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File: 2.23 MB, 1x1, Why Being Anti-Science Is Now Part Of Many Rural Americans’ Identity _ FiveThirtyEight.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14742191 No.14742191 [Reply] [Original]

Why does geography have such a big impact on the statistics, demographics, and popular opinion? Why do rural areas tend not to value science and truth?

Do people move to these areas because they don't value science in the first place and something about these areas is attractive to this population, or is it that people live in these areas, and then something about the social environment in rural america makes people grow more antiscience over time? I.e. are antiscience folks attracted to rural areas, or do rural areas just make people more antiscience?

>> No.14742198

Cosmopolitans inserted political and ideological issues into scientific discussion. People aren't going to support something that they view as directly threatening their way of life.

>> No.14742214

>Do people move to these areas because they don't value science in the first place
Nobody moves to a rural area. People move from rural areas.

>> No.14742219

Science is seen as modernity. Modernity is seen as bad. There is also a lot of resentment because the economies of these areas has shit the bed due to factories closing and Big Agra consolidating control over farmland and production.

The populations are very old. I live in a very rural area of Kentucky and the median age is about 50. Churches are filled with seniors.

Young people all move away for jobs. The few who stay are mostly alcoholics or drug addicts. Another subset who stay are religious zealots who see science as incompatible with their faith.

They overwhelmingly think people in cities live far better than they do, while also thinking they themselves are far more independent than they actually are. The economy is highly dependent on gibs and would collapse without them. The good jobs are all in medicine or government positions for the most part. Without Medicare and Medicaid the main source of good jobs would vanish, and Social Security is a main driver of all spending.

It's a weird mix of resentments. Partly it is apolitical, just the old being jealous of the young.

It won't stop anytime soon. Counties will have cancer rates so high that 1/5 people over 18 have or have had cancer and will still reject any enviornmental protections as liberal conspiracies. We have no hazardous waste disposal, everything goes in the water table. Crops are doused in Round Up to make harvesting slightly less labor intensive.

The view of the cities comes from media and paints a way to rosy picture of skinny hip young people. The resentment is also of the overwhelmingly obese against those who aren't.

I've lived in a majority minority inner city too and have come to the conclusion that rural America is only slightly less nihilistic and self loathing than the ghettos.

Also my shit has been broken into just as often, just by meth heads instead of crack heads, and everyone throws their trash everywhere just like the ghetto.

>> No.14742247

>There is also a lot of resentment because the economies of these areas has shit the bed due to factories closing and Big Agra consolidating control over farmland and production.

Why do rural folks always blame muh gub'mint, muh outsourcing, and muh corporations for all their problems? I though rural folks believed in the free market and they support america? If you people really love America so much then why do you hate the government so much and constantly complain about it? We live in the greatest country in the world, and yet rural folks constantly complain about our government and our society, and blame all their problems on uncle Sam. If you people really support the free market, then why do you complain about big agriculture and outsourcing? Because rural folks are some of the dumbest, most hypocritical ignorant fucking morons in the world.

>> No.14742249

"If you can't be smart be tough," is another part. People have low self esteem due to the low value of their labor in the market. So like gang bangers, they have to create this tough guy image for themselves.

So in the shitty part of my town are a bunch of broken down trailers with trash strewn lawns and every last one has a new truck in the driveway. The F-150 and Silverado are the most repod vehicles in America now. The husband can't drive anything but a truck, even though he works at Walmart or is on disability. It's like women's expensive handbags, except $30,000. Thus the screeching about gas prices even though they are effectively subsidized.

It's a lot like gang bangers. They have guns, because they are warriors, tough and independent, but then they're obese and can't run a mile.

It's a soup of cognitive dissonance.

Only mountain towns and rich suburbs are actually nice in America. Libs worship ghetto dwellers and suburban right wingers think people in rural areas are all strong men sitting out in their wheat fields with their trad wives saying "yes." Really they're both shit holes, to a large degree because of the people.

But upper middle class voters both have their own species of poor people they turn into heros, while despising the other side's. Really they need to do something for both of them because it's fucking depressing living with them.

>> No.14742254

Something, something, big corps are woke, something, something in truly free markets companies will only do things I like.

>> No.14742266

>Why do rural folks always blame muh gub'mint, muh outsourcing, and muh corporations for all their problems?
Rural peoples dont exist in the united states. As a class they went extinct. Most so-called farmers live in cities and they just get land rents from farms they inherited.
Lands are worked by seasonal migrants and technicians from cities that buy their groceries from Wal-Mart.

>> No.14742273

Yeah you are right, suburbs are the only livable place in US, most Americans live in suburbs, specially the house owning families, these are the people that do all the decent jobs and pay taxes. Both rural areas and cities are filled with trash.

I myself live in suburbs, drive to work in a city 3 times a week, rest is WFH.

> Government and Corporations ruin America
> Why do people that love America hate them?

>> No.14742277

Those seasonal migrants only do the picking job, most of farming has been completely industrialised with auto-motives.

>> No.14742281

Everything else specially in dairy farms is done by the farmers themselves.

>> No.14742289

I thought science was racist and antisemitic?

>> No.14742290

I know small scale farmers, but they are not that common.

Mostly you are correct in terms of how most food is produced, but there are still people living in these rural areas. They drive long distances for work, work at the businesses that are still out there (auto repair, stores, doctor's offices, schools), or are on gibs. Gibs is the biggest source of income because people are overwhelmingly old. But there are good jobs in terms of pay. Medicine is strong due to Medicare. Trucking pays decent. Construction jobs are there you just have to travel a lot.

>> No.14742298

sage because this is another b8 thread lazily slagging off people the author doesn't like and playing dumb in pretending they're just talking

>> No.14742301

Boutique organic farming is definitely a thing and people can make decent money. You see a lot in Vermont and western Massachusetts. There isn't much in the big farm states because they haven't done crop rotation in decades and it's all reliant on petroleum based fertilizer. Plus now they do Monsanto no sew seed and soak the ground in Round Up. Then to dry out the harvest they hose it down with Round Up again. Regular crops would probably all die in a farm state from all the chemicals. When fields are left bare for financial reasons I don't even see weeds growing up, soil is toast.

>> No.14742313

Less education, older people, wanting to cling to traditions however bad they are = antiscience, religious, conspiracitard, more susceptible to being manipulated.

>> No.14742451
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Exactly. They don't even vote in their own self-interest. These morons are so fucking stupid that they don't even realize that the people who really respect them and care about their best interests and well-being are the democrats, not the out-of-touch republican elites. I don't get how it's not obvious to all of these uneducated, ignorant, racist, conservative, antivaxx rural voters that democrats and liberals deeply respect them and their way of life, and just want to support them and their communities. Mainstream liberals and democrats definitely empathize deeply with the plight of the rural working class, and want nothing more than to alleviate their socioeconomic hardships and revitalize these rural communities, but your typical rural conservative voter is just too stupid, uneducated, and brainwashed by right wing propaganda to see the truth. They're just self-righteous morons who are convinced that they're correct and they'll happily continue to blame the democrats as their communities sink deeper and deeper into poverty and disrepair.

>> No.14742460

>Why do rural areas tend not to value corporate indoctrination and giving hormone blockers fo their children?
Because your mental illness is caused neurotoxins in the air, food and water. Also urban bugmen are effectively a separate subspecies of subhumans subject to different selection pressures than true humans.

>> No.14742468

you have no self awareness

>> No.14742471

No shit, you're talking to a literal GPT spammer. I thought most people have learnerd to recognize and ignore them by now.

>> No.14742518

>by the farmers themselves.
Farm peons

>> No.14742542

>Why do rural areas tend not to value science and truth?
Partly because the acolytes of science do things like equivocate between science and truth.

>> No.14742663

Nope. It's mostly family members. The thing isn't that labor intensive.

>> No.14742693

>everyone who says things I don't like is a bot

>> No.14742755

Old Boomers who are bitter because they are reliant on trillions in gibs a year but then don't get to dictate the culture and government 100%. You could neutron bomb all of fly over country and as long as the migrant slaves who actually work the farms aren't hit it would be a net benefit for the economy.

>> No.14742775

Clearly you are ignorant of farming. Shut up and go away.

>> No.14742907

No, but anyone who says the things you say, especially on 4chan, is a bot.

>> No.14742935

> Why does geography have such a big impact on the statistics, demographics, and popular opinion?
Because when people go outside to touch grass, they tend to go to the outside closest to them and touch the grass closest to them.

>> No.14742940

I'm neither the first guy, not a bot.

>> No.14742975

> love America so much then why do you hate the government
How can this possibly be confusing to you? Unless you're either an illiterate retard or a literal Nazi who thinks people and government are the same thing. This should be called the five dime fallacy because all the extreme pro-China shills also make this same Nazi conflation all the time.

>> No.14743655

Weird because Nazis generally are very clear that they understand the difference between country and nation while the bugmen who infest this thread believe them to be synonyms.

>> No.14743675

>implying cityslickers value truth or science
People pick the world they want to live in, both physically and ideologically.

>> No.14743676

The only difference is that Nazis would rather be raped and abused by people of the same species rather than ape men or bug men. Why the fuck should I care who's raping me more than I care that I'm being raped.

>> No.14743694

>thread devolved into calling each other nazis

>> No.14743701

Nope, read again.

>> No.14743720

Rural towns literally select for close minded, low iq genes
For several generations anyone with enough intelligence made the markedly easier choice to just move to a city and earn several times more + be part of a larger collective
Only the worst traits remained

>> No.14743725

>be part of a larger collective
china.gov shill detected

>> No.14743838

Here's the actual answer.

Science is dependent on learning. What is learning? Learning is seeing things you've never seen before. Living in a place with more people means you will see more things, have more interactions. More than you'd ever see in a place with way less people.
There's a cap on how much you can learn by interacting with the same pool of 100 people every day. Not only that, but there's a feedback loop of reinforcing the same ideas and beliefs over and over by interacting with this limited pool. So when you see something that contradicts it, like with science, you're gonna be resistant to it.

Take this idea to the extreme and imagine if you lived your whole life with 1 parent in a forest, teaching you their own beliefs. How would you react to new information?

Geography has nothing to do with it. It has to do with how many people are around you.

>> No.14744121

>PDF of an opinion piece
kill your self?

>> No.14744149

It's literally just this. A lot of "pro-science" people align with or push particular political views, some which sound absurd on the face of things. This leads to a sense that a lot of "science" is just a front for pushing politics and agendas.

>> No.14744543

The mistake being made is to assume that science and history are done in some kind of idealized vacuum that is isolated from the political landscape.

There may be some abstract concept called objective truth, but this is largely irrelevant to the discussion of whether science is providing it to the public or policy makers.

Let’s take it as a given that the scientific process is uncovering truth. That process is directed always by battles over funding and pressure from your academic peers. These unseen largely unheard forces are what actually shapes which bits of truth are exposed or obscured in scientific literature.

The lack of belief in the scientific establishment is not necessarily disbelief in truth or indeed in the reliability of some method to discover it, but rather a skepticism over the personal beliefs, motivations, and influences of science practitioners as a cohort.

This skepticism is not only perfectly valid and reasonable, but 100% predictable in a society where we are seeking to use scientific literature to shape public policy.

If scientists want to discover truth and not be disbelieved in spite of their own evidence, then their goal should be to insulate and separate themselves as much as possible from any levers of power of government.

While they have been bemoaning politics, religion, and ideology infiltrating science, they've forgotten that they themselves have already infiltrated government and culture. Most importantly, most scientists feel this is the way government ought to be. And so this is the way things shall remain; with the Augean Stables still full of filth.

>> No.14744645

The difference between a grasshopper and a locust is population density. It's the same for people.

>> No.14744688

Have they tried asking said rural people?

>> No.14744869

Like a peasant?

>> No.14744932
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>the people who want my kid to cut his own dick off and stay quiet because I am white and forcefully inject me with mystery jew juice are the ones who care about my interests

>> No.14744935

Building on existing ideas in the thread, the basic idea behind science is obtaining information (observations) and creating mathematical formulae that can accurately describe them consistently. This allows for repeated experimentation for confirmation/certification of hypothesis into theory and theory into law. From that engineering principles can be easily made for tradesmen and the observations used in a practical setting. Electricity's development is an excellent example of this, with it starting with mild observations about lightning and lemonade to batteries, electrons, radio emissions, the atomic model and quantum theory.

For this to happen, people needed to talk to each other to exchange ideas such as through public postal offices setup in the 18th century. It's no surprise that electricity's first major discoveries made by Volta were made through his friendship with Napoleon and the first secular European physics program. Subsequent discoveries were made in the industrialized parts of Europe and the US, where high-speed ground transportation aka railroads were hamstrung by physical control systems that made operations difficult. The invention of dynamos and Morse Code solved this and quickly spread to any place with railroads. As railroads grew bigger and more complicated, odd interference was found between cabling, and this eventually led to the invention of speakerphony aka telephones then discovery of radio which was then widely adopted by all commercial businesses and marine services. By this point Edison and Tesla had already electrified most of the urban US, massively increasing communication between professionals who were no longer constrained by private couriers hired (and insured) by a credentialed university. Anyone could communicate via USPS, REA, WU, Bell or their own radio set. By the 1920s all major universities had electricity, and could communicate with each other worldwide without much interruption.

>> No.14744937

And then?

>> No.14744938


As the amount of communication increased, the amount of available information could be viewed, experimented with, modified and ultimately shown to be truth or not. Ideas could spread rapidly and either fail or succeed within weeks rather than years. Areas with the highest communication could do so the fastest, those that were not connected obviously didn't participate and had to rely on others to communicate for them using newspapers and theater. Thus, it is only natural that the most important science and engineering was done in such communication nexuses namely New York (Bell Labs), Chicago (where all major railroads exchanged), and San Francisco (where the Navy was). In terms of human geography, this caused a significant dismount between rural and urban populations which came to a crest in WW1 when the former was effectively annihilated to protect the latter. Subsequent rural society then, perhaps rightfully, became suspicious of the big cities and big city ideas. In America this led to the KKK's rise as a political movement and in Europe it led to fascism. The results were disastrous.

>> No.14744946


Postwar the development of television changed this by bringing pictures into individual homes across the entire country. Now people could not just read or hear about events but witness them. While this is outside the context of your question, here is a US specific example: with television's rise came the unsettling realization that a large part of the US was effectively banned from participating in society based on race. Subsequent televised riots against black people attending white schools and white buses disgusted Americans, especially urban ones. Then after several church bombings occurred, whose results were displayed on TV, Americans then decided enough was enough and passed the civil rights act. Such a thing would not have been plausible without such high-speed, high-quality long-distance communication. In the succeeding decades, America has generally become less racist as TV expanded and was supplemented by portable media storage aka the VHS tape. Computers then increased this, culminating with the Internet.

Anyway, to answer your question: people could see and interact with things, ideas and places they wouldn't be able to do before. Rural people often don't do that because they simply don't have the connections out, especially for rural areas that are not near a major highway. In a commercial context it's why rural areas don't have a lot of products or things urban ones do such as 4K TVs, replacement car parts, or certain types of food like orange juice (versus powdered OJ): there are simply not enough connections to warrant it being shipped in and out. Which relates to Sears's rise as America's most valuable company and Amazon's subsequent hold over that position.

>> No.14745920

This has to be the most intellectually barren comment in this entire thread.

>> No.14745951
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>my opinions are better-grounded because I live in a mediated corporate reality instead of real life

>> No.14745991

You are taking the article title at face value. The "science" they are describing is just political opinion. Is there a legitimate point of contention where rural folk are anti-science? Yes, such as the arguments of creationism.
Is being critical of transexual and LGBTQ+ in schools an anti-science bend? No, it isn't. Arguing that politically appointed positions in corporate proxy foundations and associations have a consensus on the matter is actually the anti-science point.
This is just one of many possible arguments I could make on behalf of rural persons.

Rural peoples and even universities in rural locales tend to value concrete and measurable sciences that hold utility which is immediately apparent. Social sciences are generally disparaged. I think you will find that no rural person will disagree or find disagreeable the scientific content which normally falls in the realm of engineering.

This has been my impression as an international student pursuing graduate studies at Michigan Technological University. I am natively from Peru, and our culture clash over this particular subject is not too dissimilar.

>> No.14746007

> I think you will find that no rural person will disagree or find disagreeable the scientific content which normally falls in the realm of engineering.
Kek ask a person in rural America on their opinion about Japanese cars
I would also call biology and astrophysics a reliable and measurable science

>> No.14746025

Over the last 50 years, science has become cosmopolitan and when it became cosmopolitan it became more exclusive, smug, and condescending.

Instead of a tool for bettering everyone's lives, it's become a blunt tool for fart-sniffing cityfags and obnoxious redditors to flail around and make themselves feel superior to people they regard as flyover state simpletons.

>> No.14746038

This is not a science

>> No.14746050

I don't believe Japanese cars have been a point of contention since the 80s, when they were a credible threat to the US auto industry. Today, various manufacturers from multiple countries maintain auto manufacturing and assembly plants in the US.

Biology and astrophysics are quite lower on the scale of "measurable", and no one would honestly argue they are as concrete, as both are far above any engineering discipline in scale and dynamics of their systems.
I hate to stay on this topic but it is too easy of a target, but you are never going to convince anyone other than those who would believe it at face value without proof anyways, that transexualism is valid. The more you cling to weak, politically and financially motivated topics such as that, the more legitimacy you will lose in the eyes of the public. People see, they can read, they can think. They see that opposition to the consensus is brutally oppressed.
It does no good to actual scientists and those who pursue these things for its own sake, to die on these hills for financial backers. You will never get rid of these people, they will always exist, they have a voice, they are your neighbors and fellow countrymen. You are only hurting yourself and people like us who want to live comfortably in our passions.

For those of you working in the fields which are so often politically hijacked, your cowardice is pissing away the societal trust that took centuries to build. Your ego and dismissal of what you assume to be stupid people beneath you that you can lie and tell the sky is red and ocean yellow, are causing serious harm and threaten the future for us and those that come after us. You should be ashamed.

>> No.14746062

> but you are never going to convince anyone other than those who would believe it at face value without proof anyways, that transexualism is valid. The more you cling to weak, politically and financially motivated topics such as that, the more legitimacy you will lose in the eyes of the public. People see, they can read, they can think.
Lmao even

>> No.14746072

>I want people to look up to me, respect me, give me money, believe me at face value, but I refuse to show them any respect or not treat them like garbage.

Ok. See you on /r9k/.

>> No.14746096
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Ask you average urbanite pro-censorship neoliberal type what they think about the lab leak hypothesis or about subjects like evolutionary psychology or genetic anthropology, which they often find extremely controversial because they triggered when people start applying evolution or genetics to the study of human cognition and social behavior.

>inb4 nuh uh you're just a poltard I have never heard of leftists complain about evolutionary psychology in my life

If this is your response, then you obviously don't know much about the cognitive or behavioral sciences. I myself am a leftist (just not an SJW), and many leftist scholars like Noam Chomsky and Steven Pinker have commented extensively on far-left "anti-science" attitudes (to use your own terminology) in the cognitive and behavioral sciences. These attacks tend to come from woke far-left types and humanities scholars/continental philosophers who get upset at any suggestion that human cognition and behavior is shaped by genetics or evolution (because they claim, without evidence, that this will lead to stuff like eugenics and racial pseudoscience).
If you don't believe me just look at some of Chomsky's or Pinker's lectures on YouTube concerning evolution, cognition, and post-modernism.

For example, here is a random article on the topic that I found on Google in like 10 seconds.

The idea that only rural conservatives are irrational and bigoted and "antiscience", and that educated urban liberals are always completely rational and unbiased and scientific is a very simplistic, self-serving, and classist world-view and one that is both logically and empirically questionable.

>> No.14746137

I chuckled audibly.

>> No.14746239

Chill dude I never claimed that I liked the liberal urbanite type. People in general are anti scientific. The vast majority. I don’t care about the OP title. However, that doesn’t mean that rural people are any more scientific when it comes to topics besides sociology and gender studies. This is just plain wishful thinking. Think climate change. Or why there would be any rational reason to be against same sex marriage. The satanic panic. Violent video games. Rock and roll music. Racism. The truth is that people are and have always been ignorant and it likely won’t change

>> No.14746465

Your ego will continue to make your depression self-destructive and your life generally unhappy.

>> No.14746468

Rural zones are based. It's where I grew up, we're less propagandized.

>> No.14746470

>because they claim, without evidence, that this will lead to stuff like eugenics and racial pseudoscience
This is pure bullshit. Look at anywhere these topics are discussed and it always boils down to racism. Especially here.

>> No.14746477



real life example: compare the IQ of an indian reservation to Sacramento or San Bernadino

>> No.14747827

Well, that's the whole point. Just because something is controversial doesn't make it wrong. Furthermore, I have literally never seen a mainstream academic researcher in the fields of genetic anthropology, evolutionary psychology, or any related fields making racist claims or using their research to defend or support racist claims. In fact, the complete opposite. Most researchers in these fields tend to be left leaning, and are certainly further to the left than pro-censorship woke neoliberal centrists who would criticize them. The only people who would misinterpret EvoPsych scholarship and use it to justify racist views are non-scientists that already hold those sorts of views, but most of these people probably aren't spending a lot of time engaging with the scientific literature on these topics, and they're already going to being promoting their racist views anyway, so sperging out about subjects like sociobiology or sex differences doesn't really seem appropriate. I mean, if your going to argue against an entire field of study solely on the basis of the fact that retards in the general public could misinterpret research in that field of study, then your pretty much going to have an issue with literally every academic subject, since they are all susceptible to misinterpretation by retards.

>> No.14747850
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Self promotion bias

>> No.14747977 [DELETED] 

The real reason that kind of research has to be ruthlessly suppressed and censored is because Western society doesn't have an answer for it. It undercuts the egalitarian foundation the West is founded on. If you come out and say "black people on average are functionally retarded compared to their white counterparts and this disparity has an ineradicable genetic origin" what are you supposed to do about that? You either pour endless amounts of research into trying to remedy a problem that is never going away (what we do now) or you start talking about separation. The researchers themselves might not be racist but they are making hay for those who are.

>> No.14747979

The real reason that kind of research has to be ruthlessly suppressed and censored is because Western society doesn't have an answer for it. It undercuts the egalitarian foundation the West is founded on. If you come out and say "black people on average are functionally retarded compared to their white counterparts and this disparity has an ineradicable genetic origin" what are you supposed to do about that? You either pour endless amounts of resources into trying to remedy a problem that is never going away (what we do now) or you start talking about separation (we gave up the stars for this.) The researchers themselves might not be racist but they are making hay for those who are.

>> No.14747987

It's actually quite similar to the kind of research Galileo was doing. The objective truth was that the earth is not at the center of the universe, but political and ideological consequences of the truth were deemed to be more critical than the truth itself.
Modern people pride themselves on looking down on those who came before us but we live in the same exact sort of society today, where the truth is made subservient to ideology. The fear of what the truth might mean for politics is more deemed more important than the truth itself.

>> No.14747990

>black people on average are functionally retarded compared to their white counterparts and this disparity has an ineradicable genetic origin
Except that black kids from higher than average socioeconomic backgrounds have outperformed white kids in every Test ever done on this and you just have confirmation bias

>> No.14748002

Literally "those damn blacks" but for rural people.

>> No.14748004


>> No.14748011

What a truly retarded response.

>> No.14748058

And yet it is still holds true. Too bad about your SSRIs though. Guess you'll just have to stop being self-destructive instead of hoping some pills will bail you out of the hole you keep digging yourself into.

>> No.14748067

What an even more retarded response. Keep that projector rolling, shizo.

>> No.14748089

They are not "anti-science". They distrust the establishment, because it betrayed them over and over again.

>> No.14748096
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„I am not anti science, I just use ad hominems as part of my confirmation bias“

>> No.14748103

why did you turn an internet article into a pdf you fucking autistic retard?

>> No.14748109

damn sounds like blacks are genetically superior to everyone wakanda forever black power nigger bow down to the bbc bitch

>> No.14748112

This. People from the ghetto are in urban areas but don't interact with people outside their class except in very structured, uneven ways. They are as scientifically illiterate as rural Boomers, and just as conspiratorial. I've lived in both and it is a dead heat for how retarded average beliefs are.

It's lack of exposure outside one's isolated social class. Also grievance due to being poor.

Education plays a big role. Massachusetts Hispanics outscore many Southern non-Hispanic Whites on K-12 assessments. US states range from Mexico tier to Sweden and Korea tier in education and the GDP per Capita variance is huge too (like $40k for Mississippi to over $80k for rich New England states). Some places find education way more. Average teacher pay ranges from like $35k, with McDonalds offering more post-pandemic, to $90k in the richer towns of wealthy states, where six figure teacher salaries are not uncommon. Education requirements are totally different too. Some states are waiving the need for any college degree, while the richer ones require graduate degrees to be earned within X years of teaching and pay for them.

Obviously richer kids do better, and inner city schools in rich states (e.g., Springfield and Hartford in New England) still have low scores, but the gap is still very stark, and explains the huge GDP and HDI gaps between states to some degree. Minnesota has a very good system too.

Higher salaries mean less in very high cost of living states, so NY and CA have high pay, mediocre to bad performance, but that partly stems from the ratio of immigrants and it's partly because the high pay is the equivalent of medium pay when you factor in cost of living.

Education majors are also a joke in many schools, but some programs (Duke and Harvard stand out) are actually professional. Like Duke drills their teachers almost to professor level, but it's also a tiny program at an overall elite school that doesn't accept many people.

>> No.14748116

This. All people are exactly the same and genetically identical. All differences can be explained by purely socioeconomic factors. We are one race - the human race. He will not divide us. Black power.

>> No.14748121
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>> No.14748135

Rural dwellers generally aren't conscious. Theres a reason the most intelligent group of humans to ever exist (Jews) dwelled in cities for thousands of years, it's because generally it's pretty fucking difficult to live in the city. Rural life is too easy, it causes people to become dumb from the monotony, it's a major source of dysgenics.

America is proportionally less urbanized than Europe and it's no surprise it's a country full of retards who genuinely listen to infowars and Fox news.

>> No.14748139

The key things you see in successful states is:

1. Some mechanism for funding education at a state-wide level instead of solely using local property/sales tax.

2. Funding poorer, higher needs students at a higher rate, meaning poorer districts actually spend more per student.

3. Special funding for high needs student so that a few disabled students who cost $500,000 a year because they need residential/medical care don't drain the budget.

4. Expanded Medicaid so that kids have healthcare and can get interventions like hearing aids, therapy, or even glasses.

5. More strict teacher standards so that those with poor growth for their students get fired. Merit based bonuses help a bit too.

6. Funded continuing ed for teachers, including career long short programs and funded graduate degrees.

7. Higher teacher pay that makes the career comfortably middle class.

My hunch is that shitty US math scores have to do with drilling for tests and teaching math totally cut off from any practical use cases. I learned math as just this shit I had to do for tests. We never learned logic or probability. I did shitty because I was in an inner city district where math was just an annoying puzzle you needed for some test. If you taught the interesting philosophy behind it, logic, probability, and how to actually use algebra and geometry for science, finance, etc., it would be a lot more relatable. I did great in math in undergrad and grad school because it was no longer meaningless puzzles based on arbitrary rules.

>> No.14748145

>because it betrayed them over and over again.
What the fuck are you talking about? How long have you lived in your own world?

>> No.14748146

That’s not what it means. It means that genetics are not the sole determining factor for iq.
In a study that I am too lazy to google for you they tested the iq of adopted black children at the age of 7. While even the black children adopted by 2 black parents showed a 4 point deviation from the black iq average (I believe it was 89 and 85), children of one black one white couple were on average 8 points above the average, and adopted children of white couples were 24 points above the black average at 109, 4 points above white non adopted children at the same age group.
Furthermore, the study found no difference in children where both genetical parents where black vs one white one black if the adopted parents knew didn’t know wether the kids where full or half black, while there was a difference noticeable in kids with 2 white adopting parents where the parents did know, favoring half black kids.
„Race realists“ or however you retards call yourself nowadays also don’t have an explanation in how the average black iq rose by 18 point between the 60s and the 2000s, as such a large difference would go against every single principle of evolutionary biology if it was purely genetic

>> No.14748147

>Theres a reason the most intelligent group of humans to ever exist (Jews) dwelled in cities for thousands of years, it's because generally it's pretty fucking difficult to live in the city.
Actually it's because they were legally prohibited from owning land or participating in trades.
Another example of a group of genetically superior minority rising up and overcoming the genetically inferior whites despite all odds.

>> No.14748154

Imagine projecting this hard.

I even mentioned that immigrants bring down average performance in states.

But it can't be just genetics or else Hispanics in better districts wouldn't be beating out Whites in shit states. Hell, I work with state data all the time and you'll see Black average scores above White ones when comparing shitty districts and rich ones. To be sure, this is partly genetics, as smarter people tend to earn more and move to the rich towns, but it doesn't explain all the variance.

For one, it doesn't explain why the gaps across class and race are much smaller early on, but blow up as kids hit puberty and social pressures become more pronounced.

>> No.14748156

I know, I'm agreeing with you. Blacks are genetically superior.
Consider the following - we know that Black people are far and away genetically superior athletes.
We also know that Black people only lag behind academically because of purely socioeconomic factors.
This implies that there is a way to fix Blacks lagging behind academically, but there is no way to fix whites lagging behind physically.
This means that when Black people inevitably overcome the socioeconomic factors that made them lag behind, they will be totally superior in every way to white people and will inevitably eradicate them. Black power. Bow down. to the bbc bitch.

>> No.14748160

Yes, they were prohibited from land, that meant pretty much the only place they could realistically live was in the city. If the Europeans had made some country in the middle of nowhere and gave the Jews some farm plots or something, they would have never become intelligent, farming is a dysgenic activity and it's intimately tied to rural life..

>> No.14748163

Science being silenced by a specific group of ideologues is a betrayal of both society and the scientific process. Just take a look at the trans debate, or the vaccines. Thousands of scientists get silenced because they say, quite emphatically, that you shouldnt rush a vaccine, or that trans people are actually crazy. Its not science anymore when you browbeat people into accepting your theories by using manipulated 'studies'

>> No.14748165

Well there are only two ways to obtain food, farming and hunting, and hunting is even more "rural" than farming. So the implication is that the act of obtaining food itself is dysgenic. Too bad you couldn't get some of that high intellect you are talking about.

>> No.14748167
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The leading hypothesis for high Jewish IQ is that forcing them into cognitively demanding jobs led to selection effects that favored high intelligence. Jews couldn't own land and they also couldn't join most guilds. This left more cognitively demanding jobs like doctor, scholar, banker, merchant, etc.

A poorly performing Jew could easily convert and become a farmer or join a guild in many cases. So you had a selection effect where poor preformers would leave the pool, keeping only those who could be successful in those fields. Add in low rates of outbreeding and a social focus on learning that made scholars more likely to reproduce, give it 2,000 years, and you get a big variance.

It's also a weird gap. Jewish visio-spatial IQ is at the White mean. Jewish verbal-logical IQ is almost yeo standard deviations above the White and Asian mean, close to twice the Black-White Gap. It just happens that verbal-logical IQ is more important for earnings and success in the sciences, hence the lopsided achievement figures at the high end.

If your group mean is already around the 99th percentile, then your outliers end up 4-5 standard deviations above the White mean or more.

/pol/ love Charles Murray and his graphs on European achievement but forget that the same book has Jews making up as much as a third of some countries' achievement while being 2% of the population.

>> No.14748168

>Thousands of scientists get silenced because they say, quite emphatically, that you shouldnt rush a vaccine
What the fuck are you talking about? mRNA vaccine have been in development for decades, it was incredibly mature by the point covid vaccines came out.

The medical studies had been done and there was very little reason to object to mRNA vaccines. Maybe there was some "minority scientists" you came up with in your twisted mind who we red being "silenced", but they dont exist. You're mentally ill.

>> No.14748170

>Consider the following - we know that Black people are far and away genetically superior athletes.
Nah that’s not true, blacks perform better at sports where long limbs are advantageous (for example, running and basketball) but longer torsos with shorter limbs are better for a lot of strength focused sports. I would also argue that athletic performance has very little to do with evolutionary fitness as athletes are per definition genetic outliers.

>> No.14748171

Lower Black IQ is due to socioeconomic factors but high Jewish IQ is due to genetic superiority.
The only common factor you need to be aware of is that whites are inferior.

>> No.14748174

That is only because Blacks atheletes have historically been kept out of sports that are associated with a higher degree of wealth such as swimming and powerlifting.
Now that the Black socioeconomic situation is being remedied they will dominate those sports too and cement their status as genetically superior to whites in every single way and eventually genocide all whites. Black power.

>> No.14748180

>So the implication is that the act of obtaining food itself is dysgenic.
Yes, it is. Farming is dysgenic, hunter gathering is dysgenic, hence why blacks are low IQ, same thing with native Americans. The real high IQs exist in the people whose work doesn't offer immediate tangible benefit, like lawyers, doctors and professors, but nonetheless have to have their work scrutinized on the same level as a farmer in the economy.

Let me put it a different way: you go to farmers and buy food because you need food. A farmer could be dumb as fuck and you wouldn't care, because an apple is still and apple. Nobody's gonna go to the 85 IQ lawyer, hence they die out and only higher IQ lawyers reproduce.

>> No.14748182

Your theory violates the 2nd law of thermodynamics.

>> No.14748186

Touch grass my dude, also you’re arguing with two different peoples and you’re misrepresenting my arguments. I would argue that Jewish higher Iq has the (for the largest part) same socioeconomic factors as the underperformance of blacks, same as with the overperformance of Asians

>> No.14748187
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You are mentally ill. Please, seek help.

>> No.14748192

>Nobody's gonna go to the 85 IQ lawyer, hence they die out and only higher IQ lawyers reproduce.
Ah yes, the famous lawyer gene. Remind me, was it dominant or recessive?

>> No.14748193

No, the takeaway is that socioeconomic factors eventually became a genetic pattern. The conclusion is that whites are losing ground to everyone and are inferior to literally every other group despite enjoying massive amounts of privilege. Somehow their socioeconomic status did not translate into genetic superiority like it did with Jews and somehow they are falling to Black and Asian despite brutally oppressing them.

>> No.14748199

Actually it's polygenic, very few traits are actually fully recessive or dominant.

>> No.14748203

white genes are recessive because they are inferior and destined to be genetically annihilated in a globalized world. white genes can only exist through oppression and exclusion.

>> No.14748206
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>The conclusion is that whites are losing ground to everyone and are inferior to literally every other group despite enjoying massive amounts of privilege
Not true, Jewish have on average a better socioeconomic background. Also, cultural differences as well as education also play a large role in IQ, which is why Asian countries generally dominate international education studies, but Finnland is still the leader by far in those studies

>> No.14748211

>Not true, Jewish have on average a better socioeconomic background.
They did not originally, they had to claw it from the grasp of privileged whites who were oppressing them. They were literally banned from owning land or participating in lucrative trades. They were only allowed to be money lenders because usury was forbidden to Christians, and through their sheer intellectual superiority they managed to turn what was meant to be a lower station in life into vast power. whites were once again BTFO by their own arrogance and incompetence and came to beg at the feet of those that they had attempted to enslave.

>> No.14748218

If whites don't oppress outright through colonialism, we will do it through economic domination or "neo colonialism" as some might call it. Even places like China we can still fuck their women. Jews are lucky because they can do it too while still claiming to be victims, it's like a mental pass for any behavior, while whites have to watch themselves more.

>> No.14748221

Your economic dominance is a relic of bygone eras and is slowly waning with each passing year. China is rapidly developing. India is rapidly developing. Africa is rapidly developing.
Meanwhile you are dwindling both economically and in terms of numbers.
In the future you will be a slave race that serves your Black masters, and that is even if you are allowed to continue to exist at all. More likely is that you will be completely genetically annihilated due to your inferior weak genes.
Occasionally a white child may be born from the effects of atavism but it will be thrown off the side of the cliff by a Black king like the Spartans in the movie 300.

>> No.14748235
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>> No.14748243
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>> No.14748247

Mentally ill take.

> compare the IQ of an indian
Profound mental illness confirmed.

>> No.14748263
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Hey I can post funny colorful lines without context too! Crazy how fast evolution works nowadays

>> No.14748264

> less propagandized
not true, at best rural zones used to be less propagandized by outsiders and more directly propagandized by themselves. (but i do agree that local control of propaganda is far more based than the alternative.) iphones everywhere sort of makes that impossible any more.

>> No.14748278

Its a political spin, take it as that. Nothing more. Rural people still believe in physics, still believe in engineering, what they don't believe in so called (((science))) telling them that there's no way to define what a woman is, there's no way to define what a race is, that gender is both a social construct such that physical characteristics dont matter AND gender is purely physical such that you need to surgically cut off a child's penis and then mould it into an artificial vagina such that they must be treated a a woman that cannot be defined, and so on.

The rural people are not stupid. The rural people are smart. The extremist on the left have taken over the humanities branch of (((science))) which has never really been settled as a science in the first place, and now is certainly not a science but rather purely a political tool thats been hijacked

>> No.14748288
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>> No.14748364

The complete ignorance of rural needs by democrats. The demonization of them, even. They are devalued because they don't live the exact lifestyle that city-fags want them to live.

>> No.14748388

Good things the rural folks have always been very tolerant and respectful towards the lifestyle choices of urbanites. Can you imagine a world where partisanship was perpetrated by both sides of the cultural trenches?

>> No.14748398

Not sure why you're injecting your politics into rural life. Rural area don't have issues with other rural areas, its when city folks try to destroy rural life that rural has problem with.

Its not rural area that has crime issues, its city folks do. 99% of all the crimes in the world are comitted in cities.

>> No.14748406

I answered your question. Why are you bringing this up now? It's not related to the question.

>> No.14748411

Violent crime has been higher in rural areas than the national average for years, and surged in 21-22 especially hard.

Some big cities (New York, San Diego, etc.) had murder rates and violent crime rates lower than the rural average across the later 2010s. Not sure if that has changed since.

The opioid epidemic is a main driver but so is the economy. The collapse of independent farms and factory jobs means that young people generally leave these areas, and those that stay tend to be those with poor career prospects and drug problems. The high rates of rural crime in places like Kentucky are especially bad when you consider the median age is higher than Vermont, and that old populations should commit much less crime.

Second, your point is bullshit for many states. In North Carolina, cities are the main drivers of tax revenues. The split follows "muh culture war," sure, but a lot of it is about redistribution. Rural voters aren't against gibs, they are against gibs they see as going to undeserving others. In Kentucky and North Carolina (probably elsewhere too), the fights are over disproportionate aid going to rural areas. Disproportionate versus how much tax they pay and how many people they have.

In part this is because rural areas are more expansive. It is harder to get teachers, school districts are way larger and transportation is more expensive, there is much more infrastructure per person. In general rural states and counties get significantly more infrastructure aid than cities, but this is in part because they're more expensive. For example, a whole bunch of farming in Oregon wouldn't be possible without huge federal water supply projects, making the farms there massive net losers when you include the subsidies.

Overall gibs are higher in rural areas as well, but this is somewhat misleading. The reason so many rural states show up as "takers," (i.e., they get more in federal aid than they put in) is because they are significantly older.

>> No.14748414

Not the guy you were replying to and I was showing you the obvious bias in your thinking in order to help you form a more sophisticated political opinion

>> No.14748418

Social Security is $2.5 trillion in cash transfers a year and Medicare is huge too. So rural areas look like takes because Boomers cost the feds about $38,000 a year. However, many people move to cities now for their working years and retire outside of them, so this isn't a totally fair comparison.

They also get more gibs simply because the US electoral system is set up to give rural areas more power in elections and in Congress. At the state level some states give rural areas more power. The GOP is pushing this more and more as they lose ground with voters under 55. W. Bush split 18-24 voters 50/50, but now the GOP loses under 55 by landslide margins. Their plan for Colorado would have let them win the governor's seat despite losing the popular vote by more than 10 points.

Power gets you gibs, so more power = more gibs. Hence half the federal budget is gibs to seniors.

>> No.14748431

Why would you? We weren't discussing politics. Stop dragging everything into direction-think. You be much more of a use of you instead formulated coherent arguments.

>> No.14748440

>The collapse of independent farms and factory jobs
And who caused this while completely neglecting the victims and now even denying them any sort of credibility?

>> No.14748442

>opioid epidemic
Urbanites are trying to buy rural land to farm opiods to sell to Urban area

>> No.14748444

>we weren’t discussing politics
>The complete ignorance of rural needs by democrats. The demonization of them, even. They are devalued because they don't live the exact lifestyle that city-fags want them to live.
Sorry to bother you with my city slicker blue checkmark tranny fact-checking but that is a lie

>> No.14748450

>Nobody moves to a rural area. People move from rural areas.
Not correct.
Young adults move to the cities.
Young adults become adults.
Adults get tired of rat race , "diversity" , shootings and constant noise.
Adults earn a good amount of money.
Adults buy a house in suburbia or a land in a rural area.
This is the most common way.

>> No.14748453

Here, let me help you. I'm always eager to help the mentally challenged brothers.
The original topic was about why rural folks are "anti-science". To which I replied that they weren't, they were just disillusioned about the establishment (which consists of ...? This is a question for the curious reader). To which you brought in politics and whataboutism.

>> No.14748457

This is mostly modern adults isn't it? In the old days, everyone was in rural, then they started migrating to cities. Now with the modern rat race at coming to an extreme end, some are moving out. They dont want to due to giving up some comforts like internet, but with Starlink and such being available to rural area everywhere in US, its now possible to move anywhere in the US, and get fast/low latency internet. The more desolate/rural the area, the faster your internet, due to less competition.

>> No.14748464

>hurr black were kept from receiving proper education for hundreds of years and to this day there are large gaps in funding schools but this has had no consequences, its only 100% their genes

>> No.14748478

They had over 50 years to catch up. They are even treated with unfair preference, yet fail to become normal members of society for the most part. Stop acting like what happened 100 years ago matters today.

>> No.14748484

Sorry I forgot that the establishment was the random assortment of pots and pans in my cupboard and not politicians

>> No.14748489

You are one dumb retard. Go troll elsewhere.

>> No.14748506

Black people were:
>kept from the economic policies of the New Deal
>kept from the GI Bill that promoted the growth of the middle class after WW2
>segregated until the 60's
>redlined into ghettos until the 80's
>in average, still go to inferior schools to this day
How exactly does this have no consequences to today?

>inb4 asians
Internment camp prisoners were given reparationd

>> No.14748520

>How exactly does this have no consequences to today?
I'm not saying it has no consequences in general. I'm saying it has no consequences on their ability to excel at schools today.

>> No.14748522
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I've lived around urbanite scum my entire life and I gotta say simple-mindedness and ignorance are almost endearing compared to the urban bughive mindset. What good are your middling IQ and your memorized science factoids if you're a literal unconscious automaton? I've met some dumb rural hicks but god damn, even they still have a little spark of life and consciousness. 99% of urbanites are literal corporate bots with no thoughts, no feelings, no imagination, no dreams and no qualia.

>> No.14748532

There's also quite a bit of fiber branching out in low population density areas and small towns. You'd be surprised at the places where you can get a gig internet connection. If you live on a farm or ranch, you still might have problems but if you live in a neighborhood in a small town in the middle of nowhere, there's still a decent chance of having cable or fiber, especially if you're near a railroad or interstate. And in flat areas, even your farm or homestead can use fixed wireless. For low density hilly and mountainous areas, Starlink will be a nice addition.
Add to all of this the ability to order most things online and have it delivered in a couple of days plus remote jobs, the reasons to live in an urban hive decreases each year. But if you want to go to the opera every week, you're out of luck outside of a large metro (and even in a large metro, the opera actually isn't in season much of the year and very few people who say they like that sort of thing actually attend).

>> No.14748540

Livestream opera in your rural home with a large screen laser projector/tv. Maybe in the future holographic livestreams can be had for those purposes.

The things missing in rural areas are decent hospitals for emergencies and shipping issues.

>> No.14748560

You all suffer from quite a few misconceptions. I'm a physicist and sliterally all the people who best my intellect grew up on fucking farms. Literally tracing back to early 1100s farmer families. They are the most intelligent people I know.
That is to say, of course there are bad examples among them as well. Mainly the types to go to $10 death parties (you pay 10 bucks, then get buttfuckingly drunk on cheap, low-quality alcohol).

>> No.14748609

Nobody has your interests in mind. The government is just about greed. The rest gets put on the back burner.

>> No.14748630

College wooo college gonna be great

>> No.14748635

NTA but you just posted cope.

>> No.14748638

>I have run out of arguments after being exposed for my fallacious and dishonest reasoning and will therefore resort to insulting
Try finishing high school before arguing with the big boys next time

>> No.14748695
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>Try finishing high school before arguing with the big boys next time

>> No.14748699
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I have mastered the formal symbolic logic of 4channel, small fry

>> No.14748704
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>I have mastered the formal symbolic logic of the four channels

>> No.14748710

No one person caused it. Scheming elites rubbing their hands at the prospect of causing suffering is a brain let fever dream for people who can't handle complexity.

Jobs went overseas because:

A. There are no laws that tax the externalities (e.g., pollution, national security risk, etc.) caused by doing so. That means the price of moving production around the world is artificially low because the costs of shipping raw materials to China and finished products back don't accrue to the people who do it, but instead fuck fishermen and coastal communities.

B. Supply and demand. Automation has made for less demand for labor. This has particularly hit rural areas because farming and manufacturing are highly automated. The labor supply for manufacturing jobs exploded across the world, and foreigners would work for much lower wages in much less safe conditions. Competition is the main driver of plunging rural economies in the US.

C. Subsidizing agriculture has led to big agra reaping huge profits off the backs of the tax payer. This in turn has allowed them to become oligopolies. Four firms control almost all US meat production.

But it's hard to have a pity party for those people when they use their outsized political influence to keep shoveling gibs to themselves. Especially when they are the reason there is no carbon/pollution tax, which would make manufacturing in China far less profitable and bring jobs home, and when they are responsible for all the tax payer money big agra gets. They basically get 2-3 times the votes of the average American and have consistently used them to fuck themselves over.

Lrn 2 code. No you don't deserve $100,000 a year just got being born in Iowa or Kentucky. Your wages shit out due to competition, you need to compete.

>> No.14748717

So all the rural addicts just slipped, tripped, and happened to fall in such a way that oxycodone fell down their throats... for years on end?

>> No.14748721
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>Scheming elites rubbing their hands at the prospect of causing suffering is a brain let fever dream for people who can't handle complexity.
If you are human, you should be able to explain the self-defeating irony of this line in your next post.

>> No.14748722

Present a single argument besides your whataboutism. I won't honor your garbage with any more replies.

>> No.14748725

They're anti-establishment not antiscience. The result is them trusting more in their individual pseudosciences.

>> No.14748727

T. Has never lived in a rural area.

My internet is shit. Only old copper running at 5mbs down, 1 up. Unless you mean "rural" towns surrounded by actual rural areas, this is total bullshit. Yeah, the two towns near me with 17,000 and 34,000 people have fiber. No one is running fiber down a country road 8 miles long with 3 homes on it. It isn't profitable and only happens as social welfare spending.

I only have decent Internet from Starlink, and it's still far slower than advertised and shits out in storms.

>> No.14748730

>I.e. are antiscience folks attracted to rural areas, or do rural areas just make people more antiscience?
Its not restricted to rural places.
People are anti-science if the scientific facts dont suit their narrative. That is irrespective of political affiliation, location, race sex or whatever.
People are inherently flawed and hypocritical, and love confirmation bias.
If you don't see this yourself, you are a victim of this very phenomena.

>> No.14748732

>They're anti-establishment not antiscience
It's really funny to watch you jew-dichotomized drones arguing over which one it is when it's obviously both.

>> No.14748740
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>Society is collapsing
>tax the carbon
>Lrn 2 code

No one takes you people seriously and you count on it.

>> No.14748754
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>It's really funny to watch you jew-dichotomized drones arguing over which one it is when it's obviously both.
>I'm gonna move to the woods because of science
The only publicized person that even remotely fits this description is Ted and it wasn't the only reason. They're anti-populace.

>> No.14748755

I already did long ago and you resorted to nothing but name calling instead of actually presenting me with a counter argument. But since you seem to have a really really hard time with reading comprehension, I will spell it out for you once more:
You presented political partisanship as something done by the democrats to the poor poor rural folks. I gave you a counterargument in a joking but none the less valid reductio ad absurdum, pointing you towards the fact that every demographic partakes in political partisanship

>> No.14748757

>Scheming elites rubbing their hands at the prospect of causing suffering
Maybe. But no one ever claimed that. They don't want to cause suffering, but they inevitably do as a side effect of maximizing profits. There's zero incentive for then not to, because they are inelectually trapped inside of a bubble (just buy an electric car bro. If there's not enough bread, why don't they eat cake?).
Something that Trump tried to revert in order to help the economy and keeping jobs in the US. Not sure how this is related to the discussion though. Yes, it's cheaper to outsource jobs. Is it the moral thing to do? That's the question here. Especially whether those responsibly for outsourcing ever gave a thought about it at all.
>farming and manufacturing are highly automated
Not at all. The technology is almost there (2017 was the first year an automated tractor won the championship, btw). Not nearly a tenth of all farmers has the means to use them though. Manufacturing is the same. Yes, robots assemble cars etc on the belt, but humans have to check it and it's by far not everything that these robots can do. Not by a long shot.
I'm not sure whom you're talking about in the last part. Farmers are responsible for outsourcing jobs?

>> No.14748761

You sound like your programming is glitching out.

>> No.14748768

I never said it's only one side.
>you jew-dichotomized drones
Oil the motor, the projector is running really loudly.

>I already did long ago
You're only contribution was
>b-but rural people are mean to urbanites too!!
which is not an argument, only whataboutism. I said what makes them anti-establishment. I did not say they were any better than city folks, which you imply here. Get out.

>> No.14748810

>Oil the motor, the projector is running really loudly.
Daily reminder: no matter how you dress up this preprogrammed cliche it still exposes you as nonhuman. You might as well just say "no u".

>> No.14748828

Dialy reminder not to project in the first place.

>> No.14748834

>nonhuman dron forced to cycle on its preprogrammed response
LOL. They're so easy to break.

>> No.14748845

You're boring, bro. Try to gather new material for your little show here. Maybe people will care then

>> No.14748856

>the nonhuman drone reverts to fully generic spam
>the nonhuman drone makes vague threats of social rejection

>> No.14748881


>> No.14748886

Is there any basis for the claim that there are more rural "anti-science" than urban by either flat or percentage? I am skeptical that this is true, and even communities like the Amish don't deny science.

What this seems to me is an attempt by fascist democrats to marginalize a group of people who by and large are their political opponents through stereotype and discrimination.

By making baseless claims like this, the actual discussion about developing science apolitically is completely removed and establishes a precedent where saying otherwise automatically segregates you.

This article, and the entire thread full of people arguing on a false premise is what is wrong with both politics and science.

>> No.14748909
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>> No.14748911

Don't bother arguing with Cletus. He's going to OD on fentanyl, die of alcoholic cirrhosis, a blow his brains out by next week anyhow. The life expectancy for the men out there is dropping like Boeing stock often another Max falls out of the sky.

The women will flip for any guy with a real job who doesn't have tens of thousands of dollars in credit card and truck debt, it's already over.

>> No.14748955

>What this seems to me is an attempt by fascist democrats to marginalize a group of people who by and large are their political opponents through stereotype and discrimination.

>> No.14748986

>more directly propagandized by themselves
You don't know what propaganda means kill yourself immediately.
>yeah dude I'm going to propagand myself into doing homework

>> No.14748991

How is that rural? That's a suburban shithole. Neck yourself mutt. Outside my house on the fucking street there's COW SHIT. If you don't have cowshit in your street you don't live in a rural zone.

>> No.14749004

I know anecdotes aren't evidence, but I worked in the largest city in my state for the last 5 years and bought a house in a much smaller town because I can work from home. I work for a large company and plenty of the people working there and living in that big city are anti-vaxxers too. For every dumb Christian anti-science post I see on Facebook/ Twitter, there's 2 soccer mom karens saying the same shit.

>> No.14749006

This. The entire thread illustrates it.

>> No.14749016

>Why being criminal is now part of many urban Americans' identity
Then explore how blacks do more crime, and see what happens to you when you try publishing that
"Science" is a fucking meme outside of physics and a few other fields devoid of political bullshit.

>> No.14749026

>Why being criminal is now part of many urban Americans' identity
That's a perfectly legitimate research topic. Why *does* American urban culture produce mainly criminals, psychopaths and degenerates?

>> No.14749094

That article seemed totally unrelated to the title. If anything, it was a critique of the piss poor, unorganized, constantly changing COVID response.

>> No.14749181


>> No.14749245

Based and kangpilled

>> No.14749387

Did you ignore the part where smart people fuck off from rural areas and is in the US?

>> No.14749636
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Underrated post.

>> No.14749660

I have lived rural and semi-rural my entire life. I believe in the existence of God and study nataural sciences and philosophy. Botany is one of my hobbies, also love astronomy. One of my friends is a soil engineer, another is an architect, I myself work in I/T and am 2/3 towards a Bs Biology in Wildlife Sciences degree. These "rural people deny science" claims are just to get urbanites to hate non-urbanites because we don't buy the ridiculous claims from "scientists" and "experts" endlessly shilled by the media. These are the same people who say if you didn't take an untested mRNA Covid-19 vaccine than you are anti-vax. It's just more liberal nonsense propaganda.

>> No.14749663


>> No.14749763

Don't forget about "rural retards" not wanting to build walkable cities. Not sure why it's the responsibility of "rural retards" to build walkable cities for urbanites but they sure are up in arms about it all the time.

>> No.14749817

I am pretty sure the cultural faggotry of the average liberal is the thing that pushes rural folk away

>> No.14749832

I guess that explains why you have no mother

>> No.14749839

i have a great relationship with my biological mother unlike you

>> No.14749896

Lol I grew up in Baltimore, a city which is majority black, and there are extremely high rates of COVID skepticism, specifically in the black community. Of course the mainstream media and social media both completely ignore this fact, and I imagine if people started discussing this publicly, it would probably piss off a lot of the pro-censorship SJW types, so Twitter probably wouldn't even let you discuss it in the first place, and I imagine the plebbitors reading this post are probably pretty triggered and would claim that these are baseless conspiracy theories. However, even the local government themselves recognize this, and the local government had to put up signs all over the black Baltimore neighborhoods in Baltimore because there are so many blacks people who think COVID isnt real.
On a related note, urban blacks are also super into conspiracy theories, particularly the "Illuminati" stuff. Far more than whites, even though I'm sure the SJW thought police would probably say otherwise. In fact, if you use public transportation in a majority black city like Baltimore, you will on occasion hear black people openly discussing "schizo" conspiracy theories on the bus or train. Compare that to a white city like Seattle or Burlington, where I have also spent a lot of time, and I have never heard anyone talking g about this stuff with strangers in public because there is just too much stigma amongst liberal whites. Any doubts or criticism of the media, government, or corporations is viewed as crazy nonsense by mainstream liberals.

That's what's great about working class urban blacks and working class rural whites. They're a lot less hostile to people who doubt or criticize the government and corporations, and they tend to be more open minded and willing to converse with people with whom they disagree, compared to white urban liberals.

>> No.14749954

i'm clearly talking about the mayor, pastor, sheriff, etc. you fucking idiot, not "you propagandizing yourself"—whatever that meant to you when your monkey brain made you type it out

>> No.14750667

You keep saying 'anti-science' without mentioning what field of science in the first place. The mainstream basedmilk drinkers understanding of 'ze science' or the act of searching, hypothesizing, comparing and enabling new ways of knowledge that weren't discovered before.

Either way you still talk in a cringey way when u mention 'ze science' as if it was ever a unifying concept like some kind of neo-dogma or sect for the terminally distracted people who need a neon-God to worship. Bet ur ass has lots of diploma but none of them is real (science associate, gender studies, social studies etc...)

To feed your little rotten mind a bit
Anti-darwinism ≠ Creationism
Anti-ze big bang ≠ Genesis

>> No.14750678

Just plug your ears and scream until the evil reality goes away

>> No.14750741

Even SNL figured out the overlap between rural whites and urban blacks.
I'd like to extend that to South American urbanites too. Most things taboo with white urbanites in the US are openly discussed by whites in South American cities.