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File: 34 KB, 1316x1242, flatlining.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14749462 No.14749462 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any actual proof of a flat earth?

>> No.14749465


>> No.14749492

For anyone truly interested in finding the truth about the world around them, here are multiple debates between credentialed physicists, PHD professors and cosmologists vs flat earthers. These debates are great resources to hear both sides of the argument and then construct an informed opinion of your own on the matter:

Quantum physicist debates Flat Earthers:

University Professor debates Flat Earthers:

Physics student debates Flat Earthers:

University Cosmologist Professor debates Flat Earthers:

Physics PHD Professor Debates Flat Earthers:

Particle physicist debates flat earther:
https://youtu.be/CATklVkPEMw [Embed]

Two physicists and a pilot debates flat earthers:

PhD scientist cannot debunk missing curvature, leaves interview, asks interviewer to sign an NDA, and asks him to delete video:

Gravity is complete bullshit (timestamped at 08:15):

Newtonian Gravity vs Einsteinian Gravity (timestamped at 16:43)

Dark Matter, Dark Energy and the Cosmological Constant (timestamped at 22:28):

The Heliocentric model CANNOT and DOES NOT make any predictions including eclipses (timestamped at 01:02:28):

Austin Witsit debates various Heliocentrists:

...and most all of these 400+ Videos of Flat Earth debates/interviews are currently shadowbanned by google and JewTube:

>> No.14749626

No. It’s all retards who don’t understand high school physics.

>> No.14749629

bot programmed by retard shill enters first, how typical

>> No.14749630

Flat earther here with MSc in Mechanical Engineering and MSc in Astrophysics.
Are insults and tantrums the only arguments you've got against flat earth?

>> No.14749632

There is no *both sides" flat earthers are retards who don't understand basic physics and reality itself to justify their insane worldview. The create fallacious arguments post hoc which are later easily debunked over and over again even by their own followers kek.

>> No.14749633

Funny, exactly what a bot would say

>> No.14749668
File: 1.34 MB, 2770x2184, 1660079615769714.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Surely with your wonderful education you can explain with your own words how the southern cross would work on a flat earth. Imagine people looking south at the night sky from australia, south africa and south america. They all see the same constellation. Does not work on a flat model. Also the southern cross does not "set" in australia for example. It goes around a point due south

There is also the problem of pic related

>> No.14749675

That your mother doesn't slip off due to sheer volume

>> No.14749683


>> No.14749687

>southern cross

>> No.14749690

There are basically zero astronomical observations that are in agreement with a flat Earth model. It can't even explain why the celestial poles seem to move with latitude for fucks sake. The flattard cope is, of course, that space is fake.

>> No.14749693



Objectively wrong but ok. Also with your own words next time please

>> No.14749696


Forgot timestamps. They are literally in the first comment under the video you sent tho. Have fun!

>> No.14749699

Being a flat earther is dumb, but arguing with them isn't much better.

>> No.14749703


>> No.14749719


This. Just don't engage. I spent several hours a day a few times going in circles with flerfs in several threads, and no opinions were ever changed. These people cannot be helped. They are too close minded and stubborn and think they discovered the truth by seeing a video on youtube about FE

Literally just leave them be in their little bubble, and do your own thing. Use that time to learn an instrument or do something useful, and then remember you are using that time to actually do something cool, while flat earthers rot in their little echo chamber for years, gradually becoming more and more insane.

>> No.14749857

It's all fun and games until a flat earther manages to publish a model that can predict earthquakes with 99% accuracy, as well as finding mines and oil with ease

How will globe earthers cope when that happens? Retort that muh astronomy doesn't fit it?

>> No.14749884


2 more weeks and the truth comes out!!! 1!1!1!

>> No.14749886

Let us know when that happens.

>> No.14749888
File: 128 KB, 1024x722, 1658368261358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am pretty sure at least some of the people behind the flat earth movement (and other particularly stupid conspiracy theories) are glowniggers trying to poison the well about anyone questioning the official government narrative of things. Then of course, some of them are just trolls who find it an amusing topic to rile folks up about. And finally, some are genuine believers.

>> No.14749897

umm god just put it in the sky, and it moves around exactly so it is the way that you see that it is
see, much simpler than "astro"-"physics"

>> No.14749915
File: 75 KB, 1021x568, polaris.angle.small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polaris is a good one. So is the sun:

Neither can work on a flat earth and behave as they are observed to in reality.

>> No.14749916

>literally doesn't address the southern cross at all, only issues of day length in the southern hemisphere
I know the people here are obviously just baiting but this guy can't be. How do you edit together a whole video like this with a straight face without realizing you didn't even vaguely touch on the topic?

>> No.14750043

Its all in the bible man, just give the genesis a good ol'read will ya?

>> No.14750066

I was never too much into semitic fiction, I'm more of an Isaac Asimov enjoyer

>> No.14750110
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>> No.14750113
File: 284 KB, 505x584, Isaiah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody who supports flat earth is a good servant of Jesus and God. Believing imaginary equations instead of real life observations is one of the way the Devil tricks the smug and arrogant overeducated people and intellectuals