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File: 63 KB, 371x370, 140507_SCI_RacistPropaganda_Brute.jpg.CROP.original-original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14738495 No.14738495 [Reply] [Original]

Why not? Seems like a good plan to create superior humans.

>> No.14738498

What sounds good in theory is not necessarily favorable in practice.
Consider these questions:
>Who decides who gets to propagate?
>How do you enforce this?
>What if the other people resist?
These answers get ugly quickly.

>> No.14738507

selecting for a single trait can inadvertently select for other less desirable traits

you just have to accept that there isnt a 'perfect' human and any 'superior' human is more than likely the product of luck and circumstance than pure genetics

>> No.14738518

>Who decides who gets to propagate?
People without incurable genetic diseases
>How do you enforce this?
Genetic engineering and CRISPR
>What if the other people resist?
I don't care

>> No.14738522

ok now you cant procreate because just ok? im smart

>> No.14738549

Why Eugenics when you have genetic engineering? People will fight you tooth and nail when you try to tell them who they can breed with, but will PAY to have babies tailored for success.

Seems the concept is obsolete.

>> No.14738560

Genetic engineering still counts under eugenics but the good thing is it gets rid of the genocide

>> No.14738569

we're only ~2 years away from genetically modifying humanity to express extreme female biased sexual size dimorphism

>> No.14738666

It's already happening in China.

>> No.14738674

You don't even need genetic engineering. Just find two Supreme Aryan specimens or whatever and pay them lots of money to have lots of kids.

>> No.14738677

Because eugenics got us sickly retarded dogs. We know almost nothing about how genes work and trying to breed humans like livestock will lead to unintended side effects.

>> No.14738869
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>superior humans
They already exist

>> No.14738946
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>the good thing is it gets rid of the genocide
removing unfavourable mutations and traits is a lot easier than breeding favourable triats over several generations

>> No.14739007

Could start with just forcibly sterilizing people with horrible genetic conditions.

>> No.14739201
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Eugenics could unironically result in India becoming a superpower.


>> No.14739249

>mmmm grayons

>> No.14739257

CRISPR people would be more likely to have "genetic diseases" methink.

>> No.14739529

This. All wet dreams about Doberman, Pitbull people leads to arthritis and dementia. Only the Jews have achieved the higher level, the price they had to pay is 2-5% of diabetics they treat with insulin. And 2000 years of persecution they don't cope well with, which will pay back sooner rather than later.

>> No.14739587
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It amuses me that people on this board still don't understand the power of [math] \mathbb{THE PHENOTYPE} [/math]

>> No.14739590
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Because I don't want Dunning-Kruger psychopaths dictating the future of humanity based on a mix of pseudoscience and degenerate subjective values.

>> No.14739751

we would breed for 'superior' traits that end up inadvertently making a bunch of sickly psychopaths who are really good looking

>> No.14739959

Many of the governments of the world are already practicing eugenics; not the kind that produces healthy, intelligent, ubermen, of course, but instead they are trying to make the mass population dumber & easier to control, via subsidizing stupid people having children, running propaganda to discourage smarter people from having kids, encouraging smart women to keep themselves busy with careers, importing dumber people from other countries, and so on. The elites at the top of the government want less possible challenges to their power.

>> No.14740018
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>> No.14740041

These are ALL questions about how to successfully apply eugenics, NOT whether you should you fucking brainlet

>> No.14740044

What we know for sure is that your parents would have been sterilized under an effective eugenics standard since you lack human-level cognition.

>> No.14740049

If we start implying high intelligence is good some people might be offended

>> No.14740055

I never see that happen, but midwits like you start chimping out without fail when I suggest high intelligence may be detrimental.

>> No.14740088

women already practice this style of eugenics, every day, all the time. it's really just a matter of degree.
pure cope, animals have been bred for thousands of years with great success.

>> No.14740093

>small, smelly and low IQ
Figures. They're not going to lose anything even with the worst kind of eugenics.

>> No.14740169

You see it happen all the time with black IQ scores, you sheltered man you.

>> No.14740171

Low intelligence is a serious condition

>> No.14740179

Genes can have unforeseen effects on other traits. For example, the Russian fox breeding experiment was done on Russian foxes to domesticate them and allow easier farming of their skins by selectively breeding them for friendliness. However, the foxes that resulted had traits similar to dogs, and the fur was changed to look like a dalmation thus destroying the purpose of the experiment.

>> No.14740184

>You see it happen all the time with black IQ scores
They simply deny the validity of IQ, and the premise that blacks are less intelligent, retard. They'll still insist that intelligence is good, point to themselves as examples of why intelligence is good, and to you as an example for why lack of intelligence is bad.

>> No.14740193

This image is autistic as is, but this one doesn't even make any sense.

>> No.14740198

Look how labile you got from me mentioning people don't like the notion of some people being genetically smarter, which you'd know is factual if you ever spent time around people.

>> No.14740203

>Why not? A good plan to create superior humans
It's because they don't want to create superior humans.
After the financial oligarchy realized their kids and grand kids are incapable of doing the same things they were, the oligarchs are financing things like eugenics and DNA research.

Their goal is to create industry to improve the Rich, themselves and their kids.

The poor will be the poor, and there's different types of eugenics for the poor - such as controlling brain functions.
You are going to be a slave and you won't know it.

>a bunch of sickly psychopaths who are really good looking
We already have them - women. If you don't culture and control women, they will grow up to be psychopaths that destroy families.

>> No.14740204

All I'm seeing is how your preprogrammed dialogue tree doesn't account for the possibility that I don't care about your corporate culture wars. You're as stupid as the average nigger.

>> No.14740207

Emotional little bugman

>> No.14740210

And now you revert to fully generic spam. I don't even know what your problem is. Your programming is shorting out. I'm totally on board with the observation that niggers are fucking stupid and that your equals on the other side of the corporate divide have a problem with this.

>> No.14740214

So good luck with genetic editing, it will never happen due to the current culture

>> No.14740216

You're a literal bot.

>> No.14740224

You've made yourself upset at an image you constructed of me in your head. You are a deranged little man

>> No.14740238

See >>14740216. You are so subhuman it's staggering.

>> No.14740247


>> No.14740252


>> No.14740270

Cry little bugman

>> No.14740276

Lash out some more about these fictionary characters in your head who are offended by saying that intelligence is good and want to do gene editing or whatever it is your script is tailored for.

>> No.14740279
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>Eugenics bad but purposefully passing on your crippling genetic disease is ok
If it is ethically accept that Warwick Davis can have children with a woman who has the exact same disability as him, dooming his children to being pereptually handicapped, then editing an embryo to make the human smarter/taller is also ok.

>> No.14740289

Let me spell it out for you, smoothbrained retard. People are offended by the idea that intelligence is genetically determined, NOT the idea that intelligence is beneficial. The notion that eugenics can make people smarter implies intelligence in large depends on genes.

You would've understood this from the get go were you not the dumbest gorilla nigger of the bunch.

>> No.14740294

>People are offended by the idea that intelligence is genetically determined, NOT the idea that intelligence is beneficial.
Nice backpedaling:
>If we start implying high intelligence is good some people might be offended

>> No.14740299

You would understand these things by implication had you had the reading comprehension of an acephalous nigger

>> No.14740306

>i didn't mean what i said
>i meant what i """implied"""
LOL. Yeah, okay. Now show me who denies that human intelligence is determined by human genetics.

>> No.14740371

You don't know about Timecube? Worth a dive.

>> No.14740386

Fucking newfags not knowing about the timecube

>> No.14740865

superior in what way and according to who?

do you really want a strain of humans who are perfectly evolved for using six thousand different pronouns?

>> No.14740870

We are going to genetically modify people to become big superfecund women and small super athletic men in a few years.

>> No.14740878
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>> No.14740968

Bred animals are less likely to survive in the wild.

>> No.14740974

>animals have been bred for thousands of years with great success.
>sreat success
I wouldn't call your receding jaw, depression and virginity a great success.

>> No.14741083

>urban Planning
not science

>> No.14741769

The Ashkenazi hook nose is literally a product of inbreeding lmao. What, did you think being less than 2% of the global population throughout history would culminate in genetic diversity? It's also responsible for their 40% higher schizophrenia rates

>> No.14743693

Depends on what you’re going for. Tall Basketball players are perfect for their field but only the best of the best can afford the medical care to not die early. There are a wide array of genetics that are useful to society, it’s rarely a one size fits all situation. First and foremost eugenics should eliminate people like >>14740279 and other defects because they really can’t function on their own.
So yes it should exist if it’s limited to making sure people turn out without underlying debilitating illnesses

>> No.14743744

Genetic engineering should and will be used to turn humans into the amazon female small male master race.
Women will be made 6'5"+ and super fecund and men will be made ~3'10" and super athletic

>> No.14743748

Have you been paying attention? The goal is not to make superior humans. The goal is to make ant people who are happy owning nothing and eating nothing but goyslop.