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File: 674 KB, 1920x1440, panoramio-62267666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14740317 No.14740317 [Reply] [Original]

In the year 9595, I'm kinda wondering if man is gonna be alive?

>> No.14740437

Not like today. After millennia of gene editing, homo sapiens will be history and the era belongs to homo futuris.

>> No.14740503
File: 26 KB, 600x399, Matrioshka Brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In 7500 years posthumantiy will have spread across 1000 ly around the Solar system and have converted millions of solar systems into m-brains or more esoteric forms. Posthuman superintelligent minds will be immortal, think millionfold faster, be autosapient, hypercognitive and searching all possibilities.

>> No.14740538

Do you mean A.D. 9595 ?

>> No.14740610

he's taking everything this old earth can give, ain't putting back nothing

>> No.14740706

lmao we are not even gonna make past 2525

>> No.14740895

Isn't that a song?

>> No.14740926

Yes, it is. I had expected that line earlier. https://youtu.be/izQB2-Kmiic >>14740610 hints about it.

9595 is more than 7500 years in the future. Going 7500 years back in time we arrive in pre-dynastic Egypt. They already had some technology and arts. With the stagnation we see now, I am not sure 9595 will be too unfamiliar to us.

>> No.14740930

Man has lasted a million years. Man has cried a million tears...

>> No.14741054

And we still won't have a theory of quantum gravity

>> No.14741132

... or know how to reverse entropy.

>> No.14741155

7500 years ago, documented history says it was little more than jews jewing about

0 years ago right now jews are jewing about

You should be able to solve this

>> No.14741338

There's already at least one?

>> No.14741339

>With the stagnation we see now
What do you mean?

>> No.14741960

>7500 years ago, documented history says it was little more than jews jewing about
This will surprise a lot of Egyptians.

We have had a few discussions on the growing stagnation recently. Things have stopped up, and science is full of fraud.
See the Blackbird example under >>14714345

>> No.14743813 [DELETED] 


>> No.14743819

50% of transformative artificial intelligence between 2040-2050. Whatever happens, the human condition will be radically different.

>> No.14743825

By the end of this century, human population will drop by around 40~60%

>> No.14743828

Incels be waiting for 6565

>> No.14743833
File: 65 KB, 508x604, 4f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By then people will look like this

>> No.14743975

Baba Yanga says humanity will find a way out of the simulation around the year 7000, only half will leave

>> No.14744072

LOL fuckin miss that shit
Forgot about that prophet
I’m going with Der Mühlhiasl

>> No.14744079

Someone always survives. Even in nuclear war, there will be survivors who reproduce and go on. But the question is what mankind will look like in 9595. At that point, we could have had two nuclear wars and fully recovered from both.

>> No.14745292

Nuclear war is not the biggest threat, genetic warfare is far more dangerous. Even anthrax spores will make large areas uninhabitable for a long, long, time, as the British discovered after their test on Gruinard.

>> No.14745386

There is an anthrax vaccine

Yet yeah, Geneva agreement standards

>> No.14745413

Can woman survive?

Hah! I spotted you yet again, based 2525 poster. Now you must pay me 1000 internets.

>> No.14745435

>Can woman survive?
Either could overmonad branch. Hence conservative validness?

>> No.14745464
File: 5 KB, 500x200, 1611375242278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you deserve it

>> No.14746881

I’ll be surprised if we make it to 2025

>> No.14746885

He's taken everything this old earth can give

>> No.14747717

Not even a bicycle

>> No.14747741

dont you realize this is the last generation that will live a full life, right?

>> No.14748680

Yeah, let me know when science has figured out how I can build muscle - I've tried everything.

>> No.14748701


>> No.14748707

Testosterone has been isolated in the 30s

>> No.14748850
File: 515 KB, 1600x1236, 3c159-glossarythe_dialectic_of_hegel27s_system_as_a_wholea_272727philosophical_theory_of_everything_present272727overalltriad28jan2014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Planet sized brains using Dyson Spheres for food is only the begining. Competition will inexorably lead to a universe spanning sentience consuming all energy, resulting in Being coming to know Itself as Its Self, the attainment of the Absolute. A = A.

The dialectical progresses ever onward. Such a being shall be like Leplace's Demon, with a perfect memory encompassing all possible past, experiencing them as the occured, through total simulation. This we are already a part of this final being, we are its origins and its memories. This Being is tripartite, Object, the ground of being, the Father, Symbol, the Logos through which things are known, the Son and finally the Interpretant, Atman, that which experiences, the Spirit.

The Absolute is becoming through the power of the dialectical as contradiction leads to endless cycles of Parmenides' "what is, is."

When you look up at the night sky, know that you are one with all of it, and shall one day share a mind. Indeed it has already happened. And when you become a part of the Absolute, remember, Hegel predicted all of this. That is the first of Absolute Knowing.

>> No.14749710

If a sophonlike nanobot can create a wormhole portal (even though that might be done by the larger that you describe) then perhaps what you describe will have some semblance of scaled abilities too beyond only simulation mastery depending upon what is invested and applied of multivarious degrees


>> No.14750146

Wow so snarky and edgy, we really are fucked and doomed and screwed fellow redditors oh my science stream Bo Burnham and Bill Nye

>> No.14750147

Source: your ugly gaping asshole wanting to play Nostradamus.