There was an increase of 250 cases a year since 2020 compared to 2019. according to the numbers and the average rate of covid cases in the us, it seems that athletes are at an even lower risk than the general population

>> No.14751004

Not surprising that they have a risk that's below average. They are typically young and healthy. The general population also includes 100 year old chain smokers.

>> No.14751034

Athletes already have a higher probability of heart conditions compared to healthy but not overly physically active people in their age group, but that’s besides the point.
The cases of myocarditis in people after vaccination are real, but insignificant compared to the myocarditis cases in covid patients. (22 per Million with the vaccine, 450 per million with covid)
Data also shows a 6 times higher likelihood of having heart related issues from a covid infection if you haven’t been vaccinated

>> No.14751044

And even the 450 per million are no big deal, since most of them are asymptomatic. Unless you run a marathon just after you recover from covid, you'll be fine even if you're one of the 450.

>> No.14751056

Yes. The fear of covid is a nothingburger, the fear of the vaccine an even bigger one, schizos on the internet are retarded, the earth keeps spinning

>> No.14751060

But abestos is a great insulator

>> No.14751407

Yes. One that's chronic, not one that lives inside you like a sleeper agent and then pops up with no explanation.

>> No.14751414

lurk more

>> No.14751425
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this is actually an example of fake science, the chart proposed in the article/paper presents the exact same data as picrel but with one shape instead of two triangles inside each other. it's literally just a new graphing method for the already standard and well known spectrum of human vision

>> No.14751431
File: 2.87 MB, 2436x1125, 0394BB9B-F191-4264-A053-21DEFD89B636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>heres your revolution in color science bro

>> No.14751447

If SRGB is so shite how am I seeing this picture? Checkmate atheists.