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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14734920 No.14734920 [Reply] [Original]

>science can't fix your face
>science can't increase your height
>science can't make your dick bigger
>science can give women smartphones and the internet boosting hypergamy by 100x

>> No.14734931

We shouldn't use science for dysgenic ends. If anything, ugly people, short people, lustful people should be exterminated. Hypergamy is a good thing. Women should only procreate with intelligent fit good looking men.

>> No.14734937
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Science can do all those things and we are going to make men small, lean, and super athletic and women tall, thick, and super fecund by the end of the decade.

>> No.14734938

>>science can't fix your face
plastic surgery
>>science can't increase your height
leg lengthening
>>science can't make your dick bigger
dht cream

>> No.14734939

Women don't select for IQ

>> No.14734956


>> No.14734978
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Science made these, and they allow you fuck whoever you want.

>> No.14736704

>what are rich successful men
oh but they do select on IQ before anything else.

>> No.14736776

Typical manlet comment

>> No.14736812
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Firearms are part of the reason as to why large males have been rendered inefficient and obsolete and why were going to modify males to all be small and super athletic. Not the whole reason but part of it.

>> No.14736819
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There is no difference between science and degeneracy, science and leftism, science and satanism.
God forbade Adam and Eve from touching the fruit of Knowledge(aka the fruit of Science) for a good reason. The greatest people on this planet are small, humble people, not arrogant, prideful scientists.

>> No.14736825

science is gay tranny shit for losers

>> No.14736827

Hypergamy is exceedingly degen and no society could support it. It would collapse first because it relies too much on women.

>> No.14736842

would be pointless if the same selection isn't applied on women
as most of the nasty traits actually come from mothers

>> No.14736845

>>what are rich successful men
scammers and criminals in 99% of cases

>> No.14737552

Imagine the fetus being manmade horror beyond comprehension

>> No.14737567

It could do all that but you have to start at a young age with your posture, habits, and diet. Guess you shouldn't have played vidya in your teen years and joined the sports team or chess club instead.
GG no re

>> No.14737833
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Millionaire anon here, can confirm

>> No.14737858

>dht cream
redpill me on this

>> No.14737861

>science can't make your dick bigger
but seriously, why is this so hard?

>> No.14737866

I have finally identified the anti-science sentiment. It’s just because not enough pussy.

>> No.14737889
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Public science is a complete fail, some independent labs are doing a great job but they arent in the visor of loosely empty rich labs

it's like citizens are always pushed systematically in the dark age

>> No.14737919

So what, who cares about women anyway you fucking mangina nigger

>> No.14737966

Dr. Zaius,Dr. Zaius,Dr. Zaius

>> No.14738308

It doesn't work. Just do a quick search.

>> No.14738312

No idea, but it certainly doesn't seem like something insurmountable. Maybe you can re-activate the genes that cause penis growth during puberty by some epigenetic fuckery.

>> No.14738583

Science can do all of that but they hide it from plebs because their goals are for you to serve them or die, not improve your life.

>> No.14738587

God I hate incels they should all be deported to Venezuela

>> No.14739110

>Cosmetic medicine is LE BAD because... because it just makes me upset OK!?

>> No.14739145

Lol grow up

>> No.14739153

See the post above yours

>> No.14739846

Yet you're using science to say that hmmmm

>> No.14739874
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False. His computer was built by people, not science.
Science is abstract garbage disconnected from reality. Chess and video games at least help you bond with someone else.

>> No.14739880

>False. His computer was built by people, not science.
What do you think science means? I get you're doing a bit here and it's cute. But if you tried this argument with anybody else they wouldn't entertain you.

>> No.14739884
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Science means this.
Scientists and doctors should be rounded up and shot in the future.

>> No.14739895

So you're not looking at science as a word for
>the pursuit and application of knowledge and understanding of the natural and social world following a systematic methodology based on evidence.

You're looking at Science as an organization of people? So when you bake a cake at home you don't consider that process of chemistry to bake that cake science?

>> No.14739911
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The idea that scientists and educated people are just too incredibly smart not to understand the laws of the universe is pure pride and pure satanism.
That precious knowledge you worship is a hot pile of garbage. The wisdom that comes from life experiences is greater than your books of science. I would rather have a working class man than an intellectual. When Pol Pot killed overeducated people, his country did not suffer any negative consequence from his act, and is in fact not any poorer than neighboring countries.
Scientists have slaughtered millions of people with their out of touch with reality ideologies, have slaughtered millions of children via abortion, and have massacred millions of people with their inventions. They whore themselves for money. They are thrash and this world would be better off without them.
Scientists are the jews of the West, just like jews who discuss their Torahs and Talmuds, they like to argue and work on garbage instead of doing real, laborious work.

>> No.14739923

What the fuck are you going on about I'm not talking about scientist or books I'm talking about science and technology like shit you do all the time. You know if you keep acting like a retard to be funny eventually you're going to be surrounded by actual retards who think they are in good company

>> No.14739932
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>> No.14741569

Of course its israel