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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 84 KB, 800x500, VY-canis-majoris-largest-star-ever-known.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1471934 No.1471934 [Reply] [Original]

What does VY Canis Majoris burn?

>> No.1471942

Old fridge magnets you throw away in the garbage.

>> No.1471947
File: 12 KB, 406x336, lawn1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why they burn yellow lawn Mowers silly!

>> No.1471948

weed. Errday

>> No.1471949

also, socks you lose in the laundry

>> No.1471951

xboxes and their power supplies

>> No.1472688

idk if your serious or not but where did you take an astronomy class, a christian science school perhaps?

>> No.1472692

The sins of mankind

>> No.1472696

star juice

>> No.1472697

asians, that why its yellow

>> No.1472699

Your mom's nose hair

>> No.1472705



>> No.1472712
File: 35 KB, 650x450, stickgun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looks at thread
>my face

>> No.1472742

pee cause it's yelloez

>> No.1472745

VY Canis Majoris (VY CMa) is a red hypergiant star located in the constellation Canis Major. At between 1800 and 2100 solar radii (approx 2,500,000,000 to 2,900,000,000 km across or 1,550,000,000 to 1,800,000,000 miles)

>diameter of 1,800,000,000 miles
>diameter is about 20 times the distance from the earth to the sun.


>> No.1472747

Hydrogen, like most stars, probably.

Unless of course it's in a red giant phase, and it is now consuming helium.

Which would explain its size.

>> No.1472766

It doesn't BURN anything.
It is a star, it is fueled by nuclear fusion. In this case, it is fusing hydrogen to create helium.

>> No.1472770

Or fusing helium to create calcium

>> No.1472777

It's pretty much done with hydrogen at this point. It's mostly burning helium now.

>> No.1472779

That doesn't make sense at all, I don't think you can create calcium by fusing helium.
Although, calcium would indeed be the next fuel source to expend after the star has used up all its hydrogen and helium

>> No.1472782

then it goes boom!

>> No.1472789

Stars burn calcium after helium? I thought they burned carbon after helium

>> No.1472792

Some burn calcium

>> No.1472796

Umm, no.
I don't think so.

>> No.1472801

carbon is one of the elements expelled when they die
In the words of carl sagan
"were made of starstuff"
starstuff being carbon

>> No.1472810


It goes boom when it reaches iron.

>> No.1472815

Well, at that point the star becomes so critically unstable that it goes all supernova

>> No.1472821


>> No.1472849

A star that size will have no difficulty fusing carbon.

>> No.1472864

the force pushing on the inside will eventurally overcome the oppoiste force and it will supernova

>> No.1472875

supernova is not a verb you cunt.

it will not supernova, it will BECOME a supernova.

>> No.1472898

it burns large amounts of wood, just like your childhood campfires, silly

>> No.1472900

well my fuckin bad

>> No.1472903

don't get sour that he saved you from looking like an idiot if you said such a thing in real life.

>> No.1472912
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The star loses all of its outward pressure and collapses upon itself once it starts fusing iron, because the fusion of iron robs it of energy rather than producing it. The shock wave known as a supernova is one of the results of this sudden collapse.

>> No.1472915

everything lighter than iron

>> No.1472916

look at modern science programming on science channel, discovery channel, etc. and look at how often its used as a verb

>> No.1472924

that's not possible

magnets are made of iron

iron only absorbs energy from fission or fusion

>> No.1472925

Well, let's assume that, hypothetically, a star such as VY CMa had enough energy to survive the fusion of iron.
What would happen afterwards?

>> No.1472929


If we're going to start assuming physically impossible things, then I guess it starts making fairy dust at that point.

>> No.1472930

Sorry, I'm not up on my chemistry. If all elements come from hydrogen being fused to higher and heavier elements inside stars, but stars can't fuse beyond iron...where do elements heavier than iron come from? I'm not trolling, I legitimately want to know.

>> No.1472931

>implying that the Sci. and Disc. channels aren't just the Dip The Chainsaw In The Liquid Helium For Cool Explosions channels
>implying that they haven't considered merging the channels and renaming it the Stuff Channel because 90% of the shit on there is not scientific

>> No.1472936

oh why thank yuou

>> No.1472939

Spiral power

>> No.1472940

not good at astronomy but would not that just mean just-postponing the inevitable? (even if what you say was possible)

>> No.1472941

Stars do fuse heavier elements than iron both right before and during their catastrophic collapse. This is invariably fatal to the star, however.

>> No.1472948

Well, obviously the star would die, I'm just wondering if the fusion of something beyond iron would cause its death to be any different than an iron-death.

>> No.1472952

Just for clarification, what are the elements in a star that are beyond hydrogen, helium, carbon, and iron?

>> No.1472953


that's how we have heavier than iron elements in the universe

>> No.1472955


That would require more energy than it would release. That's why it ends with iron.

>> No.1472958
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>>It goes boom when it reachs iron
>>Largest star recored
>>goes boom
>> ??!??!?!?!?

>> No.1472964

It's probably so far away that it's already exploded, and we just don't know it yet.

>> No.1472970


I expect the night sky will be bright as day for a few years when the light from that event starts reaching us.

>> No.1472975

If it exploded in our lifetime, nobody on Earth would ever know about it. By the time the light reaches our solar system, our sun would've probably gone supernova and incinerated us all by then.

>> No.1472978

i dont understand why a star with enough mass don't fuse anything greater than iron. if it has enough gravitational strength then why doesnt it keep fusing?

and i do know that heavier elements than iron are fused when the supernova occurs

>> No.1472982

>implying VY Canoris is 4.5 billion light years away

>> No.1472991

>VY Cannoli Oil

>> No.1472992
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>bright as day for a few years
>my face

>> No.1472994

the sun wont become a supernova

>> No.1472995


Stupid light having a speed. I wanna watch stars explode in real time.

>> No.1473000

I think the last ammounts of energy contained in the star during its death (supernova) are probably not homogenously distributed in all its atoms

that's why heavier than iron elements occure and are dispersed after the death of the star

might be bullshitting you though

>> No.1473001


Mankind has already witnessed at least one giant supernova in recorded history. It outshined the full moon for several years, and was nowhere near as large or as close as VY Canis Majoris.


It's been explained several times already. The gravy train runs out of track at iron.

>> No.1473002

why the fuck not ?

you people remind me of people back in the dark ages
>> hey i have a vision that one day will have something that goes faster then horses !

>> No.1473003

when VY dies, will it turn into a black hole?

>> No.1473010

That doesn't matter, because it WILL become a red giant just before it dies, and we'll all be fucked when that happens.

>> No.1473012

Oh yeah, and with great gusto.

>> No.1473013

The thing you're not thinking of is this: it is a huge pain in the ass to fuse atoms of one element into another. By the time the star gets to iron, the elements are so heavy that the star doesn't have the energy to get them moving fast enough to fuse. When it collapses there's a short period of even more pressure than during the star's normal fusing time, but it could never sustain it long term.

>> No.1473017

>>That doesn't matter, because it WILL become a red giant just before it dies, and we'll all be fucked when that happens.
implying that we wont be well on our way with space technology by then

>> No.1473018

Comparing the speed of light to horses does not make sense. You cannot go faster than the speed of light, but there are lupoles that might make it possible.

Also, underage b&. You seem like a 12 year old

>> No.1473020

the sun does not go supernova

also I don't think VY Canis Majoris is more than 4billion light years away

>> No.1473026

aussuming we wont have killed ourselves off

>> No.1473027

lupoles...... lupoles.....

>> No.1473030

>other animals
>adding horses to your uni-horse vehicle
>youre a moron

>> No.1473037

This. Humanity never ceases to make me facepalm.

>> No.1473039

I just got the best idea.
Let's make a space helicopter driven by horses and go to VY Canis Majoris to see what's going on.

>> No.1473041

>>aussuming we wont have killed ourselves off

implying that the human race isnt resilient and will probably outlast the majority of events here

>> No.1473042

face look at the world now WE ARE FUCKED

>> No.1473043

hey, /b/tard - no age minimum for /sci/

>> No.1473046

Hey, idiot, all of 4chan is 18+. Learn to read.

>> No.1473047

>adding horses to your uni-horse vehicle

That doesn't let them go faster, it just allows larger loads to be pulled.


I personally guarantee you that we won't make it there.


18+ is a global rule. Try reading them before you refer to them next time.

>> No.1473052

That is the most retarded shit I've ever heard.

You'll need dilithium crystals if you want to keep going when the horses rest.

>> No.1473053

You have to be 18 to post anywhere on 4Chan. Why do you think it says "Are you sure you want to proceed?" no matter what board you go to. The first thing it says is that if you are under 18, quit browsing immediately.

You are a fuckcunt

>> No.1473055

>>Hey, idiot, all of 4chan is 18+. Learn to read.

whens the last time anyone gave a shit about rules 1 and 2

>> No.1473056

Shit, I forgot about them.

>> No.1473060

so the only difference between VY and our Sun is that the VY is generating more Helium faster than the sun??

i mean there has to be some drastic differences with his fucking huge gravitational field compared to the Sun.

I find hard to believe that the Majoris has the same exact properties as the sun.

>> No.1473061

But what if they're thunderhorses that are made of magnets, and feed off of stars?

>> No.1473065
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>> No.1473067

>references age limit
>rules 1 and 2

Try learning the rules while you're out reading about the 18+ policy.

>> No.1473071

it is bigger thus more gravity thus fusing more hydrogen faser thus creating more helium

>> No.1473072

Are the magnets made out of dead mermaids? If so, then it'll work.

>> No.1473073

No. You have suffered total comprehension failure.

>> No.1473079

The difference is that when our sun explodes, it will probably only fuck up our solar system, maybe only just a few planets.

When VY explodes, it will destroy thousands and thousands of galaxies

>> No.1473080


Yeah that was my point. more reactions should be ocurring than just H---HE and HE--whatever

>> No.1473082

Then you just need dilithium stars. Didn't you cover this back at the academy?

>> No.1473088

thousads of galaxies is a bit of an exageration dont you agree?

>> No.1473091
File: 97 KB, 420x420, fthisthread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>What does VY Canis Majoris burn?
from this
>>But what if they're thunderhorses that are made of magnets, and feed off of stars?
to this

>> No.1473092

You'll need a fuck load of murmaider to make that work.

It's murmaider. And it's about mermaid murder

>> No.1473093

so rules 1 and 2 are not talking aout 4chan, on 4chan?

>> No.1473096

Are you sure it's not billions and billions of planets?

>> No.1473098

wrong those are the rules of the internet and its not talking about /b/ which i just broke :D

>> No.1473101
File: 52 KB, 898x348, Man Laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can someone be so god damn stupid?

>> No.1473103

>IK Pegasi (or HR 8210) is a binary star system in the constellation Pegasus, 150 light years from the Solar System.
>IK Pegasi B is the nearest known supernova progenitor candidate. When the primary begins to evolve into a red giant, it is expected to grow to a radius where the white dwarf can accrete matter from the expanded gaseous envelope. When the white dwarf approaches the Chandrasekhar limit of 1.44 solar masses, it may explode as a Type Ia supernova.
>only 150ly away

Well fuck.

>> No.1473104

i was saying our fine annon made a gorssly wrong statment

>> No.1473112

Well, we're fucked.

>> No.1473115

What's so bad about that? I could go from pale basement dweller to perfect tan instantly.

>> No.1473116



>> No.1473118

NO SHIT SHERLOCK. thats what i just said you retard


That doesnt say anything about what is happening in the majoris.

Most of you guys talk about how our Sun. The most comprehensive understanding of stars come from theories based in the Sun. We honestly cant talk shit about any other star, specially with such a big star as the VY

>> No.1473123

>>Well, we're fucked.

your grandchildren maybe.
im fine

>> No.1473124

No, you would go from pale basement dweller to boiling, charred husk

>> No.1473129

all stars do the same process regardless of size

>> No.1473137

>perfect tan
Sure, if being a puddle of blackened paste on the ground is your idea of the perfect tan

>> No.1473142


Still an improvement.

>> No.1473144
File: 356 KB, 792x612, supermassive death ray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Supernovas aren't so bad. At least you don't have a galactic death ray blasting your whole galaxy apart.

>> No.1473145

It's all good bro, we'll just make sure to be on the other side of the sun when that happens. We're good bros with the sun.

>> No.1473149

Yes, if being DEAD is an improvement to you.

>> No.1473153

Our galaxy is on a collision course with another more massive galaxy, though.

>> No.1473154


My Laws apply to every single place in the universe.

- Newton

Sounds like you dont even know what you are talking about. saying that statement seems stupid.

Humans simply categorize those things out there as "stars", But the universe doesn't give a fuck of what you think. Not because they have the same name, it means all of them work and are the same.

>> No.1473159

I don't see how that's bad.
Unless the beings inhabiting the other galaxy happen to be more technologically advanced, and hostile, then we should be fine.

>> No.1473161


>> No.1473164

our term "star" refers to an object fussing hydrogen into helium and on and on

>> No.1473165

Do you have any evidence that the items we call stars are generating heat/light/energy from a process other than nuclear fusion?

>> No.1473169

>implying it won't be the worst train wreck ever.

>> No.1473175
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- supernovas
- collison course with galaxys

>> assuming we wont be really advanced by then and be able to cope with such problems

>> No.1473177



It lasts in the iron stage for about 10 seconds before it collapses.

>> No.1473178

Well, I guess we better have a fuckload of shit to welcome our new neighbors with.

>> No.1473181
File: 374 KB, 1024x768, poofter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"SN 1054 (Crab Supernova) was a supernova that was widely seen on Earth in the year 1054. It was recorded by Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Native Americans, and Persian/Arab astronomers as being bright enough to see in daylight for 23 days and was visible in the night sky for 653 days. The progenitor star was located in the Milky Way galaxy at a distance of 6,300 light years and exploded as a core-collapse supernova."

"The cloudy remnants of SN 1054 are now known as the Crab Nebula."

>your face when you learn that the entire crab nebula is an astronomically recent development

>> No.1473193


>> No.1473202

Why is it that I never hear any discussion of neon, oxygen, or silicon fusion?

>> No.1473207
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>> No.1473210

>Fusion of H and He to Iron?

No, and there no proof either that all the stars observed so far are only doing those fusion reactions.

And yeah it may be possible that something else is going on in the Majoris that is not fusion.

>> No.1473212

According to scale, that faggot's head is larger than the core of our galaxy

>> No.1473220

>>According to scale, that faggot's head is larger than the core of our galaxy

ive seen bigger

>> No.1473226


the process of fusing past helium happens very fast astronomically.

>> No.1473228

>According to scale, that faggot's head is larger than the core of our galaxy

Then it's probably Mark Zuckerberg.

>> No.1473234
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>> No.1473237
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>> No.1473251

How do we know the neck isn't just expanding diagonally towards the camera?

>> No.1473253

how about perspective, Leonardo?

>> No.1473262 [DELETED] 


>> No.1473257

Perspective, the head is normal size, it is just very close to the observer, and the rest of the galaxy is very far away.

>> No.1473258
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>> No.1473259


>> No.1473263


>> No.1473267

We're being pulled towards the Virgo cluster right now.

>> No.1473272 [DELETED] 

A wizard did it.

>> No.1473284


>> No.1473291 [DELETED] 


>> No.1473297 [DELETED] 


>> No.1473307

Head size is irrelevant, it's neck length that countes.

>> No.1473320

Define F and C

>> No.1473321
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>> No.1473332

You are now aware that the universe is only 28 gigaparsecs in diameter

>> No.1473336

You are now aware that the VISIBLE universe is only 28 gigaparsecs in diameter

>> No.1473339

The OBSERVABLE universe.
For all we know, the rest of the universe could just be unavailable to us.

>> No.1473347


What happens when his head hits the edge of the universe? Does it wrap around to the other side, and start heading back to the horrible thing he is trying to avoid viewing?

>> No.1473348

ONLY 28 gigaparsecs?
That's almost 120 billion light years

>> No.1473349


>> No.1473357
File: 74 KB, 560x420, 1253828133567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I accidentally a whole higher dimensions.

>> No.1473390

vy canis majoris is small time

>> No.1473391
File: 90 KB, 432x432, philosoraptor_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

donut universe, ftw

>> No.1473422

Donut Cock

>> No.1473436

>R136a1, is a blue hypergiant star, currently on record as the most massive star known, with an estimated 320 solar masses.

wait... does that mean than the MOST MASSIVE star is ONLY 320 times more massive than out sun and than VY Canis Majoris is less than that despite the sun being less than a pixel in a 800x500 VY Big Dog's depiction?

wow! our sun is fucking dense!

>> No.1473455

Or the hypergiants just happen to be very, very light.

They're probably mostly helium, whereas Sol is mostly hydrogen

>> No.1473463


It's huge more because of immense internal pressure than mass, but damn if it isn't also massive.

>> No.1473470 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 493x402, 1274588033413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>~Distance: 4,900 ly
>implying the Sun will nova in the next 4900 years

>> No.1473475


>Distance: ~4,900 ly
>implying the Sun will nova in the next 4900 years

>> No.1473482

>my face when you deleted the previous post of yours that contained a picture of a man laughing

>> No.1473509

But... but that new Star Trek movie said that a supernova threatened the entire galaxy ;_;

>> No.1473523

Convince the supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy to blow up and then you'll be getting somewhere.

>> No.1473528

ded > average 4channer

>> No.1473572


when andromeda, and the milky way collide, the influx of a matter along with the collision of the two supermassive black holes could trigger a quasar. the only hope for any life on earth is if the sun gets show out far from the center.

>> No.1473578

if the sun gets thrown, i honestly dunno where show came from...

also samefag.

>> No.1473613

Galactic bouncer is showing the Sun the door?

>> No.1473630
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Sorry, I won't forget next time.

>> No.1473658


well it totally depends on the angle of "impact" between the two galaxies. its really a crapshoot. its certainly guaranteed however that the galaxy will look completely different for a very long time.

>> No.1474056
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>> No.1474102

Betelgeuse is expected to go supernova in the near future as well. Considering that the thing is freaking huge (one can optically resolve it's diameter) and only 650ly away, it's going to be an awesome firework on Earth.

>> No.1474115

>brighter than the moon... fora few years
The sheer derp in this thread is dangerously close to causing a resonance herp.

>> No.1474144

Damn, somebody who knows something on sci?

Anyway, dpends how old it is, and more importantly what stage it's in.

>> No.1474152

Sirius is the dog star.

Canis = dog

Wikipedia says Sirius "(α Canis Majoris / α CMa)" - Alpha Canis majoris..

So VY Canis Majoris should be in the same area of the night sky as Sirius?

>> No.1474155
File: 908 KB, 800x600, 1275621253992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The brightest and one of the largest stars are both in the same direction?


>> No.1474455

It burns (actually fuses) hydrogenium, like all other stars

>> No.1474462

there are no words or pictures to describe my feelings

>> No.1474480
File: 59 KB, 750x600, You Sirius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1474492
File: 53 KB, 630x592, scale411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Requesting more of these, or at least the original.

>> No.1474498

lol'd at the first posts of this thread

>> No.1474518

That sir, is the intergalactic trash dump.

>> No.1474523
File: 294 KB, 640x455, BeastieBoys2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1474544
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/r/ing the name of this name

>> No.1474550

You mean "meme", correct?

>> No.1474560
File: 30 KB, 251x236, 1276077665015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes meme

>> No.1474568

I think it's called "Guy Watching CP".

>> No.1474573

>>1472931 Dip The Chainsaw In The Liquid Helium For Cool Explosions channels

has this actually been done? because it sounds fuckawesome.

link please

>> No.1474584
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>> No.1474594

Oh lord, that one is rich.

>> No.1474600
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>> No.1474604
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>> No.1474614
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Is that the very first one?

>> No.1474619
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>> No.1474629
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>> No.1474637


Earth is not located in that picture. His head is coming from nothingness.

>> No.1475692
