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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14743427 No.14743427 [Reply] [Original]

fictional or real I'm just curious and in need of reference material

>> No.14743428


>> No.14743437
File: 229 KB, 800x720, chicken-industry-info-graphic1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken. Many many many scifi stories about terrifying conditions for genetic modifications knowingly or unknowingly draw upon the poultry industry. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rGCaACqy1Ro

>> No.14743500

Idk the elephant man?

>> No.14743508


>> No.14743560
File: 26 KB, 333x500, Fibrodysplasia_ossificans_progressiva.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First thing that came to mind was Stoneman disease. Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva.

>> No.14743762

You already posted one of the worst. I fucking hate that shit

>> No.14743790


(I would strongly recommend caution in pulling this one up, it's that bad)

>> No.14743801

Imagine if Kstew's feet developed their own consciousness and that consciousness is you

>> No.14744146

What am I looking at here?

>> No.14744200

I wonder how breeders justify the last one?
>muh "it's necessary that everyone fornicates and procreates, we don't care if 1 or 2 babies are born to suffer and die or live with deformities, also we need more people to wageslave for 40 years at walmart"

>> No.14744214
File: 1.47 MB, 4041x2401, Nusrit-Shaheen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like she's doing alright.

There's gene tests for these, by the way.

>> No.14744216

she's only doing alright because she's surrounded by virtue signalling normies. But they get bored quickly. Normies have no empathy and they don't want to be your friend if you look like a boiled nigger

>> No.14744223

>Normies have no empathy and they don't want to be your friend if you look like a boiled nigger
Nah, you just sound mean.

>> No.14744235

yeah I know your kind. You know how to talk nice but if someone asks for your help you hit them with the classic normie "sorry bro call you later I'm kind of busy right now ianoinoaisjlfjfjjf bye...". This is why those mutant freaks kill themselves after a while. They understand

>> No.14744240

walmart will get its new blood whether you like it or not. it will tear your country apart to get them if you do not breed in sufficient numbers. this is as true for the yellow canadian is it is the off-brown american or the dark as night norwegian. breeding is the correct answer to the question.

>> No.14744252

or just don't breed because breeding is for stupid animals and unless you're a rich kike-like bastard your kids will have to work for someone else, and you basically raise a person for 18 years for them to become a fucktoy and a wageslave for someone else

you need to be low ambition to want such a thing

>> No.14744254


>> No.14744258

a laughing moron

>> No.14744346

Me on the right

>> No.14744487


>> No.14744491


>> No.14745449

Panel from All Tomorrows by Nemo Ramjet (highly recommend - speculative sci fi about humanity’s distant future with great illustrations)

>> No.14745503

I saw a video about this story.
Borg are up there too.

>> No.14745537

>what are the worst genetic horors?
/pol/tards coming to /sci/

>> No.14745675 [DELETED] 

Road line smashlings

>> No.14745687

Toadline smashlings

>> No.14745899

Average Americans.

>> No.14746223


>> No.14746227
File: 253 KB, 823x1023, 20120710-095416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man after man

>> No.14747863

eerily true

>> No.14747895

jesus christ the HeLa thing sounds like straifht up scifi shit, like the Flood from Halo

>> No.14747949

Kek. This takes me waaaaaay back. I think some of those pics were in ED's "Offended" page. What a blast from the past.

>> No.14747955

fucking holy shit
alright this is officially the "don't google anything" thread

>> No.14747958


>> No.14747964

I feel like there should be some way of hacking this mutation to get limbs to regrow, like lizards. Sounds like no one's thought of it, though.

>> No.14748033

>what are the worst genetic horors?
being born with any arbituary set of genes that causes you to be undesirable to women no matter to what extent or how miniscule they are from the desireables on a qualitive standard meaning the indiviudal will never have sex.

>> No.14748039

Touch grass

>> No.14748068

>drug addicted pot lover tranny

>> No.14748131


>> No.14749488

god fucking damnit i never thought it would look like that. gave me goosegumps

but i think nothing beats the harlequin baby, i can't google that

>> No.14749493

Look up teratoma too, that one's pretty neat.

>> No.14749569

i prefer spending more for quality meat. the lower the quality of life the worse their meat taste.

>> No.14749694

I'm curious how much of this actually happens vs the propaganda.

>> No.14749714

Ok, go find the ratio then and tell us, smartass.

>> No.14750417
File: 6 KB, 539x497, sad chubby helper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a partial diagnosis for marfan syndrome, did extensive research on it, and unfortunately I see someone every once in a while who appears to have the disorder but I can't bring myself to tell them to get it checked out even if it could save their life. Also sometimes it's a person in a porn video or on youtube and I have no way of contacting them. I sometimes wonder how many lives I could have saved if people knew what it means to be extremely lanky, have bad eyesight, disproportionately long fingers/arms/legs and weak wrists.

>t. have literally every single diagnostic criteria but echo-cardiogram said my heart was OK 6 years running so I stopped worrying.

>> No.14750432

that's it, bring back roe v wade

>> No.14750455
File: 781 KB, 981x712, PC5_1_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scleroderma. Imagine one day you get a small bruise and suddenly your skin starts turning into scar tissue pulling on all of your joints like shrink wrap. Your organs also turn into scar tissue over time and no one knows why it starts.

>> No.14750543


>> No.14750581
File: 19 KB, 220x293, hidous kike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picrel is what race mixing does to it's victims